Cheating wives in sanatoriums. Love adventure in a holiday home

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Women dream of love. Everyone dreams, big and small. And if kindergarten dreams cause a smile and tenderness, then women's love claims, when you are already far beyond ..., sometimes look ridiculous - many women think so and carefully hide their endless, ageless expectation of love.

Probably, there is no point in objecting, because there is no need to dissemble in front of yourself. Yes, and from the side it is often noticeable what we carefully hide from ourselves! But it becomes sad and insulting for women who are looking for love and do not find it, they are ready to give all the warmth of their souls, and this is not in demand ...

In the sanatorium where I am being treated, there are significantly more women than men. Yes, and the age here, what is called retirement. No, of course, ladies from 35 to 45 years old will pleasantly diversify the overall picture, but there are not many of them. Between themselves, they have such a silent rivalry, approximately, as in a beauty contest. But all this is done in such a way that no one guesses. Although the outfits are changed several times a day, you can’t get into the hairdresser’s, perfume and jewelry are instantly swept away from the shelves of visiting peddlers.

Seen off by the jealous and captious glances of the older ladies, the young (relatively) sanatorium divas proudly defile in high heels, in bright dresses with evening make-up, even in the medical building and at physical exercises.

But the most interesting thing is to watch dance evenings, which are an integral part of the entertainment program of any sanatorium. Men who have drunk for courage and courage arrive early and occupy strategically advantageous places for observation. And, then, speaking in an undertone, evaluate each newly arrived lady, giving marks and deciding whether to invite to the dance or not.

Men rarely love and even less often know how to dance, so a disco in a sanatorium is a place for dating, and not, in fact, for dancing. But women love to dance. Even those who do not dance for various reasons enjoy sitting in chairs and watching. In addition, it is in the dance that women noticeably become younger, are distracted from everyday life, become liberated and look very attractive, as if they had thrown off a good ten years.

And, if you think about it, women who are already over ... do not often get the chance to dance in ordinary life, especially like this, on the floor, in the dance hall, surrounded by a large number of people, in full dress and late, not thinking about getting up early tomorrow, and even a bunch of unfinished business left. And if you also got a worthy partner, then this is generally a small female happiness!

For the most part, women who come to the sanatorium do not initially think about romantic relationships and resort romances. They hope to take a break from home and other fuss, heal, and just sleep off. In addition, at home, after all, a husband, a family ... But a woman always remains a woman, and if suddenly a quite handsome man of the right age lavishes compliments, treats him to champagne and tries with all his might to impress, then how can you resist and not respond with at least a slight sympathy? !

My roommate fell in love. And, although she tries not to tell anything, everything betrays the relationship that has begun in her: here is an irresistible desire to please, again, as once in her youth, to feel all the hops of flirting, compliments, courtship - all that any novel consists of. True, a holiday romance is different in that here you can do much more in a unit of time, but everything is felt much sharper than in ordinary life.

And this is understandable, because on vacation there is more time, and it is occupied only with thoughts about oneself: what to wear, how to look better, how to spend time, etc. In addition, a couple in love can not part around the clock, and so the entire period of the tour . If we calculate how much time two people spend together in a normal setting, it turns out that in 24 days of rest, communication between the formed couple is as much as a total of those who meet for at least six months, or even more. Moreover, nothing distracts - no work, no household chores, no ordinary life worries.

Maybe that's why many people fall in love at the resort in such a way that they then experience this sudden love of theirs for many years, all the time giving it new touches, embellishing the details and reliving what happened again and again with the sweet sharpness of a committed sin.

And so the revelations of Galina, my neighbor, began. She is 54 years old, married. Children have grown up and live their lives for a long time. Relations with her husband are generally good - normal, as Galya said. But she forgot to think about love, she says, what kind of love, they say, when for so many years side by side - she got used to it, became related, and that's it.

And then the cavalier: he invited me to dance, we met, we started talking. And it turned out that they are such kindred spirits that, like in the movies, they love the same thing, they think the same about everything. And he is so understanding, so attentive and caring that she seemed to be reborn.

The gentleman also has a family, children, and relationships are also boring - there is no joy and flight in them. So the two met with an acute need for love, understanding, tenderness. Galina said that in a few days she heard from her new friend as many affectionate words as her husband had never said in his entire life. And also attention, from which she has lost the habit, and flowers, and walks - all that is not in her ordinary life.

Once upon a time, in sanatoriums and rest homes, the staff considered it their duty to vigilant morality and fiercely control the moral character of vacationers. For a delay in someone else's room after lights out, they were accused of immoral behavior, discharged from the sanatorium ahead of schedule, reported to work, etc. Now this is not the case, except that the violation of the routine is very significant and prevents others from resting.

But Galina and her friend are not hiding in the rooms. They usually sit side by side in armchairs or walk together in the sanatorium park. And they talk passionately all the time. In the evening, having come back from a date, she cannot sleep for a long time, and we talk with her about the female lot, about why, by the age of fifty, all feelings are replaced by duty, responsibility and habit. Why does a husband forget to show his love and care, why do they teach only women all the time how to stir up a man and do not bring up the same in men ?! And, most importantly, why do all desires disappear?

