Rules for tanning in a solarium. How to quickly tan in a solarium - visiting rules

To achieve a beautiful bronze skin tone today, it is not necessary to spend long hours in the exhausting sun. It is enough to visit a few solarium sessions, and you can get a seductive chocolate tan in any season.

Benefits of a solarium:

1. The main benefit of a solarium is that ultraviolet rays contribute to the production in our body important vitamin D3.

2. Exposure to light energizes us life energy The body releases the hormone of happiness - endorphin, which elevates the mood.

3. Solarium lamps contain filters that protect us from the effects of gamma radiation, so tanning in a tanning bed is considered safer than tanning in the sun.

      To get a beautiful seductive shade, you need to know some rules for tanning in a solarium. After all, if it is wrong to prepare for a solarium, or sunbathe for more time than your skin can withstand, you can get dark spots after a solarium on the skin or even worse, burn like cancer.

      Before solarium...

      1. Before sunbathing in a solarium, you should consult with your doctor. For some diseases, visiting a solarium can be hazardous to health, for example, dermatitis, hypertension, liver disease, etc. Doctors also advise against visiting a solarium during pregnancy, breastfeeding, critical days and when taking hormonal contraceptives. At hormonal disruptions in the body, sunburn can lie in spots.

          What is dangerous solarium:

          Solarium can be harmful when taking some medicines, as many medicines provoke an allergy to ultraviolet light. Some antibiotics, diabetes medications, and high blood pressure and strong antidepressants. Check with your doctor about possible side effects.

              2. To tan in the solarium turned out to be even, and the skin is not burned, there are specially designed cosmetics for the solarium. Attention: means for protection against sun tanning not suitable for solariums. Apply before tanning protective cream for a solarium according to your skin type. After tanning - a means for moisturizing and cooling the skin.

              3. Do not shower with soap before the solarium, because. soap dissolves the protective fatty film of the skin, as a result you burn or dry out the skin. For the same reason, epilation should not be done before tanning.

              4. Before visiting the solarium, perfumes should not be applied to the skin.

              How long to sunbathe in the solarium?

              The time in the solarium depends primarily on the type of your skin. How much sunbathing do you need?

              1. If your skin is very fair, reddens quickly and burns in the sun, you have a lot of freckles, and your hair color is blond or light red, you have the first (Celtic) skin type. By and large, it is better for such people not to sunbathe at all. As an option - use self-tanning. But if you really want to give the skin a natural golden hue You can sunbathe no more than 10 minutes 1-2 times a week. The first solarium session should be about 3 minutes.

                  2. If your skin is fair and tanned but burns often, you have few freckles, light eyes and Brown hair- you are the owner of the second type of skin (light-skinned European). Your first session in the solarium - from 3 to 5 minutes, then you can sunbathe 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

                  3. If you have fairly fair skin, but rarely burns, your hair is blond or brown, your eyes are gray or brown, then your skin type is the third (dark-skinned European). The maximum tanning time in the solarium is 20 minutes, no more than 3 times a week. After 5 sessions you will get a seductive chocolate shade.

                  4. The fourth type of skin (Mediterranean) includes swarthy girls, easily tanned, with brown eyes and dark hair. The maximum tanning time is 20 minutes. After a few sessions beautiful tan in the solarium is provided to you.

                  How to sunbathe in a solarium

                  1. Ask the administrator of the solarium how many minutes to sunbathe in the solarium. In each salon, the power and number of lamps in the solarium is different, in addition, for each type of skin, they select optimal time and sunburn intensity. As a rule, the first tanning session can last from 3 to 5 minutes, in subsequent sessions, the time is gradually increased to 10-20 minutes.

                  2. Before tanning, make sure that your skin is cleansed of all excess - remove makeup, remove jewelry. In the solarium, you can not use cosmetics, deodorants, nourishing creams and aromatic oils. When heated, there may be unpredictable results.

                  3. Protect your eyes while tanning by wearing sunglasses. But contact lenses in the solarium must be removed, otherwise you can harm your eyes.

                  4. If you love and care for your hair, wear a cotton Panama hat while you tan. Ultraviolet rays dry and destroy the structure of the hair, they will become dull and brittle.

                  5. Immediately before tanning, apply a tanning lotion all over your body in the solarium.

                  6. Solarium rules do not recommend sunbathing with open chest, especially ladies after thirty. It is better to wear a cotton bra in the solarium, or put special pads on the chest.

                  What to do after solarium

                  When you sunbathe, your body uses more energy than usual because UV rays increase metabolism. Therefore, after a solarium, it is best to relax and unwind, drink a vitamin drink or green tea limit physical activity.

