Shibari as a way to diversify your sex life. Linking the School to Life in the Social Environment The Art of Linking

If you think that it will hurt now, then I hasten to surprise you. Shibari is not painful, not embarrassing, and not fatal. If a guy offers ropes, this does not mean that he is a maniac, stoned or a cretin. He just wants the determined dominant female who tells him who to be friends with and where to buy socks to give way to a defenseless submissive girl.

Give in and learn a lot about your body, responsibility and trust. All relationships are based on trust. Shibari is no exception. Shibari is the erotic art of bondage. The word "shibari" (shibari) means something like "weaving".

In Japan, the rope is a symbol of a person's connection with God. The god in the shibari technique is the top one - the one who knits. The fate of the "lower" is completely in his hands: the ability to move, speak and even breathe. The meaning of shibari is to intertwine together, find harmony and achieve a state of absolute trust. But no one canceled the bodily sensations. On the physical level, the “bottom” experiences a state of sweet numbness. The ropes paralyze the body, and the muscles frozen in one position begin to emit impulses and vibrations that have never been known before.

First of all, it's beautiful

The beauty of the lines is above all. If the partner is not an esthete, he should not even take up the ropes. Knots and patterns on the body should be symmetrical, perfect, and cause a visual orgasm.

The art of shibari originated in Japan as a theatrical performance, where beauty and femininity play the main role.

The binding process is a ritual. Everything should be as it should be: twilight, music, entourage. Best of all, the composition is woven on a naked body. You can emphasize the shape of the chest, the thinness of the hands, the fragility of the shoulders, the stretching of the legs, the deflection, fragility, humility. Beautiful evening gowns and silk robes also give a certain gloss. Just do not try to wear panties (even the most erotic ones). You will be braided so that panties (even the wettest ones) cannot slide along your knees. And this can become a significant barrier to enjoyment.

Yogis will understand

Have you ever done yoga? All these asanas are also shibari. The body quickly gets used to the pain, relaxes, the veins become filled with blood and trembling pierces every muscle. Do you understand? Now imagine that instead of the instructor's strict looks, your beloved guy gently and boldly caresses your body. A borderline feeling somewhere between pain and pleasure - this is what romantics call the lustful word "voluptuousness." By the way, experience shows that shibari does not always end with penetration and sex. The body is so excited that an orgasm can occur from any touch, breath, clamp.

As there is aerial yoga, so in shibari there is a state of zuri (suspension). The girl hanging on the ropes is a bird hovering above the ground. And it's not even a metaphor. Feeling of flight, weightlessness, gravity. Well, just space!

Freud's slip

“Tie me up and do with me what you want” is the first sexual fantasy that comes to us in early childhood. Thus, we free ourselves from responsibility: "It's not my fault, he himself came." He came and tied himself. All that was left was to relax and enjoy.

When I was little and erotic fantasies were just starting to creep into my mind, I imagined the bad guys taking me captive and tying me up hand and foot (yes, this is a significant excuse for kindergarten teachers why the poor little girl didn’t run away, didn’t fight back, did not resist). In fact, the poor baby specially fantasized such a scenario where she is the object of sexual games and is not in her power to dispose of her body. Great plan: no responsibility, just enjoyment.

If you believe grandfather Freud, that sexual desires have been haunting us since the sandbox, then shibari is a favorite topic for children. After all, what a child who has committed a prank needs: a reliable excuse. “I mean, I couldn’t even move. This is Vovochka everything.

We are responsible for those who are tied

Antoine de Saint-Exupery clearly knew something.

You are the whole planet. And your dominant is just a Little (!) Prince. But he bears a great responsibility for every particle of the body and every scar on the skin. If the prince is careless, the planet will explode, shattering into billions of pieces.

Choose a prince you trust.

Girls share experiences

We asked girls with experience about the first time, pain, orgasm, causes and reactions of society. All names have been changed, but the coincidences are not accidental.

Girl Z

First time.“Motuzki entwined in the first child's erotic fantasies. The stinks were blowing the ripeness and the cob of stately life. Ale far away, looking at the images of sympathy did not go to shibari. Once, a friend came to visit us with a pair of hats and a certificate, and held a master class.

Of pain and pleasure.“I can’t call my own look painful ... Rather, stink about fear-swallowing, playing the loss of control and freedom. On the sensory level, I saw a different degree of strength and acceptance - unruly, squeezing, teasing.

Who did you think you were?“I was myself. I was already at my own body. My friend, give up, tezh.

Girl X

First time.“The first time it happened was 10 years ago. I modeled for a friend at a bondage party. Everyone was in clothes and showed each other who knows how to knit. Then I did not find anything erotic in it. It didn't hurt either, not at all. I enjoyed sketching with the other members."

Of pain and pleasure.“There is little pain in shibari at all. And if there is, then sweet. Whether there will be sex is discussed before the session. It happens sometimes. But more often it's just games and games are so intense and bright that sex is no longer needed.

What to do if the pain is unbearable?“I don’t have a stop word. If you need to stop or slightly weaken, just say it. But, as a rule, an experienced top feels everything without words.

Y girl

Why shibari?“After 10 years of a difficult marriage and isolation from the outside world, I finally got divorced and began to explore this wonderful world. I not only rediscovered myself, but also got married. Together with my husband, we discover various interesting topics: from BDSM practices to vanilla tenderness and the most ordinary things.

First time.“One day my photographer friend offered to tie me up. I immediately agreed, because new is always great. I was in awe of the feel and even more in awe of the beauty of the shibari.”

How does society react?“People around often did not understand our hobby. We were considered freaks, freaks, crazy. For a long time we were looking for our place in this world and, finally, we met people who gave us their support, understanding and love. Accepted into your community.


First experience.“At one point in my life, I was collecting pictures of Japanese schoolgirls, and soon, of course, I had a folder of pictures of related girls. I very quickly got into the theory and aesthetics of bondage, and as soon as I met a girl with a gleam in her eyes and an adequate response to the proposal to tie at home, we immediately switched from words to practice, which I never regretted.

