Japanese Asahi Rejuvenating Facial Massage by Yukuko Tanaka (Zogan). Massage from Yukuko Tanaka for facial rejuvenation

Yukuko Tanaka is a famous woman beautician, originally from Japan, who has developed a unique method of rejuvenating manual massage. Yukuko is known not only in her homeland, but also in many other countries. Her signature anti-aging massage technique, Zogan, has gained immense popularity among women around the world. Having reached the age of 60, Yukuko looked no more than forty years old. In Russia, her massage technique has become widespread as Asahi massage.

The history of the creation of the Tsogan massage technique

Grandmother Yukuko Tanaka passed on the technique of proper facial massage to her granddaughter by inheritance. However, Yukuko herself made this technique even more perfect, supplementing it with her own studies of the features of the anatomy of the facial muscles, the location of the bone tissue and the lymphatic system.

Principle of operation and effect of Tsogan massage

Compared with other cosmetic techniques, Japanese manual exposure technology has three main differences:

  • During the massage, all layers of the dermis and the muscle layer are simultaneously involved;
  • The combination of point actions with fingers and uniform pressure on the entire surface of the palms improves blood circulation in skin cells;
  • The lymphatic system is also well worked out with the help of this massage. The lymph flow in the vessels and nodes improves, and the processes of removing toxic substances and fluid stagnation are activated.

Massage according to the Tsogan method on a regular basis has a powerful healing effect on the skin:

  • Fresh, beautiful complexion;
  • A more tightened oval of the face, a significant reduction in age-related sagging of the contour - jowls;
  • Smoothing both emerging and older wrinkles;
  • Strengthening the vascular system and the muscular corset of the face;
  • Increasing elasticity and firmness.

Who should not use Tsogan?

Like any other manual technique, Asahi massage has a number of contraindications for use:

  • Violations of the normal functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • Diseases affecting the ENT organs, as well as colds and runny nose;
  • Tendency to couperose manifestations;
  • Acne, allergic rashes and acne.

It should be noted that one of the effects of this massage is face slimming. Girls who already have sunken cheeks should take into account that this feature can give the face a more tired and sad look. In this case, the massage should be carried out with caution, concentrating mainly on the forehead and upper cheekbones.

In cases where it is not possible to perform a classic Zogan massage, you can try other methods of exposure, for example, or cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. Simple physical exercises on the muscles of the neck also have a beneficial effect on the tone of the skin and promote rejuvenation.

Who needs an Asahi massage?

Japanese massage is shown not only to eliminate existing problems, but also as a prophylactic against their occurrence. The main indications for massage procedures are:

  • The first wrinkles and creases on the skin;
  • Weakened skin tone;
  • The second chin, the omission of the contour of the face and cheeks;
  • Puffiness and the presence of excess fat.

Massage Tsogan also has age-specific features of the conduct:

  1. At the age of 20, the massage technique should be based on neutral and light movements in order to maintain the natural beauty and freshness of young skin;
  2. At 30, Japanese massage techniques will help remove bags and black circles under the eyes;
  3. Women at the age of 40 should pay special attention to the elimination of nasolabial folds and mimic wrinkles in the lower half of the face;
  4. Ladies from 50 and older should have a massage to tighten the oval of the face and strengthen the overall muscle frame.

Zogan massage technique rules

The creator of the technique, Yukuko Tanaka, points out the need to comply with all the principles and features of this type of massage procedure. Be sure to pay attention to the percentage of subcutaneous adipose tissue and, if it is small, then all manipulations should be carried out with caution.

Asahi massage is characterized by the following principles, following which will ensure the comfort and correctness of the procedure:

  • Massage is done only on skin cleansed of decorative cosmetics. To speed up cell renewal processes, you can use a special scrub once a week;
  • Before the massage, for better gliding, cosmetic oil or cream should be applied to the face. If this is not done, massage movements can have a traumatic and stretching effect on the layers of the epidermis. It is also important not to overdo it, as this can cause puffiness. The selected product should be hypoallergenic, after the procedure, the remnants should be blotted with a napkin.
  • During a Zogan massage session, it is important to maintain the correct position of the spine. The creator of the technique advises to perform massage in a sitting or standing position with a flat back. Massage can also be performed lying on a horizontal surface.
  • One of the principles of the effectiveness of Asahi massage is the regularity of procedures. This technique is suitable for daily use. In the presence of puffiness, it is better to conduct a massage session in the morning. To begin with, massage can be done for 5 minutes, then the time should be gradually increased to 25 minutes. The first improvements appear after two to three weeks of daily procedures.
  • One of the main features is the direct stimulation of the lymphatic system. For the correct performance of self-massage, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the anatomical location of the lymph nodes on the face and in the neck.

