Child allowance up to 18 years for single mothers. Cons of recognizing a woman as a single mom

Single mothers in modern society are not uncommon. But in order to receive assistance from the state, such a woman must confirm her status officially. In this case, she may qualify for support in the form of benefits and payments at the federal and local levels.

How much do single mothers get paid?

Child subsidies for such a mother at the state level in terms of type and size are almost the same as payments for children who grow up in complete families with two parents. Special subsidies that could improve the standard of living of a family without a father are not provided for by national legislation. This also applies to the period of pregnancy of the expectant mother, and life with the child in the postpartum period, and his upbringing to adulthood.

The only exception is the child allowance for needy families, which is paid every month. Officially, it is considered federal, but its amount is charged at the level of regional government. For single mothers in many territorial units of the Russian Federation, it is higher than the legally defined initial level.

In general, the child benefit for a single mother depends on the following points:

  • employment of the parent at the workplace;
  • the number of children;
  • average family income without a father.

In some areas, additional targeted social benefits are paid to just such mothers who are raising babies alone.

How much do single mothers get paid in 2017

What benefits are provided? A mother without a husband can claim the same state subsidies as a woman from a complete family. Generally, child benefits do not depend on official maternal status.

She will have to receive the same amount for children as a woman in an ordinary family. This makes it meaningless to apply for the status of a single person solely to increase social assistance. The list and amount of subsidies at the state level is established by the Federal Law.

The only payment for which women raising a baby without the help of a father are entitled to claim an increased amount is the child allowance. It is charged to low-income people, and the amount depends on the region (usually the amount is very small). It remains to hope for an increase in the allowance for single mothers in 2018.

According to the changes that are coming into force, payments to single mothers in 2018 on a permanent basis will increase annually from February 1 by the amount of actual inflation for the previous year, that is, based on the actual price growth index.

What help can a single mother count on at the regional level? It is also allowed to set target payments locally. In Russian cities, there are additional local subsidies for single mothers. A woman needs to find out if the place where she lives has special benefits that she may qualify for.

How much does a single mother get for her first child

The state begins to worry about the future mother even before the baby is born. The single mother's allowance for the first child in 2017 is accrued starting from the period of waiting for the baby (this applies to employed women) and ending when the baby reaches the age of three.

How much does a single mother earn monthly? For her first child, she is guaranteed a B&D benefit, which is one hundred percent of the average income for the period from the thirtieth week of pregnancy to the seventieth day after delivery. The minimum amount is 34,500 rubles. It is paid if at that time, a single mother did not receive a salary.

Also, the expectant mother has the right to one-time assistance when she is registered in the antenatal clinic for up to 3 months of pregnancy, in the amount of about 600 rubles. Assistance in the event of the birth of a newborn in the amount of 16,350 rubles is guaranteed to both employed and unemployed mothers.

How much do single mothers in Russia earn in 2017? A monthly allowance for the care of a child up to one and a half years is paid in the amount of forty percent of the average salary. Its smallest value is 30 thousand rubles. Unemployed women receive it through the bodies of Social Protection, officially employed women - at the place of employment or in the Social Insurance Fund.

If an unemployed mother of a child receives subsidies as an unemployed citizen, she cannot claim care payments. These two types of social support are not paid at the same time.

A single low-income mother can receive child support until he or she reaches the age of majority. Its value may change. It is set by local regulations. Such allowance for single mothers in 2017 is paid at least once a quarter.

The above list of subsidies refers to a woman who is officially registered at work, and the organization pays mandatory insurance payments for her. It is also related to military personnel and university students. Grants are issued at the place of employment, service or study and are paid through social insurance bodies.

Second child allowance

How much do single mothers pay in 2017 for a second child? A working mother who dares to give birth to a second baby without a father can claim the same benefits as after the birth of her first child. They are accrued after each new family member is born.

But the minimum amount of the monthly allowance for a single mother in 2017 for caring for a second baby up to the age of one and a half years increases, and the right to receive maternity capital arises.

Every month, a single mother has the right to receive an allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years in the amount of forty percent of the average salary. Such an allowance can be minimally 6 thousand rubles. In total, the payment for two children at the same time is equal to eighty percent of the average wage. Also, a woman raising children alone has the right to federal maternity capital (about 450 thousand rubles).

