Pearl meditation - restoration of female energy! Strengthening feminine energy through meditation.

Ancient Eastern sages believed that female energy is the basis of all foundations. Psychologists come to the conclusion that female energy is very important for a man - she is able to give him wings, revive fading strength, direct him in the right direction and stimulate him to further actions. It's time to figure out what female energy is, how to replenish its reserves and how to use it correctly.

In total, there are two energies in our world - male and female.

  1. Male Energy personifies courage, risk, aggression and the ability to lead. But at its core, male energy is very weak and needs regular recharging. And the representative of the stronger sex can receive it from her woman, who gives him tenderness, affection and peace. Without female energy, a man cannot create anything! Therefore, it turns out that femininity is a special female energy that rules the world.
  2. The fair sex, filled with feminine power, she is able to inspire her man, protect him from troubles, mistakes, she can easily forgive and bless. It is believed that the harmony of married life is seventy percent dependent on the amount of female energy. And if there is a shortage of the latter, the marriage breaks up. A man is naturally inclined to follow women's attitudes, for this reason he is unable to control family relationships.

A woman is called upon to become a good mother, to harmonize the atmosphere in the house, creating peace and beauty around her. When a woman does not oppose her feminine nature, everything that she undertakes turns out easily and naturally. She easily gets what she wants.

How to restore female energy - the role of hormones

Women's physical and psychological health is dependent on the work of the endocrine glands and the release of special female hormones. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the state of the hormonal system in order to maintain your beauty, attractiveness and feminine strength.

Scientists have conducted many experiments in this regard and found that ladies who have an ambitious, masculine demeanor for the most part suffer from certain hormonal disorders. They produce a lot of testosterone, which is a male sex hormone that prevents the maturation of the egg.

And those representatives of the weaker sex who cannot conceive a child should change the priorities that have taken root in our society and, instead of being realized in society, doing household chores, pay more attention to themselves. All this provides a filling of feminine energy.

If a woman has a lot of male energy and wants to arrange her personal life, she needs to rethink her behavior, change her own actions and attitude towards the world around her. After all, a real man never looks at the social status of a girl, he is interested and attracted by her life-giving female energy.

There are professions that increase the amount of male energy in women. This is accounting, everything related to advertising and trade. This must be taken into account if you seek to develop real femininity in yourself.

It is also believed that energetically a woman is three times stronger than a man. Therefore, if she tries to become a leader in a relationship, this will invariably suppress the masculine energy of her spouse. It is important to maintain a harmonious balance!

How to increase female energy will also tell this video

Do you have enough female power?

If you constantly suffer from feelings of guilt, are in a depressed mood, get tired quickly, your personal life is collapsing before your eyes - there are signs of an energy imbalance on your face. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the pathologies of the hair.

You can also find out the amount of female power by the state of your indoor plants. They are very sensitive to energy fluctuations, and if you notice that they quickly dry out, wither - take the necessary measures!

We also suggest that you take a test on the amount of female energy in yourself. Do the following step by step:

  • Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Visualize a beautiful forest path leading up to a beautiful house.
  • Enter it. Hear the sounds of relaxing music, watch the paintings that are hung on the walls of the dwelling.
  • Go to another room, in which there is an easel, and on it is a sketch of your portrait in full growth, but it is black and white.
  • Nearby is a palette of colors, which presents white and red. You need to pick up a brush and bring your own portrait to life, but without mixing dyes.
  • When the work is completed, it is necessary to move a short distance and evaluate the result. What color scheme in the picture will be more?

Ideally, the red color should occupy about 75 percent of the picture (responsible for the feminine essence), and white - about 25 (the masculine essence). If you get a different result, you should probably change your attitudes in life.

How to awaken female energy

Many girls are interested in the question of how to restore female energy.

The ruling planet of female power is the Moon. She will help the representatives of the weaker sex to be filled with the lost female power. To do this, you need to conduct a small magical ritual - at night, when the moon is shining brightly in the sky, retire to a quiet room (you can go to the balcony) and ask her for blessings and support.

Also, when the Moon is growing, ask her to increase your feminine strength and increase any benefits. And when it decreases, pray to get rid of any ailments, obstacles, envy and other things.

Another effective technique on how to fill yourself with feminine energy is to leave your cosmetics and water in the moonlight. Be sure to remove all this with the first rays of the sun, which personify the solar, male energy.

How to develop feminine energy that attracts men

Women's energy is given by typically feminine activities.

The color of the clothes is also important - give your preference to light colors that are lunar.

  1. Stylish decorations. Jewelry not only looks beautiful, but also provides energy protection:
  • beads of short length - will act as a talisman for the throat chakra;
  • long beads are protection for the energy center;
  • dangling earrings - act as protection for the upper chakras;
  • bracelets - contribute to the protection of the main energy channel passing along the line of the spine. When we make movements with our hands, we provide ourselves with protection and accelerate energy flows.
  1. Sweets. You may have noticed that if you exclude sweets from your diet, your mood immediately worsens, and hormonal disorders occur in the body. And this is not surprising, because it is sweet that is the basis of the female hormonal system. Also, for a high level of female strength, you need to regularly eat vegetables and consume dairy products. But meat should be abandoned, as it contributes to the development of aggression, which is necessary for manifestation in the social sphere, but not for the family.
  2. Refusal of haste. A very effective method of restoring female power is to be calm and not to rush anywhere. Eliminate the hustle and bustle from your life. Do everything slowly and with pleasure.
  3. Household chores. They are a very powerful source of female power. A woman becomes more feminine when she cooks delicious food, arranges a family nest and does housework.

But there is one important point - you need to do all this, being in a calm, harmonious state, so that household chores are a joy, not a burden.

Keeping order and cleanliness is important for female energy, especially in the kitchen. Therefore, arrange a global cleaning more often, buy new decor items and your state of mind will definitely become better.

If you love to bake, give your preference to yeast dough - it is it that gives you feminine strength.