What excites?“Shibari excites the mind even before the binding begins. Excites the depth of trust and the ability of your partner to complete dedication. The desire to scan her brain and sensations as deeply as possible in order to feel the nuances and the situation as much as possible. And the ambivalence of your position is also invigorating: on the one hand, you can do whatever you want with her, and in the next hour she won’t even peep, and if she peeps, it won’t stop you; on the other hand, you strictly observe the oral contract, otherwise it will be your last such experience with this person.

Who did you feel/imagined during the bondage?“It was different. Sometimes I felt like a perverted rapist spider. Sometimes a master samurai prince. But most often - by myself alone with my beloved girl, from whom I extracted heavenly vibrations with divine instruments.

Did you have a code word to stop the process? Which? We used the first thing that came to mind - my password to the computer, so as not to forget exactly - Mutabor-88.


Leah Kiss, shibari master

Why do people like to be connected? “This is an opportunity to let go of control, completely trust your partner and, in the literal sense, give yourself into his hands, avoid responsibility, experience and feel different states and emotions, merge with your partner into one stream and, in the end, just relax and enjoy. For some, an orgasm comes even from the mere thought of bondage.

What is shibari to you?“Shibari is a hobby that takes up most of my time. Enthusiasm comes from within and does not let you stand still. I'm just very interested. I bind both girls and men.”

The brightest experience.“Probably the first times are the most memorable. Being tied up is already a stressful state for the body. And when you also lose the ground under your feet in suspension, you feel an indescribable bright sensation of flight. This is an existential experience.

And when you yourself tie a person, it is as if the rope is leading you along. You merge with your partner into one whole, you begin to feel everything that he does. At this moment, both of you are like open books in front of each other. Incredible experience."

All true relationships are based on trust. Shibari too. If you do not trust your partner, by no means agree to the experiment. And if you trust, then be silent and have fun.

Decide in advance whether there will be sex or not.

You must have a stop word. Do not repeat my mistakes: do not use the password word on the computer, numbers often appear there. It is not very convenient, gritting your teeth in pain, to pronounce "Mutabor-88".

Be patient for the first few minutes. If you don't stop, new worlds will open up for you.

East, in general, is a delicate matter. But where it's thin, it breaks. Therefore, ropes should be used strong and textured so that beautiful marks remain on the body.

Hands are always tied first and untied last.

The woman is bound in such a way as to give the figure a special compactness and helplessness.

Hands should not become numb. You can not pinch the veins, the blood must circulate and spread pleasant warmth throughout the body.

A mesh-shaped torso harness called a karada, or a bare chest harness - a shinju, resembling an open bra, practically does not restrict mobility, it can be worn for hours and even under clothes.

The most popular is the weaving of ropes around the hands tied behind the back.

Shibari ((Jap. 縛る shibaru) - tie, bind; grab, arrest. (Jap. 縛り shibari)   - verbal noun) is the Japanese art of aesthetic bondage. In practice, ropes are mainly used. Distinctive features are the increased complexity and aesthetics of the strapping.

Shibari as a binding technique goes back to the hojo-jutsu martial binding techniques that arose in Japan in the 15th-16th centuries, however, as an aesthetic and erotic practice, shibari was formed only by the middle of the 20th century. This period also saw the appearance in post-war Japan of Kabuki theater-style shows that specialized in aesthetic bondage. The performances of the “shibari theater” were characterized by the highest complexity of the strapping, combined with the theatricality of the action inherited from Kabuki. The performances used both ancient harnesses, preserved as part of hojo-jutsu in a number of martial arts schools, and relatively recently developed and oriented to show performances. Nowadays, shibari is used in erotic-aesthetic art and as an integral part of the shibari show, and is also the ancestor of bondage, which in turn is one of the main components of BDSM.

Distinctive features
Shibari as a form of bondage is characterized by the following distinctive features:
Increased aesthetics of strapping, focus on visual perception.
When developing and performing harnesses, special attention is paid to the anatomical structure of the bondage object.
In the vast majority of cases, non-pain binding is used.
Shibari uses mainly ropes.
In most cases, shibari bindings are highly complex, require special skills from the performer and take a long time to complete.
A number of harnesses (especially suspension) require the performer to be extremely careful and attentive to the partner.

Some shibari bindings
karada - strapping of the torso in the form of a grid.
shinju - chest strapping, reminiscent of a rope bra.

Notes 1 In accordance with the Russian system of transcription of the Japanese language (Polivanov System), the word should be written as "Shibari". However, at the moment, the most common variant in Russian is the anglicism "Shibari".

Shibari Aesthetics
What distinguishes Japanese bondage (shibari) from other types of bondage? Well, definitely a rope. When we say "shibari", the rope is implied by itself. What else? Why, when we see one person tied with a rope, we know that this is shibari, but another person, in the same rope, does not?
What distinguishes Japanese bondage (shibari) from other types of bondage? Well, definitely a rope. When we pronounce "shibari", the rope is implied by itself. What else? Why, when we see one person tied with a rope, we know that this is shibari, but another person, in the same rope, does not?
Apparently, there is something specifically Japanese in how shibari is knitted. What?
What is the aesthetics of Japanese bondage, what does it consist of? Let's try to figure it out.


Zen Buddhism, which came from China, had a huge impact on Japanese culture.
Unfortunately, Zen is too broad a subject to cover comprehensively, but some features are important for understanding the aesthetics of shibari.
Zen practice involves constant meditation, the so-called "here and now" state. The Zen custom of self-knowledge through meditation to realize the true nature of man, with its disdain for formalism, with its demand for self-discipline and simplicity of life, came to Japan in the 12th century, was assimilated and has since been vividly manifested in the cultural traditions of the country.
Meditative, contemplative types of Japanese art can easily be called by anyone: ikebana, rock gardens.
And shibari.

The process deserves the result

"If you take the bow correctly, pull the bowstring correctly, aim correctly, shoot correctly, the arrow will hit the target by itself. If you think only about the target, your eyes, hands and heart will not do what is required of them, and the arrow will fly past"
In the "here and now" state, the process and the result are inseparable. Excessive focus on the goal only pushes it away, distorts the initial plan. The hurried traveler will arrive where he wanted to, but along the way he will not see the play of light on the tops of the mountains, nor the dew on the grass. The one who makes the process of achievement an art will be doubly enriched.
However, process for the sake of process is a waste of time. You can hone your skills endlessly, but if it is not applied anywhere, it is fruitless.
Japanese calligraphy is a prime example. In Japanese writing, it is important not only what is written, but also how it is written. A respectful letter should look like it can be proudly and reverently hung in a house in a conspicuous place.
Therefore, it cannot be said that shibari is a strictly functional art. The one who binds only for the result is mistaken. Only to flog, tie, have sex. No less important is the process during which the top and bottom are tied tighter than a rope can tie. And this process should be unhurried, thorough, beautiful. He demands respect for himself and gives much more than you can imagine, looking only at the end of the road.


In the Western tradition, the creator "takes a block of marble and cuts off everything superfluous from it" according to Michelangelo. The Western artist transforms the universe, cuts it for himself, creates his creations "in his own image and likeness", opposing himself to the primordial Chaos, and thus asserts himself in the world. For a Japanese, this method of creation is strange and unusual.
The Japanese does not separate himself from the world in which he exists. He is part of this world. The same as the wind, like the trees, like a flying bird, like a shadow cast on the wall of a hut. How does the flower assert itself? Does the water, which carves bizarre figures out of stone, strive for results? Beauty does not need to be torn from nature by force. The beauty is already there. It just needs to be seen and captured.
In traditional Japanese tanka poetry, the term "yugen" has existed since ancient times. "Yugen" (literally: hidden and dark) was at first a philosophical term of Chinese origin and meant the eternal beginning, hidden in the phenomena of being. In Japanese art, "yugen" is a hidden beauty that is not fully revealed to the eye. But you can point the way to it. For this, a little is enough: a hint, a hint, a stroke. "Yugen" can also lurk in what is ugly at first glance - like flowers hiding in the crevices of a dark rock.
Sibari allows you to reveal the beauty hidden behind the superficial, "civilized". A bound bottom is deprived of the opportunity to take "beautiful" poses. He can no longer "speak with his body". All that remains is what he was born with. What remains is the physical beauty of the body and the beauty of the spirit. But at the same time, true beauty is always left unsaid. Frankness, nakedness makes it impossible to comprehend. Rope under clothes - very Japanese. The beauty of shibari is chaste.


Japanese feudalism gave birth to the concept of "weights" - "befitting obligation." For a Japanese, a violation of decorum is a shame, a loss of face, worse than which there is nothing. Samurai committed seppuku (ritual suicide) in order not to lose face. And, of course, you need to keep in mind that propriety is not a list of commandments that you can always check. This is where Japanese courtesy and courtesy were born. The Japanese will try to do everything so that his interlocutor does not lose face even due to a misunderstanding.
The burden of propriety is so heavy that drinking parties are traditional, comparable to Western carnival celebrations. At a feast, by general unspoken agreement, you can not monitor your behavior. Everything that a drunken Japanese did will not only be forgiven, but also unconditionally forgotten. Because everyone knows: a person could not control himself.
It's the same in shibari. The rope allows you to blatantly violate decorum - to look inappropriate, to be naked in inappropriate places - but at the same time it spares the bashfulness of the bottom. Violation of decorum gives a strong erotic effect, and the rope removes responsibility for the "indecent" act.


In the Japanese artistic tradition, the art of showing beauty with small means is valued. Watercolor with one stroke of the brush. Three-line haiku verses, fraught with depth. Skillful origami figurines folded from a single sheet of paper.
Such creative forms provide abundant food for contemplative reflection, since, as mentioned above, the process of comprehension is no less valuable than the result.
The more money the artist invested in his creation, the more he detailed it, the less the viewer or reader will be able to participate in his work.
No less appreciated is the feeling of light incompleteness of creation. For example, a tanka verse consists of five lines. The first and third have five syllables, each of the others has seven: the tanka is characterized by odd. And, as a consequence of this, that slight deviation from the crystal-balanced symmetry that is so loved in Japanese art constantly occurs.
The Japanese are especially attracted by the elusiveness, the variability of things. The elusive is beautiful, the constant and unchanging is not.
Shibari, born on the same cultural foundation as other Japanese arts, has the same characteristics. The minimum number of harnesses required for the manifestation of Top's idea, the ability to emphasize the necessary and obscure the insignificant with just a rope, to create a moment of beauty that will remain only in memory - this is the way of the Master.

Accentuated sexuality

Despite the extremely strict attitude to decorum, there is no Western-style sexual hypocrisy in Japan. Boys and girls are not raised to be basically the same. And they don’t have to later be surprised to find out how different they are. In any case, in the traditional Japanese family, separation by sex roles is encouraged from infancy, including the sexual aspect. The division into men and women among the Japanese is so clear that even forms of speech are divided into masculine and feminine. The use of female speech forms by a man is ridiculous at best. The use of male forms by a woman is completely shameful.
Shibari, which inherited the traditions of hojojutsu (the art of tying prisoners), divides the bottoms into men and women in the same way. In women, there is the power of Yin, like water. Accepting, submissive, slowly boiling and slowly cooling down. In men, the Yang force is similar to fire. Ardent, aggressive, fast.
And Top, helping the bottom to reveal its Yin or Yang, together with the bottom creates the beauty of correspondence. Here and now, the bottom shows its femininity. Or courage.


The differences between shibari and "western" bondage (and how else to call something with a rope, but not shibari?) lie in the differences between Japanese culture and Western. Understanding these differences can lead, for example, to interest in Japanese poetry, or in painting. Or martial arts. Or even a love of anime. One has only to start, get carried away, and over time it will become clear that the goal is still ahead. But the path is worthy of the goal.
And the rope is just a tool. Like a brush and ink.