If a single mother gives birth to a third child, she is also entitled to a monthly payment for him in the amount of the local children's living wage. In addition, she has the right to count on regional maternity capital.

What benefits can an unemployed single mother receive?

Often these women do not have a formal job. They are entitled to fewer child benefits than working mothers. All grants are:

  • paid in a certain or minimum amount;
  • paid through social security services.

Unemployed single mothers cannot claim cash payments while they are expecting a baby. As a rule, they are actually entitled to only two mandatory ones: a one-time postpartum allowance and a monthly allowance until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

Other state financial assistance that non-working mothers can apply for:

  • Child benefit for low-income people (paid once a month or every three months. The amount is established at the regional level).
  • Maternity capital for the second child from the state in the amount of about 450 thousand rubles A certificate for it will be received by the mother, regardless of whether she works or not. Regional maternity capital for the third of the children. The amount of this payment may vary.
  • Monthly allowance for a third child under the age of three, if the mother's income is below the minimum level.

Formally, female students, students and military personnel are not considered to be employed, but they are entitled to maternity allowances in a certain amount, which is equal to the amount of a student subsidy or monetary allowance.

One-time allowance at the birth of a child

This subsidy is paid regardless of the parent's wealth, her salary, employment and marital status. Its sum also remains fixed and independent of external conditions. The state guaranteed material support in the amount of just over 16 thousand rubles to the mother of each child who was born in our country this year.

When twins or triplets are born at the same time, a lump sum payment is due for each child. The mother must apply for the allowance within six months after the children are born.

Since, according to the letter of the law, it is due to any of the parents, in order to issue it in a full-fledged family, it will be necessary to provide a document at the place of receipt, indicating that the father did not receive it.

Therefore, it will be easier to apply for a single allowance: she does not need to present such a certificate from the father of the child. Obtaining such a document can be very complicated in a situation where the baby officially has a second parent, but they do not live together with their mother and do not maintain good relations.

Documents for processing payments

How to apply for an allowance? To do this, a woman will need the following papers:

  • Grant application.
  • Baby's birth certificate.
  • Information about her cohabitation with the newborn.

A certificate from this list for child allowance for single mothers in 2017 can be obtained from the social security authorities at the place of registration. All other papers will also need to be transferred there.

Social Security employees will have to check the information provided, personally visit the family and, based on the data received, draw up acts stating that the mother and child live together. After the application for the payment of benefits is accepted by the relevant authorities, the accrual will be made.

Payments are made until the child reaches the age of majority. If a mother and child do not live at the place of registration, she will need to take a supporting document from the social security authorities at registration. The document must indicate that the single mother does not receive any payments at the place of registration. Then she will be able to receive benefits at the place of actual residence.

Payments to single mothers in 2019 are provided by the state when a woman is raising a child alone. The reasons for this may be different, but the result is always the same: the child grows up in an incomplete family.

In order to put it on its feet, it will take a lot of effort, and, given the rise in prices, and money. In order to somehow help a woman raising a child, the State provides social benefits.

Let's see in what cases a woman can get the status of a single mother and what material payments and benefits are she entitled to?

Who is a single mother in terms of legislation?

Not every single woman can get this status and take advantage of all the benefits.

The following categories of women are recognized as single mothers:

  1. If a woman gave birth out of wedlock and there is no record of the father in the birth certificate.
  2. If an unmarried woman has adopted a child.
  3. If a woman gave birth during marriage or within ten months after a divorce and the former spouse managed to prove that the child is not from him.

To whom the status of a single mother is not assigned?

  1. After a divorce, the spouse does not pay alimony.
  2. If ten months have not passed since the termination of the marriage or the death of the husband before the birth of the child. In this case, the woman's husband is automatically considered the father. In the event of a divorce, alimony will be collected from him. If a man dies, a survivor's allowance will be paid. Even if the deceased was not his biological father.
  3. A woman whose child's father was deprived of parental rights.
  4. If an unmarried woman through the court proved the paternity of the child. Even if a man does not communicate with her, she is not recognized as a single mother.
  5. If a woman's spouse dies, she does not receive the status of a loner. Her child will receive benefits in connection with the death of the breadwinner.

How is this status assigned?

