Geisha tiara hairstyle. Traditional Geisha Hairstyles

The traditional Japanese geisha hairstyle has become popular all over the world. The European idea of ​​Japanese women suggests just such an image Japanese woman- long black hair and luxurious combs and hairpins with flowers in her hair. However, this is not the case. Modern Japanese women prefer simple hairstyles for every day and short haircuts with long bangs which covers the eyebrows.

However, in Japan there are holidays for which it is customary to dress in traditional costumes and do spectacular geisha hairstyles (for example, a wedding). On this occasion, even little girls are given an elegant traditional Japanese hairstyle and dressed in a kimono.

Japanese hairstyles widely use all kinds of expensive hair accessories - combs, hairpins, sticks, barrettes. Long stilettos for hair decorated with flowers are called kanzashi. You can learn how to make kanzashi hairpins yourself at home, and use the origami technique to create flowers.

Use of Japanese and Chinese chopsticks for Kanazashi hair. Kanzashi is most often used to secure the Japanese bun hairstyle, double knot or a bun. To do this, the hair is collected in a bun on one side with hairpins, and then transferred to the other side and pierced with a kanzashi stick again. This Chinese and Japanese hairpin holds your hair well. long hair during the day.

Master class and step by step photo lesson on how to make a Japanese bun with kanzashi for a girl

Second option The Japanese "vintage" hairstyle also involves the use of kanzashi. To do your hair using the second method, bangs or top part The hair is hung up and backcombed. Side strands also combed and pulled back. The lower part of the hair is also backcombed. All strands of hair are smoothed to give them shine. Then all the parts are collected at the back of the head or crown into a bun, secured with bobby pins and decorated with combs, kanzashi hairpins and other hair decorations.

For full image Japanese geisha needs to do not only a Japanese hairstyle, but also choose the appropriate smart suit kimono, backpack, slippers and fan.

What does a geisha look like?

七月 (July, Shichigatsu) The main event of July is Gion Matsuri, the Gion Festival. Every year the fashion for July kanzashi beckons. However, constant round fans, dragonflies, as well as 梅雨芝 (tsuyu:shiba - raindrops on the grass)

八月 (August, hachigatsu) August motifs are morning glory (朝顔 asagao, Ipomoea nil) and Chinese miscanthus, Suzuki (薄 Miscanthus sinesis). Suzuki looks like a hedgehog made of stems. Beginner maiko wear silver Suzuki-kanzashi, while more experienced ones wear pink and red ones.

九月 (September, kugatsu) September flowers - 桔梗 (kikyo, Japanese bellflower, Platycodon grandiflorium) dark pink; clover, chrysanthemums, carnations.

十月 (October, ju:gatsu) October is chrysanthemums, 菊 (kiku). Chrysanthemums are generally very popular in Japan; they are the state symbol of the imperial house. Kanzashi is made with white and red chrysanthemums. This combination means the height of autumn.

十一月 (November, ju:ichigatsu) Flying leaves - November motif. These do not have to be the leaves of a particular tree; often they are simply the designer’s imagination. At the same time, since November marks the autumn equivalent of hanami - 観楓会 (kambu:kai, festival of admiration maple leaves), leaves often “belong” to maple. You can also see ginkgo leaves (銀杏, ityo) in November decorations.

十二月 (December, ju:nigatsu) December is the time of preparation for the New Year. Maiko and geisha decorate their hair with special kanzashi, with white flowers, bamboo leaves and two small pieces of paper, on which the favorite Kabuki actors of the girl whose jewelry they are signing autograph.

正月 (New Year, sho:gatsu) New Year's kanzashi are special. There are ears of rice and white doves on them. The maiko and the geisha paint one of the dove's eyes and ask one of the clients to color the other one as well.

In fact, the geisha is the progenitor and true custodian of the modern deity - style. A sense of style, which in her case was called iki, is everything for a geisha. Geisha - absolutely stylish man in the modern sense of the word and is completely devoted to him.

With all her good manners, restraint and tact, she is brave, free in every sense, including financially, to the point of thoughtlessness, has impeccable taste, is relaxed and sincere, elegant, even extravagant in moderation, and rushes around the world without thinking about the little things, completely focusing only on being on the crest of the wave, on its very edge.

