What do cracked heels mean? Causes and treatment of deep cracked heels

Cracked heels are a serious problem that causes a lot of inconvenience, painful when walking, interfering with active living and wearing open shoes.
Treatment of cracked heels should begin after eliminating all diseases that can provoke their appearance. If such pathologies are present in the body, neither careful foot care nor proper local treatment will help.
If there are no such deviations, but there are cracks in the heels, then it is necessary to find the cause that caused them and immediately eliminate it.

You need to start the fight against cracks by changing your shoes, diet, and daily routine. Perhaps these measures will help and the cracks will disappear. Otherwise, they should be treated by professionals in a beauty salon or independently at home.

Foot baths

There are several options for foot baths that are used to restore the skin on the heels.

Contrast baths

They take two basins and fill them with water: one with hot, and the second with cold, and then step from one to another, while cold water keep your feet for ten seconds, and in the hot state for two minutes. Contrast bath do it for ten minutes.

This medical procedure not only helps with cracked heels, but also relieves fatigue, stimulates blood circulation in the legs and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Soda and soap baths

To prepare them you will need two liters of hot water, half a teaspoon of mineral soap and a tablespoon of soda. All ingredients are mixed and the feet are kept in this bath for ten minutes. To healing effect came faster, after the bath the heels need to be rubbed vigorously with a brush with fine rubbing elements. Soda- soap baths do it for ten days in a row. The course is repeated after about four weeks.

Bath with starch

Dilute a tablespoon of starch in a liter of warm water and immerse your feet in it for thirty minutes.

To prevent the bath from cooling completely, you should periodically add hot water. Baths with starch are done until the cracks in the heels disappear completely. After each procedure, the skin of the feet is lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Baths with herbal decoctions

Herbal baths are effective remedy from cracked heels, promoting their healing and having pronounced antiseptic properties.

Herbs used to prepare baths: chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, sage, string, calendula, all together or separately.

First, prepare a decoction, cool it, make a bath in which you keep your feet for ten minutes.

Folk remedies

  1. Compress with vegetable oil- A fairly effective emollient for treating cracked heels.
    First, cotton socks are soaked in oil, then they are put on, wrapped in cellophane on top and left for four hours. After the procedure, feet are washed with warm water and wiped dry.
  2. How to treat cracked heels using urine therapy? This treatment method is not complicated and involves using your own urine: collecting it, moistening a bandage and wrapping it around your feet. This bandage is kept on the legs for four hours, after which the legs are washed and the loose layer of skin is carefully wiped off and lubricated with cream. Urine therapy is also used for preventive purposes to prevent the appearance of new defects on the skin.
  3. Plant dressings not only soften the skin of the heels, but also nourish it. They are made from crushed cabbage leaves, onion juice mixed with aloe juice, fish oil, flour or onion gruel. A herbal dressing is applied and left overnight to achieve maximum possible effect. Socks are put on top and everything is wrapped in film. After the procedure, the feet are washed and the skin is left to dry. naturally, then apply the cream.
  4. Fill cracks in the heels with fir balsam and apply on top gauze wipes and fix them with a bandage. The compress is left overnight.
  5. Periodic foot massage with rich cream is a good therapeutic and prophylactic from cracks and other damage to the skin of the legs. Warm up the cream and massage the heels to improve blood circulation and heal cracks.
  6. A mask for cracked heels made from flaxseed and potato peelings is very effective. To prepare it, take potato peelings, fill them with water, add flaxseed and cook everything until a mushy consistency is obtained. You need to soak your feet in it for twenty minutes, and then wash off the remaining mask with warm water. The cracks are then lubricated with cream.
  7. Wash your feet before going to bed tar soap, wipe dry with a towel and lubricate problem areas with grease, rubbing into the thickness of the skin. Plastic bags and woolen socks are placed on the feet. In the morning, remove everything and wipe with a damp cloth.

    This remedy helps get rid of cracked heels in ten days.

Treatment of deep cracked heels

  1. Treatment deep cracks on the heels is to use Vaseline and drugs based on it. First, the legs are steamed in hot water, apply Vaseline to the affected area, and then apply a patch and leave overnight.
  2. Paraffin, and salicylic acid take in equal volumes and heat. Apply the resulting composition to the cracks with a cotton swab, first in one layer, and after it dries, cover with another layer. Then fix the compress with a bandage and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash off the product with soapy water and lightly treat with pumice.
  3. Cracks in the heels are an entry point for infection, and deep cracks are a short way for bacteria and fungi to enter the human body.
    To prevent infection, it is necessary to lubricate the cracks with an ointment consisting of an antibiotic and an antifungal agent. Ointment for cracked heels, containing vitamin A and propolis, also gives a good healing effect.
  4. Olive oil makes the skin of the heels soft, smooth, soft and elastic, reducing the risk of deep cracks in the heels. After taking a shower or bath, rub slightly warmed olive oil into the cracks.
  5. Tomatoes treat deep cracks in the heels. To do this, prepare puree from fresh tomatoes, spread it on a piece of cloth, apply it to the cracks in the heels and wrap it with a bandage. This compress moisturizes deep cracks and gradually reduces them to nothing.
  6. Elecampane root helps heal deep cracks. It is used in the form of lotions or hot compresses daily.
  7. If cracked heels become inflamed regularly, you should visit a doctor. The dermatologist will determine the cause of this pathology and prescribe correct treatment. Deep cracks in the heels are treated with Vaseline-based medications, which simultaneously moisturize and soften the affected skin. First, the heels are steamed in hot water with two tablespoons boric acid and then apply ointment.

