How a Chechen woman cheats on her husband. There is no way back after betrayal

On July 8, Russia celebrated the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. About family and love on this holiday, as usual, it was said on every corner, but for some reason they forgot about fidelity. Although it is this virtue that is the key to a strong family. The infidelity of a spouse served as an unconditional reason for divorce among almost all the peoples of Russia. However, not everyone used it and not always.

Often because adultery has become. AT Chechnya and mountainous areas Dagestan the husband, who found his wife with her lover, had every right to kill both on the spot and was not responsible to anyone for this. However, if the husband killed only one participant in adultery, then he became the blood of the relatives of the murdered.

If a woman was not killed, then they were dishonored - they put her back to front on a donkey, smeared her with soot and drove her around the village.

In almost all nations, the betrayal of a man was not considered something out of the ordinary, and it was not followed by any punishment or condemnation from society. However, freedom-loving Circassians, having discovered her husband's infidelity, they could punish him - return to their father's house, taking the dowry with them. But still, not everyone resorted to this method, because, even if the husband's infidelity was proven, the children remained in the paternal family, and the woman could no longer see them.

Cheating wife Circassians was clearly perceived as an attack on the honor of the husband and his entire family, and entailed physical punishment or a return in disgrace to the parental home.

At Slavic peoples adultery unequivocally served as a pretext for divorce. True, in pre-Petrine times, deceived women did not have the right to file for divorce.

The most common reaction of deceived husbands was to beat and torture unfaithful wives. Moreover, in a peasant society, the unwillingness of a husband to punish an unfaithful wife could cause condemnation and ridicule. This was perceived as a shameful weakness and inability to be the head of the family.

At Don Cossacks society looked at the freedom of behavior of a married Cossack woman rather condescendingly, but her husband was still ordered to punish her.

A public confession of guilt before an honest people could save the Cossack woman from beatings. If a woman went for it, the Cossack was supposed to forgive the guilty one and even raise the children she had adopted on the side as her own.

It is known that peoples North in for many centuries it was considered an honor if a guest entered into an intimate relationship with the host's wife. This is primarily due to the problems of a closed ethnic group, where one had to carefully look for a spouse, since one cannot enter into a close relationship.

However, it is one thing - the salvation of the family, and quite another - betrayal with one of their own.

At Khanty for a woman, cohabitation with another man was considered a sin - for this the gods punished her with difficult childbirth. The walking woman was condemned more than the walking man. But at the same time, infidelity was not usually considered as a serious reason for divorce. In the worst case, infidelity was punished with severe beatings.

And how are things now? Studying interethnic marriages, scientists learned that treason is considered unforgivable for both men and women 62.5% of respondents Bashkir and 59.9% Russians. But the representatives Tatar ethnos, the results were contradictory.

37.5% of respondents believe that cheating is unforgivable to anyone. The same number of men and women surveyed believe that adultery is excusable for a man "because of his nature."

Only 15% of respondents believe that differences in national, religious traditions and customs can be justified as a justification for treason, the remaining 85% believe that there are no justifications for treason.

In preparing the material, we used works published on the website of the CyberLeninka scientific library

Anna Bryzgalova

28/04/10, Chechen1987
Clever, modest, indescribably attractive appearance of a beauty - how can you not love them? Nokhchiy, g1alg1ay mehkari uggare haza, ozda, g1ilakh, g1ulakh khuush yo1ri bu, gave dukkha daha doyla shu. In general, I respect all worthy, good girls, regardless of nationality or some other signs that divide people into clans. I will not exalt some and belittle the dignity of other girls. Every girl is worthy of love and respect, and her moral qualities depend on her upbringing.

02/05/10, Meme
Good afternoon, I am an Adygei husband, a Chechen, which I am very proud of, despite all the troubles and sufferings, this people was able to maintain their customs, traditions and culture, and because of this they should already be respected, I had many friends and acquaintances of Chechen women and nothing I can’t say bad things about them, I already treated many of them as sisters and they were real friends, and not those who were close to the first difficulties! Of course, not all Chechen nationalities are ideal girls, if they do not behave with dignity as a Chechen and Muslim woman should, only because there were no real men in her family (brothers, father, husband, etc.) because if they were, then this would never be allowed. As for the killers, etc., they just defended their land, their homeland and their families, I think they should not be judged for this.

14/05/10, Alikka
Because it is a pure nation that does not want to mix with others and continues its kind, therefore they marry Chechens (in 99%). They are truly mistresses: faithful, modest, pious, clean, non-drinkers! And they won’t even be able to swear at their enemies, everyone is looking for some softer expressions :-)) Not like me! I'm not even going to bother about being delicate with those who try to sling mud at me!