24 days flew by quickly. Galin's cavalier left the day before her - the holiday was over. On the day of departure, I went to the site from where the bus with vacationers departed. My familiar couple said goodbye: he was already sitting on the bus, and she was standing near his window and could hardly hold back her tears. The man, probably, mentally was already at home, with his family, because he clearly felt uncomfortable under the suffering gaze of his temporary girlfriend. And cheerful music was heard throughout the territory - a fashionable singer repeated: “Why did you come up with something that didn’t exist ?!”

In the evening, Galina did not go anywhere, we decided to spend the last evening in the room. She didn’t say anything anymore, but it was clear that she was sorting through pleasant memories in her memory. Then the woman sighed and said: “I don’t regret anything - I felt like a woman. At least there will be something to remember in old age ... "

Someone will say - what's good, because a holiday romance is adultery! But I was not interested in how far Galina went in her sudden love, and, of course, I do not presume to condemn other people's actions - here all people are adults, and they themselves have long known what is good and what is bad. Only for almost a month of communication, my neighbor never mentioned the happy moments of her married life. She talked a lot about the family, about her husband and children, but never about her feelings. And it turns out that, having lived more than a quarter of a century of life with her husband, a woman will remember the holiday romance as an episode in her life that left the strongest mark. Who is to blame that a strange man, and not a native person, gave her the opportunity to feel desired and in demand, an attractive woman who can please?

(From the cycle "LIFE STORIES")
With minor cuts.

"The holiday romance ends quickly, but
remembered for a lifetime."
(S. Smirnov)

Oh, these holiday romances, sanatorium love stories! ..
Probably, this will not surprise anyone now: a common phenomenon! Who hasn't had one, right?
And they are attractive primarily for their brightness and transience.
And yet ... with impunity (without consequences)! - if ... you're lucky, of course! ..

Vacation ends, resort lovers leave for their cities, and only ... pleasant memories remain. No one makes serious plans by having an affair on vacation, so usually the relationship is not burdensome and non-committal. Husband (wife) will not know anything, in general, everyone is happy! After all, it brings such a variety to the gray everyday life, it gives such a surge of adrenaline!

And how many anecdotes, novels, films about this - a fertile topic!
And they are not created in a vacuum.

PART ONE. "Indian Summer" in the sanatorium

I have known Shura for a long time.

Pretty, youthful - and from this, it must be - a little eccentric, cheerful and easy to communicate with, she always attracted a variety of people, because she treated them with great warmth and trust, she was always ready to provide anyone with the most diverse help - and not only medical (and Shura worked immediately after graduating from medical school as a nurse in a regional hospital).

And, as if as a reward for her kindness and responsiveness, she got a smart and decent guy in all respects: calm, modest, kind, hardworking. And, most importantly, a non-drinker!
Ukrainian Grisha (or rather, a Ukrainian Jew) turned out to be a good family man and a loving husband and father. He made money (he was a mechanic in the garage) always not bad, he dragged everything into the house, “before sebe - to the family!” - as he used to say.

And Shura was a match for him: a good housewife, an exemplary wife and caring mother of their two sons.
Unlike mine (stormy and short!), her family life from the very beginning was quite calm and prosperous.
They married early and, like, even for love. But, as Shura said, there was no violent passion between them even in their youth, and now even more so - after all, they have been together for more than twenty years. Everyone knows about each other, and the relationship is even, more friendly than marital.
They got along well, Shura appreciated her quiet Grisha and said that she was behind him like behind a stone wall.

Many even envied her!

... But not everything happens as smoothly as it may sometimes seem from the outside!

I must say that Shura was prone to excitement: she was always terribly fond of playing lotto and cards - for money, bought lottery tickets in the hope of winning a car for herself - she, having seen enough American and Brazilian TV shows, had long dreamed of how, too, like the heroines of these beautiful films, she will drive herself and imagine herself to be a kind of “car lady”.

With age, primitive and monotonous sex with her quiet husband, a woman by nature quite juicy, energetic and temperamental, no longer suited her very much.
But, since Shura, without gaining sexual experience, married early and was always a faithful wife, she had nothing and no one to compare her husband with.

And she didn’t seem to intend to cheat on her Grisha, there weren’t even such thoughts in her head. But somewhere latently she was dissatisfied with him, or rather, with her dull and insipid intimate life.

... And I was convinced more than once that even the most devoted husbands and wives at least once cheated on their faithful and beloved "halves", having parted for a short time!

For example, I do not believe that there is at least one husband (a healthy and normal man!), Who does not use the opportunity - if any - to taste the sweetness of the forbidden fruit, no matter how much he loves his wife. And, interestingly, none of them consider going “to the left” a betrayal: they say, so, a primitive physiological process that is constantly necessary for a healthy man. "Physiology" - how they usually justify their ... kobelizm!
Any average alpha male almost always has a great opportunity to go beyond the meager marital duties and in the abyss of casual sex to realize their secret desires and sexual fantasies.

