Methods of early child development. Macado Shichida System

As studies show, the sooner you start working with a child on the formation of certain skills, the easier it will be for the baby to adapt to the world around him, to gain the knowledge and abilities necessary for a fulfilling life. It is on this principle that the methods of early development of children, proposed by such famous scientists as Montessori, Doman, Manichenko, Zhelenova, are based. There are many techniques for cooperation with babies, they are introduced at the age of several months to several years. Given the variety of approaches, you can choose the best option for teaching your baby and not miss precious time. Most popular systems have stood the test of time, received positive feedback from parents and have proven themselves from the best side.

Appointment of methods of individual development of the child

According to empirical evidence, there are many things that are very easy in infancy. As the child grows older, it becomes more difficult to develop such skills. Upon reaching a certain age, there is a risk of complete misunderstanding of a particular action. Early development techniques allow you not to miss that important moment in childhood, which will no longer be possible to restore. Even if the baby does not become a genius, such an approach will allow him to make the most of his starting potential.

In addition, modern systems of education and development allow us to count on the following results:

  • There is a gradual formation of a self-confident personality. If from early childhood to teach a child to overcome difficulties and use the strengths of nature, over time it will become a habit.
  • Genes play an important role in human development. But they can be completely helpless without the necessary stimulation of mental activity. Research by a military doctor Glenn Doman, an innovative teacher Zaitsev, the practice of Masaru Ibuki and other prominent scientists have proven the effectiveness of developmental methods in educating gifted children.
  • Statistics prove that the timely introduction of developmental techniques can really provide the baby with a happy, full and prosperous life. This is a kind of opportunity for parents to choose a fate for their child, which they consider optimal.

In order to choose the optimal method or system, it is not necessary to contact specialists. The techniques are so simple and accessible that it is very easy to figure them out on your own.

The main purpose of the methods is the comprehensive development of the child

The Importance of Introducing Special Skills Early

All developing systems imply the beginning of work from a very early age, the smaller the child, the better the material will be absorbed. Scientists have long proven the fact that in the first two years of a baby's life, brain formation occurs by 50%, and in the first three years - by 80%. It is during this period that it is necessary to lay the foundation for programming the child's personality. This time becomes decisive for the social adaptability of the baby. Without the necessary skills, an adult will not be able to easily communicate with people, solve problems and everyday issues, distinguish enthusiasm from reactivity and realism from fantasies.

When starting to introduce certain methods and techniques, it is necessary to be guided by the following general rules:

  1. The child should be introduced to new interesting activities as early as possible. The leisure of the baby should be as diverse as possible. Musical instruments, sports, drawing, reading, listening to music - even if it does not work out at first, but the interest of a small person in these types of activity will constantly develop. The experience gained in the first years or months of life becomes fundamental for further development.
  2. It is necessary to properly stimulate the baby. A dull, boring room, inexpressive details and the same type of toys will form a gloomy and withdrawn personality. The room in which the baby grows should resemble a bright fairy-tale world, in which there are many interesting things. In this case, the development of the little man will occur without the influence of parents.
  3. From an early age, children should have sufficient freedom of movement and personal space.
  4. To develop communication skills, the baby must be provided with the opportunity to communicate with different people, including children.

Well, do not forget that the behavior of parents is the main role model for the baby. Before you start educating your child, you need to assess the features of your own character.

Basics of the Doman-Manichenko system

The Doman-Manichenko technique is a variant of the intensive development of the baby's intellect from the moment of birth. By teaching the baby to count and read in whole words, there is an intensive development of memory, speed of thinking, and an interest in learning is laid.

The methodology of early development of Doman, adapted by Manichenko, has a number of advantages:

  • Classes conducted from birth, contribute to the development of hearing, attention, vision.
  • The duration of one lesson does not exceed a couple of minutes, even the baby does not have time to get tired and lose interest in the event.
  • The technique was created specifically for home use. It is carried out by parents, which can significantly increase their authority.

Differences of the technique from the original approach of Glenn Doman:

  1. Unlike Glenn Doman's methodology, which used only learning cards, special hide-and-seek books, turntables and leaflets are introduced here. This significantly increases the effectiveness of training.
  2. Through the use of a playful approach, a child of any age behaves quite actively, which allows him to discover his full potential.
  3. Initially, Glen Doman's cards were intended for English-speaking students. In the adapted system, these words are not just translated into Russian, the vocabulary is selected taking into account the Russian mentality.

Among the disadvantages of the approach, they highlight the fact that, despite the baby’s noticeable advance of peers, free reading and counting skills will be noticeable no earlier than in 6-12 months.

You can develop a child according to the Montessori method both at home and in specialized gardens.

Features of Maria Montessori's research

Maria Montessori is an Italian doctor of medicine who has developed a unique approach to teaching both weakened and completely healthy babies. The basis of the Montessori system is very simple - ideal conditions must be created for the child that will help him develop and learn on his own. This approach provides an early acquisition of important life experience, forms the sensory and motor skills necessary for a certain age.

Using absorbent thinking and heightened age sensitivity as starting points, Maria Montessori built a parenting scheme focused on developing the individuality and personality of the little man on her own.

  1. Building learning around play practice.
  2. Introduction of classes on the development of writing, reading, correct speech, everyday skills, sensory indicators.
  3. Provoking the connection of the child's own thinking, and not the mechanical performance of tasks.
  4. Maria Montessori suggested using toys with a lot of small parts, which has a positive effect on children's fine motor skills.

According to the Montessori system, the following patterns of skills formation can be distinguished:

  • Until the age of six, sensory development of children occurs.
  • Up to 3 years, the perception of order is formed.
  • In 1-4 years, movements and actions are laid.
  • Up to 6 years, the basics of speech are formed.
  • After 2.5 and up to 6 years, social skills are laid.

According to the Montessori doctrine, lost time is irreplaceable. If in one of these periods the appropriate work is not carried out with the baby, then the opportunity to develop an important ability will go away forever.

Child development technique according to Zheleznov

Another interesting universal technique based on exercises, developing songs, finger and gesture games. This implies the activation of the overall development of the personality, and not individual skills. Along with the intellectual development of children, their physical health is being strengthened. The system is quite extensive, but simple and affordable for home implementation.

The most joyful and responsible event for all parents is the first birthday of their baby. Throughout the year, they watched the development of their child with excitement and interest.

And now the moment has come when you can take stock of what your baby can do at 1 year old and find out which modern ones can be used in the future for its comprehensive development.

