What does the Turkish groom give to the bride. Turkish wedding

Dear readers and readers of the blog who courageously joined them! Vostochny to you villages and just hello!

Symbolically, today's anniversary, hundredth in a row, article on my blog turned out to be about the customs of a Turkish wedding.

"What is the symbolism?", You may be surprised. - And who knows, that's how it seemed to me. Maybe, as in the joke "it's time for you to get married, sir" :)

Jokes aside, let's approach our topic with all possible seriousness, because a wedding in Turkey is very, very serious. What are you now in all clarity and make sure.

So, even having a good idea of ​​how things are in Turkey, I decided to play it safe and talk with an expert in wedding ceremonies, Tuce Hanim, a clever and beautiful woman who works for the benefit of one of the most famous hotel chains, not only in the country, but and beyond.

"Hanim", of course, is not a surname, but a respectful prefix when referring to a woman or girl in Turkey. And for men, respectively, there will be "Bey". Well, like "Ivan Bey" :)

Let's make a reservation right away that Turkey is, of course, not our 1/8 part of the land, but it is also a very large country, for example, by Central European standards. And they inhabit it strongly different people and even peoples - if not Kurds, then, as a rule, collectively referred to as "Turks", each with its own foundations, traditions and rules.

In general, we are talking about the average picture enough common traditions, bearing in mind that it is simply impossible to enter them all into the top ten.

Therefore, our TOP-10 are a kind of cornerstone of Turkish wedding traditions.

1. Dowry or in Turkish "çeyiz" ("cheiz")...

Families of girls in Turkey begin to gather very, very ahead of time, almost from childhood. towels bed sheets, crockery, household and kitchen appliances - what you will not find there. However, there is an option for lazy people - ready-made chests (in the literal sense) with a dowry that can be bought in online stores. Progress, however, is not necessary "acquired over the years by overwork" ...

If someone thinks that the girl's family can easily jump off this topic, getting off " New Year's set sweets", then he is mistaken. Especially, the families of the grooms on the Black Sea coast, after the wedding, are very fond of visiting the house of the young, and the girl must lay out in front of them what she came to the groom's house with. They will discuss it, so they will discuss ...

2. Rings

Previously, everything in Turkey was like that of "people", that is, only ordinary wedding rings. But then Westerners came and, as always, ruined everything for everyone :)

First of all, for the grooms - by introducing into fashion rings made of gold with one diamond, the so-called "tek taşlı yüzük" ("tek tashly yuzük", that is, a ring with one stone and it is clear with which ...).

And now when a guy proposes to a girl, in romantic setting and kneeling down (if rheumatism does not torment :)), and if at the same time he is at a certain level of well-being, then the Turkish lady will already be waiting for this ring in a velvet box.

Well, he expects that she will accept the offer and put the ring on the ring finger of her right hand (do not confuse the girls).

In addition, there are also wedding rings of the usual form for us, which are worn during betrothal, over the first ring, on the same ring finger of the right hand.

After the wedding, the girl begins to wear both rings on the ring finger of her left hand.

Also, special pre-wedding thin gold wedding rings or, say, bracelets are sometimes used, instead of the usual wedding rings that are worn later.

3. Matchmaking or in Turkish "isteme ve söz" ("isteme ve söz")

The groom's family, in the fullest possible composition, goes to woo the bride with flowers (roses, as a rule) and special box sweets, as well as with a special, silver tray.

Which then long years kept as an important family heirloom. Not in the sense that "remember how I somehow cracked you on the head with this tray?" :)

The groom's father is wooing the bride's father, and the groom's job is to drink coffee without frowning, which, according to tradition, will be salty. He did not wince - it means that the "fighter" is ready for family difficulties.

Maybe there and future mother-in-law come to the rescue: they say, that's enough, everyone saw that you are "ready" :) But such mother-in-laws are worth their weight in gold...

The bride's business is to blush and be embarrassed, and not to rub her hands pretty :)

4. Betrothal or in Turkish "nişan" ("nishan")

The next step on the road to marriage may or may not be. It all depends on how young the "pipes are on fire" to formalize their relationship. If they are in a hurry, then immediately after the matchmaking they can set the date of the wedding.

The event can be organized both in a wide composition and in a narrow circle, both outside the home and at home. But in the latter case, in the traditional way, there will be the bride's house and all expenses associated with the betrothal are paid by the bride's family.

This is not altruism - the groom's family will "take the rap" for the wedding, that is, an order of magnitude more seriously.

5. Photo album

Needless to say, all stages thorny path newlyweds to become a full-fledged unit of society are recorded by professional photographers - matchmaking, engagement and apogee - the wedding itself.

To release later in several copies for both families photo albums, fixing the young in the most different interiors and exteriors, at home and in the open air. How full version, and "poketbuk".

6. Pre-wedding shopping

A very curious event, during which the groom's family takes the bride, and the bride's family takes the groom shopping and buys literally everything that comes across, and not only the bare necessities.

Brides buy dresses, jewelry and various cosmetics. Underwear should also be bought, but not all girls are ready for such a test - to buy something lace for themselves under the curious eyes of their betrothed's relatives, especially since there may be male representatives among them. Cousins ​​there or brothers.