Foods for cracked heels

  1. Carrot oil is used to treat cracks. One hundred grams of carrots are grated on a fine grater, placed in a jar and poured with half a liter of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. They insist for ten days. Received carrot oil Treat cracked heels every day before bed.
  2. The heels are steamed, lubricated with lard, and a fresh cabbage leaf is placed on top.
  3. The heated skin of the heels is smeared with honey and covered with a cabbage leaf on top, focusing Special attention cracks. The compress is fixed with a bandage. Cracked heels are treated until they disappear completely. Cotton honey is perfect for this purpose - it has a strong antibacterial effect. Read in detail about all its properties and applications in the article:
  4. A very effective folk remedy for treating cracked heels is boiled potatoes. The tubers are boiled in their skins, crushed together with the skin, applied to sore heels overnight and wrapped in cellophane.
  5. Onion lotion or grated apple, which is applied to the wounds, helps to get rid of thin cuts and small cracks on the heels. To do this, grate an apple on a fine grater or raw onion, spread the resulting mass on a piece of cloth and secure it with a bandage on the feet.
  6. Lemon juice is mixed with grated potatoes in equal quantities. Place this compress on your heels every two hours.
  7. This recipe for cracked heels is quite effective: boil prunes in milk and apply them hot to the heels for thirty minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  8. Make a paste of apricots and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Apply the product to the heels for half an hour and wash off with warm water.
  9. Lubricate the cracks with mayonnaise, sour cream or cottage cheese and leave for one hour.
  10. A large onion is chopped and fried in oil until golden color. Add a little beeswax to the fried onions and boil for a couple of minutes. After steaming the feet and treating them with pumice, lubricate the heels with the resulting mixture, and put cellophane and socks on top.
  11. How to quickly remove cracked heels? A recipe consisting of the following ingredients will help you get rid of this disease: lard, onion, camphor oil. These components are mixed and the mixture is spread on plastic wrap, which is tied to the heels. This procedure is very effective and helps get rid of cracks in one go.

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Pink, smooth heels- the dream of women and girls of any age, but not everyone comes true even with good care behind the skin of the legs. Cracks that appear on the lateral surface of the feet not only spoil the appearance, but also cause a persistent feeling of discomfort due to painful sensations when standing for a long time. The pain, although not severe, can ruin your mood.

Dry skin, decreased elasticity, increased proliferation of the superficial stratum corneum, poor regeneration of the epidermis are factors that contribute to the appearance of cracked heels.

The cause of the appearance may be a disease, and not necessarily a skin one. Very often this problem occurs in people with increased level blood sugar.

No less common cause are endocrine disorders: anemia, hypovitaminosis. Failure of metabolic processes in the body leads to loss of elasticity of the skin and its cracking.

Lack of hygiene, the presence of microdamages on the skin is a loophole for infection. Fungus is the most common skin infection, affecting the skin of the feet, disrupting its structure and reducing its regenerative abilities.

Another skin disease, dermatitis, is included in the list of causes leading to cracking of the stratum corneum. It is dangerous primarily due to secondary infections, to which inflamed skin becomes more susceptible.

Cracks can also appear in an absolutely healthy person. They can be provoked by:

  • illiterate use of skin care products;
  • frequent use of abrasive materials to remove the stratum corneum;
  • wearing shoes from artificial materials, tight, inappropriate size (large);
  • long walks;
  • heavy physical labor performed on the legs.

The correct solution to the problem is to visit a doctor, full examination with passing all the necessary tests and treatment of the body as a whole. If you are not ready to spend time visiting a clinic or simply don’t have it, you can treat cracks at home.

AAndE vitamins for skin. Summer is the time when fresh vegetables and fruits can fully satisfy their needs. Include vegetable salads in your diet. No need for complicated recipes.

A simple tomato and sweet salad will bring more benefits. bell pepper, seasoned with olive or camelina oil, sprinkled lemon juice and sprinkled with herbs.

Omega-3 will help the skin. Be sure to use:

  • seafood:
  • nuts;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sesame seeds;
  • all types of unrefined vegetable oils.

Refusal of junk food. A noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of the feet can be noticed a short period of time after quitting smoking, fried foods, strong alcohol, canned vegetables and fruits, fast food.

Water balance– the basis for good skin regeneration and normal course all metabolic processes. It is especially important to drink enough fluids (the norm is 2 liters per day) in the summer in the heat and when working in an office equipped with an air conditioning system.

Deep cracks that form on the heels are very painful. Let's figure out how to help ourselves. It is important to reduce pain and prevent foot infections. Infection can enter through deep cracks.

