Young generation: do we have a future? Composition on the topic: Education is the duty of the present generation to the future.

What will the future be like hard to predict. Science fiction writers describe the future in different ways. But in most cases they are similar in one thing: robots will appear in the human society, which will have artificial intelligence and people will start moving to other planets. Perhaps that is how it will be. After all, once people thought that the earth was flat, but when they began to surf the expanses of the ocean and discover the continents, they realized that things were completely different.

Over time, people will also begin to discover new planets, as they once discovered new continents. A person cannot sit still, he is directed to the future, he still has a lot of secrets that he has to reveal.

Someone is afraid of the future, because the unknown is always scary. What awaits a person in a few hundred years no one knows. A lot depends on the person himself, it is he who creates history and building the future. Probably the most important thing is that people take care of the future for the new generation, so that they do not have to suffer from diseases, lack of food. We must take care of the future, of the condition in which the planet earth will be given to our descendants.

Composition on the topic of the future | November 2015

Essay on future profession

There are many in the world interesting professions but which one to choose. My future profession I must like it first. There is nothing better than getting up every morning and being glad that you are going to work. My profession should bring me joy. A person who loves his profession becomes a professional, an expert in his field, which is why it is so important to choose a profession to your liking.

Not all people work with pleasure, many even experience stress when they go to work, for them this is a real hard labor. Many choose money work. What is better to get a lot of money or get a lot of joy from your favorite work? Most will choose the former, since money plays the most important role in our society. Some live only for money, becoming their slaves. Favourite buisness one way or another it will bring money, and in addition to them, life satisfaction, and this is the most important thing on earth, to know what you were created for.

Therefore, when choosing professions you need to understand yourself, understand what is interesting in the mood, what the soul lies in. Do not rush to choose a profession, many people have been looking for their calling for centuries and find it. Who seeks will find. Choosing a profession to your liking is not so easy, so this issue must be approached very seriously and consciously.

Composition my future profession | November 2015

Essay on the future of the Russian language

Greatness and wealth Russian language difficult to dispute. This is a real colossus of literature, an indisputable authority and a symbol of innumerable virtues. Any classical work of Russian authors is an unsurpassed mastery of the true Word, once again confirming the fact that any colors, emotions and delights are subject to the Russian language.

Alas, present time can not be called sometimes the heyday of the Russian language. Today, when communication is unforgivably simplified, and foreign, borrowed terms appear in speech every now and then, the Russian language is going through hard times. It is enough to leaf through any of the popular bestsellers to understand how poor and inexpressive literature is becoming.

The reasons for this phenomenon are clear. And the point is not at all that modern authors are far from true art and do not know how to in Russian in due measure. However, due to commercial considerations, their works must be as close as possible to the current generation, capable of perceiving only the most simple and unpretentious language forms. It is quite difficult for modern youth to read Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, they are unable to perceive the lacy, fabulous poetry of Tyutchev and Blok. Alas, the world-famous great works of the classics today become only annoying school assignment, and few people see in it the pleasure of a true connoisseur.

Such observations frighten someone who is able to analyze the situation and think about the future of the Russian language in our country. However, one should not completely exclude the presence of a truly reading public, which is quite capable of enjoying the amazing turns of language and the accuracy of epithets. And it is no coincidence that there are reading clubs, various communities and circles in which people meet who cannot imagine their life without high-quality Russian literature. Thanks to this category of people striving for beauty, there remains hope for further development and the prosperity of the Russian language, as the greatest treasure of the whole people.

A person should appreciate and respect the language from the very first years of his life. And if all parents, instead of the on-duty cartoon, begin to read fairy tales to their baby and entertaining stories, then the significance of the Russian language can be revived and strengthened again. The foundations of a love of reading must be born in every separate family. After all, it is reading that is the key to the greatest knowledge, competent assessment surrounding life, understanding of characters and beautiful, correct speech. It is only through reading that language can exert its beneficial effect not only on minds, but also on souls. A beautiful country will be in which every citizen wants to know perfectly native language and worship its extraordinary beauty.

