How to grow lush and long eyelashes at home? Basic ways to grow eyelashes at home.

In order for the cilia to be beautiful and healthy, you need to take care of them no less than your hair: thoroughly clean from cosmetics, wipe very carefully, make nourishing masks and massages.

To grow long eyelashes at home, you need to carefully care for them.

You can use the same tools and methods as for hair:

  • Masks with oils: linen, castor, burdock, olive, sea buckthorn.
  • Vitamins A, B, C and E.
  • Compresses from tea and herbal infusions.
  • Massage with oils.

A thoroughly washed mascara brush is perfect for applying oils. Apply a few drops of oil to the brush and carefully lubricate the eyelashes along the entire length. After half an hour, blot with a paper towel to remove any remaining oil.

Masks perfectly nourish the hair roots and stimulate their growth. You just need to apply them very carefully so as not to get into your eyes.

Home treatments for eyelashes

Consider a few simple but effective ways to improve the condition of eyelashes:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn and castor oil, add the contents of one ampoule of vitamin A and E. Mix everything, apply the mixture on the cilia, massage lightly. Wipe off excess oil.
  • To prepare a herbal infusion of calendula or chamomile, you need to pour 4 tablespoons of dried flowers with a liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 3 hours, strain. The finished broth can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Moisten cotton pads with infusion, squeeze lightly and put on the eyelids. Keep on eyes for 15 minutes, no need to rinse.
  • Apply on the eyelids a drop of castor, linseed or burdock oil. With the tips of clean fingers, perform a light massage of the upper and lower eyelids for a couple of minutes, moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. Finally, walk with patting movements with your fingertips.

The main goal of all procedures is to improve the nutrition of the hair roots and stimulate blood circulation. This will wake up inactive bulbs and the cilia will grow thicker and longer. But, of course, it takes time to notice this. The first results are visible within a week after the start of the procedures, and it takes about a month and a half to grow new and longer eyelashes.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Long fluffy eyelashes can magically transform the face of a woman of any age, make the look mysterious and languid, without imposing a tenth layer of mascara for volume and length, highlight the eyes on the face, giving the image femininity and romance. But what if nature has stinted on a chic frame for women's eyes? And what if even branded, but aggressive cosmetics cause eyelash loss, their fragility, exhaustion and terrible appearance?

Oils and all kinds of masks, which are easy to make and use at home, will help heal the cilia, activate their growth and restore the structure.

Grow long eyelashes in a week? Quite possible!

It is not enough to have long eyelashes - they still need to be thick, healthy and well-groomed. The complex of oils, masks and natural herbal decoctions recommended below will help achieve the desired result.

Women sometimes try to treat and improve the condition of eyelashes, motivating their actions by the fact that eyelashes are the same hair. Alas, this is not entirely true, and the close proximity of eyelashes to a very sensitive mucous membrane of the eye excludes the use of many active ingredients in mixtures that can cause irritation and more serious consequences.

Regular use of compositions useful for eyelash growth will improve the outer framing of the eyes in just a week, and within a month you can achieve the desired density and length of upper and lower eyelashes.

Oils for hair growth

Oil is a basic element for eyelash growth, without which it is almost impossible to obtain the required length. There is an opinion that there is nothing better for eyelash growth and cannot be. Partly correct, partly not. Burdock and castor oils are traditionally used as part of eyelash masks, which are applied for a certain time (usually one hour) and are required to be washed off with warm water. More convenient in terms of use are natural oils:

For eyelashes strengthens them, gives a healthy lively shine and significantly lengthens;
for eyelashes it is necessary to use slightly warmed up, it is possible to use in combination with burdock in a ratio of 1: 1;
for eyelashes is rich in vitamins and useful components that give eyelashes volume and silkiness, like a baby.

Oils are sold in pharmacies, it is not difficult to buy them. There are rules for using eyelash helper oils:

The entire procedure for applying oils should be carried out on clean, rested eyelashes: for this, it is enough to carefully remove makeup and lie down for 15-20 minutes, allowing the cilia to “breathe”.
It is convenient to store oils in a cleanly washed mascara bottle, a convenient brush will make applying the oil comfortable and natural (soaked sponges, cotton pads or swabs will not make the application so neat: it is possible to smear the oil on the face and get it on the mucous membrane of the eye). A bottle of oil (without the addition of other natural ingredients of plant and animal origin) is stored in a dark place at room temperature - storage in the refrigerator will destroy all the valuable properties of oil products.

3. Natural oils, except for castor and burdock, are applied and left for any period of time - it is convenient to do this at night: eyelashes will receive maximum nutrition and in the morning they will fully meet a new wave of eyeliners, eyeliners and mascara.