1. The skin should be soft and velvety, without a single blemish.
Care, care and care again. Every morning - a mask of medicinal herbs with the addition of aromatic oils and rice bran. In the evening, before going out, wear complex makeup. For classic makeup The geisha first applied a base coat of camellia oil. Then - pink primer. Geisha in some areas of Japan put white on pink, while in other regions of the country, for example, in Kyoto, pink is added later. However, it does not matter how the layers are applied: the complexion should be similar to ivory, A real leather should not be visible except for a few vertical stripes below the hairline at the back.

2. lips: flowers and berries.
The color of a geisha's lipstick is chosen so that her lips resemble flower buds or juicy berries. Previously, such lipstick was made from saffron and rose petals, and warm caramel was used for shine (and pleasant taste).

3. look - like a lightning strike.
For maximum expressiveness, the eyes are outlined in red using fine brush, and the top is tinted with black paint. The eyebrows are outlined in a similar way, leaving only a thin “String” of red color.

4. hair - maximum length and impeccable appearance.
The geisha's hairstyle took several hours to create. Previously, this was a severe test: strands were mercilessly steamed with a hot heavy iron and covered with hot wax for shine, laid in a complex structure using long “Knitting needles”, flowers, combs and other decorations, and in order not to spoil the result, geishas had to sleep on wooden supports - bolsters that were placed under the head.
Modern geishas no longer suffer like that - all they have to do is wear a wig.

5. hands: grace and well-groomed.
The graceful movements of a geisha's well-groomed hands are capable of many things: by exposing her hands, the geisha makes it clear to a man that other parts of her body that are inaccessible to the gaze of others can be revealed to him. Hands will be the center of attention during the tea ceremony, and will become the main expressors of emotions in the dance. And even holding a fan or umbrella, a geisha's hands can say a lot in sign language.

6. Feet are a special chic.
Sleek feet with scarlet varnished nails in Japan were considered special chic at all times and geishas will never deny themselves the pleasure of flaunting their open shoes, showing off bare feet even in winter.

7. gait and posture are important components of the image of a geisha.
A real geisha enters the room slowly, her shoulders are motionless, her movements are rhythmic and seductive, and her breathing is imperceptible. On her feet are 15 cm high clogs with jingling bells. She swings her hips freely and points her feet forward, as if tossing fallen leaves with her fingertips. In Japan, this gait is called the “Floating Gait” or “Eight Step Gait.” Unfortunately, this aesthetics is incomprehensible to Europeans: it seems that the gait is too “mincing”, and the geisha’s legs seem to be tied at the knees.

8. Voice is an important component of love play.
Speech should be free and relaxed, calm and quiet. Never raise your voice - let them listen to you. But there is no need to whisper. And one more thing: it is not customary for geishas to speak languidly and with aspiration.

9. iki - the highest degree of femininity energy.
Coquetry, charm, refined manners, the ability to carry on a conversation and joke “on topic”. Unconventional but balanced style. The ability to use your feminine charms, flirting with restrained eroticism, never crossing the line of moderation. It was iki that made the geisha a symbol of service to a man and at the same time the pinnacle of power over him!

More information material about hair styles

Geisha hairstyles are ancient art. Girls were recognized by them, and every self-respecting geisha was obliged to be able to create such masterpieces. But times are changing, and geisha hairstyles are becoming history. They were replaced by wigs, which modern geisha are now being used.

From the history

Geisha did not combine hairstyle and clothing until the seventeenth century. Only during the Edo period (1600-1868), under the influence of the culture of Korea and China, traditional hairstyles developed. They have survived to this day practically unchanged. Regulations have been established for appearance geishas and their occupation. This was done so that they would not be confused with corrupt women.

The higher the status of a geisha, the more complex her hairstyle was. The latter was called shimada. The students decorated their heads satin ribbons and hairpins, although their hairstyles were simple. As a student's status increased, her hairstyle also became more complicated. It was customary to decorate these structures with kanzashi flowers and various accessories.

Once a student achieved geisha status, she could wear a wig. Moreover, wigs were only for beauty at first.

How they did it

The geisha's hairstyle was created once every two weeks. But before you start styling, you need to rub your hair with camellia oil. This was done to make them shine. Melted wax and fondant were used to give the shape and at the same time fix it. It is noteworthy that the wax was scented with floral scents, each scent corresponding to its season.

How they saved

If geisha hairstyles were done so rarely, how did they manage to maintain it? Geisha did not sleep on ordinary pillows. They were given a takamakura (a wooden neck pillow) and slept on it. In order to get used to sleeping like this, the students had rice poured around their heads. This was a way to find out if the girl was turning around in her sleep. If there were grains of rice in the hairstyle, it was remade.