14/05/10, Alikka
Irishka01Kushu, if you didn't learn Chechen for a start, then at least ask knowledgeable people or something... Nokhchi vu means I'm a Chechen. But the question would be different. Do not disgrace yourself, this was a real set-up, I have heard about such "Chechen women" who are not Chechens at all! But they simply stirred up such a provocation so that there would be less respect for the representatives of this beautiful nation!

17/05/10, abbas
I have never met them, but here, according to the words, they are just angels. Chechens really know how to educate their women, they will never have such depravity as with Russians, and what is gradually happening to my people.

22/05/10, wowcrafter
And why hate girls? (O_o) I understand envy for girls there or just dislike for a rival, and so on. They have such a culture and they like to live so much ... Well, for most, of course, there are nits in every nation) and generally a stupid topic. I personally like girls of any nation, especially Chechens)) and don’t talk about terrorism, etc., we are talking about Chechen girls and not about Islamic suicide bombers.

02/06/10, Chechen 2010
Firstly, I myself am a Chechen! Secondly, haters of the Chechens write such nonsense here. As if we are such monsters, all we do is put bombs on you, we don’t give you life, so why the hell did you come to fight us in Chechnya (we didn’t start it first). Yes, and recruiters our girls are not Chechens, but bastards of a different nationality. Yes, and many who fought in this damned war (of the main ones) were not Chechens at all. And yet, about the fact that we dissatisfy our husbands in bed, it’s complete crap. In any nation, husbands run to their mistresses. You haven’t been in bed with us, so don’t write what you don’t know !!! We are also in the kitchen hostesses anywhere, unlike some of them, we don’t feed our husbands with ready-made dumplings or doshiraks. You can’t write about a nation that you don’t know!

02/06/10, Nurayka
My brother is dating a Chechen woman, her name is Zarina) They have been friends together for almost a year, I like her, my brother would rather steal her! I communicate with Zarinka almost like a daughter-in-law)

03/06/10, LP777
Because I'm a Chechen, that's why I love it. But I'm not a Nazi, all the girls are good regardless of the nation, but I love only the Chechen).

09/06/10, Elf of the Lakes
I have a good attitude towards decent, real my compatriots, for whom centuries-old values ​​and their own good name are not an empty phrase. And then, sometimes, one of these will come out for a walk in Grozny: a skirt with a huge neckline, God forbid, tight-fitting to the knee, made up like a clown, and above all this - a pathetic parody of a scarf :) :) :) It becomes very funny when this is a miracle begins to say something about faith, traditions and other things very familiar to him) And the beautiful girls in all respects that exist in every nation (and we, I hope, have the majority), cause sympathy, respect and pride in me.

12/06/10, Stella 91
about the fact that Chechen women cannot hear about Russian girls, this is not true. For example, I am a purebred Chechen, but I have no antipathy towards any nation. There is no bad nation, there are bad people. And I have a lot of Russian girlfriends and many excellent girls among them. And there are moral freaks among Chechen women. But the fact is that there are far fewer of them. And what is a shame for a Chechen woman is a common thing for Russian girls. But here the question of culture and religion is raised. Therefore, there is no need to discuss Chechen women, whether they are good or bad, because it is not for Russians to judge for sure. And half of the right column, I am 100% sure that a Chechen woman has never been seen in my life.

13/06/10, love life
Stella 91 yes, I also have the same feeling, more precisely, I’m even sure that more than half of the right columns have no idea who the Chechens are or confuse you with someone .. well, when you read it’s even funny what they write there ... _)))

16/06/10, Andjeshka
I think that Chechen girls are much more well-mannered than others, they are not frivolous, and they are very beautiful, of course I am not a Chechen, but a Muslim woman and would be glad if I were a Chechen, but my boyfriend is a Chechen and when I marry him I will part of the Chechen family, I really like their city, in general, Chechnya should be proud of their people, they are fair, although cruel, but hardworking for that, of course not all, but most, I say this because I have such a boyfriend, even though he lives and in Germany. Many do not like them, but I am proud of them, because they will always help and will never give offense to their girls, wives and children!

12/08/10, Redwallka
What nonsense - to hate only for belonging to a certain nation! It seems that those who spoke in the right column did not succeed in life, a normal person will behave more adequately! And be proud that someone's husbands are running to you - girls, they have found something to be proud of! Start yours! They would be silent and not dishonored. I myself am Russian, I communicate with Chechen girls on the net. Smarties and beauties!