                  Do not forget that your skin after a solarium needs moisturizing.

                  On a note:

                  If there is a tattoo on your body, then it is better to cover it in the solarium, because. some dyes may fade or cause allergies when irradiated.

                  The skin on the palms and feet tans very poorly compared to other parts of the body, since there are fewer pigment-forming cells.

In addition to the chocolate shade, ultraviolet boasts other properties. Of course, its impact is much greater in an artificially created cabin than in nature. That is why the qualities and nuances differ. Among the most striking advantages are:

  • The synthesis of vitamin D has positive influence for bone development and muscle tissue. Thus, the risk of many diseases and ailments is reduced;
  • As you know, ultraviolet dries small rashes and acne. It not only fights post-acne, but is also able to prevent the appearance acne. However, this effect may not appear if the cause skin problem associated with internal imbalance in the body;
  • UV rays can boost immunity and fight the first signs of flu and colds;
  • Unlike solar exposure, artificial tan avoids exposure;
  • Tanning in the solarium raises the level of hormones responsible for high spirits. Many people claim that this is how they fight their depression and anxiety. A person receives a greater effect in the cold season, when overcast considered a permanent phenomenon;
  • If we again compare tanning in a solarium with sessions in nature, then artificial method wins in intensity. Hue boasts not only brightness, but also uniformity;
  • The speed of obtaining the desired shade.

It is impossible not to note the minuses, which should also always be studied. It is necessary to realize that much depends not on our desire, but also on health. We list the most negative points of tanning in a solarium:

  • Risk premature aging epidermis. This is due to the fact that UV rays can destroy the elastic framework of the skin. In addition, a similar process causes dehydration in the cells, which causes dryness and flaking;
  • If you do not take into account the safety regulations, you can easily get burned in the cab. Also, neglecting disposable caps can increase dry hair;
  • Skin cancer, which is provoked by high production of melanin in the body;
  • If a person has an inclination towards others serious illnesses, then they can escalate. That is why always consult your doctor;
  • For some, a solarium is able to dry out acne, and for someone, it can destroy the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This can cause blackheads and new blackheads to appear;

Rules for tanning

If you are going to go to the solarium for the first time, then carefully consider the choice of location. If possible, collect feedback, and check with the administrator for the production of lamps. Ideally, no more than 1000 hours should be worked. If the institution refuses to provide documents or does not have them at all, then it will be safer to find another place.

Girls often wonder how many minutes can you sunbathe in a solarium for the first time? AT this case a lot depends on the intensity of the tan on the body:

  1. Celtic type (fair skin and hair, often red; eyes gray or blue color; freckles) - it’s worth starting from 3 minutes, since there is a high probability of burns. Do not forget about the cream, which should have good protection. How often to sunbathe in a Celtic solarium? It is better to limit the visit to 1-2 times a week and not be in the cabin for more than 6 minutes.
  2. European type (blond hair, blue or green eyes; minimal freckles) - the first time you can go for 4 minutes, and then increase the duration by 1-2 minutes (up to 8 minutes). How to get tanned fair skin? This will be done quite easily if you increase the number of visits to 3 times a week.
  3. swarthy european type (darkish or yellow skin; dark color hair; brown or dark gray eyes) - in this case, you can start from 6 minutes. The maximum residence time is 10 minutes, since a long duration adversely affects the epidermis. You can go to the solarium every other day, especially since the effect will be quite fast.
  4. mediterranean type (dark skin; dark eyes and hair; freckles are absent) - how much to sunbathe in a solarium for this type? you can start from 8 minutes, since the likelihood of burns is minimal. 2-3 procedures are enough to get the result.

How to quickly and intensively tan in a solarium?

The first step is to buy a special one. It differs from the means that are used, because the intensity of the rays is much higher. In addition, artificial light can not perceive oils or balms that suit you. ordinary life. Thus, you will not only achieve a more luxurious tan, but also protect your skin.

If you are looking for a way to quickly tan in a solarium, then in this case, the cream will save. Try to buy products with, as they have a self-tanning effect and enhance the color. However this thing has a tendency to wash off quickly.

More durable and faster results can be obtained using accelerators. They make melatonin more active, so the chocolate shade may appear faster. But sunbathing in a solarium with natural or synthetic oil is not worth it, since with it you will literally “fry”. Nevertheless, for artificial rays, the cream is considered the best and safe option.