How to do a hairstyle for students

How to do a geisha hairstyle? Before you start experimenting with your hair, you need to decide what kind of hairstyle you want to do. For example, female students wore misedashi wareshinobu. This hairstyle was required to be worn for three years.

The bangs were caught in front by a long ribbon and twisted into a rope. Such a plait should rise above the entire hairstyle.

How to do a geisha hairstyle? You need to gather your hair into a bun at the back of your head and weave a ribbon in the middle. It will separate the bundle. This tape must be secured with a special pin holding it in place. Silk flowers and kanzashi are usually added to the hairstyle.

How to do a senior student's hairstyle

After a year or two, the student becomes a senior. She undergoes a certain ceremony and from that moment begins to wear a different hairstyle. It's called a split peach. The hairstyle of a novice geisha is performed as follows:

  1. The hair must be pulled up into a knot.
  2. The bangs are also removed. This way the face and neck are completely exposed.
  3. You need to wrap a red ribbon around the bun and tie it under your hair.
  4. The top of the bun is decorated with a hairpin called kanokomode.
  5. The next step is to wrap the bun again with red ribbon. But now the knot is tied above the forehead.

How to do the hairstyle that students wear before they become geishas

Hairstyles became more and more complex and were decorated with many different accessories.

You can do a geisha's hairstyle with your own hands, but it is very difficult. European women cannot always repeat what Asians do with ease. Consider the ofuku hairstyle. She's only remarkable triangular decoration, which is pricked at the back of the flattened bun. It is made from fabric in the shape of a triangle called tegarami. We can say that a red ribbon is wrapped around the bun, but with a white pattern, so a triangle is formed at the bottom.

How to do a sacco hairstyle

This Japanese geisha hairstyle was created when the student practically became a geisha. First there is a hair cutting ceremony. After that, the loose hair is carefully combed and laid out in a certain way under the wig. The geisha will wear this same wig instead of styling her hair.

Sacco is different from others. And it lies in the fact that at the back of the head the bundle is divided into strands. Decorate it with a comb, ribbon and a special hairpin that will hold the ribbon. If desired, a woman can add a few more decorations. Traditionally they should be made from tortoise shell, but in modern world It is not necessary to follow traditions. Moreover, you are not a geisha.

More detailed instructions

We remember the photo of the geisha split peach hairstyle from our school days. It was she who was portrayed in history books. Above we described in general terms what hairstyles look like. But so that you can repeat the installation yourself, you need more detailed instructions:

  1. Before styling your hair, you need to wash your hair well. After all, a geisha's hair always shone and smelled pleasant.
  2. IN original version hair is lubricated with badger fat. But since the world has successfully survived the era of geishas, ​​you can use wax to style your hair. The hair is lubricated so that the hairstyle holds its shape better and the clean curls do not fall apart.
  3. When the hair is prepared, you should select the golden point. This is where the hairstyle originates. Geisha traditionally choose this point on the back of the head.
  4. But it is important to know that the location of the point directly depends on age. How younger woman, the higher this point will be located.
  5. The hair from below the back of the head is combed in such a way as to obtain a rounded shape. This is all combed up and secured with a hairpin.
  6. The strands from the temples are also combed upward and laid so that they are a continuation of the occipital roundness.
  7. The bangs are temporarily secured with a bun that hangs slightly forward.
  8. Photos of geisha hairstyles can be viewed endlessly. But even there it is not clear how to do this. This is not visible in the photograph, but they are fixed in a rounded shape only side hair.
  9. The bulk of the hair is collected in a ponytail, from which a bun is subsequently formed.
  10. The shape of the bun depends on the style the woman chose.
  11. The bundle is divided into two parts and wrapped with red ribbon.
  12. Ready hairstyle decorated with sticks, tortoiseshell combs, and flowers.

It is important to know that most often real flowers are used in hairstyles, in as a last resort silk. Very rarely, but sometimes they use a fan small size for decorating hairstyles.

To keep the flowers well, they are fixed with invisible pins. Traditional hairstyle does not accept an abundance of jewelry, so it is important to observe the measure.

Before you make a geisha split peach hairstyle or some other hairstyle, you need to understand how they differ from each other.