12/08/10, Guerlain666
Ambrosia, who told you that? Did you see it on TV? Or did you read it on the Internet? Then at least look (read) more carefully: "Explosions at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations, according to the investigation, were carried out by natives of DAGESTAN Mariam Sharipova and Janet Abdullaeva (Abdurakhmanova)". In general, it would be time to have your own opinion and turn on the brain periodically, and not stupidly eat everything that comes from the garbage heaps called "TV" and "Internet". Filter information. Your whole life brains litter, and you believe. And they lead you all your life to where you need to (of course, not to you).

06/09/10, BettySpagetty
Russian girls are very jealous of Chechen ones. They marry their own all the same, and you are part of a piece of meat that Caucasians consider to be cheap cattle. Maybe you are for Tajiks, Uzbeks and the standard of beauty where there are few beautiful women, but not for Caucasians .. We have enough of our beauties and your unmarried girls. And you sticky like bath sheets climb to Caucasians in any way, and change religion, and are ready to run on your knees. As one Chechen was married to one Russian from whom he has 2 daughters (who have nothing Chechen at all), then he lived with another terrible Russian rat, she cooked Chechen dishes for him, and at night she got up to wash her feet and sobbed all the time that he said he would marry a Chechen .. And she told my mother this, how he humiliates her, but she loved him a poor Russian naive fool and endured everything .. as a result, he married a Chechen woman at the age of 52. It's just a shame that after dirty Russian holes, then they live with clean Chechens .. that's what's a shame.

17/09/10, Rokki
My girlfriend's friend is Chechen. A good, cheerful girl, pleasant to communicate with. My Nadyusha does not have a soul in her, or rather, she has never met her friends more sympathetically. And about the appearance of the above rightly noted. Radima is very attractive

07/10/10, ali4ka
Guys, this can be discussed for a very long time. But I will say for sure that absolutely everywhere there are different people, both in Chechnya and in Russia, as in any other country. The same applies to some external data. Previously, I did not know anything about these people until I met a Chechen. After talking, I learned a lot of new and useful things for myself. And those who say that Chechens are cruel, of course, are wrong ... Firstly, because of the generalization, and secondly, there is such a saying: "A dog can bite, only from dog's life." Therefore, before writing, think a hundred times how you would behave if for hundreds of years you were driven from your land and oppressed in every possible way ... And suicide bombers are a completely separate conversation. These are desperate girls who have nothing more to lose. they face a life in exile or a heroic death in the eyes of their people. In general, do not judge, but you will not be judged!

"If you find the history of the Chechens, burn it, otherwise if they find out about it, they will die of pride" (Stalin's words)

19/10/10, She-wolf86
How can you judge the whole nation by individual people! "Russian goddess" I answer your stupid questions and unfounded statements: firstly, a real Chechen man will NOT raise his hand to his wife for ANYTHING (the MOST PERFECT RELIGION IN THE WORLD will not allow him to do this -ISLAM)!; secondly, our men run to Russian women, rather because you are VERY accessible, and sometimes annoying, JUST YOURSELF HANG ON THE NECK of the Chechen guys, because you constantly "something" is missing in the same the bed itself! Since your guys are not able to satisfy your desires! It seems that you had a bad experience with a Chechen who, of course, left you. And you did the right thing! For you, self-realization in life is a bigger bottle of beer, a cigarette and men (in the nth quantity). Whereas, for a Chechen woman, self-realization is the well-being of her family, and a life lived with dignity! Chechen girls are the purest in soul and body and thoughts! It was we who taught you how to wash!

08/11/10, Dagestanec
I just love them for their mind, for their beauty, for their decency. Unfortunately, I did not meet many Chechen women on my way, but I have the brightest memories of those Chechen women that I was lucky to know. They are the best of all the girls with whom I have ever communicated. InshaAllah, I decided long ago that when I decide to get married, I will go to Chechnya for a bride.

11/11/10, Kerocine
Of course, you will forgive me, but please tell me, where did you get the information that the Chechens descended from the Vikings? Excuse me, where is it written? I am a Chechen myself, I love my girls when they do not behave like collective farmers. And I would like to ask. Compatriots: why do you write comments in the style of religious fanaticism? This is what pisses some people off. Even here, Russian girls discussed the fact that husbands go to the left ... Actually, Russian husbands also go to the left, "friendly sex", mistresses, etc. And let me remind you that the great Lenin bequeathed this to the Russians: “Every Russian should have a mistress,” so I don’t ask about this. And I dare to say that Russian girls who give birth from their lovers are no better , our girls do not have. And since here some have started talking about politics, then I can only say: this is all politics, media is in the hands of the government, put on a pedestal, or declared enemies of the people, they can at will, it only needs money.

