What to say during caroling. When to carol, give generously and sow

Since today more and more young people are picking up this ancient and good custom, Amitel News Agency reminds how to correctly count

On the evening of January 6th, carols begin - one of the most beautiful rituals Christmas. However, this tradition originated long before the Christian holiday, back in the days of paganism. And with the advent of Christianity it simply changed somewhat. Since today more and more young people are picking up this ancient and good custom, it reminds them how to carol correctly.

What are carols?

Caroling is associated with the winter solstice, which our Slavic ancestors considered the birthday of the solar year and the god Kolyada (kolo - from the word “wheel” - editor’s note). The carolers dressed their clothes inside out or dressed up in special costumes and walked from house to house to notify people about the birth of the new Sun. And they carried the image of this sun with them - so those who go caroling must have a big star with them. Carolers came into the yard and sang majestic songs to the owners about the sun, month and light - carols.

With the advent of Christianity, the ritual of caroling was dedicated to and biblical motifs began to be used in carols. The most important goal of carolers is to glorify Christmas, to congratulate the owners of the house and to wish a good harvest and prosperity in the family. At the same time, in the songs the owner’s house was described as very rich, all “made of gold and silver” - it was believed that in this way carolers invoke good luck and prosperity for the owners of the house. Therefore, driving away carolers is considered a great sin. In every yard, carolers were awarded gifts. The tradition of caroling was preserved in Soviet times in villages and villages.

How to carol correctly?

According to a long-standing tradition, at least three people are needed to carol.

Foremost - star. A person with a beautiful voice was chosen for this role. It is he who goes first and carries the star.

Second comes Bell ringer. He carries a bell and rings it loudly to notify people that carolers are coming.

Must be on the team mechonosha. A strong and tough man. Because it is he who has to carry the bag into which the owners of the houses throw gifts to the carolers: candy, cookies, money, etc.

By the way, a very important point: carolers should not take anything from their hands - the owners themselves should put all the gifts directly into their bags.

Try caroling with your children the night before Christmas. Of course, agree on this with your friends in advance.

Carols and Christmas songs for children:

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!
Sons and daughters have come to you!
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
On Christmas Eve.
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.
God bless him
Who's in this house?
Rye is thick for him.
Dinner rye!
Him from the ear of octopus,
He makes a carpet from grain,
Half-grain pie.
I would give you gentlemen
And living and being,
And wealth. . .

Christmas Eve
Even a ruble, even a nickel -
We won't just leave!

Today an Angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born!”
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday!

After the carols, the evening meal began. At this time, the Nativity Fast ended. Traditionally, Christmas Eve kutia (a dish made from millet and barley) was prepared for the table. Also a mandatory attribute of the Christmas table were figurines of cows, sheep and other animals made from wheat dough. The figurines were given to each other and used to decorate the interior of the house.

Merry Christmas to you!


Christmas is a family holiday! It's a must
celebrate with your closest and dearest people.

Angel - let joy into your home!
The first to worship the little son of God,
there were shepherds - true children of nature!
The good news of the birth of Jesus Christ was brought to them by the Angel of Good News!
Therefore, it is believed that the Angel is the main symbol of Christmas!

So that peace, harmony and comfort reign at home all year round,
Decorate it before Christmas with angel figures!

Place on shelves or hang on the Christmas tree.

What Christmas table dishes will give us happiness?

January 6 with the appearance of the first star in the sky,
symbolizing the Birth of Jesus Christ, you can sit down at the festive table!

So that happiness and joy do not leave your home until next Christmas,
The table must have:

Christmas kutia (sochivo). You should start your meal with it.
According to biblical legend, a man who is hungry
If your stomach eats at least one spoonful of kutya, you will live in health and prosperity all year round.

Poultry (duck or goose), cooked whole...
It’s not for nothing that at Christmas they say from time immemorial: “a bird on the table means happiness in the house.”

Gingerbread cookies, cookies in the shape of angels and stars, pies and pancakes.

They need to be put on the Christmas table at the end of dinner,
when all the guests have tried kutya and poultry.

Also treat those who come to caroling with baked goods.

Vzvar is a compote made from dried fruits. According to legend,
if you use this drink at the Christmas table,
Illnesses and misfortunes will be avoided all year.

Christmas signs.

Events that happened to you on the night before Christmas
and Christmas itself, can predict a happy future.

If an unexpected guest knocks on your door on Christmas night,
then be sure to let him into the house and treat him to various dishes.
Then the whole year will be happy and successful for your family!
And the house will always be full of friends, relatives and loved ones!