Recent times creams with a “tingle effect” are gaining great popularity. They increase blood circulation, as a result of which the shade is more intense and appears much faster. However, they have an unpleasant effect, which manifests itself in the form of burning and itching of the body. If you decide to purchase such a product, then do not worry, strange sensations pass in a few hours.

How to keep a tan for a long time after a solarium?

The shade will last longer if you apply. They must be applied after the procedure, waiting for complete or partial absorption. If you do not want to spend finances, then you can do with any moisturizer. The effect will not be as bright, but the skin will be moisturized, which means it will peel off more slowly.

In addition, the speed and duration of tanning can be increased with special drops and juice. Try to drink fresh carrot juice half an hour before the session, and also for prevention at least 1-2 times a week. You will get an even greater effect from drops with beta-keratin. They are safe and not very expensive. Sold in any pharmacy.

Also erase tan scrubs and aggressive washcloths. Try to wash with moisturizing gels and use more gentle remedies care. By the way, the shower itself after a solarium should be taken after a few hours, so that the body completes a certain process of pigmentation.

Solarium contraindications

  • Do not sunbathe in the solarium during menstruation;
  • The presence of benign and malignant tumors categorically prohibits the appearance in the magic cabin;
  • Rash and other skin diseases solarium will exacerbate all the more;
  • Questions from whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe or go to the solarium while breastfeeding have an extremely negative answer. The detailed effect of the rays on the fetus has no scientific justification, which means that the result of such experiments can be the most unexpected;
  • Refuse artificial sun worth it for people with hypertension, diabetes, disease thyroid gland and also with heart problems;
  • Solarium can aggravate mastopathy and increase the amount age spots if a person has a tendency to this;
  • It is not worth the risk for those whose body is covered with a large number of moles;
  • Sometimes negative impact provide some drugs. Often indicate oral contraceptives and some antidepressants;
  • Peeling can be called a serious contraindication. Such aggressive cleansing of the skin should be carried out at least a week before the session.


  1. You should not sunbathe without a cream, as this has a very negative effect on the condition of the epidermis;
  2. It is necessary to wash off all cosmetics, including perfume. Some products may contain substances that, in interaction with UV rays, will cause allergies or give an uneven tan;
  3. Tattoos, moles and age spots should be covered with special stickers;
  4. If you decide to sunbathe without underwear , then do not forget about the stikini that stick to the nipples;
  5. Before the session, you need to remove the lenses, and protect your eyes with specialized glasses, which are always in the solarium. Sunbathing without glasses is not recommended, as you can get a corneal burn. If you still don't want to wear this accessory then at least do not open your eyes during the session;
  6. Always cover your hair with a disposable cap, as artificial light dries the strands a lot;
  7. You need to start sunbathing gradually, so do not rush to take it right away a large number of minutes;
  8. Always check the cleanliness of the booth, because the studio administrator may forget to treat the floor. Do not forget that fungus and various skin diseases are easily transmitted in this way;
  9. Do not scrub or wash with soapy gels at least 3 hours before tanning. They remove the protective film on the skin.

Cosmetologist share rules and secrets proper tanning in the solarium. We look to prevent a catastrophe for our appearance.

Going to the solarium for the first time, it will not be superfluous to learn how to properly prepare for this. After all, without knowing some contraindications and rules, you run the risk of acquiring pleasant impressions. Because the solarium is UV rays, although of artificial origin, but they can be harmful to health. So, beforehand, it’s better to learn about some restrictions, and if you have any doubts, even consult a doctor.

Possible contraindications to visiting the solarium

Benefit or harm?

It's so nice to spend a few minutes in the solarium and feel like you're on a sunny beach, especially when it's cold outside and the sky is gloomy. After all, the radiation from the lamps replaces us with several hours of exposure to the sun. And when you leave the solarium, the heat remains in your body for a long time, despite the sub-zero temperature outside.

When we sunbathe, our mood improves, and the body receives an additional portion of vitamin D and the overall tone of the body increases. The skin takes on a beautiful golden hue, and even doctors recommend moderate sun exposure to treat certain skin conditions. But is a solarium so useful? And how is a tan under the lamps different from the sun?

In fact, the only difference between solarium rays and solar rays is only their intensity. A few minutes under the lamps replaces several hours of sunbathing. From here there is a risk of burning the skin.

In addition, the rays penetrate deeply into the dermis, reduce its elasticity and collagen production. Doctors with experience say that the abuse of sunburn leads to increased formation of age spots, moles and even cancerous tumors. Therefore, going to the solarium, you must follow some rules.

