The woman is a goddess. Of the seven Greek goddesses representing the main, most common archetypal

Today I wanted to talk to you about who the Woman Goddess is. We do a lot of practices to become a Goddess. But the first step to the state of the Goddess is the realization that a woman is the whole world different states and facets of individuality. It may be different in different situations. She is trembling and vulnerable. It has everything you need for happiness.

She can be weak and strong at the same time.

The Woman - Goddess, realizing her strength, allows all natural elements and forces to manifest themselves, thereby developing unique qualities in herself. This makes yourself and your loved ones happier. She creates her world wisely and honestly.

After all, the main happiness of every woman is realizing her magical femininity and accepting it, and this can sometimes be very difficult to do because various reasons(childhood trauma, miseducation girls, misconceptions about women).

I recently began to think about this; before, I always wanted to achieve everything myself, to be independent, thereby developing masculine energy.

And when I realized that a woman is such a magical and wonderful state, I was simply amazed that a woman creates her own world with her actions and thoughts and she does not need to fight her world at all, because it is the lot of men to perform feats and achieve grandiose victories.

And the Woman - the Goddess - has a different purpose - to improve her world, to give love and to realize herself, by what is closest to her soul, what pleases her and gives the world beauty and goodness.

A woman - Goddess can harmoniously manifest (Mistress, Queen, Girl, Lover), and manifest them in right time and in in the right place. This is the wisdom of every woman, to know how to express herself in various situations.

Recently a comment was written on one of my articles - “that the Goddess cannot be a cook.” And I realized that the theme of the Woman Goddess is not sufficiently explored, there is no understanding of who the Goddess really is.

Such a woman does every action in a state of love and light, and if she prepares something, it is simply a manifestation of her feelings. She also builds comfort in the house and all relationships on this concept of expressing herself.

She lives harmoniously with herself and the world around her. A woman Goddess cannot always be only the Queen whom everyone worships; this is somehow one-sided, and a manifestation of only one state of a woman.

Sometimes you want to be a small and defenseless Girl and know that your man will protect you from all adversity, sometimes you want to have a night of love and become yourself the best mistress, and sometimes you also want to make your home cozy and comfortable, so that your beloved man would long to go home and know that his beloved woman is waiting for him and she will take care of him (feed him, understand him and accept him as he is).

It seems to me that this is the real wisdom. With this approach, you don’t need to fight for your rights, you just need to radiate love and light and everything will be as you want - the Universe will give it to you, and by whose hands it will be done is no longer important.

In conclusion, I will say that the Goddess lives in each of us, we just need to wake her up and realize her, accept this state. Then everything will be fine.

I wish you awareness of your femininity.

With love to you, Marina Danilova.

Myths Ancient Greece will help you get to know yourself better.

No, today we will not descend into “50 Shades of Gray”, remembering the stupid phrase “My inner goddess rejoices.” It’s better to study applied psychology, refreshing our memory of the myths of Ancient Greece. The wonderful psychotherapist Oksana Spivakovskaya in her book “Real Women Don’t Sleep Alone” identified 8 archetypes of women who are similar to greek goddesses. Getting to know them will help you girls get to know yourself better and finally get what you want from life.

Artemis – goddess of hunting and female chastity

The Artemis woman is energetic, purposeful, with a cold and tenacious gaze. This is a woman who loves with a little cool, sisterly love. They often say about such people: she has male character. She always makes decisions herself. Modern Artemis is always in in great shape and know how to look their best. Artemis's shortcomings are straightforwardness, inability to ask, to be weak, to lose. Men often feel uncomfortable around such women, because huntresses do not allow them to dominate and show masculine strength.

Demeter – mother goddess, goddess of fertility

The Demeter woman is, first of all, a housewife and mother. Most often, modern Demeter has a curvaceous, stately figure. She is practical, therefore, when choosing a man, she is not guided by passion, but calculates whether her partner will be useful in the household, whether they will achieve wealth together. The disadvantages of Demeter are the desire to control everything and everyone. She creates a stream of maternal affection that will not be easy for both her partner and the child to survive. For the sake of the child, Demeter often starts a marriage, and after the birth of an heir for this goddess, the man inevitably fades into the background.