If the Christmas candles do not go out, but burn out completely,
then in the new year you will have an unexpected, but great joy!

What not to do on Christmas Day.

There are many different things associated with the blessed day of Christmas.
traditions and customs. Just like on many Orthodox holidays,
It's better not to do it on Christmas:

Do household chores: cleaning, sewing, embroidery,
washing, ironing and even cooking.

Take care of all the treats for the Christmas table
already on Christmas Eve - January 6th. Also, during the holiday, do not start renovations at home.

Quarrel not only with loved ones, but even strangers.

On this day you should do only good deeds and say good words.

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ - January 7 - go to church
for Christmas services. They go from early morning until late evening.

Light candles and ask Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary
health and well-being!

Prayer for healing illnesses

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus, grant me healing for my illness(es). Heal me from... (list specifically what you want to be healed from). If there are any obstacles to healing, You reveal them to me. Reveal the sins I need to repent of, reveal what needs to change in my life, teach me what I need to do to receive healing. Amen".

Prayer for family well-being

“Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-questioning of all that is good; do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and hardship
separation, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition and thieves’ attacks. Yes, and we are collectively and separately, openly and secretly
We will glorify Your Holy name always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Most Holy Theotokos, save us! Amen".

Prayer for help in business

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, forgive all my sins and help me to live a sinless life. Help me not to step on the mines of sins that will bring me pain and suffering. Teach me to fulfill Your commandments. Teach me to live the way You want. I ask you, help me decide
all my problems. Help me earn enough to live. Help me to be healed of my illnesses. Help me with housing (list your needs). Help me in all my affairs. Deliver me from all evil, protect and protect me. Amen".

Merry Christmas!

Caroling is one of the most ancient Slavic rituals. It consists of a group of children coming to people’s houses with good wishes and receiving a reward for this.

Carols are a favorite pastime for children. They like it because, firstly, it’s real fun, and secondly, you can get a lot of money and goodies.

True, modern children no longer sing carols for sweets; they are much more interested in getting money. But before starting the ritual, it is worth understanding when and how exactly it is carried out.

What is the history of carols

In the 15th century, the church opposed this, in its opinion, “a demonic rite” and made an attempt to give caroling a different meaning. But the clergy failed to take control of this ritual.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to sow the threshold of a house on January 6th. This custom has not lost its relevance in our time.

People began to sow in pre-Christian times. It was believed that the more sown, the richer the harvest.

Usually only children sowed, who were generously presented with all kinds of sweets. Since then, children have loved this ritual so much.

When do they sing carols in Russia, on what date? Caroling should not be confused with Christmas. They carol on January 6th, and celebrate Christmas on the 7th. Many people carol on the 7th, thinking that this is correct.

As for the tradition of sowing, it was “moved” to January 14, although this is one of the oldest traditions of the caroling ritual.

It is believed that the first sower should be a man. If a woman enters the house first, this is not good.

How to carol correctly

What are carols? These are songs of Slavic peoples that are sung on the night before Christmas. They should be sung from the very morning until the night of God’s birth.

According to tradition, in order to start the caroling ritual, you need to gather at least three people. The songs of three people will sound louder, which means that heaven will hear them better and bestow goodness on people.

The ranks of carolers can include not only children, but also adults, both men and women.

The leader of the carolers is the star. A star is a person who goes ahead of everyone. It must have a star (hence the name). Usually, the role of star is chosen by the one who knows the songs best and sings them loudest.

Also, among the carolers there is a bell ringer. The bell ringer's mission is to carry a large bell. He rings it, thus notifying all the people in the area that carolers are coming.

Carolers have another equally important role - mekhonosh. This man follows the star and the bell ringer. The main thing that a mekhonosh should do is to collect “carols”, that is, all the sweets, money and gifts. For this purpose, he must have with him a large bag or other object, where the owners of the houses will put a reward for the carolers.

It is very important that they themselves put gifts in the bag, because the mekhonosh should not take anything from the hands of people.

Unfortunately, this role distribution has not been preserved today. It is rare to find carolers who follow these ancient traditions.

In practice, among the carolers there are only children who do not follow each other, but simply in company. They sing carols in chorus and accept gifts from their hosts from hand to hand.

The most important thing that modern carolers should do is to learn the carols well.

Those who still want to follow the long-standing Slavic tradition and achieve the correct execution of the ceremony need to do the following:

  1. You need to make an eight-pointed star. How to make a Christmas Star for carols? Ideally, it should be made of wires, but for those who do not want to bother too much with this, there is a simpler option. You can cut it out of thick cardboard. The star carried by the bell ringer must be yellow or gold in color. Use paints to decorate it. You can also decorate the star with ribbons.
  2. Prepare a large bell. It should ring well. If there is no big one, you can take a small one, the main thing is that its ringing can be heard by everyone in the area.
  3. Take a large bag where you will put the gifts. The bag must be bright. Most often, carolers take a red bag, which they always decorate with something.
  4. And most importantly: assign roles and follow each other. The first is the star, who carries the star, then the bell ringer, who rings the bell, and the last is the bell-bearer. If there are other people in the row of carolers, then they must follow the caller.

How do people dress for Carols? Each caroler must be festively dressed. Both simple bright costumes and folk costumes are perfect for this ritual.

If you don’t have a folk costume, then simply add folklore elements to your wardrobe.

There is another option - dress up in a Christmas character costume. For example, a goat. The goat symbolizes wealth and well-being.

Children's Christmas carols

Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
The falcon has arrived
Sat at the window
I cut the cloth.
And the leftovers are for the owners’ hats,
And the scraps and for the belts,
Hello, happy holiday!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.
Even if you chop
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy
Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

Russian folk carols

Long gone out in the winter darkness
Eastern star,
But we didn’t forget on earth
Birth of Christ.
How the shepherds came to him
Until morning time
How the sages presented
He has his gifts.
How the king killed babies
Rewarding the killer
How a sent angel saved
Sacred child.
How, preaching love,
And the truth of the Divine,
Every year he was born again
For the Christmas holiday.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

This night is holy
This night of salvation
Announced to the whole world
The Mystery of the Incarnation.
Shepherdesses near the flock
We didn't sleep that night.
The holy angel flew to them
From the bright distance of heaven
“And I was there, drinking mead beer...”

Christmas carols in Ukrainian

Good evening to you, sir, rejoice,

Cover the tables with kilims, rejoice,
Oh, rejoice, O earth, the Son of God was born.
So put rolls of spring wheat, rejoice,
Oh, rejoice, O earth, the Son of God was born.
For three holidays to come to visit you, rejoice,
Oh, rejoice, O earth, the Son of God was born.
And the first holiday: Nativity of Christ, rejoice,
Oh, rejoice, O earth, the Son of God was born.
And another holiday: St. Basil, Rejoice,
Oh, rejoice, O earth, the Son of God was born.
And the third holiday: Holy Vodohreshcha, rejoice,
Oh, rejoice, O earth, the Son of God was born.

There are boards on our doors.
Let the little ones warm up before the house,
Let the little ones warm up before the house.

Let it go to the house, let it go to the stove,
Let your shoulders warm up to the stove,
Let your shoulders warm up to the stove.

Let it go to the house, let it go to the rudeness,
Let your teeth get rough,
Let your teeth get rough.

Yes gorikhiv, we will bite
Give us the uzvara - we’ll sing,
Give us some food and we’ll eat.

Belarusian carols

This morning, the dawn has lit up,
In the evening the dawn was sanctified, the dawn was sanctified.

Zora sanctified, cheered the light,
Zora blessed, cheered the light, cheered the light.

Involve people, instill Christ,
Involve people, instill Christ, instill Christ.

The light rejoiced, Christ was born,
The light rejoiced, Christ was born, Christ was born.

The birth of Christ is for the relief of people,
Christ is born to people for relief, people for relief.

Be healthy, give us a carol,
Be healthy, give us a carol, give us a carol.

Have a great Christmastide, don’t do any harm,
Have a great holiday, don't do any harm, don't do any harm.

Oh, the Kalada is coming, the carols are happy,
Well, Yana and Pana Stsiapana came in pad akno:
- Oh, Mr. Scyapane, good daughters in your life,
What are your good daughters doing?
- What did my good daughters do?
And in the herd, everything is measured.
Three shynkos and chats were intended,
And you chatyrs for you, Kalyadniks, Kalyada!

I began to rejoice again,
There was no yak.
Above Batlemam the star is clear,
Svetla began to shine.

There Christ rejoices,
Z Dzevy ўtselavіўsya,
In heaven and on earth
Thank you to us.

Angels sleep
Jesus is flying,
In heaven and on earth
The world is right!

Author of the article: Dubinets Alena

The tradition of caroling, giving generously and sowing came to us from ancient times - from the times of the pagans. This is one of the favorite activities and entertainment of both adults and children. Carolers, generosists, sowers go to visit: relatives, friends, godparents, neighbors. It's fun, interesting, and you can collect some money and goodies. But before performing the rituals, you should figure out how to do it correctly, when to go caroling, to give generously and to sow.

When to carol, give generously and sow?

Many people confuse when it is necessary to carol, to give generously and to sow. So:

How to carol, give generously and sow correctly?

Having figured out the dates of holiday rituals, we will find out what their difference is, how to conduct and perform them correctly.

You can start caroling with the appearance of the first star in the sky. At this time, the festive dinner begins, and those who wish go to congratulate with carols on the birth of Christ. Traditionally, in the village they sing carols, walking from house to house, without passing anyone. But in a big city, it’s enough to go around your neighbors’ apartments. When entering the house of the owners, you need to ask permission to carol. If you refuse, leave, silently and without offense. Of course, you can’t refuse, because... it is considered a sin.

In the old days, a group of carolers consisted of three people, where the main caroler, the star, was chosen. He walked ahead of everyone and carried in his hands a star, which symbolizes the birth of the baby Jesus Christ. A person with a loud voice and a good knowledge of carols was chosen as the star-maker. A bell-ringer followed him and carried a large bell, with which he notified that carolers were coming. The third person is a mechonosh. He carried a brightly colored bag decorated with embroidered or painted stars, a sun and a moon. The owners put sweets and treats in it, since it is not customary to take gifts from the hands of the owners.

Carols are sung slowly and drawn out, and at the end they read congratulations and bow to the owners of the house.

Nowadays people give money for carols, but previously they gave them candy, apples, nuts, sausage, ham and other goodies for breaking the fast after the Nativity Fast.

In any case, it is worth remembering that every family considers it an honor that carolers came to wish them a Merry Christmas, and did not bypass them.

Popular carols in Russian and Ukrainian:

Today an Angel has descended upon us

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Here we go, shepherds,

All our sins are forgiven.

We make our way to home,

We glorify Christ God.

I sing a carol for you,

God bless you with a harvest

Generous fields, flowering gardens,

Star in the sky on Holy Eve

For adults and children.

My carol is mooning,

The whole world is out with the Holidays.

Many people mistakenly think that caroling can be done at Christmas. However, on the morning of January 7th they celebrate Christmas, i.e. sing Christmas songs and wish Merry Christmas.

Meanwhile, in the southern regions of the country, including the Rostov region, slightly different traditions have taken root since the times of Soviet power. On the evening of January 6, on the eve of Christmas, children wear kutya to their relatives, friends, godparents and neighbors. And on the evening of January 7, adults walk around the yards of friends with comic carols.

Caroling on the night before Christmas, with songs of religious content and a Christmas star, is almost no longer found in the south of Russia.

They are generous in the evening on the eve of the Old New Year - January 13th. Their characteristic difference from carols is the chorus “Generous evening, good evening to good people, good health!” The ancestors believed that on Generous Evening Malanka-Water comes with Vasily the Moon to stay and bring prosperity and good luck to the owners for the coming year.

On the morning of January 13, housewives prepare a festive dinner of 12 non-Lenten dishes. An obligatory dish is the ritual generous kutya. They also bake pancakes, pies, make roast and homemade sausage, and make dumplings with cheese and cottage cheese. These dishes are given to generous givers (January 13) and sowers (January 14).

Generous people go door to door from evening to midnight, entering after the invitation of the owners. They are generous mostly girls, but bachelor groups also go. All the guys dress in masks, and one of them wears a woman’s outfit. The male group is nicknamed “they are leading Melanka”, and the one dressed as a woman is “Melanka”. Generous people read good wishes to the owners, wishing for a rich harvest, livestock offspring, good swarming of bees, well-being, health, happiness and prosperity. They entertain with dances, songs and comic skits. The ancestors believed in every word and the magical function of generous gifts.

How to sow correctly

Early in the morning of January 14, when it begins to dawn, young people go home and sow. According to popular beliefs, on January 14, a man should be the first to enter the house - both a child and an adult: this will bring prosperity and happiness. Girls will not bring happiness, so traditionally only boys sow.

Men fill fabric bags or mittens with grain: wheat, barley, rye, rice. Usually they start sowing from their own home, for which the parents gave the boys sweets and money.

Arriving at the house, the sowers must ask the owners for permission to perform the ceremony. Usually there are never any failures, because... the sower is always a welcome guest.

Entering the house, the sowers greet the owners, congratulate them on the New Year, sow the apartment with grain and sprinkle it on the owners. This action is accompanied by the words: “We sow, we weed, we sow, Happy New Year! Even though it’s the Old New Year, it still brings goodness!”

The owners invited the sowers to the table, treated them to pies, and presented them with apples and bagels. And if desired, the most generous thanksgiving was money.

The grain that was sown is considered a talisman, so it is not swept away until sunset.

The star, the mekhonosh, the goat, the bear, Herod, the three kings - these are perhaps the brightest and most memorable characters of the traditional Christmas holidays. In the old days, not a single Christmas celebration was complete without these mummers. Even today, groups of adults and children, going caroling on January 6 and 7, are happy to try on these colorful costumes. They also make sure to learn carols and schedrovki - funny songs that are an integral part of the ancient ritual for Christmas and January 13 for the Old New Year. From our article today you will learn how to carol and be generous correctly, what to say, and also find the words of the most popular and beautiful songs and traditional poems.

How and when to carol correctly on January 6-7 for Christmas and Old New Year

It is no secret that for many decades religious traditions in our country were banned. But, despite this, most of them, including schedrovkas with carols, have survived to this day almost in their original form. True, not all modern children and adults are familiar with them. For example, the question of how and when to carol and give generously - on January 6-7 for Christmas or for the Old New Year - remains one of the most pressing. In fact, in different regions of our country and neighboring countries, the time of day and night when caroling and giving may vary. This is due to local traditions and folk customs. However, the dates and holidays when you can carol and give generously are common to everyone. Therefore, so that the question of when and how to carol/generate correctly - on Christmas (January 6-7) or on the Old New Year (January 13-14) no longer arises, remember:

  • January 6 - caroling
  • January 7 - Christmas
  • January 13 - generous
  • January 14 - sowing

When can you carol and be generous?

In most regions, caroling, rather than generosity, begins on the evening of the 6th after the first star appears in the sky. The mummers go from house to house, sing songs glorifying the birth of the Savior, and wish the owners well-being and prosperity. In return, the mummers receive sweet treats and cash rewards for their songs. On the morning of January 7, girls and children celebrate Christmas - they sing ritual songs about the birth of Jesus Christ. Unlike carolers, they do not dress up in costumes, except folk ones, and not songs about Kolyada. On the night of the Old New Year, young boys and girls go to give generously and sing. They also sing songs about prosperity in the coming year (shchedrovki) and receive treats for their efforts. And on the morning of January 14, it is customary not to be generous, but to sow - to go from house to house and generously sprinkle the owners with grain and coins. This ritual is accompanied by special verses and symbolizes prosperity and a rich harvest in the new year. Traditionally, men do the sowing, as well as the generosity, since it is believed that the man who is the first to cross the threshold of his master’s house in the new year brings good luck. This is exactly what the main moments look like on those holidays when you can be generous with poems and songs.

How to carol correctly at Christmas and what should you say?

The idea of ​​how to carol (generously) correctly at Christmas and what should be said to the owners can vary greatly depending on the specific region and local customs. But there are also a number of common traditions that are characteristic of Christmas caroling/generosity outside of local customs. For example, carolers must go from house to house in groups of at least 3 people. The most important caroler is the star. Traditionally, the most vocal member of the group, who knows carols, schedrovkas and Christmas poems very well, is appointed as the star. In addition to the fact that he plays the role of the main lead singer, he is also entrusted with another honorable mission - wearing a star. The star symbolizes the good sign of the birth of Jesus and announces his appearance in this world. In addition to the star, among the carolers there must be a bell ringer and a bell bearer. The first carries a large bell and thereby notifies the owners that mummers are approaching their yard. Mekhonosha, in turn, carries a large beautiful bag for gifts - sweets and money that people give to the singers.

What to say to carolers, what words and poems

Before starting poems and songs, according to tradition, carolers must ask the owners of the house for permission to carol. In the old days, refusing mummers at Christmas was considered unacceptable, but today many can easily refuse carolers. Therefore, it would be most correct to ask permission first with a simple phrase: “Good evening! Can I sing carols?" After the owners' approval, you can start caroling - singing songs and reading traditional short poems. At the end of the performance, the hosts present the singers with gifts, and they, in turn, thank the hosts for their generosity with good wishes for peace and prosperity. Now that you know how to carol correctly at Christmas and what to say (poems, songs), be sure to put your knowledge into practice on January 6th.

Kolyada, Kolyada

Open the gates

Get out the chests

Serve the snouts.

Even if you chop

Even a nickel

Let's not leave home like that!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

It's Christmas Eve!

The sparrow flies

Twirls his tail,

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Happy Christmas!

Hello, treats

Please accept congratulations!

You will live together for up to two hundred years!

I wish you happiness and good health!

Merry Christmas,

Happy New Year!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!

Sons and daughters have come to you!

You meet carolers,

Greet us with a smile!


She arrived young.

We found a carol

In Ivan's yard!

Hey, Uncle Ivan,

Take the good stuff out into the yard!

How cold it is outside

Freezes nose

Doesn't tell me to stand for long

He orders it to be served soon,

Or a warm pie

Or money with a spear,

Or a silver ruble!

Traditional songs and poems for those who are going to carol at Christmas

According to tradition, mainly children and young people gather to carol at Christmas with songs and poems. Adults can also accompany a group of carolers and participate in the process of caroling, for example, portraying various characters. Depending on the region, the texts of Christmas songs and poems differ, but there are also traditional versions that are always relevant. These are the so-called folk poems and carols, in which there is a mention of Kolyada - the pagan goddess of fertility. It was to her that our ancestors dedicated their songs on the New Year holiday. Later, this pagan holiday was combined with Christian Christmas, which led to the appearance of the so-called “church” carols - folk songs and poems about the birth of Jesus Christ. Next, you will find options for traditional songs and poems for those who are going to carol for Christmas 2017 and the Old New Year. With their help, both children and adults can carol.

Kolyada, Kolyada!

And sometimes Kolyada

On the eve of Christmas.

Kolyada has arrived

Christmas brought.


Christmas Eve

Even a ruble, even a nickel -

We won't just leave!

Today an Angel came down to us

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ

And congratulate you on the holiday!

Here we go, shepherds,

All our sins are forgiven,

We bring you good news,

We won’t leave without gifts!

Carols, carols, carols,

Pancakes are good with honey,

And without honey it’s not the same,

Give me some pies, aunt (or uncle)!

Merry Christmas to you, people!

May you have peace and harmony,

So that you don't know grief

And they were rich!

Kolyada - molyada

I entered a new gate!

And behind it comes the frost

It has grown over the tyn!

He brought cold

So, grandfather Arkhip

Became young!

The frost is small

Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand!

The frost does not tell me to stand,

It's time for us to carol.


Hurry up and give me a carol!

Feet are chilly

I'll run home.

Who will give

He is the prince

Who won't give -

Togo in the dirt!

Kalidim, Kalidim I am alone with my dad,

My dad sent me

So that I can get bread.

I don’t want bread, give me some sausage,

If you don't give me the sausage, I'll destroy the whole house.

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,

I'm alone with my mother,

Knee-deep casing,

Give me some pie, uncle!

Open the chest

Give me a penny!

What is in the oven - swords in the bag!

Here comes mother - winter has come,

Open the gate!

Christmas time has arrived!

The carols have arrived!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.

God bless whoever is in this house.

We wish good things to all people:

Gold, silver,

Lush pies,

Soft pancakes

Good health,

Cow butter.

How many aspens,

So many pigs for you;

How many Christmas trees

So many cows;

How many candles

So many sheep.

Good luck to you,

The owner and the hostess

Great health,

Happy New Year,

With all the family!

Kolyada, Kolyada!

A carol came

On the eve of Christmas.

Who will give me some pie?

So the barn is full of cattle,

Ovin with oats,

A stallion with a tail.

You will give us -

We will praise

And you won’t give -

We will reproach!

Kolyada, Kolyada!

Serve the pie!

How to carol at Christmas correctly - options for traditional costumes

To carol correctly at Christmas, you need not only to know songs and poems, but also be sure to dress in traditional costumes for this ritual, of which there are quite a few options. What is noteworthy is that most carol costumes do not require any special material costs and are very easy to make. However, like the characters themselves, in which adults and children are traditionally reincarnated on January 6 and 7 for Christmas and the Old New Year. The most popular among them are the following images: goat, bear, gypsy, angel, horse, devil. The most current and simplest costume options include masks - homemade or purchased, symbolizing different characters and animals. For example, it is very easy to make a goat costume from a dark sheepskin coat and a horned mask. A memorable and simple image of a gypsy can also be easily achieved with the help of a long skirt, bright jewelry and a colorful scarf. Believe me, caroling and giving generously in this way will be very fun and correct. You will learn more about how to carol correctly, what you need to say while doing so, and which costumes are best to choose from the video below.