Features of the physical and intellectual development of a child in 1 year

one year old child does not sit one place. He is constantly on the move, exploring the world around him and improving his own physical skills. Some babies at 1 year old take their first steps or crawl actively learning new things. In addition, a 1-year-old baby is happy to performs the following actions:

  • manipulates objects;
  • stacks various objects, throws or knocks them, and also pushes or drags them;
  • climbs up small steps or other elevations (armchair, sofa, chair);
  • throws and catches a big ball;
  • shows interest in various objects of small size.
  • opens door handles, screws on caps and performs other actions with the help of fingers.

one year old baby is curious and high cognitive activity. He seeks to experiment with all the objects that are next to him. In addition, the baby is interested in all moving mechanisms and objects. Child at this age performs the following actions:

  • combines some objects with others: builds towers from cubes, collects a picture cut into three parts, or plays with insert toys;
  • compares similar objects with each other;
  • recognizes familiar objects by pointing fingers at pictures in books or objects;
  • enjoys playing with water and loves to mess with sand;
  • draws the first scribbles on paper;
  • understands the meaning of many words, including the word “no”;
  • performs specified actions: feeds a favorite toy, looks for a hidden object or throws a ball;
  • begins to imitate the actions of adults during the game.

In addition, a 1-year-old child has active development of speech skills. He likes it when adults read colorful books or sing songs with him.

A one-year-old baby has a desire for independence.

It is important to support him at the moment, even if some actions will take a long time to complete. must give in this period maximum time to your child: play with him, read books, draw, build and in all possible ways to develop his creative potential.

The tasks of early development of a child at 1 year

Many parents do not know what priorities of early development to set for their one-year-old baby and what didactic material to use. Teachers recommend baby first develop speech skills and enrich their vocabulary.

In addition, other goals for the early development of a one-year-old child are noted:

  1. Development baby fine motor skills of hands and movement coordination.

All toys and activities aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands contribute to the active development of speech at the baby. For this, finger games, sensory toys, insert toys, logic cube, large puzzles and other didactic material. With systematic sensory development, by the end of the second year, the child will be able to:

  • collect a pyramid;
  • sort objects based on their size and shape;
  • correlate geometric shapes with holes or patterns.
  1. Development at the crumbs logic, thinking, intellectual abilities.

Parents are recommended play with baby in games by . For classes, you can use natural material, large buttons, pieces of fabric, sand, water, cereals, etc. Especially at this age, kids like to play with lacing, geometric shapes, as well as stringing colored beads or buttons. If a systematically deal with with a baby in this direction, by the end of the year baby will be able:

  • distinguish four colors: red, blue, green and yellow;
  • sort various objects by color;
  • Sort items by size and shape.
  1. Development the child is creative capacity.

Creative activities contribute with the baby development of intelligence, memory, attention, thinking, as well as form speech skills and teach the rules of a joint game. For classes, you can use wax crayons, finger paints, salt dough, colored paper, musical toys and books.

Babies who regularly are engaged various creative activities, by the end of the second year already know how:

  • sculpt simple crafts with the help of adults;
  • create simple applications from finished parts;
  • draw with paints, using a brush, or pencils.

In addition, the baby delivers a maximum of positive emotions joint creative activities with adults.

  1. Development a child in 1 year of skills design and simulation.

The process of designing and modeling is exciting and educational. The baby is active develops logic, perseverance, attention, imagination and creative thinking. By constructing, the child learns to fold small parts of various shapes and sizes. As a result, dexterity, fine motor skills of the hands develop and coordination of movements improves. Besides that, baby learns to bring the process to a logical result acting purposefully.

The child can play with regular bricks, multi-colored building blocks or thematic building blocks, collecting entire cities or streets.

With constant practice, the child will learn:

  • build various buildings and play with them;
  • distinguish geometric shapes and colors;
  • memorize images of various shapes.

It should be noted that every baby develops their at your own pace. Parents should not be upset if the crumbs do not get any type of activity.

Be patient and keep going. After a while, the child will definitely achieve positive results and delight you with new successes.

Methods for the early development of a child at 1 year old, reviews

Today, there are a huge number of methods for the early development of a child that help the baby to reveal his intellectual and creative potential. Consider the most relevant of them for a child in 1 year:

Makoto Shichida Method

This unique technique popular not only in Japan, but also in other countries. According to the author of the method, all babies are born geniuses and only a close relationship with their parents will help them develop actively. To do this, it is important to systematize all the necessary information and repeat it to the child consistently. The basis is special flash cards, which represent a variety of images. You can demonstrate these cards to a baby from the age of three months, training his photographic memory and developing the right hemisphere of the brain. Wherein lessons should be carried out daily and several times a day. It is important for parents to strive to reduce the image display interval to one second.

This method has positive feedback from teachers and parents.

The main problem is the acquisition of didactic material for classes. It is worth noting that you can make your own cards at home. To do this, select thematic images and stick them on cardboard.

V. Voskobovich's technique

This technique was especially popular in the 90s and was used in 90% of preschool institutions. You can start practicing according to the method of V. Voskobovich from an early age. The basis of the methodology is specially designed multifunctional didactic material, which contributes to the development of mathematical abilities, logic, imagination, as well as the acquisition of reading and construction skills. In addition, the kids in the lessons according to the author's method get into the fairy Forest and help its magical inhabitants to perform various creative tasks. Most of all, kids like to play with the following material:

  1. Geocont. It is a board with carnations and colored rubber bands. A variety of activities using this material help kids develop creative design skills. One-year-old kids can invent a variety of geometric shapes, helping fairy-tale characters.
  2. Voskobovich square. This material is associated with a square base on which triangles are located. It is painted red on one side and green on the other. Games with the Voskobovich square contribute to the development of imagination and logical thinking. A child at 1 year old can make interesting figures out of it or find figures hidden in a geometric house.
  3. Spray Boat. It is a multi-deck boat that develops the mathematical potential of a one-year-old child. The kid can perform many exciting tasks: line up decks according to the colors of the rainbow in a diagonal or horizontal direction, place flags by size or color, etc.

According to parents, it has one drawback - it is difficult to make didactic material on your own, and its purchase is an expensive pleasure.

Gmoshinsky's technique

The technique was founded by the candidate of medical sciences M.V. Gmoszynska and suggests development of creative abilities the kids already from six months. To do this, classes are held on drawing with finger paints. The kid can create his own masterpieces with his fingertips or with the whole palm.

Classes according to this technique can be carried out at home.

To do this, prepare finger paints, large sheet of paper and old clothes. The drawing process begins with smearing paint on paper with your fingers or squeezing the paint in a fist. Further, the creative process will gradually become more complicated. Classes according to this technique are recommended to be carried out systematically, without a break for the summer period.

Methodology "School of the Seven Dwarfs"

This technique has been developed for homeschooling children from birth to seven years and is a series of specially designed developmental aids. Each manual has a page for parents, which contains detailed instructions on how to conduct classes with a child at a given age. In manuals competently selected illustrations and interesting tasks were compiled, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of children in a certain age period. In addition, the pages in the manuals are removable, so they can be hung around the room so that the baby can repeat previously learned material. Classes with a child according to this technique should be carried out systematically, starting from 5 minutes a day and gradually increasing the interval.

Methodology "Good Tales"

The unique technique was developed by A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova and is collection of fascinating poems, fairy tales and stories that teach kids benevolence, form spirituality and develop a sense of empathy. Designed for parents to work together with their children. Class structure according to this method is the following:

  • parents talk with the baby about the upcoming topic of the lesson;
  • they read a fairy tale or verse to the crumbs on the topic of the lesson;
  • discuss with the child the material read;
  • perform development tasks.