By the way, few foreign brides know about this tradition, and their Turkish mothers-in-law can "squeeze" :)

For grooms, the bride's family also buys a long list of everything, but main accessory- this, in without fail, good brand watch. So that they "tick" all their lives.

7. Night of henna or "kına gecesi" ("kyna gedjesi")

If it came to the night of henna, then - "khana": a wedding is no longer just around the corner, but most likely the next day.

Henna night is a kind of bachelorette party in an oriental style, which was traditionally held at home. It is understandable, the girl says goodbye to her home and goes to the groom.

However, in last years this event from home is increasingly transferred outside it, and its organization is entrusted to professionals. They will already explain that the girl should cry louder if a laugher gets caught, and also that she needs to keep her hands clenched into fists and only when the future mother-in-law gives her a gold coin - to unclench in order to apply traditional henna drawing on both palms.

The groom and the "kunaki of a dzhigit in love", in principle, do not participate in the holiday. They have their own carols. But in Lately there has been a fashion for the male half to join the female half by the end of the evening.

8. "Rings and bracelets, skirts and jackets ..." (C)

Investment gold in Turkey is sold in the form of gold coins of a certain weight and is called "republican gold" ("cumhuriyet altını" or "dzhumhuriyet altını").

It is implemented in any jewelry store and there it can be sold back without question, according to the current prices per gram of the precious metal.

It is "republican gold" and gold bracelets - obligatory gift at a Turkish wedding. The bracelets are put on the hands of the bride, and the coins are put into a purse to turn the "unfortunate" girl into a collector by the end of the evening.

The only thing that should console her is that the gold is hers, and not the groom's "reserve fund" or "national wealth fund".

9. Spa treatments

These include a joint trip of the bride and her girlfriends to the Turkish bath - hamam ("hamam"), where they not only bathe, wash and peel, but also have fun in all ways available to the fair sex.

And of course, a joint trip to the hairdresser on the day of the wedding. And here the groom will pay for everything - for the bride, mother-in-law and all the girlfriends. Haircuts, styling, manicures and pedicures - everything your heart desires for the entire female team.

He is shaved solemnly and with special care.

All this solemn action, of course, is recorded on photo and video cameras to become an important part of the wedding album.

10. Who is knocking on my door?

Around the doors wedding cultures any peoples, including the Turkish, have accumulated a lot of all sorts of different beliefs.

Here, for example, when the groom calls for the bride on the wedding day, then the child will surely open it and begin to gypsy money. And without this, the groom will not be allowed inside.

Again, let's sympathize with the groom, who these days should have a very thick "shovel".

And already after the wedding, when the young people come to their home, a glass breaks on the threshold of their house to leave all quarrels on the threshold. A little bit of oil is applied to the door frame, so that everything goes "like clockwork" for the young. And bread is broken over the bride's head - so that there is prosperity in the family.

In general, while you enter the apartment, you will have to pretty "stomp" on the threshold :)

I caught myself thinking that I was already ready to write about what happens next. But since further events unfold at least individually, but traditionally for lovers of all countries of the world, then I end my top ten here :)

Have a good mood and love each other! If you have any questions, please contact :)

See you on the blog pages and do not forget to subscribe to it!

Turkey is a country with very strong traditions. The whole local life is saturated with traditions, from the little things (what to eat for breakfast and what to cook this season) to key events in each family (birth of a child, wedding, death of loved ones).

The most striking event is, of course, the wedding. Once you have been to a good Turkish wedding, where all the details prescribed by your grandfathers are observed and not a single detail is left without attention, you will never forget such a wedding.

Turkish wedding lasts more than one evening and even more than one day. A Turkish wedding is a process, and it can take years. I will now explain why. Before the young people put their signatures in the thick book of the local registry office, and they are issued a marriage certificate or, as it is called here in Turkey, “family wallet” (aile cuzdanı), they must pass quite a few “tests”. Firstly, this is an official acquaintance of the families of the bride and groom. Then the engagement. Then the women's trip to the Turkish bath, hammam. And finally, the night of henna - a Turkish bachelorette party. Read more about the holiday

These traditions are the respect of families for each other, a memory that remains for a lifetime, and a test of strength. Anyone can rashly run to the registry office, but not everyone can consistently go through all the stages of the formation of a future young family. Therefore, the decision to marry the Turks is thoughtfully approached, sometimes the adoption of this decision lasts five, eight and even ten years. And do not think that all this time young people live together. For Turkey, “civil marriage” is nonsense. Do you want to live together? Get married! If you don't want to get married, date. These rules apply even in the most free-thinking families.

So, the decision is made: the wedding - to be! Families met and liked each other. The girl was solemnly asked from her father or from the eldest in the family. They played the engagement, the young exchanged rings (about the engagement -). good groom gave his bride a beautiful ring, certainly one-pebble ( tek tas), where the pebble, of course, is a diamond. Without such a ring, not every Turkish woman will agree to get married, because her mother did not just give birth to her ...

There are pre-wedding chores, and first of all, the choice of a venue for the celebration. In Turkey, there is a concept wedding salon» (d üğün salonu). This is a huge room, designed for 200 - 1000 guests, and sometimes more (yes, there are numerous weddings in Turkey!). This is a restaurant, and a concert hall, and a dance floor - all together, if only the guests were happy. Most Turkish weddings are held in such salons - it is convenient and "so accepted".

It is worth mentioning right away that the registration of marriage (in Turkish "nikah" - nikah) and the wedding itself (“duyun” - dugun) are still different things. It happens that young people do not want to arrange a large-scale celebration and quietly sign at the local registry office. This is nikah. It happens that they first sign, and then, after a few days, weeks or months, they play a wedding. And it happens that they sign right in the wedding salon in front of hundreds of guests. This, of course, is the most exciting option... All the guests gather at the appointed hour, take their seats, suddenly solemn music begins to play, and the groom leads the bride out of the secret room. They slowly walk towards the stage. There - beautiful table and like royal chairs with high backs. The registry office worker says solemn speech, whose content is the same all over the world, asks the young people about their readiness to share life with each other and finally declares them husband and wife. Tears, applause. Calling a civil servant to a restaurant does not cost separate money, in Turkey this is the norm. When submitting documents, the bride and groom are asked where they want to hold the ceremony - in a wedding salon or in the registry office. That is why young people often sign at seven, eight and even nine in the evening, and they worry all day before that.

Turkey is a country at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and it’s not for me to tell you that there are deeply religious people here who live according to the laws of religion and are free from any religious restrictions. In this regard, weddings in Turkey are different, but each of them is interesting in its own way, and they have a lot in common: the large number of guests, the radiance of gold and cheerful dances until you drop.

I propose to break Turkish weddings into conditional groups, so it will be easier for us to figure it out.

1. C wedding traditional, Muslim. The bride will certainly be covered with a headscarf (kapalı), like most of the women at this wedding. The bride's dress will, of course, be white, but completely closed - with long sleeves and without unnecessary cutouts, as befits a Muslim woman. A satin red ribbon - kuşak, a symbol of her innocence, will be tied around her waist. Such a most traditional wedding is characterized by a huge, shocking number of guests - from 400 to several thousand. "Who are all these people?" - you will be amazed. Relatives - close and not so close, relatives of relatives, friends and friends of friends, residents of a district or village, and they come to the wedding with their whole families ... Not many simple Turkish families can financially “pull” a wedding in the usual sense, when the feast is high. Hence the consequence - at a traditional Turkish wedding, as a rule, there is no food and, of course, alcohol. Guests are offered a "national Turkish" drink - "Coca-Cola" or other chemical lemonades, nuts, cookies and cake. Guests come to the wedding not to have fun, but to congratulate the newlyweds. Each family gives money or gold - special coins of different weights, bracelets and chains. The closer the relative, the more expensive the gift. All gifts are literally hung on the bride or groom - bracelets are put on the bride's hands, chains are on the neck, coins and money are pinned to the dress or suit. At the end of the celebration, the young wife and husband may look like Christmas trees hung with jewels.

Last year at a wedding in Eskisehir, the groom's uncle told me about another wedding that amazed even him. That wedding took place in a village near Eskisehir, 2.5 thousand people walked on it. The guests ate four huge cauldrons with rice and 300 kilograms of meat - a cow was slaughtered especially for the wedding ... The young people were presented with 40 thousand Turkish liras and a lot of gold, perhaps even several kilograms.

2. Traditional wedding. This wedding can go the same way as the first one on our list. Unless the bride will not have a scarf and the dress can be with open shoulders and even with a light neckline. A red satin ribbon can also be tied around her waist, but this will not always mean that she is innocent ... I know several stories when young people signed at the registry office, and the wedding was played only a year later (and this happens in Turkey). On White dress brides still tied a red sash, only in this case it is already a tribute to traditions. At a traditional wedding, guests can be offered a full meal - snacks, a hot dish, a cake. Only there will be no alcohol here either, which, however, will not prevent the young friends of the bride and groom from drinking anyway, spilling strong alcohol on the sly.

3. Liberal wedding, let's call it that. This is a wedding of free-thinking Turks, not bound by any religious restrictions. Such a wedding can also take place in a salon or in a restaurant in a large hotel. At this wedding, most likely, there will not be a thousand guests, "the closest" will be invited here - about 200 people. They will be offered cold and hot appetizers, main course, cake, alcohol. The bride chooses a dress to her liking.

4. luxury wedding wedding of the rich and famous. Local media like to talk about such celebrations. Such weddings are often held in Istanbul, Izmir, in expensive Turkish resorts - in restaurants and five-star hotels, on yachts. The wedding can be styled as a traditional one, local and foreign celebrities can perform at it, and the number of guests varies depending on the preferences of the bride and groom...

We have seen how different weddings are in Turkey. But they also have a lot in common. The main thing is the atmosphere of unbridled fun, incendiary dances to folk and modern music; the glitter of gold and, of course, the shining faces of two loving people who decided to connect their lives forever.

Russian guests who are at a Turkish wedding can be shocked by flower ... wreaths. In our culture, such wreaths are given for funerals, but in Turkey - for any solemn event. If this is a wedding, the ribbons will be bright. If the funeral is black.