Rules for visiting the solarium

Tanning in a solarium is much stronger than real ones sun rays. 10 minutes spent under the lamps is equal to 2 hours of continuous tanning in the southern sun. And so that the skin does not burn out, you need to start sunbathing gradually. For those who came for the first time, a minute will be enough. You should be especially careful about tanning, girls with a fair skin type should. If you nevertheless firmly decided to visit the solarium, then do not forget about the safety rules:

  • remove all jewelry beforehand;
  • seal with a plaster all the wounds or moles on the body;
  • rinse off before tanning cosmetical tools and the remnants of perfume from the skin;
  • wear a hair cap, goggles to protect the eyes and stick special pads on the chest;
  • lubricate the skin with a moisturizer after the procedure;
  • visit the solarium no more than once a week.

By following these simple precautions, you will not have to worry about your health. And you will be happy to enjoy the pleasant moments of your stay in the solarium.

For more information on how to sunbathe for the first time in a solarium, watch the video

beauty expert, managing partner of the Epilike clinic network

Before giving recommendations about tanning in a solarium, I want to note that 5 minutes of such a tan stops collagen production for 72 hours. During this period, the fibers of our skin are not synthesized! So, we bring closer the aging of the skin.

1. The skin before the solarium must be cleaned

If you still decide to go to the solarium, you need to remember that the skin must first be well cleansed. Therefore, if you sunbathe in a fitness club while taking a shower, use a hard washcloth and preferably a body scrub. This will remove a certain amount of dead horny scales, and the tan will lie more evenly.

2. Moisturize your skin BEFORE and AFTER tanning

Also, your task is to minimize harmful effect solarium on the skin, protecting it from moisture loss and dryness. How to sunbathe in a solarium? Before and after tanning, you need to use any moisturizer. It is better to mix moisturizing body milk and some nourishing, oil-rich cream.


3. Increase the amount of vitamin C in your diet

If you tan in a tanning bed, pay attention to the amount of vitamin C in your diet. It is a powerful antioxidant that minimizes the harmful effects of tanning lamps on the skin. There is a lot of it in fresh fruits, any green fruits, as well as leafy vegetables and herbs. You can take ascorbic acid in tablets - about 500 mg per day. This should be done during the entire period while you use the solarium. But using products with SPF in a solarium, in my opinion, is pointless. If you are afraid of burning, reduce the procedure time to a minimum.

4. Tanning activator is not harmful

As for tanning activators, these are products that contain substances in their composition that allow you to get more even tone tan, contributing to its preservation and maintenance. So, for example, they contain beta-carotene - a substance that accumulates in subcutaneous fat and provides a beautiful shade of tan. In addition, they contain many different oils that contribute to the preservation and maintenance of the lipid layer of the skin. They stick together the scales of the epidermis, making the skin smoother. The result is a more even tan that lasts longer.

5. Cover moles and nipples with stickers

Before the session, it is recommended to cover more pigmented areas of the skin (nipples, moles, birthmarks) with special stickers. Such protection is quite enough to protect these areas from the effects of a solarium.

6. Keep track of session duration

What should be the duration of the first session and how to start tanning in a solarium? It all depends on the phototype. People of phototype 3-4 can sunbathe in a solarium for 5, 8, and 10 minutes. Whereas for people with 1-2 phototypes - no more than 1-2 minutes.

7. Do not go to the solarium too often

The time of the first session should be minimal. I would recommend visiting the solarium no more than 2 times a week. As soon as the skin is slightly tanned (as a rule, 4 sessions are enough for this), go to 1 procedure per week. After a solarium, be sure to apply a product with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients to the skin.

Many of the fair sex want to have an even bronze skin tone throughout the year. Not everyone has the opportunity to winter cold give up on rest in another hemisphere, get a tan, and upon returning to amaze others fresh look. The solution in this case may be a visit to the solarium.


Artificial lighting will not harm only if the rules are followed. Reasonable use of the solarium has a positive effect:

  • the process of vitamin D synthesis starts, and this, in turn, helps to better absorb calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the bones;
  • the immune system receives powerful support;
  • condition improves skin;
  • the body is charged with energy and good mood;
  • there is an opportunity to gradually prepare for the hot summer and reduce the risk of sunburn.

Two types of sources are used: high and low pressure. The first option allows you to quickly get bronze color. This is due to the greater number of A-rays. Melanin reacts more actively to their effects. Recommended for people with dark skin and in the presence of sunburn. The second type gives light consisting of A- and B-rays. Works slower but persists long time. Suitable for fair-skinned people.