In the treatment of deep cracks, ointments sold in pharmacies are best. Ready-made ointments are dosage forms, consisting of a base (fat) and a medicinal substance.

They should be applied to cleanly washed and dry heels one to two times a day. The quantity is specified in the instructions that come with the drug. If the damage is very deep and cannot be washed well with water, it is worth treating it with hydrogen peroxide.

If the heel problem is caused by a fungus, antifungal agents are prescribed:

  • Nizoral;
  • Mycoterbin;
  • Terbizil.

Bonding a crack with medical glue − original solution Problems. This unique recipe can be used if there is no inflammation or secondary infection. Wash your feet thoroughly and dry. Apply the glue pointwise along the entire length of the damage.

When dry, it firmly sticks the edges together. After 7 days, the wounds will heal. Soften the stratum corneum with warm foot baths. Use pumice to remove it. Use pumice correctly. Steam your legs. Wipe them dry. Drive the pumice stone not across, but along the cracks.

After finishing treating the heels, be sure to rinse your feet and blot them with a napkin or towel. Squeeze a little cream onto damaged skin and rub in lightly. If you are not lazy and do these for a few days simple procedures, the skin on your heels will become smooth again.

It is easy to prepare an ointment for treating heels at home. For the base you can take:

  • petrolatum;
  • badger fat;
  • pork fat

You can take vegetables, herbs or fruits as a medicinal component of the ointment. You can adopt several simple, affordable and very effective recipes.

The healing properties of carrots are well known. It also helps with skin problems. For the base, take 100 g of pork fat. Wash, peel and grate the carrots. You should get about 100 g. Place the fat in a small container and place it on water bath.

When it becomes liquid add chopped carrots. Keep the mixture in the bathhouse for another 15 minutes, then remove, cool, and strain using cheesecloth or a fine-mesh sieve. Pour into a glass container and close with a lid. Place in the refrigerator. Apply to your heels before going to bed. Before doing this, wash your feet, steam them well in warm water, and wipe dry.

The beneficial properties of calendula, badger fat, and celandine are used in treatment various diseases. If you prepare an ointment based on them, it can be used to treat cracked heels. You will need:

  • badger fat - 50 ml;
  • dried and crushed calendula flowers - 1 tsp;
  • dry celandine, crushed – 1 tsp.

Everything you need to prepare the ointment can be bought at the pharmacy. Prepare the ointment in a water bath. While the fat is melting, pour a small amount of boiling water over the herbs. After a couple of minutes, you can add them to the liquid fat.

The oil takes 30 minutes to prepare. Do not bring the mixture to a boil. At the end of this time, be sure to strain the medicinal fat and pour it into a container with tight lid. A refrigerator is suitable for storage. Warm the ointment before applying.

Baths help soften the stratum corneum, relieve inflammation, and speed up the healing process of heels. They need to be done daily until the problems go away. There are many simple and interesting recipes, which can be alternated.

To prepare foot baths, they often use:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • dry white wine;
  • apple cider vinegar;
  • infusions or decoctions of herbs;
  • starch.

Sea salt good antiseptic. Baths with sea salt soften the skin faster and are easily removed with pumice. Add 100 g of coarse sea salt and 1 tbsp to a bowl of warm water. baking soda.

Duration therapeutic bath- 15 minutes. After this time, dry your feet with a towel and lubricate with ointment from a pharmacy or prepared by yourself.

Dry white wine ( 1 tbsp.) pour into a glass container, add 1 tbsp. l. dry linden blossom. Place the composition in a water bath and heat to a boil. Strain. Dilute the pure decoction with 1 liter. warm water. Lower your legs into the basin with wine composition, hold for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, rub your feet with a hard washcloth and put them back in the bath. Repeat the steps until the medicinal composition has cooled down. When finishing the procedure, wipe your feet dry and lubricate the skin with cream or any vegetable oil.

Apple cider vinegar You can simply add it to a bowl of warm water. For 1 l. water 2-3 tbsp. l. vinegar. Vinegar helps fight fungus, helps soften the skin, and speeds up the process of exfoliating dry scales.

Herbal infusions or decoctions can be prepared from several types of herbs. Help with cracked heels:

  • Oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort.

Stick to the proportion: 1 l. water, 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs or mixtures of herbs. Pour a liter of boiling water over the herb and keep it on the fire for almost 30 minutes. Keep the foot infusion cooled to a comfortable temperature until it cools completely, this is about half an hour. Wipe your feet dry, massage, apply cream.

Starch take potato . Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. in 1 l. warm water. This bath softens rough skin, heals cracks of any depth. The effect will be noticeable after a week of use. The duration of one bath is at least 20 minutes. To get a greater effect, instead of water, you can take a decoction of herbs:

  • chamomile (1 tsp);
  • calendula (1 tsp);
  • St. John's wort (1 tsp).

Smooth heels at home: video

Exfoliation is an important part of heel care. The process of removing (exfoliating) dead skin layers is called peeling. You don’t need to do it often, once a week is enough.

To remove hard skin from your heels you can use:

  • pumice;
  • pedicure grater;
  • scrub.