During the massage procedure according to the Zogan technique, the following rules must be followed:

  • All movements within a particular exercise must be performed in one direction;
  • On the forehead, massage movements should be done with the index, middle and ring fingers. The area around the eyes is gently stimulated with one finger. Cheeks and facial contour are worked out with the entire surface of the palms and thumbs;
  • The fingers should move quite intensively, but there should not be any pain. Pain is a signal of a violation of the correct massage technology;
  • During the study of the skin of the face along the lymph flow, the pressure must be somewhat reduced;
  • It is very important to keep your back straight during this massage. The procedure can be done standing or sitting. You can also try to massage while lying on your back, but this is not very convenient;

After each action, a special final exercise must be done. To do this, use pads or completely index, middle and ring fingers on both hands to gently stimulate the lymph nodes near the ears with gentle pressure. You need to press no more than two seconds. Then you need to move down the contour of the face in the direction of the neck and collarbones, maintaining a given rhythm. Thus, the outflow of lymph from the tissues of the face is started and the procedure can be considered completed.

On average, a massage session should take from 7 to 20 minutes. Massage procedures according to the Japanese method can and should be done daily for the fastest results.

Japanese massage technology

The Zogan massage technique consists of several basic techniques that have different goals and help to achieve certain effects.

  • Basic movement

Each exercise in Japanese massage should be completed with the main movement. With the pads of your fingers, you need to make a smooth movement, starting from the ears and following the sides of the cheeks to the collarbone area. This basic movement must be done three times.

  • Exercise to combat puffiness in the area around the eyes

Following the direction from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one, you need to make a smooth movement. Having reached the bridge of the nose, pause for a couple of seconds, and then return to the outer corner, moving in an arc under the eyebrow. Stop for 3 seconds and, releasing pressure, continue moving towards the inside, sliding along the lower eyelid. Increasing the pressure, again return to the outer part of the area under the eyes. After that, you need to gently press on the temporal lobes and, at the end, perform the basic movement.

  • Forehead wrinkle smoothing exercise

First you need to lightly press the ring, index and middle fingers on the center of the forehead for three seconds. Then, maintaining the same pressure force, move towards the temples along a zigzag path. Expand your palms and do the final main exercise.

  • Exercise to lift the corners of the lips

With the pads of the ring and middle fingers, make a slight pressure on the center of the chin. Then make a smooth circular motion along the contour of the lips. Having reached the hollow above the upper lip, pause for 4 seconds.

  • Exercise for smoothing nasolabial folds

This exercise is performed using the middle fingers of both hands. The movement begins in a circle from the wings of the nose up and down. Then, with the help of the middle and ring fingers, move towards the cheekbones. End the exercise with a basic action.

  • Exercise to prevent sagging of the oval of the face and cheeks

You need to start moving from the center of the chin with the help of three working fingers. Move towards the outer edges of the eye and stay there for three seconds. Then continue a smooth movement to the temporal region. At the end, do the basic exercise.

  • Exercise to increase the tone in the cheeks and lower face

Massage manipulations are carried out first on one side. With the palm of the left hand, it is necessary to create an emphasis on the jawbone on the left. At the same time, on the right, you need to make a movement with the entire plane of the palm from the corner of the jaw to the inside of the eye. Stop for 3 seconds, and then continue moving to the temporal region along the lower eyelid. Then lower your palm down and perform the main movement. Perform three repetitions on each side of the face.

  • Exercise to strengthen the inner frame of the cheeks

Press three main fingers to the center of the back of the nose, and then begin to move towards the temples. Complete the basic exercise.