  1. If there is no information in the baby's birth certificate in the line "father" or they are indicated from the words of the woman, then she needs to fill out a certificate in the form No25 in the registry office.
  2. This certificate must be accompanied by an application for granting the status of a single mother.
  3. These papers must be submitted to the department of social protection at the place of residence, or sent by mail, preferably with acknowledgment of receipt.

What benefits and allowances are provided to a single mother in 2017?

To clarify the size and types of material benefits, a woman needs to contact the Social Security department at the place of residence.

The amount and amount of benefits are set by regional authorities and depend on the following factors:

  • The number of children a single woman has;
  • Is the mother employed?
  • The average income of an incomplete family;

At the same time, the amount of material benefits for a single mother is not much different from payments for a complete family.

A single mother can count on the following types of material benefits:

  • Allowance for a woman registered with a medical institution before 12 weeks of pregnancy - 628.47 rubles.
  • One-time payment after the birth of the baby 16759 р.
  • Payment for the care of an infant up to one and a half years - 40% of the mother's average salary, at least 3277.45 rubles.
  • The maternity benefit is 100% of the mother's earnings from the 30th week of pregnancy to the 70th day after the birth. Calculated from wages.
  • Child benefit for a low-income family - regulated by local authorities.
  • If a woman is raising a child with a disability alone, then a monthly allowance in the amount of 6,000 rubles is assigned to her.

There are also a number of regional material benefits for single mothers. Their amount is established and regulated by local authorities.

To clarify their provision and size, a woman should contact the Social Security department at the place of residence.

Adoptive parents are entitled to receive all of the above benefits, since an adopted child is equated to a natural one.

Social benefits for a single mother in Moscow

The level of payments for this region is slightly higher than in the regions of the country. The living wage for Muscovites is 18781 rubles.

In this region, a single woman can count on the following payments:

  1. The material payment for a child under 16 years old (in cases where the child is studying at a university, then up to 18) is 750 rubles. monthly.
  2. The allowance for a baby up to three years old is 675 rubles. monthly.
  3. If the mother's income does not exceed the monthly subsistence level, then the additional material payment for a child up to one and a half years old is 2500 rubles. every month.
  4. From one and a half to three years, a woman receives an allowance of 4,500 monthly.
  5. From three years to the age of majority of the child - 2500 rubles.

What other social guarantees are due to a single mother?

Tax deduction.

Single mothers are entitled to a tax deduction for each child until they reach the age of eighteen. If the child is in training, the deduction is kept until they reach the age of 24. The tax-free amount is 1400 * 2 - for the first and second baby and 3000 * 2 - for the third and subsequent.

Benefits for paying utility bills and housing.

  1. A single mother is given a subsidy to pay for a communal apartment if the families are significantly below the established subsistence level.
  2. In cases where a single mother rents an apartment with her child officially, under a contract, she can count on compensation in the amount of 6,400 rubles every month.
  3. A single mother can participate in the Home Buying Benefit Program if she is under the age of 35.

Labor concessions for single mothers

  1. With a reduction in staff, a woman cannot be fired if her child has not reached the age of fourteen. Dismissal is permissible in cases where a woman regularly violates labor discipline. In this case, the dismissal occurs under the article, with the entry of the relevant entries in the work book.
  2. If the organization in which a woman works is liquidated, then she must be provided with a new job.
  3. An employer cannot force a woman to work beyond the established working hours or on weekends and holidays if the child is under the age of five.
  4. If the child has not reached the age of fourteen, the mother can work on a reduced working day and set her own schedule.
  5. A woman does not have the right to be denied employment because of the presence of children. Otherwise, this refusal can be appealed to the courts.
  6. The employer is obliged to pay the woman child care allowance. Its amount is calculated from the length of service if the child is being treated in a medical institution. If a woman takes care of a baby at home, then the first 10 days of sick leave are paid in full, and the rest - in the amount of 50% of the salary.

What other social benefits are due to single mothers?

A single mother has the right to:

  • Free receipt of linen for a newborn;
  • Refuse to pay for garbage in a multi-storey building before the child reaches one and a half years;
  • Free dairy kitchen;
  • Purchasing certain drugs at a discount of up to 50%;
  • Free visit to the massage room at the clinic at the place of residence, if any;
  • Free meals for children in the dining room of an educational institution, at least 2 times a day;
  • Providing a place in a kindergarten out of turn;
  • 30% discount on payment for classes in additional educational institutions (art or music school);
  • Getting children a ticket to the sanatorium.