  1. Planning. Feminine energy is lost due to the presence of unfinished business. Therefore, it is important to make plans for the future and implement them.
  2. Communication with girlfriends. You may have noticed that communicating with friends, your mood becomes better, you are filled with energy and charged with positive. Therefore, often talk on the phone, organize bachelorette parties and go shopping together.
  3. Women's hobbies. Their goal is to create something beautiful and decorate the world around them. Women's hobby allows you to develop sensuality and femininity.

Traditional women's occupations are embroidery, sewing, drawing - with the help of which it is possible to freely express their thoughts and dances - which do not allow energy stagnation and provide a seductive female figure. Singing - causes the purification of the female chakra.

You can replenish the balance of female power if you regularly perform the following actions:

  • work in the garden;
  • engage in the cultivation of indoor plants;
  • walk barefoot in nature;
  • arrange picnics;
  • walk under the moon.
  1. Women's care. A woman, in order to maximize her feminine power, needs to take care of those who are next to her - these can be both people and animals.

Therefore, practice charity, pamper your family with pleasant surprises more often, help your loved ones - all this will develop feminine power in you.

Feminine energy gives the fair sex energy power. When the female essence is maximally manifested in a woman, life begins to turn into a pleasant fairy tale, in which all dreams come true easily, and you get everything you want. Therefore, you need to carefully preserve the feminine power in yourself, love your inner woman, pamper yourself, make pleasant surprises and unconditionally believe in your great feminine power. Only then will you achieve positive changes in your life.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

In previous articles, I have already talked about what female energy is (read “Yin and Yang - what are the differences between female and male energies”), as well as by what signs to understand that female energy is not enough (read “Causes and signs lack of female energy"). Now it's time to tell you how to restore female energy.

Restoration of female energy with the help of everyday activities, activities, hobbies:

Restoration of female energy with the help of energy practices, yoga, meditation.

Firstly, why exactly yoga leads to the restoration of female energy, and all because the practice of yoga calms, pacifies, plunges into our depths, gives energy, and also develops flexibility and the ability to focus on oneself, one’s inner state, one’s inner world, of its essence. In ancient times, tantric scholars described yoginis as frank and determined women, possessing the grace of the spirit. In addition, there is a whole specialized “female” direction in yoga - Kundalini yoga and special asanas that powerfully develop female energy.

The following practices also activate and replenish female energy:

  • Intimate muscle development practices, intimate gymnastics, geisha gymnastics.
  • Psychological study of their complexes, work with destructive subconscious programs associated with the blocking of female qualities, manifestations, female behavior.
  • Meditations to activate the state of universal, unconditional love, which fills the heart with pure divine love.
  • Communication with female Goddesses (conversion, prayer to them), with the Virgin Mary, Kwan-Yin, Isis, etc.
  • In general, sincere prayers (prayers are a feminine tool in terms of energy).
  • Chanting mantras.
  • Practices of forgiveness and cleansing of grievances.
  • The use and wearing of women's stones, in particular moonstone, opal, topaz, amethyst, rose quartz, pearls.
  • The practice of silence, as silence carries Yin energy. Moreover, scientists have long known that men simply do not hear, do not perceive a high tone of voice, and a female high-pitched screech simply turns off their perception, so if you want men to hear you, you just need to learn how to control your voice.

Restoration of female energy with the help of sephirotic magic and the magic of the Elements (work with the Major and Minor Arcana of the Tarot).

There are two purely feminine elements on our planet - Earth and Water. The Earth is morality, stability, it is the flesh, the womb of the World, it is fertility, the ability to give life, to give birth. She has such qualities as confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the ancient Egyptian "Myth of Osiris and Isis", the element Earth corresponds to the goddess Maat. It is no coincidence that in different languages ​​the words beginning with the syllable "ma" mean mother, woman. The Earth brings order, truth and justice to the World, it contains huge potential forces, because it is she who feeds the World with her powerful natural energy.

Women with the element of Earth expressed from birth are usually with rounded, soft shapes, wide hips, magnificent breasts. As a rule, powerful sexual energy is hidden in this woman, most often hidden, deep. Such women create peace and tranquility not only external, but also internal, and are surprisingly attractive to active, energetic men.

The power of the elements of the Earth is present in each of us to one degree or another. But if we have only the energy of the Earth in us, we can turn into boring, ponderous owners and moralizers. Who will persistently patronize the household, reproaching for every little thing, and demand attention and gratitude for their titanic work. Behind this, a second female element is needed. Water. Water is the soul of the World, it is emotions, inner peace, preservation, memory. Water is plastic, it is love, its movement, creation, creation, it is love that transforms and changes everything around.

A woman with the element of Water expressed from birth is compassionate and kind, she feels another person by the subtlest changes in his mood, state, voice timbre, breathing, but best of all she feels with her heart. In the ancient Egyptian version, such a woman is called Isis. This is a very emotional, sensitive and sensual woman.

But if only Water is present in us, then we have so much sensuality and sensitivity that sometimes it hurts, we are like an open wound that bleeds if someone suffers nearby, it hurts someone, if there is some kind of injustice. Very often, a woman - Water gives herself completely without a trace, so it is important that two female elements Earth and Water harmoniously intertwine in a woman. Accordingly, meditations on the elements of Earth and Water strengthen the female energy in us, like Water or Earth.

As for the Major Arcana, the following can be attributed to the arcana that enhance female energy. Firstly, it is 21 lasso - Peace. Already from the siddhi, the superpower of the lasso (the ability to receive what is needed from the Higher Power), it becomes clear that this is the Yin lasso. And the female figure in the center of the card indicates the passive Yin character of this card. 21 lasso is a state of light soaring, carelessness and grace, this is a state of receiving, attracting the necessary into life.