Pumice of natural origin is preferable for heels. It does not cause allergic reactions and does not crumble. After use, it should be rinsed and dried. Store in a dry place. Pathogenic microbes can multiply in wet pumice.

Pedicure graters are easy to use and easy to clean. Scrubs are commercially available and easy to make yourself. The easiest way is to use medium sea salt mixed with liquid toilet soap until it becomes thick sour cream. Rub the scrub into your heels in a circular motion for 5 minutes.

After peeling, rinse your feet. The water must be warm. Dry the skin thoroughly with a towel. Before applying ointment or cream, it is necessary to treat the cracks.

Hydrogen peroxide should definitely be in your home medicine cabinet. This is an excellent antiseptic; it is convenient for treating small wounds, abrasions and cracked heels. Pharmacies sell ready-to-use perhydrol (3.3%). The antiseptic liquid just needs to be poured into the cracks. She doesn't call pain, foams upon contact with the skin, removes remaining dirt and infection. Blot your heels with a clean napkin.

The compress can be kept on the heels all night, or just 20 minutes. Any option will benefit the skin of your feet. You can use the most unusual products.

For example, after eating a banana, you don’t need to throw away the peel. Inner part Apply the peel to the damaged part of the heel. Wrap your leg cling film, put on a sock. You need to keep this compress for at least 10 hours, so it is more convenient to do it at night. In the morning, unwrap and wash your leg. Make banana compresses for a week.

A quick 30-minute compress can be made from lemon. Cut one medium-sized lemon into 2 parts. Apply the halves to your heels and sit for 30 minutes, after which rinse your feet and lubricate them with cream.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a heel cream. You always need to look at the composition. The composition should include:

  • urea, it moisturizes the skin and softens keratinized areas;
  • lanolin nourishes and restores at the cellular level;
  • lactic acid moisturizes;
  • natural oils for moisturizing;
  • vitamins (E, B5).

For deep cracks in the heels, creams help well:

  • Bepanten;
  • Pantoderm;
  • D-panthenol.

Coping with the problem is not easy, but by approaching its solution comprehensively, you can get rid of cracks in a short time. Everything is important: nutrition, the right shoes, fluid intake, personal hygiene. This and daily care behind the feet using ready-made cosmetics and medicinal products they will certainly give good result– smooth, pink heels.

Cracked heels - unpleasant problem, which many people encounter, fortunately they can be cured with folk remedies. Discomfort and inconvenience are caused not only by the unaesthetic appearance of the legs, but also by pain that intensifies when walking. At first, the cracks are barely noticeable, but over time they get worse and begin to become inflamed. The risk of secondary infections entering cracks can trigger the development of dermatitis.

Traditional medicine has many remedies for treating severely cracked heels.

In combination with treatment of the underlying disease, the cause of which was cracking heels and proper care for the feet they give excellent results. Let's look at the most effective and affordable ones.

Treatment with laundry soap

Although laundry soap does not have medicinal properties, it softens dead skin well and has a disinfecting effect on it.

The easiest way to use laundry soap is to make a soap mask overnight. Feet should be washed well, dried with a towel and lubricated the soles of the feet with a piece of 72% laundry soap. Then they put thin socks on their feet and go to bed. In the morning, moisturizer is applied to washed feet. The procedure is performed daily until the cracks are completely eliminated.

To enhance the effectiveness of soap, use black tea. A linen or cotton napkin is soaked in tea leaves, soaped and applied to the heels. Cover the feet with plastic wrap and put on socks. Morning procedure repeat as in the previous recipe.

Soap baths with the addition of soda are also effective. They are done before bed for half an hour.

Treatment with boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes have long been used to treat various ailments. It also helps with cracks. To do this, boil several potatoes, drain ¾ of the water and pound to a liquid puree. The resulting mixture is slightly diluted with cool water with the addition of a tablespoon of soda. Dip your feet into the mixture and steam them for 5-10 minutes. After completing the procedure, you can lightly rub your heels with a pumice stone and apply moisturizer or a little Vaseline at night.

Oil treatment

You can use any oil that you have in your kitchen. Good action have sunflower, corn, castor oil. For elimination pathogenic microbes add glycerin in a ratio of 0.5:1. A few drops of eucalyptus oil will promote wound healing. The steamed legs are dipped into a slightly warmed oil-based mixture. Then socks soaked in the mixture are put on your feet, secured with polyethylene film and left overnight.

Onion treatment

Onion is one of the most accessible remedies for treating cracks. It is enough to lubricate them with the juice of this plant. Green feathers are crushed, applied to a napkin and fixed on the feet overnight. An ointment made from onion and beeswax is also effective. To prepare it, finely chopped onions are boiled in sunflower oil, filtered, placed in a water bath and beeswax is added. After the wax has melted, the mixture is allowed to cool and applied to the feet after taking a bath.

Treatment with celandine

Celandine for treatment is collected during the flowering period of the plant. The grass is torn into small pieces by hand and poured with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio. Rub the resulting mixture problem areas on the heels. Celandine is also used to treat other skin problems: warts, eczema, acne.

