School years are the most carefree time. Carefree Time is a Naruto fanfic FanFiction

So many memories associated with this word. But is childhood always happy? Are all children children during this period of time?

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his passage raises the problem of the significance of childhood in a person's life. For the main character, Nikolenka, childhood passed happily: "Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood!"

Nikolenka associates childhood with the love of parents, a carefree time filled with joyful moments. But everyone grows up at some point. And people ask the same questions as the author: “Will that freshness, carelessness, need for love and strength of faith that you possess in childhood ever return? ..”

I cannot but agree with L.N. Tolstoy. Indeed, childhood is a time when people are carefree, they have no serious problems. But is childhood always a happy one? Are children always as carefree as main character excerpt?

I want to pay attention to those works of great people, where the children were happy, where the children had a truly happy and carefree childhood.

Many writers have addressed this problem in their works. But for me the most striking is the epic novel “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy. For Nikolai, Natasha and Petya Rostov childhood is time light and purity. The children in this family were surrounded by the love of loved ones, understanding, warmth and affection. They were carefree. Childhood leaves its mark on the character of each person. And it also affected the character of these characters. The qualities that they acquired in childhood helped them in the future, influenced their fate.

I would also like to pay attention to the story of Ray Bradbury "Dandelion Wine". The writer tells us about the adventures of the main character, Douglas, in the summer. The author tells a story carefree childhood. The boy enjoyed every day, even if he had Bad mood. Douglas did not think about the problems of adults, he lived his rich childhood, which every child should live. It was it that became a vivid memory for him.

There is much to think about on this subject. Each person has their own childhood. Someone is already working at the age of ten, and someone at this age does not think about how hard it is for people.

Drawing a conclusion, I would like to note once again that childhood should be happy, children should be children.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) -

Uzumaki knew his best friend's house like his own. They have already spent the night so many times at each other's that they simply cannot be counted. Therefore, without ceremony with greetings and excessive bows, the blond immediately rushed into the shower. He tossed his sweaty clothes into the washer, and at the exit took Sasuke's spare pajamas from the clothesline.
- You are everything? - asked the brunette, sitting at his desk with homework.
- Yes. Tired as hell, but there is always strength for games.
The Uchiha family was slightly richer than the Uzumaki. However, this never made Naruto jealous of his friend. Despite the fact that Sasuke had both a TV with a set-top box and a computer in his room, he understood that the price for excessive luxuries was a strict upbringing.
His friend's father was the tyrant of the family, and Naruto was never allowed to stay overnight with Sasuke when he returned home from his many business trips.
- When is your dad coming back?
- A week later.
Even though Sasuke was acting cold, Naruto recognized the note of concern in his voice. When the Uchiha returned from the shower, wearing nothing but his pajama bottoms, he sat down next to the blond and, picking up a second controller, joined the game.
- If you want, you can live these days with me.
- What am I to you, girl, to worry about those days? Sasuke joked.
- Well, you whine like a girl, dattebayo. Naruto laughed in response.
- Ah well? Then how do you like it? - having feigned pout, the brunette sharply turned the controller, and their game was covered with a copper basin. The screen showed "You lose".
- Damn, dude! Why are you such a buzzkill?
- Get up you idiot piece, we really need to finish our homework.
Uzumaki, with a heavy sigh, decided to obey his friend. Still, he is unrealistically cool at helping with dz, which is why the blonde does not have such low marks as, for example, Kiba. And as soon as the priest came off the ground, and his legs straightened, Naruto suddenly became ill. There were blurs before his eyes, and his head was spinning so badly that he stumbled over the controller wire.
- Oh, dattebayo.
- Carefully! Sasuke exclaimed, rushing towards him with outstretched arms.
As is usually the case with a sudden change of position, Naruto quickly passed. However, Sasuke, furrowing his brows, decided to verify this by checking his friend's temperature by pressing his hand to his forehead. Immediately, the blond boy's cheeks flushed and blushed. soft pads pale fingers, so carefully slipped from his forehead, and these black eyes continued to drill through with their cold flame, which, willy-nilly, is embarrassed.
- You're just leading a horrendous lifestyle. I'm surprised you haven't gotten gastritis from endless eating of ramen.
- Ramen is power!
After a moment's bickering, they nevertheless sat down at the homework. Naruto experienced difficulties in all subjects. Especially in English, in mathematics, and in physics/chemistry/biology. His head was on fire whenever Sasuke tried to explain any formulas to him.
- Phew, I don't understand anything, dattebayo! How do you manage to remember all this? This boredom is deadly!
- Unlike some, I just listen carefully to the teachers in the classroom. The Uchiha said arrogantly.
- Do you think the smartest is ttebayo? he asked with a squint of annoyance.
- What if so? Sasuke leaned his head on his hand and then smiled haughtily. Here Uzumaki did not give up, growled playfully, and then rushed at his friend, knocking him from his chair to the floor.
They began to fight, as they once fought in childhood. True, rarely anyone came out the winners of these games, they were either immediately separated by their parents, or it turned out to be a draw. Naruto hoped that this time he would show him how much he had changed since then. How much his relentless basketball training had strengthened his body.
Sasuke, in turn, became adept at kendo, and knowing his enemy, he had already thought everything ten steps ahead. He, gracefully twisting out of the grip, immediately took the dominant side, and bending over the face of the vanquished, he squeezed his sweaty palms over his head.
Naruto froze. His cheeks reddened again, and his best friend's breath was so close that he could feel hot air currents on his skin. Those piercing black eyes, which remained the same imperturbable, so beckoned to him, and drove him crazy. It seemed like an eternity had passed awkward silence They both didn't know what to do next. At least until Sasuke's mother knocked on the door.
- Son, it's getting late. Go to sleep. she pointed out.
- Yes mom. - abruptly recoiling from Naruto, he answered her.
Naruto noticed the younger Uchiha's cheekbones blush as well. It seemed that now he regrets this momentary awkwardness. And the Uzumaki himself did not quite understand what had happened. Sasuke wasn't holding onto his hands that much, Naruto wouldn't have been too hard to break free and get the better of him in this duel, but... something made him freeze in place. His head was buzzing, especially after dz, he could not answer himself the question, why didn't he take advantage of the situation and break out of such a flimsy grip?
The light in the room was extinguished, and only a narrow crescent of the moon shed tiny rays through the window. They both fell asleep. After all, no one has canceled tomorrow's classes ...

