Useful tips for girls. Helpful Tips for Teenage Girls

Dear girls and women, we all want to be beautiful and smart, to do everything and enjoy life. But most often we don’t have enough time to do what we have in mind; in the crazy rhythm of the concrete jungle, we don’t pay attention to the little things. Today we want to give you simple, but at the same time valuable tips that will make you even more beautiful, make your life easier and get rid of bad habits. Remember, beauty begins with health.

Say NO to tight tails

Our motto is simple: “no” to ponytails, “yes” to braids! Hair doesn't like to be tormented. Perms and styling with hot irons, tight elastic bands and damage the structure of the hair. If your hair is bothering you, then braid it lightly. Hair will only say “thank you” for this.

Don't comb your hair when it's wet or do it right

It is harmful for the hair structure to comb it immediately after a shower. But if you decide to do this, then start combing them from the ends, gradually moving higher and higher. It is better to perform this manipulation with a comb made of natural materials, for example, a rare comb made of wood.

Drink more water

Drinking a glass of still water before meals should become a habit. Love water, because our body needs it so much. By drinking a glass of water, you warn your stomach that you will soon be eating. This will improve the condition of the body, and at the table you will eat less than usual.

Forget about diets and start eating right

Stop dieting. Scientists have proven that sudden fluctuations in weight have a bad effect on health: sudden changes in weight cause stretch marks (striae) to appear, which are difficult to get rid of. It’s better to switch to a healthy diet and start playing sports - you will maintain your health and improve your mood.

All eyes on your face

Change the pillowcase on your pillow more often and wipe the phone case with alcohol. These things most often touch our face. If you follow this simple advice, there will be much less acne on your face.

Don't get annoyed

The most common salicylic acid will help you deal with skin irritations after shaving on your own. It is sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny. This product perfectly fights red dots and protects the skin from the penetration of bacteria. Wipe not only your legs with salicylic acid, but also the delicate bikini area and armpits.

Remember the main thing

Keep a diary or small notepad. Place it in a visible place at home. Write down all your tasks and useful tips there, take notes, etc. Thanks to this assistant, you will never forget anything.

Order in the closet - order in the head, order in the head - order in life

At the start of a new season, always remove excess clothing. Spend a couple of hours of your time on this useful activity that will make your life easier. Put things that you definitely won’t wear this season into distant drawers. The daily choice of clothes will be reduced, i.e. you will save time that you can spend wisely, for example, applying a mask or having a 10-minute relaxing self-massage after a hard day at work.

1. Breaking in shoes: 1. Put on socks and then shoes. 2. Dry with a hairdryer those parts that are pinching. 3. Don't rush to take off your socks while your feet are cooling down. 4. Check and repeat the process if you need to make the shoes even roomier.

2. Paint the inside of the rings with clear varnish - this will prevent green stains from leaving on your fingers.

3. Pills can be removed from a sweater using pumice.

4. Hang bags on bathroom curtain hooks.

5. Wear a loose ponytail to avoid damaging your hair. When you tie your ponytail too tightly (and too often), the hair becomes stretched and brittle. Try not to tie the ponytail in the same place often.

6. White wine neutralizes red wine stains. Yes, yes, you read everything correctly. If you accidentally spill red wine on a white blouse at a party, immediately pour white wine onto the stain - it will neutralize the color, and the stain can be removed faster and easier.

7. Store your makeup products on a magnetic board.

8. Non-tight jeans can be easily tucked into boots. Like this!

9. Deodorant stains can be removed using an antistatic agent or regular tights!

10. Paint your keys with different nail polishes to make it easier to find the right key.

11. White wine can be cooled with frozen grapes. This will prevent the wine from becoming watery.

12. When packing your suitcase, wrap your shoes in a shower cap so that the soles will not touch clean clothes.

13. Tweezers, hairpins and other small items can be stored on magnetic tape.

14. Hang the clothes you wear in one direction in your closet. So after a certain time you will realize that you are not wearing at all. And if you don’t wear it, then you don’t need it!

15. Pass the chain through a straw to prevent the chain from getting tangled. It looks strange, but it will save time and nerves.

