Summary of the “Smart Fingers” lesson on the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age. Open lesson on developing fine motor skills in preschoolers "finger games"

During games and development exercises fine motor skills children improve attention, memory, auditory and visual perception, perseverance is cultivated, gaming and educational and practical activities are formed.



Open lesson on the development of fine motor skills of the hand in the preparatory group

"Journey to the Land of Finger Games."

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The hand is the human brain coming out.

I. Kant

Integration educational areas: Communication, Sensory development, Health, Socialization, Artistic creativity, Cognition, Music.

Target: development of motor and cognitive abilities of children


1) Development of the child’s active speech through training of fine movements of the fingers.

2) Develop and form mobility of fingers and hands, hand-eye coordination, paper orientation, grasping ability small items, taking into account their shape and size.

3) Develop attention, auditory perception, memory, ability to imitate the actions of the teacher, understand his verbal attitudes.

4) Develop skills in learning activities.

5) Reinforce the concepts above, below, right, left, in front of you.

6) Educate friendly relations to each other, accuracy in work.

7) Practice counting within 10.

Preliminary work:preparing gingerbread from salt dough, learning finger games.

Demo material:

Map of the country of "Finger Games", a gnome's house, a caterpillar made of traffic jams, musical accompaniment.


Counting sticks, handkerchiefs, clothespins, salt dough gingerbreads, gouache, napkins, corks, laces, a picture - a diagram of a boat.

Progress of the event

Educator: “Guys, we have guests in class today. Let's say hello to them: let's say a friendly “Hello.”

When we greet each other, what other words do we say? How can you say hello without words? (children's options)

Educator: “That’s right, we can shake hands. Anton, say hello to your neighbor on the right. Sonya, greet the neighbor on the left, and then on the right (3-4 children).

This is exactly how they say hello in the country of “Finger Games”, where the gnome Ladoshka lives and where he invites you and me. Look, here is a map of the country of “Finger Games”. How do you think you can get to this country?

(The teacher and the children look at the map, note that it is surrounded on all sides by water, so you need to choose suitable look transport).

Educator: “Yes, indeed, you can get to this country by helicopter, plane, rocket, ship, boat.

Ship, steamship, boat - what type of transport is this? (water).

A rocket, a plane, a helicopter - what type of transport is this? (air).

We will go there on a ship that we will build ourselves. A building material Counting sticks will serve for us. Take your seats. Let's count how many counting sticks we need to build a ship. So, count out 10 sticks and get to work.”

(To the accompaniment of music, children lay out the outline of a boat using counting sticks according to the diagram).

Our ships are ready, close your eyes, let's go on a journey.

The teacher reads a poem to the accompaniment of music."Ship":

"Ship to distant shores"

I went once.

There was a brave captain on it

And the cabin boy was brave.”

(the teacher shows his palm with the gnome Palm).

Dwarf Palm: "Hello guys! I want to play with you today. How many games are there in this world?

Children: “A lot.”

Dwarf Palm: “Yes, there are many of them. What games do you know?

Children's answers

Dwarf Palm: “There are different types of games, mobile and board, for children and adults, complex and simple, for boys and girls. For learning and for fun."

Game "Let's rustle with pencils"

Dwarf Palm: “Look, there are pencils on the table, take them. Do you think they often drew with these pencils or did they lie idle?”

Children: “They were lying idle.”

Dwarf Palm: "Why do you think so?"

Children's answers.

Dwarf Palm: “These are unsharpened pencils. Ulyana, what kind of pencil is this? (I ask several children) They can’t draw, but what can they do?”

Children's answers.

Dwarf Palm: “I’ll teach you how to rustle a pencil. Place the pencil on right hand, press it with your left hand and try to rustle it. Well done! Now let’s rustle at the right ear, at the left, above the head, under the chin.”

Dwarf Palm: “In the finger country there live not only games, but also mysterious inhabitants. And here is one of them (showing the caterpillar). Who do you think it is?

Children's answers

Game "Caterpillar"

Dwarf Palm: “I want to tell you that this is a colorful caterpillar. What is she missing? That's right, friends. Will you help her make new friends?

Children: “Yes” (children collect caterpillars from corks and move them into the house).

Dwarf Palm: “What wonderful helpers! Helped the caterpillar. Do you help mothers at home?”

