A good example: how to choose accessories for a red dress? What to wear with a red dress or accessories for a spectacular look.

Red dress... How it beckons, attracts, attracts. As soon as a girl puts on a red dress, millions of eyes will turn to her. Some will look with admiration, others will not be able to hide their envy. It is simply impossible to remain indifferent to a red outfit.

Do you want to allow yourself to wear red dresses? In this case, you need to know for what occasion and where you can wear such a provocative outfit. Besides that, you need self-confidence. Agree, a timid girl in a flashy red dress doesn’t look very appropriate.

You should understand that such clothes will make you the center of attention. If you're not used to standing out from the crowd, it's worth thinking about how to find balance when wearing such an alluring dress. Have you finally plucked up the courage and firmly decided to buy a sexy red dress? Well, you need to know a number of nuances.

As you know, one color can have many different shades. This also applies to red. Here the shades range from cool red-blue to rich red-orange. When choosing a red dress, it is very important to choose the right shade.

What to start from? That’s right, it depends on what event you plan to wear such a flashy outfit for, and what time of day the event will take place. If the celebration is planned for the evening, it is better to opt for plain sexy models. For a daytime option, a bright red dress with prints would be the ideal solution. The choice of a red dress also depends on the type and color of your skin. Owners of light (pale) skin are better off purchasing dark dresses of one tone, while tanned girls should choose bright shades: fuchsia, red-orange and others. Next, it is important to take into account the lady’s physique and height.

Those who are perfectly built and of average height can safely wear bright, provocative red dresses. Rest assured, they will certainly only emphasize existing advantages. In addition, models with prints are also suitable for such girls. When a lady has a beautiful body shape, why not attract attention. If you choose a red dress with an ornament at the waist, you will immediately make your figure especially sexy.

Since ancient times, the shape of the female body, represented in the form of an hourglass, has beckoned and attracted. Those girls who are plus size can also wear red dresses. Only they should choose dark shades: burgundy, cherry, etc. These shades create the illusion of miniature. With them you will not draw too much attention to your figure. If you want to hide a large waist, it makes sense to choose a dress with an ornament on the chest.

Red dress: choosing a style, cut

Whatever the occasion, choosing a modest red dress model, you are guaranteed to win. Simple options always look elegant and attractive. The fact that red in itself is a symbol of passion is already enough, and if you also decorate the dress with something flashy, then you can ruin the whole zest of the image. Therefore, do not choose red dresses with a deep neckline or large slits. Be more modest, so you can cause delight, not disgust.

A simple silhouette will help highlight your sexy figure. This is the “salt” of the image. When a red dress hugs the body, it creates a memorable look. Therefore, give preference to a simple, slightly fitted cut. If you decide to choose a red sexy dress of a creative style, you risk causing ridicule. Simple is your path to success. There is hardly anything worse than an original red dress that really doesn’t fit the body well.

What to wear with a red dress?

An interesting point: a red dress is so “self-sufficient” that, in principle, it does not require accessories. That is, you can safely send it to a party without additional decorations. If you do decide to choose accessories for your stylish red dress, don’t get carried away. Here you should also focus on simplicity. Wondering what to wear with a red dress? Complete the outfit with a simple necklace. This way you will get a stylish, neat look.

In general, there are a number of rules that should be followed when choosing accessories for a red dress:

  • All jewelry should be presented in the same palette as the red dress - a red palette.
  • The ideal option is jewelry with red stones: rubies, garnets, etc.
  • Don't get carried away with the color red. Feel free to choose accessories, say, pink. At the same time, you need to understand that not all shades of pink will harmoniously suit the color red. You will have to tinker with the selection of combinations.
  • The emphasis should be on jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, and necklaces. Other accessories, like hair, fade into the background.
  • It is important to choose status accessories: expensive dangling earrings, ruby ​​pendants.
  • With such a dress you cannot wear all the existing jewelry at once. This will ruin the image. Please note: you can wear either a pendant or a bracelet.
  • You should forget about bulky earrings. They look vulgar against the backdrop of a sophisticated sexy outfit.
  • A win-win solution is silver-pink products and the same shoes (silver-pink).
  • If you choose jewelry with a huge stone, use only this jewelry, no additions are needed.
  • Scarves and shawls can also be matched to a red outfit. They should contain the shade of the dress.
  • In summer there is no need for tights, and in winter you can wear tight models in black or white. It is advisable to choose plain tights, without patterns or glitter.
  • Don't wear any jewelry if you can't decide what to wear. It is better to be without them than to spoil the appearance with inappropriate details.

Do you want to know what to wear with a red dress in the summer? If you plan to wear an elegant dress made of red fabric in the warm season, you can complement it with white accessories. We have to admit, the red dress looks truly luxurious with a string of white pearls, a wide white belt, and pearl earrings. This combination is appropriate when attending both daytime and evening events.

