How to improve the condition of the skin of the face at home. How to make your skin perfect and overcome an important step on the path to beauty

What determines the condition of the skin of the face? In many cultures, the concept of human beauty is directly related to the condition of the skin. After all, beautiful skin is healthy skin. The skin changes physiologically throughout a person's life, gradually changing its appearance. The ability to keep the skin healthy and make age-related changes in the skin harmonious depends on the person. See a doctor Skin is a reflection of everything that happens in the body. And for any skin problems, he recommends checking the general state of health, and not running to a beautician or trying to solve the problem on your own. Because the condition of the skin is often affected by health problems that have not been too noticeable so far. Skin changes, for example, sometimes depend on an imbalance between male and female hormones. The same acne in adolescents is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body during puberty. Too dry or oily skin, loss or excessive growth of hair on the body depend on changes in the activity of the gonads. Gray, dull and dry skin, brittle hair falling out are signs of thyroid disease. Monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract The condition of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) directly affects the health of the skin. An unbalanced diet affects the skin indirectly - through the liver, pancreas, gallbladder. To digest, for example, excess fatty foods, additional resources of the digestive tract are used, which leads to a violation of their functions. And this already affects the condition of the skin - its color changes, tone and elasticity deteriorate. The proper functioning of the intestines is also very important for the skin - a violation of its work deprives the body of moisture, the necessary trace elements and beneficial bacteria. Eat right Nutrition is one of the important components of skin health, a person who eats right is easy to notice by the condition of his skin. Nutritionists recommend not giving up fats in general - they are very important for maintaining skin elasticity. Eat fish dishes three times a week and add unrefined vegetable oils to your meals. These foods are rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids that keep skin healthy and glowing. Regularly eat animal products rich in proteins: they supply collagen and elastin proteins to the body, which make the skin supple. In addition, the liver, eggs and dairy products are rich in vitamin A, which stimulates the renewal of skin cells. But the consumption of simple carbohydrates - sugar, chocolate, white bread - must be controlled. Their excess negatively affects the condition of the skin, for example, causing acne. Eat more vegetables and fruits: they are rich in fiber, vitamins A, E, C and bioflavonoids that slow down skin aging. Add foods rich in sulfur, zinc and iron (tomatoes, green vegetables, wheat bran, liver and a variety of berries) to your food - these substances are necessary for skin repair. Drink enough water With age, the skin gradually loses moisture and becomes flabby. In order for the skin to always look fresh and supple, doctors recommend drinking about one and a half liters of water per day. Water activates metabolic processes in the body and allows you to get rid of toxins that make the skin dull and lifeless. In addition, water reduces the feeling of hunger and saves from overeating, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Sweet soda, tea, coffee or juices are not included in these one and a half liters - they do not quench thirst and add extra calories to the diet. Therefore, you should drink only clean water. Give up alcohol The systematic use of alcohol impairs the function of the liver. This changes the complexion, makes the skin of the face swollen and dull. And long-term alcohol abuse contributes to vascular changes and the appearance of dilated capillaries in the form of "stars" or "nets" on the cheeks and nose. Give up tobacco Smoking ages the skin very quickly and intensively. And the rate of aging is directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The skin of smokers becomes dry, flabby due to the fact that nicotine constricts blood vessels and impairs skin nutrition. In addition, it destroys collagen, a protein that gives skin its strength. Women who smoke have specific skin: yellowish, pale, prone to early wrinkling. Sunbathe properly The main damage to the skin is caused by ultraviolet rays. Type A rays damage skin cells and can provoke the development of a cancerous tumor. Type B rays provoke the appearance of a thermal burn of the skin and its premature aging. These rays are equally dangerous, regardless of their origin - natural or solarium lamps. Use sunscreen with the right SPF and be sure to reapply every two hours. There is no sunscreen that can completely protect the skin - use extra hats, an umbrella and natural shade. Try not to go out in the sun from 12 to 16 hours. hats, umbrella and natural shade. Try not to go out in the sun from 12 to 16 hours. Get enough sleep Lack of sleep primarily affects the skin, making it dull and decorating the face with bruises and bags under the eyes. To maintain healthy skin, try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day with a comfortable pillow. Try to choose a pillow that will not allow the vessels passing in the neck to be pinched - this disrupts the outflow of fluid and leads to swelling on the face. To sleep better, try to be physically active every day. When a person goes in for sports, he gets physiological fatigue, which is the guarantor of good sleep. A well-sleep person always looks great in the morning. Give up tobacco and alcohol - they also cause overexcitation and interfere with normal sleep. And remember: skin health begins with the rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition, good sleep and a reasonable tan. And only then anti-aging creams and cosmetologists will not be needed.