  • Preventive exercise for sagging cheeks

Fold your arms so that your elbows and wrists are pressed against each other. Place open palms on the lips. Then lift them up to the nose so that they cover the cheeks. Movement should be accompanied by moderate pressure. Hold in this position for three seconds, then move your palms up to the temples. Complete the final exercise.

  • Double chin exercise

With the help of one palm, you need to press on the middle of the chin, and then continue moving towards the ear tragus. Finish with a basic exercise.

  • Exercise for smoothing the skin in the A-zone

Attach the thumbs to the chin, and fold the rest on the wings of the nose. Apply pressure while stretching the skin. Hold for three seconds in this position and do the basic exercise.

With the correct and regular performance of all massage exercises, you can remove a dozen years, make the skin young, beautiful and healthy, and improve facial features. Much attention should be paid to compliance with all the rules and precise movements, since a violation of the technique can lead to the opposite effect and provoke premature sagging of the tissues.

It is important to perform all massage manipulations with a sufficient amount of oil or cream. Also important is the exact movement of the lymph flow. If all actions are done correctly, soon the skin of the face will please with its tone and fresh look.

Every woman wants to look not only good, but also younger than her age. Beauty salons offer various anti-aging treatments. But, you can master the technique of Asahi's facial massage according to the Japanese doctor's system. Let's talk more about this wonderful technique.

About the Japanese Zogan Method

Japanese facial massage Asahi, or in other words Zogan, is very popular, and differs from other anti-aging techniques.

The technique was developed by the Japanese cosmetologist and stylist Tanaka Yukuko, and in 2007 she wrote a book about it. Asahi massage can be performed independently, or in a salon. Before starting the procedure at home, we recommend reading Tanaka's book and mastering the technique of performing the procedure.

The term Asahi or Zogan means sunny morning routine. The principle of Asahi massage for the face is based on the competent impact of special manipulations on certain points of the skin. If you correctly conduct a session, then every cell of the skin seems to awaken, and begins to live with renewed vigor.

Japanese Asahi facial massage differs from regular massage in the following ways:

  • certain points are massaged, so during the procedure there is a directed action. During a normal massage, strokes are performed aimed at the massage lines;
  • during the procedure, it is not the fingertips that work, but the palm;
  • massaging is concentrated along the lines of the lymph nodes;
  • during the session, the skin is freed from harmful substances;
  • lymph flow normalizes, due to which puffiness disappears;
  • the contour of the face becomes clear;
  • muscle tissue is strengthened;
  • the skin acquires a healthy shade;
  • existing wrinkles become less noticeable.

When performing Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan, the main manipulations take place along the lines of the lymph nodes. Therefore, it is important to have information in which cases the procedure is indicated, and in which the session is undesirable or impossible.

Who is the Zogan technique shown to?

Important note: Asahi facial massage can not be done at every age, because the movements during the session have a certain direction. The procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • blurred facial contour;
  • double chin;
  • when wrinkles and folds appear with age;
  • constant swelling of the face after waking up;
  • wrinkles of various origins, from mimic to age;
  • unhealthy skin tone.

If you master the correct technique of Japanese Asahi facial massage, you can look younger by almost 10 years. In a few weeks, after the first session, the result will become noticeable.


Like every cosmetic manipulation, the Zogan technique has contraindications. You can not conduct a session in the following situations:

  • pathologies associated with lymph nodes;
  • rashes on the face of any nature;
  • throat diseases;
  • any vascular pathology, dilated vessels;
  • too sensitive and delicate skin;
  • colds, occurring in an acute form;
  • chronic fatigue.

If the listed contraindications are ignored, the Zogan technique can bring side effects or exacerbate the course of diseases in which the technique is contraindicated.

Rejuvenating massage

When performing the rejuvenating Asahi Japanese massage, you need to pay attention to the smallest details. Even the mood with which you are going to do the procedure is important. Of great importance is the place where the rejuvenating procedure will be performed.

For a competent Asahi rejuvenating facial massage, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. massage must be done on clean and dry skin. If the face is slightly damp after washing, then before the procedure you need to get rid of moisture with a paper towel;
  2. desirable exfoliate the skin before the session to clear pores;
  3. needed for a massage use facial massage cream. You must first test the product for an allergic reaction;
  4. determine in advance where on the face and in the neck are located lines of lymph nodes. The impact is carried out precisely along these lines;
  5. during the session pain is not allowed, although pressing with the palm of your hand on certain points of the face should be palpable;
  6. to achieve the effect of the procedure, it is necessary to perform massaging in strictly defined directions;
  7. a sitting or standing session is performed, and the back must be straight. You can lie down if you wish.