Going out in a red dress with white accents will make you seem innocent and sexy. Wear white heeled sandals or open-toe sandals to add a vintage touch to your sophisticated look. Any red stylish dress looks luxurious with black shoes, boots, and a belt. Alternatively, you can decorate your look with a black cardigan that will match your red cocktail dress in its texture. It will make you seem even slimmer. In addition, the obvious advantage of this solution is that in the cool season you will feel comfortable in a cardigan and will not freeze at the evening party.

A neutral option that is suitable for any weather is chocolate brown boots and a belt of the same color. As an addition, as an option, you can take jewelry with amber, tiger's eye, jasper, topaz. Beige shoes and beige accessories are also acceptable. With them the image turns out elegant and delicate. As for choosing a bag, it should be noted that it is selected depending on which model of outfit you prefer.

A classic clutch is ideal for evening dresses. A small stylish handbag that does not have flashy trim is perfect for a daytime outfit. The color of the handbag is matched to the color of the trim present on the outfit, or to match the shoes. If you want to be more creative, you can complement your red dress with a multi-colored handbag. Vintage earrings, presented in a multi-colored version, will make your look not only sexy, but also unusual, and even a little whimsical. Don't choose too fancy accessories. It is better to wear a red dress with simple jewelry.

What to do when you want to shine on a holiday? Metal accessories will help create true festive charm. A gold necklace, a silver pendant, threads of precious stones, gold ballet shoes, diamond stud earrings are the choice of glamor lovers. In fact, red dresses go well with metallic decors. Each lady decides for herself what to wear with a red dress. When choosing accessories, thinking about what to wear with a red dress, start from your own taste, the time of year, and the time of the celebration.

Conclusion: the secret to the popularity of the red dress

A variety of movie and pop stars show how you can feel in a red dress. Each of them wears a dress with the feeling of being a sex bomb. And indeed it is. In an elegant red dress, any lady feels superior to her rivals and feels at her best. A girl wearing a red dress is always gorgeous. That evening she becomes desired by many men.

All image makers point out that the choice of such an outfit should be approached with all responsibility, because it is not enough to simply wear a bright red dress. You need to choose the “right” model that will make the right impression. And then, don’t forget about important “allies” - accessories that can complement or spoil the image. Red dresses suit blondes, hot brunettes, and redheads. With it you can stack your admirers in whole stacks.

By choosing the right model of a red dress, you can become a depraved seductress, an innocent girl, or a strict business woman. Creating the desired image today is no problem for anyone. In addition, such an interesting outfit gives wonderful emotions. Only smiles are worn with a dress. Plus, this is an opportunity to leave many men speechless. So use the presented weapons to the fullest.

A red dress is the choice of brave and confident women. In such an outfit it is difficult to get lost among the crowd. Be prepared that all eyes will be focused on you.

When putting on a red dress, you should think through your image to the smallest detail, because under the gaze of others, not a single detail of your appearance will escape from your hairstyle to the tips of your shoes.

Look with a red dress

The red dress is in itself quite a strong and bright accent. It can highlight your strengths, but your weaknesses will also be clearly visible. What should you consider when you are going to wear a red dress?

Red dress is a bright accent

Makeup for a red dress

Remember that there are many shades of red. The tone of your dress should not only harmonize with the color of your shoes and accessories, but also with your skin tone. Girls with dark skin will suit exclusively warm shades of red, while those with fair skin will suit brighter and flashier tones.

If you have redness on your skin, pimples or dark circles under your eyes, the red color of the dress will visually highlight them. Be sure to apply a good quality makeup base and even out your complexion tone as perfectly as possible.

When creating an image for a red dress, it is important not to overdo it with makeup and accents on the face. It is worth highlighting either the eyes or the lips. If you decide to focus on your lips, the shade of lipstick should be as close as possible to the shade of the dress, and eye makeup should be as natural as possible (no bright shadows or glitter).

If the emphasis is on the eyes, then eyeliner and mascara should be black or close to your natural color. You should not use multi-colored shadows and pearlescent colors with a red dress.

By the way, “a la naturel” makeup is also not the best choice for a red dress. In this case, your face will look faceless and expressionless against the background of the outfit. So bright accents in makeup are required.

Red dress style

The red color makes a woman more sexy, so the cut of the dress should not be too open. Otherwise, your image risks becoming vulgar.

Don't forget the golden rule of style: if the top is open (neckline or backless), you should cover the bottom (floor-length or knee-length skirt). Conversely, if the bottom is open (mini length or high cut), then you should cover the top.

Bright red color visually increases volume. Also, in red, all the folds and creases in the fabric are clearly visible. Your dress should fit perfectly, especially if the fabric is plain.

Slender girls can safely wear bright red colors. Ladies with curvy figures should choose darker and deeper shades.

A plain dress will look great on the owner of a harmonious figure. If you don't want to highlight certain parts of your body, you might want to consider a red dress with a print or draping.