4. The minimum health or preventive course is 2-3 weeks: this time is enough to evaluate the benefits and feel the effect.

Hair growth masks

For the growth of eyelashes, folk remedies have been used since ancient times, they are prepared on the basis of burdock or castor oils. The main recipes for eyelash growth masks are easy to prepare, gently applied to the cilia with a brush, left for one hour and gently washed off with warm water.

Recipe 1

Ingredients: castor oil and cognac (or aloe juice) in a ratio of 1:1.

Recipe 2

Ingredients: castor and in equal proportions with the addition of two drops of oily vitamins A and E and aloe juice.

Recipe 3

Finely chopped parsley is poured with a mixture of castor oil and aloe juice, all three components are taken in equal proportions. The resulting slurry is mixed and infused for a day. It is applied to the cilia for half an hour, then gently washed off with warm water.

Herbal decoctions for eyelashes

Herbal decoctions and infusions are an effective and natural remedy for strengthening, restoring and growing eyelashes. Warm decoctions and infusions are used as compresses: a cotton pad is dipped into the liquid and applied to the eyes, 20 minutes of quiet rest will allow the eyelids and cilia to absorb useful substances. After removing the cotton pads, allow the eyelashes to dry and lubricate them with a suitable oil.

The popular strong brewing of black tea is also used according to the same principle. However, natural remedies will be powerless if you forget to remove makeup at night or constantly use aggressive waterproof mascara without giving your eyelashes any rest. But even if careful care does not give any result, one should be puzzled by the overall strengthening of the body and health - problems of the digestive system, rare walks in the fresh air, and worsen the condition of the skin and hair and negatively affect the appearance of eyelashes.

Careful attention to your own eyelashes and eyes will help to make the look deep, and the eyelashes - fluffy and charming!

January 18, 2014

Sweeping and fluffy eyelashes make the look softer and more expressive. But nature has not endowed everyone with such a gift, you have to correct her oversights. Especially if there is an important event ahead, and you need to quickly figure out how to grow eyelashes. It is not always possible to go to the salon, so let's find out which methods work correctly at home.

While cosmetics advertisers promise miraculous effects with little to no effort, the ability to build up several times in one week is just a myth. After all, thick eyelashes and eyebrows are just hair. Yes, they grow faster, but they fall out more easily. The life span of a hair is short, several such generations are replaced in a year.

The average length of an eyelash is about 1 centimeter. It is difficult to grow a hair longer, especially at home. Therefore, do not believe marketing promises, they only lure you in vain. In a short time, for example, a week, the maximum result of building a house is 30%. Another thing, if you go to the salon: their materials and capabilities allow you to achieve a more noticeable result, really doubling the length after one simple procedure.


Really working cosmetics, which in a week will give the effect of building up, is quite expensive, but it exists. Usually these are useful masks that stimulate growth and nourish the hair follicles. They will also help damaged eyelashes: in a short time, the hairs will get healthier and become stronger at home, after which you can brag about how long and thick your eyelashes and eyebrows are.

Remember that these products are generally focused on injured eyebrows and eyelashes. It is useful to use them if a large bald spot has appeared, poor-quality cosmetics have had their effect, or an unpleasant incident has occurred, as a result of which you ended up with almost no eyelashes.

But for healthy and strong hairs, there may not be a special extension effect at home. Read reviews beforehand to find out what result your chosen product gives - so you don't waste your money.

Modern mascaras can give a significant effect of volume and lengthening. Therefore, if you need a short-term result, how to quickly grow eyelashes, for example, for an evening event, find the right cosmetics and build up eyelashes and eyebrows visually.


The most effective home remedies for building are vegetable oils. Usually they contain useful substances that protect and nourish the hairs, so they are strengthened and become stronger.

But each of the oils has its own properties, so carefully select them, study the characteristics in detail, and only after that carefully use:

  • Castor oil - makes long hairs look healthier, allows them to grow better and thicker. But at the same time, you need to apply it very carefully so that it does not get into your eyes.
  • Burdock oil is an excellent growth catalyst. In a week there will be a noticeable effect if the hairs were weak and lifeless. If eyelashes and eyebrows used to be healthy and strong, you can hardly feel the difference - they will become thicker and more beautiful, but not much longer, within the limits of the possible.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is a real concentrate of nutrients and vitamins. This is exactly what cilia need for active growth after damage.
  • Olive oil - will protect and strengthen the hairs, make the eyebrows thicker, and the cilia - thicker and longer.

A significant drawback of vegetable oils is that regular use at home is required - they may simply not have time to act in a week. But in the long run, the effect will be excellent.