Treatment with urine

The procedure for treating cracks with urine is performed before bedtime. A small cotton napkin is moistened in urine, lightly wrung out and fixed on the foot. The napkin should completely cover the heel. The bandage is secured on top with cellophane. It is not advisable to wrap your entire leg in cellophane; it will cause itching. For reliable fixation foot bandages can be bandaged.

For small cracks, one procedure will be enough; for deeper and more painful cracks, the treatment is repeated several times. In the morning, wash your feet with baby soap and allow them to dry without wiping with a towel.

Other folk remedies that can be used at home

  • Apply prunes boiled in milk to dry heels. The berries should be hot, keep them for half an hour, then wash off the residue with cool water.
  • Apply mayonnaise to your heels (better homemade), remove the residue with a damp cloth after an hour.
  • They have good efficiency warm baths for legs. They are made with a solution of pine extract, birch or burdock leaves.
  • Honey compresses give excellent results. Heels coated with honey can be covered with fresh cabbage leaves and secured with a bandage.
  • Use hot baths with 3% hydrogen peroxide. During the procedure, you should periodically remove the keratinized layer of the feet with a washcloth or pumice stone.
  • Make a bath with tar soap overnight and lubricate your heels with grease. It must be thoroughly rubbed into the skin. Cover your feet with film and put on thick socks. In the morning, the heels are thoroughly wiped, but if you do not need to leave the house, it is better to leave the grease until the evening. This method can cure even advanced cases in 10-12 days.
  • It turns out that oatmeal is not only good for digestion, but also for cracked heels. For treatment, boil a little cereal, mix it with vegetable oil, put it in two bags and put them on your feet. After two hours, the feet are washed in warm water with baby soap and lubricated with Vaseline.

Prevention - what to do to prevent your heels from cracking?

To prevent cracks from occurring in the future, you must adhere to some simple rules:

  1. Wear loose shoes genuine leather, in the summer, do not wear flip-flops and flip-flops all the time;
  2. after visiting the pool or sauna, treat your feet with antifungal agents;
  3. regularly moisturize the skin of your feet with creams or vegetable oils;
  4. take courses of vitamins A and E (after consultation with a doctor);
  5. get pedicures regularly;
  6. not be there long time on the hot sand of the beach;
  7. To remove the stratum corneum, do not use a razor to avoid infection.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010

Cracked heels are a common problem that has a pronounced seasonal nature and often worries women. Due to the high frequency of occurrence and vivid clinical picture abroad, cracked heels are classified as an independent disease - Cracked heels. But at its core, cracked foot skin is an indicator of the condition of the body and hygiene.

Clinical manifestations of cracked heels

  • cracking on the skin of the foot of varying depths
  • itching, burning, pain and discomfort when walking and at rest
  • Sometimes - bad smell from the feet

The multiple causes of cracked heels often complicate diagnosis, and patients receive only symptomatic treatment. As a result, manifestations that have subsided for a while make themselves felt with renewed vigor, the patient’s quality of life sharply decreases, and the risk of infectious complications. For effective treatment It is important to eliminate all the causes of cracked heels, of which one patient may have several.


Conditions that do not require treatment External exacerbating factors Pathological conditions
  • exposure to sun, wind and cold, temperature changes
  • chlorinated water
  • air pollution
  • dry air
  • work in hot shops, hazardous industries
  • smoking and alcohol abuse
  • using alkaline soap
  • household chemicals - after washing, the fabric of the sock, for example, absorbs mass chemical compounds from washing powders and conditioners that are harmful to the skin
  • fasting, diets, small amounts of fluid, vitamins, nutrients entering the body
  • Obesity
  • Mycosis of the feet
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid imbalance
  • Psoriasis
  • Dyshidrosis and exfoliative keratolysis
  • against the background of diets, fasting, digestive disorders, etc.
  • Helminthiases (a)
  • Nervous system diseases
  • Hormonal disorders or changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc.)
  • Other diseases manifested by thinning of the skin, degradation nerve fibers and decreased immunity

Examination algorithm

  • Examination of skin scrapings for fungal infection
  • Exception endocrine pathologiesdiabetes,
  • Determination of mass index and diagnosis of obesity
  • Exclusion of skin diseases - psoriasis, other pathologies

What do cracked heels look like?

Conditions that do not require treatment

  • Congenital skin characteristics (dryness, sensitivity)

Congenital dry skin often causes discomfort to its owner. It is also the cause of cracks on the soles of the feet. Most effective way fight this feature - regular use moisturizing creams for feet. An essential component of such creams should be urea and silicone. We must remember that in case of fungal infection, psoriasis and other diseases, many components of creams can aggravate skin damage. Therefore, you should consult a doctor before using them.

  • Incorrectly selected shoes and poor hygiene

Ill-fitting shoes are the second most common cause of cracked heels. In the spring-summer period, sandals, flip-flops and shoes that are open at the heel are gaining popularity. As a result, the skin of the foot is exposed mechanical impact soil, stones, chemical agents, often injured. Microcracks eventually turn into infected lesions, causing severe pain. Changing sandals to closed shoes and using socks made of natural fabrics can solve the problem of cracked heels.

