Therapeutic massage according to Jacquet - indications, effects and contraindications. Quickly get rid of skin imperfections - facial massage according to Jacquet

Throughout the day, we strain our facial muscles all the time, wrinkle our nose, purse our lips, frown our eyebrows, smile... The muscles of the face are constantly working, although sometimes we don’t even notice it, but they also need rest, like muscles tired from a long walk legs or muscles of the back and shoulders tired from prolonged physical exertion. Pinch massage will help ensure normal blood circulation in the tissues of the skin of the face, as well as relax tired muscles during the day.

Pinch massage is considered to be one of the most powerful facial massages. From the name it is clear that this is a kind of massage for the skin of the face, the basis of which is a pinch. Such a massage will effectively affect the skin of your face, relax and warm the muscles of the face, and improve blood circulation.

Pinch facial massage stimulates all metabolic processes in the skin and promotes its healing and healing. It is used both for healthy and problematic skin, as well as after its hygienic cleaning.
This type of massage has proven itself well for such skin problems: seborrhea and scars, acne spots and comedones (black dots themselves), excessive sebum secretion and circulatory disorders.
Already after a short period of pinching massage, due to the normalization of blood circulation and a qualitative effect on the skin, the complexion is evened out, the general condition of the skin improves, all visual irregularities and spots are eliminated.

The essence of massage is rhythmic pinching - you need to pinch the skin gently and painlessly. Under no circumstances you can not pull the skin of the face.

Pinch facial massage is performed according to a certain technique:

As a rule, a full-fledged pinching massage is recommended to be done without cream, because it will make the skin of the face slippery and then you will not be able to grab it with your fingers, but be sure to use talcum powder,

Each of the lines must be plucked 3-4 times. A session usually lasts no more than twenty minutes, it all depends on the type of skin: the thinner it is, the less time it can and should be treated.


Cases in which pinching facial massage (and any other, however, too) is categorically not recommended:
- if the integrity of the skin is broken on the face (for example, there is dermatitis, allergies, etc.),
- if the result of viral diseases (for example, herpes) is visible on the face,
- in case of any acute diseases of the body and its organs and systems as a whole;
- if there are pustules on the skin;
- if there is an individual intolerance to facial massage,
- if intracranial pressure has sharply decreased;
- if the vessels are located close to the surface of the skin or dilated (small red mesh or stars on the skin of the face);
- if there are any skin diseases;
- if a medium or deep chemical peel was performed the day before the procedure.

This will take you 5-10 minutes, and as a result, you will be able to maintain the skin in good tone. It is not difficult to do it, however, despite its simplicity, the effect is noticeable quite quickly. To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to perform massage daily, and hatem - 2-3 times a week.

A unique technique for the care and rejuvenation of the face was invented by dermatologist Jacquet, who lives in France. The technique of performing manipulations was described by him in the 18th century. But it began to be used only at the beginning of the 20th century.

The methodology was based on developments that have been known since ancient times. It was noticed back in the time of Hippocrates that in order to relieve any pain or get rid of skin deformation, various kinds were very effective. tingling and intense rubbing problem areas. Therefore, pinching facial massage according to Jacquet originates in ancient times.

Jacquet, having studied various methods of rejuvenation and facial skin care, drew attention to the fact that all activities aimed at the beauty of the body and rejuvenation consist in an intensive effect on the necessary zones: be it depilation, plucking of the eyebrows, Chinese methods of rejuvenation.

Therefore, in order to get rid of age-related changes, for accelerated regeneration and strengthening of tissues, Jacquet developed a special massage method, which is widely used in beauty salons and clinics.

Beauty requires sacrifice- this is indeed the correct saying, which fully characterizes this technique.

Features and principle of operation

Therapeutic facial massage according to Jacquet is used not only for rejuvenation, but also as a tool in the fight against various skin defects. All manipulations that are carried out during the procedure are quite painful. It is this fact that confirms the correct performance of the massage and guarantees its effectiveness.

Pinch massage can be attributed to therapeutic measures for high-quality cleansing of the skin, elimination of various foci of inflammation, and improvement of metabolic processes. Pinching certain areas contributes regeneration of tissues at the cellular level, strengthening muscles and preventing aging.