Yes, and some wives will not yield to such "faithful" husbands! Especially - having escaped from home: on a business trip, to a resort, to a rest home.
When the opportunity arises to have some fun "on the side" (without any damage to the family!), Not everyone will resist and refuse such a temptation.

An easy, non-committal resort romance, after all, does not threaten anything! ..

Once in early autumn, in the midst of the “velvet season”, I was terribly lucky: I got (quite inexpensively!) A “burning” ticket to a very prestigious sanatorium in Primorye. Not far from Vladivostok, on the beautiful Cote d'Azur!
I was also lucky with the weather: it was my favorite warm and beautiful time, popularly called “Indian summer”. Gold autumn! And she is in the Far East, in Primorye, surprisingly good!

On the first day, barely settled down, I hurried to the beach. The water in the sea was surprisingly warm, the sand was clean and hot, and the mood, accordingly, was excellent!
And in the evening, having come with Lyudmila, my roommate, to the disco at the House of Culture, I was surprised to see a familiar face there.
It was Shura! She arrived a day earlier, and I did not know about it, being late for the sanatorium for a day.

...Shura, elegant and cheerful, enjoyed great success with the representatives of the opposite sex, especially with those who are far "for ... ...twenty". Most often she was invited to the waltz.
I have always loved fast dances, but I am not a very good waltz dancer. Therefore, I watched the dancers more when the musicians ("live"!) Played a waltz, or chatted with my freshly baked "cavalier" - the same dislike of waltzes.

And Shura danced superbly!
I especially liked the fast waltzes in her, downright virtuoso, performance. She just flew around the huge hall - fortunately, there was where to turn around!
Her partners, especially not very young ones, were gradually exhausted, and she - at least that!
It seemed that she could dance like this until the morning!

But, unfortunately, the regime is the regime. The sanatorium has its own laws, and at exactly eleven, to everyone's chagrin, the dances ended.

Two of our new acquaintances accompanied her and Lyudmila and me to the sleeping quarters (and Shura and I lived in different ones).
We stood a little longer, chatted, laughed at their jokes, and everyone went to their rooms: Lyudmila and I went to ours, and the gentlemen went to theirs.
Although, of course, they would not be averse not to do this, but to come to us ... for a glass of tea!

The next day, we met with Shura for breakfast, then for lunch and dinner.
And so - every day. She always sat at the same table with some married couple, very old and, apparently, very boring interlocutors for the sociable Shurochka.

…A few days have passed.

Everything went as it should be once and for all established sanatorium order: breakfast, oxygen cocktail, health-improving procedures, swimming in the sea or in the pool, therapeutic baths, lunch, sleep, afternoon tea, dinner, walks, sometimes excursions, outings into nature or to a concert, and, of course, cinema and dancing.
I became friends with Lyudmila, and we had fun.

Shura and I also sometimes “crossed paths” somewhere, but we didn’t communicate much. She had her own company!

... Once I saw a man sit down at the Shurin's table, whom I noticed next to her that first evening at the disco.

Shura called him Boris. He was clearly younger than Shura - eight or ten years old, swarthy, rather handsome, similar to a Caucasian (later it turned out that he was almost Caucasian: half Armenian, half Russian).
They were talking cheerfully about something, and then together they left the dining room.
Since then, he also sat at Shurochka's table.

... Probably, Shura then emitted some special vibes, as they say now - pheromones, attracting to her sanatorium men who are bored away from their wives, those very alpha male hunters who are always in abundance in such places. Moreover, all of them, as a rule, are here ... "single"! And from a mile away they smell that a woman ... "wants ... adventures"!

And this, of course, did not go unnoticed by Boris - apparently, a great lover and a major "specialist" in the field of resort intrigues!

I, a woman then lonely (and relatively free: a man was waiting for me at home, an affair with which, unexpectedly for both of us, dragged on for many years and consisted of endless meetings and partings), it was interesting: will our Shurochka, "a faithful wife and a virtuous mother" survive? , in front of such a temptation that appeared before her in the guise of a hot and cheerful macho from the Caucasus?!

...And so my new friend Lyudmila and I even... made a bet, watching everything that was happening!
She said that this was not the first time she had seen such a thing, and she was sure that our respectable Shurochka was no exception to the general rule: she would not resist a holiday romance.

And I, knowing Shura, for some reason was sure that she would resist! But how wrong I was (and, alas, the bet - expensive French champagne - lost to Lyudmila)!

... The freedom and looseness, even some swagger, that were present in her relationship with Boris, I must admit, surprised me a little and did not at all speak in favor of Brother-in-law's integrity, in which, as I said, for some reason I was sure - well, if not 100%, then 99.9 for sure!

Sometimes she even acted emphatically in a youthful way - defiantly, as if forgetting about her age (she was already almost forty) and that she was the mother of two adult sons.
This was especially noticeable in the restaurant, where we decided to celebrate Lyudmila's birthday.

We booked a table in advance for four: me, Lyudmila, her boyfriend and Shura.
We did not invite our new boyfriends, and there was no talk about Boris, and therefore Lyudmila and I were very surprised to see him at our table, next to Shurochka blooming with happiness!