The skin covers the entire surface of the body, its condition largely forms the appearance of a person. Pimples, bumps, rashes, age spots, erupted wrinkles can seriously spoil the mood and even lower self-esteem, deprive self-confidence. But there is good news: the appearance of the skin can be improved by devoting some of your free time to it.

Skin condition

The human body can be visualized as a complex biochemical process in which the final result is determined by the quality of raw materials and production conditions. In other words, the state of the body, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, relationships with other people are reflected in the skin.

Ideal facial skin is the result of the harmonious functioning of all organs, proper nutrition, physical training, lack of stress and competent care.

If you have skin problems:

  • make sure that the digestive organs are healthy;
  • cleanse the body of toxins that interfere with the absorption of useful elements from food and prevent the elimination of toxins;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • Use special care according to your skin type.

The health of the digestive organs will be assessed by the doctor, if necessary, prescribe treatment and dietary nutrition. After that, it is necessary to remove toxins under the supervision of a specialist; in diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, it can be dangerous to health. Cosmetics do not solve problems, they only temporarily mask defects. Changing your eating habits is where you can start taking action on your own.


A lot is said about proper nutrition today, its basic principles are known, briefly:

  • exclude fatty, spicy, salty, fried crisps from the daily menu;
  • enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, seafood;
  • give preference to lean meat;
  • eggs, cheeses, seaweed, liver, fresh juices, nuts, olive oil should become familiar products;
  • Vitamins, minerals and "healthy" fatty acids can be obtained from food or in the form of special supplements.

Proper nutrition and cleansing of the body will create the basis on which it makes sense to use cosmetic skin care products.


The use of cosmetic preparations allows you to take care of the skin from the outside, supplement it with the necessary elements and protect it from external influences. Therefore, it is important that cosmetic care is appropriate for the type of skin. The main stages: cleansing, toning, nutrition (or moisturizing).

  • cleansing is necessary in the morning and evening, washing or special means. This removes cosmetics, dust, fatty particles;
  • tonic normalizes the acid-base ratio, removes dirt residues, promotes better penetration of cosmetics;
  • nourishing cream saturates the skin with useful substances, it is applied in the evening;
  • moisturizing cream maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin, applied during the day.

For skin care, you can use special creams, lotions, masks or turn to nature, resort to folk remedies.

Herbal decoctions, sour cream, honey, egg, oatmeal, vegetable, fruit, berry mixtures are very effective with regular use.

What else

All points are fulfilled, the skin condition has improved, but is still far from ideal, what else? Bad habits interfere.

  1. 1. Sedentary lifestyle, pallor and sagging skin. Physical exercises, walks in the fresh air in the park or in the forest, massage, daily cool showers will help improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the body. The elasticity of the skin will increase, a pleasant blush will appear.
  2. 2. Smoking and alcohol destroy the body and are reflected on the face. Dark circles under the eyes, grayish, oxygen-depleted skin, early wrinkles - this is what these “bad”, but so loved by some habits lead to. It is necessary to part with them.

  1. 3. Stress is a special cause that needs attention. The ability to resist the problems that have piled up, to perceive them as an obstacle that can be stepped over, not to erect impenetrable walls in your thoughts, to be positive and cheerful will help you overcome any stress. Cultivate these qualities, make plans, think about the happy moments of life, love loved ones and do not communicate, if possible, with negative people.
  2. 4. Water is essential for healthy skin, so drink plenty of it. Lack of fluid leads to dry skin and premature formation of wrinkles. Freshly squeezed juice, green tea, herbal decoctions are all good, but it is better to drink clean water, it is what the skin needs. If the quality of the water is questionable, you can drink melted water by freezing it in a conventional freezer. It is useful during the day, especially during dry periods, to irrigate the face with mineral or clean water using a spray bottle.

Go in for sports, give up bad habits, radiate positive, and you will be successful. Stay beautiful and healthy!

The influence of adverse factors on the skin of the face

Leather is a complex mechanism. In his work, a failure may suddenly occur, which will lead to cosmetic problems. And there are a lot of reasons for that.

All factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin can be conditionally divided into two groups: external and internal.

