Skin color types. How to determine the color type of appearance: simple rules

Why is so much attention paid to the issue of the color type of appearance today? First of all, because, knowing your natural colors, you can easily choose clothes and cosmetics, arrange a favorable environment for yourself. The overall impression of our appearance, inner peace and mood depends on how we harmonize or dissonate with the surrounding shades.

If you are still worried about this issue, then consider the main reasons. Knowing your color type will allow you to:

  • choose the perfect outfits and accessories;
  • successfully hide their imperfections and focus on the merits;
  • combinations different colors, which are offered by stylists for women of each color type separately, are carefully selected among themselves. This makes it easier for a woman to find the perfect combination of clothes and make-up.

12 appearance color types

The division of appearance into four main types is far from new trend. However, even 4 color types are not enough to characterize the appearance of each person, so not so long ago it was customary to divide each color type into 3 more types. A total of 12 color types were obtained. Moreover, nothing depends on the desire to correspond to a certain type. Since belonging to seasonal group already embedded in the very appearance.

To understand which color type you belong to, you should dwell on each of them separately.


This appearance is built on contrasts, since in winter our eyes are practically deprived of the opportunity to see the spectral palette. Black and white, white and red, all shades of the northern lights - this is the most suitable range for a given type. The main feature of the winter color type is cold colors and high contrast in appearance, for example, very fair skin and dark hair.

In turn, this color type is divided into dark, cold and bright winters. Consider each type separately, its features and characteristics (hair, eye and skin color). This will help you understand if you are a winter color type and, if so, which type.

Autumn is golden time

So it is in the appearance of women belonging to this type: red up to red, sparkling chestnut or Brown hair, skin shimmering with a golden tint, eyes of warm shades - these are the most character traits autumn beauty. This appearance is warm and inviting, usually lends itself well to tanning. This color type is divided into soft, warm and dark autumn. Below I have described each of these types. Check it out! Perhaps you will find yourself among them.


Its owners have delicate, almost transparent skin with small areas of blush on the cheeks and chin. Cognac, gold, rye or light brown hair complements spring image. And the eyes are exceptionally light: blue, gray, green, light brown. Eyebrows and eyelashes are light, lips are of warm shades: apricot, coral tones, with a bronze sheen. Spring is divided into bright, warm and light. Now consider each of the spring types.


Such people are most often endowed with a light skin tone: beige, pinkish, grayish. Hair can be ashen, light brown or pale brown tones. The eyes are brown, but more often they are green, blue and gray. Light pink lips contrast against the background bright eyes, this subtype responds well to tanning. The summer color type is divided into light, cold and soft. If you still have not determined your appearance color type, then see below. You may be here. The summer color type is the most common in our latitudes.

Determining the color type (video)

If you still have doubts which of the 12 color types you belong to, then watch this video.

By carefully examining your appearance, you can accurately determine what time of year you can attribute yourself to. The natural color of your reflection in the mirror is the most reliable guide in the world of clothing and cosmetics, thanks to which it is easy to find harmonious combinations without compromising your innate charm.

Clothing selection

Once you have determined your color type, it's time to figure out what colors of clothes suit you. We have 4 main color types. Each of them has its own suitable shades of color. Each main color type means 3 types, where the colors differ in their saturation and harmonious combination. Thus, we get 12 different combinations.


Winter is characterized by contrasts. Here it is important to observe priority in choosing the most distant shades:

  • White and black;
  • light yellow and chocolate;
  • blue, green and burgundy in combination with white.

A winter woman can afford a plain outfit, creating an accent in the form of bright manicure or juicy lipstick berry shade. Depending on which winter type you are, the colors may change. I propose to consider each separately.

dark winter

Cold winter

bright winter

Below I presented what images in clothes fit the winter color type. The shade of color can be changed depending on your winter type of appearance.


The colors for autumn correspond to the color variety that nature itself shows us. Autumn is compatible with almost every complex combination: from chocolate with orange to bottle with blue. The main shades recommended for this appearance:

  • thick or diluted green;
  • almost all variations of red, burgundy;
  • light and dark chocolate, nut;
  • yellow, lemon;
  • deep and pale blue;
  • orange, beige.

All these colors have different shades depending on the specific autumn type.

soft autumn

Warm autumn

Below is an example of a combination of colors in clothes for the autumn color type.


The spring color type can afford warm colors, in which the intensity of the paint is reduced. All shades are soft and light:

  • peach and orange;
  • salad, pale turquoise;
  • light green;
  • beige, bottle;
  • white;
  • soft brown.

Suitable colors for every spring type.

bright spring

warm spring

bright spring

An example of a combination of colors in clothes for the spring color type is presented below.


The summer woman is also not deprived of the opportunity to add variety to her appearance. Combinations of cold colors are available to her:

  • pink, burgundy;
  • lilac and purple;
  • blue;
  • light and dark gray;
  • steel, graphite;
  • muted blue.

