Human vampire in real life signs. When a close relative is a vampire...

From films and books, we know who vampires are and we know that these evil creatures can take a person's life by drinking all the blood from him, or infect him with vampirism, and he himself will become the same vampire, but we consider them fiction, a fairy tale. But, as it turned out, vampires live among us - energy ones, and when they need energy, they look for a donor for themselves. Of course, they don’t suck blood from us, but they can completely deprive us of energy and strength.

Each person has his own biofield and energy centers or channels - the so-called chakras, which are located along the spine, there are only seven of them. With their help, energy is accumulated and processed - physical and emotional, spiritual and intellectual. When the energy centers are in order, a person receives the energy necessary for the normal functioning of the body from space, as well as from the earth and from food, exchanges energy with other people, and feels great, he is happy and healthy.

If a person constantly experiences stress and negative emotions, as well as negative emotions of strangers directed at him, then the energy channels are gradually clogged and polluted, and over time the chakras overlap. When the chakras are closed or defective, the person is unable to receive energy from natural sources. And he has to pump energy out of other people. After all, if there is no energy, there is no life.

How to recognize a vampire.

Energy vampires live among us, work side by side, and some of them do not even realize that they are able to literally devastate a person, depriving him of his strength and energy, but they themselves feel quite excellent, having been saturated with the energy they have drunk. Their mood rises, it becomes easy on the soul. And a person who has communicated with an energy vampire has a sharp decrease in energy, a breakdown occurs, weakness and even a desire to lie down and rest are noted.

Types of Energy Vampires

Energy vampires are divided into two types - the first type, those who are unaware of their "vampirism", they include a larger number of people, they are not dangerous. Feeling energy hunger, they draw energy strength from spending time together in communication with friends, relatives in nature, in sports.

The second type is people who consciously, purposefully take the energy of another person. They provoke another person into a quarrel, find a reason for conflict, try to offend, make you lose your patience, make you cry, even, they can provoke a fight.

An energy vampire simply needs you to answer him, so that you experience negative emotions, and then he can get enough of your energy, completely devastating you. But if you are calm and do not react to his insults in any way, he will leave you behind and will look for another victim.

As a rule, energy vampires try to draw you into a conversation, telling and complaining that everyone around is cruel and ungrateful, while you will not even be able to insert a word during the conversation. Surely, everyone has such acquaintances who, wherever you meet them, begin to complain about their health, describing in detail all their sores, or complain about their husbands, children, relatives, neighbors, accusing them of callousness, ingratitude.

These people consider themselves offended by everyone and the whole unfair world, they load you with their problems so that you sympathize with them, they can even shed a tear so that you feel sorry for them. And then they frankly say that “I’ve spoken out, and it has become easier and calmer in my soul.” But you feel like a squeezed lemon. For some reason, your mood has deteriorated and your heart is somehow disgusting.

Often the victims of energy vampires are employees of utilities, post offices, savings banks, shops. Elderly people, most often lonely, feeling depleted of their energy strength, become attached to employees, cashiers, sellers, for all sorts of trifles, they try to annoy, in every possible way they try to upset you, insult you, bring you to tears, and if you could not restrain yourself, answered rudely, then such a person begins provoke a scandal. And in the midst of passions, the vampire is saturated with your energy and leaves happy, and you feel guilty, offended, annoyed, devastated.

Who is the vampire and who is the donor.

Who is an energy vampire - most often aggressive people, envious, jealous, elderly people, disabled people, capricious children.

And also, people who are very difficult to please, they don’t like everything, they often overestimate their role in the family, they believe that everyone is sitting on their necks, that only they care about everyone and worry about everyone.

Scandalous people who are able to bring to tears, they constantly quarrel with someone. In the family, such a person becomes just a tyrant, he rots everyone, tries to control, teach. And no matter what another family member does, he will criticize that you don’t know how to do anything right. Such a person exhausts his family members with his nit-picking, whims, squabbles. In such a family, life is not a joy, and often relatives of an energy vampire try to communicate with him as little as possible. And in order to get a portion of the necessary energy, he preys on others, looking for those who will sympathize with him, take pity on him. Or find fault with strangers, provoking public scandals.

Often, it is energy vampires who become leaders, organizers of all kinds of protests, rallies, provoking the crowd to release negative emotions - they are saturated with energy.

If there are energy vampires, then there must be energy donors. It is believed that a sensitive person can become a donor, who can listen, sympathize, he feels sorry for everyone, he cannot refuse another person's request, being afraid to offend. And also the person who has broken energy protection, on which there is damage or the evil eye. And also an emotionally unbalanced person who is offended, quickly irritated, who is easy to provoke into a quarrel.

Each person is both a donor and an energy vampire at the same time. All people have energy and exchange it, feeding each other with vitality. And if the exchange of energy occurs with positive communication, then there is no harm from such an exchange of energy.

Any person can be a donor for some people, and an energy vampire in relation to others. At certain moments in life, when we are overcome by stress, or troubles at work or in the family, when we are sick, when our energy is at zero, we want to be pitied. We complain to relatives, girlfriends, friends, neighbors about our lives, about ungrateful children, about a despot boss. And when we come home from work, we drive away all the anger, all the irritation on the children, on the husband, on the wife, and even on strangers, and it becomes easier for us, we involuntarily feed on energy, pumping it out of other people.

