When your girlfriend is mean. The most harmful and unpleasant girl by zodiac sign - Who is she

Useful tips

If you think that only men can be dangerous in relationships, then you are mistaken! Women sometimes get on their nerves and push members of the opposite sex to suchdesperate acts , which is even scary.

Today we will talk about how dangerous they can be for youwomen of different zodiac signs . However, after reading the qualities listed below, you should not think that all women of these signs necessarily have them.

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As is the case with men, there will always be decent women whodo not pose a danger for men, but they know their worth and know how to use their best qualities to be happy together.

Most often, the danger of women lies in the ability to manipulate and control men, as well as in the fact that men are near some womenstop being men . Let us arrange, as in the case of men, the signs of the Zodiac in descending order: from the most dangerous to the least dangerous.

Which women are dangerous


What is its danger? Scorpio is perhaps the most dangerous sign of all, as it always knows how to sting painfully. The problem is that such a woman can release a sting even when there is no threat to her.

Moreover, she is usually very sexy, and it doesn’t cost her any effort to lure you into her nets, entangle you in her webs, and then calmly drink your blood at every opportunity. This is probably the very skill that is given to any Scorpio woman from birth. In addition, for any of your offenses you will be punished, which, you see, not all men want to receive all the time.

Where it leads? She will control your every move and will always know what is happening to you. But main danger not even this, but the fact that if something goes wrong for her well-being, she will take cruel revenge on you, and in the most sophisticated way that only women are capable of. Revenge will be especially cruel, since she will already have time to find out all your most painful points.


What is its danger? This woman is very material and will often look for benefits even where, it would seem, there should be no benefits - in love, relationships of trust. This is not always dangerous, of course, because in any case, you can refuse her to go to a restaurant or buy a new item to add to her endless collection of jewelry.

However, Telchikha knows how to very skillfully take advantage of the situation and very quietly makes sure that the man throws everything at her feet, and even asks for forgiveness for not doing this from the very beginning.

Read also:The most greedy men and the most selfish women of the Zodiac

The danger lurks, however, where self-interest determines everything, including relationships with a given person. specific man. And if at some point in the future you suddenly experience financial difficulties(God forbid serious ones), there will be no trace of her. Therefore, when meeting Taurus women, be careful: it is quite possible that you may come across a materially oriented, dangerous person!

Where it leads? Ultimately, next to such a lady, you will feel an inferiority complex: everything will not be enough for her and she will pester you and compare you with more successful men. It is likely that the beloved can also fly away at any moment, having found a more profitable match.


What is its danger? A Cancer woman can be quite dangerous for freedom-loving and independent men. Usually she is quite serious about getting married and starting a family, and in some cases she can do anything to drag you down the aisle.

If you don't mind starting serious relationship, you should still be careful: the speed with which the collar will be thrown on you may surprise you quite a bit. Before you even have time to look back, you may already be in deep married man, moreover, on a woman with a huge number of close relatives. Rest assured that children will appear very quickly.

Where it leads? The Cancer woman is very emotional and easily offended, making her husband primarily to blame. She can also very quickly sit on your neck, and even put relatives on you. Therefore, if you need an independent woman who will work and make a career, you will most likely not be on the right path with a Cancer woman.


What is its danger? Only at first glance does the fish seem vulnerable, harmless and weak. Of course, this is true in most cases, but it does not negate the fact that Pisces can pose a danger to a man.

They say that it is very difficult to understand women: today they want one thing, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow a third. But in the case of the Pisces woman, one thing can be said: she cannot be understood at all.

She can be capricious, demanding, and generally indifferent in the same day. Emotional background Pisces is so mobile that it constantly causes swings in moods and desires. She is usually not easy from the very beginning of the relationship, but if you get used to it over time, the pros will outweigh the cons.

Where it leads? The Pisces woman will always demand your attention, you will have to constantly console her, reassure her, and feel sorry for her. Even if you don't need her sacrifices, she will still persistently try to give them to you, and will ultimately declare you a tyrant who took away from her best years life. Yes, and at the same time he will tell everyone about it!

Women are more dangerous than men


What is its danger? The lioness is dangerous for men because she strives to take his place. She should always be first in everything, shine and be the center of attention, while pushing her man somewhere to the side, or completely forgetting about his existence when going out “in public.” Any man will be offended if a woman tries to show that she is better than him or that she knows or can do something better.