This type of massage is an intense effect on special massage lines, thanks to which you can achieve rapid rejuvenation.

They use the technique not only for the face, but also affect the massage lines of the back, chest, thighs and buttocks. Purpose of the method- Eliminate problem areas and achieve a therapeutic and rejuvenating effect.
Pinching is done very actively and intensively without preliminary application of creams, so that there is a maximum grip of the skin with the fingers.


The technique invented by Jacquet is more aimed at healing, but effective rejuvenation cannot be ruled out. Therefore, in most cases, this procedure is indicated in cases where:

  1. If there is a presence of a large number of acne.
  2. There is acne.
  3. A woman suffers from oily seborrhea.
  4. If there are circulatory disorders in the tissues.
  5. Various stagnation phenomena have been found.
  6. If there are age spots of different sizes.
  7. If there are large pores.
  8. If there are scars, scars and folds.


  1. You can not perform the procedure if there are open wounds on the face.
  2. In the presence of herpes.
  3. If a person is sick with eczema or psoriasis.
  4. If there are warts or large moles.
  5. Prohibited procedure for oncology.
  6. If a person suffers from inflammation of the facial nerve.
  7. With infectious diseases.
  8. If a person suffers from hypertension.

IMPORTANT: If you have skin problems, you must warn the beautician about this in advance.

Can I carry out the procedure myself?

There are no contraindications to massage alone. It is very important to follow the recommendations so that the procedure has a positive effect without negative consequences. All actions can be divided into several stages.


  1. First of all, it is necessary to carefully study the massage lines that need to be affected. Even slight deviations can lead to stretching of the skin and the formation of wrinkles in the future.
  2. An important step is proper cleansing of the skin before the procedure. It is necessary to remove all makeup and take a cleansing steam bath to cleanse the pores and prepare the face for the effects of the massage. To do this, you can add a couple of drops of any essential oil to boiling water and hold your face over the steam, covering the container and head with a terry towel in advance. Instead of oil, you can use a decoction of chamomile or lime blossom.
  3. Gently and thoroughly wipe the skin. It must be dry.
  4. Do not apply cream or oil before the massage. The area to be treated must be absolutely dry so that the contact of the fingers with the skin is as good as possible.
  5. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Massage technique

Massage movements are carried out in 3 stages:

  • Violent pinching with deep grip.
  • Intensive kneading of the skin with fingers.
  • Pressure on the treated areas with simultaneous vibration.

The whole procedure is carried out in stages. After completing the complex of all points, they move on to the next one.

IMPORTANT: It is forbidden to massage the skin in the eye area.

  1. Begin the procedure from the neck. Actively kneading the skin, move to the chin, to the ears, and then down to the shoulder area. In this case, it is necessary to tilt your head back as much as possible.
  2. Starting from the center of the chin, intensively knead the skin, slowly moving to the earlobes. Move along the lower jaw. Thanks to this, the contour of the face improves and the double chin disappears.
  3. By pinching the skin, start moving from the corners of the mouth to the ears. Pay special attention to the nasolabial folds.
  4. From the middle of the nose, move to the ears, carefully kneading and warming up the muscles.
  5. Gently pressing under the eyes, increase the amplitude and strength of the impact as you move towards the temple area.
  6. Thoroughly knead, pinch and carry out simultaneously vibrating movements above the eyebrows, moving towards the temples. This will help remove mimic wrinkles.

The massage session depends on the type of skin. In most cases it takes no more than 15 minutes. If the skin is thin or sensitive, 5 minutes is enough. The course consists of 10-15 sessions. The next course of massage can be repeated after 6 months.

What is a pinch massage?

A set of movements for pinching massage

- this is an active effect on tissues, which aims not only to improve the blood circulation process, but also to relax and warm the muscles. It is quite easy to execute it. This method of massaging the skin of the face consists of rhythmic tingling with the capture of the skin, skin tissues and muscles.

Pinch massage should be performed before applying the cream, as it will make the skin of the face slippery and then you can not grab it with your fingers. Despite the fact that this method has an active effect, tingling during the procedure should be careful and painless. In no case should you pull the skin! You just need to grab it with the pad of your thumb and the second phalanx of your index finger, and then let go.