Composing the language of the future | November 2015

Composition on the topic Without the past there is no future and present

From childhood we were told that without the past there is no present, and without the present there is no future. However, the future cannot be created only from the present, even if it absorbs something from the past. Only the totality of the past and the present is the basic foundation on which the future grows.

Someone will say that you can try to forget, throw away the past and, being content with the present, create the future. Of course, it is possible, however, any attempt to ignore the past will sooner or later lead to the fact that this past will remind of itself in one way or another, sometimes unexpected and unusual shape its manifestations, in the future, which (the future) at the moment of such a reminder will already become the present. It will remind you in any individual, as well as in a certain set of spheres of human life.

And what this reminder will be: useful or not, no one knows in advance.

It would be desirable, of course, to be useful, but for this it is necessary either not to forget the past, or, which is more correct in all respects, to build the future from the past and the present!

But are we always ready to build the present from the past, and the future from the past and present? No, not always and not everyone.

If we “looked back” at the past, comparing it with the present, took into account and applied the past, then much of the present, and, undoubtedly, in the future, would not be “unexpected” for us. Faced with this, the person analyzing the situation, ignoring the past in the present, and the past and present in the future, begins to understand that this is “unexpected” and not so “unexpected” at all. And quite natural and acceptable expected.

And this ignorance of the past and present occurs in most cases, despite the fact that a person retains faith in the best. Faith, to realize which, regardless of the past in the present, both past and present in the future impossible.

So why is this happening? Is it only because a person is not accustomed to preliminarily analyze in detail, is “strong in hindsight”, or does a lot depend on the moral and psychological mood of a person? Moral and psychological attitude, which is embodied by means of a person's own will chosen by a person in his practical, mainly creative activity.

Or maybe this happens because not a person is not used to, but he was not accustomed to preliminarily analyze in detail, not to take everything at face value. They did not instill in him an “innate” habit, before doing something, to “weigh” everything in detail. And only after understanding and realizing (precisely having understood and realizing!), proceed to action?

If everything were "clean coin", there would be no "surprises" faced by a person analyzing the situation, ignoring the past in the present, and the past and present in the future, begins to understand that these “surprises” are not so “unexpected” at all, but quite natural and reasonably expected.

Essay past and future | November 2015

Essay on how i imagine the future

How do I see the future
Around the bend, in the depths
forest log
The future is ready for me
Return the deposit.
You can't drag him into an argument anymore.
And you won't fill up
It's open like a boron
All deep, all wide open.

B. Pasternak


I Delusions of the modern world
II Glimpses of the future today
1) Science and technology
2) B healthy body– healthy spirit!
3) Relationships between people
III Does the future depend on us?

Although many will consider me a pessimist, I am not at all sure about the rainbow future which is promised to us.

Although, of course, I wanted everything to be like in fairy tales. Prince on a white horse, long and happy life. I'm the right age to dream. But let's look at the whole situation realistically. Our society today is far from what it was in the last century. Surely, our fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers imagined the life of their children a little differently. From some side it upsets, but after all, the medal has two sides! Our generation has something that people of bygone centuries could only dream of.

Few of today's youth think: "What will happen tomorrow?" “And how will our life turn out in years to come?” This eternal questions and it is simply impossible to answer them now. But we can assume and draw conclusions on the situation in the world today. Now even every child knows how much hatred and anger there is in the world.

The twenty-first century is the “Century of new technologies”. And this means that science does not stand still, but moves forward with great strides. Universities, academies, schools and gymnasiums are opening in our country, where future scientists are educated. After all, it builds future plans, namely, children are the future of our state.

All conditions are created for our athletes to train and improve their results. But not only for athletes is important. It is important for any person, regardless of his lifestyle and profession. The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to be out of shape. But sometimes there just isn't enough time for sports. I think this problem can be solved and, in the end, all busy people will be able to afford to go in for sports during the working day. After all, health is above all.