This hairstyle is done by beginner students. It differs from others:

  1. A strip of red silk tied under the hair around the base of the bun is worn mainly by the youngest students.
  2. A kanokodome brooch pin, which decorates the top bun.
  3. Another strip of red silk tied around the base of the maemage (a bun made from the hair directly above the forehead).
  4. Hairpin with decorations using the kanzashi technique.
  5. It has a wide comb like shape and is decorated with flowers.


After several appearances as a novice student, the status is promoted to senior student.

Accordingly, her hairstyle changes. Now the red silk stripe has white drawing, it is tied around the beam in such a way that a triangle is formed at the bottom. The hairstyle has a red silk bow and a kanzashi hair clip, but there are no flowers on it anymore. The tortoiseshell comb is worn only on special occasions, in common days it is replaced with plastic.

A senior student can remain in her status for several years, which means she will wear the same hairstyle.


This geisha hairstyle doesn't look much like a peach, but it's not everyday either. They make it on special occasions and wear it for a month. It differs from the others in that a red silk ribbon is tied with a roller at the back at the base of the bun. In addition, the comb is attached under the tape, not above it. Another red ribbon is located above the forehead. The kanzashi hairpin is located on the left side above the forehead. Since tortoiseshell combs are worn in special cases, then it is here.


The hairstyle is done only for celebrations and is worn with a formal kimono. It is worn during the New Year, before the student becomes a geisha.

Characteristic styling details: a comb made of and from tortoiseshell. In addition to them, the hair bun is decorated with coral beads. Red silk ribbons are still present in the hairstyle - above the forehead and around the bun.


The hairstyle is done before the initiation ceremony and is worn for two weeks. IN historical times Women who just got married also wore this hairstyle.

It is decorated with a comb made of tortoiseshell and hairpins made of the same. The hair for the hairstyle was lengthened with special extensions that resemble a modern chignon. Unlike comparatively simple design previous hairstyles, this bun has a complex shape.

In the modern world, geisha prefer wigs and only very serious reasons can style their hair.

Geiko Shimada

This styling is usually done for tea ceremonies. It is decorated only with tortoise shell decor.

Miyako-odori yo Chuushimada

This hairstyle is universal, it is worn by both students and geishas. But this only happens during the dance festival in the Gion Kobu quarter. By the way, the hairstyle is done to perform the common dance of students and geishas.

Hair decorations are considered to be devices with flowers and they are not repeated. Every year a different set is made for a new festival.

Look like a geisha

Surely you decided to get a geisha hairstyle in connection with some event. Most likely, this is some kind of performance or carnival. But one hairstyle is not enough. For the image to be reliable, you need to know all its subtleties. This will be useful for transformation.

First, you need to do your hair like a geisha. You can go by the simple way and buy a wig. But it will be much more interesting to try to reproduce the hairstyle yourself.

Secondly, the makeup should also match the image of a geisha. If you don't know how to paint, then get help professional makeup artist. But you can try applying makeup yourself. It is important to remember that a geisha must look impeccable.

First they make the base. To do this, mix white powder with water to a paste. The mixture is applied to the neck and face using a wide brush. After application, lightly swipe with a sponge to remove excess water. Draw eyebrows with a black pencil, they should be soft shape without refractions or bends. In geishas, ​​you can see a red tint on the eyebrows, so draw them in with a red pencil.

Using liquid red eyeliner, draw a small line from the outside of the eye. Next, on top of the red eyeliner, draw a black arrow. A black arrow should be drawn over the entire eyelid. Color the inside of the eye with a black pencil. Geisha lips are bright red, so you need to stock up on red lipstick. You can outline your shape, or you can do as the geisha did - draw small lips, and mask the remaining space with a white base.

If you repeat everything exactly, then your festive look will be remembered for a long time and everyone will be delighted with it.


You have learned how to create a Japanese geisha hairstyle for a girl or woman. Age does not play a big role, since the hairstyle is done the same way.

To make the image complete, you need to try to buy real or stylized japanese jewelry. They will give the image completeness and the necessary color. Finding them, of course, is not easy, but you can search in virtual stores.

The look won't be complete unless you wear geisha makeup. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a child or an adult, but makeup is an obligatory part of the intended image. The more accurately it is made, the more reliable your appearance will be. After all, geishas did everything flawlessly, which was what was valued in them.

Hairstyle is, of course, good, but don’t forget about suitable clothing and behavior. Do your research and you can steal the show at a party or event. Geisha are a very interesting part of Japanese history; it is not for nothing that they have remained popular for so many centuries. Who knows, maybe you will become so carried away that you won’t be able to live without the East. Be curious and learn something new.