Depending on the summer type Color shades may vary.

bright summer

Cold summer

soft summer

How to combine colors in clothes summer color type, an example is shown below.

Suitable makeup

Let's look at all the available makeup options according to the type of appearance.


For women with winter type appearance used cold palette. porcelain face can be emphasized with the help of a tonal basis of a gray tint; an olive background will be ideal for dark-skinned beauties. Translucent powder with shimmer is ideal for both day and evening make-up.

Eye and lip makeup does not need a detailed description. It is best if he repeats the features of the Snow Queen from Andersen's fairy tale: metallic luster, cold tones. indigo, northern lights, saturated shades lilac, purple, pink are available for winter beauties in the most intense shades and eyeliners. Black mascara can be safely replaced by ultra bright, boldest shades. A wide variation of lip makeup is possible here: from thick cherry to silvery pink.


This color type is prone to overflows of gold and bronze. This is reflected in the choice of tonal base, which should be beige, with light golden inclusions. Yellowish concealer for the under-eye area, warm beige or bronze for the main tone. Powder is better to choose a colorless, translucent. For the evening, it is better to use mineral powder and shimmering blush in golden tones.

The eyes of the autumn color type also need to flicker. All bronze shades, emerald green, lilac, eggplant, peach, lilac, honey brown are appropriate here. All the same shades are used in the choice of pencil, but now they take on very rich tones, ultra bright. The best option mascara for the eyes - it's emerald, chocolate, black.

If it is necessary to outline the line of the lips, the entire warm palette shades: copper, sparkling red, burgundy cherry, eggplant and coral.


Makeup for spring beauties always involves a palette of warm shades. TO evening dress For solemn occasions fashion experts recommend choosing shimmery shades. The foundation is always soft, adapted to the skin of apricot or coffee tones. As a powder, tones from light beige to bronzing are shown, imitating a sun tan.

Blush for spring - peach, apricot, reddish or salmon. The eyes are accentuated with eyeliners in warm tones, matched to the color of the iris. For example, green eyes will be perfectly shaded by amber and bluish eyeliners, natural scales will also go: golden brown and pearl.

Eye shadow is recommended to purchase brown or khaki, and for a more catchy makeup - rich emerald. Mascara is preferable to brown shades, from light coffee to rich chocolate. Great for creating an extravagant look suitable green or turquoise. Lips are best shaded with a tone of beige, apricot, coral, rose gold or bronze.


A summer woman needs a transparent makeup base. It is better to choose tonal and concealer products in an ice palette, for better compliance with a given color type. grayish tide in this case welcome.

Beige gray, pastel apricot and cool purple blush - the best helpers in creating an aristocratic image. Suitable shadows for the eyelids in this version - pastel shades gray, steel, light peach, bluish and smoky blue, brown-gray and gray-violet. With the help of silver shades creates a catchy, contrast makeup eyes, where the use of blue, brown, purple and lavender eyeliners is appropriate.

Black, gray or purple mascara completes the look that fully meets the summer color. Lips can be emphasized with any shade of lilac or purple, eggplant, burgundy, purple, beige-lilac and muted cherry.

A small test to determine your color type will open new horizons in the search impeccable style in clothing and make-up, selection of accessories and jewelry. Each type of appearance is special, and it needs the right approach.

Each person was already born with a certain color type, and no matter how hard he tries to change - dye his hair, remove freckles, whiten his face or wear colored lenses - all the same, his color type will not change, it remains for life. How to determine the color type of a person? Should I wear yellow, green, blue or red? Questions of interest to many will be discussed in this article.

There are only four color types: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each person belongs to one of them. There are no mixed color types, so it is not at all difficult to clearly determine your belonging to one or another type. Many have studied the color types of people. How to determine the color type of a person? Today we will try to find the answer to this question.

  1. It is better not to determine your color type alone, but to ask someone to help. It is quite difficult to evaluate yourself in the mirror, and the assessment may not be objective. There is a high probability of confusing a color that really suits the face with a color that you just like.
  2. It is best to determine the color type in daylight natural light. Evening lighting can distort colors and shades.
  3. Before testing, be sure to remove all makeup. The presence of any cosmetics will not give an objective result.
  4. If the hair is dyed, then they need to be hidden by wearing a white or neutral light scarf or bandage. Hair of an unnatural color will also become an obstacle to obtaining an objective result.
  5. After all of the above is taken into account, you need to stand in front of the mirror and bring scarves, scarves or just pieces of fabric of such colors to your face: peach or salmon, rich orange, hot pink and gray-pink.

Bringing one or another color to your face in turn, you need to carefully study your face. Now the main thing is to correctly determine which color refreshes and revitalizes the face, with which the eyes begin to play, skin defects become less noticeable. There are different color types of people. How to identify yours with these colors? Very simple. If it fits best, then your color type is Spring, orange - Autumn, gray-pink - Summer and hot pink - Winter.