Persephone - goddess of the kingdom of the dead

Persephone is a woman-daughter, playful, naive, young. It doesn't matter how old she is. She is spontaneous, soft, and has an angelic character. “I’m a girl, I don’t want to decide anything, I want a dress” - this is about Persephone. Women of this type suffer from a lack of paternal attention, so for marriage they choose daddies who will protect and support them. She really needs gifts, affection and care. Persephone's shortcomings are a constant desire to flirt and flirt, and this can greatly disturb her partner.

Athena – goddess of war, wisdom and crafts

The Athena woman is high-status and expensive. She buys brands for the sake of brands and chooses accomplished men. This is a perfectionist, an excellent student who dreams of getting married successfully. The kind of bitch who will stop at nothing to achieve her goal.

Hera - patroness of marriage

Hera is perfect wife. She is like an alpha female, equal to her alpha male. In case you forgot, Hera was the wife of Zeus, who managed to turn a blind eye to the endless series of hobbies of her god husband. Modern Hera she is so obsessed with marriage that the wedding is the main event in her life. It must be lush, chic, expensive, somewhere in Bali and with hundreds of guests. No other way. Hera's disadvantage is that she is a useless friend - she does not perceive unmarried women, because in her understanding they failed to be realized. She will treasure her husband, whom she loves maniacally, like the apple of her eye, and hide it from her female acquaintances and colleagues. And then you never know.

Hestia - goddess of the family hearth

The Hestia woman is a gray mouse, inconspicuous, quiet, modest, and outwardly unremarkable. For a man, she is a quiet haven to which he will return again and again. Hestia loves good books and paintings of classics, she has no ambitions, she does not strive for external tinsel and status. Often Hestia does not know how to dress up and put on makeup, and going out in public is a whole challenge for her.

Hecate - goddess of moonlight

Everyone says about modern Hecate: “She has cockroaches in her head.” The main thing for her is feelings and intuition. She loves everything strange, loves mysticism. By the way, Hecate good feeling humor, men are interested in her. She is filled with inner freedom and hates conventions; the opposite sex is captivated by this. Disadvantages of Hecate are sudden mood swings, excessive emotionality.

The Goddess is a psychologically mature woman who bears and is aware of her full responsibility for her life, her reactions, emotions and their consequences.

The goddess does not depend on anyone. Her conscious submission is always appropriate, voluntary and joyful.

The goddess is pure and beautiful, and not only in appearance. It is also pure, beautiful, holistic, harmonious and orderly inside. Therefore, her world and the space around her are also clean, beautiful and harmonious.

The Goddess is not irritated or offended by little things, since she does not attach increased importance to them.

The goddess does not envy anyone - she is beyond competition, she is always in her place and does not play other people's roles.

The Goddess does not compare herself with others. She is unique and incomparable and knows it very well. This way everyone else will know about it :)

The Goddess always follows her own path through life, and does not copy others.

The Goddess does not expect change and does not hope for a miracle. She's on her own great miracle, therefore she herself creates miracles and her own Reality.

The Goddess knows about her Power and controls it perfectly.

The goddess always has hers own style, good taste and self-esteem.

The Goddess loves and accepts herself as she is.

The Goddess knows her boundaries and does not allow anyone to violate them.

It is natural for the Goddess to be in a state of Happiness, Abundance and Love most of the time, because... God and the Universe always take care of her and she knows this very well.

The Goddess does not demand or manipulate. Her smile, look or gesture is enough.

The goddess does not argue and does not prove anything to anyone. She knows what an argument is masculine energy, so he doesn’t waste his energy on trifles. And she is too self-sufficient and happy to prove anything to anyone)

The goddess does not fight and does not take revenge (well, except for the sake of a joke, or to teach someone something, and only out of compassion!..:)

The Goddess does not swear, but expresses her feelings in a way that others can understand (Gods also sometimes get angry in order to show that one should not play with their feelings)

The goddess is not lazy, because she doesn’t work, but Creates (well, or gets up, it depends how it turns out :)

Everything that the hands of the Goddess touch becomes better and more beautiful)

The Goddess knows what she wants, so she always gets what she wants. The fulfillment of her desires comes to her on its own, easily and gracefully!

Her words and even just her presence change people's destinies.