Often the cake at large Turkish weddings is made ... plastic. Young people only imitate the fact that they cut a huge cake, but in reality it is hidden in an artificial layout. small piece with which they publicly feed each other. The Turks explain this by saying that it is impossible to divide the figured cake into an even number of pieces, so they bake flat, and as an element wedding evening an artificial one is taken to the guests.

In general, there will be a Turkish wedding nearby - do not miss it!

A Turkish wedding is a beautiful and amazing spectacle that has absorbed best traditions European and Asian culture. Turkey is a Muslim country, but European culture takes a leading place here. Nevertheless, national spirit and Western trends are in perfect harmony with each other, turning into an amazing wedding celebration.

In addition to the main type of marriage, there are three more types of marriage in Turkey. The first of these allows the younger unmarried brother to marry the widow of his elder brother. blood brother. The second type of Turkish marriage allows relatives to marry. The third type is a double wedding, when the groom's sister marries the bride's brother.

Marriage in Turkey can only be performed when the spouses reach a certain age. The suitable age for marriage is from 28 to 30 years old, it is recommended to get married from 17 to 23 years old.

How to negotiate a wedding

In Turkey, modern and traditional forging a relationship coexist perfectly. In big cities, young people independently agree on marriage, after which they notify their parents of their decision. When they bless the union, preparations for the wedding begin.

In small Turkish villages, it is still customary to use the services of matchmakers. They are invited to the bride's house by the groom's relatives. Matchmakers are considering potential bride, and if they like her, they report the guy's intention to marry her. In both cases, an engagement is scheduled in Turkey, after which the celebration of the marriage itself follows.

The pre-wedding period is very interesting for its rites and rituals. The wedding celebration begins with the acquisition by the groom jewelry for my future wife. Gifts must be rich and valuable, and the groom also pays wedding attire bride and buys gifts for her mother. Offerings fall on the day of the engagement, when the newlyweds are betrothed. On this day, wedding rings are put on their fingers, which are connected by a red thread. She is not circumcised until the wedding vows are pronounced by the young. After that, the real celebration begins, which can drag on for several weeks.

The Turkish engagement and the wedding itself can have quite a long gap in time. Sometimes, after getting engaged, young people live together for several years without getting married in order to get to know each other better. Preparing for a wedding ceremony in Turkey also does not go quickly and can last almost three months.

wedding ceremonies

Perhaps the most amazing ritual in the Turkish wedding ceremony is the Henna Night. It takes place a couple of days before the wedding. At this time, the feet and backs of the hands of the girl are painted with henna. This wedding ceremony in Turkey is highly revered and originates from ancient times. It takes place in a special room where only females are allowed.

A candle is lit in the center of the room and a plate with diluted henna powder is placed next to it and covered with a scarlet scarf. Such a ceremony is a symbol of the girl's farewell to her youth and her stepfather's house, so tears of joy and sadness are heard here, as well as Turkish wedding songs. The bride wears a velvet dress embroidered with gold threads. After the dyeing procedure, she puts red gloves on her hands and sits down at the table with her relatives. Occasionally, the palms of the young are decorated with mehendi painting, which is preserved until the wedding celebration.

The cost of the wedding falls entirely on the shoulders of the groom, and the feast itself begins on Tuesday or Thursday and lasts for several days. Relatives send out invitations, and the mother collects the dowry of the Turkish bride.

The wedding day begins with a prayer, after which all those invited gather in the groom's house, and the Wedding Banner is raised. The last attribute is a sign to start the celebration. Then everyone goes for the bride, but the groom does not have the right to participate in this procession, he arrives separately. The young woman is girded with a "girdle of virginity" and is not allowed out of the house until the groom ransoms her. After that, the young go to the groom's house. On the way, the young can arrange all sorts of intrigues. The most popular of them is to throw a lamb with tied legs in her way. The girl needs to cope with it on her own, thereby showing that she is strong enough to lead household. But this custom was preserved only in villages remote from Turkish cities.

On the threshold of a new home, the mother-in-law meets the young people and at this time gifts are presented for the Turkish newlyweds for the wedding. In some regions of Turkey, a rather unusual tradition of the first meeting of the mother-in-law and the bride has been preserved. To get into the house, the bride had to crawl between her mother-in-law's legs, which is a symbol of humility and obedience.

Then the groom, together with his friends, goes to shave, get a haircut and go to the bathhouse, and then takes the finished wedding suit. Then everyone gathers for evening prayer, holds the marriage ceremony and begins the feast. When the first day of the wedding ends, the young retire to the marriage room. Turkish wedding rites are closely associated with the innocence and purity of the bride. She must be a virgin, otherwise the groom's relatives can return her back to her parents.

wedding celebrations

Many people are interested in how weddings are held in Turkey. This is a delightful action filled with unrestrained dance rhythm. The modern celebration lasts two days with a variety of rituals. But, perhaps, the most striking in the Turkish wedding ceremony can be called a dance. Music consists only of the sound of a pipe and a drum roll.

The traditions of Turkish wedding dances are such that dances take place all two days, both in the groom's house and in the bride's house. It's a lot of fun, as the folk music and energy of the Turks is contagious.