This technique is effective develops speech skills, creativity, perseverance, memory and attention.

Thus, parents can choose many interesting methods for the early development of the baby.

The most important thing is that the learning process is a fun and relaxed game, and you patiently support your beloved child in all endeavors!

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Comments (8)

    I love toys that are multifunctional, safe and educational, so I gave preference to one of the best brands. For example, the Chicco Animal House sorter is not only all the components in one convenient storage in the form of a house, but also a very multifunctional toy, this model has several types of sorter. The sorter is very bright, all its components (figures, keys) are presented in rich bright colors, and have a streamlined shape without pointed corners, which is very safe! One sorter is on top of the roof, where you can study the figures, and another sorter on the doors of the house will introduce you to the animal world. Well, the keys cause a special delight. Each key has its own shape and color scheme in order to determine which door to open. Its convenient handle makes it easy to carry.

    I also think that every boy, and girls who are not indifferent to cars, should have such a car as “Billy Big Wheels” Chicco. It will serve as a true friend, because I have not yet met a stronger, more reliable and more impact-resistant machine. Despite her such characteristics, Billy is very positive, these cute kind eyes and a wide smile beckon to play. Driving with Billy using the steering wheel makes even a 2-year-old child feel like a real professional in driving. Everything is here for safety, the steering wheel is as it should be round and NO ANTENNA! The machine is very maneuverable, on the steering wheel there are control buttons back and forth, left and right, and in the middle there is a horn. Do you think everything? No, Billy also makes realistic engine sounds when starting to move, sound effects when the car is reversing, accompanied by the illumination of red brake lights, the bright glow of the headlights themselves. Off-road obstacles are not terrible, just look at these massive reliable wheels, so the driving surface can be different and even with component obstacles. In general, there is an opportunity to admire the machine and please the child))

    Well, as for the Chicco Talking Farm Toy, I advise everyone who wants to make a gift and not make a mistake with the choice. Because my kids are delighted with such an entertaining versatile toy. Moreover, the little son is now already 3 years old, but he still spends time with her with interest (at the time of the gift he was 1.9), and his sister is half a year old, but she also presses the buttons with pleasure, which are in her accessibility zone. The toy proved to be long-playing, versatile for active development. Very high quality, easy to carry with thoughtful design down to the details. A sort of educational game center where you can play and learn in a relaxed game form at the same time. And also to replenish their knowledge, both in Russian and in English. Thanks to this toy, we got acquainted with the animal world and learned to count. And to make learning and games more fun, there are also musical time-outs.


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    The best toy for developing accuracy, speed and dexterity is the chicco rugby game center. The toy perfectly develops coordination of movements, accuracy. And also the child will be able to run around the house and have fun playing. The kit includes a gate, a ball with a stand and instructions. The toy is designed for children from 1.5 to 5 years. Rugby has 3 variations of the game. Each option is designed for a certain age of the child.

    Option 1 - we build a tower (from 1.5 years old). From large plastic blocks, you can build a tower 80 cm high. Each block is numbered (from 1 to 6). Therefore, in addition to construction, you can study numbers and colors.

    Option 2 - rugby gate (from 2 years old). To do this, collect the gate and score the ball. At the time when the ball flies over the goal post, the scoring sensor is activated, the star on the post lights up and a melody sounds.

    Option 3 - obstacle course (from 3 years old). From the blocks we make an obstacle course in front of the gate. And then the child with the ball in his hands runs, overcoming all obstacles, and already at the gate he scores a goal.

    The gate also has 2 game modes. The modes are switched using the toggle switch.

    1 mode - training. After the child scores the ball, 1 star will light up and a sound effect will be heard. After 2 goals - the 2nd star, and after 3 goals, the stars will start flashing and a cheerful melody will sound.

    2 mode - match. In this mode, after each goal is scored, all the stars flash, and a cheerful melody sounds every time.

    For scoring, if you play in pairs, there are special scoring counters on the bar (from 1 to 3). In order to change the account, you just need to scroll the cylinder in a certain direction.

    Electronic toy. Operates on batteries (type AA 3 pcs.). Batteries are not included.

    There is also a standby mode to conserve battery life. If within 4 minutes the child does not play rugby, then the gate goes into sleep mode. In order to continue the game, you must turn off and turn on the gate again.

    All parts of rugby are made of plastic and have no sharp corners. The ball is also plastic and very light.

    My son enjoys playing rugby. Sometimes I also join the game)))


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    The center consists of a football goal and a ball.

    The ball is black and white, soft, light, made of fabric, and it can be washed in a washing machine.

    The gates are bright, white-orange, with luminous stars, made of very high quality plastic, with multi-colored scores (to count points), with a bright big button for turning on the music, a cheerful hippo football player is drawn on the grid. There is a motion sensor on the goal, which is responsible for hitting the ball into the goal. If you accurately hit the goal with the ball, you will hear cheerful, invigorating music! There are many melodies, and they are so invigorating. The sound is clear and very pleasant!

    When my son is not playing for some time, the gate reminds him that it is time to throw the ball - the referee's whistle or the fans' chants of encouragement will sound. And then, if you have not started the game, the sleep mode is turned on. And the gates are just waiting for the young football player to start the match.

    There are two buttons on the back of the gate. The first is the on/off button. I recommend using it if you don't play for a while to conserve batteries. The second button is to switch the game mode. The gate has three modes. You can play by the rules - together, recording points, or you can just throw the ball and listen to music when it hits. My son prefers the second way - just throw the ball and jump for joy if it hits the goal!

    Batteries are securely hidden in a compartment that closes with a bolt. The child will not open it himself and will not remove the batteries - this is very good, for safety reasons.

    This toy is one of our favorites. She's very cool and modern! The Chicco Goal League game center can be played both at home and on the street!


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    Now let's talk about our favorite toy. Chicco Billy big wheels! We have two such Billies - red and yellow! Billy is really handsome - red (or bright yellow), bright, the wheels are really very large and he easily overcomes various obstacles, a real SUV! To start a journey with Billy, you need to turn it on - the on-off buttons are located on the typewriter below and on the remote control. This is very good, if the baby does not play, then we turn off both buttons and thus save batteries. As soon as both buttons are turned on, you can go. On the control panel, which is made in the form of a steering wheel, there are buttons - forward, backward, and a horn! There are no antennas on the steering wheel (which always break, stick out and try to hurt someone). We really love cars with this way of control - they are safe! When moving forward, Billy's headlights are on (you can play in the dark, they will point the way like two cat's eyes), when moving backward, Billy makes a beeping sound - get out of the way, carefully, and when you press the signal, we hear a very clear and ringing beep ! How to drive - yes, it's very simple, turn the steering wheel like on a real car, and Billy will go around, crash or turn - it all depends on your skill! Billy is always cheerful - he has eyes painted on the windshield, and a very cute smile on the front bumper! The machine runs on batteries (they must be inserted into the steering wheel and into the machine itself). All compartments are carefully closed with bolts (however, like all toys from this company), so that the children cannot get to the batteries on their own. So if you are looking for a chic, high-quality and very interesting toy for your baby, Billy will delight you very much!