External factors are divided into two groups.

1. Natural. First of all, this is exposure to ultraviolet rays, leading to dryness, peeling and redness of the skin. People who abuse sunbathing also experience premature skin aging.

Temperature fluctuations adversely affect the skin. Too high a temperature provokes redness and the formation of a vascular network, and too low makes the skin rough and dry. Some harm to the skin is caused by wind, snow, dust and excessive or, conversely, insufficient air humidity. As a rule, all these factors are correlated with a certain season, so it is important to select cosmetics and procedures in accordance with the season.

2. Chemical. This group includes all household chemicals: soaps, paints, cleaning products, acids, etc.

We have to deal with them every day. It is also poor-quality decorative cosmetics that provokes the development of serious skin diseases, and some substances that make up medicines. And of course, sadly, this also includes food products with flavor enhancers, flavorings, dyes and preservatives. Their prolonged use leads to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and to skin rashes and allergies.

❧ Vitamins can and should be fed to the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Moreover, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics - they can be prepared at home.

Internal factors include the following.

1. Metabolic disease. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are substances necessary for the vital activity of cells, tissues and organs. Therefore, the violation of metabolic processes is reflected in the work of the whole organism as a whole and in the condition of the skin in particular. So, a violation of carbohydrate metabolism leads to the appearance of skin rashes, and a failure in fat metabolism - to excessive greasiness of the skin and the appearance of acne and wen.

2. Disorders in the endocrine system. The endocrine glands are closely related to the functioning of the central nervous system, including the nerve receptors of the skin. Therefore, all disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands are immediately reflected on our skin.

3. Lack of vitamins. For the beauty and health of the skin, as well as to maintain immunity, it is necessary to compose your diet in such a way that it contains all the vitamins necessary for the skin.

Lack of one or another vitamin can lead not only to the appearance of cosmetic defects, but also to serious diseases of the skin and the whole organism as a whole.

A sign of vitamin A deficiency can be peeling and dry skin. It becomes coarser and thicker due to horny layers. Also, a lack of vitamin A can affect the development of a number of skin diseases. In the right amount, this vitamin is present in fish oil, egg yolk, animal liver.

Equally important for the body are B vitamins, especially vitamins B 1 and B 2. With a deficiency of these vitamins, a number of general diseases of the body occur, intense thinning and hair loss, the appearance of sores in the mouth, etc. Vitamin B 1 is also necessary for toning the skin and nervous system. Vitamins of this group are found in meat, liver, kidneys, fish oil, milk, cheese, yeast, cereals, some vegetables, etc.

Violation of skin pigmentation is often due to a lack of vitamin C. Tomatoes, cabbage, sorrel, rose hips are a real storehouse of this vitamin.

Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP, helps in the treatment of certain cosmetic imperfections, such as redheads, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and skin.

4. Diseases of the internal organs. As noted earlier, the skin is closely connected with all organs and systems of the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that a certain disease in one way or another affects its condition. For example, liver diseases can cause age spots, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract manifest themselves in the form of acne or rashes. In order to get rid of skin problems, cosmetics alone are not enough. First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problem and deal with its elimination. But medical cosmetics should be used, rather, as an auxiliary element in the fight for skin health.

Knowledge of the classification of skin types and its conditions is an important point in the selection of cosmetics. 50% of the effectiveness of cosmetics is the right cream, selected according to the type of skin. Another 50% is a mandatory control over the condition of the skin and age-related changes.

Modern cosmetology is not very fond of dividing the skin into certain types. Cosmetologists prefer to talk about actual skin condition, arguing that any skin at different points in its life behaves in completely different ways. And the role here is played not only by such an irreversible factor as age. The condition of the skin can change depending on how brightly shines today sun how well we got enough sleep how chlorinated was water with which we washed. Even the condition of the skin can be affected menu our dinner the night before. In winter, oily skin begins to show obvious signs of dryness: it peels off, gets irritated, etc. Dry skin in the summer “suddenly” behaves like oily skin: it shines and becomes covered with pimples.

There is a generally accepted skin type classification and most often we adhere to its characteristics. Why? First, in each case, certain characteristics still prevail. Secondly, such a classification is simply convenient for cosmetologists, cosmetics manufacturers, and consumers.

Normal dry skin characterized by a smooth matte surface, does not shine; has small, almost imperceptible pores, the level of skin moisture is very low, poor blood supply.