Throughout the day, we strain our facial muscles all the time, wrinkle our nose, purse our lips, frown our eyebrows, smile... The muscles of the face are constantly working, although sometimes we don’t even notice it, but they also need rest, like muscles tired from a long walk legs or muscles of the back and shoulders tired from prolonged physical exertion. Pinch massage will help ensure normal blood circulation in the tissues of the skin of the face, as well as relax tired muscles during the day.

❧ Pinch massage, or as it is called by experts, Jacquet massage, is prescribed for older people as an effective anti-aging agent, but it is most effective for oily skin affected by acne, which usually occurs in young people.

Before starting the session, you need to check if your fingers are slipping. If they are slightly damp or oily and slip off the skin, they should be carefully wiped with a dry and clean cloth. If this does not help, you can massage directly through a clean, dry cloth or towel. It will turn out to be even more efficient.

Movement 1

Place one palm under the other on the neck and pinch (5-6 times) from one side of the neck to the other (see fig.).

Rice. Movement 1

movement 2

Massage the face along the oval lines from the middle of the chin towards the earlobes; from the corners of the lips - to the tragus of the ears; from the upper lip to the temples.

Then perform an eyebrow massage, pinching them from the bridge of the nose to the outer edges (see Fig.).

Perform pinch massage deeply, feeling the bones of the face under the fingertips. Pass each massage line at least 3 times.

Picture. movement 2

Pinch forehead massage is quite difficult to perform, so it is enough to move the skin on the forehead back and forth a little, feeling the bone under the fingers, or use circular motions. Massage directions: from the eyebrows - up and from the middle of the forehead - to the sides. Having reached the scalp, continue the massage to the top of the head. Pass several times over the back of the head from the neck to the top of the head.

Movement 3

Perform pinching movements of the skin area located under the eyebrow. It is good to massage the area from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one, trying to feel the bone of the upper part of the orbit with the fingertips. Do the same movements with the lower part of the eye socket, walking along each line 3 times (see Fig.).

Picture. Movement 3

Movement 4

Massage the nasolabial folds with forceps (3 times). Go to the middle of each cheek, then stretch the lines along the ears, moving from bottom to top towards the temples (see fig.).

Picture. Movement 4

There are 12 pairs of cranial centers in the human body, 5 of which are located in the oral cavity. Massaging these areas has a beneficial effect on many health factors. For example, it increases blood circulation and lymph outflow, has a stimulating effect on the points of biological activity, improves the condition of the oral mucosa and teeth. Also, this type of massage is very useful for memory, hearing and breathing disorders, it can help get rid of pain during chewing and swallowing, snoring, improves speech, helps with myopia, glaucoma and cataracts.

In addition, this massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the face, relaxes the muscles around the mouth, removing clamps from them, and also restores volume to the lips.

Movement 1

Grab the right cheek from the inside and outside. Why hold the cheek from the inside with two fingers of one hand, and grab the outside with four fingers of the other hand. Make several circular movements, trying to cover the entire oral cavity, reach the jaw joint, massage your lips. Treat the second cheek in the same way.

If any pain points are found on the cheeks or lips, try to massage them especially actively, stretching all the seals in order to remove the clamps from the facial muscles and allow them to relax.

movement 2

Roll a small towel with a tourniquet, soak in hot salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water), wring it out and start the massage. Take a towel by the ends, place it under your chin and sharply spread your arms in different directions so that it slams on your chin.

During the massage, make sure that the towel is warm all the time. If it has cooled down a bit, wet it again. Make about 100 such claps on the chin, and direct some of them to the sides so that the blows fall on the side surfaces of the chin. As for the strength of the blows, adjust them yourself, making sure that the claps are not too weak, but also do not cause pain or discomfort (see fig.).

At the end of the massage, smooth the skin of the chin with an ice cube, then apply a fat cream selected for the type of skin. In conclusion, do a few gentle stroking movements, soothing the skin.

