Relationship with a non-Russian girl. Why Russian girls love Caucasians - several obvious reasons

We survived hippies, punks, rockers, dudes, metalheads, gopniks, goths, rastafarians, emo, rappers, freaks, hipsters. We have observed the emergence of metrosexual men who actively take care of their appearance and take care of themselves. Returned to retrosexuals who adhere to traditional patriarchal relations and rugged masculinity. Found golden mean in the form of ubersexuals, who absorbed the masculine character of retrosexuals and the desire for a good life from metrosexuals. We were surprised at the appearance of spornosexuals, a mixture of the words “sport”, “porn” and “sex”. Spornosexuals follow a healthy lifestyle, play sports and are active. social life. But all these fashion trends and subcultures are fading away and leaving a narrow number of followers.

What does it really provide? modern man within the framework of our mentality in the countries of the post-Soviet space? The world is changing. The modern Russian man is completely different from what he was five years ago. This can be easily seen by observing modern youth in big cities. A modern man, although they are sometimes teenagers, looks like this.

1. Healthy lifestyle for men

The time has come when drinking, smoking and taking drugs is no longer fashionable among young people. Alcoholics and drug addicts are perceived as failures in life, not as tough guys. Drunkenness is a dead end in life, into which only the weak and not particularly smart turn. The modern Russian man prefers healthy image life and sobriety.

2. Work or crime

The fashion for banditry, theft, racketeering, informal AUE gangs remains on the sidelines. Fewer and fewer people sympathize with crime, only those with narrow views and low level intelligence. The modern Russian man is looking not for how to steal, but for how to be a professional and make good money. But this does not mean that young people do not know how to fight, it is in our blood and almost everyone knows how to stand up for themselves.

3. Love of sports in men

Sports are becoming even more popular. Having muscles is a must for a modern Russian man. It has long been fashionable for sports figures, and not dead or thick carcasses. The overwhelming number of modern youth go to GYM's, go jogging, are into workout or crossfit.

4. Patriotism and men

Previously, young people denied everything and were the first to stand on the barricades of change. Nowadays, one can increasingly notice the absence of servility towards foreigners and love for the Motherland. This is a fact and it cannot be denied.

5. Goals and dream search

The desire of young people to achieve high-quality fulfillment becomes the main thing. Money is definitely important, but few people want to be the richest person in the cemetery. Nowadays young people are looking for ways to self-realize and find themselves, and not just greedily run after money. Spending your whole life on things you don't love is stupid. Youth are looking for their own path, setting goals and making dreams come true to be happy in this short period of time called life.

The modern Russian man is a more advanced and more correct generation. In most cases, these are excellent and wonderful guys. I am not ashamed of them, but in my soul there is pride and respect for their new ideals and dreams.

How often do we see lovers on the street? different nationalities. No one is surprised at this anymore, since the policy of multiculturalism is actively developing in Russia. The largest percentage of the non-Russian population of our country are representatives of Caucasian peoples. It has been noticed that young Russian women prefer them. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Common opinions about Eastern men

There are many stereotypes about Caucasian guys: they are uneducated, arrogant, cruel, rude... But do not forget that among the representatives of every nation you can meet not very good people. Each nationality is characterized by some hostility towards other peoples, so they are mainly seen as shortcomings. Some people look deeper and realize that many Caucasian men have a large number of virtues, thanks to which they win the sympathy of Russian representatives of the fair sex. Now let's find the main reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Reasons for relationships with non-Russian guys

Many women see Caucasian men the embodiment of masculinity and strength, which is not found in many other representatives strong half humanity. Indeed, Eastern guys have a completely different mentality. Since childhood, they have been harshly raised by their fathers, so they are strong in spirit, firm in their decisions, and a core is felt in them. It is this kind of determination and masculinity that often attracts Russian women. Many of them believe that Russian guys are not capable of making independent decisions. This is one of the reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians. The second explanation for this fact is that women like the temperament of oriental handsome men. Everyone famous expression“hot blood” is definitely about them. They attract girls with their unique charm and exotic appearance. Caucasians also know how to beautifully care for their lovers. When dating such a guy, you can be sure that he will shower you with flowers and gifts. Near oriental man a woman can relax and feel like a real cor

oleonic, unique and beautiful. In addition, a Caucasian man most likely will not want his woman to work, since her job is to take care of the house, children and herself. Therefore, a girl can feel comfortable and confident, without doubting that she will be provided with everything necessary for a comfortable life. That's why girls love Caucasians.

Some advice for Russian men

So, now you know why Russian girls love Caucasians. If you want women to admire you the same way they admire Oriental guys, be more attentive to your loved ones. Don’t be afraid to approach the girl you like on the street, and also don’t be shy to give compliments, because women, as you know, love with their ears. Thus, if you think that Caucasian guys and girls of Slavic appearance are not very suitable for each other, you have the power to change everything! Be active and don't forget to do nice things for your beautiful ladies!

I treat such girls well, for the reason that every normal Russian girl is looking for herself normal guy with whom one could start a family and the envy of a child, and because there are few normal Russian guys and they are quickly taken apart, Russian girls date non-Russian guys. It doesn’t matter what nationality a guy is, the main thing is that he is a real man, but I have a negative attitude towards girls who date non-Russian guys for money.