On next week inter-regional school basketball competitions were held. All the unbearable training that Anka-sensei put her students through must have paid off…preferably in the form of a victory. The stands were packed so tightly that people crowded back to back. Sasuke and Sakura arrived early to take the front rows. And now they tightly held fists for their friend.
The game flared up tense. Both teams compared the score every half. The creaks of their shoes were heard everywhere, and the sound of a resilient ball. The judge now and then gesticulated with his hands, and the commentator deciphered his messages to the audience.
- Overtime announced! - announced the commentator into his small microphone, sitting close to playground. His voice echoed from the megaphones hung in the corners of the hall. And what he said meant last chance for the team of their school - to break into the winners.
"Come on, Naruto!" The Uchiha whispered to himself.
During the break, the blond walked over to them. Covered in sweat, with a bottle of water in his hands, and terrible anxiety on his face. Sakura shook her fist and threatened to beat the blond with them if he didn't bring victory to their school. Sasuke, on the other hand, gathered all his will and determination to look into these Blue eyes and cheer up your best friend. Suddenly, when he was about to open his mouth:
- Naruto! Try! Hinata exclaimed from behind them. - I believe in you!
And then, this blond lit up a wide smile. So light, and so warm, that wolves howled in Sasuke's soul. He was looking at Hinata with an expression he had never looked at an Uchiha with before. Never.
At that moment, something turned over inside, the breath in the lungs froze, he wanted to get out of there, to escape, but he was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts loud noise, indicating the start of overtime. The black eyes themselves stuck to the Uzumaki, and could no longer tear themselves away from him.
Naruto dribbled defiantly, passing and intercepting it, throwing it into the ring again and again. All his movements, all his powerful muscular body, covered with beads of sweat, frequent loud breathing, on which Sasuke focused his hearing, it all turned on. The brunet could not control himself, lost control of his thoughts, which flew away somewhere not at all in the direction of the game.
- Are you not happy? Sakura teased him. Sasuke looked around and saw the fans of the school's team standing up, cheering and applauding this game. He realized that he missed the most important thing, drowning in his fantasies. Even the score of the game itself.
- Great, we won. - with share of sarcasm commented Uchiha. Sakura immediately frowned and looked into his eyes indignantly. If Naruto were in his place, he would have received a good thrashing, but to the Uchiha, everyone always had special treatment. Especially from Sakura.
"Something happened, Sasuke-kun?"
- Nothing happened. - he denied, although in the depths of his soul he understood that something happened that changed him forever - he fell in love ...