16. Store your hair styling supplies in a container like this.

17. And jewelry can be stored in cutlery trays.

18. Place pieces of water aerobics “pasta” in your boots so that the shoes stand straight. You can also use newspapers and magazines rolled into tubes.

19. Rice in a sock is an excellent thermal pain reliever.

20. Scarves and stockings can be stored tied on hangers.

21. Use two fingers to tell if your bra fits well enough. If you can't get two fingers under it, it's too tight; if you easily push a whole fist through, it’s too loose.

22. Put baking soda in your shoes to get rid of unpleasant odors.

23. Glue wine corks to a picture frame to create a homemade cork note board.

24. Hard-to-reach seams can be smoothed using a hair straightener.

25. Shoes can be hung on clothes hangers.

26. Run warm water over the mascara wand for easier application. Another tip: NEVER poke the wand in and out of the tube - it's best to rotate the wand inside the tube before applying another coat of mascara.

27. Chewing gum can be removed from your hair using ice cubes. This makes the gum harder and easier to get out. The same method can be used to remove chewing gum from the sole.

From this article you will learn:

Every girl secretly dreams of universal recognition and respect. And it doesn’t matter whether you are an ordinary shy girl or the star of the class, whom all the boys run after. I want the kids at school to respect me, communicate well, and not call me names and steal my backpack during recess. Our 9 useful and relevant tips for girls will help you become more attractive in terms of communication. True, everything is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You'll have to work on yourself a little, but the result will not take long to arrive.

Your appearance

When you come home from school again, stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself carefully. Of course, you won’t like everything terribly or, on the contrary, you won’t find any flaws: these are the features of adolescence. But try to look at yourself from the point of view of our useful tips and change something in yourself.

Tip 1: Your appearance should match your age

How old are you? From 10 to 15? Does the girl in the mirror correspond to this age? Sometimes long knee socks and funny pigtails on the sides look too childish if the girl is already 14-15 years old. But distortion is also useless: brightly colored hair, fashion trends in adult clothing, and an abundance of decorative cosmetics on your face will age you ahead of time. Do you need it? So search on the Internet for “the image of a girl aged ...” and compare yourself with it: is everything okay?

No matter how old you are or how old your school uniform is, everything should be spotlessly clean and ironed. People intuitively relate well to those who are neat in appearance. This always gives hope that he will be just as pure in his relationships with people. So get into the habit of checking your school clothes every night before school: are there any stains? Isn't it too wrinkled?

No matter how banal it may sound, a girl who smiles even in the face of an evil look and insults does not look stupid at all. She disarms the enemy with her smile. It is also very cute and attractive to others. Learn to smile at people.

Does everything seem too simple? Once you begin to change according to these parameters, you will see that not everything is as sweet as you would like. It is difficult to change the usual image, character. It's very difficult to smile when you want to cry. It’s not at all easy to tear yourself away from the monitor of your favorite tablet or laptop in the evening to get ready for school. But by following these tips, you will realize that people have begun to treat you differently. And then you can start working on the next block of our useful tips for girls, which relate directly to character.

Interesting fact

As scientists have found, a smile is contagious. Smile and you will receive the same in return.

Your character

You definitely won’t be able to evaluate your character objectively. Here the situation is the same as with appearance: either you consider yourself a white and fluffy Angel, or a fiend from hell. What to do? Listen to our advice.

Think about who among those around you you trust the most and who can assess your character impartially. Useful and wise advice: don’t take your friends into account right away. It is better if it is one of the adults: an older brother or sister, parents, grandmother, aunt, teacher, school psychologist, neighbor, etc. Ask him to write your good and bad character traits on a piece of paper.

When you see the negative sides of your character on a piece of paper, do not be offended: try to accept the criticism for what it is. And now, right according to the list, begin to eradicate these bad qualities in yourself. As soon as you get rid of one shortcoming, start working on another.

In adolescence, girls rarely think seriously about the future. Don't be like the common herd. Be purposeful. Set yourself achievable goals and persistently implement them. Make a plan that will help you achieve your dreams and strictly follow it.