Read also:The most dangerous zodiac signs

Where it leads? Next to such a woman, a man can easily lose himself as a person, will be crushed and bullied by his wife’s authority, and will also stop setting goals and going towards them, and will stop feeling like a real man (which is probably even worse).


What is its danger? The Aquarius woman is usually not too dangerous: she is very friendly, smiling, knows how to find mutual language with all men, she makes contact easily, it’s easy to negotiate something with her.

This woman may usually seem like “your boyfriend” to you, a close friend, someone who will always provide moral support in case of emergency and lend a helping hand. However, the danger lies in the fact that if you need more emotional affection, you are unlikely to find it with Aquarius.

Where it leads? The Aquarius woman usually does not have feminine care in the understanding of a man. She doesn’t particularly like to cook or take care of the house; life is generally an abstract concept for her. In addition, she will rarely be at home at all, and would rather go with her girlfriends and friends to a cafe than cook you dinner by candlelight.


What is its danger? The Sagittarius woman is fickle in relation to one partner. She loves freedom and seeks adventure, and sometimes these adventures can take her very far. She is not one of those who will sit at home and cook borscht. She is always drawn to distant countries for bright emotions, fun and a change of picture. If you cannot give her this next to you, she will look for such a life on the side. Sometimes it can be non-binding infidelity, sometimes it can be a more serious relationship on the side.

Where it leads? One can only guess where all this could lead. If you want to protect yourself from cheating, give her variety in your face, make her fall in love with you again and again. Otherwise, one day you will find that your wife has simply disappeared from your life.


What is its danger? The Virgo woman is always very picky and tries to find perfect order in everything. She often criticizes what is around her, including her man.

Today is our Magic ball told us how difficult it is to gain your favor! Maybe you are in first place?

12th place - Sagittarius

The honorable 12th place goes to Sagittarius, who do not need to be conquered at all. Calm down, no need to open the champagne and celebrate the coming easy victory! First, write down in your ball books the principle that the Sagittarius young lady is guided by in relationships: “Sex is not a reason for dating at all.” Well, just so you know. Because after sex with a Sagittarius, men, as a rule, want to immediately jump out of bed and run to the nearest jewelry store. wedding ring. And now this - excuse me. Persuading a Sagittarius young lady into a serious relationship is not a bug, but a feat.

11th place - Aries

11th place goes to Aries, who are fiercely, furiously irritated by all these ridiculous male antics such as bouquets (such money for such vulgarity, forgive the Universe!), gallantry (you will give your great-grandmother your hand, smart guy!) and dinners in obviously expensive restaurants (walk , flaw, pension accrued?). So Aries does not need to be conquered at all. Aries prefers to conquer herself. And now either give up or quit. Make your feet quickly! Well, that is, it still won’t help, of course, because “if you don’t know how, we’ll teach you, if you don’t want to, we’ll force you,” but we were obliged to give this advice. You really can’t just deprive people of all hope of salvation just like that, right off the bat.

10th place - Virgo

In order to win Virgo, you don’t need to do anything. Nothing at all. You just need to meet her requirements for a man. Yes, to all three volumes of requirements, each of which is as thick as a telephone directory of Moscow and the Moscow region. If you comply, Virgo will do everything herself. If not, they will sincerely and honestly cut you off on approach. But if you seem to correspond, but are trying to add points to yourself by demonstrating the techniques of a kitchen macho, beware: even if Virgo doesn’t need you, she will grab onto you. He'll grab hold of you and won't let go until he knocks all that extra crap out of your pretty little head. The effect of treatment is lifelong. The result is not much different from a lobotomy.

9th place - Scorpio

Unexpected turn! For some reason, everyone thinks that winning a Scorpio lady is incredible difficult task, but in fact this is done in an elementary way. The principle of action is familiar to any man with early childhood: you go to the Emerald City, find Goodwin there and ask him for brains, heart and courage. You need courage to be able to approach Scorpio at all, brains so that she doesn’t immediately kill you with her tail, and then she will fry your heart and eat it with good Chianti.

8th place - Cancer

The question “How to win a Cancer lady?” - the stupidest question in the world. They would also ask how to breathe, for example. Just marry her, dude. There is no other way anyway, and who really needs it? Another question is much more difficult: how to win yourself back from her if such a need suddenly overtakes you? And, to be honest, we don’t know the answer to this question. That is, you can win yourself back using the same principle: just divorce her, dude. But science doesn’t know how to do this without leaving the most valuable thing in a tightly clenched claw. If the claw snaps into place, that's it. However, as a consolation, we can say that after your divorce from Cancer, you will probably be hired at a film studio. Voice over cartoons.