After a blinding victory, and celebrating with the team and their sensei, Naruto agreed on real holiday with your friends. Shikamaru, who was just a fan of strategy games, immediately made a fuss about this and dragged a whole bottle of champagne into the karaoke bar. Kiba, who directly played along with Naruto, did not come empty-handed either. Chōji pulled out his stock of delicious treats, Hinata baked her famous rice buns at the baking club, and Shino surprised everyone with his father's old brew.
This time, they booked a room for the whole night. More precisely, it was booked by Sasuke's older brother - Itachi, being already an adult.
- Don't you dare come home. he warned him over the phone. - Then the father returned from a business trip, and he will not be happy if he recognizes even a gram of alcohol in you.
- That is, not coming home at all is less punishable? the younger Uchiha asked with a grin.
- I'll cover it. Are you studying in high school, and there will probably be some kind of test soon. I will say that you stayed with Uzumaki to improve his grades.
- Most likely it will be, big brother. Sasuke agreed.
- No doubt. In general… take care of yourself.
Their sweet conversation was interrupted by the fact that Ino decided to announce a toast in honor of Naruto and Kiba. She raised her mug with hitherto little-known contents, everyone supported her solemn speech and then everyone drank and began to joke.
- I'm telling you, three girls confessed to me right away! Kiba boasted, turning up his nose. - Here, look at the history of SMS. One even sent me her si...
- Well, stop showing off! After punching this idiot in the head, Sakura took the phone and turned it off. "Don't you dare even think about dating one of them!"
- And why is that? Kiba asked confused.
- Well, you're a fool, Kiba. Ino commented, supporting Sakura's thought. - It's because they want to bask in the rays of your glory.
- And what? What if I like one of them?
- In what sense? Don't you want her to like you too? For real, not fake.
"What's the point, Sakura?" We guys do not pay attention to such trifles, while the chick gives - everything is in chocolate! Yes Naruto?
Sakura's fart burned with rage, her fist itched incredibly, and the expression on her face predicted that noble people were about to be slapped on someone. The fire girl had to be dragged away from the heroes of the occasion by force. They all drank again, and the hops hit them all in the head.
- Listen, Narych, what kind of girls do you like? Kiba asked.
At this time, the melancholy Sasuke, gradually pulling his vodka through the tube, pricked up his ears.
"Well, Kiba, it all depends on how big her... d-soul is." The blond replied nervously, looking at Sakura glaring at them in annoyance. Still, for the next pendal from the merciless pink-haired beast, he simply does not have enough stamina.
This brought Sasuke into yet another nostalgic state. He thought back to the day he first lied to his best friend.
- What kind of girls do you like? Naruto asked as they both sat on the same roof, patching up their bruises and scratches on their faces with plasters and antiseptics.
- I don't have time for a relationship, idiot. The Uchiha replied sharply.
- Yes, I'm not talking about that. I'm about… This.
- This?
- Well, yes, yes. About this very thing. W-when-ttebayo... - at that moment, the entire Uzumaki's face was covered with crimson paint. Sasuke barely caught up with what this idiot meant.
- Do you want to know what I'm jerking off to? - this question was given to him surprisingly easier than he expected. His best friend from such frankness almost fell to the floor. And yet, he still silently asked, and bored with his sky-blue eyes. - I'll tell you who's my type when you tell me who's yours.
- Well, it's simple...
- Let me guess. - interrupting Naruto, Sasuke with a sarcastic smirk, began to pretend to be a psychic. - hmmm, who could it be? Who do you fap on, Uzumaki? Who does your little dick stand up to unconditionally? Wait a minute, now I'll tune in to the waves of space, and the answer will come right into my head ... Sakura! I'm right?
- You're an ass, Sasuke! Why even ask such a question if you already know the answer?
- I just like to show off.
“Since you knew about me anyway, now it’s my turn to find out, dattebayo!”
- OK. - With a heavy sigh, the brunette answered him. - I think that the sexiest ladies are those who, firstly, are smart, and secondly, are older.
It was the most disgusting lie Sasuke had ever had to tell in order to avoid the vile truth that his fantasies turned on him all night long, not about girls, but about men.