The Goddess is not proud and does not pretend to be superior - she conforms and inspires!

And finally, the Goddess never competes with anyone - she doesn’t need prizes, she herself is the Prize!...

Therefore, my dear women, love yourself, love and respect the Goddess in yourself - and if not the whole world will love you, then certainly the Gods!)))

Daily life of ancient Greek women in the classical era Brule Pierre

Women goddesses

Women goddesses

In the hierarchy of clans (and genders) of these immortal Greeks, women did not occupy a subordinate position at all. Demeter, Athena and Hera are not doing secretarial work in the Ministry of Olympus. Naturally, for long history these gods and the people who created them are divine sex ratio changed - shifted towards men; in other words, from approximately the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, when gods appeared in Greece, and until the period of interest to us, the number of women in this pantheon decreased. Nevertheless, compared to other religions, Greek has achieved a record “percentage of feminization.” And these are not fleeting at all female images.

The primary classification of goddesses is obvious: goddesses are classified as women by status - sexual, biological and social. All these three statuses are combined in the three greatest goddesses -parthenoi, that is, the virgins - Athena, Artemis and Hestia. They also have such qualities as purity, unbridledness, and cruelty. They are proud of their virginity. “I swear by your [Zeus] head that as a celibate / I will be a maiden in the desert mountains,” exclaims Artemis. She and Athena are the daughters of Zeus. Athena - eldest daughter. “The many-wise Kronion [Zeus] himself gave birth to her. / From his sacred head he gave birth to her, in full armor, / Shining brightly in gold.” And since the father had no matrimonial plans for these daughters, their virginity is eternal, and this suggests envy and, possibly, a tendency towards cruelty. As evidenced by the unfortunate fate of those who sought intimacy with them, myths tell how mortals lost their sight or died simply because they spied on the bathing goddess. Just by dreaming of intercourse with the goddess, men felt the approach of death. Other gods and goddesses, having received pleasure from love, promised help to the mortal. But it is dangerous to unite with “Artemis, Athena and Hestia, even if it promises pleasure: a dream about them predicts imminent death to the one who sees him; for these are great goddesses, and according to tradition we know that those who laid hands on them ended their lives in terrible torment” (Artemidorus).

In this family of “immaculates,” each of the three is endowed with certain powers. Athena's are undoubtedly the most complex: she teaches people arts and crafts, patronizes children and youth, protects cities from enemies, gives advice to the heroes of Greece and helps them, thereby performing a political function. Artemis, like Athena, protects children, and especially newborns, and patronizes pregnant women and women in labor. She dominates the world wildlife and is the patroness of hunting.

She only loves bows, hunting animals in the mountains,

The tinkling of lyres, round dances, distant sounds of shouts,

Groves rich in shade and a city of just men.

Homer "To Aphrodite" (18-20). Per. V. Veresaeva.

But she does not interfere in the area of ​​politics, where her sister (on her father’s side, but not on her mother’s) Athena reigns. The third, Hestia, the sister of Zeus, has a narrower specialization: this goddess is “home” - it’s not for nothing that she is in the central room of the house hestia called the hearth. Considering the city as a metaphor for "home", this goddess can be considered the patroness of institutions, buildings, and people at the center and head of a political community.

Consequently, we are talking about three types of virgins: the first is the patroness of the male world, the second - the world of wild animals, as well as women in labor, and the third is the real parthenos hearts of "home". But why do these goddesses, possessing such power and endowed with such functions, remain virgins? Athena and Artemis are the most important goddesses of Greek wars. They were not forgotten either before, during, or after the battle. Maybe virginity = cruelty = reckless courage? But can such femininity compare with andreia(masculinity)? Apparently, girlish purity is transferred to the sanctity of the place, to the patronage of the community.

Other goddesses inhabiting Olympus lead sex life: muses, nymphs, Mother of the gods and of course Aphrodite, Hera and Demeter.

“Aphrodite is unable to persuade or captivate only three: / The daughter of Zeus the ruler, the radiant-eyed Athena... Neither is Cyprida, with her smile-loving passion, / To ignite the chest of Artemis with heat and gold-shooting and noisy... Even the modest maiden does not like the affairs of Aphrodite -Hestia...” Because Aphrodite’s main occupation is love:

Muse! Tell the singer about the affairs of the famous Cyprus!