It's so easy to determine the color types of people. How to determine in other ways? Is there such a possibility? Yes, this is not the only method, there are many. And we will look at a few below.

Color type according to skin tone

How to determine the color types of people by skin tone? You can find out the answer to this question by studying this table. The table shows the correspondence of skin color to a certain color type.

How to determine the color types of people by skin tone
Color type name Leather
WinterTypicalBlueish, earthy-olive, pinkish.
ContrastingWhite-beige, alabaster, porcelain.
BrightPink with blush, beige.
LightAsh brown, porcelain.
SpringTypicalpeach-porcelain, Ivory, there are freckles.
ContrastingLight golden, apricot blush, porcelain.
BrightPeach, beige or ivory.
LightIvory with golden freckles, light peach shade.
SummerTypicalIvory with golden freckles, peach.
BrightIvory, pink, light olive shade.
LightLight, porcelain, there is a pink blush, pink-beige, light with gray-brown freckles.
AutumnTypicalYellow-beige, peach.
ContrastingPink-beige shade, ivory color with a peach blush.
BrightPeach, warm, beige-chestnut.
SetlayaIvory, light beige with peach blush.

Description of the Winter color type

Winter is a very bright type of appearance. Dark hair with contrast porcelain skin- it's all about the winter woman. She is always visible in the crowd. For women with the Winter color type, it is not even necessary to apply makeup, it will stand out in any case. Dark eyes, black eyelashes, full juicy lips, sometimes with a cold bluish tint. People of the winter color type are characterized by a beautiful even tan or a predisposition to it.

The Winter color type can be divided into 2 groups:

  • contrast (in other words, Snow White);
  • non-contrasting winter.

Contrasting Winter:

  • almost snow-white skin has a porcelain tint;
  • dark brown or black hair.

Non-Contrasting Winter:

  • dark skin with an olive or bronze tint;
  • dark hair with brown tint or black.

Description of the color type Summer

Summer is also a cold scale, but not a contrasting one. The most common type of appearance.


  • skin with a light pink, light gray or gray-beige tint;
  • hair with an ashen tint, blond, more often light blond;
  • eyes are gray-blue or grey-green, a dark brown variant is possible, but rare;
  • lips are pale with a pink tint;
  • skin lends itself well to tanning.

Description of the color type Autumn

Autumn is a very interesting, "juicy" type of people, they are literally "chameleons". Girls of the Autumn color type can easily drastically change their style. Autumn is the most versatile color type.

Main features:

  • skin with golden hue has a large blush on the cheeks;
  • hair of golden, red or other color with a red tint;
  • eyes with a warm tint;
  • the skin does not lend itself well to tanning.

Description of the color type Spring

Spring is the lightest color type.

People of the Spring color type can be described as follows:

  • thin, almost transparent skin has a slight blush;
  • Hair with a warm undertone, it can be wheaten, honey, golden or light brown;
  • light eyes: light brown, light gray, light green, or light blue;
  • eyebrows and eyelashes to match the hair - also light;
  • lips with a warm tint - apricot or peach with a yellow tint;
  • the skin does not lend itself well to tanning, it can rather just turn red.

Comparative characteristics of color types in the table

How to determine the color type of a person? The table will help you see the difference between color types. This table presents a comparison according to certain criteria:

HairBlack, jet black, dark ash, dark chestnut, possible platinum blonde. light chestnut with a golden or red tint, straw. Reddish, yellow or honey notes are possible.Blond or brown, but there is always a cool ash tint.Exceptionally warm shades. Often all shades of red: carrot red, golden red, copper.
LeatherMilky or porcelain in color, sometimes olive or reddish brown. Whatever the color, there is always a transparent bluish tint.Very delicate, light, velvety, almost translucent, ivory or baked milk. A slight natural peach blush may be present.Milky pink or white with a slight blush, almost transparent with a cold bluish tint. A variant of walnut or olive tint is possible.Definitely in warm colors. It can be honey golden, or Champagne color option. Sometimes it can be peach or light beige.
EyesBright, shining. It doesn't matter what color - gray, green, blue or black - the main point is their contrast with snow-white squirrels.turquoise, gray or hazel. Often there are blotches of other shades - gray-blue, gray-green,, light brown with matte whites and a dark brown iris outline.Gray, steel, sky blue, olive, or dark brown. That is, possible different variants- on the color of the eyes in this color type special emphasis not worth doing.
Suitable colorsCold: white, black, purple, turquoise, blue, all shades of gray, blue-pink-violet, cold lilac, emerald, blue silver, steel, metallic.Light: peach, apricot, champagne, sun yellow, golden brown, yellow orange, apple and yellow green, pink, milk chocolate and caramel, coral, tomato, terracotta.Cool delicate shades: sky blue, lilac, turquoise, blue, lilac, raspberry, lemon yellow, raspberry red, ripe cherry, pink, brown pink, hot plum.Warm brown, golden, red, mustard, orange, brick, sand, terracotta, plum, olive.
Unsuitable shadesPastels and muted colors such as browns, warm yellows. Also the color of milk chocolate and baked milk, yellow-green, brick, smoky gray.Pure white, black, navy blue, purplish pink, grey, cherry, raspberry, burgundy, dark cocoa green, indigo.White, red, black, orange, brick, yellow-green, apricot, indigo, milk chocolate, fuchsia.Light blue, blue, black, white, bright orange, blue, purple, pastel summer colors.
Jewelry and accessoriesEverything is bright and sparkling, diamonds, crystal, rhinestones, platinum, silver, gold, black and red stones.Graceful, sophisticated: turquoise, yellow pearls, topaz, red and yellow gold, amber and sapphire.Discreet decorations: matte silver or white gold, blue aquamarine, diamonds, grey-pink pearls, blue or milky opal.Jewelry made from natural materials - feathers, leather, ivory, wood, amber.
MakeupWe select bright colors, but apply them a little. The main thing is the play of tones. Color palette- pink in combination with beige white or gray, blue, blue, purple, emerald green.Emphasis should be placed on natural delicate flowers- peach, milk, young greens, hazelnuts, nougat, aquamarine.Cold milky or smoky tones: silver, eggplant, purple, violet, brown with a gray tint.Natural tones: golden, terracotta, brown, eggplant, olive.