Modern Japanese hairstyles bear little resemblance to traditional, tall, complex structures on the head in national style. They can be seen more and more often on Japanese girls, but this does not mean that Japanese women have completely abandoned their neatly collected buns with chopsticks; they also have a place among the current cute shocking fashion.

Traditional Japanese women's hairstyles are recognizable in any part of the world thanks to special way hair styling and accessories. Decorative combs, hairpins with flowers and hanging elements, and sticks are used as hair decorations. different lengths, hairpins and even origami. Despite the apparent complexity, it is really not easy to make such a hairstyle, but almost every Japanese woman does it herself for festive events.

Japanese geisha hairstyles look good with any type of appearance, they go with romantic style And festive outfits. Also suitable for those girls who value originality and sophistication in their image. Almost everything Japanese brides people get married only with a hairstyle that is more than three hundred years old. Some of our girls also do this type of hairstyle for a wedding celebration.

To have an idea about traditional hairstyles in Japanese style, see photo:

DIY Japanese-style hairstyles for long hair

Not every domestic master will be able to recreate such beauty, so in our country girls prefer to make a simplified version, which can be done not only in a hairdresser, but also at home. These include bundles secured with sticks and in in rare cases decorated with additional elements.

It’s easier to make Japanese hairstyles for girls with your own hands long curls, but on medium length this is also quite possible to do. The characteristic details of any Japanese hairstyle, except for accessories, are asymmetry, bright color hair and side bangs. Natural color Japanese women's hair is black, but Lately They are increasingly resorting to dyeing in red and other bright shades.

Japanese hairstyles for long hair have many options, ranging from national to modern.

But the most common ones are:

  • anime;
  • in geisha style;
  • high buns with and without sticks.

The above hairstyles do not have to be copied exactly; you can take them as a basis and make your own variation on the chosen theme.

Japanese-style hairstyles for girls for school: ponytail and buns (with photos and videos)

Anime style hairstyles are popular among young girls and young girls. Let's take a closer look at how to do a Japanese-style anime hairstyle with your own hands. They can be made to any length; short haircuts look especially interesting, which can also be done by guys.

Hair should be beautiful and well-groomed, especially if it is going to be dyed in the most unexpected bright colors. Shocking haircuts and coloring of multi-colored strands at home are very difficult and risky, so let’s look at more ordinary variations of Japanese hairstyles for girls for school and just for walks.

The first option - two high buns, is often found on cartoon princesses, and is quite simple to do:

Divide your hair with a vertical parting into two halves.

From each part, assemble tails with rubber bands, located at the same maximum height.

Carefully twist a rope from each ponytail and tie it into a knot, then secure with thin transparent elastic bands.

To diversify this hairstyle and add your own “zest”, you can tie ribbons around the buns, decorate them with bows or other beautiful hairpins.

The second option is a Japanese ponytail, a hairstyle that is also easy to do yourself. To do this, you need to gather your hair high on the top of your head in a ponytail to hide the elastic, you can select a strand of hair and wrap it around it, and secure the end with bobby pins. The ponytail can be left loose, or you can braid it into many small braids. This hairstyle exudes originality and youth.

To have an idea of ​​how and what to do, watch the video with Japanese anime-style hairstyles:

How to make a Japanese hairstyle with chopsticks with your own hands

Japanese buns or buns with sticks have long been known among our girls, but recently they have gained particular popularity. They can be done in several ways, with ponytails and braids, various decorations, not counting the sticks. To make a Japanese hairstyle with chopsticks with your own hands, you need to prepare an elastic band, the actual chopsticks, which are called kanzashi, and, if necessary, bobby pins.

The first thing that is done is to collect the tail and secure it with an elastic band, then it is twisted into a plait until it naturally fits into a bun. In this way, twist all the hair, hide the ends and secure with bobby pins, and fix the bun itself with the help of sticks, which are inserted from top to bottom diagonally from the left and right, so that they are crossed at approximately an angle of 90 degrees. It turns out to be a simple everyday version of the Japanese bun with chopsticks.

Notice how similar Japanese hairstyles for girls look by looking at the photo:

Let's look at how to do a Japanese hairstyle with chopsticks. traditional version, which can be called vintage. To do this, using two straight partings on top, a part of the hair is highlighted, on which it is backcombed and combed back.