7th place - Taurus

Write down the recipe: to win a Taurus lady, you need to be a cheerful goofball. Her favorite guy, with whom she will never get bored. With whom you can talk about anything, and he will understand everything. With whom it is easy and there is no need to pretend to be something. With which you can drink a Zhiguli with fried sausages at your grandmother’s dacha with a “hole in the ground” toilet. You must first put a platinum ring with a carat on the sausage. Where does the cheerful goofball get that kind of money? Yes, to Taurus, what does it matter where it comes from? This is not her problem at all, so you understand. She just needs to pretend to be something tomorrow, so come on, throw yourself like a hog!

6th place - Leo

An honorable central place in the horoscope and a very, very simple recipe for a conqueror. Just give her some time more attention bro. Even more attention! If you want to do without the exercise “I’ve been crawling behind you on my knees for a thousand miles, dear!”, you can depict the same thing in monetary terms. In general, long or expensive, choose one of the two. Both options are without any guarantee, by the way. Welcome to adulthood!

5th place - Libra

The top five is opened by Libra, who is absolutely impossible to conquer without possessing a set of basic qualities: a good education, excellent upbringing, developed sense beautiful, well-read and - oops, man, you weren’t standing here, get out of line! - the appearance of a beautiful elf. Do you comply? Then everything is fine. Now stand under the balcony and wait for her to decide whether she needs it at all or not. Just first sweep up the ashes of your predecessor, who died of old age exactly in this very place. You'll get dirty again.

4th place - Gemini

Unexpected turn! Frivolous and lightweight Gemini have almost reached the top three. Because conquering Gemini is a no-brainer: Geminis are ready for a relationship only if they are interested. And in order for the Gemini lady to become interested in you, you will have to stuff your brain with information until it boils. And then learn to continuously deliver it to Gemini on a platter of outstanding eloquence, seasoned with sarcasm, cynicism and black humor. And then she will think again, of course. What if you're crazy? In the sense that if not, if you are not crazy and normal, then pass by.

3rd place - Aquarius

Third place, bronze medal and certificate of honor“For outstanding services in the dynamo of the 80th level” goes to Aquarius. Yes, bro, it's a dynamo, but what a dynamo! Aquarius completely sincerely likes you, and your ridiculous shy antics, and stupid gifts, and flowers. She really takes great pleasure in going on a date with you - be it to the theatre, or to a restaurant, or to sit on a bench in the park. And she likes to hold your hand, and flirt, and laugh at your jokes. All this is completely sincere, there is not the slightest lie in it. And just as sincerely, she doesn’t want to go to bed with you. At all. Haha, screw it up!>

2nd place - Capricorn

The silver medal goes to Capricorns, whose winning is a dead task. Even if you bring her a dragon's head on a platter, you won't get the princess's hand. Well, if only the hand of some stranger princess who happened to be lying around Capricorn’s household since the time of his passion for the science of anatomy (don’t open the jar, by the way, formaldehyde is very smelly). The thing is that Capricorn does not need fleeting romances. Capricorn needs a serious relationship with an eye to “living happily ever after and dying on the same day.” But first she wants to live happily ever after on her own. But if anything happens, come in. Well, what if she is now passionate about the science of psychology and she needs a drug like “A man in love, a desperate man, one thing”?

1st place - Pisces

Ta-dam! First place and the gold medal go to Pisces! Which, as everyone knows, are very cold, thoughtful, self-absorbed and, it seems, generally a little out of this world. So you need to win them in some special way, but no one knows how exactly. Surprise! We know. You need to hang in the water and pretend to be an old holey sock. Then, perhaps, the Fish will swim out and, looking at you with curiosity, wag its tail and disappear into the world’s oceans. Because she's not really self-absorbed. She just sits in ambush in beautiful corals. So if you try to conquer, she will do “AM”. Well, from there - depending on your luck. Either he’ll gobble it up right away, or he’ll torture him first. Because playing with conquerors, like a cat and a mouse, is her favorite pastime.

The cherished word for Capricorn is “self-control.” Outwardly, she always tries to control herself, while inside her a real fire of passions can blaze. She dreams of meeting a real man and is deathly afraid of falling in love. Because of this excessive caution, he often makes the wrong choice, and then naturally suffers. Don’t expect violent outpourings of feelings from her - even if Capricorn loves, she will still last bit of strength try to pretend that she doesn't care about you. Melting her icy façade is for professional psychologist or a figure who blindly loves and does not lose hope. Therefore, if you dream of ardent romantic relationships With tender confessions in love, then you have come to the wrong address. But on at least, at least you can rely on her.