Shibari Sensuality
The Japanese art of erotic bondage, or shibari, stands apart from the BDSM techniques because of the specific aesthetics and the characteristic, calm and concentrated mood of the partners necessary for a successful shibari session. This type of influence does not involve the boiling of passions, the rope does not create sharp, extreme bodily sensations and, as a rule, does not cause pain. Many do not see the sensual component in shibari, noticing only the external beauty of the harness, and are amazed at what drives the Master’s diligence and the patience of his model, necessary to create a harness, because this is a rather long and delicate work. Even among shibari practitioners, a pragmatic approach is sometimes found: the development and application of this technique is motivated by a combination of aesthetic appeal and the utilitarian task of fixing the lower partner for further, in particular, sadomasochistic or sexual, influences. There is, of course, nothing reprehensible in this. It's just unfortunate that the huge emotional potential that the art of shibari carries in itself, and which, as soon as a person is tied up, is already provided, it is there, you just need to hear it, sometimes it remains unused.
How and why does the rope work, and what can it give partners?
Rope impact. Truth and fiction.
As you know, not all traditional shibari harnesses limit (or significantly limit) mobility. So, karada (torso strapping in the form of a mesh) or shinju (chest strapping, resembling a rope bra) practically does not restrict movement, they can be worn for hours, including under clothes. The first and main effect of shibari is the feeling of the rope on the body, the feeling of its texture, the line, the light pressure of the knots, the feeling of coverage and support of the torso. All this taken together provides a sensory perception of the contours of our body, which we usually do not pay much attention to (just as we do not notice that we are constantly looking at the tip of our own nose), reminds us of it and helps to focus our attention on it.
Restriction of mobility in tyings involving partial or complete fixation is the second most significant impact. The body is placed in conditions of physical, literal lack of freedom, deprived of independence, helpless. Thus, firstly, a deep and varied symbolism of lack of freedom and defenselessness appears in a tangible form, and not “in general”, but in the context of a session with this Upper partner, with the one who is given freedom, that is, in the context of relations with him . Secondly, the signal about switching attention inward from external objects, due to their inaccessibility, becomes even more imperative.
Finally, shibari is beautiful. Understanding beauty completes the psychological emphasis on one's body, and causes a feeling of gratitude to the Shibari Master - to the person who made a woman beautiful.
It is sometimes argued that the strappings act on biologically active points on the human body and thus create the effect of acupressure shiatzu. This hypothesis does not seem to be sufficiently substantiated. The fact is that acupressure is the stimulation of strictly defined points in a certain way and in a certain sequence, depending on the task. When linking this, of course, does not happen. Coincidences of locations of biologically active points and zones through which the rope passes are random, which can be easily seen by comparing the "map" of biologically active points and the "geography" of traditional harnesses. The first thing that catches your eye is that the rope does not touch the main clusters of active points located on the feet, on the fingers and on the auricles. As for the zones of the wrists and ankles, which are also abundant in active points, it is customary to start acupressure with their stimulation, while knitting them, on the contrary, is the last thing for safety reasons. It is impossible to completely exclude some kind of acupuncture effect of shibari, however, even if it exists, due to the subordination of binding to completely different principles than acupressure, this effect is negligible.
The second common idea, which causes much more astonishment due to its obvious (unlike the mysterious acupuncture) fallacy, is the opinion that the rope directly stimulates the erogenous zones. This is simply not true. Of course, for each person, the excitability of different erogenous zones is different, but in general, the most important on the female body are: the genitals; nipples and mammary glands; "cat's place" between the shoulder blades; nape, nape, ear, chin; inner thighs; hands and feet. In the main harnesses, the rope bypasses all these places, with the exception of the genitals: the chest is tied over, under, outside or inside the base of the mammary gland; on the back, as a rule, the rope also goes above and below the erogenous zone, which is associated with the functional task of tying the chest; the head, hands and feet are usually not involved at all; and the inner part of the thigh, even if it is covered by a rope, does not give grounds for drawing such far-reaching conclusions. In addition, erotic stimulation is still carried out by stroking or gently rubbing one place or another, and the rope on the body is quite static and creates a feeling of girth and light pressure. As for genital harnesses, in which the rope is in direct contact with the genitals, these sensations themselves, taken in isolation from the emotional context, are far from pleasing to everyone. With a weak harness, they are insignificant, with a tight one, they rather resemble a “thread” from clothes that are too tight in the crotch. If the texture of the rope is not slippery (and it is not slippery, or even prickly, for all ropes made of natural fiber), all the more so, no mechanical erotic stimulation occurs. Of course, all people are very different, perhaps someone's sensuality perceives just such an impact, but in general, the idea that a rope between legs excites a woman is the same myth as myths about women getting erotic pleasure from riding a bicycle or horseback. .
Rope perception.
So, the main influences of shibari are the feeling of the body, the restriction of mobility and aestheticism.