Further, 17 lasso - the Star corresponds to the developed Anahata chakra, the heart chakra, the primordially female chakra, this lasso gives the ability to see the Subtle World, enhances emotions, sensitivity and intuition. And on the map itself of the 17th lasso, we also see the Virgin, who draws water and pours it onto the shore.

8 lasso - Strength, this lasso encodes the ability to develop an infinitely large, internal, passive Force and the ability to direct its consciousness to external objects. And again here we see on the card of the lasso the Virgin pacifying the lion (the Virgo in the symbolism of the Tarot is intuition itself). The wreath on the head of this Virgin shows that her consciousness is connected with nature, through which she has access to the Cosmos.

3 lasso - Empress, synonyms for describing this lasso - Matter, Great Yin, Nature. On this lasso, a woman sits on the Earth and is energetically connected with the planet, she controls the Yin channel itself, which draws any energy impulses onto itself. There is a lot of energy in this card that can be obtained passively. This energy is carried out mainly by women, it defines and determines the female sex. This energy is related to the Yin polarity of the Earth, this energy is related to the sexual energy of women.

2 lasso - High Priestess, the energy of this lasso is used to read information. And on the card again the image of a woman - which means this is a passive principle, Yin. On the head of a woman is the horns of the goddess Isis, which meant wisdom among the ancient Egyptians. This lasso contains the Information Base of the planet Earth and represents the entrance to the information field of the planet, which gives access to any knowledge. If we manage to get involved in the flow of this energy, then information about anything begins to come to us and it comes, as it were, from nowhere. The power of this arcana is most powerful at night, so many great discoveries are made in a dream.

Meditating on these arcana, in any way, activates female energy in us, of different colors, tonality.

Practices for the fair sex are usually aimed at revealing sexuality and enhancing beauty, maternal qualities, and health.

Regardless of the specific results, the main effect that meditation can give is female energy, which ensures a happy and fulfilling life. Some classes on working with the subconscious allow you not only to discover your energy, but also to increase it, as well as restore it to its previous volume.

Basic rules for meditation on female energy

  1. Pay no attention to age. Sometimes women get hung up on their bad experience or, on the contrary, they are afraid to learn something new. For rejuvenating and essence-revealing activities, it does not matter how old the meditator is, only the strength of desire is important. In addition, you can feel like a true woman in general at any age.
  2. Learn to manage your attention. Concentration for today is the most important quality when working with female energy. You can increase the skill of focusing on the right objects with the help of visualization, contemplation, etc. In the future, this will help to direct strength and energy to specific areas of life.
  3. Smile at yourself and the world regularly while meditating. Remember that in this mimic gesture lies female attractiveness. In addition, smiling allows you to relax the third eye area.
  4. Pay attention to the position of the tongue and hands. The tip of your tongue should always be pressed against the upper palate, as this is the point in the air that controls the connection of the heavenly and earthly channels. In this way you close the process of energy transfer. As for the hands, it is the gestures that will determine what energy to accumulate in the body: Yin or Yang. The left palm of women should always cover the right hand when they are joined.
  5. Don't Forget Emotional Stability. It is worth starting female meditations only after achieving inner balance. This means that any negative feelings, be it anger or resentment, only spill the necessary energy.
  6. Use additional attributes. Scented candles and music for meditation will help you tune into a wave of attractiveness and sexuality. Feminine energy requires maximum concentration at work, so choose background melodies and pleasant sounds of nature: the sound of the sea, birdsong, etc. You can also download mantras, if they are supposed to be part of the practice.
  7. Focus on rhythm. Stability is an important thing when doing practice. If you stop doing meditation, then you have to start doing it all over again. Do not stop doing yourself, otherwise there will be no effect. The most optimal rhythm is one session per week.
  8. Distribute the received energy correctly. This rule is especially true for women who have turned to practitioners to improve their well-being. If you accumulate energy in the lower abdomen, rub it clockwise 36 times, and then 24 times in the opposite direction. Only after that you can proceed to a gentle distribution of flows throughout the body.
  9. Save collected energy. If you don't want to waste time gaining female power, learn how to seal the lower dan tian. This means that the muscles of the intimate zone must be in good shape so that the flow does not leave from there. Also make sure that this area (lower abdomen) is always warm.

Pearl Practice: Definition of Energy

Before starting work on the growth of one's own strength, meditation on female energy is necessary, which will help determine its volume. After that, it will be easier to understand whether the entity needs a full restoration of power or a stable small recharge will do.

  • Take a deep breath and close your eyes. As you exhale, concentrate on your reproductive system. Imagine that you are entering the world of your uterus. In fact, this is a beautiful bosom of girlish nature, where there are flowers, birds, and trees.
  • Take a look at this place. You can remove something superfluous, the remnants of dirt or traces - everything that spoils the beauty and harmony. Feel free and uplifted after putting the place in order. Feel that you are rising higher and you can already see the world from the height of heaven. Enjoy and open your eyes.
  • Now consider if there was a body of water in your natural landscape. It is the liquid that is identified with female energy, but for someone it is a whole sea, and for someone it is only a small source.
  • Close your eyes again and return with an exhalation to the starting point. Look around to find the source. It can be an underground key, rain, a stream under the foliage - anything.
  • Find a waterfall in this wonderful landscape where you can swim. Let the drops touch the skin, penetrate into every cell and dissolve resentment and fear. Try to drown yourself in this stream, to become a droplet. The water picks you up and carries you further to the sea.
  • You swing on the waves and feel that the funnel is carrying you to the bottom. Go down and find a beautiful large shell. Swim up to it and open it. Inside you will find a shimmering pearl. This is the very essence of female attraction, your secret and power. Take a pearl and put it in the uterus. Here you will feel that it will fill the body from the inside with a shimmer.
  • Now you can rush up to the sun. Like Aphrodite, you are reborn from the sea foam. A new woman is coming into the world who knows how to control her emotions, control her own power. This is a real element, always different, but not changing itself. Come ashore with a sense of readiness to bestow love on this world.