Of course, this is much more difficult than working with appearance. This will require inner work that not everyone can do. But when you see and feel the first results, you will begin to respect yourself for forging your character yourself. Well, the last block of useful advice is about relationships with others.

Bear in mind

It's during adolescence that there's a surge in brain growth, so you can do anything now.

Your surroundings

Be sure to work on your relationships with people around you who influence your mood in one way or another. This is not only family, but also classmates and adults you encounter at school and in other places.

Rudeness does not suit girls. Even if you have been greatly insulted, humiliated, offended, do not stoop to their level. The best reaction in this case is complete ignorance. This is how you show that you are much higher than them in terms of education. Involuntarily, they will begin to respect you and will no longer do this.

Very useful and wise advice, which mainly concerns relationships with boys. Sometimes you are so irresistibly drawn to them that you want to be the first to write on social networks, approach them, start a conversation. Yes, you can do this once. But if after that he doesn’t make any attempts to meet you halfway, you shouldn’t impose yourself and get him by force: this is not within the girl’s competence. Get over yourself. Believe me: love will definitely find you.

Despite all the great work you do on yourself, if you really don’t like something, don’t do it. After all, the most important rule in all this: always and under any circumstances remain yourself, be a unique person. And then everything will work out for you, you will be able to achieve everything in life, and people will treat you with respect and trust.

Keep your body healthy. Being healthy does not mean being a skinny girl. Being very thin is unhealthy and not very attractive to guys.

  • Don't compare yourself to other girls in your school. If you are concerned about your weight, consult your doctor for proper healthy advice.
  • Don't go on fad diets like the Hollywood Cookie Diet or anything like that. If it sounds fake, that's because it is. Plus, you're a teenager: you're growing, and not getting enough nutrients won't make you healthier if you follow some stupid crash diet!

Train! You can't be very healthy if you don't do some exercise. In fact, it's very easy. As long as you are on the move, at work, you are great! This all keeps you healthy.

  • Find ways to add value to what you're already doing. For example, you can try doing squats while watching TV. If you listen to an iPod, take your dog for a walk while still enjoying the music.
  • Doctors and healers recommend spending an hour a day on exercise. You can make this process fun too! Invite a friend over to your house, watch your mom's old tai-bo tapes and practice at the same time!
  • You don't have to do everything perfectly, just increase your heart rate and great! However, the best way to burn calories is mainly by running. Do you have a treadmill at home or a fitness center in your city? If you have a treadmill at home, then enter your exact weight and age and burn calories easily! Just keep a steady pace and you can make your run more fun by watching TV or listening to the radio.
  • To be motivated to practice every day, set goals for yourself. For example, reward yourself for exercising every day for two weeks. Don't do anything that will ruin your efforts, such as eating ice cream and hot chocolate. Instead, go to the mall and buy a new shirt or jeans to honor your healthier body!
  • Watch what you eat. This may seem like the hardest part of your health journey, but it's not. One of the most important things is to have breakfast every morning.

    • Don't skip breakfast when trying to lose weight. If you do this, your body will simply use the stored unhealthy fat as food, leading to weight gain. You'll also be more tired and your brain won't be in the best shape.
    • Some good breakfast ideas: fried eggs, a banana and a glass of milk, oatmeal, whole grain toast, yogurt or Special K waffles in low fat syrup, or a cereal bar. Om-Nom-nom! This food will keep you going for the rest of the morning until lunchtime.
    • Speaking of lunch, be careful with cafeteria food. Cookies and chocolate cakes and donuts and French fries can all be delicious, but don't tempt yourself. A good meal idea is drinking water or apple juice, or milk and a meat salad with tomatoes, eggs and cheese. If you're still hungry, most schools have a la carte menu, so you can eat baked chips or take home a 100-calorie bag.
    • For dinner, you can eat whatever your parents cook, just in smaller portions.
    • Chewing slowly will trick your brain into thinking you're eating more when you're not, so you'll get full more easily than before.
    • This is always repeated to children - eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Basically, eat as much as you want because it's healthy. Go to the grocery store with your parents one day and choose a variety of foods. Find your favorites! But most importantly, think about what you eat!
  • Be healthy in mind! Mental health is also key to being the best teenage girl you can be. You don't have to be the smartest person in the room, but always try your best! Also, this does not mean that you need to get good grades, but you need to have common sense and know what is best for you.