body sensation

The feeling of a rope means an unusual, unusually concentrated perception of one's body and posture. The body outlined by a rope is easier to consider and feel, as it were, slightly detached, meaningful, concentrating on the feelings that arise and fully experiencing, savoring them. You can be aware of certain parts of the body separately and "listen" to them. The rope, hugging the torso, emphasizes breathing and heartbeat. Thus, the body, from a simple shell, a kind of material activity apparatus, a source of sensations, becomes their addressee, in a sense, acquires an independent, “intelligent” existence. It's amazing how much this is similar to the principles of yoga. The classic poses of the lower in shibari rarely coincide with the main yoga asanas (although the pictures depicting some of them, for my taste, lack a rope (IMG:style_emoticons/default/happy-48x48.png)) and most likely by accident, but the meaning yoga is not in asanas. More precisely, any position of the body in space can be an asana, and this is determined not by where the arm is extended or how the leg is bent, but by the perception of the body, the sensations from the posture, which set the logic of the body position and suggest its entire architecture. To take an asana is not so much to stand in a certain way, but to feel the whole body at the same time as it is in relation to this position. And when the asana is done correctly, it is not the teacher in the class and not the mirror that speaks about it. This is evidenced by a sudden and very acute inner feeling of lightness, soaring, freshness and some kind of purity, despite the fact that the body is working hard at this time and some muscles are stretched to the limit. This same feeling of weightlessness is one of the essential components of bondage subspace for me. Maybe I don't have one. Therefore, let me recommend that shibari practitioners use one of the rules of yoga, which says that in any position the neck and face should remain completely relaxed so that the mind does not participate in the work of the body, but watches them from the side.
The passivity of a body limited in mobility also has a huge potential for sensory impact. The deprivation of the opportunity to act "for transmission" switches a person "to receive". To receive signals from the senses, primarily tactile (even more this effect is enhanced by deprivation, for example, blindfolding and / or ear, the prohibition to speak or the use of a gag). This helps to get the most out of them, to fully experience and feel them, to know the specialness, uniqueness and originality of each touch. That is probably why, in traditional shibari, preference is given to coarse, even prickly ropes made of hemp or jute: they are felt not only in places of greatest tension, but along the entire length. Switching communication between partners from the usual (speech, mutual touch, facial expressions, gestures) to meager, due to a lack of feedback mechanisms from the bottom, exacerbates empathy. This amazing experience of closeness, even merging, unity of two people, not only carries a huge simultaneous emotional load, but also, undoubtedly, contributes to deepening mutual understanding between partners and, in general, strengthening the relationship between them.
The described positive experiences do not come immediately, they need to learn, look for the right feeling, catch and remember it.
The main obstacle that prevents you from calmly and relaxedly re-acquainting yourself with the body and hearing the unusual variety and depth of sensations is dislike for your own body. We are all imperfect. All of us, except for the photo models themselves, do not look like photo models. Shibari can help to learn to forgive the body that it does not fit into the 90-60-90 standard (because the Master forgives this, otherwise he would not have fiddled with the rope and would not have looked at his work for a long time and with pleasure, but on the contrary, turned it off I would have covered the light with something ugly so that it was not visible), but only when you really want to learn to forgive. If dissatisfaction with one's appearance has gone so far that it is impossible to distract from it by any means, and the Barbie doll is seen as a standard of happiness, then it is better to refuse the shibari session altogether, since then it can appear as an unbearable humiliating effect, aggravated by helplessness, and result in hysterical at best.
Another factor preventing concentration inward is the "excessive" extraversion of the bottom. For a person who, by his temperament, is not prone to contemplation, peace, passivity, perhaps even some seclusion, but on the contrary, energetic, active, restless, it is much more difficult to learn to be inferior in sibari. By the way, it is these bottoms who usually try to turn a shibari session into a sports competition with the top, immediately starting to extricate themselves from bondage. Simply because they are bored to lie (sit, stand, hang) quietly. Of course, this has its own charm. Of course, everyone gets the pleasure that he can. Is it worth it to "re-educate" such an active bottom, and if it is, then why - it's up to the top to decide. With a mutual desire to "re-educate", it is certainly possible, although this is not easy and not fast, and it may even turn out to be useful for the daily life of the lower one, for example, it will help him develop perseverance, the ability to concentrate, etc.

Mobility restriction

Bondage in general and shibari in particular are referred to as BDSM precisely because of the physical helplessness of the bound bottom. In addition to the direct, literal transfer of power over an immobilized body, binding carries a deep and multi-layered symbolic load. What happens to the lower due to the fact that he is incapacitated and defenseless?
First of all, a helpless person needs care and care. Like a child who is being spoon-fed, turned from side to side, wrapped up if it's cold and uncovered if it's hot, swayed to calm down. Playful recreation of a child's status can cause psychological regression to childhood, release from responsibility, from the need to think and make decisions, returns to a state of serene innocence, creates an idyllic mood. The upper one, in turn, enters the role of the Parent, touches his ward, rejoices at the opportunity to take care of him.
Then, willy-nilly removed the limiters of sexuality. Whatever they do with the bound person, he, as in a classic joke, has one thing left to do: relax and have fun. Metaphorically speaking, the fetters on the body untie the fetters in the head, because there is nothing left but to accept what is happening, to come to terms with it. It is no coincidence that shibari was invented by the Japanese, whose culture is strictly chaste. The effect of a subtle and deep feeling of one's body described above, the emerging greed for touch, coupled with the removal of responsibility for an "indecent" appearance and behavior, make it possible to forget for a while about social conventions, complexes and prejudices laid down by puritanical upbringing. The emphasis on sexuality is enhanced by the fact that traditional harnesses emphasize primarily the chest and genitals.
The heroes of the ingenious "Dolls" by Takeshi Kitano wandered around the cities and villages, tied with a rope. "You and I are tied by the same rope," the bard sang. We are talking about the bonds of love, about the connection of hearts, about attachments, about captivity. There is a deep love symbolism in the image of the rope. Since love is an incomprehensible and somewhat ephemeral thing, it is hardly worth developing this idea in detail. But for those for whom to love means to unconditionally believe and give oneself, on the one hand, and to take care and protect, on the other, shibari will help to express lyrical feelings.
Finally, immobilization is the quintessence of power, complete physical freedom to do anything with a person, total control over his entire being, and from the position of the lower partner - absolute humility and humility. A bound person can neither fight nor flee. He can only surrender to the mercy of the one at whose disposal he is. This requires tremendous trust, only it can overcome fear. In none of the BDSM practices does the bottom give himself away so completely and directly tangible as in bondage. Here the transfer of power can be seen and touched. Thus, a psychological "anchor" is created, the partners will remember this feeling even after the rope is removed. Sometimes it seems to me that people who claim that their relationships, with the exception of bondage sessions, are completely vanilla, do not fully realize that the psychological and bodily memory of the state of power / subordination does not go anywhere, it remains as a factor influencing , albeit, perhaps, very slightly, on the format of everyday relationships. This factor should not be ignored.
The psychological impact of unfreedom determines the difficulties partners may face. First, the bottom one can be claustrophobic. In this case, his prospects as a bondage artist are very doubtful. Of course, you can proceed slowly and carefully, starting with harnesses that do not restrict movement, then gradually moving to a fixation from which it is easy to free yourself from, and so on. You can try to resort to the help of psychologists, sometimes it is effective in the fight against this kind of neuroses. The only problem is that all this does not guarantee a sudden and very sharp breakdown. And, of course, the question of ethics arises - how permissible is it to "rape" human nature? - and it is decided, obviously, depending on the responsibility that the Upper took on - or did not take - in relation to not just the "mechanical" security of the sessions, but in relation to the personality of his lower and his fate.
Secondly, there are people who do not know how to obey, to give control. For them, the very idea that someone can do something for them is terrible. They don't know how to accept gifts. They, as a rule, cannot perceive others as they are, but strive to remake them for themselves, consider them through the prism of themselves. They treat themselves in the same way: they pay attention not to what is, but to what is due, of course, in accordance with their own ideas about this. They are super-protective and often hyper-responsible, they are sure that without them this world will immediately fall into hell. They are not "better" or "worse" than those who are arranged differently. They're just not the bottom. Because they don't know how to trust.
Thirdly, sometimes fear interferes with calmly accepting one's helplessness in a bondage session, this factor plays an especially important role when the partners are not too close to each other. This may be a "learned" fear caused by previous negative experiences, or a fear of this partner.
If the partners are dear to each other and want to continue and strengthen their relationship, each disruption of the session should be the subject of a thorough and long conversation. It is imperative to get to the bottom of the true reasons for the sharp reaction of the bottom, and then together decide whether it is possible to try to eliminate the cause, or whether it is an insurmountable obstacle (more precisely, like this: there are no insurmountable obstacles, there is only human laziness, therefore - a disproportionately difficult obstacle to overcome), and from bondage sessions it is better to refuse altogether.


