Heel peeling at home: masks, creams, special socks. Features and rules for peeling feet and heels at home

Foot peeling can be determined based on the translation of the English word "peel" - to clean. Such a procedure can be carried out both at home and in a beauty salon when performing a pedicure, using a variety of techniques, methods and means.

The role of peeling

The skin of the feet is one of the indicators of beauty and grooming. Clean, tender, almost silky, without problems on the heels and painful calluses - the dream of any woman who strives for perfection.

In the process of life, skin cells are constantly updated. Taking into account that the main load falls on the legs, the processes there are much more intense. In addition, the fact that by nature the skin of the feet is much denser, the legs require special attention in terms of cleansing and recovery.

Who needs care

By the intensity of cell renewal and regeneration, you can determine how often the “leg peeling” procedure is required.

  1. Dry skin of the feet needs nutrition due to lack of substances, a small amount of natural lipids. A delicate method is suitable here, in which the epidermis is not damaged, there will be no problems with microcracks and microtraumas - sources of infection. It should be as gentle as possible.
  2. Normal skin will require a reasonable combination of moderate cleansing and nourishment. Skin renewal is a natural process, so this will only help to make the skin softer.
  3. Rough skin is characterized by intense corneal formation and multiple epithelialization. The main concern is regular exfoliation when applying various approaches at home or in a beauty salon. The recipe is simple: the more regularly it is carried out, the easier it will be to cope with the problem.
  4. Integuments affected by mycosis will require special care. In addition to peeling at home, antifungal therapy is needed, which will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Instrumental methods and means

Modern cosmetology has a huge arsenal of tools that make it possible to give tenderness to the skin, renew it, and promote regeneration. Along with masks, creams and lotions, scrubs are not the last. It is their purpose to carry out a complete cleansing. The recipe is so simple that you can make them at home from available products.

Before starting peeling, you should choose the means and tools with which it will be carried out. These can be special ointments, emulsions, pastes, creams that contain not only coarse fibers or stone dust, but also various additives that contribute to the maximum result.

Once in the USSR, women used razors, cutting off rough skin. Such a technique is not only dangerous, but also harmful, as it significantly damages the useful layers, which leads to problems, especially since it was carried out in non-sterile conditions.

To date, various mechanical and electrical tools are used to make the skin of the legs the most cleansed. Among them are distinguished:

  • for professional purposes: instruments and apparatus;
  • at home: household appliances, pumice stones, brushes, nail files.

Anyone who does peeling will definitely use scrubs and special mixtures.

A novelty on the market are special socks that contain substances that dissolve keratinized areas. It is believed that a single application at night is enough for a qualitative result. This belongs to the "chemical" category. Under the influence of acids, dead cells dissolve and the skin is renewed. The caveat is that it should not be used by persons prone to eczema, dermatitis, allergies. Exposure to chemicals can only aggravate the situation and cause irritation up to a burn.

One of the fashionable procedures is the use of small fish that feed on the epidermis, but this is more pampering than a true technique.

In whatever conditions it is done (at home or professionally), certain stages of the technology for its implementation are always observed.

Procedure steps

The first step is steaming

It helps to prepare the skin for further actions. The feet should be steamed with a bath or a compress with the addition of aromatic oils, which will soften the surface layer and prepare the skin for the cleaning procedure.

The second step is cleansing

It can be carried out using both means and tools. It all depends on what degree of purification is needed and what the expected result will be.

The third step is nutrition

After completion, it is necessary to carefully lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream with additives based on vegetable oils, since at this moment it needs them.

Procedure at home

If it is not possible to visit a beautician, then you can easily do it at home. It is considered a gentle procedure. With the help of various means, such peeling will bring the expected effect, especially if you make scrubs with your own hands, without resorting to the services and products of professional cosmetology.

Scrub base

Knowing the recipe for foot peeling, you can always prepare a scrub yourself at home. For this you can use:

  • crushed to the state of flour shell nuts: coconut, almond, apricot;
  • sea ​​salt combined with soda;
  • finely ground coffee beans;
  • cocoa powder;
  • honey with herbs;
  • fruits of tomatoes, lemons, oranges;
  • black radish.