Childhood is the most best time in our life, In childhood, every year it becomes more interesting. You grow up, you learn something new, your first steps, your first word, you go to kindergarten for the first time and at that moment you already feel some independence. Someone will say that there is nothing interesting in childhood, but I will say the opposite, childhood is this very best time in a life that you will remember for the rest of your life.

I'm here 1 year old
dad, sister and me. New Year.
MY FAMILY I'm here 3 years, 7 months I loved taking pictures in kindergarten
I'm with my beloved grandfather!!!
And with my beloved grandmother

It may seem to someone that there is little to tell about cats, but this is not about our family. I remember it was a warm summer day, my mother was at work, and my father was at home with me. And then I heard kittens meowing under our balcony: one was white, the second was black and the third was striped. My parents did not allow me to have a cat at home, but after seeing how I ran to feed the kittens every day, after a few days I was still allowed to have one kitten. Long thinking who to take. I decided to take the striped one, and it turned out to be a girl. I named her Pulcheria, Pusha for short. I became very attached to her, we slept together, and did our homework, and watched TV. Now my Pusha is already 18 years old, and I love her very much.

Our cat is Kitty

As I wrote before, I have 3 sisters, and one of them decided to get another cat. Grandparents were, of course, against it, and said that we already have a cat, and we no longer need it. But when her sister brought home a little fluffy bundle of happiness, grandparents couldn't take their eyes off her. And we decided to leave it anyway. We named her Kitty. She lived with us for only 12 years. Grandmother, of course, was very worried, she still misses her, but her photographs are well preserved, at least some memory of her!!!

The second cat in our family is Pulcheria

The story about the third cat is the most interesting. Our Kitty gave birth to kittens, thinking for a long time to whom to give them to good hands, they slowly grew up and became even more interesting and beautiful. We liked one very nimble kitten, he was the most active of all, and the most interesting thing was that no one took him for a long time. And we decided to leave it. We named him Moly. He is now about 14 years old.

And here is the third one, he is the son of our cat Kitty

So after a while they all grew up, it was a lot of fun with them, remembering these moments, I still smile looking at the photo. Until now, our cats live in the same apartment, without Kitty.

First time at the ostrich farm
First time in Moscow.

I will remember this trip to Moscow for the rest of my life. It happened on New Year's Eve,
On December 31, we met in Moscow, or rather in the Moscow region .. I visited this city for the first time, I really liked it. The Kremlin, many museums, a colored boulevard and much more. And Moscow in winter is the most beautiful of all seasons.

Life in Troubled Times is hard and tiring. Sooner or later, we begin to feel the need to relax and rest in order to put ourselves in order. But the feeling of "worn out" and the desire to somehow respond to this feeling lead us to an even more passive phase of the Hard Time. Namely, Lost Time.

The fact is that if you are stuck in a period of Hard Time, no amount of rest will help you recover your strength. You cannot bring yourself together. You will start spending time watching the stupidest, useless TV shows, playing computer games, go shopping, chat with friends or surf the Internet aimlessly. At the same time, your brain will still remain loaded with unnecessary problems, and you will still be deaf to the cries of your own soul.

You can do the other way: choose a couple of weeks and lie on the beach, reading cheap novels, hoping to recover - only to return to the same burdensome mechanical labor in fourteen days.

This period is rightly called "Lost Time", because you can neither restore your strength and stock up on energy, nor get real joy from such "entertainment". (Think how many people truly enjoy what they watch. soap operas overflowing with false passions, or making tedious trips to the markets?)

The Lost Time period can help us cope with stress and dissatisfaction in best case on a short time. Having gone through this period, we will be able to continue in the same style and further: a week, a month or even whole year. (In the same way, tranquilizers and antidepressants “help” people. Taking these drugs, a person thinks that he has coped with the situation, although in fact he is not.)