The duration of the Asahi Japanese rejuvenating massage session is from 12 to 17 minutes.

The Zogan massage technique is used by women of different ages. Therefore, there are some differences. There are differences in the Asahi rejuvenating massage for different types of faces.


To smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate a thin face, you must perform the following movements:

  1. hands are at shoulder level;
  2. the skin of the forehead is smoothed with fingers in the direction from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Manipulations resemble a broken line;
  3. then movements are performed with both hands, and the forehead is massaged. All manipulations must be horizontal.

If the face is thin, then usually the vessels are located close to the surface. With such sensitive and thin skin, during the massage, the movements should be neat and careful. To eliminate bruising, you need to massage a little faster than with a full face.

Lifting movements

You need to rest your chin on your open palms, and do pressure for 3 seconds.

It is necessary to perform pressure 20 times. You can watch a training video on how to properly massage.

Double chin removal

Thumbs need to rest against the chin, and connect the palms on the neck in the form of a diamond. The nose at this time is located between the palms.

Massaging movements of the chin are performed with the thumbs. Starting from the middle of the chin, disperse the blood to the edges, using the index and ring fingers.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Asahi Japanese lymphatic drainage massage, due to its effect on the lymphatic vessels, has the following positive effects:

  • delivers the required amount of oxygen to the cells;
  • promotes the removal of excess fluid that accumulates in the tissues;
  • helps to reduce weight;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • removes puffiness.

You can do Asahi lymphatic drainage massage for the body. After properly performed procedures, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

Asahi massage for the body is of the following varieties:

  • manual;
  • using hardware technologies;
  • using the Japanese Zogan technique.

Asahi Lymphatic Drainage Massage can be performed on the following parts of the body:

  • legs;
  • face, eyelids;
  • stomach;
  • whole body.

Let us consider in more detail the Asahi massage scheme for each part of the body.


You can do a deep or superficial massage. The surface version of the procedure consists in influencing the capillaries penetrating the upper layers of the epidermis.

The legs are massaged smoothly, in a circle. After the session, the blood flow in the limb area improves.

face with eyelids

Asahi lymphatic drainage massage for the face consists of the following massage movements:

  1. start from the forehead. From the middle of the forehead, smoothing is performed, smooth movements in the direction of the temples;
  2. then the eyelids are affected. The index fingers are placed on the bridge of the nose, then they perform a smooth movement from the upper eyelid to the temple, and again return to the bridge of the nose;
  3. then the nasolabial fold is massaged. Use index fingers to lightly massage the area;
  4. chin massage is performed with thumbs. Stroking is carried out in the middle of the chin.

Separately massage the eyelids:

  1. eyelids must be free of makeup. Cream should be applied to clean skin;
  2. lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelid area is performed with two hands. First, 10 movements are made in a circle, in the course of the clock;
  3. then there are slight pressure on the eyelids with the fingertips in the direction from the temples to the nose area;
  4. with the pads of 4 fingers, the eyelids are slightly pressed. Then the upper eyelids are lightly massaged, as in the previous movements;
  5. middle finger, edge, you need to slowly move from the outer corner of each eye in the direction of the temples. It is necessary to perform 5 such movements.

At the end of the massage, light pressure is applied around the entire eyelid. The index and middle fingers are involved.

Belly and chest area

First, pressure manipulations are performed in the hepatic region and gallbladder. There should be no pain, so the pressure is gentle.

All manipulations should be accompanied by slight vibrations.

For the whole body

Lymphatic drainage massaging movements for the whole body are performed as follows:

  1. the movements are smooth and gentle, so there are no bruises after the session. You can even fall asleep during the massage;
  2. first, warming up, slow movements are carried out on the problem area of ​​​​the body. You need to move in the direction of the blood flow;
  3. further massage is performed with the edge of the palm.