Any of these components must be mixed with a nutrient: cream, sour cream, milk and liquid soap. With light massaging movements, the mixture is rubbed into the skin. For best results, leave on for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water. Then wipe with a dry towel and apply a nourishing cream.

In general, everyone who dreams of beautiful and well-groomed feet should pay attention to the feet and take care of them using various products, tools, either at home or in a beauty parlor. The main thing is regularity, because the problem is easier to solve at the initial stage, without launching it, than to carry out expensive professional procedures later.

This procedure is based on the ability of acids to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and remove dead cells. Fruit acids, among other things, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The procedure promotes renewal and restoration of the skin of the legs. Acid peeling for feet helps to get rid of corns and cracks, stimulates and normalizes metabolic processes in skin cells, prevents chafing and moisturizes the skin.

How to perform an acid peel for feet

Currently, acid peeling for feet is a fairly popular and sought-after procedure offered by many beauty salons. It is based on the effect of acids of the AHA group on the skin.

Acid peeling for feet is carried out as follows:

  • special wipes are applied to the clean skin of the legs, which are impregnated with an acid solution;
  • then the legs are wrapped with plastic wrap;
  • after the required time has elapsed, the napkins are removed from the feet and, with the help of a special spatula, the pieces of skin that have peeled off (softened) are removed.

After the procedure, nourishing and moisturizing creams are applied to the skin of the legs. Beauticians recommend acid peeling for feet periodically - once every three weeks.

When peeling for a pedicure is contraindicated

  • the presence of various diseases of the skin and nails;
  • mechanical damage to the skin (scratches, cracks and wounds);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the remedy.

Acid peeling for feet at home

Modern cosmetic companies produce preparations that allow acid peeling for feet and at home. They are available not only in the form of napkins, but also in the form of socks. As a rule, such socks are put on for about an hour, after which they are removed and the stratum corneum is removed with a pumice stone.

Japanese foot peeling is quite popular. You can buy "Japanese socks" (COGIT Foot Peel Pack) for peeling at a price of 600-850 rubles. According to reviews on cosmetic forums, Novasilk Exfoliation wipes from CORPORA are also an effective means for caring for the skin of the legs. If you are interested in this pedicure peeling, you can buy it at special points of sale at a price of about 820 rubles.

It is possible to carry out acid peeling for feet without the use of cosmetics, for example, using kefir. To carry out kefir foot peeling, you will need: fatty kefir (100 g), two plastic bags, terry socks and a nourishing cream. Warm up the kefir a little and apply it on the feet, then put plastic bags (film) and terry socks on your feet. After an hour and a half, wash off the yogurt from your feet and moisten them with cream. Kefir peeling is recommended before going to bed. After several such procedures, your heels will become smooth and tender.

Peeling is skin renewal. It can be done in salons and at home. Skin aging occurs in all parts of the body, including our legs lose their attractiveness over time. In order for the legs to remain beautiful, tender and attractive, it is necessary to properly take care of them. Carrying out various kinds of procedures makes it possible for the legs to always be beautiful. Peeling for legs is one of the methods for restoring the beauty of the legs and feet.

The skin ages due to the influence and participation of various factors. These can be climatic and age-related changes, poor environmental conditions, improper care or lack thereof, abuse of bad habits and other reasons. If the aging process is immediately noticeable on the skin of the face, then the skin of the legs ages imperceptibly. And when the second stage of aging of the dermis comes, a change in the structure becomes noticeable and it is often very late. To avoid negative consequences, you need to take care of yourself in time, including the skin of your legs. Mask, scrub, creams, wraps, peeling - all this will help prolong the youth and beauty of the legs.

Peeling is one of the most effective methods of combating aging of the skin of the feet and legs. It is a different kind of foot peeling that allows the skin to be in good shape, renews the old dermis, and is a barrier to skin diseases. The meaning of peeling is that the top layer of the skin, dead cells of the epidermis, is removed. This is a kind and it allows the skin to renew itself, regenerates it, stimulates the growth of new epidermal cells. Blood circulation improves, keratinized skin areas are removed.