She awakened sweet lust in the souls of the gods,

The power of her tribe subjugated earth-born people,

In the high sky flying birds and animals of all kinds,

How many of them do the land or the sea provide food for?

What Kytherea does is equally close to everyone’s hearts.

Homer "To Aphrodite" (1-6). Per. V. Veresaeva.

Aphrodite is the force that connects the sexes. Of course, there is another god, competing or helping, who is feared and whose power is extolled, a courageous god, possessing exorbitant power, a god who awakens desire: “Eros / Sweet-tongued - for all gods and earth-born people / He conquers the soul in the chest and all reasoning deprives." But Aphrodite is above these female/male categories, with her life is spent in pleasures; everyone obeys her law - both people and gods,

Zeus the lover of lightning was deceived more than once, -

He, the greatest of all, shared the greatest honor!

Having turned the deep mind, without difficulty and Aphrodite -

All you had to do was wish her - she took her to a mortal wife

And she made me forget about Hera, my sister and my wife.

Homer "To Aphrodite" (36-40). Per. V. Veresaeva.

Aphrodite by different means gets his way. But her main weapon is beauty. Her body is dazzling, her clothes, perfume, jewelry, flowers, smiles... such that when she approaches, everyone wants to make her theirs legal wife and bring him into your “house”. But can the goddess of love be anyone's wife? Yes of course. But imagine: the goddess of love - and “married”. Whoever is her “husband and master”, she always strives to be loved by others. The Odyssey describes its most famous episode. love adventures- she dares to desecrate the bed of her husband Hephaestus with the god of war Ares. Did motherhood give her love? Yes, in some stories her son is Eros. And she patronizes conception, but this is not the mother who can serve as a model.

As for Hera, she is first and foremost a wife. This great goddess- “Madam”, is actually very dependent. Without Zeus there is no Hera. She is his sister, like Hestia, but above all his wife. In addition, it occupies only the third line in his “chronological” list official marriages- after Metis (mother of Athena) and Themis (goddess of justice). When Cronus was still enjoying his power over the cosmos, young Zeus and Hera loved each other, and from their eternal love divine children were born: Ephaistos, Ares, Eileithia and Hebe. But what poets love to talk about most is their famous wedding night. Either on Mount Ida, or in the Garden of the Hesperides, this divine copulation took place in the manner hieros gamos,"divine coitus", or "sacred wedding". A mythical motif so adored by the Greeks: spouses enjoy and conceive offspring. Hallelujah! In Greece this memorable event even immortalized: the statue of Hera in the form of a nymph is carried at the head of a procession, similar to a wedding, to the sanctuary and laid there on the wedding bed. However, if there is a spouse who suffers more than anyone else from sexual competition due to her husband’s violent temperament, then it is, of course, Hera. It must be admitted that she perfectly plays the role of a jealous and grumpy wife. She tirelessly screams on Olympus at all the mistresses and illegitimate children of Zeus. There was no reason for Hercules to perform twelve labors. Getting rid of Hera's wrath is a feat! Hera is the patron of women and marriage as an institution, and in Argos and Samos she, like Athena in Athens, occupies more important place- is an omnipotent and sovereign goddess.

That leaves Demeter, an equally revered goddess. She is second in the phratry of the main greek gods, children of Kron and Rhea.

Rhea, captured by Kron, bore him bright children -

Virgin Hestia, Demeter and golden-shod Hera,

Glorious with the power of Hades, who lives underground,

Not knowing pity in the heart, and noisy Ennosigei,

And the provider Zeus, the father of both immortals and mortals,

The thunders of which make the wide earth tremble.

Hesiod (453 -8). Per. O. Tsybenko.

This phratry is very interesting. On the one hand, three brilliant persons - Zeus (sky), Hades (underworld) and Poseidon (sea) - courage is obviously expressed only in the image mature man(judging by the statues of Poseidon and his brother Zeus). On the other hand, femininity, accepting various shapes and fulfilling once and for all certain social and sexual roles: Hestia is the domestic virgin, “golden-shod” Hera is the wife, and Demeter is the mother. She is the goddess of fertility. Of course, the fertility of the earth, the fertility of animals and people are very important, and this is favored by other gods and heroes to whom people make sacrifices in order to continue life and increase wealth. However, in the Greek imagination, only the fertile and fertilizing Demeter truly embodies the image mother.