Zogan massage for different ages

The rules for Asahi massage for the face depend on the age of the woman:

  • if the girl is under 20 or a little more, then the massage is distinguished by light techniques aimed at maintaining the health of the skin;
  • procedure for a 30-year-old woman is aimed at eliminating puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • when a woman is over 40, then the sessions relieve mimic wrinkles, and at the same time the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • procedure for women after 50 maintains the tone of muscle tissue;
  • for women over 60, the Zogan technique will help tighten the face, neck and chin.

Let's take a closer look at the differences in the Zogan technique, depending on age.

20 years

Lasko facial massage according to the Asaha method for twenty-year-olds is performed as follows:

  1. folded fingers spend 3 times in the corners of the mouth, heading towards the ears;
  2. rubbing movements are performed along the path of the lymph flow to the chest and neck area.

Put the middle and ring fingers at the nose, and with the rest go to the corners of the mouth 3 times.

30 years

Older girls need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. middle, index and ring fingers lead from the eye sockets to the ears;
  2. try to guide your fingers along the lines of the lymph flow.

You can also move your fingers from the outer corners of the eyes to the nose and bridge of the nose. Do 3 movements in each direction.

After 40 error?

You need to do the following:

  1. squeeze your fingers into a fist, and walk along the nasolabial folds;
  2. rub the chin and bottom of the mouth with a fist;
  3. The reverse side of the cam massages the jaw.

The final movement will be massaging the area behind the ears.

For 50 years

Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan after 50 is performed as follows:

  1. with fingers folded in a ring, run along the jaw from below. Direction from the corners of the lips to the ears;
  2. if there are blemishes, then they need to be smoothed out.

Do each action 3 times.

After 60 years

The manipulations are as follows:

  1. with each hand gently draw along the lower part of the face to the ears;
  2. clasping the chin from below with palms, go along the neck.

All movements are soft and smooth, literally feline.

Japanese massage Asahi, or the so-called "Morning Sun" massage, has a worldwide popularity.

Japanese facial massage Asahi: video in Russian

The true name of this effective procedure is ZOGAN-massage, it is translated from Japanese as “creating a face”. The procedure promotes rejuvenation and healing of the whole body.

Zogan technique

The Zogan massage technique has been passed down from generation to generation. Currently, the massage has been restored by beautician Hiroshi Hisashi, who adopted the technique from her grandmother. The technique provides for manipulations with the help of two fingers: the second and third or third and fourth. For this reason, this massage has a different name - two-finger massage.

The Japanese stylist Yukuko Tanaka improved the ancient technique. She presented her own research in this area in the book “Facial Massage”, which became a world bestseller.

Thanks to the expert, this technique received a new name - Asahi. In his book, Tanaka offers recommendations on massage technologies for different ages (including those after 50 years) and face types.

The Asahi massage is known for its remarkable results, and reviews from patients around the world characterize this massage as the first method of restoring youth. Even after the first session, the face will be transformed and rejuvenated.

Two-finger massage affects not only the superficial tissues of the face, but also the deeper layers, including muscles, and even has the qualities of an osteopathic massage. By acting on certain points of beauty, it is possible to reduce the formation of wrinkles, normalize the condition of the skin, tighten the contour of the face, relieve puffiness and remove swelling under the eyes.

There are two types of Zogan/Asahi:

1. Lymphatic drainage massage. This is a superficial massage, it helps to remove harmful substances formed during the life of the body, improves nutrition and oxygen absorption by tissues, frees them from excess internal fluid, restores a healthy complexion and youthfulness of the skin.

2. Massage of deep facial muscles. It consists of manual treatment methods. This set of manipulations tightens the facial contour, strengthens blood vessels and improves skin tone. Thus, this type of massage is recommended for ladies after 45-50 years.

Rules for preparing for the procedure

Mandatory requirement: facial cleansing with an appropriate cosmetic product.

Applying cosmetic cream or milk to the face to remove makeup.

Massage rules

It is necessary to remember the basic rule of Tsogan: stroking the skin is carried out strictly along the lymphatic pathways, from the peripheral zone of the face to the central parts, and the pressure is not strong.

NB: if you have any diseases of the lymphatic system, skin, ENT system, in this case this massage is strictly contraindicated for you. With a common respiratory disease, massage is recommended to be canceled until recovery.