Shoes paired with a red dress

First, a few general notes on how to select shoes:

  • Those with curvy figures should not wear shoes with too thin heels, otherwise the shoes will emphasize your volume. Thin, slender girls with thin legs need to be very careful with massive shoes with heavy soles or bulky wedges

  • The more complex and elaborate the cut of the dress, the simpler and more concise the shoes should be. Complex shoe models with lots of straps, clasps or massive decorations will go well with dresses of a simple cut.

  • The general style of the dress and shoes should match: for evening dresses made from expensive fabrics, choose classic, high-quality, laconic shoes; for a casual dress, choose a less respectable option; for a summer light sundress, you can choose a frivolous model made from very simple materials.

What sandals go with a red dress?

Sandals are airy, light, summer shoes. A red dress made of flowing delicate fabric will look good with classic sandals. Sandals or platform sandals will go well with a shirt dress and a T-shirt dress. Sandals trimmed with sequins, stones and rhinestones will go perfectly with a red cocktail dress.

What shoes go with a red dress?

Only heels will definitely go with a red dress for an evening out. Choose classic shoes. For a dress made of satin or lace, you should choose matte or suede shoes. Shiny patent leather shoe models are only suitable for a dress made of thick fabric.

A red dress goes well with blue and green shoes

The more decorations and drapery on your dress, the more restrained your choice of shoes, and vice versa - if you have a red dress of a laconic cut, you can focus on the shoes and choose shoes with decorations. Low-heeled pumps or ballet flats will go well with a business office dress.

Some models of a red dress can be combined with boots and ankle boots.

Closed shoes are more suitable for a dress made of heavy fabric (velvet, wool, leather). Light and open shoe options are suitable for light fabrics (chiffon, satin, silk). Knitwear and denim can be combined with the most daring options.

What jewelry goes with a red dress: earrings, beads?

When choosing jewelry for a red dress, you should remember the golden rule: “neck, ears, hand.” That is, the maximum set is considered to be: “earrings, beads, ring” or “earrings, brooch, bracelet.” Excessive decoration will be more of a minus than a plus.

It is important to remember that jewelry should be made of the same material: you should not combine jewelry with precious metals and stones, or plastic with metal jewelry. Only one piece of jewelry on the body can be massive.

If you are wearing a wide bracelet, pair it with a thin chain and small earrings. If you are wearing a massive necklace, you can limit yourself to a ring or ring on your hand. You should not wear a heavy necklace with too massive earrings.

The material of the jewelry should match the details on your dress. If the dress is decorated with metal clasps, the earrings or necklace should also be metal, of the same shade.

If your dress has sequins and sparkles, sparkly stud earrings and a sparkly stone pendant are the perfect complement. Too airy decorations will not go well with a dress made of heavy fabric.

Multi-colored massive necklaces and rings are appropriate with a simple plain dress. For a dress overloaded with details, choose jewelry as laconic and unnoticeable as possible.

Jewelry for a red dress can be anything, but avoid red. Pearls, gold, and silver go well with business and evening dresses.

A cocktail dress can be complemented with massive metal details or high-quality jewelry. A summer red dress looks harmonious with colorful jewelry in bright colors or jewelry made from simple materials.

What accessories go with a red dress: handbag, clutch, belt, belt?

Accessories must be kept in the same vein as the entire image. The handbag does not have to match the color of the shoes or jewelry, but it should definitely match them in style.

  • Travel bags, tote bags and briefcases are best suited to a casual or office dress.

  • Small vintage clutches will go well with a simple cut evening dress.
  • Suede bags and totes look great with military, hippie or sporty dresses.

  • Small clutch bags with a strap go well with summer red dress models. The same small bags on a chain go well with cocktail dresses.
  • Complex evening dresses require simple models of rectangular or oval clutches.

A belt or belt can be a great addition to your ensemble, but it's important to use moderation.

  • A simple leather belt of any width can go perfectly with a business-style sheath dress and matching, discreet jewelry.
  • For a romantic dress with a lush hem, only a narrow leather strap is suitable.

  • A belt decorated with beads or rhinestones can only be worn with a plain evening or cocktail dress of a simple cut, and you should discard some of the jewelry.
  • If the dress has a complex style or trim, such a dress will not need a belt or belt.

Red dress: which tights to wear with?

The choice of tights depends on the fabric and style of your red dress.

  • Thin tights in natural colors should be worn under an evening or cocktail dress.

  • Tights can be black if your dress has a simple closed cut and is complemented by black shoes. Otherwise, black with an evening dress will look vulgar.

  • Tights with prints are absolutely not suitable for classic evening dresses, but in combination with a club option, tights with a print will be quite appropriate.
  • A red dress made of heavy, dense fabric will be paired with opaque tights in dark colors.
  • Summer dresses made of simple lightweight fabrics do not need tights.

Ready-made looks with a red dress

Red long dress to the floor, what to wear with it?

Wear light sandals and as little jewelry as possible with a floor-length red dress. Accessories include a laconic small bag on a chain or a neutral clutch.

If the dress has trim or heavy drapery, you should avoid jewelry. A closed, discreet dress can be complemented with a massive necklace or bracelet.