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    The best educational toy is the designer! Constructor is my son's favorite game. It perfectly develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child. At first we had a cheap constructor, but we were not entirely satisfied with it. Later we got this novelty from Chikko. Face difference. This constructor is safe. It has no sharp corners, no chemical smell. The set includes 40 blocks of various shapes, sizes and colors. The blocks are large and the child will not swallow them. With the help of this constructor, you and your child will be able to build 5 vehicles in turn - a car, a locomotive, a helicopter and 2 types of aircraft. The cars are large and you can play with them. The locomotive and the car have wheels and can be rolled on the floor. And after you build a locomotive, you can revive it. This can be done using a special application installed on your smartphone. You can revive a locomotive and a helicopter. After the figure comes to life, you can see on the phone screen a winking engine or a man waving from the cockpit of a helicopter. An interesting and fun activity is obtained. I recommend this designer.


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    It is a pity that there is no information about the methods of the P.V. Tyuleneva "WORLD of a child". She herself learned about this technique by accident from the Internet. It is intended for children from birth.

    We just by age (we are 2 months old) began to study according to this system on time.

    How surprised I was when my girl, after a week of classes, began to correctly show the letters. And when I pronounce sounds to her - and she tries to repeat everything with her lips after me.

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    We gave our daughter a Little Star piano when she was two years old. Now she is already 4.5, and this Chicco toy is still relevant for her. The sound of the keys is not loud, pleasant. The piano develops a child's ear, instills a love for music, teaches to distinguish instruments from each other, and light effects also attract the attention of kids. There is an orchestra mode in which you can turn additional instruments on or off. Great toy for kids with an interest in music!

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    My children have been playing bowling for the second year already, and we didn’t invent any games with it: they taught numbers, colors, used boxing gloves as hiding places, took them with them for a walk in winter and used them as molds for snow, built towers and, of course, learn to play bowling! The set is very durable, bright, comfortable and multifunctional!

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The first years of life for a child are very important, because it is at this time that the foundations of intelligence, physical and emotional development are laid, he quickly masters this world and learns to live in it. And it is extremely important to teach him all the early aspects of human activity, influence the development of the speech of young children and help the baby adapt in this difficult world.

To develop the physical characteristics of the child, parents can resort to the help of books in the field of early development of babies. The technique of Boris and Elena Nikitin insists that it is definitely worth developing the baby physically, since it naturally contains a huge number of opportunities that, if not developed, will simply fade away.

The baby has three reflexes:

  • Prehensile;
  • swimming reflex;
  • step reflex.

If you do not start and develop these reflexes in a child, then swimming and walking, and any other physical development, will be much easier for the baby. Nikitins also propose to introduce sports complexes in the house for preschool children, 4-6 years old. Be sure to use hardening and massage techniques.

Glen Doman also proposed a very interesting methodology for the development of children. Physical development, according to what Doman writes, should be systemic. It offers a whole series of exercises and games that will affect all muscle groups on the body of a toddler from 0 to 3 years old. Doman believes that dynamic gymnastics is extremely important for kids.

Dynamic gymnastics for kids

Studies have shown that if a child was occupied from birth with such dynamic gymnastics, which Doman recommends, then very quickly the children began to outstrip their peers. We can say that physical exercises and coordination of the baby's movements take an active part in the intellectual development and become a stepping stone to active knowledge of the world. If you develop the child as Doman recommends, then you will quickly see the results of this technique in your crumbs.

The Doman technique includes a set of physical exercises:

  • on motor skills
  • on manual skills;
  • for balance.

emotional development

For a child from 0 to 3 years old, the development of the emotional sphere is very important. Parents should pay maximum attention to this. Up to a year and a half, the little one will unconsciously master and adopt the behavior of his parents, so it is very important that they were calm and peaceful.

The main stages of the emotional development of the child

The simplest technique for developing the emotional sphere is to support and believe in your baby, as well as the complete acceptance of any of his features.

Tip: In order for the toddler to develop normally emotionally, parents must love him, be calm next to the baby and protect him from his own emotional swings.

You must openly show your love for the baby, accept him completely as he is. Try to make the little one develop only a good attitude towards yourself, praise him and believe in him. Offer him tasks that he can perform and try to help him understand his feelings and desires, also explain that other people also have their own feelings and desires and they need to be respected.

Give the preschooler freedom within reason and let him act on his own, take risks, make mistakes and gain experience.

Encourage his interest in games, music, movement, reading, drawing, so that the little one gets good and positive emotions.

Games for early childhood development

Games for early childhood development should be simple, but at the same time, each game should have a task that will be useful for.

The first game enriches children's motor experience and makes them want to play with their parents, but it also encourages independence and initiative in children. Put the children on chairs, these will be houses. Speak:

"Rain, rain,
Enough for you, rain, pour,
The children are sitting at home
Like birds in a cage.
Sunshine, sunshine
Shine a little
The kids will go out for a walk
They will run and play."

Children begin to run, clap their hands, you can turn on the music and dance. Under the words of the educator "It's raining again," the kids run to the houses.

The second game is aimed at positive emotions and development in general. Play with the baby in ordinary locks, it is extremely fun when people appear and disappear.

Do not forget to play with children 2-3 years old in cubes, collect a pyramid, draw with paints and crayons, play musical instruments. The game should be not only useful, but also bringing pleasure to the baby.

Maria Montessori Method

The method of Maria Montesori is mainly based on the fact that the little one should have complete freedom of action. The baby should learn effortlessly, but at the same time he must perform all the exercises on his own.

Of course, parents, according to the idea of ​​this program, should help, but at the same time not interfere. The approach to the toddler should be individual and should take into account all the characteristics of a preschool child. "Help me do it myself" - this is the principle of the Montessori system.

In many cities there are kindergartens that are based on the basics. For each baby, a development plan has been developed in a special environment. The teacher must organize the activities of the crumbs so that the potential is maximized.

Learn colors and develop motor skills

Such a Montesori environment can be created at home, as a result, a baby from 0 to 3 years old will show his abilities in front of his parents, he will develop creative and logical thinking, memory, concentration, imagination and fantasy, as well as motor skills. You can start a lesson on the principles of the Montesori methodology from 8-10 months.

Nikitin games

Games based on the principles of the Nikitin program allow you to develop the child's intelligence based on transitions from simple to complex. At the same time, the principles of creative activity are used in development and the characteristics of a preschool child are taken into account.

From a very early age, children get food for thought and development of creative abilities by playing Nikitin's games. Also, this technique allows you to act in stages, creating conditions for children that are slightly ahead of the development of the abilities of babies. Children will grow and develop independently, rising to the level of knowledge of this stage, and then the next step will be waiting for them.

The game "Fold the square"

All Nikitin's games are varied and the little one will never be bored, he will not need to be forced to do something, the kid will want to play himself. Moreover, Ira will encourage parents to control themselves and not interfere with the baby to do something on his own, make decisions and face their consequences.