Celebrities of the Winter color type

Determining the color type of a person is very relevant among celebrities.

A pronounced color type Winter in such famous people Cast: Anna Zavorotnyuk, Liv Tyler, Oksana Fedorova, Penelope Cruz, Megan Fox Monica Bellucci, Keira Knightley.

Celebrities of the Spring color type

The following celebrities can boast of the appearance of the Spring color type: Princess Diana, Anna Kournikova, Claudia Schiffer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Cattrall, Britney Spears.

Celebrities of the Summer color type

Such people have a "summer" appearance: Alina Kabaeva, Natalya Vodianova, Letizia Casta, Mischa Barton, Liz Hurley, Scarlett Johannson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Aniston, Mila Jovovich, Uma Thurman.

Celebrities of the Autumn color type

A pronounced color type Autumn in such famous people: Yulia Savicheva, Julia Roberts, Amalia Goldanskaya, Juliana Moore, Anna Bolshova, Marcia Cross, Lindsay Lohan.

Such different and interesting color types of people. How to determine (photos of celebrities - to help), we now know. Good luck to everyone in determining your color type!

“I have a great wardrobe. I know very well what suits me. Models, styles, colors - I select everything for myself. But individually, things look perfect, but as a set, everything seems to be combined, but everything is not right on me: faded, strange shades appear, and expensive things look cheap and tasteless. I can't figure out what's going on!"

Familiar? And the reason is that many of us do not know our own color type.

Color type. A certain type of appearance, under which ideally appropriate shades and colors are selected. This is the color given to everyone at birth by nature itself.

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Let's start our own discoveries

Now the test of the color type of appearance according to the seasons is very popular. Such an understandable theory of character gradation, as seasonal, very often gives erroneous results. Why is that?

The division of a person into cold or warm color type is not correct. There are a lot of people with a neutral type, which can easily fit into several seasonal color types at once.

The determination of the color type by the directional method (according to the theory of Alfred Mansel) is now confidently taking the first positions. There is a differentiation of the human type into such characteristics as:

  • Depth(color saturation. Light-dark)
  • Undertone(temperature shades. Warm-cold)
  • Brightness(purity of color. Bright-muted)

Three characteristics are selected for each person. Among them, dominant, secondary, tertiary are revealed. This method allows you to determine your only, unique color combination. Find a real guiding star in the world of the color intended for you by nature.

Starting research

How to conduct a color type test at home. So, first of all, we need light. Not evening, artificial electric, but natural, scattering, daytime. The ideal place would be a window facing north. A large mirror and actually you. Without makeup, with thoroughly washed hair (the color of clean curls is lighter).

Step 1. Depth

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Dark olive, beige, with a yellowish tint black, dark chestnut, dark brown, red shades possible dark brown, hazel green, dark marsh beware of pastel, light shades, dark is suitable, plain clothes
Light light, beige, ivory ashen, golden, from light to medium blond. gray, gray-brown, gray-blue, blue, green-blue, green, light brown avoid dark color closer to the face area, fit clothes light solid colors

Representatives of the dark color type have matte, dark skin, color-saturated hair and eyes. The eyes are brighter, stand out against the background of the entire face. Bright representatives Penelope Cruz, Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman.

Light representatives have a soft, neutral appearance. Eyes of medium saturation, radiant. Vivid examples of this type are Diane Kruger, Sharon Stone, Gwyneth Paltrow.