Manipulations aimed at eliminating dark circles and swelling under the eyes

It is necessary to draw from the outer corners of the eyes along the lower eyelid with bunches of third fingers towards the inner corners. Next, close your eyes, and along the upper movable eyelid, along with the eyebrow area, run your fingers towards the temples. Run your fingers along the temples, going down to the outer corners of the eyes. Perform manipulations three times.

Manipulations aimed at correcting the contour of the face

Rest your chin on the surface of your palm, pull your fingers in the direction of the ear. Covering the mandibular bone and the muscles of the chin, raise your palm while pressing on the tragus of the ear. Massage on both sides of the face, repeatedly.

Manipulations aimed at eliminating nasolabial folds

Place the third and fourth fingers of both hands on both sides of the bridge of the nose. Stroke your fingers over the surface of the bridge of the nose from top to bottom repeatedly. Then walk from the nasal wings along the lower eyelid towards the temples, slightly pressing on the skin. Multiple manipulations.

Manipulations aimed at the prevention of frontal wrinkles

Place the middle and ring fingers of both hands in the center of the forehead. Next, move your hands from the forehead along the temporal surface down to the ears, and then from the ears down to the clavicular fossae. Manipulations 4-fold.

Manipulations aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles in the mouth area

Place the third and fourth fingers of both hands in the middle part of the chin, do not press intensely for 3-5 seconds. Movements to carry out along the chin to the corners of the lips, slightly pressing. Then move to the hole above the upper lip, fix the fingers there with light pressure. Manipulations 5-fold.

NB: each manipulation must end with a final manipulation. It consists in the following: with a slight movement of the hands, circle the contours of the face on the sides - from the parotid lymph nodes to the collarbones.

After 45 years, a woman's skin begins to age rapidly. Wrinkles, creases, sagging, loss of tone and elasticity - these are just some of the age-related changes that appear on the face with age and, of course, upset the fair sex. One of the most affordable and simple methods of dealing with skin aging at home is Japanese massage. There are several varieties of this manipulation, each of which, with regular use, gives an excellent effect.

The benefits of Japanese massage

Stress, chronic fatigue, poor ecology, bad habits - all this leaves a negative imprint on the skin. A full course of Japanese massage helps eliminate the effects of harmful factors and prevents premature aging of facial skin in women over 40 years old.

A properly performed procedure activates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous tissues and starts the natural process of skin rejuvenation and renewal. During a massage session, there is an effect on muscle tissue, lymphatic and circulatory systems.

Thanks to a simple manipulation, the skin acquires a healthy and fresh appearance, the oval of the face is tightened, swelling disappears, wrinkles become much smaller or even smooth out.

Massage according to the Japanese method helps to remove the frown line, nasolabial and nasolabial grooves, lift the lowered corners of the eyes and lips. As a result of intense exposure, the skin begins to receive a large amount of oxygen and nutrients, the tissues produce collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and tone of the face.

There are 3 main varieties of Japanese massage:, Kobido and. Each manipulation has its own characteristics. The procedures differ in intensity and principle of impact on the skin, while each type of massage, subject to regular use, will give excellent results.

The main types of Japanese massage

Japanese massage Asahi

The effect of Asahi massage is comparable to the results obtained after the lifting procedure. Such a Japanese massage is often called lymphatic drainage, because. during its implementation, there is a tremendous impact on the lymphatic system. As a result, puffiness is reduced, toxins are removed, the skin receives the missing nutrients.

Before the procedure, a woman needs to relax, straighten her shoulders, straighten her back, stand or sit in front of a mirror. On clean skin without makeup, apply a small amount of nourishing cream. You can also use special massage oils. Having prepared the face, it is necessary to proceed directly to the manipulation itself.