Such skin feels discomfort and tightness after washing. It does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and climatic changes, so most often there are areas of irritation and peeling in the cheeks and forehead. On dry skin, wrinkles around the eyes appear first. In this type of skin, the decrease in elasticity and the aging process occur faster and more noticeably than in other skin types.

Such skin requires delicate care, so you should not get carried away with deep cleansing products, it is enough to apply them once a week. Dry skin is in dire need of additional hydration (products that retain moisture in the skin, and those that promote hydration), active nutrition. Try to protect your skin from the sun and dry air. Dietary supplements with lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and vitamins will help improve the condition of dry skin.

normal combination skin occurs most often. It combines the features of other skin types. The skin is smooth, but after washing there is a slight feeling of discomfort, tightness. There may be areas of peeling in the cheek area, but the skin quickly adapts to climatic changes. Toward evening, oily sheen appears in the forehead, nose, chin (T-zone).

The area of ​​eyes and cheeks is dry. In terms of moisture and blood circulation, it is similar to normal oily skin, in terms of sensitivity - to dry. Caring for such skin is the most difficult. But this does not mean that several different means must be applied to it at the same time. Combination skin may be prone to more oily or drier skin characteristics. Depending on this, the funds are selected. Deep cleansing can be done 1-2 times a week. Special products normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, do not overdry, soften dry areas of the skin, moisturize and even out the complexion.

normal skin- smooth, elastic, velvety, without signs of peeling and enlarged pores, with even color. Unfortunately, the picture described is rare. Unfortunately, there are very few owners of such happiness. Normal skin is one solid advantage, at least if you take care of it properly. It does not require any complex procedures, it is enough to clean it, moisturize and protect it from the destructive effects of the environment. This is the rare case when there are practically no shortcomings. However, eternal happiness, as you know, does not exist. Therefore, even the most ideal skin does not change for the better with age. So, normal in youth, the skin becomes drier over time and requires a completely different care program than before. It is useful to remember this when your age approaches 30 and the first signs of skin aging appear. It is especially difficult to maintain normal skin if you live in a big city, where ecology, the crazy rhythm of life and unbalanced nutrition affect the appearance and health of a person in a far from the best way. In the care of normal skin, your main motto is “Do no harm!”.

Special skin condition- this is a condition when normal, dry, oily skin changes under the influence of various factors.

What factors can affect the condition of the skin?

There are quite a lot of them: these are various diseases of the body, changes in the hormonal state, eating disorders, age-related changes, environmental influences. Even the emotional state can change the appearance of the skin and, of course, incorrect, irregular care.

What does the concept of "special skin condition" refer to? Excessive sensitivity of the skin, increased greasiness, inflammation, aging (withering) of the skin.

Sensitive skin(dry, oily, combined) is not a type of skin, but a condition that it has acquired due to the influence of various factors (the use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs; smoking and alcohol; improperly selected cosmetics, etc.). Such skin is vulnerable and prone to irritation, it has low resistance to external stimuli.

Sensitive skin is characterized by the following symptoms:

Feeling of discomfort and redness after contact with water;

Frequent redness and peeling of the skin after using cosmetics, including decorative ones;

Itching and rashes on the skin after contact with washing powder and other household detergents;

Increased sensitivity to sun exposure;

Greater sensitivity to frost and cold wind;

Lability (excitability, sensitivity) of blood vessels, violation of vascular tone (increase in air temperature, hot food intake);

Tendency to rosacea (spider veins);

Frequent itching and flaking for no apparent reason, red spots and areas of irritation;

The appearance of irritation with a change in climate, water, a reaction to a sharp temperature drop.

For such skin, special products have been created that meet all its needs. On the packaging, in the recipe, attention is specifically focused on this. Sensitive skin care strategy - protect, soften, moisturize. Delicate and gentle care - that's what such skin needs.

Another special skin condition - withering. Sadly, sooner or later the skin fades, or, to put it mildly, becomes mature. There is absolutely no need to be sad about this. You just need to take care and care for every wrinkle, and the best care is prevention. Prevention of premature skin aging is the main direction in which specialists from various fields are working today. Fading and dry, and oily, and combination skin.

What are the symptoms of aging?

Wrinkles (small and large);

Decreased elasticity and firmness (sluggish, sagging skin);

Dryness, discomfort (dehydration);


Change in the oval of the face (“draining” - aging according to the type of deformation);

uneven skin color;

Vascular stars.

What should be done to slow down the process of premature aging?