When does child support stop?

  1. If a woman is no longer single and gets married, then payments are made in the usual amount, if the spouse has not officially adopted the child.
  2. If the child got a job and is formally registered on it.

How to apply for benefits and benefits?

A woman needs to contact the Social Security Department at the place of residence with a list of papers:

  • Baby's birth certificate;
  • Document from the registry office in form 25;
  • Information about the composition of the family;
  • A paper from the registry office, which indicates that information about the father of the child was recorded from the words of the woman (if such a situation existed).

The payment of material benefits begins from the moment when the papers were submitted to social security. Documents must be submitted as soon as possible.

Raising a child alone is difficult both morally and financially. It is important to make a timely visit to the social protection authorities to receive the payments due to the woman.

Video: How single mothers survive:

Every mother has her own reasons for raising her children alone.

But in any case, it is difficult for a woman to support a child alone and any help will not be superfluous.

At the same time, it is very important to know how much single mothers are paid and what benefits they can count on.

Consider what benefits a single mother has. The first step is to decide who will be considered a single mother. Such a woman is recognized as unmarried, and there was also no application from both parents to establish paternity.

Such an application is usually submitted when registering a child in the registry office. The baby must have a dash in the paragraph "father" on the birth certificate, or an entry based on the mother's oral confirmation is allowed.

Assistance from the state for single mothers is as follows:

  • financial assistance for children;
  • permission for a discount when receiving housing;
  • there are privileges, including for housing and communal services;
  • recreation subsidy;
  • dismissal protection;
  • reduction in tax deductions.

Benefits for single mothers

A single mother has the right to receive maternity money. They are issued during maternity leave. After that, there is a postpartum lump sum payment. At the moment, this amount is 14,497 rubles.

Until the child is one and a half years old, the mother is paid an allowance at her place of work. The amount of this allowance is 40% of the mother's salary. Those mothers who did not work will receive their minimum, equal to 2,718.34 rubles for one child.

If a non-working woman has two or more children, then the minimum level is 5,436 rubles.

Such a grant must be issued in the CZN. From the moment the child turns 1.5 years old and up to 3 years old, symbolic assistance will come from the state, amounting to 50 rubles per month.

Financial payments to incomplete families come from the budgets of the regions. The specific amount of payments must be found out in the CZN of the region where the single mother lives. Monthly benefits in the regions for single mothers range from 50 to 3,000 rubles.

Children of a single mother should be registered in kindergarten without waiting in line. Some of the benefits that children from single-parent families are entitled to enjoy are textbooks at discounted prices, subsidized medicines and meals.

If in some region of the country there is a low birth rate, then a program comes into force, according to which subsidies are provided to single mothers.

Discounts on utility bills for single mothers are provided if there is a large number of children, or if the income is below the level. If family incomes do not fall below the level prescribed by law, then there are no discounts on housing and communal services for single mothers.

If several children are brought up in an incomplete family, then you can get preferential rest. These opportunities apply only to holidays in Russia. When a vacation takes place in Russia, it is possible to receive a refund for transportation costs - 50% of the cost to the place of rest.

Getting this benefit is not an easy task, it may depend on where you live. A fixed amount for the return of funds is not excluded, it ranges from five thousand rubles.

Benefits for single mothers at work in 2016

There are a variety of employment benefits:

  • It is almost impossible for a single mother to be fired until her child is 14 years old. Such an action would be illegal, despite the fact that the employee may not be suitable for the position he occupies. An exception may be the liquidation of an enterprise. But, in this case, the boss is obliged to provide another workplace to the employee. True, one reservation should be made: there are precedents for the dismissal of a single mother, the reason for them is serious disciplinary violations.
  • The involvement of employees in night work, overtime work, business trips, work on holidays and weekends does not apply to a single mother.
  • A single mother has the right to take additional rest, if she wishes, for a period of 14 days. True, such a vacation will not be paid.
  • A single mother can rightfully choose a reduced work shift if her child is under 14 years old.
  • Every mother, including single mothers, is entitled to a care allowance if the child falls ill. It is calculated on the basis of the accumulated length of service and is paid during treatment at a hospital. When the treatment is outpatient, then it is assumed that a single mother will be charged in full for the first 10 days, in the next day - 50% of the salary.
  • Sick leave payments are made in full, regardless of the term, when caring for a sick baby, if he is under 7 years old. If the child is older, then sick leave will be paid for the first 15 days.