The lower one, acting as a model for the Master, receives a visible and tangible proof of its relevance. After all, the figure of shibari is a work of art. It is created slowly, carefully, carefully, carefully. Since the Upper one takes on such work, and then also the chores of taking care of the bound, it means that the lower one is valuable, expensive, needed. For many, this is very important - to be needed.
Added to this is a specific sense of demand for the lower one as an artistic material. Not every day in everyday life we ​​manage to be Pygmalion and Galatea. The role of the model requires humility, passivity, plasticity, but not only. A living person is still different from a block of marble or a lump of plasticine. It is distinguished by the ability to cooperate, to "smart" responsiveness, which helps each time to create not a harness at all, but a harness of a given person in a given context of time, place, mood, and so on. Creativity in general brings great joy and satisfaction to people (I don’t know exactly what drives Shibari Masters, forcing them to master this difficult art, but, I suspect, not least the opportunity to create beauty), joint creativity brings together, creates a common conceptual, symbolic and aesthetic series, and even when the most intimate spheres of life, images and experiences become its subject, there is no limit to delight.
Shibari is a Japanese art. A woman bound in Japanese is sure to feel a little Japanese. Restrained, well-bred, respectful, modest, graceful, mysterious and slightly depraved.

Sibari and subspace

Emphasized passivity, humility, subordination (Yin) evokes a keen sense of one's own femininity. This femininity is attractive because the body, even imperfect, is fully accepted, becomes beautiful. Attractiveness is sensual because the body recognizes itself and delights in itself. Sensuality is sexy, because all prohibitions have been lifted. All this - femininity, attractiveness, sensuality, sexuality - belongs to the Master who created them, even if it's just here-and-now. He is free to dispose of them as he pleases. He protects his creation, and therefore the rope warms: this is the warmth of care. The body, feelings and mind find a rare harmony. It suddenly turns out that dissolving in the Master and withdrawing into oneself are one and the same. This is a calm, quiet, happy, grateful, bright, joyful, complete and unconditional acceptance of everything that happens and one's place in it. This is absolute freedom, for what is freedom, how not to be yourself and in your place?

Training on the art of binding “Shibari”

Leave all your stereotypes at the door and let yourself plunge into the world of the exciting new. A seductive distortion of reality that turns provocation into a game, and the forbidden into exciting! We invite you to take a training in the ancient Japanese art of tying SHIBARI!

To put it very briefly, Shibari is an ancient Japanese art create works of art by tying a person with a rope. But in order to get really art, at least two conditions are necessary. Such as must necessarily turn out beautifully and give pleasure and joy to the participants in the process.Shibari is quite multifaceted, because in it, as in any other real art, there is where to open up for any creative person. The art of Shibari can also promote self-knowledge, self-improvement and self-exploration.Shibari differs from other techniques of wrapping a person with a rope in high aesthetics (it is really very beautiful), physiology (the physiology of the person being tied is taken into account) and spirituality (meditation, inner peace, etc.).

Therefore, Shibari is not a form of sadomasochism. No leather whips, belts or handcuffs are used in Shibari. Exceptional ropes. The explanation for this choice is completely practical, since a coil or several coils affect the entire erogenous zone, and the tying knot stimulates the biologically active point ... Such a combination, according to the modest admission of girls who have experienced Shibari, can bring to orgasm.

In order to practice shibari and derive pleasure from it, it is not necessary to be a strict Master or a violent masochist. In general, these two phenomena should be distinguished.In fact, as one of the masters said, "Shibari is an exchange of emotions between a man and a woman. A unique Japanese thing is to express love and emotion completely through the rope."


  • Are you experiencing a crisis in your relationship with your loved one?
  • Do you want to solve your psychological problems. Get rid of complexes or even phobias?
  • You have already heard a lot about the art of tying and now you want to study Shibari in Kharkov or Kyiv?
  • Do you want to get new unexplored sensations and go against your subjective standards of behavior and views?
  • Are you in a long-term relationship and simple intimacy no longer excites you?
  • Are you a man and are you interested in conquering (subduing) a woman also during intimacy?
  • Have you always wanted to try something unusual and wild, something that is not talked about aloud?
  • Do you have a desire to develop in the art of love, but you do not know how?
  • Do you like to break taboos while experiencing the brightest, most exciting and disturbing emotions?
  • Do you want to revive mutual passion in your relationship?
  • Do you dream of diversifying your relationship with your beloved by trying something that both of you, deep down, have long dreamed of?

Then our unique offer is what you need! Just register by clicking on the button below, and our organizers will contact you within 24 hours and answer all your questions.


  • Brief historical background and Shibari terminology;
  • Psychology of the bondage system;
  • The emotional component of Shibari;
  • Ropes and their types;
  • Preparation and features of working with a rope;
  • Safety in the art of Shibari;
  • Shibari binding (technique) and its types.