To speed up the result with home remedies, mix oils and add concentrated vitamins to the resulting recipes.

It is easier to apply them with a special brush or a brush from an old mascara. The price of such funds is quite low and affordable, the same castor oil costs about 30 rubles for a large bottle, so this is a good budget option, after which a pleasant effect is obtained.

Masks and decoctions

Homemade recipes are good because they are safe and time-tested, but it is better to check each of them individually. It will be easier if you look for reviews of such extensions to be sure of the possible result. Chamomile tincture is the simplest of them. It is enough to boil chamomile in boiling water for half an hour at home, and then apply it correctly on the eyelid and eyebrows as a mask for half an hour. But there are more complex ideas:

  • A decoction of chamomile, cornflowers, sage and castor oil - you need to lubricate long hairs from the roots for ten minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.
  • Vaseline, chamomile and concentrated vitamin E mask - apply every day, preferably in the evenings.
  • Tincture of cornflower, coltsfoot and chamomile - boil in boiling water and leave for at least a day. After straining, you can make useful nourishing compresses.
  • A mixture of burdock oil, petroleum jelly and cognac - rub into the eyelid, like a regular ointment, but do not get carried away too much so as not to damage the thick hairs.
  • Castor oil, vitamin A and aloe juice - the mask should be applied to the eyebrows and cilia without contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. It is worth wearing it at home for at least a few hours a day.

If you combine folk recipes, you can achieve a quick build-up result. But do not expect miracles - the instant effect of sweeping, as if false eyelashes will give only a visit to the salon, and after extension at home, noticeable differences will not appear immediately.

Applying masks and making compresses at home is not the only thing you can do for your lashes. There are several ways to properly stimulate growth without them. For example, every evening to do a gentle massage of the eyelids. It will improve blood circulation, so that useful substances will better flow to the hairs. At this time, you can rub a healthy mixture or vitamins.

At night, at home, be sure to remove makeup if you wear makeup. Eyelashes need to rest, due to constant makeup, the eyes can swell, and long hairs can be damaged. But the remedy should be gentle and soft. If you decide on the extension process in the salon, refrain from cosmetics at least for a week.


This video tells and explains all the subtleties of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, then it is recommended for viewing.

Long and thick eyelashes are a real decoration of a woman. Let's try to grow such eyelashes at home.

Some facts

As you know, body hair, like eyelashes, is constantly updated and growing. This is a lengthy process that takes anywhere from a few weeks to two to three months. By the way, one hair will be completely renewed in 90 days, and a new one will grow in its place. However, this process can be accelerated. By regularly grooming them, you can achieve good results in less time. It is worth adding that the natural length and density of eyelashes depends on hereditary factors and is individual for each person, so you should realistically assess your chances by growing long eyelashes using home care and folk recipes.

As a rule, eyelashes are arranged in several rows. On the upper eyelid, their number does not exceed two hundred, and on the lower one, it is two times less. However, this can be corrected.

Natural color is also determined genetically. Like hair color, it is individual. There are light and dark shades and even red. In addition, the hormonal background of a person also affects their color.

How to grow eyelashes at home? women ask in pursuit of natural beauty. Artificial and extended eyelashes are a thing of the past. In fashion, naturalness and naturalness in everything.

Therefore, we will try to use all means only of self-preparation, natural and natural.

First of all, it should be noted factors that can interfere with the desire to quickly grow natural eyelashes:

  • Mechanical impact (use of various curling irons, excessive friction when removing makeup) - all this weakens the structure and affects the growth rate, breaks may appear, the hair follicle is weakened;
  • Chemical effects (mascara, make-up removers, permanent coloring, waving with chemical compounds, medications) - change the structure of the hair, causing brittleness and thinning;
  • Ultraviolet exposure - dehydrates and discolors the hair, causes premature loss and slows down growth.

Therefore, when answering the question of how to quickly grow long eyelashes, these factors must be taken into account. All efforts will be in vain if you constantly expose your cilia to negative influences. For the period of growing, it is better to refuse coloring and curling, and also not to be in the open sun without special glasses with UV protection. In addition, it is worth trying some "beauty recipes".

Valuable oils

Many people know about the benefits of vegetable oils for hair. However, few people know that they are no less useful for eyelashes. The best among them are castor, burdock, walnut and pistachio, olive, almond, peach, sea buckthorn oils. Having a rich composition, they perfectly cope with their tasks. Each of them is unique and aimed at solving certain problems. Based on numerous positive reviews, we can say that growing eyelashes with their help, you can achieve good results.