There is a salon peeling and peeling at home. Any of them gives a lot of positive for any person. Legs are always under heavy load, often tired. With age, swelling, cramps, heaviness, pain during movement become frequent. All this appears as a result of circulatory disorders, varicose expansion, the consequences of fractures, dislocations, bruises, and various diseases of internal organs. The anatomical features of the legs and uncomfortable shoes can cause calluses and corns. It is peeling that helps to cope with rough skin of the feet, with keratosis manifestations, making the legs soft and tender.

Salon peeling

Salon peeling involves the impact of special preparations on the surface and deeper layers of the epidermis. Salon peeling products penetrate the structural layers of the skin. The renewal of the dermis occurs at the molecular level. The effectiveness of this procedure has a long duration. In addition, salon procedures differ from procedures at home and have a preventive effect on various skin diseases: cracks, eczema, calluses.

Currently, there are three types of peeling used in salons:

  • chemical;
  • hardware;
  • mechanical.

Various types of acids are used during chemical peels, which is why this type is often called acid peeling for the feet. Usually these are gels, masks, powders. Chemical peeling is carried out without the use of friction, and fruit acids simply dissolve rough skin and remove cells that have become keratinized during skin aging.

There are superficial peels:

  • chemical-mechanical;
  • almond;
  • glycolic;
  • pyruvate.
  • middle peels:
  • salicylic;
  • generator.

The deepest peeling is the phenol procedure. You have to be careful with him.

Peeling Garra Rufa

There is another type of salon peeling. This is a peeling with Garra Rufa fish. These fish do wonders for feet that need extra care. They gently "nibble" rough skin. These "dermatologists" remove all unnecessary without affecting the healthy cells of the dermis. In addition, the saliva of Garra Rufa contains enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs. This procedure is especially useful for those who suffer from fungal diseases, psoriasis and eczema, who are allergic to various drugs. Fish do not emit allergic substances. A slight pinching is a kind of foot massage. Fish peeling is gaining popularity and has long been used in salons in Europe, America and in many resort areas.

Home peeling

However, foot peeling can be done at home, using not only special tools, but also available tools. In the form of a foot scrub, you can use ground egg and nut shells, sea salt, ground coffee, rice grains. For the mask are good to use: olive oil, yogurt, kefir, sour cream. You can combine the base and abrasive substances. All this is quite gentle on the heels of the feet compared to acid peeling or salon mechanical peeling. Moreover, visiting salons requires not only additional financial costs, but also free time. And at home, you can take as much time for the procedure as you have at your disposal. In addition, you can use a variety of products.

Some types of foot masks at home can be equated to salon procedures. So recently there were socks for peeling. This is a specially developed technology patented by Korean dermatologists. The use of such socks provides deep peeling and renews the epidermis. One procedure is usually enough for six months. And the cost of such foot care, carried out at home, is much lower than salon manipulations. And the efficiency is no less.

After applying peeling at home, it is necessary to soften the skin of the legs with a nourishing cream or apply a moisturizing mask. This will restore balance in the dermis. The foot mask can be used cosmetic or it can be some kind of oils or products.

It should be noted that on the eve of peeling it is not necessary to steam out the legs, it is enough just to moisten them. And, starting the procedure, you must be sure that there are no wounds, cuts, abrasions, ulcers on the legs in the foot area. Since any peeling can increase pain and lead to inflammatory processes.

Regular procedures using scrubs from improvised products can be carried out no more than twice a week so as not to cause irritation, even if all kinds of procedures of this kind were carried out at home. And if you need a moisturizing or nourishing mask, then it is better to apply it immediately after the procedure.

Foot peeling is one of the least common, but no less important cosmetic procedures for maintaining beauty and health.

The legs are subjected to intense stress every day, while the situation is exacerbated by the women themselves, violating the natural diet and movement. An additional problem is created by wearing shoes with high heels, however, even the owners of the correct, from a medical point of view, shoes are prone to such unpleasant phenomena as rough skin on the heels, corns, and corns.

Peeling, carried out in the salon or at home, will help get rid of keratinized areas, cracks, scuffs. It remains to find out the features of the procedure using modern tools and techniques.

Tradition or innovation: types of peeling

Peeling is a cleansing procedure that removes dead cells on the surface of the skin. Thus, it is possible to achieve cleansing of pores, accelerate the processes of nutrient intake and slow down aging.

It has a more gentle character, however, performed regularly, allows you to achieve the same effect as with a professional approach in a beauty salon.

The most traditional is the mechanical effect on the keratinized skin of the feet. To do this, first the legs are steamed, and then cleaned with a pumice stone or a special nail file. Some people use a razor blade for the same purpose, but this method is quite dangerous.

Mechanical cleansing, smoothing the roughness of the skin is carried out with the help of gommages - agents that form a film after application, which is then cleaned with the remains of keratinized cells. The composition of such mixtures may include minerals:

  • White clay;
  • finely porous clays bentonites;
  • white pigment titanium dioxide.

The most exotic type of peeling is the use of Garra Rufa fish, which first soften the skin with a specific enzyme, and then pinch it off. The cost of the procedure is affordable, but its implementation does not always achieve the desired effect.

Peeling mask for legs is gaining more and more popularity. The advantage of the product is that it can be purchased at the store ready-made or made independently using natural ingredients such as sea salt, coffee, aromatic oils, fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, yogurt), herbs or their infusions, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Such a mask is prepared immediately before peeling, after warming up the legs in warm water. The scrub is applied with massaging movements, after which the product is washed off with warm water, and the feet are wiped dry.

Actively used recently, performed in several ways. From the name it is clear that the active substance in this procedure are acids, which are injected into the gel or applied to a special napkin or socks. It is under the action of acids that the softening of the keratinized layer of the skin occurs with its further cleansing with pumice.

Features of the cleansing acid procedure

For holding legs at home, it is convenient to use special socks on the market by several manufacturers.

The tool is effective if the instructions are followed exactly and the procedure is carried out regularly. It consists of acid for exfoliation and regeneration of the epidermis, mainly lactic acid (acidum lacticum), essential oils and plant extracts (for example, sage, soapwort, ivy, chamomile, common watercress, clematis, lemon) for softening and healing effects on the skin of the feet.

The procedure takes an average of 1.5 hours, during which you can do household chores or relax. After the session time has elapsed, the product is removed without residue with soap and water.

For two days after using the socks, you should not steam your legs, as this will cause the substances absorbed during the peeling to be washed out. As a result, intensive exfoliation will not occur.

Acid peeling usually gives results after 7 days, activation of exfoliation is observed at the end of the second week. At this stage, you should not act intensively on the skin with mechanical means: this will lead to the appearance of wounds and inflammatory processes.

At the end of the procedure, the skin is completely restored, it becomes soft and smooth. In the summer, peeling in socks should not be carried out, since the regeneration process is accompanied by intense exfoliation. When wearing open shoes, peeled legs look unaesthetic.

Chemical Peel Precautions

Acid peeling, due to the use of chemically active substances, can be harmful instead of good. Therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

The procedure for chemical cleansing, including the use of socks, is prohibited:

  • immediately after another type of cleaning;
  • with allergic reactions to compound agents;
  • with damaged skin (scratches, wounds, cracks);
  • with diseases of the skin or nail plates;
  • in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neoplasms, inflammation;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In such cases, you can use a mask using natural ingredients or kefir peeling. For this, 100 g of fatty kefir is heated and applied to the problem area with massaging movements. After the legs are wrapped in plastic wrap and socks are put on. The cleansing procedure lasts 1.5 hours, after which the kefir is washed off, and a moisturizing foot cream is rubbed into the skin.

Feet are the part of the body that constantly needs intensive care. Foot peeling can be done regularly in the salon, but such a procedure is convenient to perform at home, and skin treatment compositions are easy to prepare yourself.

Home peeling for feet can be no less effective than salon peeling. However, these procedures should not be compared. In some cases, professional care is indeed required. This is especially true in cases where the stop condition is very neglected.

Masters of beauty salons use very active compounds containing acids for peeling. At home, you should not use such products, as you can get burned.

Many women do not understand the difference between a scrub and a peel. In fact, many cosmetologists believe that this is one and the same procedure. But scrubs are more commonly called means that allow you to remove keratinized particles from the surface of the skin mechanically, and in the compositions for peeling, substances that dissolve the upper layers of the dermis are most often used.