Step 2. Undertone

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Cold any saturation, with bluish, pink undertones gamma from dark ash to dark blond blue, light blue, gray, green-blue, gray-blue, cold brown you don't need warm, golden hues, perfect colors- bluish, cold
Warm golden beige, yellow, peach golden blond, brunette, reddish, golden chestnut, copper hazel, green, golden brown, hazel, dark yellow, dark blue, gray-blue move away from cold shades, pure white is especially contraindicated, warm, golden tones suit you

Cold ones do not have any hints of warmth in their appearance. Hair, skin, eyes are soaked in cool, gray and blue and undertones. They do not have copper, gold shades. Often their faces are pale. Outstanding representatives are Carmen Kass, Lauren Graham, Linda Carter.

Warm types have in appearance (eyes, skin, hair) warm undertones, without a hint of cold shade. Outstanding representatives Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Chastain.

Step 3 Brightness

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Bright "transparent", light, thin, "porcelain", beige, ivory black, warm chestnut, medium to dark shade green, turquoise, steel grey, light blue, green blue do not wear dull shades in clothes, avoid muted, dark plain clothes you need high contrast
Muted almost colorless, matte, often with freckles, gives off redness light grayish tones, ash, copper, golden chestnut light to dark brown, walnut, marsh avoid bright colors, a smooth, imperceptible transition is ideal for you, clothes are plain, light colors

A bright color type allows you to wear two bright contrasting colors in clothes. Outwardly, they differ precisely in contrast, brightness, radiance. Very often they have luminous light eyes with icy blue or pure white proteins. And the skin can be different shades(cold, warm). Bright representatives Dita Von Teese, Courteney Cox, Megan Fox.

Muted ones create a soft impression, they have no contrast between the color of hair, eyes and skin. Their appearance ranges from medium-dark to medium-light shades. They do not have radiant eyes (they are not very dark, deep, soft). They have mixed characteristics (dark hair + light eyes, cold skin+ warm eyes). Outstanding representatives Drew Barrymore, Jessica Simpson, Ashley Olsen.

So, we have decided on the dominant characteristic of our color type. Now, let's conduct a test on how to determine the color type of appearance for cold-warmth. There are three such methods (veins, precious metals and handkerchiefs). Let's consider each separately.

Vein test

Examine your hand carefully inside(where she never tans). We need to understand the color of the veins in the elbow and wrist.

  • Veins are blue, with a greenish tint. Your type is warm or neutral warm.
  • The color of the veins is clearly cold, blue. Your type is cold or neutral cold.
  • Blue and with greenery (one on the elbow, others on the wrist). You are a neutral type.

This is not to say that this test is suitable for all people. Those who have dense dark skin, it is difficult to see the color of the veins. You can try in a different way.

"Decoration" test

It can be done in two versions. Both will require a pair of gold and silver jewelry. You need to test in natural light.

  • Option 1. Without makeup, sit in front of a mirror and, in natural light, bring gold to your face, then silver. The metal that does not suit you will not fit into the whole picture of your appearance.
  • Option 2. Put gold and silver jewelry on your hand together and look at them against a neutral background. Which of the decorations looks more harmonious?

Gold suits you - you are a warm type

Silver suits you - cold

If it seems that none of the metals suits you, or vice versa, both are suitable - you are a neutral type.

Determination of the color type according to the "Handkerchiefs" test

The test for determining the color type of appearance with the help of scarves is one of the most simple. We need two handkerchiefs of warm pink and cold pink. Apply them to your face in turn. If the color does not suit you, a grayish shadow will appear on the skin of the face, all the flaws will appear, even a not quite healthy blush will visually glimpse.

Warm pink suits you - your type is warm or neutral warm.

Cold pink suits you - you are a cold or neutral-cold type

Draping (autumn-spring)

Draping is used by almost all image makers. We need to arm ourselves with multi-colored fabrics that we will apply to the face (again, not made up).

How to do it right:

  • Daylight
  • Sit in front of a light source
  • Behind should be a neutral background
  • If you have dyed hair, cover it with a white scarf.
  • Apply pieces of cloth to your face in turn and watch his reaction.

Approximate colors of the test for determining the color type of appearance

Depth: light-dark

Undertone: cool-warm

Hello everyone! Each person has a certain color type, which remains unchanged throughout life. And no matter how the girls try to change something in their appearance - dye their hair, whiten their faces, fight age spots and freckles - it will not change. Moreover, some are sure that they belong to a mixed version. But this does not happen: everyone belongs only to a specific color type.

Why know your appearance color type?

Depending on the color of curls, eyes, skin tone, all people belong to one of four color types: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. Such a seasonal theory of appearance division helps to determine winning shades for wardrobe and make-up. It is based on the assertion that warm and cold tones change depending on the season of the year. Cold tones are more typical for summer and winter, warm tones for spring and autumn.