Zaitsev Cubes

At the heart of Zaitsev's early development are cubes as visual aids. It can also be cards, tables, funny songs. All these materials allow children to easily absorb the material while having fun and playing. The main principle of Zaitsev's methodology is learning by playing.

Reading on Zaitsev's cubes. Speech therapist N. Pyatibratova

Zaitsev's cubes allow children to read from the age of two. This warehouse method makes it easy and simple to teach your baby to read during the game. You can purchase Zaitsev's sounding cubes, then the baby will independently develop word-forming creativity. You can start classes according to the Zaitsev method from 1.5-2 years. The main thing is not to start classes with children when they reach preschool age.

Useful books

"Teaching a child to read" Valery Marusyak offers parents a set of games and exercises that gradually raise the baby to reading and interest him to hold a book in his hands. This book is perfect for preschoolers and parents who don't like to rush things.

The book "Harmonious Development of the Child" describes in detail the unique system that Glen Doman developed. It is focused on the activities of parents and children, and parents should take the most active role in the development of the baby and his games, according to Doman. The exercises developed by Doman stimulate the memory and already in the first year of life a rich knowledge base is formed in the baby. Doman offers to teach the baby different facts from the fields of biology, geography, history and others, from the first months to learn letters, reading and counting.

The book "Believe in your child" by Cecil Lupan is considered one of the most famous in the world, it offers the disclosure of the individual potential of the baby, turning learning into a game. You can learn to read through the singing of letters based on children's songs, To count - by guessing simple riddles. Parents will not need to force the baby to study, classes can be held when the crumbs are in the mood, but do not forget about regularity.

The problem of development intensification causes a lot of controversy among educators, pediatricians and psychologists. Some experts are convinced that the sooner classes begin with the child, the sooner he will acquire useful skills and opportunities for later life.

Other experts are sure that early education is just a tool to satisfy mom's or dad's ambitions and pump out money. Some doctors even believe that some methods are harmful to children's health.

What methods of early development are popular today? Below is a selection of information about the advantages and disadvantages of such programs. All this will allow parents to make their own judgment about each of them.

3 types of child development

The term "early development" refers to a wide variety of phenomena. For some, early learning is synonymous with premature and inappropriate interference with the natural course of the little man's development.

According to experts, early development is the use of active educational methods in the age period from 0 months to 2-3 years.

However, such upbringing often conflicts with traditional educational systems, in which a child’s education begins at the age of 6 or 7.

Psychological literature traditionally divides the early mental development of the baby into three types according to the degree of adequacy to the age characteristics of the child:

  • premature. Let us give the simplest example: a newborn cannot be taught to sit, stand, and even more so walk. In general, with premature development, the child is not able to perceive information due to psychological and physical "imperfection";
  • later. It is no secret that in childhood there are so-called sensitive periods of development, when the child best perceives certain information: visual, speech, etc. In the case of delayed development, the process of mastering skills and knowledge becomes less productive. For example, it's too late to teach a child to skate at 12 if you want to raise a great skater;
  • timely. This is a traditional version of the development of children, in which the information provided is as close as possible to their age and psychological characteristics.

The last option seems to many to be the most adequate and correct. However, in real life, all three types of child development occur.

In this case, we are more interested in early learning. Does it always correspond to premature education? No. With a correct assessment of one's own and children's capabilities, as well as following the methodology and common sense, one can rather talk about advanced development.

The development of young children implies the creation of conditions that would contribute to the most effective assimilation of skills and knowledge in infancy.

Conditions mean:

  • organization of a developing environment - filling the corners with various objects and game aids that expand motor activity, develop sensory skills, vision and hearing of children, etc.;
  • acquaintance of the baby with musical, artistic and literary works;
  • activation of communication with the child, both on the part of the mother and on the part of other household members. This means stimulating children's speech, pronouncing their actions by adults;
  • acquisition or production of special training materials, manuals (especially for Montessori and Doman methods).

Early education is not just preparation for kindergarten or school education, but the creation of conditions for harmonious and comprehensive development, training of memory, attentiveness, imagination, logical thinking, processes of analysis and synthesis of information.

Below are time-tested and modern methods of early child development, which are most often used by parents at home or by specialists in educational centers.

Let's make one important reservation - an ideal developmental program that takes into account all aspects of a child's personality simply does not exist. Each child is a bright individual, so what suits one will be unnecessary to another.

That is why parents, when choosing the optimal method of early education, should be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the preferred system, its advantages and disadvantages. This will help to pay attention to the "sinking" directions.

The most popular methods of early development of children from 0 to 3 years

If you decide to purposefully and regularly engage with a baby according to a certain developmental technique, you need to understand that the preparatory work and the classes themselves will take you a huge amount of time, and the result can be assessed only after a couple of years.

We should not forget about the natural needs of the baby. For example, at 6 months of age, it is much more important for a child to learn to sit or crawl than to learn letters and words or to swim. Common sense will only enhance the effectiveness of the methods used.

The main principle of this world-famous educational system is to help the child develop independence skills in learning in specially created conditions for this.

The educational program, developed by the author at the beginning of the 20th century, takes as a basis an individual approach to the personality of the child from the moment of his birth. This is necessary to reveal the inclinations and intellectual potential that each baby has.

The methodology includes 3 main parts: the child, the teacher and the organized environment. The central area is occupied by the baby, around which a special environment is created, involving independent study.

The teacher only helps the children, without interfering particularly in the natural course of development.

The main provision of the program is to observe the child and refuse to interfere in his affairs, except for those situations when the child himself asks for support or help.

  • sensory;
  • mathematical;
  • speech;
  • practical life;
  • space.

The allocated territory is filled with various didactic materials (Montessori avoided the word “toys”) that correspond to the age of the child: books, sorters, pyramids, containers, brushes and scoops, etc.

In the classic version, the technique involves the start of classes at 3 years old, however, some exercises will be of interest to older children of one year of age.

Montessori groups are always of different ages: in some classes there are kids from 1 to 6 years old, in others - kids from 7 to 12 years old. This division has certain advantages, since the older children take care of the little ones, who, in turn, learn from older comrades.

Pros and cons

This technique has both positive and negative aspects, which should be discussed in more detail.


  • stimulation of mental processes with the help of special didactic materials, taking into account the sensitive periods of child development;
  • a huge selection of manuals and educational materials;
  • improvement of self-service skills;
  • the formation of self-discipline.


  • many classes still require the participation of a teacher or parent, since they will need to explain to the child the rules for interacting with a particular manual;
  • very expensive Montessori materials (although you can make them yourself);
  • to strictly follow all the precepts of Montessori, the child must be taken to a special center. Moreover, it is important to make sure that teachers really work entirely according to this methodology, and do not use individual elements;
  • most of the exercises are aimed at intelligence, sensory, logical thinking. However, the creative, emotional and play areas are developing to a lesser extent;
  • the traditional method refuses role-playing games, reading fairy tales, considering these teaching methods insignificant.

In general, the Italian doctor's technique is popular with Russian and foreign parents. However, in the author's version, the system is used extremely rarely, rather, moms and dads take some of the most successful moments from it, diluting them with classes and exercises from other educational programs.