A woman in harness becomes unusually sensual and submissive, sexy and even a little depraved, as well as graceful and submissive. A man tying a woman feels like a master and a creator, which causes him a powerful self-confidence.


  • Familiarize yourself with a brief history and terminology of Shibari;
  • Learn the basics of secure binding;
  • Learn how to choose, prepare and care for the rope;
  • Master all the main types of harnesses and be able to confidently combine them;
  • Learn to manage sexual energy for the development of sensuality.

The unknown always stirs minds, causing more and more male fantasies (and not only male ones). The whole beauty and grace of shibari lies in the fact that the girl becomes meek and submissive. Shibari is not just Japanese erotica and sex technique, but also true trust between partners. If two people bravely and without hesitation take this step and want to try Shibari for a change, then they love each other and completely trust each other. This is the most important thing in relationships between people - true trust.


  • The duration of the training "Shibari" is 5 lessons;
  • The theoretical part of the training program is 10-15%, the rest of the time is devoted to practical exercises;
  • Dress code in the classroom: loose street clothes;
  • Shibari training takes place only in pairs (i.e. the one who is studying and who is being studied);
  • They are trained by Shibari masters with a training experience of 10 years or more;
  • Shibari training in Kyiv and Kharkov in a general format, takes place as the groups are completed. As a rule, there are no more than 10 couples in a group;
  • Date of the next training or master class along Shibari in Kharkov or Kyiv, you can find in the site menu. Registration for individual training is ongoing;
  • A tying rope is provided for each couple in each session;
  • The format of the training involves both training in a group and individually;
  • Training in a group format will take place in a comfortable hall (or studio) in the central part of the city. Depending on the number of participants in the training, the exact location may vary, so all participants in the training will naturally be notified in advance about the location of a specific training venue.


What is included? Standard Optimum Exclusive
Basic training 5 lessons + + +
coffee breaks + + +
Handout + + +
Certificate + + +
VIP day - + +
Individual lesson with a trainer - - +
Cost of participation: Standard Optimum Exclusive
One month before the start of the training 2 000 UAH 2 750 UAH 3 500 UAH
15 days before the start of the training 2 250 UAH 3 000 UAH 3 750 UAH
5 days before the start of the training 2 500 UAH 3 250 UAH 4 000 UAH

Shibari lessons can also be taken on an individual basis, in a study schedule that is convenient for you. Shibari training in this format, firstly, will allow you to start learning shibari binding techniques in the very near future, and secondly, during training, all the attention of the master will be directed exclusively to you.




Training package







Harkov town

- 3 - 1 500

1. Shibari lessons individually (only you and the coach);

2. Interval of lessons on average - one lesson per week;

3. The cost of one lesson in the package (Basic and Advanced) is 1,500 UAH, when paid for each lesson separately;

4.Consultation or online support is provided upon payment of the minimum Basic package.

Base 9 1 4 200
Advanced 15 2 7 000
Kiev City - 3 - 1 500
Base 9 1 4 200
Advanced 15 2 7 000

The cost of individual Shibari lessons in Kharkov and Kyiv depends on your goals of learning the art of Shibari. For example, the Basic package (about 3-4 lessons) involves obtaining basic skills in tying techniques. In the Advanced package (approximately 5-7 lessons) - additional training in Shibari suspensions. Both in general and in an individual training format - Shibari ropes are provided by the trainer, for each lesson for free.


To continue the practice after training (or to work out various duties on your own), you can buy Shibari ropes for yourself or as a gift, at the BestEvents Center.

For Shibari, the rope is usually made from jute, which is further processed and dyed. The main reasons for using jute are: natural material, jute ropes are wear-resistant and strong enough, jute ropes do not stretch, and they are also moderately rough. ATThree-strand rope for Shibari is made from natural jute. The length of one piece of rope is 8 meters. Diameter - 6 mm. In the presence of ropes made in Ukraine and Germany. Available colors: beige, black, red and green.

Shibari rope set includes 8 segments of optimal length - 8 meters. A set of Shibari ropes can be made up of ropes made in Ukraine or Germany. A set of 8 ropes is an approximate amount (depending on the anthropometric data of a person) that will be needed for the Shibari Basic course. And the minimum amount of ropes for a beginner may consist at the beginning of 4 ropes of 8 meters each. The color of each rope is optional. The production time for ropes can take up to two to three days.

Jute bondage rope is the main tool for performing basic harnesses. The safety of the model depends on its quality. It is also worth knowing how to properly care for the ropes. It is advisable to dry the ropes after each session in a ventilated room, on a balcony or outside. It is undesirable to keep the rope in the open sun for a long time. Periodically it is useful to oil the ropes, for example with beeswax. If you plan not to use the ropes for some time, then it is best to store them in a fabric bag, in a free state. If the rope is dirty, it is recommended to wash it by hand, or in a very delicate mode of the washing machine. Some masters recommend washing in the dishwasher. After the rope dries, be sure to oil it, preferably with beeswax.

The original gift will be Shibari gift set. The kit includes two Shibari ropes (Ukrainian or European production) and one handmade candle (for playing with wax). The color of the ropes and candles to choose from. All this is packaged in a presentable box. Such an unusual and bright gift can be given, for example, complete with a certificate for training (individual or in group format) to lovers or a married couple, and on any of the holidays.








1 Bondage rope Shibari (Ukraine) 190 8$

Length - 8 meters

2 Bondage rope Shibari (Europe) 230 12$ Length - 8 meters
3 Rope set (Ukraine) 1 400 56$ Only 8 ropes of 8 meters
4 Rope set (Europe) 1 650 92$ Only 8 ropes of 8 meters
5 Rope bag 200 8$ -
6 Gift set Shibari (UA) 650 26$ 2 ropes (Ukraine) 8 meters each and one candle
7 Shibari Gift Set (EU) 950 38$ 2 ropes of 8 meters (Europe) and one candle

In order to order Shibari ropes (and/or accessories), just click on the button below and enter the data in the proposed form.

In the comments field (in the application form) it is desirable to indicate which particular subject of Shibari you are interested in(rope, kit, gift set, etc.). After that, our manager will contact you within 24 hours. Shibari ropes, as well as other presented goods, can be sent to any city in Ukraine, as well as Russia, CIS countries and the World.