On the first day, all the festivities take place on the street, so up to five thousand people can gather here. There is no big feast on this day, guests are offered some snacks and soft drinks. The question of what to wear for a Turkish wedding is not acute for guests, since on the first day everyone dances and has fun in a relaxed atmosphere on the street. At the beginning of the celebration, the bride and groom also do not dress smartly.

On the second day, as a rule, the parents of the newlyweds book a salon where they invite a smaller number of guests and treat them with all the hospitality. Guests dress beautifully here, and wedding clothes in Turkey for newlyweds take on an expensive and luxurious look. Modern Turkish women rarely wear National costumes. As in European countries, it is also customary to marry in white here. puffy dress. Grooms most often come to the wedding in classic suits fashionable cut.

In most cases, Turkish wedding omens and the wedding itself has lost its originality. The country was Europeanized, and modern wedding trends relegated to the background national traditions. But everything is also fun and noisy at Turkish weddings, the girls are still modest and shy, and the men are energetic and proud. This is especially noticeable in their dances, which do not stop throughout all the days of the wedding.

A wedding in the life of every couple in love is perhaps one of the most significant and exciting events. Every nation has its own customs and traditions. In this article, we will talk about how a wedding takes place in Turkey, what preparations precede this important event, and other interesting details of a wedding in this amazing country.

A little about Turkey

Turkey is a beautiful and unique country.

Anyone who has been there at least once, having plunged into an unforgettable atmosphere, will never forget it. All local life is thoroughly saturated with traditions passed down from generation to generation. Turkey is very proud of them, trying to honor and not forget them.

The customs of the country were formed from a mixture of different ethnic groups. The predominant religion in Turkey is Islam (about 80% of the population professes it). It is he who defines the key concepts and norms in the way of life of the bulk of modern Turks. Religion plays a fundamental role in human relationships and forms traditions in all aspects human life: the birth of a child, seeing off loved ones in last way, wedding customs in Turkey, etc.

Very strong in the country family traditions. The man is the key figure in the family. A woman has, albeit somewhat less rights - she also enjoys great respect from her relatives. Recently, under the influence of Western civilization, women and men are increasingly equal in rights. Especially the influence of the West is felt in large cities. In rural areas, ancient customs are preserved with greater care.


Family life begins with marriage. After two lovers put wedding rings on each other's fingers, and this fact is officially registered, begins living together husband and wife. Of course, many couples different countries they now live without a stamp in their passports, while they give birth to joint children, but no one has yet canceled the institution of the family. How are things going with the registration of marriage in Turkey?

IN this issue Turks are very principled and old-fashioned. Islam is a religion of strict morals, and liberties are not allowed here. Turks adhere to ancient customs, and fashion trends other peoples have little to do with them. " Civil marriage”, so popular already in many countries of the world, is a rarity for Turkey. Here, even in the most free-thinking couples, it is not customary to start a family without registering a marriage. A wedding in Turkey is usually required condition for people living together, building a common life and having children. If two young (or not so young) people decide to live together, sharing all the joys and difficulties, they get married. If the couple is not married, they are at the stage of "meeting", while having a separate life.

wedding preparations

Turks take this very seriously. important issue. Each couple expects that their choice will be right and the family will be created once and for all life. Therefore, everything is carefully thought out, and there is no place for rash decisions. In fact, this is correct, since it often happens that marriage, committed under the influence of a momentary passion, often ends in divorce.

A wedding in Turkey is an event planned with great care. The ceremony itself is preceded by a lot various stages and preparations. Stages of formation future family begin long before marriage. Sometimes it takes more than one year until the young lovers reach the registry office. What are these stages?

Well, firstly, this, of course, is the emergence of joint sympathy. When young people understand that they like each other so much that you can already think about getting married, the stage of getting to know your parents follows. The families of the bride and groom officially meet in order to get to know each other better, figure out what their main values ​​are, and understand whether the newlyweds can create a happy family.

This is followed by an engagement (which will be discussed in more detail here), a visit by women to a Turkish bath and a bachelorette party. All these stages are a tribute to traditions, a test of strength, a memory that remains for a lifetime.


A wedding in Turkey is always preceded by an engagement. Since it is not yet an official marriage registration, each family can conduct it differently. There are no strict rules in this regard. Some families set the table and invite friends. Others rent a bridal salon. And some young people simply put rings on each other, but always in the family circle. The groom usually gives his bride a ring with one stone, usually a diamond. Not all Turkish women will agree to marriage without this.

An engagement (in Turkish "nishan") is, in fact, voicing an agreement about one's intentions in front of everyone. Therefore, the families of the bride and groom, or at least the parents of young people, must be present at this event. Very often, during the engagement, plans for the future life of the young and relationships between families are discussed, many organizational issues are resolved.

An engagement, just like a wedding in Turkey, is a very serious event in the life of the young. Nowadays, in big cities, after an official engagement, young people can decide to live together. But in families with strict views or in small villages joint life possible only after marriage. In Turkey, traditions are very strong and are sacredly observed by many families.

Henna night before Turkish wedding

Henna night in Turkey before the wedding is a ritual that all brides go through. After the girl's dowry was delivered to the groom's house, and the bride (according to ancient customs) visited the bathhouse, taking a "ablution" before the wedding, a special holiday called "Henna Night" begins. This ancient rite, which can happen to a girl only once in her entire life.