The tragedy of Western culture is that, despite having a lot of free time every day and constant reminders that there should be even more of it, we spend our leisure time on some joyless and useless activities. This is due to the fact that we have lost touch with our inner self.

It's getting harder for us to appreciate simple pleasures offered by life itself. It seems pointless and boring just to smell the roses, because we ourselves are not completely here. We just make a series of movements and actions. When the period of Lost Time ends, we still feel exhausted, dissatisfied, restless, and empty.

So, we failed to restore energy. We crave to fill ourselves even more in order to feel the integrity of our "I". And here lies the viciousness of addiction and dependence, so characteristic of the Western way of life.

When we are in the Time of Trouble, we seek to find a solution to the problem outside of ourselves. And since we do not allow ourselves to go deep into peace, loneliness and connect with our inner "I", we continue to look for reasons in the outside world, trying to achieve integrity through work, love, sex, TV shows, religion, sports, drugs, alcohol. or just busy.

For a while it turns us on, then it gets boring and we again descend from heaven to earth, starting to look for another way out in order to end our own dissatisfaction. The illusion takes us even further. It seems to us that if you try hard enough or wait too long, then the strategy should work. And then we will be happy, satisfied and calm. However, it doesn't quite work out that way. The more persistently we try to break through to happiness, the further we push our inner “I” away from ourselves. Therefore, such a plan inevitably fails.

Here I would like to tell a story. One night, a certain gentleman lost his keys and began to look for them near the lantern. "Are you sure you dropped them right here?" - inquired the approached passerby. "No," came the answer, "But it's much lighter here."

The secret of true bliss.

Carefree Time is a state of your consciousness, not an activity (or lack thereof). You cannot guarantee yourself that you will enter the Carefree Time just because you sit in your garden and do nothing else. If at the same time your eyes automatically begin to run around, looking for an unweeded garden bed or a row of shrubs that should have been cut long ago, then the struggle continues inside you.

So, once again you cannot relax and you are still in the Hard Time. Or maybe things are different. You are sitting in the garden, but life has exhausted you so much that all your attempts to “at least have a little rest here” again end in failure.

You are unlikely to be able to appreciate the beauty of your garden. Its magic will leave your heart indifferent, because in this case you are still just wasting time.

Another example can be given. Let's say you bathe your baby while enjoying the rainbow soap bubbles, the softness of your baby's skin, his luminous smile. You can laugh together when he splashes especially hard. In this case, you enter the blissful period of Carefree Time.

But you can bathe your child, while at the same time remembering all the things that you have not yet managed to finish today, or you can regret the program that you are missing right at this moment. Of course, you will hurry the child in every possible way, feeling how tired you are of all this. It means you are still in the Time of Trouble.

It is not our actions or circumstances that determine which of the time cycles we are in. Everything depends on our consciousness. Scientists estimate that we use only ten percent of our brain capacity. I believe that this is precisely our rational thinking, characteristic of the Hard Times.

Apparently, we usually only have access to that ten percent. The remaining ninety percent of the possibilities of the brain, in my opinion, belong to the Carefree Time, and it is in this part of the brain that its unlimited creative and psychic potential is contained.

When we begin to live for the most part in Carefree Time, our thought process itself expands, becoming both holistic, creative, and fluid. We see the "forest" rather than the "trees", and in this regard, we often make our lives easier.

Since Carefree Time has always been ignored and underestimated in Western society, we put too much strain on our rational thinking. We are trying to use it to solve problems that are not intended for it at all.

For example, we are looking for inspiration, creative solution problems, trying to get answers to emotional questions, or simply learning to enjoy the moment of Hard Times using the brain's capabilities. Instead of seeing the forest itself, we dash headlong from one tree to another. This, of course, is not a lack of our "ego", we are simply trying to extend its capabilities beyond all reasonable limits.

The "ego" should serve our ninety percent of the brain, our deep, inner "I", and instead it itself begins to take on overwhelming tasks and set its own unreasonable goals, which it tries to solve at the fastest pace.

Until we create for ourselves the space that will be our Carefree Time (be it aimless clay modeling, loafing, daydreaming, or simply “existence”, we will never be able to hear the inspiring voice of our soul . We will not be able to get in touch with our own dreams and visions, we will not listen to the needs of our Inner Child.