The Aquarius girl is impulsive, irritable, but quick-witted. She treats men easily and sees them as friends rather than husbands. best friend A man cannot find anything better than an Aquarius girl. She is afraid of heavy passions, so by actively expressing her feelings and even hints at manifestations of possessiveness, you can only achieve that Aquarius will get scared and hide in an unknown direction. And you certainly shouldn’t count on its constancy; it’s better to prepare in advance for the worst.


The Pisces girl lives in a world of her illusions, she is very sensitive, whiny and constantly suffers from the feeling that she has been betrayed. The fish is constantly waiting for confirmation of your feelings for it, otherwise it will plague itself (and, perhaps, you at the same time) with eternal doubts. But even receiving these confirmations several times a day, she eventually gets used to them as a matter of course, and everything continues in a new way. In general, a vicious circle.


A selfish and independent Sheep girl (or should I say Sheep) loves to push guys around. She loves when they idolize her and fulfill any whims. And she is very capricious. When there is a quarrel, the Sheep, like a child, can stomp its feet and cry until, finally, it is done the way it wants. But even if you manage to please her enough that she confesses her love for you, don’t trust her and don’t expect loyalty from her - as soon as she sees a new admirer on the horizon, she can instantly forget about you.


Are you lucky enough to run into a Taurus girl? Oh, then definitely expect dramatic scenes, screaming and dishes being smashed (possibly on your head). And don’t get your hopes up, you won’t be able to argue with her anyway. And begging for forgiveness is a completely futile task. It’s better to accept the inevitable and admit she’s right. When the steam comes out, this girl will become more accommodating.


The twin hates consistency and tends to change guys like gloves. If you are her boyfriend, get ready for her to flirt with your friends right in front of you. Even if she swears her love to you, sooner or later she will demand freedom, but in return she will happily give it to you. If you want to keep Twin, you will have to accept these conditions. And, by the way, she will always prefer a career to housekeeping.


There is nothing more boring and whiny than a Cancer girl. She is devoted to the one she loves to the depths of her soul and is ready to go with him even to the ends of the earth. And, accordingly, it requires a similar return from the loved one. But not everyone will like the fact that such a shadow trails behind you everywhere, even to the ends of the earth... If Rachonka seems that they have lost interest in her even one iota, the girl will close herself off and go into depression. She is touchy, and in this state she can be vindictive. You can't get absolutely anything out of her by screaming; affection and only affection will help. Tons, megatons of affection and tenderness. Then you can twist ropes from it.

a lion

The lioness is vain and domineering, she will not make peace with someone who does not meet her standards, which are approximately at the level of Everest. The girl imagines herself to be the center of the Universe, so there must be a Worthy Guy nearby. Yes, yes, with a capital letter. When her pride is hurt, she will not hatch evil, insidious plans, but will simply express to her face everything that she thinks about the offender. And after her tirade, it may seem that a hurricane or a tsunami are flowers drawn in a child’s notebook. To win this fury, you need to give her an expensive gift (preferably gold decoration with a diamond) and convince her that she is better than everyone you have previously met, and in general a goddess. But don’t lose your courage, otherwise the Lioness will walk all over you and not notice.


Do you think only Lionesses high standards? Virgo's are no less tall. That's why it's so difficult for her to settle on someone. However, the selection criteria are somewhat different than those of the Lioness. For example, Virgo can communicate with slackers and losers, whom Lioness will not even look at. Virgos are usually frivolous. Favorite answer - objection. Favorite hobby- criticism. In a word, take care nerve cells and stock up on valerian.


Libra girls are sure that they are irresistible. They love company and attention. Moreover, the girl is most likely not interested in men themselves, but in admiring fans and applause. Life for Libra - more like a game than everyday life, so they play all their lives. They love luxury and hate unpleasant responsibilities.