Children: "Yes."

Dwarf Palm: "I'm still going to meet some new friends.and I’ll watch how you know how to help your mothers.”

Educator: “Guys, let’s show what craftsmen you are.”

Physical education minute “Washing”.

We will wash handkerchiefs and help mothers.

We help mothers together.

We wash it ourselves in a basin,

And shirts and scarves,

For my son and daughter.

Pour water into the basin.

Pour in the powder.

We will soak all our clothes,

Let's wash and rinse.

Let's squeeze it out, shake it,

And then easily and deftly

We'll hang it on a rope.

(each person needs to hang three handkerchiefs. We take the handkerchief by the corner, bend the corner so that the wind does not tear the handkerchief off).

While the handkerchiefs are drying

We'll jump and spin.

Game "Who is faster"

Sticks are tied to the rope, on which the middle is marked, on both sides. Children enter in pairs and wind the rope around a stick. Who is faster until the middle?

Educator: “Oh, guys, the handkerchiefs are already dry, let’s take them off the rope.”

Children remove handkerchiefs from the rope.

Educator: " Well done! You did a great job! Since you are like that good helpers, let's bake gingerbread for moms. To bake gingerbread, what do you need to knead?”

Children: "Dough."

Finger-speech game “Knead the dough”

We kneaded the dough

Gingerbread cookies were made

Slap, slap,

Slap, slap

We kneaded the dough

They made gingerbread cookies.

How quickly the dough came up, here they are, gingerbread cookies! (I distribute gingerbread cookies made from salt dough).

Now we will decorate them. How can you decorate a gingerbread? You can use circles, wavy lines, dots. There are no brushes, we will paint with our fingers.

Try your best, bakers!

Tula gingerbread,

Soft, tasty.

We invite you to the samovar,

We treat you to sweet tea.

(To the accompaniment of music, children decorate with finger gouache).

Educator: " Well done, you made some beautiful gingerbread cookies!

It's time for us to return. Say goodbye to the gnome and the caterpillars."

Finger-speech game “Boat”

You don’t have to know the rules, just repeat after me.

I will press my two palms (press my palms without connecting thumbs)

And I will sail across the sea.

Two palms, friends, (wave-like movements)

This is my boat.

I'll raise the sails (thumbs up)

I will float in the blue sea (wave-like movements)

And on the stormy waves (putting hands together, the “fish” swims)

Fish swim here and there.

Final part:“Tell me, guys, what objects did we play with today? It turns out that you can come up with so many games with different objects! Both boys and girls can play these games.”

Summary of a lesson on developing fine motor skills “Playing with fingers”

Program content:

Teach plot finger exercises, develop attention, memory, spatial orientation, speed;
Teach children the elements finger gymnastics“Theater in the hand”, which develops attention and memory, relieves psycho-emotional stress;
Teach the elements of self-massage of hands and feet;
Teach the prevention of flat feet, develop fine motor skills of the legs.

Progress of the lesson:


What can your fingers and toes do? (answers) Correct! Draw, sculpt, hold a spoon, play pranks. Let's now play the finger game “How are you?”

Finger game “How are you?”

How are you?
- Like this! (thumbs forward)
- How are you swimming?
- Like this! (imitation swimming)
- How are you running?
- Like this! (index and middle fingers “run”)
-Are you looking into the distance?
- Like this! ("binoculars")
- Are you waiting for lunch?
- Like this! (Put your cheek on your fist)
- Are you waving after me?
- Like this! (wave hand)
- Do you sleep in the morning?
- Like this! (both hands under the cheek)
- Are you naughty?
- Like this! (slap puffy cheeks)


Well done! Do you want to know what else your fingers can do? (Yes) Then we go on a journey. But first you need to prepare for it.

(Adults and children perform self-massage).

Are you ready, little eyes?
- Yes! (stroking eyelids)
- Are you ready, ears?
- Yes! (stroking ears)
- Are you ready, hands?
- Yes! (stroking hands)
-Are you ready, legs?
- Yes! (stroking legs)
- You are ready? (spread your arms to the sides)
- Yes! (hug yourself with your arms)


Now let's get on the train and hit the road. (parents and children move one after another along a ribbed board, clinging together like carriages, to the accompaniment of music)


We've arrived!