We will not even notice glimpses of our own intuition. In a word, we will never become fully alive. And at the same time, each of us understands that he has lost something, he lacks something. And this "something" plays a decisive role in his life.

Constantly living in a difficult time, at best we become simply insensitive or worried, and at worst, we feel complete despair, not finding reasons for it.

It is the Carefree Time that diligently whispers to us: "what is, is." It is during this period that we understand that happiness cannot be found in the last computer program, nor at the most prestigious exhibition. It is much easier to find inner peace and harmony by watching the river flow, or simply by going out on long walk with your dog.

The paradox also lies in the fact that at the very moment when we stop desperately chasing happiness and learn to "live in the moment", that's when we feel much more joyful. It is at such moments that inspiration comes, and we begin to create. And all this happens without unnecessary struggle, without the effort and over-busyness that are so inherent in the Hard Times.

IN Hard time we are more like caterpillars, greedily and busily devouring leaves, gnawing their way and the happy future of the butterfly.

In Carefree Time, we are already butterflies, fluttering easily and freely. ()

Jill Edwards. Going with the flow - the ecstasy and delight of the moment

Once we intuitively "know" what decision we should make or how to act, realizing that the right moment has come, we move into the active phase of the Carefree Time cycle. This is a timeless space where we live in perfect balance within ourselves and at the same time connected with the Source, Tao, the Great Mystery, the Great Spirit, the Universal Power.

We "go with the flow". Some athletes use the term "peak". For them, this is the state of mind in which they can achieve maximum results. It is in this phase that the real magic happens.

When you go with the flow, everything seems easy, understandable and accessible to you. Everyone disappears internal conflicts, struggle, fears and doubts. Your inner harmony, as in a mirror, reflected in the outside world.

All kinds of "meaningful matches"- the very ones that Jung called "synchronicities". And these things are becoming commonplace. You are always in right place and in right time. Some invisible hands open all doors for you as soon as you approach.

If you need a person, he seems to "accidentally" run into you on the street. And empty parking spaces appear just at the moment when you need to leave the car. You buy this particular newspaper for the first time and you still “accidentally” find an advertisement in it that just such a person as you is required for a job.

It also happens differently. You have decided to sell your mansion and go to a local cafe to drink a cup of coffee (which, in general, is uncharacteristic for you). And it is in this tiny establishment that you meet a person who dreamed of a house like yours and is ready to buy it even now. You are going to buy furniture for summer cottages and, having selected the models you like from the catalog, call the company, where they tell you that this particular furniture with today cheaper by half. It begins to seem to you that the guardian angels have firmly taken your side and lend a helping hand at every step.

Everything that happens while moving with the flow really resembles the rapid run of a mountain river. A project that you've been putting off for so long is suddenly done with amazing ease. The letter that you have been thinking about with horror for several weeks, just flies out from under your pen, you compose it in just ten minutes. It also happens that you start (sometimes reluctantly) to tell your child a bedtime story. The plot is rather banal and already tired of you yourself, when suddenly everything changes. It’s as if someone is pushing you, and you begin to compose a dizzying story, such that it’s not you who invented it at all. It even begins to seem to you that it does not come from you, but “passes” through you. You plunge into the exciting world of eternity, where time ceases to exist. Now you are as intrigued by the plot of your own fairy tale as your little one!

A tennis player who is at such a “peak” sees the ball as bigger than it really is. At the same time, the ball itself seems to be moving at a slower speed. At this time, the athlete has a chance to take more correct solution regarding the stroke that will be winning. In such seconds, the athlete is concentrated to the limit. Player, racket, ball - all this merges into a single whole and becomes a real poem. Defeating the opponent is no longer so important. the main task now it is completely different: to achieve perfection in the beauty of movement, to compete only with yourself, to get maximum pleasure from the game. It may last only one game, one set, or even you will take a single hit, but at this moment your feelings are very close to ecstasy and maximum enthusiasm.