... All evening she drank a lot, chatted incessantly and laughed very loudly and unnaturally - as is usually the case with tipsy and broken women.
Dancing with Boris, she literally hung on him, clinging to the man with her whole body, as if ... she wanted to merge with him!

In general, Shura behaved like a ... accessible girl! And it was all the more strange that she was not such! as far as I knew her.

Our "sweet couple" (that's how Lyudmila and I called them with Boris!) left the evening before anyone else.

And, as I found out later, Shura ... spent the night with Boris!
She told me excitedly that with him she forgot about everything and behaved completely relaxed: she allowed everything and she herself was incredibly active - not at all like with her husband.

Apparently, the wine she drank, or rather, its quantity, relieved the tension and all sorts of moral prohibitions absorbed from a young age by her, born back in the USSR.
Boris was an incredibly skilled lover, and sex with him, according to her, was "well, just fantastic!"

It is quite possible that, being herself not very experienced in these “amorous affairs”, our Shurochka simply idealized her newfound boyfriend and therefore clearly exaggerated his sexual capabilities and abilities - well, of course, in comparison with her husband, he may have been for her "macho"!

She was implicitly looking for beautiful romantic relationships, after reading modern love stories and watching all sorts of sugary-tearful "soap operas" and, not finding them with her Grisha in the family, she found them (as it seemed to her!) Here, in a sanatorium.

Shura dreamed of getting from Boris what she always secretly wanted and did not receive from her modest and silent husband, who was not at all experienced in the art of love ...

She said that Grisha in bed (and not only!) never called her affectionate names, but at night he simply silently, without any gentle preludes, habitually “does his job”, and then immediately fell asleep ... snoring like a locomotive! ..

And Boris called her a beauty, a queen, a sun! And... he hung long beautiful noodles on Shurochka's little ears with pearl earrings!..

But, according to my observations, they and Boris also didn’t have a particularly great love and romance. Yes, naked sex!

Where are declarations of love, flowers, meetings under the moonlight, dinners by candlelight - all that we, women, so lack in everyday family life and what do we expect from gallant gentlemen-lovers?!

Not like a passionate lover, Boris... just slept with her, because he was so very comfortable, that's all!
And she, naive and trusting, like a girl, winding noodles around his ears in the form of tender words, mistook THIS for love! ..

Or maybe she herself fell in love with him, going to this for a long time?! ..

... Time in the sanatorium flew by cheerfully and imperceptibly.
Golden autumn and "Indian summer" ended, the time of long and tedious rains, spleen and runny nose began ...

We left home with Shura, and I saw that she, like me, returned in a great mood, prettier, fresher.

The husband was very happy to see her like this: rested, healed and right 10 years younger.
Of course, Grisha had no idea who else contributed to this, and therefore he thanked the sanatorium doctors and the healing sea air.

PART TWO. "Kinder Surprise"!

As the saying goes, everything comes to an end, both good and bad. And thank God!

So that short-lived autumn resort "fairy tale" ended, and it was necessary to continue to live on.

In everyday life, Shura did not even think about cheating on her husband, as she told me: “For a love affair, the head must be free - from washing, ironing, cooking and other daily women's worries!” But, inspired by her hot holiday romance, she was going to go to a sanatorium the next year - without her husband, of course, and, of course, not to deny herself anything there.

Life went on as usual; again, as before, family worries and worries piled on, and the sanatorium “love” began to be gradually forgotten ...

... And after a while Shura called me and excitedly and frightened said that she was ... pregnant! And, most likely, this is ... Boris's child!

Such a surprise!

And then she also received a letter from that same Boris - by regular mail, poste restante (they then exchanged addresses, just in case, although she did not even think of corresponding with him, knowing that he was married).
Boris said that he would soon arrive on a business trip for a few days and insisted on their meeting.

And Shura came to me in the evening to consult what she should do. She also really wanted to see him!

Actually, I don't really like to give advice in this kind of business - it's a thankless job! Everyone has their own head on their shoulders!

I recalled a well-known anecdote, where there is such a phrase: “She died - she died like that!” And I told Shura that the holiday romance is good because it usually does not continue, that it does not involve any claims, reproaches and obligations.
Everyone wants joy in life. But there is no eternal holiday! Yes, and they will get bored, holidays, quickly, if they are constantly. Remember the guests - how we get tired of them! Therefore, apparently, they say that “a good guest is three days!”

Grisha was in happy ignorance and lived calmly, and if this semi-Caucasian “macho” appeared again in their established, stable life, Shura would have to, like any unfaithful wife, lie and dodge, invent something in order to go on a date with him .

But she has a prosperous marriage, which many envy, and to spoil, destroy it because of such nonsense is useless.
It’s not for nothing that they say: “They don’t look for good from good!” * Well, I gave up slack once, and that’s enough! It's time to put an end or a bold blot on that love story!

And one more thing: why does she need this unexpected - sanatorium - "kinder surprise" ?! Not only is it not from her husband, it’s too late, it seems, to give birth already - not young, look at that, soon she will become a grandmother! ..