"Henna Night" is held in the women's part of the house, where the young wife will live after the wedding (as a rule, this is the groom's house). Men at this time gather separately, celebrating this event in their own way.

The ritual of this night is very beautiful and shrouded in magic. The bride puts on a special dress called a bindalli. It is very expensive and luxurious. It is all covered with beautiful embroidery in traditional style made by hand. This dress is carefully preserved and passed on to the next generations for the ceremony.

Further, the girl's face is covered with a red veil with sparkles and sequins. Henna for the ritual on a silver tray with two lit candles is brought by the groom's relatives. The future mother-in-law rolls out a roll of silk fabric under the bride's feet. The bride and her bridesmaids walk around the assembled guests, holding lighted candles in their hands. At this time, the guests shower the girl's head with coins as a symbol of wealth and fertility. After walking around the guests on a rolled silk roll future daughter-in-law approaches the mother of the groom and bows his head, expressing his respect and reverence, while kissing the hand future mother-in-law.

Then they bring refreshments to the guests, sad traditional songs are heard that cause tears in the bride, which are considered the key to a happy married life. The groom's mother pours a spoonful of henna into the girl's palms and puts a gold coin into them.

The culmination of this rite is the henna painting of the palms, fingertips and thumbs on the bride's feet. This is done by the woman who is most fortunate in marriage. Henna is also used to paint the hands of unmarried bridesmaids.

Traditional Turkish wedding

Organization of a wedding in Turkey begins with choosing a venue for the celebration. Since marriages in this country are usually numerous, there are many specialized salons designed for a large number of guests (up to a thousand, or even more). This is very convenient, since there is a restaurant, a dance floor, and a concert hall in the same room.

Getting married and getting married are two different things. There is just a painting in the registry office without magnificent celebrations. It also happens that at first young people sign, and later they play a wedding. But the most exciting scenario is when the painting is done in a wedding salon in the presence of guests.

At a traditional Turkish wedding, in observance of religious customs, the bride will necessarily be covered with a head covering, like most other women. Long sleeves, no extra cutouts, as well as tied around the waist satin ribbon red color, as a symbol of innocence - only a true Muslim woman can afford such a dress. If the wedding is traditional, but the family is not particularly religious, then the bride may not have a scarf on her head, and the dress may have a small neckline and bare her shoulders.

The number of guests at such a wedding can amaze foreigners who are not used to such a scale. Relatives, friends, residents of the area - the total number can reach several thousand people. It is not always possible to feed all the guests, so traditional drinks and sweets are offered as treats. Families with a large income can afford a full meal. However, in any case, there will be no pork and alcohol at the Turkish wedding.

By the way, the wedding of the year in Turkey, when the daughter of the president of the country married a businessman, belongs to the luxurious celebrations of the rich and famous, which are often stylized precisely as a traditional ceremony. The first persons of the state are obliged to honor the customs, therefore, in all the significant events of their lives, they adhere to the traditions of the country in which they live.

A photo of a wedding in Turkey is presented below.

We go further. What do they give for a wedding in Turkey? The traditional gift is money and gold. The closer the relatives, the more expensive the gifts. Various jewelry, bracelets, chains are worn directly on the young, money is also pinned to clothes. By the end of the celebration, the newlyweds look like Christmas trees, decorated with valuable gifts.

Non-traditional wedding

Free-thinking Turks, not particularly adherent to religious dogmas, prefer a liberal wedding. It differs from the traditional one in several ways.

The first is the number of guests. Here you are unlikely to see thousands of guests, most likely only the closest people (up to 200 people) will attend the celebration. Guests are invited, as a rule, either to the wedding salon or to the restaurant of a large hotel.

Secondly, as a treat, guests will be offered complete diet(various drinks, cold appetizers, main course, hot, cake), and most importantly, alcohol will be present at this holiday, which is unacceptable at a traditional Muslim wedding.

Thirdly, this is the bride's dress. In this case, the girl's fantasy will not be limited certain color and style. At a liberal wedding, the bride can choose any dress she likes.

Both at a traditional and at a liberal wedding for Russian people who are not privy to the subtleties Turkish customs, the presence of wreaths at the celebration can be a shock. If it is customary for us to give them for much less pleasant occasion, namely on the occasion of a funeral, then in Turkey wreaths of flowers are presented to any solemn event. On the occasion of the wedding, the ribbons will be bright, and on the wreaths intended for funerals, they will be black.

A notable event at a Turkish wedding is the taking out of the cake. If there are a lot of invited guests, the cake is often made of plastic (or rather, its layout). The newlyweds only imitate cutting it. IN artificial version treats hidden a small piece of the present. Young people publicly treat each other to them. The Turks explain this by the fact that it is very difficult to divide a figured cake into an equal number of guests, so the real one is baked flat. And artificial - is just a festive element of a gala evening.

A liberal wedding in Turkey, the photo that illustrates this event below, is not much different from the Western one.