Asahi lymphatic drainage massage includes several basic exercises:

  • To get rid of the double chin, which often appears after 40 years, you need to place your palm under the chin and hold it to the earlobe. During the movement, the muscles must be captured and well worked out. Exercises should be repeated 2-3 times alternately on both sides.
  • To raise the corners of the mouth and tighten the chin, you need to place the index and middle fingers of both hands in the middle of the chin and draw them around the lips, connecting them in the middle above the upper lip.
  • You can remove the nasolabial folds as follows: put the fingertips under the wings of the nose, make several intense circular movements towards the bridge of the nose.
  • To smooth wrinkles on the forehead, place the pads of the middle, index and ring fingers in the center of the forehead and press intensely on the skin. Then you need to move your fingers to the temples. In addition, you can smooth your forehead from right to left and vice versa with smooth wave-like movements.
  • The following exercise will help to tighten and strengthen the oval of the face. With one hand (palm), you need to fix the chin from below. The second hand should slide from the lower jaw, stretching the muscles, to the temple. After several repetitions, it is necessary to massage the other side of the face.

Japanese Asahi massage is recommended daily. The entire procedure should take at least 10 minutes. The movements should be intense, but the woman should not feel severe pain. With the right approach, the effect of manipulation will be noticeable after 1 month.

Japanese Shiatsu massage

Acupressure on the deep subcutaneous layers will make the skin elastic, the muscles tightened. Japanese Shiatsu massage will help to overcome wrinkles and restore the former beauty of the face to the fair sex. This procedure is recommended not only for women over 50 years old, but also for younger ladies.

Each pressure on biologically active points should last at least 5-8 seconds. Pressing should be carried out with fingertips (index, middle, large, nameless can be involved). During the procedure, you may feel a slight, but quite tolerable pain. If the discomfort intensifies and there is no strength to endure the impact, the massage must be stopped.

A set of Shiatsu exercises, which is ideal for ladies over 45 years old, consists of pressing on the following points:

  • You need to start from the middle of the forehead, gradually moving towards the temples. The distance between the points can reach about a centimeter.
  • The index, middle and ring fingers should be positioned as follows: the lower edge of the eyebrow, middle, upper edge. Intensive pressing should last 5-6 seconds. The same exercise can be repeated on the eyelids.
  • Pressing on the dimples at the alae will help smooth out the nasolabial furrows.
  • Alternate pressure on the midpoint above the upper lip and under the lower lip will help to tighten the chin.
  • Pressing on the pits under the cheekbones will strengthen the muscles of the face, massaging the corners of the lips will help eliminate the wrinkles formed around the mouth.

Regular exposure to active points will achieve a good rejuvenating effect. It is best to conduct Japanese massage as often as possible (the best option is every day). Freshness and vivacity from such a procedure are guaranteed.

Japanese massage Kobido

This type of Japanese massage is recommended for ladies who are already 40 years old. The procedure helps to relieve tension and at the same time strengthen the muscles, relaxes the face, and starts rejuvenating processes in the body. The impact on the meridians (special treatment lines) allows you to speed up blood flow, lymph outflow, and start the production of natural collagens.

The Kobido technique is effective, but it is better to entrust such a massage to a specialist. Only those women who are familiar with the anatomy of the face can independently carry out such manipulation.

Before carrying out Kobido, it is necessary to clean and steam the face well. Cosmetologists also recommend not to neglect light peeling. Having completed the thorough preparation, you can proceed to the procedure itself. It is worth remembering that all movements should be as accurate as possible.

The study of the meridians should be not only intensive, but also consistent. Patting, pinching, pressing, stroking, kneading - all these and other actions form the basis of Kobido massage.

The impact on muscle tissue should also be enhanced, but at the same time smooth. There should be no pain or discomfort. When carrying out the manipulation, you can not press on the lymph nodes themselves.

The full course of exposure to the meridians of the face for women after 50 years is 10 procedures. Japanese massage should be performed no more than twice a week. Upon completion of the course, to maintain the achieved effect, it is recommended to conduct 1-2 sessions per month.


Despite all the beneficial properties of Japanese massage for women over 45, in some cases such manipulation is prohibited. The main contraindications to the procedure are the following diseases:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • injuries, skin lesions;
  • chronic hypertension;
  • oncology, benign neoplasms;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys.

It is necessary to refuse the procedure at elevated temperature, reduced intracranial pressure, general malaise of the body.

You can be young and beautiful even after 45 years. Japanese women have long learned this simple truth. Regular self-massage according to Japanese technology will help to tidy up the skin condition and prevent the aging process. Start taking care of your appearance as early as possible!

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...

For a long time, Japanese women regardless of age, were famous for their smooth, taut skin with an even, fresh complexion.