How to protect yourself from a vampire attack.

If you have to constantly communicate with an energy vampire, and after such communication you feel empty, then you should use protection. When communicating with an energy vampire, it is advised to cross your arms and legs, this way you will, as it were, cover up your energy.

Imagine that there is a solid mirror partition between you and the vampire, or your body is wrapped in a cocoon or an impenetrable shell, and you can also mentally put on a light spacesuit that reflects all negative and aggressive attacks against you.

If you are frankly called to a conflict, it is best not to get into a skirmish with this person, if possible, try to move away from him, do not look him in the eye.

If you begin to complain about your life, are drawn into a conversation, say that "you have no time, you are in a hurry, we'll talk another time." Do not be afraid to seem like a callous, indifferent person, because you do not want to become a victim of a vampire and lose strength and energy.

How to restore energy.

If you are often irritated and angry, disappointed in your life, consider yourself an inferior person, digest the unpleasant moments that happen to you and your failures, then you spend a lot of vital energy. To quickly replenish its supply, it is easiest to provoke someone into a conflict or yell, offend, bring to tears, than to listen to yourself and learn how to manage your emotions, and establish interaction with natural sources of energy.

How to learn to replenish, restore energy without harming other people? First of all, try to control your negative emotions and thoughts, learn to calm down. Lead a healthy lifestyle, your sleep should be full, preferably on your back, head to the east or north side. Do not overeat, eat healthy foods, do exercises.

Interaction with nature will help you replenish vital energy and relieve fatigue. The soil provides good nutrition. You can lie on the ground, relax, mentally ask Mother Earth to cleanse your body of negative energy and fill it with positive, good energy.

And you can also ask for the energy of goodness, health, vitality, love, creation from the Cosmos, the Sun, wind, water. Imagine how rays of energy enter your body, and every cell of your body is filled with life-giving force, health, and you recover. Dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to these procedures. Do not forget to thank those from whom you asked for energy (nature, the Sun, the Cosmos, the Creator).

To constantly be energetic, it is advised to use this technique. Put your palms with closed fingers on the lower abdomen, relax, lie down for 10-20 minutes imagining how your body is filled with energy. Try to do this technique every day, and in time you will learn how to maintain vital energy in yourself.

Communicate with friendly people, take walks in the park, in the forest. Get pets, plant flowers in your dacha or balcony, take care of them. You will receive a charge of positive emotions, and your energy tone will be normal.

Take care of your life energy and be healthy and full of strength!

When, after talking with a person, you suddenly feel a breakdown, weakness, irritability and depression, do not rush to attribute these symptoms to a cold or other disease. You may have fallen victim to an energy vampire.

Such people feed on the psychic energy emanating from each of us. Its losses are especially great when a person expresses a vivid emotional reaction to the subject of conversation.

Even the most psychologically stable people are not immune from discomfort after energy losses. Such an energy absorber may be among your colleagues, friends or even family members. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce communication with him to zero. To protect yourself from harmful influences, preventive measures are important to help you initially identify the energy vampire.

How to recognize an energy vampire by behavior

We don't always get to choose who we talk to. You have to contact a variety of people at work, when you have to apply to various authorities, visit educational, medical institutions, and retail outlets. A lover of eating other people's emotions can be found everywhere. To insure yourself against the loss of precious life energy, you must know the main characteristics of energy vampires. These features are quite easy to see if you carefully observe the person.

How does an energy vampire behave? signs


Lovers of other people's energy often behave defiantly, show aggression. They will try to unbalance you, provoke you into a violent reaction. Reproaches, accusations will be addressed to you, dissatisfaction with your actions, abilities will be expressed, and all in order to cause a strong surge of response negative emotions. When this happens, the vampire will experience the pleasure of absorbing a significant portion of your energy.


Almost everyone has a friend, seeing whom on the street you want to speed up your step or turn in the opposite direction. If you start a conversation with him, you will be forced to listen to all the news, complaints, stories about diseases, bad relatives. And when you do show weakness and listen to a long monologue, soon after that you will feel very tired and weak.

Excessive curiosity.

How to recognize an energy vampire? Maybe an acquaintance at a meeting, just out of politeness, asks about your affairs, is completely sincerely interested in life and problems. Such an option is also possible. But if a stranger shows an increased interest in you, asks questions of a personal nature, tries to find out more details that do not concern him at all, then you have a character who feeds on someone else's energy.


This is one of the signals on how to identify an energy vampire among your surroundings. A person praises you, gives you compliments, focuses on outstanding external qualities, abilities, character or ability to choose clothes. He shows special love and concern for you. When you blush with pleasure and melt with praise, the vampire will drain some of your energy.