Russian wedding in Turkey

For foreigners who want to plunge into the colorful atmosphere of another country, refreshing their feelings with a partner, there is one great offer - a symbolic wedding in Turkey. She does not assume official registration, but can recreate a magical ceremony with accuracy to the smallest detail. This celebration will become a real romantic fairy tale for two. You can act as screenwriters yourself, or you can contact a special agency that will tell you the most successful ideas and take over the organization of the entire holiday. Recently, it has become very fashionable to hold such ceremonies abroad. A symbolic wedding in Turkey is a really good way to experience new sensations, better experience the traditions of the country, and also feel like a newlywed again.

For those who wish to hold a real wedding ceremony in Turkey, nothing is impossible either. Despite the fact that the main religion of this country is Islam, many Orthodox churches have survived in Turkey. That is, the Russians Orthodox people there is an opportunity to hold a wedding ceremony in one of them.

Kurdish wedding in Turkey

About 15 million Kurds live in Turkey. This one of the oldest peoples of the Middle East has its own customs and customs. For example, there is such a tradition - to betroth babies immediately after their birth. When the betrothed reach the age when they can marry, they are married.

A Kurdish girl can choose her own husband. However, if her choice did not coincide with the parental one, she has no right to resist. A father or brother can force a girl to marry.

Kurdish weddings last from three days up to a week. They differ in that they sing a lot. The songs are called brig and are performed by folk singers.

A Kurdish wedding is not cheap, so money is saved up in advance. If the relatives of the bride and groom are geographically far from each other, two weddings are celebrated. Treat guests with rice and meat. For these purposes, several rams or calves are specially slaughtered. Traditional gifts are money or sheep. Wedding expenses, as a rule, thanks to generous gifts, pay off in full.

The wedding is played in the spring. The festival is held in tents at a wooden table on wooden benches. Men and women celebrate the holiday in different tents. Boys serve drinks and food to the men. One of the corners of the house or tent is separated by a curtain. Here the newlyweds will spend their first wedding night.


Now you know a little about the wedding in Turkey. Reviews about this ceremony from those people who had the pleasure of watching it are the most positive. In whatever style a Turkish wedding takes place, it is always chic and fun. Turks love to celebrate in a big way. The atmosphere of unrestrained fun, the sea of ​​songs and dances, the glitter of gold - all this is present in abundance at the wedding celebration. Residents of Turkey believe that as you play a wedding, this will be the life of the young, so they put their whole soul into this event and try to do everything to the maximum.

Those young people who are imbued with the wedding traditions of this unforgettable country have the opportunity to experience all the delights and nuances of the celebration. You can have a real wedding in Turkey. For those who prefer to register a marriage in their homeland, and in Turkey they just want to refresh their emotions and feelings, you can celebrate a symbolic wedding. In any case, this event will forever remain in your memory as the most beautiful and unforgettable.

What does it look like traditional wedding in Turkey? Each country has its own wedding customs, which are one of the most striking examples of its culture. For example, in Turkey, incredibly popular among Russian girls, the couple should pass long stage preparation. Today we will try to describe at least in general terms this important event for each of us.

Bride and matchmaking

Finding the right bride is the first and most milestone preparing for a Turkish wedding. Having learned about the son's desire to marry, the family immediately announces this to all relatives, neighbors and even simple acquaintances. Within a few days, almost the entire environment of the groom is connected to the search for the ideal candidate.

On a note! Perhaps the only exception to this rule make up major metropolitan areas. They are more subject to the influence of modern European culture than underdeveloped regions, and therefore marriages in them are entered into for love, and not at the will of matchmakers.

Having found the right girl, a young man, accompanied by several relatives, goes to the so-called bride. This ceremony, which in Turkey is called "gorucu chykma", "kyz bakma" or "dunur gezme", allows the groom to better consider the potential bride and tell her about his intentions. Brides are held on Thursdays and Fridays - these days are considered the most favorable for such ceremonies. At the end of the ceremony, the girl takes a time out, during which her parents try to collect as much as possible more information about future relatives.

When mutual agreement it comes to matchmaking (“isteme ve söz”), in which not only the groom’s parents take part, but also respected residents of a particular area. Its obligatory attribute is roses, sweets and a silver tray - they are presented by the groom's family. Interestingly, consent to the marriage is not given immediately. To get the coveted “yes” from the girl’s parents, the guy, along with the matchmakers, will have to visit their house several times.

At the end of isteme ve söz, the bride prepares salty coffee and carefully monitors the reaction of her betrothed. It is believed that if a guy drinks a drink without complaining, he will make a good husband. The meeting ends with the choice of an engagement date.

Flowers and sweets required attributes Turkish matchmaking

Conclusion of an agreement

After the Goruju Chykma ceremony, relatives on both sides conclude a marriage contract. In some regions of the country, this ritual is called a small betrothal. Before signing the document, the father of the young man presents the girl with a ring and special handkerchief, the edges of which are trimmed with gold or silver. Then both parties appoint the amount of bride price and gifts for the bride.

On a note! In some regions of Turkey, the traditional kalym was replaced by the “mother's right”, according to which the groom gives the future mother-in-law a certain amount of money. The size of the gift varies depending on the financial condition of the families.

Then the relatives from the groom's side treat everyone present with sweets. As a rule, the guy himself cannot be present at this ceremony - this is a long tradition that is valid even today.