What to wear with a red sheath dress?

A red sheath dress is a very self-sufficient and versatile option. It does not require jewelry, goes well with almost any shoe - from sandals to ankle boots, and harmonizes well with other wardrobe items.

The main thing to remember is that a sheath dress is only suitable for those with slender figures.

Red leather dress, what to wear with it?

Leather is a specific material. Often leather dresses are already decorated with decorative elements in the form of shiny buttons, buckles or zippers. In this case, decorations are not needed for it.

If you want to complement the look, it is better to choose earrings or a bracelet, since neck jewelry does not go well with a leather dress. It is better to prefer closed shoes with a leather dress.

Red lace dress, what to wear with it?

A lace red dress is a very feminine and elegant option. Accessories should be appropriate: elegant pumps, discreet clutch, unobtrusive jewelry.

Remember that lace is a decorative element in itself and does not need additional accents.

What to wear with a red sleeveless dress?

A sleeveless dress made of plain smooth fabric can be diluted with a thin strap, bracelet or lace collar. A handbag and shoes can also serve as an accent.

A simple straight red sleeveless dress can be complemented with patterned tights. If the dress is sleeveless with a print or bouclé fabric, it is better to wear it with a bag and shoes in a neutral color, and avoid jewelry.

Short red dress, what to wear with it?

A red short dress goes well with a bright belt to match your shoes or earrings, as well as a small bag with a thin strap. A summer short red dress can be complemented with bolder jewelry in bright colors.

Red shirt dress, what to wear with it?

A shirt dress is a good everyday option. Perhaps this is the only version of a red dress that allows for the most daring combinations.

It can be worn with sandals, clogs, slip-ons, sneakers and flip-flops. Jewelry can be of different styles, everyday, including very simple ones: a leather bracelet or belt, simple jewelry. You can complement the look with a knapsack bag or a small backpack.

Red T-shirt dress, what to wear with it?

A red T-shirt dress can be worn as casual wear, or as an evening wear - it all depends on your mood. Accessories will play a decisive role here.

If you plan to wear it to a social event, the emphasis should be on elegant shoes and jewelry; rhinestones and stones on shoes and a clutch are acceptable. As an everyday item, it can be combined with almost any shoes and jewelry.

Video. Style icon: red dress, what to wear with it?

Video. Style icon: red dress

Video. Office red dress: budget but impressive!

Do you want to be the center of attention? Then you need to wear a red dress. Arm yourself with self-confidence and stylistic knowledge to be on top. Remember the main rule: the brighter the color, the less detail. A red dress is an accent in itself, and additional accents will only overload the image.

What to wear with a red sheath dress

The vast majority of women with different body types can safely wear a sheath dress. It is also suitable for women who are slightly overweight, but the fabric should be thicker. A red sheath dress should fit you perfectly. To create a business look, you can pair it with a black jacket, black shoes and a rectangular bag. For an evening event, wear a floor-length sheath dress, pairing it with expensive jewelry, but use it sparingly. If the short sleeve is bracelets, long sleeve is earrings.

What to wear with a short red dress

For girls with an inverted triangle body type, short dresses with a full skirt are suitable. If you have beautiful legs, wear a straight short dress. It will well emphasize and highlight your advantages. Accessories include simple, not bright jewelry, white, gold or silver. Wear beige shoes with the set, which match the color of red and emphasize its brightness. Freshen up your outfit with a hat. If you are a brave, extraordinary person, wear black knee socks and boots with a red short dress.

What to wear with a floor-length red dress

A red floor-length dress will make you the queen of the evening at any event. Choose a style that highlights your features, but is not too revealing. If you are a little overweight, take a floor-length dress with draping at the waist. Pair your outfit with some beautiful jewelry and a small clutch bag. Shoes can be gold or beige. For a more dramatic look, play with color contrast. To create it, a dress with an admixture of blue or a shade close to fuchsia, and yellow or green accessories are suitable. But be careful, because the red dress is almost self-sufficient and does not tolerate an abundance of additional details. In the cold season, the look can be complemented with a white jacket.

What to wear with a red dress in winter and summer

For everyday life, choose a set of a dark-colored knitted red dress and light shoes. This ensemble is suitable for frequent outings and walks in the warm season. In winter, add a gray coat or jacket to your look. Wear a red dress made of light jersey in the summer with accessories in red shades, creating a contrast in tone.

A red dress with a print is perfect for young and cheerful girls.

Created 01/15/2013

The woman in the red dress is gorgeous and seductive. This color is chosen by the brave and self-confident. And this is not surprising, because red will immediately make you the center of attention. Therefore, you need to take the red dress very seriously in order to correctly put together your image as a whole, choosing ideal “allies” for it.

shade of red

Red has many shades and tones, and every woman will find exactly the one that suits her perfectly.

First of all, you need to consider your skin tone:

  • fair skin - bright cool shades of red;
  • dark skin - warm rich shades of red.