It is the color type that determines which colors will suit a particular person, and which palettes should be avoided. Correctly chosen tones in clothes will emphasize the dignity of a girl, divert attention from imperfections, make her younger, while an erroneously defined wardrobe color scheme can make her look sickly, tired, and aged. Some shades are able to transform the appearance, visually make it better: the eyes become shining, not dull, a blush flaunts on the face, the skin acquires a healthy, pleasant color. Other tones change the image for the worse, girls lose their attractiveness.

In order to correctly combine shades in makeup, choosing the right things for the wardrobe is to carefully find out your appearance color type. Then the selected colors will advantageously emphasize even skin, hair and eye color.

How to determine your color type?

In order to understand which of the four categories a girl belongs to, it is worth doing the following simple recommendations:

  • For a more objective characterization of appearance, you need to call someone for help. It will be difficult to determine the color type alone, you can mistakenly confuse colors that you just like with those that really emphasize individual characteristics girls.
  • For diagnostic selection suitable colors it is advisable to choose the brightest room (preferably white) with a large mirror. Bright objects and figurines, furniture needs to be covered light cloth or remove from the room.
  • It is worth testing in natural neutral lighting: bright daylight, evening and electric light can incorrectly convey shades and distort colors.
  • When determining the color type, it is necessary to without fail wash away decorative cosmetics, completely get rid of makeup, remove earrings, pendants and other jewelry. So the result will be closer to the truth.
  • If the hair is dyed, the girl should hide the curls under a scarf, scarf or any fabric in white or neutral color. This is the only way to more accurately determine the result.
  • It is worth dressing in clothes of a neutral color, it is advisable to bare your shoulders.

After following the recommendations, you need to apply a variety of fabric samples, always plain. You can prepare scarves, stoles, scarves, diapers, T-shirts, towels, or just multi-colored shreds for this procedure. It is necessary to apply the fabric alternately to the face, paying attention to changes in the skin on the face and the shine of the eye: on some colors, the skin may seem gray, earthy, the face is tired, the eyes are dull, other shades can give the face freshness, hide small defects, make skin glow, eyes shine.

If the pink color suits the girl more, then she belongs to the cold Winter or Summer color type, if the peach color is coming, then it is characterized by warm tones and fits into the Autumn or Spring category. Moreover, if the shade of peach is warm and muted, closer to orange color, then this is Autumn, if warm and bright, then Spring. If gray-pink tones, cold and muted, are more suitable, then the Summer color type, bright and cold - Winter.

Features of appearance color types

It is not difficult to distinguish two cold and two warm color types from each other: Winter has pronounced contrasts of skin and hair, Summer is characterized by more muted transitions, fuzzy shades.

Autumn, unlike Spring, has an even golden tone skin, the blush on which is rarely kept, and “spring” women are often covered with pinkish-peach tints.

Try to describe your appearance objectively. Determine which tones, warm or cold, more. To do this, you can carefully study yourself in the mirror and answer next questions:

  • What shade of hair?

Hair color - dark or light - special significance does not have. Here it is important to pay attention to the shade of the transfusion of curls in the sun. If the shade of highlights is golden, reddish, golden brown, chestnut or yellowish, then this type is warm, Spring or Autumn, if it is ashen, light brown, gray, brown or bluish, then Winter or Summer.

  • What color are the eyes?

“Warm” eyes include warm hazel, chocolate, brown with golden flecks on the iris, soft bluish or turquoise. Cold color types are characterized by any shades of cocoa, gray without impurities, pure green, ice blue.

  • What shade of skin?

If the skin is caramel, peach, golden, chocolate shade then it is a warm color. In this case, the intensity of tanning is not important, you need to pay attention to skin tone. Cold types include beige, porcelain, olive.

If the curls are colored, then for testing it is worth growing the roots a little. However, if it passes through summer time, then the result may not be objective: under the influence of the sun, the shade of the hair acquires reddish notes that are not characteristic of hair at a different time.

Now you can proceed to the specific characteristics of seasonal color types, highlighting the features and comparing them with the external data of any girl.

Appearance color type SPRING

Spring is the lightest and warmest of all color types. A girl of this category looks gentle, light and airy, regardless of clothing. It is characterized by discreet and warm natural colors.

Golden "spring"

"Soft" spring

"Bright" spring

Color of the skin light, creamy, golden, peach, ivory, baked milk. It is thin, velvety, tender, as if glowing from within. A slight blush can be seen on the cheeks, the freckles are golden brown. Sunburn with light skin lays down a little reddish tint if the skin is dark, it will be a beautiful bronze.

Hair have a golden sheen, a reddish tint. They wheat color, honey, can be dark: warm chocolate. Over time, the hair can lose light shade, the hair will darken, but still they will be a reddish tint. The curls are thin, often curly. Eyebrows in tone with curls or slightly darker.

Eyes belong to light tones: golden brown, light brown, light green, hazel, green-yellow, green-gray, light blue, turquoise.

Lips apricot shade, but most often pale pink.