Betrothal or engagement

The next obligatory stage of preparation in the wedding ceremony is the engagement, invitations to which are received by all relatives, friends and neighbors. The engagement takes place in the girl's house, but the cost of celebrating it is borne by the guy. According to Turkish law, women and men celebrate this significant event separately from each other (in their own halves of the house). True, at the present time, few people adhere to the old customs, so engagements are increasingly held together in specially rented salons.

Finishing holiday dinner the mother and other relatives of the groom present gold jewelry to the bride. Then one of the older members of the family betroths the lovers with rings (put on middle finger right hand) and wishes them happiness, understanding and well-being. One unshakable requirement is put forward for women's jewelry - it must be with a diamond. Otherwise, the girl may not give consent to marriage.

A ring with a diamond - best gift Turkish bride

There are no clear rules of conduct that young people must adhere to after betrothal. It all depends on the agreements drawn up by their relatives. So, residents of big cities are calm about the fact that the bride and groom see each other before the wedding. But in the provinces, such meetings take place only with the permission of the parents and only in the presence of elders.

On a note! In the event of a break in the engagement, it was almost impossible for both the boy and the girl to find a mate in this district. As for material losses, they were divided as follows. If the girl refused the wedding, she returned all the gifts received from him to the groom's family. If the engagement was broken off by the guy, everything donated went to the former bride.

wedding ceremony

The wedding ritual in Turkey consists of several parts - a night of henna, putting on a veil, taking the bride from her father's house, hanging a flag and a marriage room. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Kyna gedjesi

Kyna gedjesi or henna night is last night which the bride spends at her parents' house. That evening, neighbors, friends and relatives from both sides gather in the girl's home. Dry henna is bred in a silver or copper bowl brought from the groom's house. By tradition, this procedure is entrusted to a young woman whose father and mother are alive. ready mix to the tune of folk songs, they are applied to the heels and hands of the bride. The girl's face is covered with a red veil. A mandatory item of the program is the money that the groom's family must leave in the hands of the bride. Then most of the guests go home, and the bride with her friends and close relatives have fun until the morning.

On a note! In some cities, henna night is held not only for the bride, but also for the groom.

Picking up a girl from her parents' house
Everyone can take part in the ceremony of picking up the bride from the parents' house. If the girl lives near the guy's house, they go to pick her up on foot. Otherwise, they go by car. At the same time, those present must have a flag, a zurna and a drum with them. The preparation of the bride (dress and hair) is done by her daughters-in-law, but modern Turkish women increasingly trust this mission professional stylists and hairdressers.

Having given the bride the opportunity to say goodbye to her family, one of the close men puts a red virginity belt around her waist. To take the bride out of the house, the groom's representatives pay a ransom to her family. After walking around the neighborhood to the sounds of davul and zurna, the groom leads the chosen one to his house. On the threshold they are met by the mother-in-law, who presents the daughter-in-law with another gift. After that, the guy in his arms carries her over the threshold. A few hours later friends young man take him to the traditional shaving, bathing and dressing ceremony. Then the groom goes to the mosque for the night prayer. At the end of it, the maul performs a special Muslim rite that makes the marriage legal and gives the guy the right to enter the bride's room.

Flying the flag

While the groom is in the hands of the mula, relatives and friends who have returned from the mosque set up the wedding flag. In some cases, an onion, an apple, a pear, etc. are pierced on its crown. After the solemn hanging of the banner, the wedding celebration is considered to be open.

marriage room

At this stage, an elderly woman, who has been next to the bride all this time, passes her hands into the hands of the groom. He performs the traditional prayer for Turkey and gives his newly-made wife a gift that allows him to open the veil. Then the newlyweds have dinner - usually with what was brought from the bride's house.

This is followed by the most important moment of the wedding - the loss of virginity by the bride. Once upon a time, this event was of great importance. Now the requirements for Turkish girls have been softened somewhat, although in some provinces they remain just as strict. So if after wedding night the husband did not see the blood, which is considered the main evidence of female innocence, the girl was immediately sent to her parents' house. In other cases, the bride wore nice outfit and continued to have fun in the company of her friends, showing the dirty sheet to everyone present. Fortunately, over time, the Turks abandoned this wild custom in the eyes of a European. Now it exists only in a few regions.

A traditional Turkish wedding lasts 3 days - from Tuesday to Thursday or from Friday to Sunday. All expenses are paid by the groom's family. As with the engagement, "entrance" to the ceremony is by invitation only. IN last hours before the ceremony in the groom's house, the preparation of the next gifts is completed, and in the bride's house the dowry, which has been collected almost since her birth, is hastily packed.

On a note! As a dowry for Turkish girls, towels, dishes, kitchen and Appliances, bed linen and other things necessary for a comfortable life. By the way, it is not at all necessary to collect them with overwork - you can safely use the services of online stores that sell ready-made chests for brides.

As you can see, a wedding in Turkey is a long and carefully planned event. The stages of the formation of a future family begin long before the marriage, and the marriage ceremony itself is preceded by several important points. Sometimes it takes more than one year until the lovers reach the registry office, so when you are going to marry a Turk, you need to be prepared for any turn of events.