Do not get carried away with sunburn, especially after 35 years.

Don't forget to take your antioxidant and essential fatty acid supplements.

Limit your calorie intake, especially sweets.

Be sure to use lifting products, cosmetics with vitamins, antioxidants, active ingredients that regulate the content of oxygen, moisture, and nutrients.

And, of course, more positive emotions, optimism, active attitude to life, interesting work. Remember that a lazy mind ages faster. Attention to yourself and your appearance will help you stay young.

Best wishes,
Faberlic United Company Training Center

Do you want your skin to be perfect, shining with health and beauty? For most women, as well as men, the answer is obvious. The skin covers the entire surface of the body, and its condition largely shapes the appearance of a person. Pimples, bumps, rashes, age spots, erupted wrinkles can seriously spoil the mood and even lower self-esteem, deprive self-confidence. But there is good news: the appearance of the skin can be improved by devoting some of your free time to it.

What determines the condition of the skin

Before moving on to lotions, massages, baths, we will try to find out what the health of the skin depends on. The human body can be visualized as a complex biochemical process in which the final result is determined by the quality of raw materials and production conditions. In other words, the state of the body, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, relationships with other people, etc. are reflected in the skin.

Ideal facial skin is the result of the harmonious functioning of all organs, proper nutrition, physical training, lack of stress and competent care. If you have skin problems:

make sure your digestive organs are healthy; cleanse the body of toxins that interfere with the absorption of useful elements from food and prevent the elimination of toxins; normalize nutrition; use special care according to your skin type.

The state of the digestive system can only be assessed by a doctor, and you should contact him. If there are problems, undergo treatment or dietary nutrition. Only then does it make sense to move on. Masks, creams, lotions, foundations will only temporarily mask defects without eliminating the underlying cause. And cleaning from toxins in diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines in some cases is dangerous to health. Changing your eating habits is where you can start on your own.

What should be the food

A lot is said about proper nutrition today, and you should be aware of its basic principles, we will dwell on them very briefly:

exclude fatty, spicy, salty, fried crisps from your daily menu; enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, seafood; give preference to lean meat; eggs, cheeses, seaweed, liver, fresh juices, nuts, olive oil should become familiar foods for you; perfect skin is impossible without vitamins, minerals and "useful" fatty acids, which can be obtained from food or in the form of special supplements.

Proper nutrition and cleansing of the body create the basis on which it makes sense to use cosmetic skin care products.

What is cosmetics for?

The use of cosmetic preparations allows you to take care of the skin from the outside, supplement it with the necessary elements and protect it from external influences. Therefore, it is important that cosmetic care is appropriate for the type of skin. Women know the main stages of care like the alphabet: cleansing, toning, nutrition (or moisturizing).

cleansing is necessary in the morning and evening, washing or special means. This removes cosmetics, dust, fatty particles; tonic normalizes the acid-base ratio, removes dirt residues, promotes better penetration of cosmetics; nourishing cream saturates the skin with useful substances, it is applied in the evening; moisturizing cream maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin, applied during the day.

For skin care, you can use special creams, lotions, masks, or you can turn to nature, resort to folk remedies. Herbal decoctions, sour cream, honey, egg, oatmeal, vegetable, fruit, berry mixtures are very effective when used regularly.

What else to pay attention to

So, you do not have problems with the digestive organs, you, as best you could, cleansed the body of toxins and normalized your diet. The condition of the skin has improved, but is still far from ideal and not very encouraging. Hands reach for bottles and tubes with "magic" means. Do not hurry. There are a number of reasons depending and beyond your control that cannot be eliminated with cosmetics. If you are seriously concerned about the condition of your skin, first try to get rid of the subjective reasons, those that you create for yourself with everyday actions and habits.

1. A sedentary lifestyle can cause pale and sagging skin. "Blood with milk" - is this expression familiar to you? A pleasant blush on elastic, glowing skin speaks of good blood circulation. Physical exercises, walks in the fresh air in the park or in the forest, massage, daily cool showers will help improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the body. 2. Smoking and alcohol destroy not only the body, but also affect the face. Dark circles under the eyes, grayish, oxygen-depleted skin, early wrinkles - this is what these “harmful”, but so beloved by some women habits lead to. If you prefer to "spoil" yourself in this way, forget about the ideal.