When applying for a job, a single mother can be sure of providing her with benefits, and the employer does not have the right to refuse employment because the employee has children. The reason for the refusal must be clearly stated by the administration of the enterprise.

Tax deduction for singles

Single mothers are entitled to double the tax deduction. At the moment, the amount of such a deduction is 2,800 rubles per month for the first child.

Exactly the same amount is calculated if there is a second child. In the case when there are more than two children, then the tax deduction increases and becomes equal to 6,000 rubles.

Such a deduction begins its effect from the birth of a baby, or adoption. The deductions are provided by the employer. For this, a single mother must provide an application and documents that confirm the right to this type of deduction. You will also need a 2NDFL certificate from a previous job.

For child care, a single mother is not entitled to a tax deduction.

A single mother has the right to request a tax deduction when her monthly income is less than 350,000 rubles. Above this amount, the deductions stop.

If it so happened that during the entire tax period deductions were not provided, or were smaller than expected, then at the end of the period a recalculation will be made based on the documents provided.

Housing for single families

Single mothers are given the opportunity to receive benefits from the state for housing. This issue is usually dealt with by the authorities of a particular region.

The most common types of housing with the help of the state:

  • Absolutely free to receive.
  • Payment for the mortgage part (interest or down payment).
  • Communication with developers who are engaged in the construction of houses for certain categories of citizens.

To participate in various profitable programs, you must have a package of documents that indicate the independent upbringing of children under the age of 18, as well as a certificate of income from work.

For programs of this kind, there are always those who wish and, accordingly, there is a queue. The result of her participation in this program, a single mother, most likely, will have to wait a single year. The state allocates no more than 2.2 million rubles for housing.

How much a single mother earns is a question of interest to those who, without a father, are engaged in raising minors.

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As for monetary allowances, payments for this category of citizens are provided on a common basis with other mothers. That is, the legislation does not distinguish between single mothers and complete families.

Another nuance: the state has given local governments the right to decide on the appointment of cash benefits for single mothers.

Many regional authorities pay allowances for children up to the age of 14, and in some cases up to 18 years. Sometimes payments can be extended up to age 23 if the child is in full-time education.

Also, when a single girl adopts a baby from an orphanage, a status is assigned.

If the child was born 300 days after the divorce, then the ex-husband is recorded in the “father” column. Accordingly, she will not receive this status.

The legislative framework

Regulated by the following legal acts:

How much does a single mother earn?

How much money a single mother receives depends on the region in which she lives. Consider the types of benefits from the state.

Every mother is entitled to benefits. The amount is determined based on individual indicators.

All mothers are paid an allowance in the amount of the maintenance of a child under the age of one and a half years.

For the first

How much a single mother earns in 2019 depends on various factors. The amount is about 2900 rubles. It should be noted that this figure is subject to indexation depending on the region.

So, for example, in the territory of some subjects of the Russian Federation, this amount increases due to the northern coefficient.

For the second

The minimum allowance for a second child is 5,800 rubles. And just like with the first child, the payment may be higher depending on the region. These payments are calculated up to one and a half years.

Benefit amount

The amount of the benefit is determined based on several factors. One of them is whether the woman is employed. If she works officially, then the amounts, depending on the length of service, will be greater.

The region of residence also plays a role. In some subjects of the Russian Federation, additional benefits are paid or they are provided with allowances. In others, on the contrary, the amount of payments will be much less.

For pregnancy and childbirth

The amount of cash payments is determined based on the woman's salary for the last 2 years. Payment is made by the organization where the mother works. The amount is 100% of the average payment.

In the event that the salary is less than the subsistence level, the amount of the benefit is compared with the minimum wage.

If the insurance period is less than six months, then the benefit is calculated in the same way.

lump sum

All women, without exception, are entitled to a one-time cash payment. The amount is paid for each child, regardless of what account he is.