Station "Lesnaya"

Outdoor game “Find your tent”

Goal: To teach plot finger exercises, to develop attention, memory, spatial orientation, and speed.
IN different sides In the hall there are hoops with colored orientations.


Look here, these are tents. Each person choose a tent and remember its color. At the signal “Let’s go through the forest!” - you walk in pairs and depict animals and birds in the forest. And at the signal “To the tents!” each pair must take its place - stand in a hoop with its colored sector. Ready? (forest music or a musician plays along).

Bear – walking on the outside of the foot, arms in front of you, elbows bent.
Fox – walking on toes “sneaking”, smooth movements of the hands in front of you.
Deer - walking with high knees, arms crossed above the head, hands representing antlers.
Wild horse - running with high knees, hands clenched into fists.
Eagle owl - normal walking, smooth movements of the arms to the sides, up, down.
The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.


Teatralnaya station

Game "Mirror and Monkeys"

Goal: To teach children the elements of finger gymnastics “Theater in the hand”, which develops attention and memory, relieves psycho-emotional stress. (Adults and children sit in a circle in Turkish style, the teacher shows story-based finger exercises for maintaining the posture of the hand under poetic rhymes, and the children perform the exercises, their parents help them).


The cockerel stands all bright
He cleans the comb with his paw.


The goose stands and cackles all the time,
He wants to pinch you.


The cat has ears on the top of her head,
To better hear the mouse in the hole.


Station "Massage"

Goal: To teach the elements of self-massage of hands and feet.
(Are used massage balls or containers from Kinder surprises).


This station is not easy. Now we will do a hand and foot massage. And these kinder surprise toy containers will help us with this. They massage your palms and fingers well.

Massage game “Chinese balls”

Have you seen the circus performer?
The ball goes around the ball!
Circling with the air of an expert,
Like a bumblebee around a flower.
(first we roll the balls between two palms, and then with each hand in turn)


Well, now you can start the main massage. Sit cross-legged on the floor opposite your child. Ready?
(kneading, rubbing, pressing, pinching palms, feet with fingers from the periphery to the center)

I'll rub my palms hard,
I'll twist each finger,
I'll say hello to him
And I'll start pulling out.
(we rub our palms, grab each finger at the base and with a twisting motion we reach the nail phalanx)

Then I'll wash my hands
(“wash” hands)

I'll put my finger in your finger,
I'll lock them up
And I'll keep it warm.
(fingers in the “lock”)

I'll let my fingers go
Let them run like bunnies.
(unlock your fingers and move them)


Now let's move on to foot massage.
(parents massage their child's feet)

Like on the palms of your hands
Together I will collect them
And I’ll start stroking.
(stroking the foot and toes)

I'll rub every finger,
I'll twist each finger.
(rubbing each finger)

I'll spread it forward, back and squeeze it with my hands.
(with your hands, pull your fingers toward you, away from you)

Hello fingers! Forest gnomes!
Hello fingers! Wind-up toys!


Well done! We learned how to do massage. Shall we move on?

Jungle Station

Outdoor game “Catching Monkeys”

(to the song “Chunga-changa”)

Goal: Development of speed and fine motor skills of the hands.


The children will now be monkeys, and the adults will pretend to be their parents and be on one side of the playground. And on the opposite side there is a catcher who shows the monkeys the movements, they repeat them. At the signal “Catcher” the children run to their parents. Those who didn’t make it in time are taken away by the catcher.

1. Arms bent at the elbows and spread to the sides - clench and unclench your fingers.
2. Arms bent at the elbows in front of you, cross movement of the arms and simultaneous clench and unclench of the fingers.
3. arms spread to the sides, tilts left and right and raising the left and right leg, the elbow reaches towards the knee.
4. Arms spread to the sides, walking on bent legs around you.
5. “Monkey” walking - on straight arms and legs, leaning on your fingers and toes.


(children run away to their parents)


Well played! Funny monkeys, nimble! Let's move on.

Station "Igrovoy"

Goal: To teach the prevention of flat feet, to develop fine motor skills of the legs.
Material: Large handkerchief, small toys from Kinder surprises.