11/11/10, Kerocine
From an initially good topic, you turned it into a national dispute .... You should not have been so, you could have discussed everything in a good way. The beautiful and the ugly are everywhere. But in reality, people are disfigured by the collective farm, remoteness from civilization, lack of education, etc. All this is reflected on the face, there are uneducated fools everywhere, and if there is no stamp "fool" on their face, then in its place there is a more distinct "bitch". Chechen women rarely have the stamp "bitch", most often it is "fool". When a girl is educated, and also spiritually pure (not walking), this is very noticeable and usually causes envy. Among Russians who are clean before marriage, and live loving their husband with children all their lives, there are not a few of them, but in percentage terms ... But it is forbidden for Chechens to marry such people, such a tradition is friends. And why it’s forbidden, this can be explained according to Freud: genes affect the subconscious, and when they are different they are weaker, and then the manifestation of one’s Self in a child will depend most of all on information from outside, and genes will not play a role.

11/11/10, Kerocine
For those who do not understand: it will be easier to impose on a child from interracial parents the idea that his parents are gone. You, this child will simply sell out his parents if education contributes to this worldview. It is also more likely that he will become pid@[email protected] or will have some other similar deviations. The betrayal of parents, due to the fact that they did not allow them to wear a piercing or hit it as a punishment, in most cases manifests itself in children from non-purebred parents. But I'm not saying that they are worse, it will just be easier to raise a child, but now parents are raising children less and less, now your children are being raised by school and Hollywood. What do they teach there? It's fine at school. But on TV, you yourself guess: libertine @ f, alcohol, drugs, lack of morality, lack of morality, etc. And in addition to this, they teach that Islam is evil, that all this is bad, etc.

11/11/10, Kerocine
And at the expense of Islam, I will dispel some myths: 1: a woman has as many rights and obligations as a man, when women were burned at the stake in Europe, in Muslim countries it was impossible to touch them. 2: I'm sorry, but the hijab is an African tradition, it has nothing to do with Islam. 3: Islam is against violence. 4: the formula there is no god but ... in fact, from Arabic it is translated as follows: "there is no god but god" (there is no alaha except alaha, because alaah is god in Arabic), it is foolish to think that we are talking about different gods. 5: the Koran recognizes both the Torah and the Bible, but not only what is written there from people, but there is not enough of it (and the church does not hide this, by the way).

11/11/10, Kerocine
And so, why I love Chechen girls: for humor, devotion, for love, they always love their husbands, unlike some, for love for children, love for home, for family, for country and nation, pride in their people ( but this is rare now), for the presence of one's opinion, for the observance of religion (hijab and fanaticism, which is generated by complexes and the lack of love and fitness for the nation and one's family, have nothing to do with religion), for reliability. And this seems to me an important quality, Chechen girls think about how to do well for their family, the people they love, and not just themselves.

18/11/10, Mountain Chechen
sorry san busulb yizhari that I say everything so openly, I just could not restrain myself. for Chechen guys, Russian girls are just source material. it's just that Russian guys are not able to control their girls. Chechens just appreciate that he is a Chechen and girls respect themselves and their brothers by nationality. Russian guys envy Chechen guys. They can't even protect their girlfriend. That's why all girls love manly guys. A man should be a man of his word and the master of his house and people.

18/11/10, Mountain Chechen
Kerocine is tede personally. you are not a Muslim and you do not judge. The bible is a modified Qur'an. If you were told the truth from the Bible, you Christians would be Muslims. There is no god but ALLAH and that is how it is. and Islam is expanding on this planet and there will be only Islam.

18/11/10, Mountain Chechen
androivan1986 in the entire history of Russia, you were able to conquer Chechnya. NO! some Russians will soon die from the will. this does not apply to everyone

18/11/10, JollyRogerxxx
I don't give a fuck about Chechen girls, but I don't really like them either, but / the bible is a modified Karan. If you were told the truth from the Bible, you Christians would be Muslims. There is no god but ALLAH, this is how it is. / This phrase killed! Learn history from a highlander schoolboy! Islam arose much later than Christianity and, accordingly, your Koran could not have appeared before the Bible in any way! The Bible rather came from the Torah, and the Koran is already from the Bible! Ardent religious Islamic fanatics, shouting "there is no god but Allah", are more like stupid sectarians who are not able to objectively perceive reality! Uneducated because savages! Although all religions, in principle, exist to brainwash cattle, but in Islam for some reason the most vicious and aggressive religious cattle zombies for some reason! =))