It was in this spirit that I said everything to Shura.
And she answered me:

But I really want ... a little one! .. What if there will finally be a girl?! .. And I also want ... and with my Grishka ... it would be the same in bed as with this accursed Boris!

I want real sex! Shura confessed to me.

But this, my dear, is not a problem now!
First, you can have an abortion.
Secondly, with an abundance of all kinds of literature, videos, an army of sexologists and psychologists, you can finally learn a lot! Yes, and it is quite possible to engage in self-improvement of the art of love. There would be only time and desire - both, of course!

And then (to finally put Shurochka's shifted brains in place!) I added:

In general, stop fooling around, girlfriend! God forbid, your Grisha finds out about everything - what then ?! Husbands like him don't scatter! - look, otherwise our divorcees will quickly pick up! There are three times fewer men on Earth than women - they died out like mammoths and dinosaurs! ..

But... Everyone has their own head on their shoulders and their own life!

Shurochka did not listen to me and ... at her own peril and risk ... gave birth.

Another boy! Dark-haired, swarthy, looking like a gypsy! But it's good that her Grisha is almost the same - curly and black-eyed.
So no one suspected anything.

And most importantly, Boris does not know that his son is now growing up in the Far East. There, at home, in the Caucasus, he has two children (or maybe someone else has already been born, the third or fourth!).

And thank God that he does not know! Why would he?

...Several years have passed.

Once we met in a neighboring town with Shura (they later moved there!).
And she boasted to me that now everything is “tip-top” with her husband, Grisha loves the last-born boy madly - even more than those two (his own!).

But what about "your" macho Boris - the "sexy giant of the Caucasus"? Winking, I teased and poked Shurochka.

Yes, my Grisha is still a man! That's who... the sex giant!!! And that Boris ... he is no match for him! Of course, thanks to him for his son - such a nice little boy turned out, wow!

Here is such a small, pretty "Grishok-sinner" now growing with us! .. (They also called him Grisha!) That's what we call him: Grisha-small, Grigory II!

Years have passed...
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot has changed both in my life and in the country.

I know from acquaintances that Shura and her husband, Grisha the Great, Grigory the First, live well, amicably. Both of their common sons got married, the granddaughter is already from the eldest, their universal minion and favorite.

And that boy, the sanatorium Kinder Surprise, is already a teenage schoolboy. Clever, obedient grows - parents and teachers do not get enough of him, little black-eyed Grisha!

They certainly say: “There was no happiness, so misfortune helped!”
Shurochka's memory for life is now left from that resort adventure!

And to have fun in the sanatorium ... Shura doesn't go anymore! - there is no need, he says, to look for good from good: she and her Grisha feel good!
They love each other!

And God forbid!


* The original title of the story was: “They don’t look for good from good!”
Based on real events.
But ALL names have been changed and any resemblance to real people is pure coincidence.

© Olga Blagodareva, 2012

A woman is the main adventure of a man in his life. A man is the main character in a woman's life. How can human life continue without these two? - Not!

The eternal story of the adventures of these two creatures paints life with colorful paints ...

"Rendezvous with a Stranger"

It all started so banally…. An ordinary family (he, she, two children) rush to the station. Everyone (except the man) goes on vacation. The man stays because he is not allowed to go on vacation. Just before leaving, the spouses quarrel (the man drove the car very hard so as not to be late, and they almost got into an accident).

Let's get to know them, because everything, thank God, worked out ...

Lenochka and Igor are excellent parents who have been living together for many years!

And Alinka and Seryozhka are their beautiful children! The most important thing, it turns out, is hidden not in their names and surnames.

At the station, the Kubolkin family met a woman who played a very important role for them. Sveta! She also, it turns out, went to rest there. The coincidence made me happy: I went on vacation in a neighboring train trailer!

They come to a very beautiful place and are happy to settle down there. Then they go to the beach, where handsome men enthusiastically play beach volleyball. Lena immediately liked one of them. But, of course, she didn't show it. She simply watched him secretly and hid every glance from him.

While her friend went to watch what the kids were doing, the stranger of her dreams approached and approached her (with a cocktail in his hands). They have a sweet and casual conversation. What were they talking about? Nothing! Jumping from one topic to another.

They were together, Lena cheated on her husband with Sasha ... Once!

It happened just before leaving home. But she didn't regret it at all. She was as happy as anyone else. But I knew that everything would be over as soon as they returned home.

The husband met them and was glad to return. Lena was afraid to look Igor in the eye. It seemed to her that he would begin to suspect her of something "foreign." When Lena was sorting things out, she found a note in her purse with the words: “Thank you for a wonderful night! Sasha". Lena didn't know where to go. But the nightmares were just beginning to haunt her. Sasha constantly called her, asked for a meeting. He was not at all embarrassed that Lena refused. He came to her house with a huge bouquet of roses! The woman persuaded her lover to leave ...

The next day, when she was leaving the negotiation building with her partners, she noticed an inscription on a concrete slab:

“Lenka, I love you! Sasha!

The business woman stood at a loss. At that moment, she wished that it was all a dream and flew by in a "fleeting" moment.

The lover became (literally) her shadow...