In this meditation, the pearl acts as a direct symbol of energy, and the funnel that draws to the bottom is a reflection of the structures of power. This practice actually reveals the feminine, helps to establish contact with the center of energy. It not only rejuvenates, but also heals the soul.

Unleashing Energy

After a woman has found out that she has the potential for further energy development, you need to activate the available forces and thus realize your own feminine essence.

Meditation for female energy accelerates the growth of hormones, teaches you how to preserve the results of practices, increases beauty and health.

You can choose from two effective sessions.

Goddess Heavenly Lotus

This meditation is done in the two moons pose. Legs from a sitting position should be crossed and form one arc. The back is kept rounded, the chin is lowered. Keep your palms on your lower abdomen.

  • Close your eyes and try to feel your body and the pressure of the floor on your buttocks. Feel the thumbs and toes, the top of your head.
  • Imagine that a funnel of light is growing above your head. From it a whole white stream begins to pour into the head, and you inhale this light. The waves wash over the face, relaxing the muscles, then flow down the shoulders, arms, washing away the tension. Light diverges along the chest and back, filling the entire body with relaxation. The internal organs are healed and rejuvenated. Light goes to the diaphragm, stomach, intestines, and then fills the buttocks, ovaries, uterus.
  • The hips, knees, shins, calves, feet are relaxed. There is so much light that the skin also shines. At the moment of such easy relaxation, it's time to look at your palms, feeling the flow of heat from them. Let your hands warm your belly.
  • Now you can become aware and see your uterus. Focus on images, sensations, thoughts. Talk to the women's center, thank him for any answers, say goodbye. Then take a deep breath, stretch and smile at your body.

You can draw immediately after meditation the image that came to your mind when thinking about the women's center. Use the drawing to return to your energy in the future.

Filling the honey gate

Practice to strengthen the vaginal muscles, which help to retain female energy and start rejuvenating the body.

  • Sit on the edge of a chair and place your legs at a 90 degree angle to your body. Fold your hands in the Shakti mudra, lower them to the lower abdomen.
  • Close your eyes, focus on your breath. Chest heaves, air fills lungs. With an exhalation, unnecessary thoughts and tension leave you.
  • With each breath, the vagina begins to draw in a pleasant liquid of pink hues, reminiscent of honey. Imagine it in detail, but do not force the muscles. After a while, you will realize that the vagina follows thoughts: honey is drawn in as you inhale, and muscles relax as you exhale. In this case, the anus and abdomen should be relaxed.

We are filled with energy

If, following the results of diagnostic meditations, it seemed to you that the uterine center is empty or has meager reserves of strength, the “Filling with female energy” meditation will come to the rescue. Make practice a regular part of your daily lifestyle, and then very soon you will be able to feel the growth of your energy potential.

This relaxation session is distinguished by work with three important chakras responsible for the energy and love of a woman: Svadhisthana, Ajna and Anahata.

  • Sit comfortably, close your eyelids, place your palms on the uterus and ovaries. Send your attention to Swadhisthana. Breathe by inhaling and exhaling through the uterus. The perineum should contract and relax, while inhaling and exhaling deeply and calmly through the nose.
  • After 5-10 minutes, when there is enough energy in the chakra, it is necessary to overtake it upward, to Anahata. Each breath should draw up the currents from the second center up the spine. As you exhale, energy must flow into the chest and out of the body. Continue breathing in this way for 10 minutes.
  • Now focus on the third eye area. Ajna should be the center of your attention for a few seconds. Slowly open your eyes and unfocus your eyes. Let go of thoughts, trusting in simple contemplation. Examine individual objects for no more than 30 seconds.
  • For the next 5-10 minutes, close your eyes again and rest in silence. Let the attention move from the lower half of the abdomen to the forehead. With each breath, slide up the vertebrae, and as you exhale, lower through the front half of the torso.

The main result that such meditation gives for women is the filling of the most important chakras with healthy and strong energy.

Use the practice in the morning, and then all day long you will enjoy life, accept any twists of fate and show compassion for the world.

Learning to build strength

If there is a constant leakage of attractiveness and sexuality, the meditation “Accumulation of female energy” is needed. The practice consists of two main parts and includes not only the usual visualization, but also a vibrational technique for raising the energy flow.

  1. Close your eyes and focus on the uterus. Squeeze its muscles as you inhale, while exhaling, imagine that it expands and is filled with strength. Do this exercise 10-15 times, and then imagine that a powerful energy rises from the bowels of the Earth. It enters the body through the feet and fills the uterus with each exhalation.
  2. After 15 inhalations and exhalations, you may feel warmth in the lower abdomen and a slight pulsation of the uterus. With each heartbeat, the internal sexual spaces increase. First, the uterus reaches the size of a room, then the square of a city, country, planet. Finally, it grows to the Universe.
  3. Soar in your space and enjoy the perfection, the greatness of the uterus. Feel the pulsation of the Cosmos, which creates new worlds. Then begin to compress the space of the uterus in the opposite direction. Thank space and open your eyes.
  4. To raise energy (or activate it), you can use the so-called toning. Use three rows of sounds:
  • Do-Lam Re-Vam;
  • Mi-Ram Fa-Yam Sol-Ham;
  • La-Om Si-Aum.

Repeat each text three times. Such vibrations will help set in motion each chakra and destroy blocks in the path of energy.

This relaxing activity requires stepping back from reality and immersing yourself in your subconscious, body, and sensations. This gives real bliss, although from the outside it resembles a state of thought. You just need to focus on a single object.

Energy Growth Practices

Meditation to increase female energy is available for implementation in any conditions.

The purpose of this meditation is to change the hormonal system, make it work faster and more actively.

Use any of the techniques you like to keep youthful, reduce stress and get rid of feelings of loneliness.

Technique “Kindling the Fire of Passion”

The technique awakens the energy potential and energizes for the whole day, if you repeat the main exercise 5 times in a row.