1) Exercises to prevent flat feet (warm-up):
“Caterpillar” - bending and straightening the toes, moving the foot forward, straightening the knees.
“Drumsticks” – tapping your toes.
“The toes quarreled and made up” - opening and closing the toes.
“Fingers play” - wave-like movements of the fingers.


Now our fingers have warmed up, it’s time for them to play.

2) Grabbing, lifting small toys toes.

3) Playing with a handkerchief: collect it with your feet, fold it - “corner to corner.”


Our journey has come to an end. You had the opportunity to see: your toes and hands can play, portray animals, show theater; they love competition and massage. You can play with your fingers and toes with friends and parents, away and at home. Now let's wish each other something good, let's say sweet words to your children and your mothers.

Elena Selezneva
Summary of a lesson on developing fine motor skills “Looking for Misha”

Subject: "IN searching for Misha» .

Target: Work with children various techniques and activities for development of fine motor skills of hands.

Tasks: 1. Develop finger motor skills hands using traditional and

not traditional methods.

2. Develop ability to coordinate the actions of fingers, general

coordination of movements.

3. Learn to perform actions in accordance with the text.

4. Develop the ability to act according to a model, relax and

strain your arm muscles.

Equipment: plates for each child, beans, peas, semolina, sun, Masha doll, bear, counting sticks.

Progress of the lesson.

1 Organizational moment

Educator: Hello guys! Today we have guests. Let us say hello to ourselves and our guests.

Game exercise "Hello".

Hello, palms (clap)

Clap, clap, clap.

Hello legs (stomp)

Top, top, top.

Hello my little nose (Touch the tip of your nose with your index finger)

Beep, beep, beep.

Hello, guests!

Educator: Today they are waiting for you and me interesting tasks, and our fingers will help us complete them.

Finger game "How are you"

How are you? - Like this! (thumbs forward)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitation swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (Index and middle fingers "run")

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this! ( "binoculars")

Are you looking forward to lunch? - Like this? (prop your cheek with your fist)

Are you waving after me? - Like this! (wave hand)

Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this! (both hands under the cheek)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (slap puffy cheeks)

2. Main part

(There is a knock on the door. A Masha doll and a magic bag are brought in).

Educator: Guys, the doll Masha came to visit us and brought a bag with her. (I try to open the bag). But the bag does not open. Guys, Masha is telling me something. Masha didn’t listen to Misha at all, he was offended by her and left, and without him she couldn’t do anything. She asks you to help her complete tasks and find Misha. Shall we help Masha? And she also says that the bag she brought will open after you help her.

First task. Sort through the beans and peas.

Educator: Masha has all her beans and peas mixed up. You will need to sort the beans and peas into different saucers.

Educator: Well done, you did a good job. I'll try to open the bag, but nothing works. We'll have to do another task.

Educator: Before you and I begin the next task, let's play.

Physical exercise.

One two three four five, (hands on the belt, turns right, left)

Let's build and play. (Children crouch)

We are building a big, tall house. (stretch hands up).

We install windows and roof (jumping in place).

That's what beautiful house! (stretch arms forward).

We will live in it. (squats)

Educator: See counting sticks. Masha asks you to build a house out of counting sticks. Shall we get started?

Second task

Didactic game: "Lay out the house".

Educator: Well done, what beautiful houses you have turned out to be. (trying again untie the bag, but fails).

What's happened? How so?

There is no way to open it.

Third task.

Look, honey. What color is it? (children's answers) What does it look like? (children's answers). Now we will try to draw the sun. We will draw on semolina. And our fingers will turn into magic pencils, and each of you will draw your own sun. (Everyone comes to the table. Drawing demonstration). Where do we start drawing? (Children's answers). After we draw a circle, what should be drawn are the rays.

(children approach the plates with semolina and draw the sun with their fingers).

How beautiful your suns turned out! You are simply great. Masha likes everything too.

3. Final part.

Did you guys enjoy completing the tasks? What did you do today? (Children's answers) And who helped us? That's right, our fingers. They must work hard to help the tongue speak well.

Educator: Let's try again untie the bag, and we’ll find out what he was hiding from you. Yes, there are sweets here for you.

(I distribute sweets and say goodbye to the guests).

Publications on the topic:

Abstract complex lesson for the development of fine motor skills “Journey to a fairy tale with Kolobok” (second junior group). Goal: Development.

