Complementary color contrast. Additional colors

The definition of primary colors depends on how we are going to reproduce the color. The colors seen when sunlight is split by a prism are sometimes called spectral colors. These are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.



Figure 1.9 - Three types of flowers:

a- primary colors; b- secondary colors; in- tertiary colors

The color wheel is obtained by combining primary - primary, additional - secondary and tertiary colors. The primary colors are red, yellow and blue. In order to get secondary colors, we mix one color with another. Yellow and red give us orange, red and blue give us magenta, and blue and yellow give us green. What are tertiary colors? The primary color is simply taken and the adjacent secondary color is added to it. This means that there are six tertiary colors (two colors from each primary color). (Figure 1.9)

When two or more colors fit "to each other", they are called complementary or complementary colors. Let's formulate a more precise definition: if two colors, when mixed together, give a neutral gray (dye / pigment) or white (light) color, they are called complementary or complementary colors.

1.7 Name of colors and pigments

Color names are classified into three types: color terms proper; the names of the coloring pigment transferred to the color; adjectives from common nouns of objects with an attractive catchy coloring.

Actually color terms - blue, green, yellow - in the modern language have no other meanings. The names for the pigment - carmine, ocher, rhodamine - are highly specialized and are used only in professions dealing with paints. Names according to the color of objects - lilac, lemon, crimson - are typical for colloquial speech, literature, and art history. They are very figurative, since the color indicated in them is stored in our memory and can be represented, but such designations do not have the accuracy necessary in a scientific definition, and are not used in science.

Any "physical" color name can be expanded into a wide range of shades or varieties. How many flowers can you see? The human eye can distinguish about 200 color tones. In this variety, 8 main groups of colors can be distinguished: purple, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Purples differ from reds in that they contain a violet or blue hue that reds do not have. The whole group is called by the name of the paint, which in antiquity was made from a sea snail. All the colors of the purple group are very interesting. Ruby - a noble dark red color with blue. Rhodamine is close to ruby, but has a more noticeable purple hue. Magenta - comes from the name of the plant, has a very bright light red color with some internal blueness.

Figure 1.10 - Chromatic colors

Figure 1.11 - Purple colors

The red group covers all reds and has various names: crimson, crimson, crimson, scarlet, coral, pink, terracotta, etc.

The orange, yellow and green groups have many derived hues, identified by pigment (yellow lead, yellow zinc, chromium oxide), by natural color (orange, lemon, grass green), or without special names.

In the blue group, cyan blue or turquoise should be noted. In the violet group, lilac (light purple) stands out.

Most of the color designations used in practice come from comparison with any objects, phenomena, works of nature or art. When studying color associations, it is precisely such a differentiated view of color that should be adopted. In this case, it turns out that the perception of color is much more stable and definite than is commonly believed. The strongest emotions are caused by the colors of the human body and its discharge (although this is far from always realized). So, no one remains indifferent to pink - they either love it or hate it. The subtlest shades of pink can evoke a variety of emotions in us. Red and other colors inherent in man act just as strongly and definitely.

Color circle.

Color spectrum.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple colors make up spectrum(Fig. 4). The colors of the spectrum are always arranged in this order. The extreme colors of the spectrum - red and violet - are more similar to each other than the extremes with the middle ones. This made it possible to arrange the spectral colors in a circle.

The arrangement of flowers in the color wheel is very convenient (Fig. 5). It allows you to visually explain many patterns in color theory. If an equilateral triangle is inscribed in a circle, with one corner directed to red, then red, blue, yellow will lie at the corners. These three colors cannot be obtained by mixing others, they are called main. By mixing the primary colors together in pairs, we get primary derivatives (Example: yellow + red = orange, blue + yellow = green, red + blue = purple). By mixing primary colors with primary derivatives, we get secondary derivatives (Example: red + orange = red-orange, blue + green = blue-green, yellow + green = yellow-green, etc.).

The color wheel is usually divided into two parts - warm and cold. The border between cold and warm colors passes through red and green colors, which can be classified as both warm and cold, depending on their shade.

Warm colors: red, yellow, orange and all others that have shades of yellow. Warm colors are reminiscent of the colors of the sun, fire, which in nature really give warmth.

Cool colors: blues, cyan, greens, blue-violet and colors that have shades of blue. Cold colors are associated in our minds with something really cold - ice, snow, water, etc.

At the same time, this division is conditional, because cold blue-green color compared to blue will be warmer, and colder compared to green. Therefore, any warm color compared to an even warmer one can become cold.

Usually all colors are divided into two groups.

One group is achromatic colors: black, white and all grays (from darkest to lightest). These are the so-called neutral (colorless colors). They differ in lightness, the human eye is able to distinguish about 300 shades.

To another group chromatic (color) colors include the colors of the solar spectrum and their derivatives. These are all colors except black, white, gray, that is, red, yellow, blue, green, pink, turquoise and others.

Colors that cannot be obtained by mixing other colors are called main(Fig. 6). Yellow, red, blue are the primary colors. The colors that can be obtained by mixing basic colors are conventionally called constituent or derivatives colors (orange, yellow, purple).

Drawing a diameter through the middle of purple in the color wheel, blue is opposite orange. Thus, it is possible to define pairs of colors, which are conventionally called complementary. Red will have green as an additional and vice versa. The combination of complementary colors gives us a feeling of a special brightness of color. But not every red will go well with every green. There can be many shades of red, green, blue, orange, yellow and other colors. If, for example, red is close to blue, then such red will also have yellow-green in addition.

Primary and derivative colors, define, give an example.

Primary colors: red, yellow and blue

In traditional color theory, these three colors cannot be obtained by combining other colors. All other colors are obtained by mixing these.

Composite colors: green, orange and purple

These colors are obtained by pairwise mixing of primary colors.

Derived colors: yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green and yellow-green.

These colors are formed by mixing the primary and adjacent secondary colors. Just this palette is mainly used in the selection of colors.

Complementary colors, related colors, give a definition, give an example.


Directly opposite colors on the color wheel are called complementary colors; when placed side by side, they enhance each other's brightness. Pairs of complementary colors:

1. Red - green;

2. Yellow - purple;

3. Orange red.

Moreover, each warm shade will be additionally cold.

Additional to red - green-blue, to orange - blue greenish, to yellow-orange - blue, to pure yellow - blue, to yellow greenish-violet, to yellow-green-purple. Complementary colors are mutual. This means that if green-blue is complementary to red, then red is complementary to green-blue.

It is interesting!

If we divide the spectrum into two parts, for example, red-orange-yellow and green-blue-violet, and collect each of these groups with a special lens, then as a result we get two mixed colors, the mixture of which in turn will also give us white. .

If we remove one color from the spectrum, for example, green, and use a lens to collect the remaining colors - red, orange, yellow, blue and violet - then the mixed color we receive will turn out to be red, that is, a color complementary to the green that we removed. If we remove the yellow color, then the remaining colors - red, orange, green, blue and purple - will give us purple, that is, the color complementary to yellow.

Two colors that combine to produce white are called complementary colors. In fact, perfectly pure complementary colors "kill" each other. Each color is complementary to a mixture of all other colors in the spectrum. In a mixed color, we cannot see its individual components. In this respect, the eye differs from the ear, which has a good musical ear, which can pick out any of the sounds of a chord.

Then he said goodbye to the hostess and, once again reminding her of the need to go in the evening for ointment, went home.

The patient was strange, even very. On the one hand, hematomas on his body spoke of numerous fractures and possible internal bleeding, but on the other hand, the patient's condition was normal. Palpation also did not bring anything special - it seemed that everything was in order with the young man. The disposition of the patient's heart was astonishing. Judging by listening, it was not located strictly in the center of the sternum, as it should be, but was somewhat shifted to the left of the midline, which in itself is quite surprising, but nothing more. He often read about such incidents of nature in the medical almanac, however, he had to face for his long practice for the first time.

But all these abrasions and bruises on the patient's body - well, they do not look like the consequences of an ordinary fight! If he had not been told about the attack on a young man, he would have thought that the damage was caused by a fall from a great height, and through the crown of a tree. He had already seen something similar when the son of Farina, his neighbor, climbed a tree in the forest, where he discovered a hive of wild bees - he wanted to feast on honey, then there were also scratches and bruises all over his body, and bites, of course. And this guy also had capillaries in his eyes burst - strange! But the main thing is to put the patient on his feet, and what happened to him, let his relatives figure it out ... or the local bailiff.

Sergey hardly opened his eyelids and tried to focus his eyes for several minutes. He did not succeed - the veil of turbidity interfered, making the outlines of objects blurry. He wanted to rub his eyes, but his hand did not obey, turning into an unbearable, lifeless deck. Sergei felt panic rising inside him, and jerked sharply, trying to sit up, but immediately collapsed onto the pillow with a groan. His body didn't obey, besides, a sharp flash of pain in his back almost sent him into the abyss of unconsciousness again.

For a while he lay still, waiting for the pain to subside and trying to figure out what was happening to him. He is clearly no longer in the capsule, but where is he? Through the veil that veiled his eyes, the outlines of some room lined with incomprehensible objects were guessed. Sergei tried to examine the nearest one, but he saw only a gray blurry spot located to the side of him. One thing is clear: he is in some room and lies on the bed, which means that someone picked him up. The bed feels like a bed, even with a pillow. Sergey squirmed, settling himself comfortably, feeling the roughness of the material on his cheek and the slight tingling of the tip of the feather that had come out through the pillowcase.