However, two other goddesses add some confusion: the Earth is Gaia, and the Mother of the gods is Rhea. “Broad-breasted” Gaia, who has just experienced intercourse and absorbed the fertilizing “rain” of Uranus or Zeus, represents a giant womb for producing children (which she sometimes produces independently, without anyone’s participation). She even appears among the ancestors of Demeter. However, although the poets described the first in the same terms as the second, the cults of these goddesses are completely different. They also do not resemble the cult of the Mother of the Gods. Like Demeter, these goddesses give birth and raise children, but they are not attached to their children, and they are not attached to them, while Demeter’s connection with her offspring is inextricable. Demeter's maternal qualities are constantly manifested. The goddess is indeed inseparable from her child, the beautiful Kore. And this connection and unity was so strong that the Greeks called them “Two Goddesses.” Zeus, of course, was the father of his niece (which was nothing unusual), but some kind of faceless father.

The story of Cora illustrates the characteristic changes that occurred with a Greek woman, which we will examine in detail in the next chapter: a girl, picking flowers with her friends (among them Athena and Artemis), is kidnapped by her paternal uncle, the gloomy Hades, the master of Hades. Wanting to possess her, he hides her underground. Demeter tirelessly searches for her daughter. Her anger at people and gods is unquenchable, and her search is persistent. By her will, the earth becomes barren, the cosmos deteriorates, and Zeus, who knows everything, but who left everything as it is, is forced to take matters into his own hands and orders his kidnapper brother to return the girl. But Cora had already swallowed a pomegranate seed - a symbol of marriage, thereby tying herself to the owner of Hades. They do not return from the “house” of Hades the same. This marriage is accompanied by a name change: Demeter's daughter will henceforth be called Persephone. From a nymph, bark, she instantly turns into a grown lady. To restore fertility to the earth, a compromise was found: in winter, Kore-Persephone is the mistress of the underworld and the wife of Hades, but every spring she returns to her mother and sows wheat in the fields. The myth of Kore-Persephone combines the virginity-fertility chiasmus from both a divine point of view and a universal human one; she embodies the alternative roles, ambivalence, ambiguity of the Greek woman.

This portrait gallery illustrates how the Greeks' ideas about the divine beings generated by their imagination changed. So, there is a daughter - Cora; her father's daughter, core And thygater(daughter related) - Athena; virgins parthenoi Athena, Artemis, Hestia; nymphs (young newlyweds); legal spouse Hera and mother Demeter. In a word, a woman is presented, as usual, in many forms: biological - daughter, maiden, mother, social - spouse, sexual - virgin, nymph, mother. And only goddesses-wives and goddesses-mothers can have lovers. One should not be surprised that the supernatural among the Greeks “imitates” the human - this is pure form polytheism. However, there is a gap in this series of divine types - it does not reflect the period of widowhood and menopause; There is not a single old woman among the goddesses. For mortals, the attitude towards old age depends on whether it is a man or a woman. Since Nestor in the Iliad, Greek culture has never ceased to extol the virtues of old age. “Work is for the young men, conferences are for the men, and prayers are for the old men.” Old age is wisdom life experience, freedom from seeking pleasure. That's why cities elected citizens to be magistrates old age. Probably, the Greeks’ love for children’s bodies did not prevent them from admiring the beauty of old people, so a group of thallophores, the most beautiful elders of the city with olive branches. Unlike male old age, female old age is often repulsive. It is not for nothing that the most humiliated, most depraved women (in comedies and paintings) are old women. It is therefore not surprising that female old age is not represented in the pantheon of immortals. Nevertheless, polytheism has its own sources... In Stymphalia (a city in the Peloponnese) there is its own Hera, which is also called Pais-"child" and Teleia-"excellent [wife]" and Chera-“empty,” the man says, meaning “widow.” There, Hera represents any woman in her three periods - an innocent child, a spouse and an old woman. This is the attitude of a man who celebrates turning points in a woman’s life: marriage, not puberty, a period of widowhood, loneliness, not menopause.

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A) High Gods and goddesses