Summary of a lesson in the form of a club hour on the development of fine motor skills “My Family” GOAL: Development of fine motor skills and hand coordination in children preschool age through different kinds activities. Objectives: Educational:.

Summary of a lesson on the development of fine motor skills “Magic forest and fairy-tale characters” « Magical forest And fairy-tale heroes» Goals: Continue to develop children’s finger motor skills; continue to teach children to work on the worksheet.

Summary of a lesson on the development of fine motor skills “The pencil is our magic tool” Lesson No. 3 “our magic pencil” Goal: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity of the hands, mastering the elements of self-massage.

Summary of a lesson on the development of fine motor skills “Guest doll” Lesson No. 4 “Guest doll” Purpose: Development of fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Objectives: To develop coordination of movements of both hands, work skills.

Summary of a lesson on developing fine motor skills “Finger games”.

Program content:

Develop fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old through finger games;

Teach plot finger exercises, develop attention, memory, spatial orientation, speed;

Teach children the elements of finger gymnastics “Theater in the hand”, which develops attention and memory, relieves psycho-emotional stress;

Teach the elements of self-massage of hands.

Continue to teach how to pronounce and memorize nursery rhymes for the teacher, finger games; develop active speech in children 4-5 years old, its expressiveness, emotional response to the content of the nursery rhyme;

Practice accuracy when folding and gluing sun elements

Cultivate interest in the process and result of the work, the desire to complete the work started.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, what do we do to become agile, fast and strong? (we do exercises and exercise) Do you think our fingers need exercise? Of course, your fingers also need to be trained. Let's show our guests what we can do.


Finger game “How are you?”

How are you? - Like this! (thumbs forward)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitation swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (index and middle fingers “run”)

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this! ("binoculars")

Are you looking forward to lunch? - Like this! (Put your cheek on your fist)

Are you waving after me? - Like this! (wave hand)

Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this! (both hands under the cheek)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (slap puffy cheeks)

Exercise: “Pencil”

We roll a pencil

We massage our fingers.

Fingers will become skillful -

They don't sit idle.

Cone massage.

Guys, remember, we collected pine cones in the park in the fall, and now we will need them.

A lumpy hand massage is performed.

Game "Help the hedgehog."

In front of the children are patterns (contours) of a hedgehog.

What is the hedgehog missing? (Needles) Using clothespins, we’ll make some needles for the hedgehog.

Main part


Guys, do you like fairy tales? Let's check it now. I will tell you riddles, and you must guess what fairy tale it is.

    In this fairy tale, everyone lives together: one crushes grain, the other bakes pies, one plays the harmonica, and the other guards them.

Everyone must build a tower using counting sticks.

Whose mansion is higher? Below?

Whose mansion is wider? Already? Etc

    The hero of the following fairy tale is neither human nor animal. You will find out if you guess the riddle:

I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Well, our friend got caught. (Kolobok).

Fairy tale on fingers.

Kolobok rolled

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

He was the first to meet a bunny, (showing a bunny with a hand)

Little naughty boy.

I sang a song - I wasn’t lazy, (clench-unclench fingers)

Kolobok rolled (circular movements of the hands, one around the other)

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

Then I met a top (showing a wolf with his hand)

The top is a gray barrel.

I sang a song - I wasn’t lazy,

Kolobok rolled (circular movements of the hands, one around the other)

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

I met a bear on the way, (showing a bear with his hand)

He was able to get away from it.

I sang a song - I wasn’t lazy, (clench-unclench fingers)

And then in a dense forest (showing the fox's hand)

I met a gossip - a fox.

I sang a song - I wasn’t lazy, (clench-unclench fingers)

He didn't have time to roll away. (quick circular movements with hands)


The melody sounds " Spring morning" The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and stretch out their arms.

Educator: Imagine that you have little suns on your palms. The sun loves everyone, warms, caresses. This makes all nature come alive in the spring. Through the fingers, like rays of the sun, warmth flows throughout the hand. The hands have calmed down and are resting. Fatigue goes away, muscles relax. Now open your eyes, the fatigue has passed.

(music turns off)

Physical education minute.

Sunshine, sunshine, (Children walk in a circle, holding hands.)

Golden bottom.

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

A stream ran in the garden, (They run in a circle.)