It is advisable to take care of the feet at home by applying special mixtures to them only if the skin is not in a very neglected state. When the feet are covered with a layer of corns and they have cracks, calluses, you need, first of all, to do a pedicure on your own or in the salon. Peeling can be used as a procedure that maintains the beauty of women's legs.

To begin with, it is worth properly preparing for home care. Feet need to be steamed out. For this, it is recommended to use a bath. Steamed feet should be blotted with a clean towel and an exfoliating compound applied to them. You can buy a special preparation of industrial production. Professional cosmetics stores offer a wide range of foot care products. Creams and lotions contain fruit acids in various concentrations. The effectiveness of the funds also depends on the content of active components.

The composition for peeling can be easily prepared at home. If the feet are hardened and require careful care, you can mix 30 milliliters of camphor alcohol and glycerin in a plastic bowl, add 10 milliliters of ammonia and boric acid, as well as 2 tablets of hydroperite or 30 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. In the resulting mixture, you need to pour a little soap, grated. This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months. It should be applied to the steamed skin of the feet for 5-10 minutes until completely dry. Next, wash off the drug with 10% calcium chloride or warm water. This method of removing keratinized tissues can be used no more than once every 1-2 weeks. During breaks, it is permissible to apply other methods of foot care. When the skin on the legs acquires the desired softness, you can move on to more gentle procedures.

To remove keratinized particles, you can use honey-nut peeling. To prepare the composition, you need to grind 7-10 hazelnuts or almonds in a blender. Next, you should mix them with 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. The resulting mass must be applied to the steamed feet and massaged, and then wrap the legs with a plastic bag for 10 minutes. After the procedure, the mixture should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream applied to the feet. With the help of peeling, it is possible to dissolve dead cells of the epidermis and remove them from the surface of the skin. At the same time, the heels and feet become more receptive to care, so after such a procedure, you can even apply a nourishing mask to the skin.

Peeling for feet based on black radish has a very good effect. To prepare the composition, the radish must be peeled, grated, squeezed and put in a plastic half. Next, add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of flour to it, then mix. The resulting composition should be applied to the feet, lightly rubbing it. Next, you need to wrap the legs with plastic bags and wash off the product after 10 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can wear warm socks on your feet.

You can make the skin softer by applying citrus peeling to it. Half an orange or grapefruit should be cut into pieces and chopped with a blender along with the peel. Next, you need to add 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds to the gruel and apply to the skin of the feet, rubbing lightly. It will be possible to wash off the composition after 10 minutes.

Coffee is a very effective scrub. Experts advise using cheap coffee for the preparation of cosmetic formulations or collecting grounds after each drink. Grinded grains must be poured with hot water before use, and then squeezed out excess liquid.

To increase the effectiveness of scrubs and peels, coarse sea salt or even river sand can be added to the formulations. These components contribute to the mechanical exfoliation of keratinized particles. If the skin of the feet is in fairly good condition, candied honey can be regularly applied to it for 10 minutes. In this case, the legs must be massaged.

Scrub based on apricot kernels is considered very effective. To prepare it, you need to grind the bones in a coffee grinder and mix with nourishing cream or honey. The more abrasive particles in the scrub, the more effective it is.

If the skin of the feet is very dry, you can apply a special oil composition to it. To prepare it, you should mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. You can add some essential oils to the mixture. To achieve the desired effect, you only need a few drops of the concentrate.

You can also mix 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of brown cane sugar for a peeling treatment. The resulting mixture should be massaged on the feet for 5 minutes.

As for the frequency of the procedure, you need to focus on your own needs. Beauticians recommend taking care of your feet in this way 2 times a week in summer and 1 time per week in autumn, winter and spring, when people usually wear closed shoes and the skin does not roughen so quickly. If the condition of the feet wants the best, you can alternate home care with salon care and do not forget about regular pedicures.

Foot peeling is a procedure necessary to keep the feet in perfect condition. Each woman can perform it at home, choosing for herself exactly the recipe for preparing an exfoliating composition that suits her best.