How to recognize an energy vampire: identify and neutralize

If you carefully look at the behavior of your interlocutor, then it will not be difficult to identify a potential devourer of vital energy. During the conversation, he will try to be closer to you, he will look directly into your eyes, he will try to put his hand on your arm or shoulder, to hug you. His words and actions are aimed at one thing - to evoke an emotional reaction in you, any. Therefore, even if you have not yet mastered the technique to perfection, how to recognize an energy vampire, try, first of all, the words. Do not be too frank with everyone in a row, do not show your weaknesses, do not share personal experiences, be guided by your desires and feelings.

Since ancient times, man has tried to understand his place in the world and learn to live in harmony with it.

And if Western philosophy has chosen the path of materialism and belief in facts, the East still proclaims the victory of the spirit over the flesh. It was there that the idea arose that a person is not only and not so much a physical shell, but also an energy-information system.

The physical shell of a person needs food, while the spiritual component needs other food - energy, otherwise the person will weaken and become exhausted as well as from hunger. Philosophers believe that the pure at heart can draw pure energy from space. However, there are other so-called energy vampires.

Energy vampires - who are they

These are just people forcibly taking away someone else's energy contrary to the laws of mutual energy exchange.

According to the theory of the energy-informational approach, the entire universe is a single energy system. It is she who is the source of spiritual support for a person, but only on condition that he is in harmony with the Universe. In other words, only a high level of spiritual development gives a person the opportunity to directly draw energy from the Universe. All others who are not available are forced to consume the energy of those around them. Colleagues, friends, acquaintances, passers-by and even family become such a source. A person who absorbs the bioenergy of others is an energy vampire.

Energy vampires are usually divided into two types: those who are unaware of their condition, and those who deliberately "feed" from others.
The first type is not so threatening to society. In fact, anyone can inadvertently become an energy vampire without realizing it. After all, each of us sometimes experiences energy starvation, for example, during periods of illness, in stressful situations, at work. At the same time, some of the “hungry” restore their strength in nature, while others unconsciously pump out energy from everyone who has turned up under the arm.

The second category is socially much more dangerous. They are usually not difficult to recognize. Around such people, a certain fog of aggression, contempt and negativity always seems to thicken. They deliberately and voluptuously suck the life force from those around them. Only when such types get what they want do they begin to feel noticeably better, become smiling, deliberately polite and friendly.

The one who has lost part of his energy feels weak, exhausted, vulnerable, and, in turn, also draws strength from those around him. Thus, being an energy donor for one person, one can also be an energy vampire in relation to another.

How does the exchange of energy take place

In order to win the battle for energy, the "vampire" must unbalance his victim. Quarrels, squabbles, hatred, envy, resentment, irritation are perfect for this. A victim suffering from such harassment, from attacks and aggression from the vampire, is unable to fight, and resignedly gives away his spiritual strength and energy, weakening himself even more and strengthening the vampire's strength.

It is important to remember that only a strong spirit can achieve harmony with world energy, and therefore it is necessary to try to prevent energy vampires, not to allow them to make themselves weaker. But for this you need to learn to recognize energy vampires.

Energy vampires are everywhere!

Energy vampires live in many families. For example, a jealous person is an energy vampire by definition. With his exhausting mistrust and suspicion, he sucks the strength from the objects of his "love".

Often the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law, between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law turns out to be nothing more than communication between a vampire and his victim. A sick person is also able to turn into an energy vampire for some time. With his whims and whining, he will take your strength in order to quickly recover himself. Bedridden invalids often consciously take revenge on their relatives for their misfortune, in which they are not guilty, stealing energy and strength in megaliters.

It is unbearable to work under the guidance of an energy vampire. Such a boss will definitely take out his inferiority on his subordinates, insult them in the face and arrange daily “debriefings”.

The accumulation of people of this type can be found in bureaucratic institutions, at post offices, at points for receiving utility bills, especially when angry pensioners gather there.

However, you can still somehow protect yourself from such vampirism. Suppose, retreating until better times. But it is completely unrealistic to protect yourself from energy vampirism in the crowd where you landed. Please note: almost exclusively energy vampires always take part in any rallies and demonstrations. Most of them go there for a portion of "fresh blood", that is, energy, in fact.

The main signs of energy vampirism

After communicating with some people, you experience unreasonable irritability, your mood drops sharply, all your strength disappears somewhere? Do you want to literally cry and bang your head against the wall? Most likely, you were used by an energy vampire. But how to distinguish it from a normal person? And finally, how to safely communicate with an energy vampire

The main distinguishing feature of such people is that they always piss off their interlocutors. And the reason for this can be any nonsense. It is their style to humiliate someone in the presence of witnesses, to laugh, to play an evil joke to cause the desired effect. In the old days, in a similar way, cold killers, duellists-breters, looked for their victims. Such types can borrow money from you and not give it back for a long time, stuffing promises and enjoying your helpless anger.

At the same time, energy vampires are always suspicious people, bores and selfish. Often they do not hear the interlocutor at all, because his opinion, thoughts and feelings do not bother them at all. Often such a person is very jealous and vindictive. But he often surrounds his “regular donor” with increased attentiveness and care, and is jealous of other people.