Those who do not want to stand out too much should opt for deep and muted shades of red, such as wine and burgundy.

It is also worth considering the time of day. During the day, wear bright red dresses with a print, and in the evening - plain ones, which are certainly suitable for a daytime look.


Since the red dress itself exudes sexuality, it should be quite modest. The first rule is a short dress with a closed neckline; with a long one, you can allow yourself to open the top more.

Women with an ideal figure can experiment with any type of red dress. Knitted, figure-hugging dresses will only highlight your beautiful shape.

Overweight women are better off choosing dark shades of red to attract less attention to their body and create the illusion of smaller volumes. A dress with decor will help distract attention from problem areas. For example, if the hips are too large, trim at the bust line will balance out the silhouette.

Completeness may vary. Including seductive. And many men like just such figures. Beautiful lush curves will be emphasized by a tight dress. In this case, shapewear is indispensable. This way you can be sure that the image is going well.

A common rule for everyone: a red dress should fit perfectly on your figure. No excessive tightness with prominent bra and panty lines.

It is better to let the red dress be as simple as possible than to be overloaded with a complex cut.


A red dress does not require accessories as such, so you have to be very careful with their choice.

It's better to stick to simple decorations. Gold and silver are ideal allies for a red dress.

Jewelry with red stones (ruby, garnet) or diamonds is also good. A pair of stud earrings and a delicate pendant with these stones will complement your evening look in a red dress like nothing else. If you choose large dangling earrings with diamonds, then there should be no other jewelry.

Pink accessories will also go well with a red dress. Essentially, pink is light red. But not every shade of pink will match every shade of red. Therefore, you must carefully select this combination.

White and black accessories look good, pearls for the evening. Black stones will perfectly match with black trim on a dress, shoes and handbag. Also, for white jewelry, you need to choose allies in the form of a handbag, shoes, scarf, strap or gloves.

It is very easy to choose jewelry for a red dress that has some kind of decoration: they should be made of the same material and the same color.

Multi-colored jewelry will go well with a plain, plain dress. If the red dress has a complex cut or decor, then choose something discreet.

Remember simple rules:

  • there can be only one massive decoration;
  • decorations must be made of the same material;
  • there should not be too much decoration.

By the way, more than two jewelry in one look is considered bad form.

If you find it difficult to select jewelry, then it is better not to wear it at all. Otherwise, the wrong choice will ruin everything.

Choose a bag depending on the model of the dress. For the evening, of course, a small clutch. For everyday use - not too bulky, without unnecessary details, decorations and decorations. The color of the bag can be the color of the shoes or trim on the dress, black, brown, beige, white. Silver and gold clutches will suit your evening look. You can choose a red bag to match the color of the dress, but in this case it should not be large; opt for a small, neat handbag.

You can't go wrong with snakeskin.

A red dress will go well with accessories that include red in the same shade as the dress. For example, it could be a scarf or handkerchief.

You can complement the look with a belt and gloves. This can be in tandem in one color or as a separate stroke.


In summer, playful light sundresses and dresses, of course, do not need tights. But your legs must be perfect: smoothly shaved, without abrasions or bruises. After all, you are in red! Pay careful attention to your pedicure. It should be the same as your manicure.

In cold weather you need “insulation”. With a red dress, you can wear thick or transparent black tights or stockings (according to the rules, stockings are not worn with a short dress). Black shoes go best with black tights. This does not create division of the figure and visually elongates the silhouette. White tights will look interesting.

If the dress is in a sporty style, you can wear leggings with it. Tights and leggings should not be shiny or patterned.


A simple cut dress will perfectly complement a jacket or cardigan. A denim jacket would also work well.

An excellent ally to a red dress is a short leather jacket, as well as a coat or poncho. A coat made of camel hair will look especially good.

An evening dress with an open top can be complemented with a matching bolero.

As for colors, the most successful combinations will be with black, brown, gray, white and beige. If you want something brighter - blue, green, purple, yellow. And of course pink will do.


Shoes are selected primarily based on the style of the red dress. With summer sundresses - sandals. For a daytime casual dress - from shoes and sneakers to boots. An evening dress always requires a heel. These could be sandals decorated with stones or sequins; as well as classic shoes. Go with a red dress in a business style - classic boots or pumps.

Consider the fabric:

  • dress made of thick fabric - closed, patent leather shoes;
  • dress made of light fabric - open shoes;
  • lace and satin - matte, suede shoes;
  • knitwear and denim - any variations.

We remember the main simple rule: the more complex the dress, the simpler the shoes. And vice versa: a simple dress can be complemented with a bright accent in the form of shoes with some jewelry.

Beige, brown, black shoe colors are an undeniable classic. But white and pink are also suitable, as well as yellow, blue, green, and purple. For an evening dress, silver and gold are ideal.

If the dress has decor (it can be gold, silver, black, white trim), then choose shoes in a color that matches it.

Brave ladies can indulge in a combination of a red dress and leopard print shoes.