  • Castor oil activates growth, strengthens the hair follicle, thickens the hairs;
  • Walnut oil restores strength and health to eyelashes, adds shine, perfectly moisturizes;
  • Peach oil saturates the hairs with vitamins and microelements, enhances shine and elasticity. Suitable for sensitive eyes. Rarely causes allergies;
  • Almond oil cares for eyelashes and eyelid skin. Moisturizes and strengthens hairs;
  • Burdock oil affects growth, length and density, adds shine and silkiness;
  • Olive oil protects against hair loss, restores damaged hairs, strengthens the structure, awakens dormant hair follicles, activates growth.

Oils can be used alone or mixed with each other. Whichever one is used for eyelash growth, it is important to follow certain rules of use:

  • Be sure to check the oil for allergies. To do this, it is necessary to lubricate the wrist or elbow bend with a small amount of oil and track the reaction. If irritation or redness appears, do not use;
  • Choose a reliable manufacturer to avoid buying low-quality goods. Products of inadequate quality can harm not only the eyes, but also the skin of the face, and also affect vision. In addition, you should always check expiration dates and read the instructions;
  • Properly store oils (many of them are stored in the refrigerator);
  • The agent for growth should be used in courses of 2-3 weeks, and then take a break;
  • Before use, the composition is slightly heated in a water bath or a bottle of oil is lowered into warm water;
  • Eyes must be clean before application. It is necessary to remove makeup with a special tool and rinse them with water;
  • The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening, a few hours before bedtime;
  • Do not apply too much oil, this will not accelerate growth, and excess can provoke swelling, as well as redness and irritation of the eyes;
  • It is better to apply the product with a cotton swab, a brush from an old carcass (rinse and dry in advance) or with a special brush and in a small amount starting from the tips;
  • It is not recommended to leave the product overnight. It is better to wash off the oil compress after 1-2 hours.

These rules must not be ignored. Incorrect use of oils not only does not help to quickly grow thick and strong eyelashes, but can also harm them, as well as the eyes and skin of the eyelids.

Vitamin A and E

As compresses, you can use fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are purchased at a pharmacy. It is an all-in-one skin and hair care product. Judging by the reviews, this is an excellent tool for growth. These vitamins are used in combination or separately from each other. The rules of application remain the same as for vegetable oils.

For ease of use, it is better to choose vitamins in liquid form. The capsules are recommended to be taken orally.

Herbal compresses

Many folk plants are great for restoring eyelashes and moisturizing the skin of the eyelids. Herbs such as chamomile, calendula, cornflower, coltsfoot, nettle are often used as eye lotions. These "beauty recipes" can be adopted. Herbs (singly or in combination with each other) are brewed with boiling water (1 tablespoon per half glass of water) and infused for up to 30 minutes.

Ready, strong enough, the infusion is moistened with a cotton pad and applied to the eye area for 15-20 minutes. Such procedures, in addition to healing eyelashes, eliminate swelling and bruising under the eyes, moisturize and tone the skin around the eyes. This is a good bonus. Due to herbal compresses, you can not only grow long eyelashes, but also improve the appearance of the face, rejuvenate and get rid of mimic wrinkles in this area. In addition, ordinary tea will help to cope with these problems. Both black and green leaf tea can be used.


Icy rubbing of the skin of the eyes will also benefit the eyelashes. Due to the action of ice, the skin of the eyelids is toned, blood circulation improves. Nutrients reach the hair follicles better and faster, and their growth is activated. Therefore, ice procedures in such a matter as quickly growing eyelashes must be used. To do this, you should prepare ice cubes in advance from infusions of herbs, tea, mineral water and wipe the eye area with them (you can use the whole face) during morning hygiene procedures for 30 seconds.

Do not expose the skin to the eyes for longer than the indicated time. In addition, women with a tendency to rosacea are contraindicated to use ice on the entire face.

In inflammatory eye diseases, this method should also be postponed.

Eye massage

Surprisingly, massage for the eyelid area has a beneficial effect on the growth of eyelashes. As in the case of ice, hair follicles are stimulated, they receive more nutrition and, as a result, begin to grow actively, and reach their maximum.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before the procedure. Apply a drop of vegetable oil (from the above) on the fingertips and massage the area of ​​the eyelids and eyelashes with light tapping movements for no more than 3-5 minutes. Massage is recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a week in a course of 1 month. Then take a break for a month. Thanks to the reviews of women who regularly carry out this procedure, we can conclude that due to massage, you can achieve a good length and density of eyelashes. In addition, it has a positive effect on the eyes. By relaxing the eye muscles, vision improves.