It is noticed: energy vampires love to talk on the phone for hours. Moreover, they immediately “load” their counterpart with endless personal problems. This dialogue resembles a monologue about nothing, but after it, a burden of mental depression falls on the interlocutor, nervous breakdowns occur. It is difficult for a well-mannered person to get rid of an energy vampire: resentment begins. It's better to just refer to a bad connection and disconnect.

An energy vampire needs throw a person off balance. For example, hiding behind the fact that he does not understand something, he will pester his mentor with questions and mistakes, he will not listen to his explanations at all, ignore his help, only trying to ensure that the person, tired and annoyed by the explanations, loses his temper . They say about such people that it is easier to do it yourself than to explain it.

Energy vampires often turn on long conversations "about nothing" that cannot be interrupted and have to spend hours holding the phone to their ear and listening to their complaints and stories of hard life, problems and failures. Are you uncomfortable, tired and tired of the interlocutor, but you can’t interrupt the conversation? You are an energy vampire.

Another technique of energy vampires is to create situations in which a person dependent on them will forced to wait until the end tormented by anticipation and ignorance. Obtaining important documents, the question of employment and so on. The more important the information, the longer the process of obtaining it is delayed. As a result, a person is exhausted, nervous, not knowing what to do, and the energy vampire gets his food.

Among the signs of energy vampires can also be called the desire for retelling the details of catastrophes, tragedies, wars, deaths and other. Savoring the details of the victims' suffering, they evoke fear, compassion and pain, experiences in those around them, and thereby unbalance them. The same purpose is served by long stories about problems and tragedies in personal life - one's own or acquaintances. These stories always have a sad ending and a gloomy mood that breeds depression.

It's believed that cats are an indicator of an energy vampire. These free-spirited, independent creatures dislike vampires and treat them aggressively for no apparent reason. Also, energy vampires are unlikely to have a talent for growing plants or flowers - they say about such people that flowers do not like them.

About energy vampires they are often said to be honest, frank people. And in fact, they are happy to tell the truth-the uterus - especially unpleasant - in the face of an opponent, humiliating him and hiding behind the truthfulness of the statement.

Energy vampires seek direct contact. They are happy to touch a person, clap if it is an acquaintance, cuddle in public transport, shove and push if it is a random passerby.
In other words, if during communication a person constantly irritates others, and after communicating with him people feel weak and tired, then most likely this is an energy vampire.

There is an unproven opinion that in the presence of energy vampires household appliances break down regularly and the flowers wither. At home, you won’t notice any plants either, because they simply can’t stand them. And those, in turn, dry up and simply do not take root in the apartments of such individuals.

Energy vampires love gatherings of people. And they will not fail to appear where there is a high probability of scandal or clash. Conflict for them is a wonderful source of energy.

They are so different!

Absolute energy vampires are not often seen, usually mixed types. So, one person can manifest himself in various situations both as an energy vampire and as an energy donor. In addition, among spontaneous vampires there are charming, sweet, kind people who simply do not notice their negative impact on outsiders.

Very often, one relative lives off the energy of another, which manifests itself in scandals and the eternal showdown. Or, for example, some family may be considered just perfect, but there someone is constantly sick or considered a loser. From what? Most likely, this person gives his energy to a vampire loved one. And if two vampire spouses coexist in a family, then they either constantly swear and try to get a divorce, or they live in perfect harmony, fueled by energy from casual relationships.

There is also a very curious type of energy-sucking - sex vampires. Usually, at the moment of orgasm, a person is filled with positive energy, but vampires take it away without giving anything in return. After sexual contact with such a partner, irresistible emptiness and dissatisfaction gnaw.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires

Ideally, as mentioned above, a person should constantly improve spiritually, and then, receiving energy directly from space, he will be protected from energy vampires. However, achieving perfection is not easy. What else can a person do when faced with an energy vampire?
If among the above examples and characteristics you recognize a relative, friend, colleague or even a loved one, then what should you do?

Tactics should be next.

Firstly, it is important to remember that energy vampires cannot take energy from a person who is in a calm, balanced state. That is why they try to evoke negative emotions. If in such a situation a person can remain calm, he will avoid the fate of the victim, so you should never get annoyed when contacting this person. After all, the main goal of a vampire is to hurt you in the most painful place. And you, instead of breaking out, try to either get away from the conflict, or make your reaction unexpected for the aggressor: for example, joke or smile.

Secondly, which is perhaps more difficult it is necessary to keep such emotions as pity and compassion. An energy vampire, talking about his problems and anxieties, usually stares into the eyes of the victim, not allowing her to look away, touches her, trying to prolong contact. In such cases, you can simply move away or do some business, get distracted from the conversation, or, if all this is not possible, turn your thoughts to something detached, for example, make a mental shopping list for the evening or remember a children's counting rhyme. This will help keep emotions under control.

Thirdly, it is better not to communicate with an energy vampire at all. Especially if this person is unpleasant and uninteresting. You do not need to draw the attention of the energy vampire to your person, you should not enter into any relationship with him, do good deeds for him. Such types will appreciate nothing anyway - they will simply take away your energy as soon as they feel gullibility and weakness.