  • Stand up straight, put your hands on your knees, straighten your back. Breathe through your nose and engage your belly while inhaling, inflating it, and exhaling, deflating it.
  • Imagine that energy flows through the nostrils, flowing down the vertebrae to the uterus. They fill the space inside with every exhalation.
  • Now, while inhaling, try to relax your stomach, and while exhaling, retract. At the same time, squeeze your perineum. Feel the heat in the lower abdomen and begin to take quick breaths in and out. This will help transform the energy.
  • After 2 minutes, on the exhale, relax the stomach. Hold your breath by making 4 locks. The first lock is the contracted muscles of the vagina, the second is the retracted diaphragm, the third is the chin pressed to the chest, and 4 is the eyes directed to the forehead.
  • Then slowly straighten your back and imagine that the energy of the glass in the uterus. Exhale.

Meditation “Strengthening female energy”

Meditation helps to develop sexuality and keep it as long as possible.

  • Sit in a comfortable position, relax, feel your body weightless and light.
  • Visualize yourself in the night field. You are located in a hammock, and above you is a starry sky with a bright big moon.
  • Try to see the face of the moon. Remember the mouth, nose, eyes. She is also looking at you, because she is alive. Stretch out your hands to her and ask for strength, happiness. Raising feminine energy is meditation for the aura, which is why it's so important to imagine a healing beam of moonlight descending on you.
  • Charge with the flow, feel that the power inside is increasing. Thank the moon. Reflect that now your biofield is shining and emitting light into the world around you. Your beloved partner also falls under this wave. Imagine that your children are nearby, you are all fine. Share the rays of light with them, and then open your eyes.

Restoration of strength

This meditation on the restoration of female energy helps to return to the natural state of beauty and health.

The technique is useful for those who suffer from negative environmental factors that constantly draw out unnecessary emotions and sexual vibes.

  1. Take a supine position without crossing your legs. Put your hands along the body, place your palms with the inside up. Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Release tension as you exhale. Relaxation spreads throughout the body.
  2. Imagine yourself in a night field. You hear candles, inhale the aroma of herbs, see the stars. Enjoy this nature and stand in the center of the scenery. You can change this space however you want. Then spread your palms and call the Lady of the Air. It may appear in a real image or come as a light touch. The goddess will give you wings and together you will fly to the moon. Remember this flight, the energy of the element of air, conversations with the Lady.
  3. Flying over the river, you descend and peer into the surface of the water. Among the reflection of the stars, you see the Lady of the Water and jump into her realm. Water washes your body, teaches you to be a flexible and gentle wave. The mistress shows how you can take any form of life. Recognize the element of water in yourself and go ashore.
  4. On land, you notice a fire. Come to feel the warmth. In the flames, you can see the dancing Mistress of Fire. She beckons you and you take a step. The fire cleanses your body. Dance with the Lady, realize in yourself the energy of fire, the impulse of creation, the power of movement. Enjoy it, thank the goddess, ask her to give you energy to achieve all your goals.
  5. The fire is slowly fading away, and you are buried in ashes. In it you see a valuable stone from which the Lady of the Earth is looking at you. She conveys to you in her eyes all the qualities of the elements: reliability, confidence, fertility. Bow down to the goddess to the ground. Now you can feel the presence of 4 elements at once. They form a circle of light in the center of which they place you. Remember flight with air, fluidity with water, purification with fire, and stability with earth. Combine it into one whole - this will be the state of a woman.

Remember your feelings from such unity. Enjoy the situation and slowly return to reality. Stretch, feel all the cells of the body. Open your eyes.

Reiki Techniques

Meditation on the restoration of female power with the help of Reiki energy has different variations. Each of them enhances the power and attractiveness, connects to the flow of the Universe. It is enough to choose a quiet place, light candles and choose your favorite pose.

Take three deep breaths in and out and place your hands in the Gassho position. Change to a free breathing rhythm and ground the energy. Say the intention. You must ask the Higher Powers, Angels and mentors to connect you to meditation.

Aphrodite's magical belt

Your body relaxes and falls down. You fly and land on a river that carries you forward. Feel the splashes, the scent of the water, the sun above you. It takes you to the lagoon, where there is a sandy path. You walk along the path, go into the forest and get to the temple of the Goddess of love and beauty.

Inside you see the statue of Aphrodite on the altar. Bow to her and see how she comes to life, smiling back at you. The goddess takes off her belt and gives it to you. Try on this accessory, feel its heaviness. Now you can always imagine this belt on yourself if you want to attract the attention of men. Say thanks to Aphrodite and leave the temple.

Get back to reality.

Rose fragrance

You are at the top of the mountain where the world's highest waterfall is located. Jump into the water and feel yourself rushing down. Water dissolves the body, you merge with the flow. Within you, in the area of ​​the uterus, a flower begins to emerge. The bud absorbs moisture and develops.

When it blooms, the female womb is filled with a wonderful aroma. Let the smell spread through the body, fill all the cells. The aroma rejuvenates and heals you, spreads to the environment. Now this rose will always bloom in the body.

Now we can return to reality.

Goddess Norns

Imagine yourself at the great Tree of Life. Its crown tends to the sky, its roots go deep into the soil. Suddenly you fall into the ground. The Norns, goddesses of fate, approach you. The youngest of them - a girl - calls you into a cauldron with a pink liquid.

Take a dip there for the nectar to rejuvenate your body. Say thanks to young Norna and go to the middle one, who has prepared a cauldron with emerald liquid. Dive in for the nectar to heal your every cell. The elderly goddess offers a cauldron of bright light.

Jump into it and feel that you are getting rid of negative emotions. Now you can return to the Tree of Life again. There you meet the Norns again: they will show you, if you wish, pictures of the future in the well of fate.

Then you can jump back into reality.