But what you should not wear with a red dress are shoes of a different shade of red. If you combine red shoes and a red dress, they should match the color as much as possible.

Red shoes together with a red dress, if they are matched tone to tone, is not a mistake, but a matter of taste. Some people think that such a union overloads the image. If you are in doubt, then light, elegant sandals with thin straps certainly will not create such an effect.

Floor-length models with a full skirt and gold or silver trim look especially chic.

To work

A red dress is also acceptable for the office. But its color should not be bright, and as for the style, it should be a sheath or straight dress. We select closed-toed shoes in beige, brown or black, black tight tights and a classic jacket and get an image that will bring a little color to the gray boring working days.

Hair and makeup

A red dress can highlight any skin imperfections. Therefore, your skin and makeup should be flawless.

It is better to keep your hairstyle simple - natural falling curls, smooth and straight or slightly wavy. But it can be a ponytail, various weaves, and evening hairstyles.

Never wear purple or green eyeshadow with a red dress. Choose neutral shades - dark gray or brown. You can experiment with dark blue shadows.

If eye makeup is done in dark colors, then the lips should be light (natural tone) and vice versa.

If you prefer more color, then the best solution would be lipstick that matches the dress. And on the eyes - black mascara and expressive black arrows.

A French manicure is ideal. You can also use nail polish in the same shade as your dress.

Well, the most important thing is to present yourself correctly in a red dress - maintain your posture and be confident. Since you have decided to wear a red dress, wear it with dignity!

Stylish looks, a combination of a red dress with shoes and accessories.

This article will tell you in as much detail as possible about how to look spectacular in a red dress. You will learn about accessories and shoes that you should pay attention to when choosing a scarlet outfit.

What shoes go with a red dress?

Red color in clothes always looks fashionable and stylish. And a red dress is a special outfit. The choice of shoes must be approached with all seriousness in order to look stylish and harmonious.

The shape and color of shoes for the dress depend on:

  • its length (mini, midi, maxi)
  • appointments (evening or everyday)
  • features of your figure
  • accessories for the dress

The length of your dress also dictates the height of your heels:

  • a short dress goes well with low-heeled shoes or ballet flats
  • The knee-length dress is quite versatile, so the length of the heels depends on your preferences
  • well, a long dress requires only elegant shoes with high heels

Depending on where you wear your outfit, the color of the shoes depends:

  • white– goes perfectly with a casual dress, especially in combination with discreet accessories of the same color.
  • black– a more elegant option, more suitable for evening dresses
  • red– a classic option that is relevant for every day and for holidays.
  • beige– an excellent universal color that does not distract from the dress itself
  • golden or silver- a non-trivial combination that advantageously emphasizes a bright evening look.
  • brown– a casual option that perfectly complements the red color of the dress. According to stylists, it is more suitable for an autumn outfit.

Until recently, it was believed that the shade of shoes should match the shade of the dress. However, stylists now claim that this rule is outdated, and shoes may have a different shade of red. But do not forget that in this case there should be no accessories, so as not to overload the image.

Do not forget that the shape of the shoes should emphasize the advantages of your figure and hide flaws:

  • For overweight women, shoes with pointed toe on a small heel, and it is better not to wear round shoes.

  • slender ladies can afford almost any shape of shoes.
  • but very thin people should avoid massive heels and platform shoes.

What sandals go with a red dress?

The requirements for sandals that you wear with a red dress are in many ways similar to the rules for choosing shoes. Moreover, both stiletto sandals and platform shoes will go well with a red dress. Classic options are always relevant:

  • black sandals - emphasize the sexuality and passion of the image
  • white - look smartly, especially if the dress is decorated with a white collar or strap
  • gold - will add glamor to your image
  • beige - a wonderful summer ensemble for everyday life, especially in combination with a beige bag
  • brown - perfect for a red sundress

Options for a red dress

Bright sandals for a red dress

In addition to the listed classic combinations, when choosing sandals, you can afford bolder and brighter colors. After all, these are summer shoes, and at this time of year, modern fashion allows you to deviate a little from the strict rules. Blue, purple, yellow, dark green – these sandals will look fresh and unusual with a red dress.

Accessories for a red dress: handbag, clutch, belt, belt

When choosing accessories for a red dress, consider the shade of the shoes you are going to wear. An incorrectly selected handbag or clutch can easily overwhelm your look.

  • clutch - the best addition to your red dress. This look always looks sophisticated and elegant.
  • a small handbag on a thin strap or chain is a classic, discreet option.

The belt or belt should not be too flashy. Thin straps in the same color as your shoes or handbag are best.