Fourthly, it is necessary to learn how to protect personal energy and biofield. To do this, during a conversation, you should cross your legs or arms, you can (an old proven method) keep a fig in your pocket. It's not bad to imagine that there is a large mirror between you, the reflection of which is directed at the vampire.

Fifth, if you do not have the opportunity to avoid talking with such a person, then should try to take everything with humor, from any rude attacks invariably laugh it off, not allowing yourself to be drawn into a serious dispute. Be sure: the energy vampire will not be able to endure this and therefore will not be able to cause harm.

At sixth, especially it is important to control oneself when a person is weakened by problems, illnesses, anxieties. If you feel bad, and an energy vampire is nearby, you will become easy prey for him. This is all the more dangerous because vampires often pretend to be kind, patient, understanding people, you want to go to them for advice and support, which they successfully use against you.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire if your work colleague is one

Sometimes at work we have to communicate with people after talking with whom we feel as if we had drunk all the juice out of us. And such people are not necessarily our immediate superiors. They can be anyone, and we can communicate with them for only a few minutes, sometimes even once during the day in a smoking room, but the result remains the same. And if it repeats over and over again, then there can be no doubt - a real energy vampire has appeared next to you.

However, one should not panic, although communication with a vampire can be more than detrimental to the health of anyone whom he decides to cling to in order to feed his energy. Also, do not tell anyone about your guesses, because they will most likely not believe you, and it will hardly benefit your career that they will begin to consider you "weird".

All you can do in such a situation is to protect yourself. And to do this is quite easy. The main thing is to know the ways of protection for different cases, which we will teach you.

1. The energy vampire is your boss

His methods are very simple: he calls you to his place, arranges a dressing, starting to reproach you with poorly done work or even an early dismissal, as a result of which you involuntarily experience a powerful energy release. The vampire will immediately take all this energy in order to calm down, smile and “forgive you”, allow you to leave. And he doesn’t need more, because he called you only in order to feed.

In order to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you need to learn not to be nervous, and to take all threats and reproaches calmly. And it will help you in this thought that you are hardly deservedly found fault with, and that as soon as you stop feeding the vampire boss with your energy, he will immediately and forever lose all interest in you. He will not fire you from work, but on the other hand, he will stop calling you to his carpet almost every day, and this should be more than enough for you.

2. Energy vampire - a colleague with whom you share one office

You can recognize him by his heavy gaze and by the fact that he has already done everything so that your tables stand so that you sit with your back to him, while he is facing you. As for its impact, it begins to “feed” only when you plunge headlong into work, forgetting about everything else. Did you think that this work takes so much energy from you? So, you were mistaken, because a favorite and interesting work, on the contrary, charges us with strength, and does not deprive us of them.

From such energy vampires are protected as follows:
- first of all, they rearrange the tables so that now you and the vampire are facing each other with their shoulders;
- put on the table a pot of geraniums, which from time immemorial was considered in Russia the best remedy for energy vampirism;
- any guarding or protective prayer that you should read every time before delving into work also helps;
- an excellent tool is a player with headphones, which will close your energy, blocking any leakage;
- and you can also put a mirror on your table that will reflect the action of the vampire directed at you, making all his attempts to feed at your expense fruitless.

3. Energy vampire - a person whose meetings are always "accidental"

This person suits you at the slightest opportunity, but how - after all, he considers himself your close friend, and you are of the same opinion, even if you ask you why you like him, you will not find an answer. His usual manner of influence is to joke, tell a joke, discuss yesterday's movie, or vice versa, make you upset and complain about life. No matter what your emotions are, in any case, grieving or laughing, you will involuntarily begin to splash out of yourself energy, which he will not miss the opportunity to use.

And it is very simple to protect yourself from an energy vampire - just put a tiny mirror in your breast pocket, turning its reflective side towards you. This alone will be enough for the vampire not to be able to drink even a drop of your energy.

Healing yourself is also helpful.
Irritation and fatigue from the attacks of an energy vampire are good to remove with the help of your favorite music, films, poems, books, aromatic oils.
After being in crowded places, it is recommended to take a contrast shower, drink delicious hot tea.

Dendrotherapy helps: it is beneficial for the soul to walk among the trees, touch them, because these silent doctors process negative energy into positive.
Based on materials:,

Energy vampires are those who take away our energy without our knowledge, make us weaker and live at the expense of others. How not to become an energy donor?

Our energy is an internal source of strength: everything that allows us to be alert, mobile, feel emotional uplift and physical activity. When a person is in a balanced state, the processes of spending and replenishing internal energy occur evenly.

If the balance is disturbed, the energy is spent faster than it is restored, and the person gradually begins to feel inner discomfort, fatigue, and the predominance of negative emotions. And we do not always spend our energy voluntarily.

What is Energy Vampirism?

When we communicate with other people, in addition to exchanging words and emotions, we exchange energy with each other.

If the exchange is uniform, then communication does not cause discomfort, there remains a feeling of mutual sympathy and affection. If the exchange is uneven, one of the interlocutors makes up for the deficit of his energy at the expense of the other.

Such a process can be conscious, for example, when a family member or close friend is sick, you consciously support him by giving a piece of your energy.