After any of these practices, you should thank the Higher Powers for their support. Please note that you should always be sure of success, and then any meditation given will help you. Feminine energy is often lost and depleted in the modern world, but frequent immersion in the subconscious and relaxation can solve any problem.

56. Feeding yourself with love is one of the most important aspects. In the event that a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak. And nothing can give a man. worse than that, she will begin to vampire energy from him. - the decline of a man, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your well with love. A woman is a giver. She must be full of love.

57. Decorative and applied art - knitting, embroidery, modeling ... - everything that you can do with your own hands raises the level of yours.
58. Compliment - yourself and other women. A good kind word makes us stronger. Thus, if it's hard for you to say something good about other women - solve this issue. Rejection of women can give difficulties in relations with the mother, mother-in-law, daughter.
59. Express love - in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, to people, to your things. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain, and even your sadness. Because she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.

60. Drawing up bouquets - working with flowers gives a charge of new strength. Charge charge renewal and flowering.

61. Proper nutrition - use foods that have undergone less processing and are closer to nature. Remember what strength an apple you picked in the garden gives? And some hamburger. sensations are vastly different.

62. Caress - gentle touches help a woman understand herself. And and find out. caress your body. if you do not have a man, do not deny yourself tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with gentle touches to your face, body, legs. Kiss your hands yourself - and others will idolize them. 63. Being alone with yourself - do not be afraid of those moments when you are left all alone. Don't get married just because you're lonely.

Male energy is the energy of struggle and achievement, and female energy is peace and pleasure. Acting on the principle of "I am myself" is a male path, allowing a man to take care of you is a female one. Male energy helps to focus, achieve results. But if there is too much of it, the girl becomes tough, controlling and demanding. She begins to compete with men, to measure will and strength with them. But this struggle leads to nothing. A woman with a skewed male energy suppresses, a man loses his strength next to her, becomes weak and dependent. And the woman herself begins to get tired, get sick and suffer from loneliness. Having taken on all the responsibility, at some point she feels empty and tired, squeezed out and cold.

Sexual energy is female energy. This is the energy of creativity and passion, it sets the world in motion, forcing it to develop and change. Therefore, a man is so eager to merge with a woman, he wants to be filled with this energy and realize his potential by creating something material. It can be a movie or a song, a factory or a restaurant, a car or a house - the masculine energy always manifests itself in some form, into which the feminine energy is transformed.

1. Self care
The element of ladies is beauty. A woman, paying attention to her appearance, caring and cherishing her body, nourishes the internal energy source. What is the first thing ladies do when they experience negative emotions? They go to the salon and change their image, cut and dye their hair. The self-confidence that appears after that nourishes the feminine. Dedicate at least 30 minutes to yourself every day and you will see positive changes in all areas of your life.

2. "Male shoulder"
Do not be afraid to ask a man for help or support. Any signs of attention from the stronger sex cheer up a woman. They act no less positively on the energy source, charging and stimulating it (after all, a woman cannot exist without a masculine principle, just like a man without a feminine one).

Such an exchange of energy strengthens the biofield of both the stronger and weaker sex, making men feel in a dominant position. Well, what male does not like to be a leader? The value of a woman who makes her partner feel more important is many times greater than the value of a dictator's partner.

The woman is creative. She needs to express herself. It can be anything from painting pictures to growing indoor plants. A passionate woman attracts the opposite sex like a magnet. Maternal energy finds a way out in the “birth” of creative ideas, which means that the chakras function freely and do not go into a state of stagnation of energy flows.

4. Give thanks and pray
Prayers and gratitude are positive manifestations that allow you to tune the "strings" of the inner world and harmonize all processes. If the chakras are closed or do not allow energy to circulate, it is prayers and words of gratitude that can save the situation. Try to use the energy of communication by saying pleasant, encouraging words to people. By giving, you will replace the expendable resources with positive energy impulses.

Wear skirts and dresses
Agree, a woman in a dress looks completely different compared to the one we see her in pants. Skirts allow you to emphasize the dignity of the figure and give the silhouette a special magic. It is not for nothing that in high society it is considered bad form to come to the first seven dates in trousers. Yes, and pants, like clothes for women, began to enter the everyday wardrobe only from the 20th century.

How to develop feminine energy in yourself. Communication with other women.

Feminine energy increases in heart-to-heart communication. It increases even more when communicating with the same carriers of this energy. That is, women. We very often ignore women's conversations. Many do not like and do not know how to be friends with girls.

But it is this kind of friendship that can enrich your life. After all, no man will ever be able to understand you the way a woman will. And it is much more difficult for a man to listen to your experiences and problems. And girlfriends - real like-minded people - will gladly listen and support.

Especially valuable communication is with married women who are happy in family life. They can become a treasure for you - you will find both wisdom, and experience, and support, and friendship, and love - in one person.

In a previous article, the question of Since our energy is spent on different activities, other people, daily worries and problems, below are 20 effective ways to restore feminine energy:

  1. Cooking. Cooking is a creative activity. Turn on your imagination, please yourself or your loved ones. It doesn't matter what you cook, just enjoy the process.
  2. Make a beautiful album with your old or new photos. Get aesthetic pleasure from viewing.
  3. Massage is one of the best ways. It's just great if your beloved man will please you with a massage. Gentle touches to your body will make you more sensual and feminine. It will help relieve fatigue and tension, disperse energy throughout the body.
  4. Hair and hand care. Everyone knows that in women's hair there is great energy and strength. A woman is simply obliged to monitor their health and beauty. Everything also applies to the hands. The process of grooming hands and drawing a manicure restores energy well.
  5. Yoga practice. Here you, in addition to developing your body, also train your mind. Thoughts are directed in a positive direction, the state improves, you are filled with harmony, inner peace.
  6. Relaxing bubble bath. Water is able to take away all bad energy, thoughts, fatigue. And with the help of essential oils, sea salt, flowers and calm music, you will be filled with everything good and pleasant.
  7. Makeup for yourself. A woman should always look beautiful. Not only at important meetings, in public, for a man before marriage, etc. At home, you also need to be in order, because it's nice to be beautiful and the mood is immediately good.
  8. What could be better than dancing? Turn on your favorite music and dance from the heart. It doesn't matter if it's a fun, fast dance or a slow, erotic one. It doesn't matter in the kitchen or in front of the mirror. Just dance and enjoy life.
  9. Walks in the open air. You can walk with a loved one, thereby strengthening relationships. Or you can sometimes take a walk alone, watching life and people, nature and animals. In any case, a walk is a useful pastime.
  10. Shopping. Buying a new piece of clothing gives you good health for the whole day. And the process of trying on is energizing. Therefore, if you do not have such an opportunity to go shopping, you can simply get beautiful outfits from the closet and try them on.
  11. Cleaning the house. It is very important to get rid of unnecessary, old things. Take the time to cleanse the house, thereby purifying your aura. Put the flowers in a vase, let them give warmth, comfort and aroma.
  12. Take your friends to the sauna. A great place where you can relax, forget about problems, improve your health, talk about your own.
  13. Communication with other women. Then there is an exchange of female energies. It is very important to communicate with like-minded friends, and even better with happy, married women. They will listen, understand and support better than men. Yes, and constantly hanging on a man their women's problems is stupid.
  14. Be generous with compliments and nice words to other women. Try to always look for the good in people. Just learn to accept compliments yourself, do not be shy. Women support each other with pleasant words, and men do not always notice the small efforts of his beloved.
  15. Find time to exercise outside, at home, or at the gym. Keeping your body in shape with the acquisition of a good mood. After all, it has been proven that during physical activity a large number of hormones of happiness are produced, and stress and feelings are lost.
  16. Flower care. This activity can be compared to meditation, which gives a woman incredibly great strength and at the same time peace, inner harmony and flowers in her soul. The state in which they are depends on the woman. If you give them kindness and care, then they give even more positive in return.
  17. Allow yourself a photo session. Taking pictures is also an art, where you can see yourself in different roles and images. Look, evaluate yourself, make sure that you are beautiful.
  18. Acting skills. All women are actresses, emotional entities. Play different roles, let it be funny and funny.
  19. Cleanliness in everything. If you are surrounded by negative emotions, wash your hands and dishes. Cleanliness helps to get rid of a bad mood. If you feel a breakdown, a small amount of energy - take a shower or just wash your hair.
  20. Needlework. This creative process affects female hormones. Needlework turns on the right hemisphere of the brain, which is so important for modern women. Now there are many types of this useful and beautiful activity, everyone can choose the right technique for themselves, and then enjoy the finished work.

As you have now seen, there are a huge number of ways to restore female energy. The main thing is to love yourself and be filled with love, because you need to give it to the world.

In my articles, I often write about the fact that we, women, need to fill ourselves with Feminine Energy. That we need to make time for ourselves, to do Women's business. There is even a list of activities that raise the Feminine energy - you can read it here.

And everything would be great if it were not for the same situation that I am facing. Women do all this without realizing the purpose. Again and again they take baths, arrange shopping, do manicures. But the purpose of all this is just to be filled with energy. For myself. And then I hear their tired voices - who are already so tired of all this and do not bring joy.

If we imagine that a woman is a glass, and energy is water, then it is clear that you need to drink from a glass. It's stupid to keep pouring water into a full glass just like that. Water will be wasted and will cause inconvenience to others.

Also with energy. It is strange and pointless just to save it. Save for energy. She needs to use it. It needs to be directed somewhere. It should be of benefit to the world.

It is important to be filled with lunar energy. This is definitely important. A filled woman becomes happy, confident, feminine.

But even more important for what or whom she does it. Being filled with energy for the sake of energy is like turning on the light in an empty apartment. And waste electricity.

The light must burn for someone. He must help someone or something. The lamp above the table helps children do their homework. Lampshade in the kitchen - creates an atmosphere of intimacy during evening tea drinking. A light bulb in the front door helps people get to the apartment safe and sound.

And the woman?

Surely you have seen very feminine, attractive, sexy women who breathe emptiness. An empty apartment with a light bulb on.

And if this apartment is a thousand times beautiful, no one sees it. No one can lie down to sleep on an exquisite bed. No one will be able to appreciate the tastefully selected mugs. There is no one to enjoy an elaborate bathroom with piles of fluffy towels. Then why all this?

Why accumulate feminine forces in yourself if you don’t use them?

When we have enough energy, we should start sharing with the world. To care for others, to help someone, to give one's time and energy to the benefit of another.

Then everything that has been accumulated can be realized. Can find a point of application in life. And bring more energy with you.

Charity and selfless service give millions of times more energy than greed and narcissism.

It is much more pleasant to give gifts than to receive.

It is much more joyful to give than to receive.

There is much more love in serving others.

I wish you to be filled with Feminine energy not for yourself. A woman is the one who sees Souls. It helps them open up and fulfill their purpose. It is for this that Lunar Feminine Energy is given to us.

Olga Valyaeva –

Exercise to strengthen female energy

  1. Sit comfortably, take a deep breath - exhale. Close your eyes.
  2. Feel your body, watch your thoughts. Just note the fact of their existence, watch them move in your head. Now imagine that all that energy that is in the head begins to slowly sink down.
  3. If you are sensitive, just feel and observe the process of energy flowing down. If you are less sensitive, you can imagine a picture of a small copy of you sitting in your head, and then going down in an elevator and landing very softly at the level of the uterus.
  4. Now keep the whole focus of attention at the level of the uterus, just feel that you have it. Where attention flows, energy flows. Observe the sensations.
  5. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Imagine that you are breathing through the uterus. Do this exercise slowly, meditatively, savoring every sensation, help yourself with breathing.
  6. Keep the focus on the uterus for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Now note the difference in your state before and after the exercise.

Video Female energy: how to develop it and how to manage it.

When a flower is loved, it is watered. That is, they nourish life and give energy.

When a woman is loved, she is taken care of. She is not a flower, but without love may also fade.

And if outward love is not enough, look for love in yourself.

This is the most rewarding job. Also, increase your energy. It will give you strength and a feeling of fulfillment inside.

In young years, a woman easily becomes the object of attention of the opposite sex. Youth itself is beauty.

But with age, they attract with energy. Here lies the answer to the question “What did he find in her?” When you meet an unequal couple, where the advantage in appearance is clearly on the side of the man.

An internally free woman will be happy, she will find a resource and a way out of any difficult circumstances. Internally unfree will suffer even in a favorable situation.

Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for a good day when the Universe is with you at the same time and gives strength for the current day.

You can water the so-called flower of energy yourself, filling with true femininity and self-love.

How to increase female energy - 14 rules

1. Sleep 8 hours and go to bed before 24.00

Train your body to take time to rest. The night is made for love or for sleep.

Find motivating quotes, reading which you will feel the beauty of getting up in the morning. Ritual coffee or tea, preferably a bite with a view from the window, communication with yourself, unhurried planning of the day.

And most importantly - silence.

And also self-pride.

Believe me, space will quickly respond to these changes. And the most common saying on this topic, “He who gets up early, God gives to him,” will also work in your life.

2. Use spiritual readings, gratitude, prayer

It doesn't matter what your faith is. The main condition is sincerity.

When your brain censor has not yet fully woken up, say words important for the heart, communicate with your guardian angel. And give thanks.

At the beginning, at least for the seven wonders of the world that are constantly with you - you can see, hear, breathe, walk, and also feel, love and smile.

3. Take time to meditate

Especially after crowded places, it is useful to come home, take a contrast shower and be alone in silence.

Five minutes is better than nothing.

This may be the study of some chakra associated with the current day. Or just a trip to the colorful world of your dreams.

In the modern world, meditation has ceased to be sacred (hidden) knowledge, and has become available to each of us. After all, these are not just abstract metaphysical practices, but a very useful and valuable tool for improving everyday life.

4. Be filled with joy and positive emotions

You can develop a habit - at the end of the day, write down in a beautiful notebook "5 things that made me happy."

It will be an invisible and constantly updated collection of interesting meetings, fleeting smiles, joyful discoveries.

Isn't it more pleasant than collecting your failures, empty wallets and bad news.

And then you will notice that during the day you began to stop more often and notice more beauty and wonder.

The best materials on femininity, female energy and strength that will remind you that everything you need is within you.

5. Create and express yourself

Even if you are not an artist, a needlewoman or a poetess, create anytime and anywhere.

This is how you share what you have accumulated inside, express yourself, leave a personal imprint in this world. In the end, this is how you calm your nerves.

Write down an interesting thought - yours, collect autumn leaves and make a bouquet, tie a scarf in a new way, decorate the ceiling insanely.

It can't work out. This is creativity.

And you can always say: I see it!»

A woman creates every moment, looking for non-standard options. She sees and creates beauty and magic even in the simplest everyday things. A dance, a painting, a game with a child or a meal - everything in her hands becomes a miracle.

6. Travel

A very pleasant and varied source of replenishment of energy.

Make it a rule once a year to visit places where you have never been before.

Go out of town at least once a month.

Once a week, travel through the unexplored streets of the area where you live.

And once a day, you can change the usual route - to work, to the store, to a friend.

Refresh the picture. The journey never fails. This is a much needed reboot.

What a pleasure to be back home!

7. Be closer to nature, forest, mountains, water

This is also a journey. But more cleansing and energizing than just visiting new places.

Embrace a tree and let its power flow through you through your spine. Greet the mountains with open arms.

Go into the river with the words "wash everything off me."

And just scream. From the heart!

8. Give yourself flowers

It doesn't matter if you get them from men or not. Wanted - buy.

We choose so carefully for others. Why not choose for yourself?

Not for a holiday. And just like that!

But this should not be a demonstrative reproach to someone who, perhaps, has not yet presented them.

Let it be your harmless whim. A little joy given to myself.

9. Eat Right

We are what we eat. A very broad topic. Try to eat 30% cooked food and 70% vegetables. Drink natural virgin oils.

Every year, the female body needs more and more Vitamin E, which is best absorbed with Vitamin C. Therefore, nourish your body and energy with a spoonful of olive oil and lemon juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Have pity on the liver and remove white bread from the diet.

But a woman should not be too pedantic in food. Have a day of frivolous behavior and eat what your body asks for.

Our body is a unique tool with a body mind that knows much more about our needs than we ourselves often realize. Our body is able to "read" what exactly we need at one time or another, and gives clear clues. For example, the body tells you what substances and microelements you lack today.

10. Move and move again

We all know about it, but we put off a new life for tomorrow. Everyone needs sports, even slim and beautiful. It just needs to be in your life.

In any form. And that's it.

The rest of the comments are redundant.

The only and effective way to stop weight gain once it has started is through exercise. I mean very intense exercise like lifting weights, cycling, running or swimming. Exercise should be enough to start building muscle mass.

11. Cleanse the body

Not too poetic point of replenishment of female energy. If the doctor approves, a castor oil cleansing once a week is useful. 1 g of castor oil is recommended for 1 kg of body weight.

In the morning there are only vegetables and fruits. From 14 to 17 drink water. And at 17, take the right amount of castor oil and 150 g of lemon juice. And there is nothing else.

To restore the acid-base balance, it is recommended to eat only fruits three days a month.

A nice bonus awaits you - a change in appearance (of course, for the better) and external changes))

12. Train your intimate muscles

In addition to additional energy, you will improve your health and surprise your loved one.

The most common option is Kegel exercises. For the shy, but purposeful, there is the Internet. Or go to a training where you will be taught how to breathe correctly.