This educational and educational program puts forward the following postulate - the maximum development of the capabilities of each child and his self-confidence.

Unlike many other developmental systems, this technique refuses to provide the child with any type of intellectual tasks if he is not yet 7 years old.

So, children only in the third grade begin to learn to read. Before entering school, children are given toys made from natural materials (straw, cones, etc.).

The teachers of the Waldorf School place another emphasis on the comfort of the educational process. There are no grades in the lessons, there are no competitive "notes", the classes are completed with a small number of students - no more than 20 children.

The priority in the program is the artistic and theatrical activities of the children, the improvement of the imagination. For the same purpose, the technique prohibits children from using such modern gadgets as a mobile phone, computer and TV.

Teaching principles are built taking into account the age factor:

  • a child under 7 years of age learns through imitation of adults;
  • children aged 7-14 connect the emotional component to the process of mastering knowledge;
  • from the age of 14, logic and intelligence are connected.


  • the focus is on imagination and creativity;
  • comfort of the educational process;
  • development of an independent personality.


  • too late development of intellectual functions;
  • lack of preparatory classes for schooling;
  • poor adaptation to modern realities (a phone for a child is a necessary thing today).

This technique is unique, so many parents are wary of it. On the net you can find a variety of comments about the Waldorf school: both positive and negative. Is this program worth it? Parents decide.

The American scientist Doman, studying the characteristics of the psyche and learning of children with brain damage, established the following pattern - developmental activities are effective only during the period of the greatest activity of the cerebral cortex, that is, at the age of up to 7 years.

For more information about what classes the author offers and what the main principles of this educational program are, you can find out by reading the article by a child psychologist.

The main task of parents is to maximize the enormous potential of a newborn child.

Glenn Doman's technique consists of four main components:

  • physical development;
  • check;
  • reading;
  • encyclopedic knowledge.

The American doctor was convinced that the nervous system of a child up to a year old is so unique and perfect that even at this age the baby is able to memorize and systematize various facts and information.

Surely, many mothers are familiar with such a term as “Doman cards”. This didactic material consists of cardboard cards of a certain size, on which there are words, dots, mathematical operations, photographs of plants, birds, animals, famous people, etc.

The amount of information is amazing. For better systematization and ease of use, the cards should be divided into groups. Throughout the day, the parent shows these cards for a few seconds, regularly introducing more and more new images into circulation.


  • intensification of child development;
  • active involvement of parents in activities with children;
  • expanding children's opportunities by providing the child with a large informative flow;
  • development of children's attention.


  • you just need a huge amount of didactic material;
  • little attention is paid to fine motor skills, sensory development and objective activity;
  • Doman's cards do not develop the child's logical thinking, the ability to analyze and systematize facts;
  • the methodology does not pay due attention to creativity, gaming activities;
  • it is possible to overload the child's nervous system due to too much information, as a result of which the child has tics, enuresis and other problems.

The Doman system is a typical example of intellectual methods. The child is not taught, but rather trained with the help of cards. At least, this is what many mothers and neurologists think. However, other parents praise this educational program for the possibility of development from the cradle.

Petersburg teacher Nikolai Zaitsev several decades ago developed a unique developmental system that includes a set of manuals for teaching a child to read and write, math skills and English.

The Zaitsev program is based on the leading activity of a child of early and preschool age - the game. And this allows you to develop both the physical and emotional side of the child's personality.

Information is presented in the system, but at the same time in a playful way, which is why the child is happy to join the lesson. And it is not so important whether it takes place alone with the parent (teacher) or with the children's team.

A relaxed environment is an important condition for the Zaitsev education system. During the lesson, children are allowed to make noise, laugh, clap their hands and stomp their feet, change game material, moving from cubes to plates or a board.

However, such emancipation does not mean that classes are entertainment. It is in the process of such a game that children not only gain knowledge, but also make an independent choice of their preferred activity.


  • wide age range - from 1 year to 7 years;
  • you can study both at home and in kindergarten;
  • an accelerated course of learning to read in the game;
  • developing writing skills.


  • with home schooling, the parent will first have to learn this technique himself, since it differs from traditional teaching methods;
  • experts point out that a child who has learned to read according to the Zaitsev method “swallows” the endings, gets confused when dividing a word into syllables, since before he divided it into warehouses;
  • the first grade is an important milestone in the life of every child, it is at this moment that children who study according to this method begin to have difficulties, since there is a discrepancy in the color designation of vowels and consonants.

According to many parents, Zaitsev's cubes are the best reading aids of their kind. A child can learn to read as early as 3 years old, and this skill remains with him for the rest of his life. In addition, mothers also include gaming techniques that make the lesson fun and direct.

The Belgian actress Cecile Lupan was forced to develop her own methodology by dissatisfaction with the system of Glenn Doman, which was taken as a basis.

This training program can hardly be called scientific, the developed method is rather a set of classes that take into account the children's individuality, interests and inclinations of each child.

The author of the technique in his books advises to communicate with the baby literally from the first seconds of his life, and there is no need to worry that he will not understand something. Lupan is convinced that the sooner a child learns something, the sooner they will understand certain patterns and connections.

In the first months, the child only gets used to parental speech, and then, it would seem, meaningless sounds begin to fill with meaning. As soon as he begins to pronounce the first words, you should proceed to reading (usually this is one year old).

The main idea proposed by Cecil Lupan is as follows: the child does not need attention-guardianship, he needs attention-interest, which only a loving parent can provide.


  • the ability to engage from 3 months of age and up to 7 years;
  • much attention is paid to early physical development;
  • the technique is suitable for homework;
  • exercises affect the intellectual and emotional sphere, sensory;
  • very close communication between mother and child;
  • stimulation of the cognitive interest of the baby.


  • requires full dedication from the parent;
  • a lot of didactic materials that mom will need to make;
  • a kind of training in infant swimming.

Since the author is not an educator, it cannot be said that her approach is entirely scientific. However, mothers can take some moments into service, for example, creating home-made books about their child, in which you can enter author's fairy tales and insert his photographs.

The surname of the authors thundered back in the days of the Soviet Union. The couple began to raise children according to their own program, which could impress an unprepared person with unusual methods and educational methods.

Nikitin did not recommend restricting the child's experimental nature to devices, therefore they negatively treated any strollers (including strollers) and playpens, calling them prisons.

The spouses also followed the principle of children's independence in the choice of activities for the child. They refused special training, classes. The kids could do whatever they liked without restrictions. Parents only helped to deal with the difficulties.

The Nikitin system includes hardening and physical education techniques. To do this, it is necessary to create a special environment in the house, including sports equipment and exercise equipment. These fixtures should not stand out, they are as natural as, for example, furniture.

The authors are convinced that the child should not be "overorganized" or abandoned. Moms and dads should not be indifferent to children's development and pastime, however, participating in children's games, one should not take the position of a supervisor and controller.

The main principle of the system is Montessori's option of sensitive periods - the fading of the child's ability to develop effectively as they grow older. Simply put, if certain abilities are not developed in time, they will not reach the optimal level.