The color of accessories should emphasize the beauty of your outfit, and not distract attention to yourself. Therefore, there are certain subtleties in choosing their shade:

  • black and red is classic combination, which, however, can make your image overly aggressive. So try not to overdo it with black jewelry.
  • dark brown or chocolate the color of the handbag and belt harmonizes perfectly with the red dress. This combination is not as bright as the previous version, but deeper and more subtle.
  • white or beige– greatly softens the energy of red color. Light-colored shoes and a matching bag will add lightness and freshness to your outfit. It is better to choose not dazzling white accessories, but milky or creamy shades.
  • silver and gray colors– will slightly dim the brightness of the red color, and your image will turn out more elegant and calm.
  • black and white zebra print goes well with a red dress. The main thing is not to overdo it with jewelry and shoes - stick to black.

Accessories for a red dress

Do not forget that correctly selected elements emphasize your individuality.

Jewelry for a red dress: beads, earrings

A red dress is already a decoration in itself, so you shouldn’t overload it with too bright jewelry. Remember the main rules:

  • Everyday jewelry shouldn't be too flashy
  • evening option involves more expensive large decorations
  • decorations must be the same in style and made from one material(metal, wood, plastic).
  • give up jewelry that matches the dress
  • earrings and beads should be in harmony with other elements of the ensemble
  • there should not be too much decoration. If you are wearing a large pendant, skip the bracelet; if you wear long massive earrings, skip the necklace.
  • A simple cut dress will be decorated with large jewelry

Decorations must be the same in style

Gold items look beautiful

When choosing jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones, listen to the advice of stylists:

  • products from gold or silver with red stones (ruby, garnet). However, remember that there should not be too much red.
  • If you have chosen brown shoes and a bag for your outfit, then opt for stones of yellow and brownish shades (topaz, amber, jasper).
  • an elegant look goes well with white shoes pearl a thread
  • A short party dress can be paired with a chunky gold necklace.

It will be beautiful to wear a string of pearls

Jewelry to match the dress

Stylish decoration

Red dress: which tights to wear with?

Women often wonder what tights to wear under a red dress. According to stylists, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the decoration is made, and the place where you are going in it:

  • wear stockings under dresses made of thin flowy fabrics bodily almost transparent colors.
  • dense materials can be combined with tights black or brown colors, depending on shoes.
  • a knitted red dress harmonizes perfectly with thick tights in white, gray or beige. The image turns out to be quite bright and bold, so it is more suitable for young girls.
  • Openwork black tights made of thick thread are suitable for knitted dresses. Such a toilet would be appropriate in a nightclub.
  • Combine bright green or blue shoes with flesh-colored stockings if you are going to a business meeting. And if you're going to a party, you can wear tights that match your shoes.

What to wear with a red sheath dress?

One of the most versatile dress styles is sheath dress. Modern fashion designers offer us many variations, which allows women with any figure to choose such a dress. The main thing is to choose the right shoes and accessories:

  • Wear heels with a sheath dress. It may not be high, but its presence is required.
    during the daytime, give preference to soft shades of shoes and accessories.
  • Beige or sand shoes are suitable.
  • the handbag must be either the same color as the shoes or have a similar decor.
  • thin thread light beads will highlight your elegance
    In an evening dress, contrasting combinations with black would be appropriate.
  • will add special solemnity to the dress golden sandals.

Sheath dress

Red sheath dress

Sheath dress

Great option with gold sandals

For this look, keep jewelry to a minimum. In addition, one thing should be golden: either a handbag or shoes

Red long dress to the floor: what to wear with it?

As a rule, a long red floor-length dress is an evening outfit. Therefore, your image must be carefully thought out. Carelessness is unacceptable here.

  • Shoes. The heel can be of any length, but the stiletto heel is still considered a classic option. Color - red to match the dress, discreet black or chic gold.

  • Decorations. There shouldn't be many of them. A long floor-length dress will be decorated with either a modest chain with a pendant, or a bracelet, or a pair of long earrings. It is better to choose jewelry that is status-worthy, you can with red stone.
  • Bag. A clutch that matches the color of your shoes is the best accessory in this case. Moreover, it should be modest enough so as not to distract attention from the dress.
  • Other. Stole or chiffon scarf its decor should match the color of shoes and jewelry

The best way to pair a red bag is with a clutch.

Clutch and minimal jewelry

Short red dress: what to wear with it?

A short red dress can be either casual or elegant or cocktail. Depending on this, select shoes and accessories:

  • a formal cocktail dress goes well with ballet flats and high-heeled shoes. Moreover, the shoes in this case should be closed and the heels should be thin.
  • You can combine a casual short dress with beige or black shoes, a bag and a matching hat. But remember that there should be one emphasis - either the upper part or the lower part.

Combination of black and red

  • Pink jewelry on a red background of a short dress looks fresh and unusual.
  • Wear light accessories in summer and spring, and in winter, choose jewelry in dark shades.
  • The depth of red is emphasized by brown shoes and a thin belt of the same color.
  • A handbag with thin handles up to knee level is ideal for a short dress.

Red lace dress: what to wear with it?