Gifts, attention, surprises, prayer for meetings…. But Lena explained to Igor that everything was over, that she did not want to leave the family. The man decided it was time to give Lena a taste of revenge. After all, he managed to become attached to a married beauty. He loved her like a boy! Alexander Sergeevich could not believe that the beauty took advantage of him.

What dish of revenge did he cook? - Killed Elena's wife!

Killed and wanted to escape. Did not work out. They put him in for a long time...

Igor was buried, and the woman fell into a deep depression. She blamed herself for everything. She didn't want to live. She dreamed of leaving earthly life, but the children who loved her very much "kept" her.

This story "speaks" that you need to be more careful with the establishment of holiday romances

All the bad things come back with “millions of boomerangs”. All good things too. You can already guess what category treason and infidelity belong to!

What to do if the holiday romance has already “spun”?


  1. Stop and cut it off. Do it, no matter how difficult it is, so as not to harm yourself later.
  2. Continue the affair, but divorce your husband (if you have a man with whom you meet or live, divorce your spouse!).
  3. Find a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bminuses in that person in order to be specifically disappointed in him and try to forget.

It's better not to start such novels! Leave them for movies and for books. Or for those who will not take such a “transiency” of relationships so seriously.

What are the advantages of a holiday romance?

  1. Such rendezvous are never forgotten, remaining in the memory in a "fresh" form for a very long time.
  2. Lots of romance! Sounds funny, but true. Because every moment is appreciated.
  3. A novel of this "type" gives people the opportunity to enjoy short-term, but burning happiness.
  4. Holiday romance is like a real fairy tale. It is during the "resort" period that a woman meets her ideal man.
  5. A resort romance is a time of bright, unforgettable and impressive love adventures.

What if you (after such a rendezvous with a man) found out that you were in a position?

Anything! Only not a vacuum and not an abortion!!! You don't have to kill a child. It's not his fault that things didn't work out for you.

People will say... "Walked"?

What's the difference to you, really? Let them say whatever they want! Live the way you want, not for the sake of public opinion! Gossip can appear out of nowhere!

You will have a pretty baby. Maybe a baby too! Will always be by your side. Isn't it wonderful? You will only remember the good things. And this also needs to be learned. Children are the meaning of life!

Do not miss. . .

Interesting stories about Lovers -

In the modern world, the institution of the family is undergoing changes. Values ​​are being destroyed, roles are being rebuilt, the very understanding of the family is changing. So, betrayal for the modern "cell of society" has almost or already become the norm. For many, it is not surprising that a man or woman in a relationship started a short-term affair on the side, and then returned to a warm family haven.

Very often, by the way, fidelity is violated while in resorts. Women often do not allow themselves to be changed while at home, because they feel a certain duty and this special female responsibility to a man, perhaps children, and cheating in a sanatorium, for example, does not seem so immoral to them. A faithful wife who is surrounded by dirty laundry, unwashed dishes and pills for insomnia, leaving for the sea, feels freedom, a desire to get everything that is possible from the rest, and has fun with other men, because this is also part of "life to the fullest."

What makes women go crazy?

Can wives cheat on their husbands in resorts, in Turkey, for example? Yes, and it happens with increased frequency. Going to distant countries, a woman relaxes there, understands that she will not have any obligations to a random partner, because they will never see each other again. And now, the wife has already cheated on her husband on vacation in Turkey.

In addition, women are sensual and soulful creatures. Films and books about holiday romances delight them with their poetry. And it's no secret that all women dream of becoming part of some fairy tale, even if their time has already passed, they have a family and responsibilities. Therefore, such common phenomena, when a Russian wife cheats on her man, for example, in the resorts of Thailand, are not at all uncommon. In addition, such connections help a woman to feel sexy and attractive again, which she could have long forgotten about, having been married for many years.

Thus, the desire to give free rein to their frivolity, which is impermissible in ordinary everyday life, as well as the desire to become the heroine of her own film, push women to betrayal at the resort.

By the way, the Lady portal conducted a sociological survey, thanks to which it turned out that almost 60% of the fair sex had romances at resorts, while about 30% had several fleeting relationships at once during their holidays.

Where do women most often indulge in temptation?

The following interesting fact was scientifically proven: cheating most often happens on Wednesdays. But the conversation is not about that. Where do wives most often betray their husbands? The first place, according to statistics, was awarded to Russian resorts (almost 60% of novels): Krasnodar, Crimea. Women walk in bathing suits or simply in open clothes, attract men and are easily led to their courtship. In second place is a hot foreign country with a sea coast: Turkey, Egypt and so on. Everyone who has been in these parts will confirm that Arabs and Turks are very fond of Russian women. They cannot let them just pass by, they will definitely give them an admiring look or a word. Russian women are dizzy, because being wives with many years of experience, they do not receive such courtship in everyday life. Therefore, cheating on a wife in a resort in Turkey or other similar countries is not at all uncommon. Bronze is won by tourist sites in Europe, where women go to travel and, so to speak, see the world: France, Italy, Germany, etc.

How to deal with such change?