If you decide to get yourself a Scorpio girlfriend, then consider that you have gone to war. It’s either very cool with her, or very bad, or both together, alternately. No middle ground. This is a constant presence stressful situation. So if you are not the owner of iron nerves and steel masculinity, this copy is not for you. The insidious Scorpio, even if she really wants to give the impression of being sweet and docile, naive and meek, she will not be able to wear a mask unusual for her for long - her essence will sooner or later take over. And no matter how much he takes it, no one will think so little! And if suddenly something is wrong with you, in her opinion, you’ll get the worst of it. She hates being tight-fisted and is very - remember - VERY jealous! If she finds a text message from another girl in your phone, you will want to eat your phone. And what will happen if she suddenly suspects that she is being cheated on, let me not do it, okay?


The Sagittarius girl is more of a man than a woman. Do you want tenderness and reverence from her? Ha! You will have to accept her as she is and not complain. However, you will complain anyway. She loves to spin around male society and in front of your eyes, because he loves attention. So you can shove your jealousy far away in advance, otherwise she will simply run away, frightened of your passions. But don’t flap your ears: at the party, Strelchikha will not sit quietly in the corner like a floor lamp, so keep your eyes open, otherwise the attention of this Casanova in a skirt will switch to someone else.

Why can a girl be harmful?

    It also depends on the situations. Somewhere the girl will restrain herself (you won’t be mischievous with your boss or teacher?) Somewhere she will want to show herself off the best side and make an impression. Otherwise, this could be a lack of upbringing and poor self-control, or a sign of accumulated fatigue and stress.

    Indeed, as Gulechka already said, for most girls their behavior is very dependent on their mood at the moment) Therefore, guys who are usually more stable are often surprised - how is this possible, everything was just fine, and now they are starting to be mischievous... And your mood can change depending on many factors - your well-being, those around you, the weather, the situation in your family/at school/at work...

    There are also girls who are harmful in life - this may be a consequence of character, upbringing, when the parents instilled in the girl certain standards of behavior, but she cannot implement them. This often happens if a girl was the center of attention in the family, and when she goes beyond that, she does not receive the dose of public attention to which she is accustomed. So she begins to be mischievous in order to attract others. Not best method, of course, but effective. Another thing is that this attention is unlikely to be positive...

    And some simply do not realize that their behavior causes some kind of inconvenience to others. We're not telepaths either)

    Well, how can one not remember the old song that a dog only bites because of the dog’s life. Same with girls. Someone offended you earlier, disliked you in childhood, or vice versa. I was overprotected as a child, and when faced with... real world It turned out that he was not at all what he thought. No one runs to open an umbrella over her when it starts to rain, like mom and dad did. In the morning you have to prepare breakfast yourself, and abandoned clothes do not crawl into the closet on their own and brazenly wrinkle on the chair. There are many options. Every person is a universe. For some it is less, for others it is more.

    Because girls really like to be mischievous, it’s like coquetry, it can be harmless or very offensive. For example, a girl is mischievous that she doesn’t want to go somewhere because she doesn’t have any clothes suitable for this, so she hints that you buy them for her.

    Eastern sages say that if a woman is not harmful or capricious, then it is the same as food without onions. It’s the lot of men to endure women’s whims and fulfill them, just like that. You need to come to terms with this and learn to live.

    A girl can be mischievous, she can be an angel. I’ll say it myself, when I’m not in the mood, I’m so harmful, angry, it’s simply unbearable to be with me, and sometimes I’m such a muse in my soul that I’m kindness itself, I smile at everyone. For girls, it all depends on their mood.

Doesn't matter

It’s just that at some stage of life, any man has a need for such women. Because he doesn’t want to have any obligations to the woman and he doesn’t want to answer any questions. As for harmfulness, each man has his own criterion of harmfulness by which he defines a woman.


This is when he smacks his ass and doesn’t please and says that he is a “schmuck” when he really is a “schmuck”. And does not hang on his neck, wailing. that she wants and loves only him and cannot live without him.
This is the one who can live without him.

Alexey stels

Here we come. Probably, some men like girls who would urge them on and command them. I personally don’t need harmful ones. I need a friend, a companion, a gentle and caring person. In whom did you find such a wife?

Tatiana Vedenina

Never make excuses.
Not before the one who loves you,
and especially not in front of someone who doesn’t love.
The one who doesn't love
he'll never believe you anyway
and the one who loves is himself
will come up with an excuse for you

Elena Belova

I like it)) I like those guys who are not directly attracted to me, I start to dig into it... or too serious, indecisive boys) Harmful is a creature that does everything out of spite... damn it harms)

kind lady

Harmful means she argues and disagrees with a man. .
and they don’t really like it when people argue with them. .
strive for agreement. . and they will never call you harmful!