Your life flows along one channel, so try not to deviate from it. Henry David Taro

Going with the flow, we, paradoxically, at the same time do not have a goal (we live in the moment) and at the same time we are heading somewhere (moving towards the fulfillment of our Dream). We are aware of our uniqueness and feel in harmony with our own purpose and activity. It seems as if the boundaries of our "I" are blurred, become unclear. During this period, male and feminine energy are in perfect balance and harmony. (The terms "masculine" and "feminine" have nothing to do with whether you are a man or a woman. They are simply methods of describing your "masculine" side, which seeks its own individuality or separateness, and the "feminine" side, which seeks to unite , consent and integrity.)

For many of us, it seems like true bliss to lie all day on the beach, somewhere in the tropics, drinking cool cocktails and softening the skin with sunscreen from time to time. However, studies on the psychology of happiness show that most people do not find it in idleness. To most of us, traditional christian representation about paradise, when angels play harps around you and you exist in eternal peace and tranquility.

In fact, a person feels the most joy at the moment of striving to achieve his goal, which he consciously chose himself . At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such a goal should be worthy and go from pure heart. In striving for it, we improve, deepen our knowledge and develop our personal abilities.

Each person should have their own Dream, which would be a meaningful and worthy goal of life. But this, of course, does not mean a big lottery win, which in its essence represents a desire to hide from Everyday life. The conversation is about real dream, in the name of which you are ready to spend all your time, effort and skills.

For example, such a dream can be a desire to find a job you love, meet a friend along the way, create a beautiful home, have impeccable health, write a novel, become a real sculptor, win a golf championship, give birth and raise a child, open your own business ...

When you live your Dream, and do not wait for its specific fulfillment, when you approach it step by step and enjoy the process itself, then you go with the flow. This Movement with the flow strongly energizes a person, revitalizes and seems to cheer him up.

However, after a certain period of time, we will need to “slow down” and realize our new experience. We should take some time to reflect on what happened, relax, restore life balance, and during this period enjoy simple joys life without any particular purpose. Therefore, we are again moving into that phase of Carefree Times, in which, as we remember, there are no particularly set goals. Thus, the cycle of Carefree Time continues.

The Flow and the Carefree Times feed and support each other. When we live our Dreams, it becomes much easier for us to relax and enjoy every moment of existence.

Once at midnight I amused myself by letting bubble together with his baby, who suddenly decided to wake up in my work time. Very soon I realized how much I enjoy this innocent occupation. I didn't worry a bit about spending so much time blowing colorful bubbles and not writing a single line of my new book. Especially since I successfully completed a large section of this manuscript while my son was napping during the day."What we have is already enough" - so says one of the principles of Carefree Time. Therefore, with a calm soul, I allowed myself to fool around a bit with my baby that night.

Similarly, Carefree Time enhances the Flow. Because when we slow down and calm down during the Carefree Times, we become open and receptive, and therefore able to receive direction and inspiration, which again put us in Motion.

When the trees were big, we were happy and carefree. And now work is home, life is chores, problems and eternal lack of time. A happy childhood cannot be returned, but you can stop for a moment and remember that the world around you is full of miracles, that happiness does not depend on the number of banknotes in your wallet, and you can and should be happy with simple little things.

Try to wake up with the thought of happiness. On the way to work, admire the white clouds in the sky, treat yourself to a delicious treat, relax in the silence of the park. Love yourself and the world around, as children do! And look at these wonderful photos that will take you to Magic world childhood.

1. "Childhood ... That time when the days flowed carefree and happy, when it was believed that a miracle was very close ...". Oleg Roy.

2. “Childhood is this huge land, where everyone comes from! Where am I from? I come from my childhood, as if from some country ... ". Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

3. “Childhood is the most perfect state of mind - you love everyone, you don’t hold grudges against anyone.”
Narine Abgaryan.

5. “We all remain children exiled to adult life» . John Bradshaw.

6. “Only in childhood do you follow your desires, at the behest of your heart.
And when childhood ends, you discover that the heart does not decide. Decide brains ". Alina Danilova.

7. "It's never too late for happy childhood, but your second childhood depends only on you and no one else". Regina Brett.

8. “As we age, we lose many important qualities. And one of them is the gift of being happy just like that. To catch small joys on a hook and look at them with delight for a long time.. Hope Yasminska.

9. “In those years, there were no such barriers to faith as common sense and logic. We believed our eyes. And although adults sometimes made fun of this, but who knows where she is, right?. Joanne Harris.