Of course, if the wife cheated - on vacation in Turkey or in the toilet of the club - this is immoral. But the fact is that each person has his own understanding of infidelity and attitude towards it. If you look at this phenomenon as treason in general, then this is deceit, betrayal, violation of an oath. However, if we compare such betrayal with other types of betrayal (a long secret romance with a colleague or an affair with a partner's best friend), this type is the most harmless infidelity. How do wives cheat, for example, in sanatoriums? They see a man, not even always attractive, and after a very short acquaintance they go to bed with him. Then the rest ends, and women never remember it, and only the fact of a romantic story that will die with them remains in their memory. Thus, in this betrayal, there is no emotional contact with the lover. This action is often directed specifically at the woman herself, at the satisfaction of her secret desires and a deal with her own ego.

How to be Cinderella, who returned from the ball?

When the vacation ends, a harsh reality sets in, and then the question arises - is it worth telling your husband? Well, for the sake of preserving the family, it is advisable to remain silent. The fact is that there was no basis in betrayal, so to speak. This is not supported by feelings, did not have a psychological and emotional connection. This is just a case. We do not justify the very fact of infidelity, but we also do not believe that such infidelity should become a reason for the destruction of the family. However, if your relationship with a partner is built on absolute trust, you are sure that he will listen to you and understand, you can report what happened. In any case, despite the mistakes made, every person deserves happiness, and you are no exception.

Yes, dear, girls, which only with us beautiful and charming does not happen away from home. Both good and, of course, bad. It is up to each one to decide which of the categories a holiday romance belongs to, for someone a fleeting outburst of feelings is beneficial, and for someone it makes them suffer for many months, and sometimes even years. I would like to tell you, my dears, a story from my life that has changed quite a lot in it. It would seem that a chance meeting, but this very meeting inspired me and gave me new strength and a desire for life. So, let's begin.

I think, to clarify the picture, I should tell a little about myself, I am 26 years old, a "worn out" lady, I have been married for 7 years. My family life is not very prosperous in places, but in general, my husband and I seem to be a rather happy couple. Friends are jealous, relatives are calm, and we ourselves, it seems, are not at war with our husband, but we don’t feel the same feelings for each other anymore. We live as friends more than as lovers, or to be more precise, lived before my vacation trip.

Resort trip

It happened two years ago, I, being very tired from work and family troubles, decided to make myself a gift - a trip to a resort, to Egypt or Turkey, in general, where it is warm. I didn’t want to go alone, and my husband didn’t really share my initiative, he said that, they say, if you want to go, go, I won’t keep you, but I won’t go myself, it’s up to my throat. Of course, it was embarrassing for me to go like this, to leave him at home alone, and all sorts of suspicions began to torment me, but, nevertheless, I decided that we were both adults and were fully capable of making decisions ourselves. I decided. I'm going. It remains only to choose with whom. My friends unanimously referred to work, my sister to the fact that there was no one to leave the child with, the candidates for a joint vacation were melting before our eyes, and I was upset, but then, a wonderful idea came to my mind, I seem to know a person who for sure won't refuse me. Well, of course! Why didn't I think of this before? Mother! She will definitely go with me.

Hooray! We go! Finally! My happiness knew no bounds. The four-hour flight passed unnoticed and, now, the airport of Sharm El-Sheikh is already meeting us with its hot embrace. Amazing weather, warm sea and great hotel, everything was top notch. There were two more weeks of unforgettable impressions ahead. My mother and I decided to spend this vacation calmly and relax as much as possible, because one routine was waiting at home. My mother of the old school, although still young, nevertheless advised me to do without adventures and be extremely attentive, not to enter into any contacts. By the way, I didn’t think at all that this was possible. It seems that I am still young, but I have already begun to doubt that I can like someone. My husband never spoiled me with compliments, my work colleagues also appreciated me exclusively as a specialist. They only said that my eyes are beautiful, deep, you can stare. And I don’t need anything, eyes are like eyes, it seems that everyone has such ... z

In the evening in a restaurant

And so, one evening, my mother and I were sitting in a restaurant, slowly sipping some of the local cocktails, and enjoying the view of the setting sun. At that moment, it seemed to me that I was happy, I was able to forget about household chores, I thought only about how I would lie on the beach tomorrow, or maybe book an excursion, or go diving. There were a lot of plans, but they all collapsed when behind my back I heard the phrase: “Girls, would you mind if I keep you company, so to speak?” I, immersed in my dreams, did not consider it necessary to answer the question, I just pulled my glasses over my eyes. This was still not enough, what impudence, we do not need company! But my mother decided otherwise. She agreed and now, when the stranger sat down at the table, I could clearly see him.

He was good-looking, about 35 years old, polished, well-groomed, rather large, with purely masculine features and an unusual profile, which for some reason reminded me of an eagle. I could not say that he is handsome, but something, completely incomprehensible, attracted me to him. He was interesting, the whole evening he occupied us with conversations, my mother was interested in him. I paid absolutely no attention to him, which seemed to make him a little angry. I answered his questions with short and caustic phrases, after which he was a little lost. To be honest, at that moment, I was waiting for the evening to end, and we will disperse. To be frank, at first glance I didn’t like him, he was too boring or something ...