3. Stress is a special cause that needs attention. How often in everyday life we ​​are in a state of stress or on the verge of stress! The ability to resist the problems that have piled up, to perceive them as an obstacle that can be stepped over, not to erect impenetrable walls in your thoughts, to be positive and cheerful will help you overcome any stress. Cultivate these qualities in yourself, make plans, think about happy moments in your life, love your loved ones and do not communicate, if possible, with negative people. 4. Water is essential for healthy skin, so drink plenty of it. Lack of fluid leads to dry skin and premature formation of wrinkles. Freshly squeezed juice, green tea, herbal decoctions are all good, but it is best to drink clean water, it is what our skin needs. If the quality of the water is in doubt, you can use melted water, freezing in a conventional freezer. It is useful during the day, especially during dry periods, to irrigate the face with mineral or clean water using a spray bottle.

Forewarned is forearmed. These simple tips will help you get closer to your goal of perfect skin. Go in for sports, give up bad habits, radiate positive, and you will be successful. Stay beautiful and healthy!

Beautiful and well-groomed skin is an indicator of health and age-related changes. Everything that happens to the body affects the quality of the epidermis. But even if a person is absolutely healthy, the skin needs to be given increased attention. The epidermis is restored on its own only in children - it is necessary to take care of the face from adolescence.

Especially often women think about the problem of how to improve the condition of the skin of the face. For them, cosmetic defects can cause an unstable emotional state.

The state of the epidermis is influenced by external and internal factors:

change in diet, its lack, diet depleted of useful substances; irrational daily routine, lack of sleep; working mode at the limit of possibilities; lack of oxygen in the body; bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol; lack of fluid, violation of the water-salt balance; exacerbation of chronic diseases; acute painful conditions; stress; violations of metabolic processes; negative influence of external factors: excess ultraviolet radiation, windy weather, cold and heat; inactive lifestyle.

If a person leads an active lifestyle, and the face is flaky, or the pores begin to produce excess sebum, you need to see a doctor. The deterioration of the epidermis may indicate the development of internal diseases.

How to improve the condition of the skin, if the usual care with your favorite cosmetics is not enough? Run to a beautician to do in-office procedures: laser correction, rejuvenating injections, chemical peels, and so on?

Not everyone has enough money and time for such expensive personal care. If the problem is related to a health condition, the effect of the most expensive procedures will only last for a short time.

You can make your skin healthier only with the help of a set of measures:

First you need to determine why the appearance has deteriorated. If there are health problems, you should start with them; It is necessary to balance the mode of work and rest - you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day; Without fresh air, it is impossible to look or be healthy. During walks, the condition of the body and face will improve; A normal drinking regimen will help cleanse the body, remove toxins and toxins from it. Liquids will need to drink at least 2 liters per day. Beneficial effect on the general condition: water, green tea, unsweetened vitamin drinks, drainage cocktails. Strong tea and coffee spoil the color of the skin, adversely affect its condition. They will have to be abandoned for a while; A balanced diet to improve the condition of the skin and body will have a positive effect on the aesthetic appearance. If it is impossible to refuse a reduced diet - not only acne and an unhealthy appearance of the surface of the epidermis interfere with life - vitamins must be taken separately, in a special complex; Bad habits should be abandoned. Smokers are immediately visible by their yellowish complexion. Alcohol provokes vasodilation.

It is impossible to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body if hygiene procedures and special care are neglected.

There are many treatments that can be done at home. Even dry skin needs help to recover, remove old epidermal flakes from its surface, and cleanse pores. Oily skin without appropriate measures will look unkempt.

Scrub products are selected depending on the quality of the skin: the fatter and denser it is, the rougher it is. Dense skin is cleaned with scrubs based on sea salt, coffee grounds; for tender and dry - it is rational to use flour from ground oatmeal or starch.

The elasticity of the body and face is best restored with wraps. During them, products containing vitamins and minerals are applied to the body, which improves the condition of the skin and is able to penetrate into its deeper layers. Deep penetration is facilitated by preliminary massage and the addition of dimexide to home cosmetics.

The main procedures that improve the appearance and restore skin elasticity can be as follows:

shower or washing with alternating water temperature; ice or hot massage; masks; the use of cosmetics that nourish and moisturize the skin.

All these measures help prevent the appearance of early expression lines on the face.

You need to take care of yourself constantly and carefully. Only then will it always turn out to look at "all 100%". But how to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body when you have to go out, and the appearance leaves much to be desired?