But if you were forced to give energy against your will, we can talk about energy vampirism - a kind of theft of your internal energy.

Energy vampires and energy donors: signs and causes of energy vampirism

Energy vampires are people who are not able to restore and maintain internal energy at a sufficient level on their own. They spend energy beyond measure (unresolved problems, negative emotions, unloved work), and do not have the opportunity to replenish it.

Often energy vampires become deeply insecure, emotionally and spiritually deprived people who simply do not have sources of positive emotions.

Energy donors are, accordingly, people who give their energy to vampires. The higher the donor is developed emotionally and mentally, the less he will notice the fact of vampirism.

However, if the donor is an ordinary person with an average supply of energy, the consequences of energy pumping can be very noticeable and even dangerous for him. Especially if communication with an energy vampire occurs constantly, and the energy deficit is more and more noticeable each time.

Energy Vampires can be of two types.

The first type is unconscious. Such vampires do not realize that they are actually feeding on other people's energy. These people become vampires in moments of failure, or they steal energy from time to time, but at the same time they do not wish harm to the one at whose expense they live. Sometimes such an unconscious vampire can be an elderly relative or child.

The second type - conscious vampires. Such people pose a much greater danger to the donor, since they purposefully pump out the vitality of others and are good at hiding their true intentions. They do not feel compassion for the victims, they are not emotionally attached to them, they do not burden themselves with ethical issues. Their main task is to get energy at any cost.

Signs of energy vampirism

The main sign of vampirism is your internal state during and after communication with a person. If for no particular reason you feel discomfort, hostility, a desire to end the conversation as soon as possible, and after the conversation you are overcome by fatigue and a feeling of inner emptiness, you can say that you are communicating with an energy vampire.

When it is impossible to exclude communication with an energy vampire for objective reasons, try to make him lose interest in you as a possible donor.

If a vampire's tactics don't work when interacting with you, they'll likely leave you alone.

  • The best strategy is to use the vampire's own weapons.
    If you are provoked to quarrels and a splash of negative emotions, try to piss off the vampire with a non-standard reaction: reduce everything to a joke, do not look him in the eye, abstract from his threats and accusations.
  • If the vampire is your boss, and the joke would be inappropriate, mentally imagine a mirror wall between you and the vampire so that all the negativity sent to your address returns to him through the mirror reflection without harming you. It is also good to cross your legs and arms, this way you will significantly reduce the outflow of your energy.
  • If a vampire takes up your time complaining and whining, tell him back a sad story from the life of your abstract acquaintances. It is important that your story is long enough so that the vampire loses interest in talking to you. Or tell the vampire that you are very busy and cannot listen to him.
  • If your energy is being siphoned off through discussing your problems and personal life, stop sharing private information, answer questions with vague phrases.

In general, your task is not to allow the vampire to lead you to those emotions through which the theft of your energy usually occurs. If you do not play by his rules, he will stop receiving your energy and communication with you will become uninteresting.

Energy vampirism at a distance

It rarely feels like a vampire is sucking your energy even from a distance. For example, you do not physically contact a person, but you feel a certain connection with him, an oppressive feeling and negative memories do not leave you.

Perhaps something reminds you of this person - some kind of, even trifling, gift from him, or vice versa, you left a thing belonging to you with a vampire.

In this case, you must try to get rid of the gifts and return the items that belong to you, or mentally say goodbye to them, and thus cease to be their owner.

It is also possible to steal your energy through non-verbal communication: letters, messages on social networks and on forums. You can provoke you to a surge of energy not only through personal contact, but also in virtual space.

Do not enter into correspondence with trolls, add people who annoy you to the “black list” of contacts, this will prevent further donation.

Energy vampire in the family: how to help an energy vampire?

The most frequent vampires in the family are children and elderly relatives - that is, the one with whom we cannot divorce, interrupt communication or go to different corners. Both of them often experience energy hunger: children have not yet learned to replenish their resources on their own; older people have energy weakened by age, and are also not always able to make up for the lack without outside help.

Also, a vampire can be a seriously ill person or someone who is under stress. In this case, you can help them replenish energy without harming themselves by sharing love and showing care, since love is a very powerful emotion in terms of energy. As a rule, several manifestations per day are enough for your loved ones to make up for the deficiency.

If the pet vampire requires too much of your energy, try replacing yourself with another donor. For example, put a large flower or an aquarium with fish in a relative’s room, take him out to nature more often, organize communication for him according to his interests.

How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth?

The level of energy reserves is a relative value and is individual for each of us. It depends on many factors, including the date of birth. If, according to numerology, your energy level is low, you may be an unconscious vampire.

Test for the definition of energy vampirism.

You will need: pen, paper, calculator.

Write down your date of birth in dd-mm-yyyy format, for example: 14-09-1972.
We sum up all the digits of the record until we get a number less than 10: 1+4+0+9+1+9+7+2 = 33=3+3=6.
If the final number is less than 5, the person has low energy, he constantly needs to recharge.
If the final number is in the range from 5 to 7, the person's energy is normal, he does not need additional sources, but he needs to avoid energy donation.
If the final number is more than 7, the person has excess energy and can share it without harming himself.