A lace dress looks tender and romantic. And shades of red make such clothes elegant and festive. The rules for choosing shoes and accessories for such dresses are similar to those described above. However, keep in mind some subtleties:

  • lace fabric itself is a rich material, so additional decorations in the form of beads or necklaces in this case will be unnecessary.
  • It is better to choose shoes for thin heels. Moreover, keep in mind that the thinner the fabric of the dress, the more elegant the shoes should be to go with it.

  • large bags make this outfit heavier, so choose an elegant one clutch

  • if your dress has long sleeves, avoid bracelets and large watches
  • The length of the lace dress should not be too short, otherwise it will look like underwear
    It is better to choose a classic color for accessories - black, golden, beige.
  • An ensemble of a lace dress and a short leather jacket looks interesting and bold. A complement will be leather boots, combined with the shade of the jacket.

Delicate image

Spectacular lace

Dress ideas

What to wear with a red sleeveless dress?

The sleeve gives any dress a certain restraint and closeness. But sleeveless dresses give you the opportunity to add playfulness to your look with the help of jewelry:

  • Large jewelry goes well with this dress - massive bracelets or watches, beads, several original rings.
  • A multi-tiered necklace will be a great addition to your outfit
  • For a sleeveless dress, choose a small clutch or small handbag

Sleeveless dress

Choose a beautiful decoration

And also a clutch or handbag

Red leather dress: what to wear with it?

An extravagant wardrobe item is a red leather dress. In order not to look vulgar and provocative, follow these recommendations:

  • choose a dress in muted red shades
    the sleeve should be short and the silhouette simple
  • avoid a lot of accessories on the dress and shiny jewelry

Minimalism in decorations and fittings

Stylish leather dress

According to stylists, the following will suit a red leather dress:

  • white or beige accessories will tone down the aggressiveness of the outfit
  • black decorations - for a club party
  • brown jacket or turtleneck
  • minimalist decorations

Beige accessories

Beautiful leather dress

Red T-shirt dress: what to wear with it?

With the arrival of hot summer days, many girls put on comfortable dresses - T-shirts. Such clothes are more related to sports or beach styles. What to wear with such a dress? Ideal for:

  • shoes without heels: ballet flats, sneakers, sandals
  • high heel
  • denim jacket or shirt
  • light linen jacket
  • large jewelry (wooden or leather)
  • tights, leggings or thick bright tights
  • backpacks, sports bags of any size

Long T-shirt dress

T-shirt dress with sneakers

Tank dress with stiletto heel

Red shirt dress: what to wear with it?

A shirt dress suits almost all women. It is quite universal: it can be romantic, business or more sporty. Depending on what kind of image you want to create, the elements of the ensemble are selected:

  • Shoes with low heels or no heels will go well with a short dress.
  • a long dress goes well with a stable high heel or platform
  • avoid overly dressy and glamorous accessories
  • decorations can be both discreet and extravagant
  • A short jacket in brown shades or a denim jacket will go perfectly with the dress
  • This dress can be worn with skinny jeans or leggings
  • choose a bag made from genuine leather in natural shades

Red shirt dress

Stylish combination

Long dress shirt

Short shirt dress

Great combination

Delicate combination

Is it possible to wear a red dress to the office?

A red dress is perfect for the office, the main thing is to choose the right style, shoes and jewelry:

  • give preference to sheath and tulip dresses up to or below the knee
  • the material from which the dress is made should not shine
  • shoes – only closed ones
  • tights - flesh color
  • bag and belt - beige, cream, gray or brown (to match the color of the shoes).
  • decorations are discreet
  • jacket – beige, gray, white, chocolate

Decorations should not be flashy

Red dress - what to wear with it in summer?

The summer look is always freer and brighter. At this time of year we can allow ourselves bold experiments:

  • A white jacket in combination with white pumps will make your look spring and light.
  • A red dress with golden sandals and a large bag in brown shades looks interesting and unusual.
  • It is better to avoid jewelry in this ensemble
  • bright colorful bag with red elements is perfect for a summer ensemble; it is better to choose a strap and sandals in classic neutral tones.
  • large ivory-colored bracelets or watches and matching glasses frames will make your image bright and memorable.
  • Chocolate-colored sandals and a leather bracelet will go perfectly with a summer dress.

Festive summer look

Don't be afraid to experiment. After all, it is in the summer that you can “be a little naughty” and make your image fun and not boring.

Look for a red dress

According to psychologists, a red dress is chosen by confident ladies who are not afraid of other people's views. The color red has many different shades, and when choosing it you need to take into account your color type:

  • For dark-skinned brunettes, wine or purple colors are suitable
  • blondes with fair skin will prefer tomato and raspberry dresses
  • warm skin tone harmonizes with grant and burgundy clothes. Since such a bright image is always the object of increased attention, it must be thoughtful and harmonious.
  • The cut of a red dress should be as simple as possible, especially if it is made of textured fabric.
  • choose high quality shoes and bags
  • avoid multi-colored shoes

  • Classic combination

    Sensual red makes women more attractive and sexy. And if until now you have not dared to wear such a dress, then perhaps it’s time to fix it?

    Video: What to wear with a red dress?