The Spring Girl is characterized by natural, fresh, soft colors. It is worth choosing wardrobe items in orange, red, peach, lilac and light blue. Tones of light brown shades are perfect: caramel, beige, sand, mustard, cream. It's better to prioritize plain materials and fabrics with small discreet patterns and patterns. Large accents on clothes can overshadow the appearance.

Avoid this type of appearance dark shades in outfits and bright contrasting colors. So natural lightness and femininity can be suppressed.

Appearance color type SUMMER

Summer is the most common color type. It is rich and cold, not contrasting.

"Natural" summer

"Warm summer

“Mild” summer

Color of the skin can be light or dark, but be sure to highlight blue tint. It is tender, olive light in color or light pinkish, milky with bluish. The skin tans perfectly if it is light olive and prone to burns if it is light pink, faded.

Hair with a cold ash, mouse or steel shade, light, dark blond. It is the representatives of this type of appearance that most often dislike their natural color hair, repaint the hair. gray haze - salient feature of this type. Eyebrows and eyelashes do not have reddish notes.

Eyes inexpressive, unclear, gray, gray-blue, gray-green, hazel, blue, blue-green.

Lips pale pink, milky, pale.

The Summer Girl is more suitable for soft and light pastel shades, muted colors. Such clothes are able to emphasize the tenderness, softness of this type of appearance. You can choose wardrobe items in pale blue, burgundy, turquoise, beige, color, ivory.

A summer representative should avoid wearing shades of a yellow-red palette: orange, coral and others. It is also necessary to abandon the wardrobe dark colors, black and white products. They focus on the shortcomings of the appearance of this color type. Bright and contrasting colors in clothes will look ridiculous, cross out the tenderness and femininity of the girl.

Appearance color type WINTER

“Natural” winter

"Warm winter

“Bright” winter

Winter is typical for girls with a contrasting, bright appearance. Spectacular ladies belong to such a rich color type.

Color of the skin porcelain, translucent, milky, it easily burns under the influence sun rays. Another type with swarthy skin, olive tint, sunbathing its owner acquires a brown even tan. No freckles.

Hair black, dark brown, blue-black, predominantly ash or blue tint, no golden reflection, platinum blond. Eyelashes and eyebrows are similar in color to curls.

Eyes piercing, have a clear contour, not cloudy, contrasting and bright: gray, gray-blue, blue, dark brown, almost black, green.

Lips most often pale.

It is best to emphasize the natural beauty of the cold, while bright colors. It is white, blue, grey, black. Cold tones of a bluish and pinkish tint will suit the face. It is advisable to give preference to monochromatic outfits strict lines, without floral and vegetable prints. To give the image of colors, you can pick up bright clothes and catchy makeup.

Winter girl should give up neutral, faded shades, red and golden palette.

Appearance color type AUTUMN

“Natural” autumn

“Soft” autumn

“Dark” autumn

Autumn is a rich warm color type. Girls with such a bright and expressive appearance often do without makeup. This category is the rarest.

Color of the skin warm tones, opaque, peach, honey golden, ivory, bronze, warm olive, golden, reddish. She hardly tans, burns easily, there is no blush.

Hair can be light or dark, with a reddish tint: orange, red, carrot, cognac, dark chestnut, copper. Curls are often curly. Eyelashes and eyebrows are quite light. Freckles are sunny, red, golden red, often located all over the body.

Eyes interesting amber, cognac, gray, olive, bright blue, icy blue, transparent light green or green.

Lips peach shade or with warm pink notes.

Decorate the girl-Autumn outfits of warm muted shades. Suitable palette close to nature: the color of the earth, foliage, trees. These are brown tones, pistachio, olive shades, coral. Clothing should emphasize the softness of this color type.

It is worth giving up cold colors in the wardrobe. They are able to overshadow the natural warmth and magnetism.

Surely you have heard the compliment more than once: “This color suits you!” But have you ever thought about why one color suits you perfectly and emphasizes your charms and virtues, and the other, despite the fact that you like it and even goes well with your wardrobe, does not make you more beautiful?

The main seasonal types of color types

Turns out it's all about color. Each person has a natural color scheme based on the combination of his pigments. It includes eye color, skin tone, and hair color tone. They can be warm or cold, in proportion to which pigments predominate. In accordance with these warm or cold color shades of our skin, hair and eyes, four main color types are determined, the name of which corresponds to the name of the seasons.

Thus, there are the following seasonal color types:

  • winter;
  • spring;
  • summer;
  • autumn.

Each of them corresponds to certain colors and shades: spring and autumn are warmer, summer and winter are colder. Warm shades are color combinations with a predominance of red and yellow tones. To cold shades - combinations with blue tones.

Description of the main seasonal color types

So, the first warm color type is spring.