It is necessary to apply for the appointment of benefits to the social security fund or to the MFC. But the registration at the MFC may take longer.

The amount of the lump sum is 15512.65 rubles. In different regions, there may be a deviation in a big way.


The amount of the monthly payment for the care of a child up to one and a half years is determined on the basis of wages for 2 years.

The cash payment is 40% of the average earnings per month.

Sick days and holidays are not counted. If there are two children, the payment is assigned for each and added up.

Maternal capital

Maternity capital is paid according to the general rules. If a woman has a child and she gives birth to another one in the status of a single mother, then the amount of maternity capital will be the same as in complete families.

Fringe benefits

In addition to cash payments, there are a number that make life much easier. Benefits apply to various areas of life.


Work benefits are especially beneficial:

  • You can't fire a single mother.
  • When the organization is liquidated, the employer is obliged to provide the woman with employment in another place.
  • You can not involve in overtime work if the child is under 5 years old. Otherwise, her consent must be written.
  • It is impossible to force night work against the will of the employee herself.
  • Sick leave is paid at 100% of the average salary.
  • A woman has the right to demand leave at her own expense in the amount of 14 days. And at any moment.
  • The presence of children is not considered a reason for refusing employment.


Social benefits provided:

  • Provision of places in kindergartens should be carried out out of turn.
  • Meals in school canteens are provided free of charge.
  • Children are provided with stationery and special educational literature.
  • A child can receive some types of medical care (massage) free of charge.
  • Providing some medicines free of charge or reimbursement.
  • Up to 30% discount on additional education services.

What are the residents of Moscow supposed to do?

According to Decree of the Government of Moscow 186, the following types of payments are provided for single mothers:

  • Payment in connection with the increase in prices - 300 rubles.
  • Children under 3 years old are assigned a compensation payment - 675 rubles.
  • For the care of a child with disabilities - 6000 rubles.

In the case when the income of a single mother is below the subsistence level, the woman is entitled to the following payments:

  • Due to the increase in the cost of living - 750 rubles.
  • Monthly allowance for children from 0 to 18 years old - 2,500 rubles.
  • Allowance from 1.5 to 3 years - 4500 rubles.

Registration procedure

There are many reasons why a woman may be forced to raise a child on her own. However, all of them lead to the fact that mother and baby find themselves in a difficult situation.

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  • a one-time pregnancy benefit provided if a woman registers for up to 12 weeks;
  • maternity allowance;
  • a one-time payment provided upon the birth of a child;
  • monthly maternity allowance;
  • monthly allowance during parental leave.

The above allowances can also be received by mothers who are raising a baby with her husband.

However, payments for single mothers are larger. In addition, they are provided with additional benefits, which are paid from the budget of the region. Their size is determined by the authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation independently.


Benefits provided to single mothers are divided into federal and regional.

  • one-time payment for pregnancy - 581.73 rubles;
  • a birth certificate in the amount of 11,000 rubles, which can be spent on services in a antenatal clinic, a children's clinic and the purchase of medicines;
  • childbirth allowance - 15,512.65 rubles;
  • until the child reaches the age of 1.5, a monthly allowance is provided - 2,908.62 rubles.

In addition to the above benefits, a single mother has the opportunity to receive payments from the regional budget. Their size may vary depending on the subject of the Russian Federation.

How to apply?

The procedure for applying for benefits is not complicated. To receive support from the state, a mother raising a child on her own must contact the territorial department of social protection, having previously prepared a package of documentation.

Employees of the organization will tell you what you need to do next in order to receive benefits.

The documents

To apply for benefits in 2019, a woman must provide a documentation package.

To complete the procedure, you will need:

  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the registry office confirming that the paternity record was made from the words of the mother, if the inscription is present in the birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the ZhEKa confirming that the child lives with the mother;
  • form No. 25, which is issued at the registry office when issuing a birth certificate and confirms that the woman is a single mother.

If the status was assigned due to the fact that the man disputed paternity, a copy of the court decision must be provided to the Social Security along with the above documents.

The state begins to provide payments after the papers are transferred to the appropriate state body.

For this reason, experts do not advise delaying the collection of documentation.

Assistance will be transferred until the child reaches a certain age, fixed in the current legislation.

Is housing provided?