Masks based on natural ingredients

In order for the eyes to always look well-groomed, it is necessary to pamper them with homemade masks from time to time. To do this, you should choose natural fresh foods rich in vitamins and minerals. For these purposes, an ordinary home plant is well suited - aloe vera, which many housewives have. If not, it's worth buying. It is included in many “beauty recipes” and will be useful not only for eyelashes, but also for the eyes, skin of the face and body. The valuable juice and pulp of this plant, in relation to eyelashes, perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and strengthens the hairs.

When growing eyelashes, it is necessary to lubricate them with fresh plant juice in its pure form or mix with a few drops of oils daily in a course of 10 procedures. Then take a break of 10 days and repeat. This recipe will help restore water balance, improve the structure, cope with fragility and loss of eyelashes.

These tips will help restore the natural beauty of eyelashes, improve growth, add splendor and density. These recipes can be used individually, alternating them, or in combination with each other. In order not to oversaturate them with nutrients, it is imperative to take breaks and give the eyes a rest. This also applies to cosmetics. You can't use it daily. At least on weekends, the skin and eyelashes should rest from the harmful ingredients in its composition. This will have a positive effect on their growth.

Growing eyelashes with home remedies is easier than you might think.

How you want to have long luxurious eyelashes and clap them, making eyes to your suitors. But naturally beautiful eyelashes are not given to everyone, and we constantly paint them with mascara, paint, build up, which is why the already not rich heritage dries up literally before our eyes.

Stop! Stop wasting the remnants of luxury, it's time to come to grips with your eyelashes and provide them with decent care. Believe me, the result will not keep you waiting long, and after 7 days you will see that the cilia have grown and strengthened, and after a month you will be delighted with your beauty.

Taboo in home eyelash care

First you need to decide what caused such a deplorable state of your cilia. The following factors influence hair loss and stunting and should be eliminated from your lifestyle if possible:

  1. You don't wash off your make-up before bed, and your lashes with dried mascara break from touching the pillow.
  2. You use the usual one or wash yourself with sls.
  3. The condition of the cilia is badly affected by extension and coloring, as well as poor-quality eye makeup.
  4. You are not eating well. Protein and omega acids must be present in your diet.

Home treatments for eyelash growth

We figured out what not to do. Now let's pay attention to 3 important activities that will help grow eyelashes at home and have positive feedback.

Eyelash restoration plan for 30 days:


growth mask

Folk remedies for moisturizing cilia

Since it is very thin and susceptible to allergens and irritants, you won’t experiment much with the means. Therefore, at the heart of each moisturizing recipe will be natural oils that have been tested for centuries, which are best applied before bedtime. They will fill the hairs with useful substances and make them elastic:

  1. Peach oil. Contains vitamins A, groups B, C, E, R. Strengthens eyelashes, allows them to grow quickly and stops falling out. Neutralizes dry skin around the eyes, prevents aging and irritation. Suitable for removing make-up from sensitive areas of the face.
  2. Almond oil. It has a high content of vitamin E, which promotes hair growth.
  3. Olive oil. It contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, K. Strengthens and nourishes eyelashes without causing swelling and allergies.

For the first time, try each oil separately to understand what kind of reaction it causes in the body. After making sure that the natural remedies are well tolerated by the eyes, you can mix them to speed up the recovery process.

Masks for eyelash growth

Unlike the oils described above, those products that will be discussed below have a richer texture and, in case of prolonged contact with the skin, can cause swelling. Therefore, they should be applied for no more than 1 hour, after which the residues should be carefully removed from the face and eyelashes:

  1. Masks based on castor oil. As you know, castor oil is the most effective remedy for the growth and strengthening of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. It contains vitamins A and E and has a local irritating effect, due to which the nutrition of the skin and hair follicles is enhanced. It is customary to dilute castor oil 1 to 3 with aloe juice, carrot juice, and also add peach, almond, rose or olive oil to it.
  2. Means based on burdock oil. The second most useful for hair is burdock oil. It contains vitamins A, B, C, E. To create a super mask, mix castor and burdock oil in equal proportions. You can also add oil from wheat germ and flax there.

Eyelash massage at home

You can apply homemade preparations with a cotton swab or brush, but it will be much more effective to rub them with your fingertips, making massage movements, since it will be much faster to grow eyelashes:

  • massage the lower eyelid with ring fingers from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, and the upper eyelid - from the inner to the outer for 2 minutes;
  • then with the index, middle and ring fingers for 2 minutes we make light tapping movements on the skin around the eyes;
  • during exercise, try not to stretch or pinch the skin.

See how professionals massage the skin around the eyes:

Three effective steps at home will help you quickly fulfill your dream.