Excessively active heel care can also contribute to the appearance of cracks in the feet; if you perform frequent foot peeling, then between procedures the skin simply does not have time to recover and becomes even more rough, because the body strives to catch up.

In cases where everything external reasons Damage to the skin of the feet has been ruled out, but the problem remains, you need to consult your doctor and determine the underlying disease.

Algorithm of actions for deep cracks

If cracks develop on the skin of the foot, to provide first aid to yourself, you should take the following measures, which will give an excellent result in just 2 weeks:

Pathological conditions


Obesity is gradually becoming the norm due to the steady increase in the number of obese people. Few patients associate foot problems with their excess weight. Meanwhile, obesity affects almost all tissues and systems of the body. Large body weight is always a companion to hypertension and increased cholesterol levels. This triad disrupts blood circulation and innervation of the hands and feet, the skin on them becomes thinner, and deep cracks appear. Increased stress on the heels aggravates foot damage. You can diagnose obesity yourself, but treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Diagnosis of obesity

This formula will not be absolutely accurate for athletes, the elderly, children and pregnant women.

In 95 percent of cases, obesity is nutritional, resulting from regular overeating. This means that you can get rid of the consequences of obesity by eliminating errors in your diet. And only in five percent of cases correction is necessary hormonal levels. It must be remembered that cracked heels are not the only thing and not the most dangerous complication excess weight.

Consequences of obesity

  • type 2 diabetes mellitus or insulin resistance
  • coronary heart disease, hypertension
  • arthritis, arthrosis
  • hypoventilation syndrome
  • infertility
  • disruption of tissue trophism, resulting in decreased sensitivity, damage to the skin, frequent microbial complications

The main principle of treating obesity and its consequences is A complex approach. Changing your lifestyle, keeping a food diary, and severe cases– medicinal and surgical methods, will allow you to get rid of all troubles, including those on the skin of the feet.

Fungal infections of the feet

Often, treating cracked heels with moisturizing creams does not work desired result, and similar symptoms appear in other family members. Most likely, in this case, the source of the problem is yeast or mold. By itself, fungal infection of the feet cannot cause cracked heels, but often they occur simultaneously.

Symptoms of mycosis of the feet:

  • primary lesion of interdigital folds
  • frequent involvement of nail plates in the process
  • roughening of the skin, thickening of the stratum corneum
  • sometimes – joining allergic reaction
  • varying intensity

Usually the disease begins with subtle peeling or painless cracks in the spaces between the fingers. Despite the lack of bright clinical picture, the patient is contagious to the people around him. After some time, the fungus takes over most of the foot, and the disease develops into one of its forms.

Forms of fungal infection of the feet:

  • Intertriginous - the most common form. Characterized by slight redness, peeling and cracking of the skin.
  • Dyshidrotic - the formation of blisters on the skin of the foot, erosions after their opening often become infected. Allergic rashes and recurrent nature are characteristic.
  • Squamous - the only sign is.
  • Squamous-hyperkeratic - against the background of peeling, calluses form, the skin of the foot acquires a purple tint.

The final diagnosis can be made only after microscopy of the affected skin scales. The fungus found there is identified and treatment is prescribed depending on the type of mycosis and its form.

In case of isolated damage to the skin of the foot, local antimycotics are used, if damage to the nails occurs, general drugs are additionally prescribed. In addition, you need to change your shoes or fill your old ones with antifungal powder.


The problem of damage to the legs, and especially the feet, is acute for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The cause is progressive neuropathy, the rate of which depends on the treatment of the disease. It is impossible to completely stop the process of trophic disorders, but monitoring blood glucose levels and paying close attention to the condition of the legs is quite possible.

Principles for preventing diabetic foot:

  • Maintaining glucose levels close to normal. It is chronic hyperglycemia without proper correction that leads to damage to blood vessels and nerves. It is impossible to restore their function with the help of vascular drugs. Only taking properly selected hypoglycemic medications or doses of insulin can significantly slow down the formation of neuro- and angiopathy of the legs.
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels (see). Cholesterol causes blockage of small blood vessels in the foot, disrupting an already poor diet.
  • Wearing comfortable and sometimes orthopedic shoes.
  • Proper foot care:
    • all inflammatory processes on the legs of a diabetic should be treated with the help of a specialist (even minor abrasions and cracks)
    • daily washing and drying of feet
    • control of water temperature when swimming. The sensitivity of the feet in diabetes is impaired, so it is easy for the feet to burn or become cold.
    • to give up smoking
    • regularly lubricating the feet with urea cream

The variety of manifestations of this complex disease includes damage to the feet with the formation of cracks on them. The causes of psoriasis have not yet been determined; hereditary predisposition, chronic infections and imbalances in immune system(cm. ).

Psoriasis can occur in normal and severe forms. Psoriasis of the palms and soles is classified as a mild, isolated form. Sometimes such symptoms also occur with generalized lesions. People who engage in heavy activities are prone to foot injuries. physical labor. Reddish plaques with white lamellar peeling form on their feet, often accompanied by damage to the nails. The plaques can become infected, forming deep fissures and causing pain. , use of medications (see), sanitation of foci of chronic inflammation (see).