  • used from birth to school age;
  • children's independence;
  • the intellect of the child develops well;
  • improvement of logical thinking and imagination;
  • game as a learning technique;
  • special attention is paid to physical development;
  • the invention of special didactic toys - for example, Nikitin's cubes, unicubus.


  • restlessness of the baby due to the fact that he chooses his own activities;
  • this lifestyle is more suitable for rural areas;
  • hardening is considered a rather extreme type of education;
  • due to advanced development, children may not be interested in going to school.

This system has both ardent supporters and no less categorical opponents. However, some points have not lost their relevance in today's time, while other methods are doubtful.

This program, called "the method of intellectual development of the child" was developed by P. V. Tyulenev, a teacher and sociologist. Being engaged in MIRR, you can teach your baby to read and write, mathematics, develop musical, sports abilities.

The author of the system is convinced that the child needs to be developed from the first days of life. The most important thing at this moment is to provide him with a variety of tactile stimuli so that the cerebral cortex can actively form.

Choice of activities depends from the age of the child:

  • in the first two months, the baby is shown triangles, squares and other geometric figures depicted on a paper sheet;
  • from 2 to 4 months, children are shown drawings of animals, plants, letters, numbers;
  • at the age of 4 months they play "Toyball" when the baby throws cubes and other game accessories from the crib;
  • from 5 months, musical instruments are placed near the baby. The baby, touching them, tries to make sounds and develop musical inclinations;
  • from the age of six months they master letters, looking at a special magnetic alphabet. At 8 months, the child is asked to bring a letter, at 10 months - to show the letter, and then - to name the letter or the whole word;
  • from the age of one and a half years they play chess with a baby;
  • from the age of 2, the baby does not just add words from letters, but tries to type them on a computer keyboard;
  • from the age of three, children try to keep a diary on a laptop or computer.


  • versatile development of the baby;
  • exercises will not require much time from adults;
  • exercises suitable for every child;
  • good preparation for school;
  • disclosure of all the makings of the baby.


  • it is not easy to find benefits;
  • it is difficult to talk about the effectiveness of exercises;
  • too strict restrictions from the author;
  • the age characteristics of the baby are not always taken into account;
  • restriction of cognitive freedom of the child;
  • the prevalence of the intellectual component over all the others.

An ambiguous technique that is not to the liking of many specialists. However, in it you can find interesting points that can be implemented in practice. It is only important to monitor the reaction of the child to the innovations being introduced.

Other author's developing methods

In addition to the above, there are other developing or educational systems. Their use allows the child to better master the preschool or school curriculum, develop certain abilities, or simply grow into a versatile personality.

The most popular include the following teaching methods:

  1. "After three it's too late." A Japanese entrepreneur and just a caring father wrote this literary work, in which he described the importance of the early development of a baby in the first years of life.
  2. Dynamic gymnastics. M. Trunov and L. Kitaev, having brought together ancient Russian gymnastic exercises, offer parents effective methods for developing the physical sphere, as well as for correcting increased or decreased muscle tone, clubfoot, torticollis, etc.
  3. Gmoshinsky's technique. The best way to instill artistic skills in your baby is to draw from infancy. Even before the age of 1, a child manages to create “canvases” with the help of palms, fingers, soft felt-tip pens.
  4. Vinogradov's musical program. The creator of the methodology is convinced that even a child of one year old already understands the most complex classical works. There is no need to explain in detail the meaning of music to the baby, let him decide on his own emotions and impressions.
  5. Music of the Zheleznovs. This is another musical technique for young children. The discs contain lullabies, nursery rhymes, music for finger and outdoor games, dramatizations, massage, fairy tales, learning the alphabet, learning to count and read, etc.

Of course, this list is not entirely complete. However, the presented methods are enough to understand how diverse and interesting they are. When developing them, the authors took into account their experience or took pedagogical heritage as a basis.

It is curious that these systems can be combined with each other, using the most successful individual elements. Experiments are only welcome.

Pros and cons of early development

Moms and dads are convinced that they themselves decide how to raise a child. However, this opinion is not entirely correct, since the process of education is increasingly influenced by social initiatives and various stereotypes.

One of the most controversial issues is the early development of children under 1 year old. Usually, specialists and mothers take two extreme positions: some advocate the use of developmental techniques, others are extremely negative about any intervention. Let's consider their arguments.

Arguments for"

  1. The modern world makes higher demands on a person. In order for a child to have time to master the necessary and important skills, it is necessary to develop his abilities from infancy.
  2. Children who study in accordance with such methods usually have a higher level of development compared to their peers. Children earlier master all sorts of skills: reading, writing, counting.
  3. Complex educational systems, covering the development of several aspects of the personality at once, help to identify the child's inclinations, inclinations for certain activities. This allows you to enroll your child in specific courses in the future.
  4. If the baby is trained in a development center in the company of peers, this allows him to socialize earlier, get used to life in a children's team.

Arguments against"

  1. A healthy and normally developing child is able to learn basic skills on his own when the time comes. That is why one should not "mock" the child's psyche.
  2. Intensive classes can harm the baby if the parent or teacher does not take into account the age characteristics of the child's body, its temperament and adaptive capabilities.
  3. Many popular methods focus on intelligence and "physics", but emotional and social development are undeservedly forgotten. This can disrupt the adaptation in the children's society.
  4. It is extremely difficult to deal with the baby every day, fulfilling all the requirements and conditions of the methodology. If you follow all the rules, then mom does not have time for anything else. If you perform tasks from case to case, all knowledge will evaporate very quickly, ”and the effectiveness will be very small.
  5. Many experts pay attention to the untimely acquisition of certain skills. For example, a six-month-old baby needs to learn to sit down or crawl, since this is his most important “task”, but reading or counting at this age is completely unnecessary. Most likely, before school, he will completely forget all his skills and catch up with his peers.
  6. Excessive demands on the child and the desire to raise a genius can negatively affect the entire future children's life. From kids whose parents stuff them with unnecessary information, neurasthenics, perfectionists often grow up. Therefore, problems with socialization cannot be ruled out.

Thus, there are strong arguments on each side, which is why parents will have to choose for themselves whether to apply the methods or follow the natural course of children's development.

In the first 12 months, the development of the child goes at an accelerated pace. At this time, the baby has time to learn the world, gain a good vocabulary, build initial and elementary logical chains.

Many experts are convinced that if the baby is not engaged in the first year or two, then the child will not be able to compensate for the lost knowledge and skills.

However, excessive fanaticism and adherence to literally all the tenets of developmental methods may, on the contrary, not benefit, but harm children's development.

If you decide to use the methods of child development mentioned above, you must follow certain rules. They are help avoid negative consequences and make learning more natural:

  • carefully observe the reaction of the baby. If he does not like the activity, he protests in the form of tears or discarding the offered toys, you need to stop and occupy him with something else;
  • you should not tear the baby away from the activity that he is passionate about at the moment, for the sake of development. If the baby prefers to play with blocks rather than look at pictures, wait until he finishes the game;
  • all exercises and tasks included in the educational system you have chosen must be understandable and credible. You should also rehearse all classes before approaching the child with them;
  • child education should be comprehensive. In no case can one develop only the physical or cognitive sphere. It is necessary to pay attention to all aspects of the child's personality, including emotional and social;
  • there is no need to turn the process of obtaining knowledge and skills into an automatic action. It is important to stimulate the child's interest in the process itself, to form curiosity, inquisitiveness and observation.