22/03/15, annama
I myself am dating a non-Russian guy, he is Kyrgyz and I am happy with him, he is so well-mannered, good and loyal. Before him, I had 3 Russian guys and at first they seemed normal to me, but then it turned out that they were drunken rednecks for whom the girl means nothing, for them their rednecks are more important than company with beer and vodka, and at the same time, they all still cared about themselves These are just opinions. You can count the normal Russian guys on your fingers, the rest are rednecks and boors who are even disgusting to look at. The guy I have now, he loves me and treats me well, and for him I come first. Yes, he is non-Russian, but we are happy and this is the most important thing.

25/03/15, tarafon
If a Russian girl dates a non-Russian guy, it means there is something in him that is not in Russian guys, look at many Russian guys, I understand why many Russian girls prefer non-Russian guys, I watched such couples and often saw that foreigners know how to treat our girls well and respect them. Russian guys need to learn to treat Russian girls normally, and then Russian girls will prefer them over foreigners.

28/03/15, vadimka
I’m writing in the green column because I think that nationality doesn’t matter in a relationship, girls don’t choose nationality, but a person with whom they will feel good. If this real love then I wish such girls happiness and mutual love

20/01/17, Ghoul
I am writing in this column because it doesn’t matter what nationality he is, the main thing is that he is good). I'm actually not that positive, I'm neutral). But I just don’t like the remarks about Russian guys in this column, and even though I don’t notice that “many” actually marry only a foreigner... Russian men also marry a foreigner (They could just as easily be listed among the “many”) , in relation to foreign wives, for some reason they have always been positive towards Russian husbands... Maybe those who don’t like Russian men don’t come across normal ones? If you look at Russian girls, you can understand that they themselves are no better (not all of them) of course, just like Russian men). then they don’t notice themselves, but only notice the bad habits of Russian guys... Almost every girl at the age of 15 starts smoking...

Question to a psychologist

Hello! I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 16. Always surrounded girlfriends and guys are friends. I am very cheerful, amorous and sociable! I can find a language with any person. At 16 I met Dagestan. We dated for a year I lost my virginity to him. I don't think it was love, just affection. When we broke up, I started communicating only with the Dags, and later with the Chechens. I simply don’t recognize other nations. The problem is that I would like to marry a Russian husband, because... marrying a Muslim, there will be many problems: mentality, religion. The only surprising thing is that I am Russian! But I myself simply can’t look at Russians... How many times have I tried to meet handsome Russian guys, I still can’t even kiss them. I used to think that it was a matter of POWER OF SPIRIT... But Russian guys also have this. You'll think that I'm just looking for a guy who looks like my first one, but my first guy wasn't good-looking, and the next guys don't look anything like him! I thought it was a matter of type: height 1.80, hair must be BLACK! The physique is pumped up and athletic! The face is beautiful. But Russians also have such guys... Still, when I start communicating with a Russian, I understand that I am missing something! You know, it feels like I lived in Dagestan all my life, then moved to Rostov (Krasnodar) and can’t communicate with Russians... But until I was 16, I had no idea who the Dags were. Today I already know some of their languages ​​(they have 36 nations), I sing their songs, listen to their Lezginkas, dance with them... *deleted by the site Administration* I am a creative person, I study at a music conservatory and play the violin!! ! Sometimes I want to be understood, *deleted by the site Administration* I want to switch to Russians who give flowers, carry them in their arms, go to your concerts, talk about romance... How to switch to Russians??? Help. Maybe you can tell me what my problem is and how I can deal with it. All hope is on you. Thank you in advance.

Violetta, hello. It’s difficult to determine right off the bat why you like this particular type. But what can we say. As a child, a girl gains experience in relationships with her father. Just as correctly and in what way a father communicates with his daughter, the same way he communicates with a man at an older age. Perhaps you had this experience as a child. Perhaps he works unconsciously.

If this is very important to you, I advise you to contact psychologist in person. This is deep work and requires non-virtual communication.

Regards, Tatiana

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Hello Violetta! I don’t see any problems as such from your letter, because... You don’t voice that you don’t like meeting with non-Russian young people.

Perhaps there is some meaning for you in such relationships. To support my assumptions, ask yourself the following question: Why do you need to “switch to Russian guys”? If you can answer it honestly, the reasons for your selectivity will become clear to you.

It seems to me that on the site you want to receive a kind of permission for such relationships from specialists, and therefore from competent sources.

Neither the parameters that you list, nor height, nor size, nor color, nothing matters in your choice. Rather, the desire for some secret, some obstacle in the relationship. I can attribute this to your age and your character.

I assume that you have boundaries that are imposed in relationships with young people regarding nationality. Yes, it’s a different mentality, yes, it’s a different faith, yes, it’s a different upbringing. But, believe me, everything is below the substance that rules the world. Her name - Love. And if you really encounter it, then all prejudices and prohibitions will become indifferent to you. It's better to focus on this.

If something doesn’t work out right now, it means you’re in trouble. this moment This is necessary for some reason. Consider your situation from this perspective. Sincerely!

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