A hundred rooks have arrived (“Flying” in a circle.”)

And the snowdrifts melt, melt, (Slowly squat.)

And the flowers are growing. (Stretch on tiptoes, arms up.)

Practical part.

Making suns (applique with origami elements)

Synopsis of direct educational activities teacher with children to develop fine motor skills and prepare hands for writing “New Year’s Miracles”

Target: prevention and overcoming existing deviations in speech development child through a combination of words and movement.
- form and consolidate concepts of a vertical line;
- to form control over muscle sensations, practicing rhythm in performing actions.
- develop the ability to touch oblong and round toys;
- learn to highlight forefinger your hand;
- develop motor activity and flexibility of the flexor and extensor muscles of the fingers, hands, coordinated actions with both hands;
- develop sensory perception, multichannel, auditory-motor coordination;
- develop impressive and expressive speech.
- cultivate curiosity;
- foster creative activity.
Progress of the lesson.
Organizing time.
Educator. - Guys, today we will have unusual activity, having guessed the riddle, you will find out what will be discussed.
The green beauty is always growing in the forest,
And in the New Year she will dress up and come to visit us. (Christmas tree.)
Educator. Right.
Coming New Year.
Reading a poem.
Winter brought our joyful holiday.
The green tree came to visit us.
Look what a beauty came to us.
(Children look at the Christmas tree.)
Finger exercise " Christmas decorations»
Look: our Christmas tree has very sharp needles.
From the bottom to the top of her head there are toys hanging on her -
Stars and balls bright lanterns.
(Children use their fingers to depict Christmas tree decorations.)
Educator. Oh, we have something under the tree.
Children. This is a bag.
Educator. Who do you think lost the bag?
Children. Santa Claus.
Educator. Grandfather Frost brought us a gift. These are Christmas tree toys.
- Guys, let's look at what Christmas tree decorations are in Santa Claus's bag. (Balls - large and small, icicle, cones, etc.)
Didactic game " Wonderful pouch»
(Children name the toy, feel it, naming its signs, then put it in a bag. Children take turns identifying the toy by touch, calling it and hanging it on the tree.)
Educator. Now we’ll do some self-massage.
Self-massage “Christmas tree holiday”
Soon, soon New Year,
The Christmas tree will come to visit us.
Let's decorate the Christmas tree, dance in a circle,
Let's have a fun, fun New Year!
(The nut is in the palms, children perform circular movements.)
Educator. I suggest singing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” to the Christmas tree.
(Children dance around the Christmas tree and sing a song.)
Exercise “The Christmas tree has come to visit”
(Children lay out Christmas trees from sticks.)
Educator. - Guys, let's decorate the Christmas trees.
Exercise “Christmas tree toys”
(The children have a silhouette of a Christmas tree and plasticine balls on their tables. The children press the ball with their index finger.)
Dynamic pause “Snow fluff”
Snow fluff, snow fluff,
Everything, everything, everything is fluff all around.
(Hands up, light movements with hands.)
Pooh on your hats, fluff on your lips,
Fluff on the eyebrows, fluff on the fur coats,
Pooh covered his forehead and nose.
Who did it?
Children. Father Frost.
(Stroking movements with hands.)
In winter there is only one fun.
Everyone needs accuracy and dexterity in it.
What do you call “shells”?
What are you making and throwing at your friends?
Children. Snowballs.
Exercise “Making snowballs”
(Children roll pieces of cotton wool into balls.)
Snowball game.
Educator. Now let's make it snow.
Exercise “Snowfall in the forest”
(Children lay out “snowballs” on a Christmas tree stencil from velvet paper.)
Independent work children.
Exercise “Our Christmas tree is tall”
- Guys, look: what is drawn on your pieces of paper?
Children. Decorated Christmas tree.
(Children look at the picture, say what color the tree is, what toys hang on it.)
- Let's draw balls on the lower branches.
(Children “draw, in the air, then on paper. Next, the teacher suggests drawing multi-colored dots around the tree - confetti. First you need to draw several red dots, then yellow and green. After that, the children draw the floor - draw a straight line horizontal line.
Summing up the lesson.
- What interesting things did you learn today?
- What did you like most?
- What holiday is coming?
Guys, you all did great today!