If there are no chronic kidney diseases and dermatological diseases, the body will quickly put in order a contrast shower, after which a moisturizer should be applied to the skin.

The grid under the eyes is removed with ice cubes, which must always be kept in the freezer. Effectively removes traces of fatigue chamomile or mint ice. No ice cubes - you can use ordinary black tea bags. Brew it, wring it out and make lotions on the eyelid area.

Withering skin will be quickly refreshed by a mask made according to the following recipe. Required Ingredients:

beaten egg white; kefir; regular potato starch.

Everything is mixed, applied to the face and décolleté along the massage lines with a brush, in several layers. Wash off with cool water after 15-20 minutes.

A gelatin mask works the same way. To make a therapeutic express remedy, a teaspoon of edible gelatin is poured with 5 tablespoons of warm water - if the skin is oily, milk or cream - if dry or normal.

As soon as the mixture swells, it must be heated in a water bath until it becomes liquid. After cooling, apply it on the face, and after 20 minutes remove it with a cotton pad.

With a course of tightening, masks are made within a month, 2-3 times a week. Gelatin masks can be made on infusions of medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Mix the pulp of half an avocado, a few drops of lemon juice and crushed mint leaves. Apply the product on the face for 20 minutes, rinse with mint infusion.

Persimmon pulp will help to quickly revive the complexion, make the skin soft and supple. You don’t need to mix it with anything: knead it into a gruel, apply it on your face, rinse it off after 10 minutes with warm water. Similarly, cucumber juice mixed with 15% cream acts on the skin. This express mask is used if the skin surface is flaky.

If you can not immediately find a remedy that improves the condition of the skin, you do not need to be upset. It is required to act empirically, connecting a variety of components: products, herbal raw materials, essential oils, even medicines.

Taking care of yourself with the help of home remedies, you can not neglect the use of professional cosmetics. In the arsenal, there must be a place for nourishing and moisturizing creams, cleansing lotions and tonics, foams and washing gels. Only comprehensive face and body care will help you always keep yourself in good shape!

Beauty and HealthBody care

As we age, our skin requires more and more attention, but gets it less and less. We forget about the mode of sleep and rest, violate all biorhythms - we are not up to them; we eat as we please; we drink a lot of coffee and black tea; to relieve stress, we begin to drink alcohol, and many women also smoke - there are a lot of women's cigarettes now. Throw in chlorinated water, climate change, tanning beds, and many other factors, and the list goes on and on. The skin of the face, neck, hands and the whole body in such conditions quickly ages, and becomes like the peel of stale vegetables - a terrible picture, so it's better not to let this happen, and help your skin stay young and fresh for as long as possible, caring for and maintaining it. your health.

How to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body

Proper care is a complex effect: it is necessary to take care of the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside - nutrition and a sufficient amount of liquid are the most important factors. Our health is determined by nutrition, and the skin of a healthy person will always find more strength to restore than the skin of someone who has accumulated a whole range of diseases.

If the skin is healthy, it always has an even and pleasant color, without any earthy, pale and gray shades; it is even and smooth, resilient and elastic, with good tone and normal pores, without blackheads and comedones, age spots and wrinkles. Healthy skin is also not prone to redness, dryness and flaking, and there are no vascular "nets" and "stars" on it.

You need to take care of the skin of the body in the same way as the skin of the face: it needs cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition and protection - let's briefly recall some of the features of care.

In general, the skin of the body is thicker than the skin of the face, so the care products for it differ somewhat in composition and action. Cleansers, as a rule, contain special components: plant extracts with antiseptic and tonic action; essential oils that reduce "orange peel"; powders from seeds and fruit shells, gently removing dead cells, etc.

Moisturizers, milks, and lotions contain ingredients that retain moisture, soften the skin, and prevent dryness, irritation, and flaking.

Such products are usually applied after taking a shower or bath, and after using scrubs - they should be used depending on the type of skin. For dry and normal skin, it is enough to apply a scrub once a week, and for oily skin - 2 times. It is better to apply the scrub on wet, steamed skin, and distribute it correctly using a massage mitt or sponge.

The sequence of massage must also be observed, although many women massage the body as they have to: first massage the legs, then the stomach and chest, arms and back. Start the massage from the right leg: from the outside, then from the inside; first massage the foot, gradually moving up; massage the left leg in the same way. Then they move to the stomach, massaging it in a circular motion clockwise; the chest is massaged from the armpits to the décolleté; hands - from the hands to the shoulders; back - from the lower back up and to the spine from the sides. Feet, knees and elbows are massaged more thoroughly - the skin on them often becomes rough, rough and thick. After the massage, the scrub is left on the body for another 2-3 minutes, and then washed off under a warm shower.