When it was time to say goodbye, he decided to take us to the room and, oh, horror, as it turned out, we are also neighbors. He was overjoyed at this and made no secret of his pleasure. Saying goodbye, he told us that tomorrow we should definitely see each other. Mom was not opposed and sincerely did not understand my negative mood. I did not want someone else to interfere with our vacation. No, I wasn't jealous, I just wanted to take a break from people. I fell asleep with thoughts of how to quickly get rid of our new friend.

He came early in the morning

The next morning I was awakened by a sharp knock on the door. It’s strange, usually the room is not cleaned so early… Who could it be… Mom was still sleeping, so I put on a bathrobe and trudged to the door. Our yesterday's stranger stood on the threshold, holding a towel and a mask in his hands.

- What, woke up? Come on, stop lying around already, pick up your mother and let's go swimming, ”he said in a cheerful voice.

To say I was mad at him is an understatement. Not only did he wake me up, he didn't even apologize. Ham! Muttering something dissatisfied under my breath, I promised him that we would come soon, which was completely unexpected for me. Closing the door, I thought about what a fool I am ... why did I agree? Sitting on the bed, I looked at the clock - 6 am ... What a nightmare. I failed to wake up my mother, she stubbornly refused to go to the beach at such an early hour, tearfully asking for another hour of sleep. Well, fun, now I have to entertain our friend myself. I put on a bathing suit and took a towel, I slowly left and headed towards the beach. Not halfway through, I heard a familiar voice.

- Have you come yet? I thought I wouldn’t wait…” he said with undisguised regret.

“I wish I hadn’t waited,” I quipped again.

He realized that I was out of sorts again and we walked the rest of the way in silence. He still strained me with his presence, but less so. It was a little gratifying. I seem to be getting used to it. And so, I even dared to break the hanging silence.

- What are you doing? I asked surprisingly timidly.

And then it began, he, inspired by my interest, began to animatedly tell me about everything, about nuclear physics, about computers, architecture, military aviation. He spoke so much and in such vivid colors that my unpleasant feelings for him disappeared by themselves. As it turned out, he is a designer, working on a new project, and would like to display in it some, at first glance, completely incoherent things. I listened to him and admired, but, indeed, he seems to have talent. I felt calm with him, calm and interesting, in the evenings I sat with him for a long time at a table near the pool and listened to his stories with a glass of something strong. Then I told him myself and, surprisingly, he listened to me, listened with genuine interest and a charming smile. He gave me all sorts of advice and sometimes I got the impression that I was talking to an older brother or dad. He understood me.

It was amazing

We went swimming together, fooled around, visited excursions and shops. He was the first person who was able to become almost family to me in such a short time. I went to visit him, we could lie on the bed for hours and watch movies, I was glad that he did not pester me, did not seduce me. I thought maybe that would continue. But I was wrong. One evening, he timidly knocked on our door and said that he was badly burned and he needed help. I, without ulterior motives, put on a dressing gown and went to his room, grabbing a few burn creams.

Everything that happened afterwards, I remember vaguely, I remember my hands on his hot back, then his hands on the belt of my dressing gown, then his lips whispering something in my ear. We were covered with wild passion, I could not resist, I was drawn to him. I could not even imagine that this could happen to me, with a girl faithful by nature, for whom the family was the true value ... With him, I forgot about everything. Every morning he brought me flowers and we went to breakfast together. He took and carried me in his arms when I complained that the sand was hot. He took care of me and looked after me in every possible way. I was pleased with his attention. But I knew for sure that it would not last long. I enjoyed every day with him, but I knew that I would not leave him any contact. We became even closer when we talked heart to heart with him, as it turned out, he is also married. We were very similar to him, but, at the same time, very different.

The time of my departure was approaching inexorably, I decided to spend my last evening with him. He was gentle and rude, very sensual and touching. Almost until morning we sat on his balcony. They talked about everything, about their difficulties, sorrows and thoughts. He told me that there are no unsolvable situations and in everything that happens you need to see only the positive side. We warmly said goodbye to him, wished each other good luck and success. At parting, he fatherly kissed me on the forehead and said: “Take care of yourself, girl, you are the best,” and for some reason tears welled up in his eyes.

Sitting on the plane, I scrolled through everything that happened over and over again. Asked questions “why?”, “Why me and him? ', but could not find an answer. The only thing I know for sure, and for which I am grateful to him, is that he taught me to rejoice, taught me to find a drop of positive in a sea of ​​misunderstanding and unhappiness. He revived my heart and he, it was he who made me feel special. I am very grateful to him for this.

At home, I began to treat my husband differently, more reverently and with greater understanding, surprisingly, and he treats me too. We began to speak the same language, and he began to make compliments. I began to enjoy every day that I spend with him and every success. Our feelings seemed to flare up again. I didn’t tell him about my betrayal, and I never will. And, even if he ever cheated on me, I would not want to know about it either. Although, now, I began to relate to adultery a little differently. Maybe this is a terrible thing for someone, but it helped me save my marriage. I am still not a supporter of constant walking to the left and still believe that the family is above all, but if it happened ... why not?