The appearance of a woman of this color type radiates a warm glow, the main characteristics of the color type are:

  1. Skin color - a warm shade from the color of honey to porcelain and delicate peach.
  2. Hair - from blond-golden to chestnut-red.
  3. Eyes - blue, brown with a redhead, yellow-green (cat), but certainly warm tones.

The second warm color type is autumn.

The appearance of a woman of this color type is soft and sensual, and the main characteristics of the color type are as follows:

  1. The skin is a warm peach or yellow-beige shade.
  2. Hair - reddish, copper, light brown with a redhead, golden brown, dark brown, with a golden or red tint.
  3. Eyes - exceptionally warm shades: blue, gray-green, amber, hazel and brown with a redhead.

The first cold color type is winter

The image of a winter woman is cold, bright and contrasting.

Main characteristics:

  1. The skin is grayish-beige or olive, but more often porcelain.
  2. Her hair is very dark, sometimes even blue-black.
  3. Eyes - cold and piercing, blue, steel gray, brown, olive green shades and even deep black.

The second cold color type is summer.

The appearance of a woman of this color type radiates a cold silvery glow. Main characteristics:

  1. Skin - cold shades with a bluish or pink-lilac tint.
  2. Hair - a gray shade (from platinum blond to ash brown).
  3. Eyes - green-blue, blue, gray, gray-blue, can be dark brown, and milky squirrels.

It would seem that everything is simple, but each of the listed seasonal color types has several varieties. You can determine them using the method of 12 color types, which today is considered the most accurate.

Method of 12 color types

This method for determining color types is based on the theoretical principles of Albert Munsell, an artist, professor, and well-known teacher of fine arts.

According to his system, color is determined by the following three values:

  • color tone (from cold to warm);
  • depth (from light to deep);
  • saturation (from pure to soft).

As defined by Albert Munsella, a color can be:

  • dark (color is deep and saturated);
  • light (the color is light and elegant);
  • soft (color is calm and muted);
  • clean (color is contrasting and bright);
  • warm (color without admixture of cold shades);
  • cold (color without admixture of warm shades).
  • spring light;
  • spring clean;
  • spring is warm;
  • summer is bright;
  • summer is cold;
  • summer is mild;
  • dark autumn (deep);
  • autumn is mild;
  • autumn is warm;
  • winter is dark (deep);
  • winter is clean;
  • Cold winter.

Thus, six more categories are added to the above described characteristics of color types, and in order to accurately determine your color type, it is necessary to analyze its dominant properties.

Characteristics of dark (deep) and light color types

The light color type is characterized by:

  1. Blond hair (usually blond).
  2. Light eyes (blue, often green or light brown).
  3. Light thin skin.
  4. Lack of contrast between eye, hair and skin color.

The dark (deep) color type is characterized by:

  1. Dark hair (dark brown or even black).
  2. Dark eyes (dark brown, dark hazel, blue or black).
  3. Dark, light or neutral skin tone.
  4. High contrast between eye, hair and skin color.

Characteristics of cold and warm color types

The cold color type is characterized by:

  1. Hair with ashy shades, as well as black saturated dark chestnut tones without redhead impurities.
  2. "Cold" blue or gray-blue eyes.
  3. Skin with a natural pinkish glow.

For warm color type characteristic:

  1. Hair of "warm" shades (red and reddish-brown).
  2. Eyes of warm shades (green or brown) with golden rays or sparks around the pupil.
  3. Peach skin, often with freckles.

Characteristics of soft and pure color types

The soft color type is characterized by:

  1. The eyes are amber, gray-green or soft brown.
  2. Hair of a neutral "mouse" color (light blond, faded blond) without bright light accents.
  3. A certain haze, vagueness in the image, no contrast.

The pure color type is characterized by:

  1. Bright sparkling eyes (blue, green, hazel), bright white squirrels.
  2. Bright hair, both natural dark and light shades.
  3. A high degree of contrast, especially between lash color and eye tint.

Why you need to know your color type

Knowing your own color type is a powerful weapon in your hands smart woman, because thanks to the right color of clothing, a successful makeup palette and the appropriate shade of hair dye, her face looks rested, fresh, radiant and young. And even if she didn’t get enough sleep, or is upset about something. On the contrary, an incorrectly chosen shade will only emphasize fatigue, focusing on the circles under the eyes and fine wrinkles, will make the face yellowish or greenish, highlight redness and dark spots(if any).

Eg, natural beauty women of a pure color type will be perfectly emphasized by clothes and makeup in bright and contrasting colors, but muted tones on her will look boring and faded.

So knowing your color type will help you always look in a winning light!

In addition, knowing your color type, you can quickly navigate in huge selection color shades clothes, and shopping will bring you even more pleasure. Yes, and extra costs can be avoided by not buying clothes that do not match your color.

It remains only to correctly determine which color type you belong to. To do this, we propose to pass our test.

Online test for determining the color type of appearance

1. Describe your skin tone?

2. How quickly and intensively do you tan?

3. Eye color?

4. Hair color (natural)?