Other diseases affecting the skin of the foot

IN medical practice meets great amount pathologies that directly or indirectly cause cracks in the heels. They all give in drug treatment or control. Therefore, it is important to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective medications. If discomfort appears in the area of ​​the foot, cracks and erosions on the sole, which do not disappear after using a moisturizer, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Getting rid of painful cracked heels will allow you to gain freedom of movement. And movement is life!

Cracked heels cause a lot of trouble. This disease can be easily cured if you follow the advice.

Cracks in the feet (heels, between the toes) are a painful phenomenon that can appear in both women and men. This partial violation of the integrity of the skin belongs to the category of dermatitis.

This disease of the epithelium can be an independent defect, due to which complications develop, but it can also serve as a manifestation of a certain disease existing in the body.

It is believed that such pathology appears in old age, but this is a wrong statement. Most people with diabetes mellitus low level hemoglobin or develops hypovitaminosis, suffers from skin defects.

Symptoms and signs of cracked heels

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to get rid of all the causes that cause the appearance of this pathology. Symptoms and signs of cracked heels include the following clinical manifestations:

  • bad foot odor
  • skin cracks of varying depths
  • discomfort when walking - severe burning, itching and pain

Diagnosis of the disease is complicated for many reasons. Therefore, patients are often prescribed only symptomatic treatment. Manifestations in the form of itching and burning subside for several days, but over time they make themselves felt, but with renewed vigor.

IMPORTANT: New severe pain worsens the quality of life, and old wounds are a persistent factor in the appearance of infectious diseases heel skin

Causes of cracks in legs

Such a nuisance as cracks can appear not only on the heels, but also on other parts of the legs - in the front of the feet, near the toes. The reasons for the appearance of cracks in the legs include the following factors:

Cracks on the feet, on the toes - how to get rid of them?

Treatment for this type of dermatitis depends on the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, if the question arises: “Cracks on the feet, on the toes - how to get rid of them?”, You need to consult a doctor so that he can determine the cause.

If the wounds are deep, then you should visit the salon and get hardware pedicure. The specialist will remove the stratum corneum of the epithelium.

Cracks between the toes - treatment, prevention

If you constantly wear tight, closed-toe shoes in the hot weather, then cracks appear between your toes. Treatment and prevention of this disease are important to get rid of it.

Additional unfavorable factors are dirt and dust. Don't walk on dirty floors without socks. The infection gets on the skin, microcracks appear, which grow into a huge painful problem.

Prevention of wounds between the toes consists of the following constant care:

The processes for treating this foot disease and preventive actions are similar - water procedures, the use of creams and clean clothes.

IMPORTANT: Use antibiotic ointments before bed and take daily herbal or baking soda baths.

Why do cracked heels appear?

Often women, when buying creams and other products for the face and hands, forget that their feet also need beauty care. Due to lack of attention to this part of the body, cracks appear. You should not skimp on products, as such daily care will help soften the skin and prevent the appearance of skin defects and diseases.

TIP: Do not wear shoes or boots made from synthetic leather substitutes. Natural material breathes and prevents feet from sweating. Sweat and dirt can cause fungal infections to spread.

Rough heels - how to clean the skin of your heels at home?

Cracks and wounds bring a lot of trouble, so ordinary people often resort to radical measures using methods on the advice of friends and acquaintances.

Such remedies not only do not cure, but can also cause harm. One of these unfavorable methods is to eliminate the heel wound using a quick-drying adhesive composition.

If you have corns and the epithelium on your heels is very hard, you can clean it at home using simple methods:

1. First, steam your feet - make a decoction of herbs, soap and soda or adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide

2. Now remove the dead skin special device- with a scraper. Do not use a razor for this. The blade will damage the skin. Wounds will appear that will become a favorable place for bacteria to multiply

IMPORTANT: Slowly, without rushing, remove dead skin. Do this procedure in several steps so as not to injure the skin and quickly achieve the desired result.

3. The most important stage- This is a softening of the heels. At first, do not use moisturizers, use cosmetic oils. They take longer to absorb, but the effect of these products is better than that of creams

Heel spur - treatment at home

A heel spur is a spiky growth of bone tissue that appears due to a calcium metabolism disorder. U absolutely healthy people a heel spur may be detected.

Treatment at home is necessary for people who experience foot pain when walking. They are a consequence of plantar fasciitis. The fascia may become inflamed. The spur contributes to its tears, so this inflammatory process definitely needs to be treated.

IMPORTANT: If the disease is not eliminated in a timely manner, wounds appear due to poor blood circulation in the heel itself.

At home, you can apply creams and ointments that relieve stress in the foot and have an antibacterial effect. Red hot pepper is great for heel spurs:

RECIPE: Dry the red pepper and grind it into powder. Take a pinch of this powder and place it in a woolen sock at the heel area. Put on a sock. Walk with this compress during the day and do not remove it at night.

This procedure needs to be done daily. Within a month, the pain will begin to subside and will not bother you so much, especially in the morning.