    Take care of your appearance. Swim regularly. Especially as you get older, shower every day to keep yourself looking and smelling good. Review your wardrobe. Instead of wearing loose, oversized, baggy old clothes riddled with holes and stains, take care to present yourself as neat and organized. It doesn't take much effort. Buy a pair of jeans that fit your size and only wear clean shirts. If you're concerned about fashion, spend a little more time searching and shopping for the cutest, most popular outfits; however, this is not necessary.

    Be friendly. The best way to make friends is to be friendly to everyone you meet. Greet others with a smile and a sweet "hello." Ask people how they are doing and open up to them if they return the favor. If you present yourself as a friendly, helpful person, then those around you will feel comfortable and relaxed around you, which will help you make friends with more people.

    Don't quarrel with your parents. Like it or not, they will be a huge part of your teenage years, so you should live peacefully with your parents. There is no need to rebel or make them unhappy. Instead, listen to them as much as possible, and talk to them when you have problems or concerns. After all, your parents have already been through everything you're dealing with, and their wisdom can be invaluable. Having a good relationship with your parents makes a huge difference in how much you enjoy being a teenager.

  • Pay attention to your classes. The most important thing is to always listen to what your teacher says. If you have your head in the clouds or pass notes to a friend while your teacher is trying to explain something, you will miss everything you were supposed to learn and won't understand how to solve a math problem or what pages to read in a book, etc. Or worse, your teacher may call you on and you won't know what he/she is talking about, which can be very awkward.

    • Always do your homework. Yes, it may be boring, but just work hard at it and solve the problem. If you don't do anything, you'll probably fail the next test because you won't understand anything. And when you fail a test, it will lower your grade, which will show up on your report card and piss off your parents. See how this domino effect starts?
    • And all this will happen because you didn't do your homework. If you don't understand something, ask your parents or teacher. Even during class! You may feel stupid, but chances are there will be someone else in class with the same question, and your teacher will appreciate you asking.
    • As a last resort, you can ask a good and reliable friend who will not beat around the bush or talk about something else. The best thing about getting better grades is that you will be proud of yourself, plus your parents will be proud too, which will increase their confidence in you and give you more freedom.
    • But on the other hand, what happens if you fail the test? The first thing you can do is tear it into a million pieces and throw it in the trash. No need. Your parents will find it anyway, so save it. The next thing you should do is think about what was wrong. Have you made a small mistake? Or maybe you didn't understand the material?
    • Make a list of things you want to go through with your teacher, and he/she will respect you for wanting to handle it responsibly. You can even ask your teacher about the opportunity to rewrite the test, or do something to earn extra points. You may also think when you receive a bad grade: “I’m so stupid, the only thing that shines for me in life is a career as a cleaner!” Always remember, one bad mark in an exam will not affect your entire performance, just study harder on the next test and you will be fine!
  • Use your common sense! You are human and everyone else should respect that. Don't let anyone judge you at the first meeting. If they do, they are not worth your time.

    • Also say no to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes! It's not cool to use them. If someone suggests this to you, simply say, "Sorry [insert name here], but I don't want to ruin my body." If they think that you are miserable and gray, then they themselves are! You're awesome because you know how to stand up for yourself and be smart! In addition, drugs and cigarettes can lead to baggy skin, large circles under the eyes, and yellow-brown teeth. And alcohol can make you act like it's not you, not to mention all the bad effects it has on your body. SUCKS!
    • Minors should also not have sex. If a boy wants to do something that is wrong, but he really cares about you, he won't even ask and even if he asks and you say no, he will respect you and won't ask again. Sure, you probably want to have sex, but there's a risk of getting an STD or even getting pregnant. And if he says, "If you really love me, you'll do this" - you need to raise a red flag! It's wrong, and don't say yes! Don't do it until you're ready! Never do things like that under pressure. You You don't have to do drugs, drink, or sleep with everyone to be cool or respected. Being modern and gaining the respect of others will help you learn to be yourself.
    • Let's conclude that you should treat your body and yourself with kindness!