Most massage techniques designed specifically for the rejuvenation of the female face are based on a soft and delicate effect on the skin. The effectiveness of such techniques is highly controversial. Of course, soft strokes can improve blood circulation and relieve nervous tension. However, they do not provide the deep tissue work required for visible and long-term results. On the other hand, another type of impact - pinching facial massage - allows you to "reach out" not only to the deep layers of the skin, but also to the muscle tissue, which also plays a crucial role in creating a beautiful and toned "portrait".

Compared with descriptions of other massage techniques, the pinch method looks the least attractive. Still - few will like such a mockery of delicate skin! But this method has many advantages that favorably distinguish it from the mass of other, more familiar and pleasant techniques.

Features of pinching massage

For the first time, facial massage with pinches was proposed by the outstanding French cosmetologist Leonard Lucien-Marie Jacquet, who invented this massage method specifically to combat acne. In his opinion, this type of exposure contributed to the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands, aligning their ducts and improving the removal of dirt and toxins.

However, in the treatment of acne, pinch massage did not have the due success. The main reason for this is the pain and injury risk of this method. "Happy" owners of acne know how much pain they can bring, and understand that strong pinching and squeezing acne is a dubious pleasure. In addition, during such a session, you can easily damage the acne, which is fraught with infection of the wound and related consequences.

But now facial massage according to the method of Leonard Jacquet is a success with women who want to rejuvenate and tighten their skin. As it turned out, such an aggressive effect on soft tissues actively stimulates blood circulation, which contributes to a more complete functioning of cells. It is the blood that delivers the oxygen necessary for life to the cells, as well as various nutrients that the body receives mainly from food.

In addition, depending on the intensity of the tweaks, it is also possible to work out the muscle tissue, which is a kind of "framework" for the skin, maintaining it in proper condition and maintaining the shape of the face. Numerous reviews of women who have tried this technique on themselves evoke somewhat conflicting feelings: on the one hand, many complain of pain and discomfort, and on the other, they boast of excellent results!

The experience of many women has shown that pinching massage not only treats acne, but also:

  • Improves complexion;
  • Relieves swelling;
  • Corrects the oval of the face;
  • Increases muscle tone.

Interested? Still would! And you can do such a massage at home, following simple recommendations.

Execution technique

Don't let the description of the procedure intimidate you. Believe me, it's not as painful as it might seem at first glance. However, keep in mind that after the session, redness will remain on the face, which will completely disappear no sooner than after a few hours. Therefore, it is best to carry out the procedure shortly before bedtime: this way you do not have to mask the redness under the foundation (which is harmful for the skin that has become “broken” after the session), and the dermis itself will have time to have a good rest and recover.

It should also be remembered that the pinch method of massage involves the use of a large amount of massage oil, which will allow you to make movements more delicately and safely. You should start moving from the bottom of the face, gradually moving up. Do not pinch the skin too hard - pain should be minimal. If you turn the procedure into torture, the effect of this will not improve.

If you are afraid for your face and doubt your skills, you can watch a video that demonstrates in detail and clearly all the nuances of massage techniques. This way you will get the information better. However, you should not immediately repeat after the massage therapist “along the way” - it is better to pre-revise the training video several times.

Facial massage according to the Jacquet technique is a procedure based on the impact on the skin of the face with the help of tweezers. This technique is used to heal lesions on the skin, stimulates the metabolism, resulting in rapid healing of wounds, the disappearance of rashes, damage after cleansing the face, and more. others

The essence of the technique

Jacquet's massage stimulates the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation, as a result of which the skin of the face is saturated with oxygen and cleansed, i.e. rejuvenation occurs naturally.

The massage technique was developed by the French dermatologist Jacquet at the beginning of the last century. This type of massage was developed primarily to combat acne, but as practice has shown, it can be used to achieve much better results.

Indications for use

  • an abundance of acne on the face;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • circulatory disorders in the subcutaneous tissues;
  • stagnation;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • scars, scars, folds;
  • large pores.

In the fight against acne and skin imperfections, cleansing and procedures carried out with baking soda will also help, read how to properly carry them out.

Execution technique

Before the massage, special attention should be paid to cleaning the face and hands of the massage therapist with an antiseptic, since during the procedure, discharge from acne is possible, which means that there is an increased likelihood of infection in open wounds.

After cleaning, you can massage your face for several minutes in order to warm it up slightly and prepare it for the massage. Oils and creams cannot be used during the massage, and not only because it will interfere with making tucks. Oily skin prone to inflammation and acne, creams will not bring benefits. The only thing that can be used is talc without fragrances.

Jacquet's massage for the face is difficult to do on your own. It is better to entrust its implementation to professionals, since you can harm your appearance on your own. Massage is carried out by rhythmic tingling of the index and thumb, with the help of which the capture of individual areas of the skin is made. This technique has a great effect on the upper layer of the skin and on the subcutaneous tissue. Pinching should be strong, and this can only be done if the entire thickness of the skin is captured during the pinching. After pinching, with short and quick movements, the skin is compressed in all directions, covering the entire surface to be treated. During this process, the eel may come out with a curd or a black-headed rod. It looks like a cork that clogs a pore. Tweezing must necessarily alternate with light stroking and vibration, since without them the procedure will be too painful. At the same time, we must not forget about the lines, the movement along which stimulates the normal movement of blood and the work of the sebaceous glands. This prevents increased sebum secretion - the cause of acne. Jacquet massage allows you to influence the subcutaneous layers, which are not affected by conventional massage, when only the surface of the skin is massaged.

Massage should be carried out along the massage lines that are used in conventional massage.

  • You need to start from the interbrow cavity and move along the eyebrow arches towards the temples, along the forehead and up. It is difficult to pinch here, since there are only skin and bone here, but kneading and vibrations are possible. They will help smooth out wrinkles in the brow area.
  • Next, you need to massage the eye area along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer and back along the lower. Here, grips and pinches cannot be done, since you can stretch the skin and get the opposite effect instead of rejuvenation.
  • Massage lines from the middle of the nose diverge to the ears. In this area, pinching out aging skin can bring back a healthy glow.
  • Next, you should move from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones and auricles. You need to work here carefully, not with all your strength, so as not to disturb the elasticity of the skin. It is necessary to knead and warm up the muscles well to restore the contours of the cheeks and prevent them from sagging.
  • Do not pull the skin too much on the lines from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes. Moderately deep tucks will reduce the depth of the contrasting muscles, creating blood flow to this area.
  • The zone of the most intense impact is the line from the center of the chin to the lower jaw. Here, a point study is needed, which will get rid of the emerging second chin and tighten the contour of the face. When massaging this area, the head should be tilted back a little to maximize skin tension.
  • The neck line stretches up the center, from the neckline to the chin, and down from the ears to the shoulders. Massage of this zone reduces the flabbiness of the skin on the neck - the main enemy that betrays a woman's age. When developing this zone, the head should be thrown back.

After the massage, the face should be stretched a little, and then a soothing cream should be applied.

Cleansing and massage can last for thick skin - up to 17 minutes, for thin skin - 5 - 7 minutes. The full course includes about 10 - 20 sessions 2 times a week. To consolidate the effect, you need to repeat the course at least a couple of times a year.

If during the massage there are severe pain, excessive swelling and redness of the skin, the process must be stopped. It is recommended not to go outside for several hours after the massage.

The purpose of the massage is to influence the subcutaneous layers, which cannot be reached by light pinching. That is why on the delicate skin of the face pain symptoms will be felt for some time.

Massage can be done independently, using recommendations and video tutorials, but it will be difficult to achieve such an effect as from a professional massage.

The effect of the application

Changes on the face will be noticeable after a few sessions, but you should not stop there.

Facial massage according to the Jacquet technique, subject to the completion of a full course with a specialist, guarantees:

  • getting rid of inflammation;
  • toning the muscles of the face;
  • reduction of sebum secretion of oily skin;
  • age spots will become lighter or disappear;
  • scars and scars will dissolve;
  • disappear anke, acne;
  • a clear outline of the contour of the face will appear;
  • wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Also, massage will be an excellent prevention of age-related skin changes. For the greatest efficiency in order to rejuvenate, Jacquet's massage can be combined with facial gymnastics according to the method of Galina Dubinina. And procedures using ginger root guarantee cleanliness of the face for a long time.

Video of pinching facial massage using the Jacquet technique