Physical exercises are also necessary for the skin of the body: they improve blood circulation in the vessels and capillaries, the skin is better supplied with nutrients, becomes more elastic and fresh. Problem areas - buttocks, hips, abdomen - should be given as much attention as possible during classes.

A shower after exercise is a must: the temperature of the water can be moderate if you need to calm down, but a contrast shower is more beneficial for the skin - it causes blood vessels to narrow and expand sharply, stimulates blood flow, improves metabolism, strengthens and rejuvenates the skin, improves its tone and elasticity. In addition, a contrast shower helps to lose weight.

Several times a week you can take baths - not just hygienic, but hot, followed by a cool douche - such procedures also stimulate metabolic processes in the skin. The water temperature can be over 40°C, but a hot bath should not be taken for more than 5-10 minutes.

Masks that improve skin condition

And now about the masks - they are just as necessary for the skin of the body as for the skin of the face. Simple mask with honey: apply warm liquid honey (400 g) to a damp, clean body, and lightly massage with driving movements. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and rinse under a warm shower.

Moisturizing mask of milk (50 ml) and mineral water (200 ml) gives the skin elasticity. Mix milk and water, apply to the skin of the whole body, paying more attention to the legs, thighs and buttocks, hold for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Mask for tender and attractive buttocks: mix honey (2 tablespoons) with raw yolks (2 pcs.), beat and apply to cleansed skin. Keep for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Anti-cellulite mask: mix blue clay (100 g) with coffee grounds (2 tablespoons), add mineral water, mix thoroughly and apply with massage movements to wet skin. Keep for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing and nourishing creams should be applied every time after a shower, bath or deep cleansing, and in summer the skin should be protected with sunscreen - not only in the sun, but also in the solarium. Body cosmetics are always different from facial products: they are absorbed faster, although they contain more fatty and moisturizing components.

A lot has been written about facial cosmetics, both purchased and homemade, and we will not list masks, creams, lotions and other necessary care products - their number today is simply huge.

The appearance of the skin of the face, like the skin of the body, depends on the state of health in general: if everything is in order inside, it will be smooth and fresh, and all problems will disappear.

How nutrition affects skin condition

The skin condition will improve quickly if you stop eating harmful "sweets", refined foods, convenience foods, fatty, smoked and sweets, marinades and canned food.

Instead, start eating natural and fresh foods: fish and meat, cheese, dairy products, butter and vegetable oil, nuts, honey; more raw vegetables, fruits and greens - they have a lot of antioxidants, and our skin, especially in modern conditions, needs them all the time.

There are many useful products for the skin - some can be briefly listed here.

Many berries are rich in antioxidants: blackcurrant, red grapes, blueberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, etc.

Raw vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family are very useful: any cabbage, lettuce, radish, radish, turnip, swede; Broccoli is especially valuable - it contains almost 2.5 times more vitamin C than oranges and other citrus fruits, which are considered one of its main sources.

A little about fats. Sources of healthy vegetable fats are nuts: for example, walnuts contain up to 75% fat, and about 15% of valuable proteins; in Brazil nuts - about 70% fat, and about 20% protein - such a nut may well replace a whole meal if you can’t eat normally. There are many minerals in nuts: these are potassium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, iodine, iron, etc., and minerals are vital for our skin - not a single process in the body can do without them, and not a single one is built. living tissue.

Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats: it contains a lot of vitamin E, and it normalizes the level of cholesterol in the body - the substances contained in it help the skin fight aging. Not everyone likes avocado, but you need to be able to choose it and eat it right: our women love to add it to salads - then oil is not required; many say that the taste of a good and high-quality fruit resembles pine nuts.

Avocado is still an exotic fruit, and not available to everyone, but there are a lot of healthy fats in other plant products. Among them, soybeans can be named: the fats contained in it - they are up to 27% in seeds - are rich in phospholipids that stimulate regeneration processes in cells and have an antioxidant effect. The use of soy strengthens the capillaries and helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and the female body helps to maintain normal levels of estrogen - a hormone that we need for health and beauty.

All these tips are very simple, and many have even known for a long time. Just follow them, and your skin - both on the face and on the whole body, will delight you with health, youth and beauty for many years.