Treatment of cracked heels at home in women and men

For effective treatment, it is necessary to provide an anti-inflammatory effect in the tissues of the heel and anesthetize the location of the crack. Also adjust your diet to include vitamins and microelements.

Treatment of cracked heels at home in women and men can be done with honey.

IMPORTANT: Use honey treatment if you are sure that you are not allergic to bee products.

RECIPE: At night, apply gauze with honey to your heels, and remove the compress in the morning. Rinse skin with water and apply moisturizing cosmetic oil.

Medicines based on Vaseline or containing beeswax are suitable for treatment at home. You can use antibacterial drugs that will not allow bacteria to penetrate into the deep layer of skin.

Medicines and folk remedies for cracked heels? Recipes

As mentioned above, to cure cracks, you need to soften the skin. There are many medicines and folk remedies for cracked heels. You don't need a prescription to purchase the products at the pharmacy, so feel free to go to your nearest Pharmacy and purchase effective medicine.

The following will help restore dry and rough skin: medical supplies in the form of gels and ointments:

  • Radevit ointment contains vitamins A, E and D. Thanks to this composition, tissue regeneration occurs, itching is reduced, and skin nutrition is improved. Perfect not only for treatment, but also for prevention
  • Schoil gel. Ingredients: keratin, panthenol and lanolin. Restores cracked skin covering and promotes hydration
  • for a fungal infection that usually accompanies a wound on the heel, BioAstin gel will be effective. Its action is to protect the skin from pathogenic bacteria, which helps wound healing

Folk remedies for eliminating this foot disease are simple and affordable ingredients that allow you to prepare healing compresses and ointments every day.

RECIPE 1: Melt half a kilogram of butter in a steam bath. Add 25 grams of marshmallow and the same amount of cinquefoil root. Mix well and pour the solution into a jar. Rub the mixture into your heels before bed, daily, until complete healing.

RECIPE 2: One tablespoon of olive oil, one egg yolk and one teaspoon of nine percent vinegar solution, mix and apply to cracked skin, wrapping it plastic bag and a warm scarf.

Go to bed with a compress, and in the morning, rinse off the remaining solution with warm water and treat your heels with a special brush. It is necessary to do only two such procedures to make the skin soft and smooth.

RECIPE 3 : Steam your heels in hot water with the addition of soda. Treat with pumice and apply tetracycline ointment. Wrap it in plastic and put on socks. Go to bed with this compress.

The next day, steam your feet again, and then apply gauze soaked in water to your heels. apple cider vinegar. Wrap it in plastic again and put on socks. On the third morning, rough skin can be easily removed with a pumice stone or grater.

What creams and ointments are used for cracked heels?

There are many different creams and ointments in pharmacies that help with cracks. But they will not help if this skin defect appears from problems with important body systems. If the examination has already been completed and a diagnosis has been made, then you can use creams and ointments with natural ingredients:

  • “Healing” heel cream. It contains oils walnut, fir and ebony. Plantain has medicinal properties. The skin softens, becomes smooth and velvety
  • Allga San pine cream. Epidermal cells are renewed thanks to allantoin. Mountain pine oil and turpentine improve blood circulation, and chamomile relieves inflammation
  • foot cream “Healing cracks. Foot care" is made from sea buckthorn. Helps get rid of corns and calluses. Cracked heels heal thanks to wound-healing and relaxing effects
  • ointments and creams containing antibiotics help avoid infection of tissues with deep cracks. These include: erythromycin ointment, levomikol, benamycin and syntomycin

How to treat cracks in a child?

U small child Cracks may also occur in the heels and between the toes. Although this phenomenon is not as common in children as in adults, it still occurs. Parents should know why this occurs and how to treat cracks in a child.

First, you need to show the baby to the pediatrician, since cracked heels are a consequence of another, more serious illness. When everything is handed over necessary tests and an examination has been carried out, you can begin to eliminate this type of skin dermatitis.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. Wash your child's feet with baby soap every day!

U healthy children regeneration occurs faster than in adults. Therefore, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene and use moisturizing baby creams to get rid of cracked heels in a child.

This problem will immediately disappear if your feet are always clean. It is necessary to follow a daily routine and diet, and also change your baby’s shoes. If it is made from low quality synthetic materials, then this may be the reason for this unpleasant problem.

Effective procedures will help restore skin elasticity, health and beauty. People with such problems always want to know how to make their heels soft. Tips and reviews will help you get rid of the disease forever.


  • Before all procedures performed on the skin of your feet, steam your feet in hot water. Use products and medications regularly
  • Treatment methods can be alternated to achieve the desired effect
  • Treat your feet before going to bed, as at night our body actively regenerates damaged tissues.
  • At the end of the procedures, use cosmetic oil or rich moisturizer

Good reviews from people who suffer from cracked heels refer to creams and ointments on natural basis from herbs. This composition allows you to nourish the skin and restore its cells. Baths with soda also help, after which you need to treat your heels with pumice or a special grater. Personal hygiene is an important factor. If you follow all this, then you can get rid of cracked heels forever. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Video: Remove cracked heels at home in 3 days

Video: Quick treatment for cracked heels