This post should begin with a quote: " The harmony of the world knows no boundaries". Interweaving and intersection of different topics, in recent times, amaze and delight.

Of course, shibari has an aesthetic side. It is very, very beautiful.

And wise. This is art.

But, as always, I was interested in the emotional side of this issue. And here I found something amazing. Not only does each master write about emotional contact with the model, as an important condition for interaction, but also ... I quote an interview with one master, I advise you to read it, there is a lot about emotions:

Mosafir. Found ways to achieve the desired reactions in our modern realities? Will you share?

Uncle Shu: If you are talking about buttons - dots that you pressed and once received this or that reaction? Alas, I have not yet found such, although they say that Parisian courtesans in the 18th century or Japanese tayu in the 19th, with one touch of a finger, caused from tears of joy to a violent orgasm.
In the modern world, where there is a lot of stress, a person needs to release his emotions, but restrains himself by pulling on himself more and more armor and erecting walls. And the more he holds back and accumulates them, the more the body and psyche suffer from this. Sometimes a person is such a bunch of emotions boiling inside, ready to explode at any moment. It’s good if it’s just an emotional negative outburst, but sometimes it also affects health.
I'm just helping to break down these barriers and set the soul free with its emotions, without such devastating consequences.

Mosafir. I'm not talking about buttons. About your approach to binding. It is somewhat different from what we see here around us. What do you put into your shibari? How do you find the way to the model's heart? Well, or not to the heart, but to those “barriers” that you want to destroy.

Uncle Shu: If you think of Japanese bondage in this way, shame and sexual influence are often used. But the attitude towards shame and sex among Japanese and Russian girls is very different, as well as what and how they are presented and perceived. Often what causes shame in Japanese women, our girls react to it calmly.

If we look at the biochemical component of shame, we will see that it is very similar to the biochemistry of guilt or resentment. They differ only in the psychological vector. Our lives are full of stress and problems that often cause guilt and resentment. The problem is that just like that, guilt or resentment does not go away and leaves its mark. The mind often tries to “lie” a little and instead of realizing and correcting the cause, or accepting what happened, it simply builds blocks around it to protect itself from their destructive effects, which are then reflected on our body and physical condition.

It remains to find their traces on the body, influence and change the psychological vector. And now your guilt or resentment, driven into the depths, is transformed into shame. Well, then we already act with shame and get the reaction that we want. Well, in the end, shame goes away, taking with it what it arose from (guilt or resentment), bringing relief and allowing you to interact more with the body and establish contact.

In order to loosen the mind control over the blocks, one has to apply a meditative or sexual influence, or both at once. But in order to apply the impact, you need trust between partners. And in order for trust to arise, one must accept the partner as he is, with all his troubles and cockroaches.
This is a very rough design. True, this approach has a minus, it is possibly finite for partners. Your partner has less and less internal problems, and as a result, the need for SM influences of this kind decreases. True, there is still a sexual component, but this is an approach of a different kind.

As you wish, but the emotions there are luxurious on both sides:

And beautiful, whatever you say:

And, this could not help dragging ... Mimimi ...

And here it is from another interview. With a girl with the pseudonym Gorgone, who was on both sides of the rope:

Could you describe in one word the feeling you get when you are tied up?
- Presence.

Despite the fact that the fashion for shibari (or, as it is also called differently - shibari) appeared relatively recently, this art (and this is nothing more than art) originated in ancient Japan. Shibari is one of the varieties of bondage - a technique of erotic bondage. By and large, all that a master of this technique needs is a rope and imagination. During such sexual games, a man binds a partner who must obey him in everything. At the same time, opinions about such bondage are very different: some consider it an unusual, but very interesting and attractive entertainment, while others define shibari as a perversion and deviation.

Warrior Art

In general, initially the art of shibari originates from the binding of defeated and captive enemies - in such a simple way, oriental warriors acted on active points on the body of their opponent. The origins of this art are often found in the national culture and mentality of the inhabitants of Japan, who have always had a penchant for contemplative aesthetics. In addition, the national clothes of the inhabitants of this country have practically no buttons - they are replaced by belts. For example, for tying a women's kimono belt, there are a huge number of ways, the choice of which depends on the social status of the lady and certainly represents a special ritual.

Beauty and aesthetics

True, shibari received a pronounced erotic bias, having already become famous in the states of the West. At the same time, even if in some cases rather tight knots are allowed, due to which the rope does not weakly cut into the girl's skin, this art does not at all pursue the goal of delivering painful sensations or torment to the partner - everything should happen by mutual agreement. Much attention is paid to how beautiful the resulting knot weaving looks, often almost in no way inferior to macrame. A separate topic is fans of erotic bondage who enjoy photographing their creations.

Static and submissive

Shibari is a static art. Absolutely everything matters in it: from the position of the arms, legs and head of a woman, and ending with the pattern that the knots of the rope create. It is believed that in the course of such sexual games, the impact on biologically active points, including erogenous zones, is still being carried out. However, opponents of this symbolism of the rope theory declare that it is unfounded: after all, for example, points located on the head or on the feet are not affected. The process of bondage is carried out deliberately slowly, sometimes it can take up to several hours, which is why this art is also often compared to meditation or tantric sex.

Rope symbolism

The perception of the rope itself is also highly symbolic. On the one hand, this attribute is associated with restriction of movements and freedom, and a girl who agreed to have her lover bind her, thus, to a certain extent, demonstrates her humility and willingness to obey him. On the other hand, a rope can act as an object with which a connection is established between two people, not only physical, but also emotional. By the way, sexual intercourse does not always follow the shibari ritual.

Importance of preparation

Nevertheless, as experts in this art emphasize, appropriate preparation is necessary for such practices. First of all, you need to have at least elementary knowledge in the field of anatomy. This is due to the fact that due to ill-conceived actions, there is a high risk of damage to the skin, joints, and even clamping of the arteries. As a result, a woman may lose consciousness or suffocate. For this reason, before trying to diversify your sex life with bondage, it is recommended to study the basic elements of the shibari technique, or enroll in appropriate courses.