How to restore energy after an energy vampire? How to get rid of energy vampirism?

If you are an energy vampire or have become its victim, it is extremely important for you to replenish your internal energy through other sources.

  • Nature fills you with energy very well: walk barefoot on the grass, lean against a tree trunk, expose your face to the sun's rays and feel how the power of nature fills your every cell.
  • Interact with the animals or houseplants you care for
  • Turn on your favorite music, headphones will allow you to mentally isolate yourself from the source of irritation or obsessive thoughts.
  • If possible, take a shower. Water washes away negative energy very well.
  • Deliver to yourself any joyful emotions that are now available. The main thing is to get a powerful positive charge and stop the flow of negative experiences.

Amulets and amulets, stones that protect against energy vampirism

To protect against the negative effects of vampires, a stone or talisman that suits you according to your zodiac sign will help. You can also carry the Eye of Fatima (a popular Turkish souvenir amulet) in your pocket, or pin it to the wrong side of your clothes with a pin. You can wear your zodiac sign as a pendant on your chest. You can make a charm with your own hands, for example, weave a bracelet, during the weaving of which you mentally charge it with your energy and endow it with protective properties.

In general, any thing charged with your energy (that is, that has been in contact with you for a long time) can act as a talisman-amulet, while the object-amulet should evoke only pleasant emotions and associations in you.
From time to time it is necessary to wash the amulet under running water, clean it with salt or soap in order to wash off the negative accumulated on it.

Believers who do not practice esotericism and pagan symbols can read prayers as a defense. To eliminate energy vampirism, the universal prayer “ Our Father or a prayer to your guardian angel.

To avoid the situation of energy vampirism or energy donation, it is important to remember the golden rule of communication: the exchange of energies during communication should be mutual, voluntary and comfortable.

If you are a donor, learn to firmly protect your borders from external encroachments. If you are a vampire, find people to communicate with who have excess energy, who give it away without harming themselves.

Video: Energy vampires. How to recognize and protect?

Surely you have repeatedly noticed that communication with some people causes a storm of positive emotions, it is easy and comfortable in their company.

At the same time, after a fleeting conversation with others, you feel like you have been put through a meat grinder - headache, apathy, unwillingness to do anything, irritability completely unsettle.

In society, such characters are called "energy vampires" and clearly outline the range of characteristic features.

No, not the pallor of the skin and the intention of the ghoul to dig into your vein, but rather the desire to feed on the very energy that he himself lacks.

Is this a myth or reality?

All of them have a direct road to psychotherapists. So, we figure out how to identify the bloodsucker and how to deal with it.

Finding out if energy vampires exist

Energy Vampires - Signs of Impact

As you know, when a good and a bad person meet, the latter uses the good one, while there is something to use, and goes in search of a new victim.

The so-called conditional energy vampire cannot be considered directly bad - often people stick to other people's positive emotions unconsciously.

They just don't know how to do it any other way. Our task is either to explain to them what's what, or to distance ourselves as much as possible.

By the way, on the net you can find a nice formula for calculating personal vampirism.

To do this, add up all the numbers in the date of birth until you get a single digit.

If your number is less than four - you do not have energy, but sadness, the vampire has been detected.

From five to seven - you are within the normal range. Eight / nine - you are a voluntary donor and gladly give away part of the energy that you have, like pimples on polyethylene.

Understanding that you have become an energy donor is quite simple.

In fact, from time to time everyone can be an eater of someone else's positive - everyone has problems and.

We are not always able to carry it in ourselves, and therefore we dump it on others.

Psychologists, by the way, advise exactly this: speak out and free yourself. It remains to find unoccupied consonant ears.

But some people manage to become almost real energy vampires, turning their dissatisfaction and whining into a field of activity.

What are the signs of this?

  1. And it seems like a good person, and with all his heart to you, but in his company you feel sick and devastated, you can’t concentrate, gather your thoughts, chatter is annoying.
  2. Even at one memory of him it becomes bad.
  3. He always puts pressure on pity and talks about his problems. You simply never saw him in a good mood smiling.
  4. He gets involved in all the quarrels and scandals that he witnesses. Or he provokes them to get attention at any cost.
  5. Whatever he says, his words seem false and insincere.
  6. The vampire always outlines the problem, but does not want to listen to options for solving it - they do not interest him.
  7. He skillfully tries to hide aggression towards others, but no one believes him anyway.
  8. He likes to manipulate everyone and weave intrigues.
  9. He wants to feel needed and important, even in a dishonest way.

Alas, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from negativity.

Energy vampires - signs and behavior

And in order to make sure that it is he who is in front of you, the source of a spoiled day / morning / evening, let's turn to the same Eric Berne and his immortal book “People who play games”.

A colleague addresses a problem. Banal headache. By the simplicity of your soul, you offer help - give a pill, a glass of water, take you home, etc.

The dialogue then develops as follows:

May I offer you pain medication?

I don't take unfamiliar drugs.

Maybe strong tea?

Tea raises my blood pressure.

Maybe get some time off from the authorities and go home?

I can't, I have to work.

How can I help you?

I don't know, I'm afraid, no matter how serious it is...

Such a person is not interested in solving the problem

In this spirit, empty talk continues endlessly until patience ends and you leave the aggressor.

But you don’t just leave, but with a sense of guilt that you were useless.

And not understanding that you fell into a trap - the longer the game, the more sick and devastated after it you become.

Nobody needed a solution to the problem. It is much more important to attract attention and try to unbalance. Lucky.

However, it would be correct to say that often energy vampires violate yours unconsciously.

And this is the main sign of a passive manipulator and a dead-end branch of psychological development - a person cannot do otherwise.

But protection from him will be easier, because you can always try to explain what exactly he is wrong about.

For an energy vampire, the very process of managing you is important

Other, more insidious types of vampirism include purposeful self-serving behavior.

A friend's computer broke down, and he got so fed up with his whining about the lack of an "adequate master" that you took the laptop under your arm and dragged it to the service center, wondering why you got involved in all this.

Or worse, they sat down to reinstall Windows themselves, if you happen to be an expert.

But still with the same thoughts, even though you had a ton of work. A friend and energy fed, and forced to solve their problems.

Energy Vampires - Causes of Behavior

Unfortunately, there are as many of them as sand in the Sahara.

From the banal spoiled childhood, which I spoke about at the very beginning, to purposeful self-serving manipulations.

The latter kind is especially unpleasant - with the benefit of more painful and offensive.

Both a work colleague and a boss can get on their nerves first-class

As a rule, lonely, insecure people with a limited range of interests are prone to such behavior.

Deficiency in communication, attention, positive emotions, inability to make people throw out negativity on others.

“If I feel bad, why should he feel good?” - the vampire argues and goes in search of a new victim.

Are you out of balance, freaking out? Wonderful. Are you discouraged? Even better. Mission accomplished, because "it's not only me who feels bad now."

Energy vampires are vampires for that, to feed on other people's emotions when there are none of their own.

Signs of their impact are always visible and you can, of course, put your hands on the solar plexus and cross your legs, but most likely this technique will not work, because the problem is not in the plane of bioenergetics, but in the plane.

Try to keep your emotions under control

Tip: remember that such characters are only attracted to people with open personal boundaries who do not know how to refuse. Saying "no" is a great art, which everyone is obliged to comprehend. Learn to be aware of your surroundings.

Energy vampires - signs and methods of protection

Of course, I must say that ideally it is better to stay away from bloodsuckers - and the nerves will be safer.

But what if your energy is fueled by a work colleague, boss, elderly relative or, worse, a loved one?

And without even suspecting it. How to behave in such a situation and how to deal with provocative behavior?

As always, you should start with yourself - the more confident you are, the more you try to improve yourself and grow spiritually, the faster your energy reserves are replenished, the less vulnerable you are to others.

It can be especially difficult to find a common language with older people who unconsciously feed on your energy.

At the same time, you still have to share - alas, the goal is not to not allow you to drink your blood, but to allow you to drink it as little as possible.

One way or another, all life on earth exchanges energy, and for sure you are also someone's consumer.

Moreover, if a conversation or a person is unpleasant for you, you can always try:

  1. Turn everything into a joke, change the subject, or just leave, citing important matters. No one is forcing you to listen to the end. You are not a psychiatric clinic. If one of the participants does not agree to the game, the game as a whole loses its meaning.
  2. React unconventionally.“I really don’t know what to do with this broken laptop.” “Yeah, it’s going to be hard for you without him. Sorry". Actually, that's all, you made it clear that you are not going to delve into the problem and solve it, which means that there is no point in driving over your ears.
  3. A simple but effective way to mentally draw a wall between yourself and a person, imagine yourself in a ball or count to ten to pull yourself together, no one has canceled it yet.
  4. Try to avoid direct eye contact and touch- irritants especially like to touch their victims and look into their eyes.
  5. If you become a participant / witness of an office showdown, step aside, stand at the table, chair, ficus pot, take a neutral position. Do not call open fire on yourself.
  6. If the chief took the leading place in the ranks of energy consumers, the methods of struggle described above are also good, but in the most extreme case, you can remember that a) this is just a boss and someone is ruffling his nerves, b) why are you putting up with all this. “Because I really love my job, I like the team, I have a good salary, so what if he is a bit of that…”
  7. If an elderly relative turned out to be an energy vampire, try to surround him with more attention and positive emotions. Provide communication with like-minded people, find an opportunity to be in nature more often - this way you will reduce the number of conflict situations to a minimum.
  8. Try to control your pity and compassion These are the main emotions through which our energy leaves. And, alas, it won't be enough for everyone.

Your peace of mind is the key to a painless way out of the situation

And finally restore.

Water does the job well. Every time after an unpleasant conversation or conflict situation, take a contrast shower to collect your thoughts and cleanse yourself of the accumulated negativity.

Walking in the fresh air, doing your favorite hobby, a romantic evening with a loved one are suitable for these purposes.

Outputs - mass. The main thing is to remember that each of us is a bit of a vampire from time to time.

Some useful tips for controlling your own emotions can be found.