As it turned out, the secret of the youth of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun lies not only in the hereditary traits of the nation, but also in the application traditional beauty treatments, one of which is the Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage Asahi Zogan.


Japanese massage is based on the assertion that a person's youth is not based on the outer shell (in this case, the skin of the face), but on the inside, that is, it is necessary to work on all the internal processes and structures of a person.

Therefore, the Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage technique Asahi Zogan is based on deep stimulation of the skin surface, muscles, connective and bone tissues of the face.

Features of Zogan massage:

How to do facial slimming massage? find out right now.


The results of the Zogan massage will not be long in coming:

  • the skin surface becomes smoother improve complexion already after the second massage session;
  • the second chin will decrease, the oval of the face will become more elastic;
  • disappear small mimic wrinkles, deep wrinkled folds decrease;
  • helps eliminate puffiness, bags under the eyes, puffiness faces.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


Asahi Zogan Lymphatic Drainage Massage is often referred to as self-massage: every woman can master the technique of Japanese massage, adhering to some rules and independently studying the massage movements.

Before the massage, you should find out about the location lymph nodes: parotid, behind the ear, sublingual, mandibular, occipital, lymph nodes of the angle of the mandible and anterior cervical.

Massage actions are carried out with the entire surface of the palm or with two or three fingers. along the lymphatic flow. Massaging should be carried out gently, but with greater intensity than in traditional massage techniques.

Self-massage should be carried out delicately and carefully, reducing the force in the area of ​​the lymph nodes and, conversely, increasing the intensity in other areas. A massage session is best done while sitting, lasting up to 15 minutes.

1 step. Clear the front surface from decorative cosmetics, lubricate with an oil base.

2 step. master main element- the final movement, which ends each massage exercise:

With three fingers (full length), lightly press on the location of the parotid lymph node, located near the auricle, for 2 seconds. Then, with a smooth movement of the hands, go down to the collarbone. Perform the massage element simultaneously with both hands.

3 step. Forehead smoothing.

Set three fingers of each hand in the center of the forehead, press them on the skin (3 seconds), then gently move the hands to the temporal part of the head, turning the palms, press them to the face and go down, without reducing the intensity of the impact.

4 step. Eliminate swelling, tighten the skin of the eyelids.

With the tips of the middle fingers, draw from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner, fix the pressure in the region of the bridge of the nose (3 seconds). Then, increasing the intensity of pressing, along the lines passing under the superciliary arches, return to the outer corner, also fixing the pressing on the edge of the orbit.

5 step. Raise the corners of the lips.

Hold the middle and ring fingers for a few seconds in the center of the chin, then with an intense movement, pressing on the skin, move the fingers around the mouth and close them over the upper lip in the center, fixing the pressure.

Set the middle fingers on the depressions near the wings of the nose, warm up with your fingers up and down. Further, adding the ring finger, move the fingers, pulling the skin towards the cheeks.

7 step. Strengthen cheeks, eliminate sagging skin.

Press the fingers strongly against the sides of the nose and, without reducing the pressure, we spread our hands to the temporal part of the face.

8 step. Form a lip line.

Fix the bases of the palms in the middle of the chin, pressing on the front surface, take the hands to the earlobes, pulling the skin of the cheeks.

9 step. Eliminate double chin.

Support the chin with the base of the palm and forcefully move the hand to the earlobe along the contour of the face. Work on the other side.

10 step. Forehead massage.

With zigzag movements, rub your forehead with your hands from right to left and vice versa.

Attention! Each element should be repeated up to 3 times, after which it is necessary to do the final movement (step number 2).

Massage session is contraindicated:

  1. The presence of infectious diseases, herpes.
  2. With dermatitis.
  3. The presence of pathologies in the lymphatic system.
  4. With diseases of the ENT organs.
  5. With violations in the blood circulation of the subcutaneous layer - rosacea.
  6. Use with caution in women who have a thin face, in order to avoid even greater loss of body fat.

By adhering to all the rules and techniques of Japanese Asahi Zogan lymphatic drainage massage, you will achieve amazing success in facial rejuvenation.

Read about canned vacuum facial massage in ours.

Education Asahi Zogan Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage technique by Yukuko Tanaka in this video:
