Have a nice day, my love. Original wishes for a loved one have a good day

My dear, good morning!
Open your eyes soon!
Let the day pass like a fairy tale
And gives only miracles!
Please smile today
And don't forget about me!
Say goodbye to sorrows,
Let luck beat over the edge!

I wish you more beautiful moments
Best friends and compliments,
May the day be happy and successful
You are only more fun with every minute!

What does a good day mean to you?
This is when it's too lazy to be sad!
When happiness flows like a stormy river
And the heart laughs with joy again!
So today, my dear,
I wish you such a day!

You are the most beautiful!
And the most attractive
So let your day
It will be wonderful!

My most beautiful girl
With all my heart I wish you a good day,
Let everything go well with you
Let sharp corners be smoothed out.
I wish you much joy and happiness
Let it wash away with the rain of bad weather,
Let the news pleasantly surprise
May all good things surround you.

Wishing a girl a good day and mood

My love, let this morning
The most wonderful thing will be for you!
Every minute will be happy
Have a beautiful day ahead!
May success await you beyond the threshold,
You smile, think of me!
May the day be full of fun, laughter,
He promises the best for you!

I want to spend the day smiling!
After all, you are so charming and sweet, birds
I start to sing when I see you smile
To them, flowers bloom for you the answer, and I
I just love you and love your smile!
I ask you very much - always smile!
Have a nice day, love!

May the day please you with a gift
Let the sun look into your peaceful home ...
And from love, let it be only hot,
Tell me about it later in the day!
I want your day to be very nice,
So that there is a lot of happiness and good luck!

Luck will visit you today
My wish will fly to you!
It is magical and not simple,
So soft and precious!

I wish you a good day
The most beautiful girl on earth
Let the sun warm with its warmth
Let the whole day be filled with magic.
I wish you joy, good luck, happiness,
Let all misfortunes pass by
Let the mood be wonderful all day
Let luck follow you like a shadow.

A ray of sun falls through the window
Bunny caressing your eyelids.
But to wake up completely is not given,
You are still in captivity of beautiful bliss.
Hair scattered everywhere
On the pillow, and on the thin neck.
You lie naked in a dream
And this one is even nicer to me.
How magnificent in nakedness,
All your captivating forms.
I admire you, I'm sorry
Disturb the dream of a beautiful maiden.
But it's time to get up, I'll wake you up
You with a long, tender kiss,
Wake up the sun, I'll say quietly
Honey, I love you alone.

SMS wishes for a good day to a girl

And I wish with all my heart
You smile more often
Be fun and simple.
So that everyone around you loves
And remembered in difficult times.
Well, in general, be as cute,
As smart as now!

I rush to you with affection and warmth,
After all, you are the most important thing in my destiny!
I want to wish you today
So that you can dream all day long!
And let this day go wonderfully
May you be, as usual, you are lovely!

Have a good day!
Good times!
great achievements
And my compliments!

My love, I miss you so much
That just can't even find the words!
I'm sending you a message
To wish you a wonderful day!
I want this day to be easy
May you be as happy as anyone!

hello hello wake up
And smile beautifully
This is your sun
I'll tell you everything:
About how much I love you
And without you I can't
And for the rays to shine
It is necessary that the hands
Your hugged me!

The first ray of sunshine pleasantly surprised you,
He gave warmth, a smile, joy,
A good day morning portends
I wish you good luck from the bottom of my heart.
Have a nice day my love
There is no more beautiful you in the world
May the day give you many wonderful moments,
Victory to you, success, achievements.

Smiling passers-by
You shine with beauty!
My best -
This day is all yours!

Let important things be done
Complex tasks are solved
Let there be a lot of laughter around
And endless success!

I'm happy with you, that's for sure!
Baby, I love you so much!
And, that's because I even adore
I wish you a wonderful day!
More positive and good luck
Solutions to all existing problems!

Wishes for a good day to a girl in your own words

Good morning and have a nice day! And even though our city is not Paris, I am sure that you will conquer everyone today!

Today I wish you a smile, beauty to shine! May fate help you realize all your plans!

May the day be cool, may it bring a lot of success and new ideas, may everything succeed and a wonderful life will definitely begin today!

May this day be good! May it bring happiness, I wish you not to be bored, but to be cheerful, live and dance!

Smile! Happiness is near! To reach him! You just have to smile, and everything will come by itself!

May this day bring good luck, because you, my love, mean a lot to me!

May today bring good luck, fill your life with happiness!

Dear, let today be joyful and cool, beautiful and in this life not at all in vain, but good, kind, bright, very cool and noticeable!

Let the sun smile at you! I wish that everything today is desirable and possible! If only everything worked out that day, and of course it came true right away!

Not always in the morning people are in a good mood. But you really want to go to work or study with a smile on your face. To feel a moral uplift, you can wish everyone a good day and a good mood along the way. If you are a shy person and do not want to smile at all passers-by, and even more so to talk to strangers, then you may well wish good morning only to your household and colleagues. And how to do it - read below.

Good day wishes for a girl

All the fair sex is pleased to receive declarations of love. It is especially nice to hear tender words from a loved one in the morning. You can wish all the girls a good day and a good mood in a poetic form. For example, write an SMS or whisper rhyming lines gently in your ear. An example of such a poem:

Have a nice day, my love.

Don't let a cloud cover the sun.

And the day is amazing and fussy,

To joy, beautiful, easy to fly!

But not all men are ready to talk about their feelings day and night. Therefore, you can express your good relationship with warm words, without an explicit declaration of love. For example, tell a girl that she is the best and most beautiful.

good day wishes for boyfriend

All men want to be admired. And if girls are pleased with compliments that emphasize their external beauty, then the representatives of the stronger sex prefer praise to character and spiritual qualities. And it is precisely such wishes that they will be pleased to hear or read in the morning. A girl can write a cute note or SMS with poetry. You can rhyme the lines yourself, or you can use the verse written below:

May your day be on a positive note

Nothing will interfere, will not bring down,

Be vigilant, like a falcon on the hunt,

If the goal is set - go ahead!

You can also wish a man a good day and a good mood orally. For example, tell a guy that he is the smartest and smartest of all your friends. And also to wish good luck in his current project. The guy will be pleased that you remember what he is doing.

Good day wishes to parents

To please your loved ones, it is not necessary to write poetry to them. Parents always enjoy the attention of their children. And it doesn’t even matter how old the child is - 3 years or 30 years old. Have a good day and good mood to all parents every day. If it is not possible to say warm words tete-a-tete, then you can always call. An example of such a wish: "Mom, you are my best. Thank you for being you. This day will definitely be sunny, the mood will be spring, and let the smile never leave your lips." But by and large, parents don't even care what you tell them. Attention itself is what flatters our dear people.

Unlike moms, dads don't show their feelings very often. But this does not mean that they do not want to hear warm words. You can wish all fathers a good day and a good mood not with words, but with gestures. For example, a gentle kiss on the cheek or a tight hug.

Good day wishes for children

Unlike parents, the child enjoys almost every day. And the morning is overshadowed by an early rise only if the parents could not put their child to bed on time. Otherwise, the child is rarely dissatisfied. But still, this does not mean that he should not wish good morning. Wishes for a good day and good mood can be made into a kind of ritual. Mom comes into the room, opens the curtains or turns on the light, gently touches the child on the shoulder and whispers: "Good morning." The child wakes up, hugs his mother and hears gentle words in his ear. Here you can come up with some one special phrase, for example: "I love you, you are my best." Or change statements daily, for example, read funny poems:

Color your day with a watercolor of emotions,

Scatter and sparkle a bit of fun.

And let the bright sun into your soul.

Have a nice day, dear son!

You can also wish a good day directly in kindergarten. The child should be glad that many new discoveries and impressions await him today.

Good day wishes for students

Children grow up quickly, and from the age of 12-14 they move away from their parents. Rarely does a child allow himself to be hugged and kissed. You need to understand that this is a normal stage of growing up, and give your child more free space. But this does not mean that one should not wish the child a good morning and afternoon and a good mood. Rituals started from childhood, it is quite possible to continue. And if there are no such traditions in the family, then they can be created. For example, at breakfast, you can arrange a battle for a pie for the best wish. Whoever shows great originality gets a sweet present. If the mother does not want to deprive the child of the bun, then she can simply wish him good luck. It can be something like neutral: "Good luck to you, son, get straight A's today." Or something more original:

I wish you a good day

May it turn out better than you expect.

Spend it with a cheerful smile,

After all, what you sow is what you reap.

Easy ways to lift your spirits

So that a person does not go gloomy all day, he can be played in the morning. Of course, this should not be a cruel joke, but something cute. For example, stuff your jacket pockets with sweets or make your backpack heavier by putting a couple of kilograms of tangerines in it. Such gentle jokes will not only cheer you up, but will also be a great snack during the day.

If you don’t feel like making fun of your loved ones, then you can just prepare some pleasant surprise. For example, send a bouquet of flowers to your girlfriend, just like that, for no reason. Or buy a Kinder Surprise for your child for breakfast.

You can wish good morning by SMS or a message on a social network. Or you can take a funny photo, post it on Instagram and tag a loved one with the hashtag “good morning”. You can also send a funny picture with a cute poem.

Good morning, good day and good mood can be wished both with or without reason. For example, on the day of a difficult test or the day a project is handed over, a person needs additional support. But even in ordinary everyday life, you want to know that they are worried about you, that they love you and take care of you. So do not wait for a special occasion to please your loved ones.

The theme of this collection Wish a good day in your own words, only the best parting words from a sincere heart and soul!

Let the energy that you accumulated over the past night give impetus to new achievements and great deeds.

My good morning your good mood. And vice versa! Beloved, start the day with thoughts of beauty!

Congratulations on this wonderful morning! I wish that it is precisely today that it will open for you a day that will bring the most wonderful discoveries and accomplishments!

Good morning, my gentle angel, may this day bring you an unforgettable mood and meetings with amazing people.

Morning has come, I wish you a day filled with smiles and laughter, kindness, love, happiness and success!

Good morning sunshine. I wish your alarm clock a powerful battery and nerves of steel!

I wish you a great day! Enjoy every minute of this day! Don't get hung up on problems, better tune in to win.

This morning I wish you confident cheerfulness, high aspiration and indispensable good luck from the very morning!

I wish you on this day - happiness and light, warmth, compliments and fulfill all your desires!

Start the day with a positive, so that until the evening it will be wonderful! I send you all my love, tenderness and good mood!

Catch the most sincere wishes of a carefree day, my dear one, from me!

Good morning! May it really be kind and beautiful!

Good morning! Let the sun shine through the window, warm, invigorate, inspire!

I wish you a good and cheerful morning. The way it will give a cheerful mood, sincere emotions and a positive charge for the whole day.

Good morning! Let everything you have planned for today come true!

Start every morning with a win! Over your laziness, over your fears! A wonderful life ahead!

To the one who is always in my heart and thoughts, I wish you a good day!

Let the day be only kind, and the work incomparable! Let the money flow like a river, if anything, share it with me!

This morning and for the rest of the day, good luck! Crazy, unprecedented, violent, wild, fantastic, bright and magnificent!

Do not forget to smile at those around you, recharge your positive energy from your friends and remember that I am really looking forward to our next meeting, because every day without you turns into a real eternity and torture.

Careless flight of thoughts to you today and the most inspired morning.

Good day to you, let the morning sun charge you with positive energy for the whole day!

May this day give you lots of strength and energy! Kiss you! Waiting for our meeting!

I wish this morning to be truly good! And the whole coming day caused only smiles!

Good morning and even better day

Good morning, bunny! May this day be better than yesterday. I wish you good luck and good mood.

Throw off the blanket and sleepiness at night! Good morning! A new day prepares adventures and guarantees success. Do not oversleep him, otherwise someone will be faster.

Through thousands of kilometers, I feel your heart, beloved and dear. Good morning.

My love. While you are sleeping, my friend, a ray of sunshine creeps slowly over your pillow to wake you up and convey from me the wish of the very best good morning.

Good morning! Luck chooses optimists, so I wish you positive courage to earn the attention of a bird of happiness, to be treated kindly by her choice and ready for trials with sheer luck.

I wish today to spread out in front of you as a solid white stripe!

Let all the problems about you be forgotten that day, and in the evening I will wait for you at home with dinner!

With love and tenderness I wish you a good morning and a wonderful day!

Good morning! Let everything that your heart desires come true today without difficulty! You are a very purposeful and hardworking person, which means that success is guaranteed to you!

Good morning to you - may the day be successful and easy, may your mood be great and your well-being be cheerful!

Good morning wish you! May this day bring good luck! I want to smile, not be sad! Today, let you be lucky in everything!

The morning has come, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, only you are missing!

Good Morning, let the dawn delight you with shades and birdsong.

You are my beloved sun, open your eyes quickly, because it has long been a warm morning. Good morning

Let this morning be the most unusual and amazing! Good morning!

I wish good luck to accompany you all day!

Sunny, wake up, the morning has come! Smile soon now the sun can hide in the sky, because you give much more light and heat!

Morning has come, go ahead to do noble deeds and good deeds!

Good morning! May good luck flash over your head as a bright, dazzling star and fall right into your palms.

I wish that every day begins with a smile and with the expectation of an incredible life episode!

I wish you the warmest and most wonderful morning. I wish you a sweet awakening and great goals!

Good morning! May the day be clear, and the mood be only wonderful!

On this day, believe in yourself, in your strengths and step forward towards new victories and achievements!

My precious, wake up, a delicious breakfast awaits you. Good morning, smile to the new day!

Good morning! Believe in yourself and boldly do what you need, and then luck will definitely be on your side.

Good morning. I want to wish you an active awakening and a breath of inspiration, a great day and a wonderful evening, a great mood and great feelings.

May you always have someone to wake up for, may only attractive and joyful emotions await constantly around the corner.

May all thunderstorms, storms and cataclysms pass your peace of mind today. And only the warm spring sunbeams, breaking through the rainbow, will illuminate and warm up the mood.

Good morning! May it be like this for the rest of our lives!

With the best start to your exclusive day!

May everything work out for you today, may your day be good! Beautiful, clear and beautiful!

My most desired and dearest, beloved, good and most dear good morning !!!

Dear, I am sending you a ton of good mood and the same amount of luck for the whole day in SMS!

I wish you a good morning, say goodbye to the blanket, leave your sweet dream!

This morning will be the kindest, for sure. Just don't miss your happiness, look carefully.

Good morning! With all my heart I wish you a beautiful and brilliant starfall.

I wish you a great day and endless luck!

I want to wish you, with all my warm heart, the best morning in the world, let the sun smile at your window and wake you up with its soft and gentle light.

Let dreams, desires and hopes, even the most fantastic ones, begin to come true this morning. Good morning!

I wish you a great day! Do not forget that any day can give you joy, you just have to think about it.

Good morning! I wish you good luck, luck and the assistance of higher powers on the way to your goal!

May this day be good, beautiful and serene, and may the streak of successful days, love, kindness begin!

May this coming day bring you something new and fill you with positive and discoveries!

I wish you good morning and great mood. Let the morning rays of the sun knock on your window!

May this day bring joy and pleasure, so that you, without bothering at all, reach unprecedented heights!

Get up, things do not wait, along with sleep, the time to relax is over! Morning brings new today!

Good morning. I wish you to wake up with a wonderful mood and an invincible desire to conquer peaks and create something good and kind. Good luck for the whole day, joy and fun.

I wish you to absorb all the positive energy of the coming day and breathe deeply.

Every morning is the time to start life again.

In order not to bother with which leg to get up in the morning, just fall out of bed ...

Wish a good day in your own words - Your smile gives more light than hundreds of stars! You are the universe for me! My own sun! With a wonderful awakening

What can each of us do, creating an atmosphere for a good mood? I’ll tell you a secret, you need to invite this mood to visit! How? Have you heard of good day pictures? They have the magical power to make our lives beautiful.

Whether we are male or female, young or old, we can design our day with our own hands. And you can start from the very morning, so that, without missing a single hour of the day, you can remain happy.

Let's start the day with us with a magical recipe that will become the basis of your bright and beautiful day. Write down the ingredients! So, you opened your eyes, and you immediately need:

  1. Smile kindly to yourself;
  2. Wish yourself and everyone around you a good day;
  3. Have a bright and good dream;
  4. It is worthy to meet with joyful delight the Sunny Bunny that has looked to visit you.
  5. Wishing everyone happiness all day long.
Just a few simple things, but they awaken emotions for a great mood, they will help to bring a sincere smile to our face and infect all your loved ones with positive.


What will help you smile? What power does a smile have?

Imagine, in the morning, as soon as you opened your eyes, a pleasant gift was waiting for you. Your boyfriend (or girlfriend) sent you, along with a simple and such a native word: “kiss”, a funny photo. Too easy? Maybe. But the mood has risen! You smiled! And all day you flew as if on wings from the realization that you are loved!

Good wishes

Some people or events can never take away your wings that help you soar above difficulties and believe in yourself. The secret is that pictures “charged” your mood, cool images with wonderful inscriptions. Such nice amenities make you stand out from the crowd of people who are always dissatisfied with something. You are not one of them because you live, breathe, and know how to laugh at simple but beautiful things.


What is a dream? Everyone has their own, as well as their own path to happiness. But the one who is the owner of a cheerful and good dream is already happy. Because such good thoughts warm the soul. They are like wishes to oneself to find purpose and joy in life.

But how do you get your dream? You should not invent a bicycle when there is an opportunity to make the day the best with the help of a picture with wishes. Each image, as well as the caption to it, will help you understand what you want to achieve in life.

And perhaps such pictures will suggest the way to the country of Childhood. They will remind you how good it was there, what simple wishes were then, and how joyful and easy it was just to live.

How Joy Helps Meet the Day

Animated pictures, like smiles, like bunnies or the glare of the sun, can easily flutter into your ordinary day to illuminate it with their playfulness. Stop for a moment, let the animation show how interesting and exciting everything can be. Just as the Japanese meditate on singing stones in gardens, so you surrender to the moment, let it take you to boundless distances, where your possibilities are endless, where there are no barriers, but only joy. Ordinary pictures can add color to your ordinary day. Don't miss it and enjoy it.

Dear friends! Hochma wishes you a Happy New Week! Let this Monday pass unnoticed, and the whole week will be joyful and successful for you! Good morning, good day, good week!

Monday is a hard day
That's what the people say.
The weekend is over -
Of course, everyone is happy with them!
The week has begun, so
It's time for everyone to work!
So we're looking again
Right from early morning!

Original, funny and beautiful wishes with good morning and a good day in pictures

Good day to you, good news and joyful events. May fate amuse and pamper you on this day, and on all others, be generous with pleasant gifts and unexpected sweet surprises. Let problems be easily solved, things will be successful, the soul smiles, and the heart tirelessly rejoices in life.

Once again, we wish you all a good morning, a successful day and a good start to the week!

I wish you a good day
May it turn out better than you expect!
You spend it with a cheerful smile,
After all, what you sow, you will reap later.

May the day be pleasant, very easy,
And at work, let time fly.
Luck is near, you can trust me
She's on her way to you!

Good morning and good day wishes in pictures

Good morning! May the day be clear
And the mood is just wonderful.
Let the awakening bring joy
No fuss, no worries and worries.
Let the dawn take away the dull shadow,
Greet the new day with a happy smile.

Have a good day
Light and warm
Clear, nice...
Well, just good.

Sadness to not be
gloomy mood,
I send gentle hugs,
Affectionately amorous.

And good luck
Let it accompany everything
Bad luck is harmful
Let it be absent altogether.

When there are clouds in the sky
And the rain doesn't stop.
You know it won't always be like this
And the sun will appear!
Let there be many clouds in the sky -
Hold on and don't be shy!
A ray of sun will break through to you,
And everything will be ok!

Good morning has come!
The night has fallen over the edge of the earth.
Congratulations on clear skies!
Congratulations on the red sun!
This morning is just fabulous!
Doesn't spare bright colors.
Away with sadness and away with bad weather.
Good morning my happiness!

See more beautiful wishes