My name is Ibrahim, I am 33 years old. I myself am a Chechen, but I married a Russian, because they loved each other, I went against all my relatives. We have been married for 5 years, we have a son, he is 3 years old. Once I climbed the Internet and read about one chip ... There is such an application Whatsapp, I think everyone is familiar. So, if you delete the application and restore it again, it will be restored along with deleted messages)) In my work, I have frequent business trips, and I was ready to take my wife and child with me to be together, but she did not want to. According to her, she loved more than life ...))

I myself am extremely disapproving of betrayal, my thoughts were, of course, to go to the left, but I was faithful in everything. And so, my business trip ends, I fly home, I was absent for two weeks, at that time my son was with my parents in Chechnya. Arrived, a warm meeting, everything is as it should be, and she tells me that she is going to D.R. to your girlfriend. I was offered to go with her, but I was tired, I thought I would sleep well.

She went to take a shower. And she does this for a very long time) At that time I took her phone, did as it was said on the Internet ... And what do you think I found there?)) Her correspondence with some Kamil ... It was such that I even writing is uncomfortable. In detail, the places where they did it, they discussed it all) I read a lot of things, sent the whole chat to my mail, cleaned up the traces and went to rest. In the meantime, she had already left (by the way, to meet him). You can judge me that I didn’t do anything, but I was waiting for the next day, because I found out about the meeting place) Of course, I didn’t sleep, at first such indifference woke up, not because it was already there from the very beginning, but only because I read all this dirt, somehow everything in me died.

She came home at 4 o'clock in the morning, took a bath and lay down to sleep) You can believe me, lying next to her after this ... There is nothing more disgusting ... Well, okay, I clenched my nerves into a fist and eventually fell asleep. The next day, when she came home from work, she said that she would go to a beauty salon, do something with her face)) I don’t understand these things. He saw her off, dressed himself quickly and drove to the meeting place. There were a lot of cars there, so I didn’t know which one was Camille, but soon I saw my wife, who was standing at the entrance to the cafe, and, of course, I immediately understood who he was, as she got into his car.

Due to the specifics of my work, I know what surveillance is and how it all happens) Of course, I went after them, at a distance, of course, since my car is rather big, and she could see perfectly well. We drove for a long time. As a result, we stopped at the park, and there was a parking lot nearby, where there were also a lot of cars. They parked. It was already 11 pm, it was dark outside. I took the phone, turned on the shooting))) I filmed so that in the future there would be no questions about custody of the child. And he slowly approached the car, and there, in all its splendor, the picture of how she swallows from him ... well, you understand)

I stood and filmed for a minute, probably, then I started laughing hysterically, and, of course, they stared at me in shock. My wife saw me, and, probably, her face changed color 30 times))) I opened the door, pulled him out of the car and hit him a couple of times. But he had enough, because. lost consciousness. At this time, my wife was sitting in the car and sobbing hysterically, I repeated three times that she got out of the car, in the end I had to pull her out by the hair. I have never beaten a woman and never thought that I would have a chance, but I slapped her with such a resounding slap in the face that she fell down next to him.

I went home and then sat stupidly watching the TV turned off, thinking about my son. I love him very much, and he himself is an exact copy of me. I thought about how to continue to live. She came home two hours later, rang the doorbell a couple of times, I opened it and said, "You don't live here anymore," and closed it. They sat for hours until 5 in the morning next to the door, and the neighbors came out, and there was turmoil, but it didn’t touch me at all. But nevertheless, he let me in, said that I would give her time until 12 noon to pack her things, leave, and so that I would not hear about her anymore.

Of course, hysteria, tears, twice lost consciousness, I didn’t care at all. At 12, she left, this same Kamil came for her))) As for my son, of course, I immediately said that I could forget about him ... As a result, there was a trial, of course, I hired a very serious lawyer, and I won the case. My son stayed...

Why am I all this ... I am very rich, I earn very well, three apartments in Moscow, two cars. Real estate abroad. Therefore, the moral is this: if a woman is a ** d, she will even fuck with a stool, regardless of everything that she has. Everything was there, nothing was left. Guys, this is hard to bear, but move on. If your wife cheated on you at least once, there is no turning back, do not accept and do not forgive. This is dirt. Even if you love ... You can’t forgive this. After that, you are not a man. Peace to you) Do not change.