Relationships between people are the life of our entire planet. Always, both in the past and in the present, there have been such concepts as evil and good. I don't think anything will change in the future. Someone will also give people joy by their mere existence, but good deeds will not attract someone. But, nevertheless, a person will always remain a person. And I want to believe that in the near future society will not forget the meaning of the words "love", "kindness", "" and "". And they will be the main guides of our life.

In general, you can make the most important and correct conclusion. Our future depends only on us. Our future is what we do today, what we plan for tomorrow, and what we learned yesterday. Everything will be just the way we want. And I believe that together we can create what we dream about.

Composition how I imagine the future | November 2015

About a generation modern children they are said to have been born with a computer mouse in their hand. They really master technical innovations much faster and more successfully than their parents and are used to the fact that everything should be bright, spectacular and sensory.

They hardly watch TV, choosing videos according to their taste or addicted to video games. telephone conversations prefer SMS exchange, emails– text dialogues in real time, blogging – social networks.

Parents can only think about what their children will grow up to be: either they are future computer geniuses-developers, or already adult children who grew up on cruel computer games where they shoot, cut, beat, etc. In principle, again, each case is individual and corresponds to the upbringing of the child. I watched more than one family, where parents strictly define 30 minutes for a child - a maximum of an hour of work at a computer. Yes, this is true, because children are taught to order, discipline and follow the rules, because if you “behaved badly, you won’t sit at the computer today.” But on the other hand, for this a short time there is little you can do, just visit your Vkontakte page and play your favorite game. I know families where children are in summer time from morning to late evening sitting at the computer. Such a pastime also depends on the interests of the child. He has the ability to learn computer technology widely: from the ability to reinstall the system to replace parts in the system unit. This is sometimes good, especially when this child is your neighbor or relative. this case the concept of "child" is a 12 - 15-year-old teenager.

The generation of those born in the 2000s differs markedly from the generation of the early nineties, which cannot be said about the last and generations of the eighties. What previous generations called “new technologies” or “future technologies” is already present for the millennials.

In everything you need to look for the positive. For example, according to the forecasts of futurologists, this generation will turn into very peculiar people - idealistic pragmatists. Talented representatives will fully develop and transform everything around, but those children who will not be endowed with any talents will actively trust their direct perception and change the world for the better.

The main values ​​of this generation will be personal individuality and uniqueness, they will create their own space: new art, new literature, new theater and cinema. And all this will be connected with new computer and digital technologies.

For reference: futurology is forecasting the future, including through the results of existing technological, economic or social trends or predicting future trends.

In a period of great determination and in the very prime of youth, it is common for a young person to make mistakes. Only faith in the Almighty and God-fearing, as well as education can save youth from crimes. The middle of any life is a peak, like the Sun at its zenith. they will ask for his whole life, and especially for his youth, since youth is the best period of a person's life. Our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The feet of a slave will not budge on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about four things: about his life - what he spent it on, about his youth - what he did spent it, about knowledge - which of them he followed, and about his property - how he earned it and what he spent it on. That is why a person should worry about his life, not spend it in idle talk and idleness, so as not to remain unanswered on that Day when he is asked: "How did you spend your youth, what did you do with these wonderful years of your life? In another The saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “Use five things before the other five come: youth before old age, health before sickness, wealth before poverty sets in, free time before you are busy and life before death comes. "Youth is the future of the country and the most active part of society. The future of the country depends on the upbringing of the younger generation, this issue is one of important issues for the state. As they say in the East: "The people who are not proud of their youth are doomed to failure." The birth of a child, his first steps and until the last breath of a person are accompanied by religious rites, worship of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful. In order to raise children, build a worldview and worldview based on religious values, we are extremely cautious. The higher the religiosity in the country, the more law-abiding society, the less crime, etc. Religious education of a person is the concept of honor, dignity, conscience, patriotism (love for the motherland). Religion also teaches religious tolerance and a loyal attitude towards dissent, which is very important in our multi-confessional and multi-ethnic country. The absence of such education leads to such phenomena as crime, extremism, impatience, inter-confessional and inter-ethnic hatred and conflicts. Fate depends on the spirituality and education of a person the whole society. The religious worldview gives people hope for salvation from suffering, misfortune, loneliness, moral decline. Thus, religion is one of the main options for the existence of a system of moral norms. It formulates absolutely true moral commandments that a person must follow in life. In modern Russia, the activities of religious communities have become important element the social structure of society and the issues of dialogue of confessions, the relationship between secular and religious communities in solving the most important and acute social problems have become topical. Everyone should understand that caring for the younger generation is the most important intellectual and material investment in our future. And the most important result of this contribution should be the formation of confidence in the younger generation tomorrow, in that he has prospects for a normal future and the formation of normal human relations in society.

IN modern world knowledge plays an important role. Being smart means being able to correctly express your thoughts, skillfully contacting people. The degree of education depends not only on your own life, but also the life of the surrounding people, society as a whole. The adult generation believes that it depends on the education of young people future life. Is it really? Does the younger generation influence the education of humanity?

In the text proposed to me, Nikolai Chernyshevsky raises the problem of the relationship between the present generation and the education of mankind. The author says that the present generation is more educated than the previous one, since society does not stand still and is constantly improving. Human education is dynamic: it can be accelerated, slowed down and even stopped for a while. The narrator believes that both the acceleration and deceleration of education depend on young people, because by their activity they can make important discoveries in science or, on the contrary, slow down the further course of the education of society.

The author tries to convey to us the idea that the younger generation is the heir to the wealth that was collected by previous generations. Adult people transfer the accumulated knowledge to the young in power, and it is up to the youth to use it or not, to pass it on to the next generation, multiplied or squandered. Nikolai Chernyshevsky says that if the present generation increases the mass of accumulated knowledge, this will favorably affect the future of education. This means that young people have a huge impact for the future of mankind.

After all, it is the present generation that can bring science to a new level.

I approve the position of the author and after him I will say that being educated is very important, because, having received a certain degree of education, we can reject the rules accepted in society and introduce new beliefs. There are many examples of such heroes in the literature, but I will focus on some of them.

We see an educated hero in the work of A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”. Chatsky leaves for Germany for three years and gets an education there. Returning to Moscow, he shows his loved ones a completely different world, promotes new ideas. None of the heroes can understand him because they have no education. Chatsky is the only one of the characters who has his own beliefs and knowledge, which allow him to look at society with a sober look.

Also good example the influence of an educated person on society is a novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Evgeny Bazarov is educated at the university. His hallmark becomes nihilism. This is what distinguishes him from the older generation, which was educated under the influence of liberal and conservative ideas. Hero Denies traditional values, does not agree with the principles of liberals. He considers himself the one who should point out to society the right way. But it turns out that his era is not needed, where traditions that have developed over the centuries dominate. The author believes that Bazarov's time has not yet come, but it is thanks to such individuals that society is moving forward.

As a result, it can be said that younger generation has a huge impact on human education. And the power in this case extends not only to the present, but also to the distant future.

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Updated: 2018-02-04

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Can you imagine, there are six generations in the world, and they somehow agree? Have you noticed that many people of the same age act similarly, even though everyone has their own views on life. Representatives of the same generation have approximately the same attitude towards education, health, beauty, love, teamwork, management and communication. They have ─ mutual language. How these processes are built, and what to expect from the generation that actually creates our future ─ in the column of Evgenia Shamis, founder and coordinator of the RuGenerations - Theory of Generations in Russia project.

How generations appear and exist

2017 - anniversary year not only for Marie Claire. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the RuGenerations project, which adapted generational values ​​for Russia. During this time, the theme from a completely new, pioneering for the market and people, has become popular. Now, I'm sure you know for sure at least the names of the generations - Millenniums (millennials), Xs, Baby Boomers. When a topic becomes fashionable, everyone discusses it. But I propose to understand how generations appear and exist.

Generations and their values ​​are formed in the period from the moment of birth of people to 10-11 years old under the influence of four factors: events in society, features of education, signals from the external environment and scarcity. Before adolescence children are simply formed under the influence of these factors, but do not evaluate them critically. From 12-13 to 18 years old, each of us creates our own worldview, which reflects personal characteristics. Generational values ​​by this moment have already been formed, gone to the subconscious level, and will influence us throughout our lives.

Baby Boomers, X's and Millenniums

The authorities in world politics and in the management of industries have a lot of baby boomers. These are people born between 1944 and 1963. For them, youth is important - they want to be young at heart and soul, full of enthusiasm. That is why the Baby Boomer generation has made fitness popular, beauty injections - they want to look good and be in good shape. Look at how actively they move - what a wide popularity Nordic walking has received in the world, how many people of this age train, run half marathons and marathons. Baby boomers are parents of representatives of generations X And Y, grandparents of the current Homelanders.

Generation X- people born between 1964 and 1984. Their main values ​​are uniqueness, dissimilarity. It is the Xs that manage most of the companies today, many of them have created their own business. Another one important value this generation - professionalism. They approach all issues of life, work, education, upbringing, health from this position. For example, how professionally products and services are developed, how competently they are served. Everything is evaluated from a position - is it professional?

Millennials want to receive more tips. Bloggers and instagramers help them make their choice, advising on any issues: from fashion to self-development.

Generation Millennium(generation Y) - people born between 1985 and 2003. Some have recently (some just recently) started working in companies, while the rest are still studying at universities. For their world, the problem of choice is relevant, or rather, an excess of options. This generation wants more advice. Bloggers and instagramers help them make their choice, advising on fashion, beauty, design, and self-development. Bloggers make the world more understandable for "gamers".


More recently, they began to appear Homelanders - Generation Z(they have been born since 2004 and will be born until about 2024). They are called homelanders because they are homebodies: these children spend a lot of time at home, they are not allowed out especially on the street, there is always an adult nearby who looks after them. Pampered Homelander children by great-grandparents Silent generation(born 1923-1943) In total, it turns out that we counted five generations, and if we add centenarians Generations of Winners(born 1900-1922), then six. But back to the Homelanders. Homelanders will combine the biological and technological worlds in their lives. This generation will start taking care of their own health – they already have a lot of smart “digital assistants”, and even more will appear. These devices will help them to be healthy, beautiful, live longer-better-higher quality. The robots will become the home doctors and consultants of the Homelanders.

Opinion leaders will be scientists, doctors, university professors, and researchers. They will turn into heroes of life, films, will lead popular Instagrams future.

Generations change the world according to their values. The future readers of Marie Claire are from the Homelander generation. What will be their values? Technology and science, biotechnology and medicine. Opinion leaders will be scientists, doctors, university professors, and researchers. They will turn into heroes of life, films, and will lead the popular Instagrams of the future. Interest in scientific achievements in Homelanders will be in harmony with beauty and femininity. The themes of friendship and love will remain regardless of the change of generations, because they are important for everyone.

What else can we expect from the Homelanders? In addition to science and technology, a quality university education will play an important role in their lives - these people will strive to get it and will choose only good ones. educational programs. Meticulousness and attention to detail will play their role - Homelanders will not only create new products, medicines, make global scientific discoveries, but also write to them detailed instructions and will read them carefully. And they will also abide by laws and regulations, because they have received many signals that if you don’t do this, you can die (like, for example, “hooks” on trains) or create yourself unnecessary problems(for example, due to violation of the rules of communication in social networks).

Who is against whom

Will it be difficult to interact with the Homelanders? It depends on which generation you belong to. It is best to find a common language with them "X", as well as representatives of the Silent Generation. More difficulties in communicating with the Homelanders will arise for the Baby Boomers and the Ygreks. This is quite understandable: the difference between representatives of neighboring generations is greater.

But the new generation that will come after the Homelanders (by the way, we don’t know what to call it yet) will interact better with the Millenniums and Baby Boomers. This is how the cycle works. This cycle in the early 2020s will lead us to a new stage of economic recovery. By the way, I wonder how "Marie Claire" will change then? We will find out when the magazine will celebrate its 30th and 40th anniversary.

Evgenia Shamis - founder and project coordinator "RuGenerations - Theory of Generations in Russia", author of The Theory of Generations: Extraordinary X.