“Apparently, there is still a colony on this planet, and the computer could not determine the location of the ship due to a breakdown,” Sergey sighed. “Although, judging by the same pillow, the technologies of the local residents are far from advanced, one can only hope There is a long range transmitter.

He again tried to move his hand, and, to his great joy, he succeeded. True, the hand was completely numb, as if he lay it in a dream, and moved with great difficulty. Sergei tried to move his legs, but a sharp pain in his right ankle forced him to abandon these attempts.

"Yes, I got it great," he thought, trying not to move anymore unnecessarily. "Then the numbness is most likely due to the action of nanvits, which block nerve endings in especially damaged areas of the body."

As if to confirm his thoughts, the pain in his disturbed leg began to subside, and in its place came a familiar numbness.

"So, it remains only to wait until the Nanvits finish their work, or hope for the skill of local doctors." Sergey closed his eyes and plunged into a saving dream, more like oblivion.

Greg, who was sitting on a small chock by the porch, staring despondently at the crooked stool he had decided to mend, only chuckled. Zeldin the foundling had been hanging around the old tractor, which stood right behind the fence, since the morning, and did not react to the woman's call at all. To be honest, it is still not clear whether he understands them at all or not, although, rather, not. When you ask, he either smiles stupidly or simply does not respond. He was unusual, a week ago he was lying in bed, like an insensitive deck, and now he just doesn’t run - he healed like a dog. Greg sighed and shook his head, remembering how surprised Tabus was: the doctor didn't seem to believe that his patient had nearly recovered from his wounds. At least he still came to Zelda every evening and listened and tapped her named son for almost an hour, as if he was trying to find some catch invisible at first sight. Serg steadfastly endured all these procedures, although it seemed to Greg that occasionally mocking lights lit up in the patient's eyes, as if the foundling in the depths of his soul was laughing at the old doctor for some reason.

– Greg, where is Serg? - Zelda's voice, which was heard just above the ear, made the thoughtful Greg flinch in surprise and release the hammer, which he was turning in his hands.

“Somewhere, your foundling is by the tractor,” he muttered, rubbing his bruised knee and picking up a tool from the ground. – Admire scrap metal like a painting in a museum.

"Don't call him a foundling," the woman frowned. “He is Serg, my son.

“Zelda…” Greg glanced at his frowning girlfriend and, waving his hand, took a nail from a nearby box and drove it into the staggering stool leg with one precise blow.

“Greg,” Zelda unexpectedly hugged the man by the shoulders, making him look at her in surprise. - Greg, my dear, I understand everything perfectly, and ... You won’t return Serg, but, you know ... I look at the guy, and somehow my heart is easier, my soul is calm.

“Zel…” Greg chuckled. - Don't talk nonsense, he's not a toy, he'll recover a little and leave. He has his own family, his own mother...

Greg nodded in agreement - indeed, there was a resemblance. He saw an old photograph of Serg and could not disagree with it. The foundling is also tall, slender, fit, with jet-black hair, and if he is dressed in the uniform of imperial aeronauts, then the resemblance to the photo will be almost complete. True, Zelda's son has a slightly narrower face and a slightly bulbous nose, while the stranger's nose is thin, straight, with a slight hump, and his cheekbones are wider.

- All right, I'll go and call him. Greg put down his hammer and got up and walked to the tractor.

"Wow, a steam-powered tractor or something." Sergei sighed. He saw something similar only in terrestrial museums, and even then only in the form of three-dimensional projections. Where did he end up anyway? This is clearly not an earthly colony, because such a technological decline is even difficult to imagine. Although, on the other hand, the space expansion of the Earth Federation has been going on for more than five centuries, and the first decades after the invention of the diving engine, it was rather chaotic, so some old colonies or their remains are still being found, but still ... Sergey chuckled.

Firstly, in all the settlements found, even centuries later, the locals spoke one of the terrestrial languages, and sometimes a wild mixture of them - often the composition of the colonial ships was multinational - but still they could be understood. There is nothing familiar here - not a single word.

But at the university, especially for such cases, they drove into the brain a whole cloud of half-dead languages, so that in principle he could easily speak not only in English, Chinese or Russian, but also in ancient Latin. This often helped during business trips to distant colonies, where for some reason the inhabitants stubbornly refused to use the generally accepted lingua. The language of the local inhabitants was absolutely incomprehensible, rather melodic, and sometimes it seemed that they did not speak, but sang.

Secondly, hair ... he did not know that people can have different colors, like cat hair, and for local residents, variegation of hair is the norm. The hostess' hairstyle was diversified by strands of three colors: brown, yellow and black, and the man who came to visit her could boast of luxurious two-tone white-brown hair, and people are like people. However, of the two dozen alien civilizations known to mankind, twelve belong to the humanoid type - apparently, he stumbled upon the thirteenth. And all the same - how much the natives of this planet look like people!

The woman with whom he lives is short, puny, with a pretty face and a thick mane of long hair, which she collects in a luxurious tail that goes down to her waist. How old she was, Sergey could not say, if only for the reason that it is pointless to measure by earthly standards here. Terrestrial science has long since learned to delay old age, and a man at thirty years old was almost no different from a hundred years old. So he could only say one thing - the mistress who sheltered him was not yet old, as, indeed, was the one-legged man who came to her every day. Perhaps there were also internal differences, but their identification is the concern of anthropologists. Although, judging by the behavior of the old doctor, who each time feels and taps him with interest, he, an earthling, has some deviations from the physiology of the local natives. Of course, the doctor was probably surprised by the patient's quick recovery, but it is noticeable that the local doctor is confused by something other than this. Just know what? Sergei sighed and, bending down, massaged his knee. The leg still hurts, and the numbness does not go away, which speaks of the incessant work of the Nanwits. This worried Sergey a little and made him uncomfortable when walking, forcing him to limp a little, but there was nothing to be done about it.

1. In painting, blue, yellow and red are called primary, since mixing other colors you cannot get them, but mixing the primary colors you can get the rest.
2. If you gradually mix a little red into yellow, and place each slightly redder shade next to the previous batch, making a smooth transition from yellow to red, and then also mix blue with red and yellow with blue, you get a color wheel:

*Drawing it perfectly on a computer is quite problematic due to the fact that monitors can not transmit all colors.
3. Colors that are opposite on the color wheel are called complementary. Mixing them in the right proportions gives a gray color.
4. Our vision is arranged in such a way that if the eye sees colors in the environment of some bright color, then vision gives these colors a tint complementary to the bright color (blue to flowers against an orange background, etc.). Therefore, a neutral gray surrounded by orange will appear blue to us.

*Some argue that the effect is more noticeable if you focus on one gray square and at the same time try to note for yourself what color peripheral vision perceives the adjacent gray square (I don’t know how correct this is). Someone tries to see two gray squares at the same time and compare them. Someone, on the contrary, tries to close all the other colored squares and observe the effect on only one.

5. If one additional color lies next to another, then they give each other even more "strength" and create a particularly strong contrast.

Full text of the lesson

What are complementary colors is discussed quite often, but porridge remains in the minds. I will try to make it as simple and structured as possible.

What are primary colors

Yellow, red and blue are called primary colors.

Three colors, which in painting is enough to mix another desired color. But from other colors, yellow, red and blue cannot be mixed. Of these, you can mix all the colors, but you can’t get them.

This is the limitation of paints as a material. Theoretically, it would be possible to take other colors as the main ones, for example, red, green and blue. This is how a computer monitor works - all the colors on it are obtained from these three. But unfortunately it doesn't work in colors 🙁

What is a color wheel

The color wheel is such a gradation from yellow to yellow through all the colors of the rainbow. In other words, it's a way to arrange all the colors.

Why did it occur to someone to arrange them like that? And here's why: if you take the main yellow color, and start adding a little red to it with a brush, then the yellow will become more and more orange, it will become copper-orange, and then completely fiery red. If we start adding blue to the resulting red, then we will mix many different purple colors. And if you gradually add yellow to blue, then at first you get the color of a sea wave, and then more and more frank green. And in the end we will return to yellow. Surely at first someone mixed such a color path in the form of a strip, and then it occurred to him that he could connect its ends.

What are Complementary Colors

And here it turns out that if you take and mix the colors that are on the circle strictly on the opposite side, you will get not a bright juicy color, but gray.

Of course, this is not so easy to do, in order to get a perfectly gray gray you need to keep the proportions, but it can be done.

For example, yellow plus purple makes gray. And yellow plus blue is green. And red plus green is gray.

Optical illusions: bright color as background

Our eye works in such a way that when we see an object of a very bright color, such as purple, our eye seems to think: “Wow, the object is so purple that all other objects are anti-violet.” Therefore, if we see a bright purple surrounding a speck of gray, then this gray does not seem gray to us, but slightly anti-violet. What color is anti-violet? This is yellow, the opposite color on the color wheel. And with all the other colors around, this bright purple also happens, a bit of yellow is added to them.

Optical Illusions: Color Vibration

And if we take two additional colors and put them side by side, then our eye seems to start to go a little crazy and rush about. “Wow, here is such a bright red and all the colors next to it are anti-red, and here is such a bright green and next to it all the colors are anti-green, wow-wow-wow!”

And then these two additional colors seem to reinforce each other, and look especially bright. This effect is called color vibration.