Having considered all the main nuances of each technique, it is possible to make a preliminary choice of the most preferred training system. However, it is worth focusing not on the opinions of other parents, but first of all on the characteristics of the child. After all, its development is a responsible matter!

Modern pedagogy offers a whole list of methods for the development of children. Many mothers try to follow one or more methods. It is difficult to constantly come up with new activities and games with the baby, and the methods already include a collection of ready-made options that need to fill the child's everyday life.

1 to 1.5 years old baby loves:

  • Walk around the apartment, holding something in your hands;
  • Get up and sit down;
  • Play while squatting;
  • Walk up the stairs;
  • Climb on a sofa, chair;
  • imitate your actions;
  • Object by saying “no”;
  • Use 1-2 words in combination with gestures;
  • To achieve what you want, to be in the spotlight, to have listeners;
  • Answer simple questions;
  • Hide, hide and look for hidden toys;
  • Throw objects with great accuracy, throw and kick the ball;
  • Fold two or three cubes, create simple buildings and immediately break them;
  • Fill and empty bags, boxes, crates;
  • Play with sand, with water;
  • Eat on your own.

Provide a child from 1 to 1.5 years:

  • Your attention;
  • Time to play together;
  • A place to play on the floor is good if part of the place falls on the space under the table;
  • A comfortable place to walk - stable furniture, non-slip floor or shaggy carpet, firmly pressed against the furniture;
  • Children's stable chair and table;
  • Cubes - build simple buildings, load into a car and carry;
  • Sorter with 2-3 different simple holes (ball, cube, triangular prism);
  • A pyramid of three to four rings, which can be strung in any order;
  • Round and square cups - build towers, invest one in another;
  • Various boxes, caskets, old bags;
  • Large toys for the street - a bucket, a spatula, molds, cars with a body;
  • Toys that can be pulled and pushed - various types of wheelchairs with rotating parts, cars;
  • Large soft toys - feed them, comb them, put them to bed;
  • Items for playing with water - plastic cups, a watering can, a water mill, floating toys;
  • Toys that can be knocked - a plastic or wooden mallet and objects for hammering - pegs, balls, etc .;
  • A toy phone, plastic dishes, other household items - a comb, a sponge so that the baby can play, imitating your daily activities;
  • A cardboard book with simple clear pictures;
  • Musical toys and simple instruments with a different way of extracting sound - a tambourine, a metallophone, a pipe;
  • His own plate, cup, spoon - comfortable and unbreakable.

From 1.5 to 2 years old, the child loves:

  • Use words in speech;
  • Use sentences of 2-3, and then more words;
  • Run, help around the house;
  • Assert "mine";
  • Watch over the elders;
  • Come when he is called;
  • Climb on all objects;
  • Listen to melodies, dance, move to the music;
  • Carry and bring items;
  • Examine, recognize and show parts of the face and body;
  • Sort items;
  • Dig and stir;
  • put things in place;
  • Scribble on paper;
  • Turn pages, show pictures in a book;
  • Screw and unscrew.

Provide a child 1.5 to 2 years old:

  • Sorter - with 3 - 4 different holes;
  • Children's tape recorder, activated by pressing;
  • A bag for carrying items;
  • Pastel, large crayons and paper;
  • A picture book depicting simple actions: a cat washes, a dog gnaws a bone;
  • Books with simple familiar tales;
  • Simple constructor, simple puzzles;
  • Shelves for toys and help in putting things in place;
  • Plastic jars with screw caps;
  • A constant favorite toy - a doll or a teddy bear and a set of plot toys, a steering wheel.

I think, having familiarized yourself with the lists, you are convinced that this is exactly the basis that must be adhered to for harmonious development. I, before buying a new toy for my daughter, study these lists for missing items.

Since we are talking about the development of a one-year-old child, then you should know what we are striving for with the development of a one-year-old baby - the thresholds for the development of babies at 1.5-2 years (according to the data again Polina Lvovna from the forum of the Discussion Club of the Russian Medical Server) :

  • speech- by the age of 1.5, the vocabulary is about 10 words (a phrase consists of 1-2 words and a gesture) -> by the age of 2, the vocabulary is 50-200 words (the phrase becomes expanded and it becomes possible to describe what is happening in words).
  • thought processes- there is an understanding of the connection between objects and their functions: they sweep with a broom, comb their hair with a comb. As a result, the child can foresee the result of actions. Those. the child has the ability to predict and he begins to mentally test it first of all on all the objects that surround him - he fantasizes what will happen to this or that object if he is treated in a certain way. If the baby is provided with toys that are analogues of real objects, then the child will try to imitate imaginary situations on toys.
  • socialization- increase in the number of contacts with peers about toys and other items -> imitation in the game -> joint play.

Landmarks for development

Forming your approach to development is best to start with the study of development programs recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and developing methods. When using methods, their disadvantages must be avoided. Read more about existing programs and methods.

The basic principle development of children of any age is to focus on meeting age-related needs. For maximum effect, these needs should be monitored and met - offer activities, games and toys in accordance with soon-expected needs;

How to develop a child in 1 year | Workshops

For maximum effect, it is necessary to ensure the development of the baby in all main directions. The table shows the options for classes in various areas.


  1. Classes with specialized projectiles. As a rule, the kids themselves fill the need for development in this direction, but if you do not want to be content with the small and the size of the living space allows, you can purchase a sports complex. My choice of a sports complex is described. Also in the post are photos of sports complexes that are on sale and comments on them, operating experience with video (Yane on video 1.3).
  2. Also, large-motor physical development is stimulated by active games and toys (balls, jumpers)
  3. Fine motor development - stimulated when playing with, finger games. The development of fine motor skills contributes to the development of speech, as it stimulates its centers located on the fingers.
  4. As part of the hearing development of a second-year-old baby, you can
  5. Tactile. Let your child explore as many different textures as possible. For example, you can still have a number of useful games for getting to know the temperature - spread towels moistened with warm and ice water on the floor, invite the child to walk on them. Learn the concepts of warm/cold.

Cognitive. Expanding horizons and erudition. This is facilitated by the study of the world, including visual, tactile, complex through games.

  1. At this age, very relevant, including a description of and from the Shichida technique;
  2. For one-year-olds, there is a wide variety of interesting books, and therefore, if you choose the right books, it is likely that at this age you will discover the joy of reading. An overview of books for toddlers is posted here The formation of relationships with loved ones continues. To build a harmonious relationship, it is important to understand the child, so parents are advised to study the relevant literature. There is no need to communicate with peers at this age.

You can find even more options for classes in development methods.

I hope reading this post will allow you to more systematically resemble the development of your baby.

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