According to the design, they are distinguished: horizontal, vertical, turbo-solarium and in the form of an armchair. The latter is used to give shade to the visible parts of the body. Solarium is the most powerful vertical type. But to get a tan, you have to work hard. You will have to raise your hands up to illuminate the sides. In a horizontal design, the client can sit comfortably and get a tan that lasts longer. The most comfortable is the turbo solarium. This is due to the presence of an air cooling system inside the flask.


Like any procedure, a visit to the solarium can be fraught with danger if you do not adhere to strict rules of conduct. Those who use a solarium constantly face the problem of dry skin, premature appearance wrinkles. If you do not use protective and caring products, hair suffers greatly. They become brittle, lifeless and begin to fall out.

Frequent procedures lead to a constant production of melatonin, and this can cause the appearance and even skin cancer. In some types of diseases, excess radiation exacerbates chronic ailments. Coarseness of the upper layer is often the cause of pore closure. This is bad for the skin.

To get a beautiful tan in a solarium, you must perform following rules. Then cosmetic actions will not affect the state of health and will allow you to tan well:

  • Consultation. Before starting the procedure, it is important to check with the doctor possible contraindications. If there are problems with the skin (dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.), heart, liver, such a visit is indispensable.
  • Peeling. The skin needs to be prepared: freed from dead particles and smoothed. A day before visiting the salon, a scrub with abrasive particles is used. You can use home remedies (for example: ground coffee, oat flakes, sea salt).
  • Ban on water procedures. The day before the scheduled session, do not epilate. Use before visiting a perfume salon and other perfumery products, soaps and shower gels is undesirable. It is better to leave a natural film on the skin. This will help keep normal balance and protect against burns.
  • Make-up for tanning. Products with radiation filters have no place in the solarium. There is a special line for such a procedure. Some products will allow you to tan faster, others will effectively fix the result.
  • Visiting schedule. After a few sessions, the desired shade will be achieved. But in order to achieve color consistency, the procedure will have to be repeated regularly.
  • Time. The duration of the session depends on the phototype of the person. Fair-skinned people should start with 3 minutes, and dark-skinned people with 5 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 15 minutes. The number of sessions in the first case is 2-3 times a week. For achievement beautiful shade skin will have to visit the salon longer. The rest, in order to get a tan, are allowed to visit the solarium every day.
  • Remedies. It is important to protect your hair and eyes from radiation. Always wear special goggles and a cap. Pamper your hair nourishing mask. This will protect the hair from drying out and weakening. Use the same set of cotton underwear so as not to get a zebra effect. If the goal is to tan completely, you need to take care of purchasing a protective spray for intimate area. Don't forget to leave decorations at home. It is important to protect nipples and moles from exposure to radiation. Lip balm is used. He will save delicate skin from overdrying and exposure to ultraviolet rays. You will also need slippers and a towel. Some salons provide disposable items, but you can use your own.
  • Bronzers. At the same time, you can apply creams that give a tanning effect or use organic products(extract walnut, cocoa butter, etc.).
  • Lamp life. To avoid dangerous consequences It is worth reading the lamp replacement log. The duration of use is indicated in the accompanying documents. If the deadlines (400–500 hours) are exceeded, then it is unacceptable to apply them.
  • In order to tan evenly, it is useful to take turns attending vertical and horizontal solarium. Turning off the top row of lamps will help protect your skin from excessive radiation.

At the end of the session, it is advised to rest for 2 hours and not perform water procedures. This will help the tan to set in. A cup of green tea will help restore lost moisture.


After the end of the course, the tan lasts for a month. The skin is then brightened as a result of natural renewal. There are subtleties that allow you to maintain a bronze tint for a longer time:

  • Moisturizing and nourishing care products.
  • Products with high content vitamins A, E, C should be in the daily menu. Red vegetables and fruits yellow flowers, milk, eggs, spinach, beef liver, cheese will help maintain a tan.
  • Cup carrot juice before each session will allow you to tan faster and save the result.


With the vertical method, there is a problem with the skin of the legs. She doesn't tan well. For this, booths with a mirror floor are produced. Light, reflected from it, has a better effect on inaccessible areas. The option looks interesting - a solarium with a shower. It is known that water attracts ultraviolet rays. The result is a more even color.


You should not take a visit to the solarium with great zeal. Any cosmetic procedures should emphasize the dignity of a person and help to look natural. Passion for the process can lead to the appearance of a shade that is too dark, which visually adds several years. In addition, this approach will have a detrimental effect on the state of the body. Excess radiation can provoke the development of dangerous diseases.