At the temples, the hair is also pulled back, but only to the side. A bun is formed from the curls collected at the back and is also secured with sticks, and the hair on the top and sides is fixed with gel.

Hairstyle like a Japanese geisha

To create such a complex hairstyle like that of a geisha, you need to spend a lot of time, patience and effort. Modern Japanese geisha are increasingly resorting to the use of wigs, because such manipulations with hair led to hair loss and loss large quantity on top of the head. To give curls perfect shine, they were rubbed with oils, special lipstick and wax.

The hairstyle was secured with a large number of decorations, various hairpins, sticks, flowers, brooches, and decorative combs. When “assembled,” it should have a rounded appearance and not “crumble,” which is why wax was used as a fixative. Modern hairdressers use gels and other styling products for these purposes. The hair is styled separately on the top, sides and back of the head. They are then collected into one tail, which is divided into upper and lower parts, from which a bun is formed.

Simple Japanese style hairstyles for short and medium hair

Japanese hairstyles for short hair are characterized by asymmetry, unusual coloring hair and the obligatory presence of bangs. The most famous haircut in Japanese traditions For short hair– this is the bean in it various manifestations. No less popular short bob with a short-cropped nape and elongated front strands. Alternatively, the elongated strand can be located on the side or back. The bangs can be straight, evenly trimmed, or an elongated braid, laid to the side. Choosing short haircut In Japanese style, you need to focus on the shape of your face.

Japanese-style hairstyles for medium hair can be either collected or loose hair. These include unique buns and ponytails, as well as shocking haircuts. You can make one or two buns from all the hair or using only part, leaving the rest uncollected.

Let's look at how to make a Japanese hairstyle step by step, using the example of a cute high voluminous bun with straight strands and bangs:

Collect high ponytail and secure with an elastic band, leaving straight strands on the sides of the bangs.

Form a bun from the resulting tail. To make it voluminous at medium length, take a special bagel or roller, twist your hair and secure it with hairpins.

All that remains is to style the bangs; the ends of the released straight curls can be lubricated with a strand modeling product.

Fix smoothly combed hair with hairspray or lubricate it with styling gel.

If desired, the hairstyle can be decorated with ribbons, flowers, sticks or hairpins.

To simple Japanese hairstyles, which can be created at a medium length, also include one or two tails, which are made as high as possible.

The ends can be perfectly straight or slightly curled using a styler or iron. Loose ones look gentle and girlish curly hair, decorated with cute headbands.

An interesting option is a high ponytail, folded so that a loop is formed at the top, which is wrapped at the bottom with the free ends.

How to make a modern Japanese hairstyle for a girl

Japanese children's hairstyles are excellent option for variety of school bow young fashionistas. Let's not talk about banal buns and ponytails, but consider interesting option with weaving. How to make a Japanese hairstyle for a girl is described in detail below with a photo.

Divide the hair into two even parts as for two ponytails, separate the bangs (if any). Take the top part of the hair as shown in the photo.

Braid the selected hair french braid, starting from the top and gradually picking up the lower strands.

Secure the end with a small transparent elastic band and give the braid additional volume by carefully pulling the strands to the sides.

Form a “snail” from the braid and secure with hairpins.

Repeat on the other side as well.

As decorative element You can take ribbons.

It turns out to be such a cute children's hairstyle in anime style.

Let's look at how to make a Japanese-style hairstyle for girls. It is done quickly and ultimately resembles cat ears, which looks especially attractive when proper makeup. To do it, you need to arm yourself with a comb for combing your hair, silicone rubber bands and hairpins.

Divide the hair equally, as for forming two tails. Separate the upper part on the left or right with a horizontal parting.

Comb it in a raised position, twist it with a rope and lay it so that you get a corner - this will be a “cat’s ear”.

On the other side, carry out similar manipulations.

The “ears” need to be fixed with varnish and bobby pins. On at this stage the hairstyle looks nice, you can stop or continue working on the remaining hair.

On the left or right, gather the strands into a ponytail right under the “ear” and do the same on the other side.

Twist the ponytails with any in a convenient way, comb, fix with varnish and decorate with hairpins.

Fashionable Japanese hairstyles also include more shocking versions of haircuts and head structures, which are characterized by short-cropped crowns and napes in combination with long strands at the bottom. They can be done on any length of hair, giving sections a variety of bold colors.

More original, youth and traditional hairstyles in Japanese style, look at the photo:
