Jokes on a woman's 55th birthday. Scenarios for birthdays, adult competitions for an anniversary

Don’t know how to throw a woman a party on her 55th birthday? And we know, and we will help you. After all, you can’t spend such a holiday at home looking sad. On such a holiday you need to have fun, dance and play competitions. And a new script for a woman’s 55th birthday with humor will help you accomplish all this. Watch the entire script to the end, choose the most interesting moments and have a great holiday.

The beginning of the holidays should be celebrated brightly and effectively. The presenter or whoever speaks for him says something like the following text:
- I was at your last anniversary. And then you dreamed about what came true. Do you remember what you dreamed about then and it came true?

The hero of the day begins to go through all the good things that have happened to her over the past 5 years. For example, repairs, building a bathhouse, buying a car and even all sorts of little things. And the presenter says that no, all this is not the same. Then guests join in and offer their options. They remember everything that the hero of the day had over the past 5 years. And when everyone gave up, the presenter says:
- you see how much good has happened over the past 5 years. I propose to drink to the fact that in the next 5 years even more good events will happen in the life of our beloved hero of the day!

After this start, you can continue the festive evening. And arrange a little game for the guests. After all, our hero of the day is a beautiful woman, and for her sake many men are ready to do anything!

Dear guests! Look at our hero of the day. How beautiful, young and attractive she is! And look at her eyes, which simply shine and sparkle. What are you willing to do for her eyes? Let's find out now.

The bag contains cards with poems written on them. Each guest in turn takes out one card and reads a verse that says what he is ready for for the sake of the beautiful eyes of the hero of the day.
And here are the poems:

Then you can dance and arrange small competitions.
Surely there will be people of the older generation and people of the younger generation present at the holiday. They should be divided into two teams. We will have a team of old people and a team of young people.
The task in the competition is simple: old people dance to modern music, and young people dance to songs from the 80s. It turns out to be a small musical battle that will help you unwind.

Competition - show your emotions.
For this competition you need a special cube. You can make it from our blank:

Simply print the cube, cut it out and glue it together.
But the point is simple. The hero of the day sits in a special place for a photo session. And the guests take turns throwing this die. And the guest shows which emotion appears on the die. He approaches the hero of the day and takes a photo with her. At the same time, the guest must have the necessary emotion on his face.
And when everyone has walked around the circle, we take a group photo. And at the same time, each guest again shows the necessary emotion on his face!
This photo session will be remembered forever!

It's time for gifts!
But only first will the hero of the day give gifts to her guests. And we will do this in a playful way.
To do this, you need to prepare cards with numbers. Each card has its own verse and its own gift. Guests take turns taking one card out of the bag and reading out the number. And the presenter reads the poem. And the hero of the day gives a comic gift, which is in this poem.
And here are the poems themselves:

And now it’s time to give gifts to the hero of the day.
But first, let's also play our birthday girl. And we'll do it in the form of a scene.
For the scene, one guest needs to be dressed as the postman Pechkin. He comes and says that he has a telegram for the hero of the day. Only he won’t give her away until he eats and drinks, sings and dances with the hero of the day.
The hero of the day agrees, and together with Pechkin they drink, have a snack, sing and dance. Afterwards, Pechkin gives the hero of the day this telegram from Putin:

And after such a draw, you can give real gifts to the guests.

Two A's! Joyful date
She came to visit us unnoticed;
There is no truer destiny for a soldier,
Than the one sitting at the head of the table!
Maybe the fruit of knowledge is bitter,
But the sweetness of being is pleasant;
Because on your holiday two fives
I wish you new numbers!

Today is a holiday - it’s your anniversary,
Fifty-five is a good date.
The house is full of cheerful guests,
And you are all uncontrollably happy.

Postcards, bouquets of flowers,
Warm congratulations
And hundreds of kind words
For you on your birthday!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
And let today be 55,
We sincerely wish you
Like a star always shine.

So that they give flowers every day,
It doesn't matter if it's a holiday or not.
So that guests come to you more often,
After all, you are a housewife - it’s no secret.

A cozy hearth in your home,
Health to your friends and family.
And that every day is like a holiday
It was completely unique!

I wish you at fifty-five
Remain as blooming as ever,
And only radiate positivity brightly,
And, like now, shine and smile!

Let every moment be filled with warmth,
May summer always reign in your soul!
Let your energy be in full swing,
May you be the happiest in the world!

You are the coolest, everyone's favorite,
The kindest, irreplaceable.
Today we have gathered to celebrate with you,
Your deserved ones - 55!

You didn’t just live these years,
She gave love and warmth and care.
You always illuminate with your smile,
And you look great at 22!

Don’t forget to stay like this
May everything you dream of come true!
We love you like this, you know that!
Although you probably already know that.

Today, with sincerity and great respect,
And congratulations will come not only from me,

Time has no power over you,
You haven't changed at all over these years,
So let love flow like a stormy river,
So that life beats with a bright key.
Remember: friends are always with you,
Fifty-five is a little more than twenty,
And on this wonderful anniversary we want to wish you,
You remain yourself, because we can’t find anything better.

There are only two numbers five and five.
But how much do they mean?
And how different everything looks.
It just depends on how to present them...
Add them up - there are only ten
And childhood is seen again...
You still can’t weigh everything in life.
But I want to hug the whole world.
Multiply them - it becomes twenty-five
Diseases are still unknown.
Ready to hug all my friends
And you want to live and be useful.
Two numbers next to each other - five and five -
You know how to weigh and argue.
Not many people want to hug.
But you know life and you can build,
And rebuild again.

Fifty-five is a wonderful milestone,
We came to congratulate you on this date,
We wish you an easy, rich, light and bright life,
So that you are full of happiness, love and prosperity.

So that you always have plenty of money,
So that your young smile pleases the eye,
So that there are no nasty things or grief in your destiny,
May your health be as strong as a diamond!

Let them come to life over the years
Only joy, happiness and warmth!
May there always be enough love,
So much patience!

Let two new “fives”
They will bring new events!
The kind that will only make you happy!
The kind that people are really looking forward to!

Today, with sincerity and great respect,
I congratulate you on your bright anniversary,
And congratulations will come not only from me,
We wish you happiness and joy in your family.

Fifty-five - and you are all brighter, more beautiful,
Younger, more charming, gentler and wiser.
May there be a lot of happiness in fate,
Attention and love from loved ones.

I look at you in amazement
I look with great admiration,
After all, two fives are standing next to each other,
Yes, it's a super birthday.
They seem to be hinting
And this is very symbolic -
You are a cool birthday girl,
You live just fine.
Excellent at your job,
Excellent in a righteous family,
Your house is always full,
You are on time everywhere.
And the anniversary is not just a holiday,
This is a step up in life
To victories, various achievements,
Where happiness and success awaits you!

I wish you fifty-five
Never lose heart
Your age is wonderful, really
And your family shouts Bravo to you!
Friends shout Happy Anniversary to you!
You have already accomplished a lot,
And rest awaits you ahead
And from troubles and worries.
It's time to smile
And just enjoy life
And years are not a hindrance
For optimism and for laughter.
May your health not let you down
In a family, love reigns supreme
Life will be long and happy
And you have been so beautiful all your life.

On a wonderful holiday, on an anniversary
Fill the glasses to the brim,
To solemnly raise them
For these numbers - five and five.
For a woman in her prime,
She's like a festive bouquet
Blooms and smells on the anniversary
And delights guests with its beauty.
I want to wish (Name) -
Don't fade for another hundred years
And don’t be sad and don’t get sick,
Look forward with a smile,
Love and joyful laughter,
Material success.
Let the family not forget
Friends and colleagues respect me.

Congratulations on your anniversary
We drink to the bottom and don’t regret it
Shashlik and cognac get drunk
Tomorrow we'll lose weight again

And today until morning
We'll dance until it's light
Sing along and congratulate
Caress the birthday girl

All the friends have gathered
And we got drunk for the holiday
For the health of the hero of the day
There was enough for everyone

Respectable age – 55
There is no reason to be upset
Just 5 and 5
We'll throw off ten again

You're a little berry
Cheerful and young
Spin like a spinning top all day
Since childhood you could

55 is such a date
50 or so ran away somewhere
You can't keep track of the years
But you will please your husband!

We have gathered at this hour
To congratulate you once
Happy anniversary to the birthday girl
We barely had time to hug

Now we want to wish
1000 reasons for happiness
Peace, money and goodness
May you be cheerful

So that your eyes don't fade
How the diamonds sparkled
So that the smile is wide
Slightly mesmerized!

It seemed that this date would not come,
Days, years, decades passed...
And now this day has come -
Your 55th birthday.
Let this day not add wrinkles,
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
And it will bring happiness to the house for a long time.
We wish to live without knowing troubles,
Not knowing bad weather,
And so that it lasts for 100 years
Health, kindness and happiness!

Today is the anniversary. Which?
It's hard to tell by looking!
We know you did great this part of the journey!
There is a friendly family, colleagues and friends
And you look no older than thirty!
Congratulations to you today
And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
May there be harmony in your family,
May everyone be healthy
Let your garden bloom in spring
And the house in the garden will be beautiful!

The day is approaching when your friend turns exactly 55 years old. It is impossible not to notice such a date, and it must be celebrated in such a way that all guests gasp! Already know how you will do this? The new scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday is a cool scenario that is ready to be carried out. You can take it in its entirety or take the parts you liked the most. Watch the scenario with competitions and games, and spend it at work or at home with your family.

Meeting the hero of the day.

Dear friends! Dear guests!
I hasten to inform you that today you came not just for a holiday, but for the anniversary of your friend, friend and relative - (name of the hero of the day).
Today she turned, you know, it’s not customary to talk about the age of women out loud, so let this be a little secret that is known to each of you.
And now I ask you to choose one balloon, of any color. Have you chosen? So, let's see. Well, what can I say - you all chose such bright, such rainbow colors that we have no right to delay the start of the holiday. And so - we begin!

The guests are seated at the tables.

Is everyone seated? Do you know why you came here and what you will do? Yes, that's right - we came to have fun and celebrate our friend's wonderful anniversary. And in order not to break the rules, let me read out the rules for tonight. Then you will each sign it and give it to the hero of the day for safekeeping.

Rules for the evening:

Well, since the charter has been signed, it’s time to start implementing it. Has everyone's glass been filled? Then the first toast is to... but first a small digression.
A princess lived in one castle. And three suitors came to her to woo her. Each of them had to spend the night with the princess. After the first night they ask the princess - how is it? She answers - so-so. And the first groom was sent to prison. After the second night they ask - how was the second night? “Yes, so-so,” the princess answers. And they threw him into prison. After the third night they ask - what about now? Now it's divine! - said the princess and blossomed! But the third was still thrown into prison. Why - he was indignant - after all, everything was divine?! And for the company - said the rest.
Well, guess what our toast is for? Yes, for our cheerful and friendly company at this table!

A game.
Friends! You and I are communicating, it seems like we’ve already had a drink, but we haven’t really gotten to know each other yet. Shall we fix the situation? Great. Only I suggest you get acquainted in Indian language. You know that Indians don't have names like we do. They have sort of nicknames. Here I have a table of Indian nicknames, let's try to get acquainted with it.

The following table will help you here:

As you can see, there are nicknames on it that Indians usually give to each other. It’s easy to use, and you’ll spend this block in such a way that all your guests will laugh heartily.

And so, we met in a comic form, laughed, and now let's get to know each other for real. And again we’ll do it in a playful way, only this time in a dance form.

Block – getting to know the guests.
For this block, you need to make cuts of songs in advance that contain names. And turn them on one by one, and the guests, when they heard a song with their name, go to the center. So that they don’t just go out, tell them that they will receive a gift for the best and most original exit.
Examples of songs with names:
- Pink roses to Svetka Sokolova.
- Natasha, Natasha, you are my heart and soul.
- Kolyan dances the best.
And so on. There are a huge number of songs with names, you just need to know the names of the guests in advance in order to prepare the necessary cuts.

After everyone has left, we have a dance break and play a little.

And so, we are all on the dance floor. And now is the time to show who dances and how. To do this, I will divide you into two teams: on the right is a team of the older generation (those over 40 years old). And on the left is the new generation team (those under 40 years old).

The music competition is a battle of generations.
First, music from the 80s is turned on and those over 40 dance to it. Then a modern song is turned on and those under 40 dance. This is done 3 times, after which a draw is declared and a catchy song (for example, lambada) is turned on and everyone dances together.

And now I have a surprise for you. I was informed that the postman Pechkin came to visit us! Let's meet him!

Pechkin comes out.

Hello Pechkin!

Good evening. I brought you a telegram from myself (points his finger up), but I won’t give it to you. And not because you don’t have documents, but because you’re all drunk!

So it’s our anniversary, how can we not be drunk?

No, according to the instructions, I’m not supposed to give telegrams to people like you from myself (points his finger up again).

Stop, Pechkin. Since you have already come, sit down with us. Drink to the hero of the day. Look how beautiful she is!

It's possible, I'm a little tired from the road.

Pechkin sits down at the table and is poured and given a snack.

Well, Pechkin, is it any more fun?

Yes, much better. Okay, I’ve picked up something, I’ll give you a telegram.

He hands the presenter this telegram:

Thank you, Pechkin. Let me read it out.

The presenter reads out a telegram from Putin and gives it to the hero of the day.

After such a gift, you definitely need to drink!

All the guests drink.

Does everyone know the fairy tale about the goldfish? Would you like to catch the same goldfish that will fulfill your three wishes? Then let's catch her.

Game block - goldfish.
For this game you need to make and cut out fish from cardboard in advance. They are all the same, you can make them different and color them. But only one fish will be golden (it should be yellow or stand out from the rest). We put all the fish in a bag. And each guest takes out one fish in turn. Whoever takes out the goldfish wins and is entitled to three wishes. But since today is the anniversary, all three wishes will be dedicated to our hero of the day.
Wishes for the hero of the day.
Here you again need to make cards on which wishes will be written. The one who took out the goldfish takes out three cards with wishes.
Examples of wishes for cards:
- let the closest relative of the hero of the day say a beautiful toast.
- let the (son. daughter) hero of the day say a toast in honor of his mother, and in this toast the word anniversary will appear three times!
- let the hero of the day choose any item from the table and keep it as a souvenir of this holiday.
- Let my neighbors on the left and right of the table sing a congratulatory song in unison.
- let each guest come up to the hero of the day and hug her.
- I want everyone to shout out loud: congratulations!

We're kind of bored. Isn't it time for us to sing?

The song is an adaptation based on the song - the blue carriage is running and swaying.

And now I ask you to look at the hero of the day. Is she really good?! Yes, and now we will be convinced of this once again. I ask our hero of the day to come to the center. Look at her - beautiful, slender, unique and... what am I saying, let the hero of the day say everything herself.

The hero of the day reads the text and shows it all artistically.

Great! Do you agree with what the hero of the day read? Then let's raise our glasses and drink again to our hero of the day!

Time flies quickly and it's time to say goodbye. But we'll see you again soon. After all, a new anniversary is just around the corner! See you!

Relatives Friend Girlfriend Beloved Beloved Colleague Happy Anniversary Man Woman For 55 years

You got two A's from life today,
This means that you taught the laws of life very well.
We wish to continue to breathe deeply,
So that when you are a hundred years old they tell you: “Well done, keep it up!”

Now your life diary
I'm not ashamed to show people -
It only has excellent ratings,
It contains gold: “five” and “five”!

And let it only bring pride
Everyone has a wonderful diary.
Fate is a very strict teacher,
But you are a worthy student!

There is no doubt, you make a lot of plans,
After all, the age is at least fifty-five!
Let there be enough spirit and banknotes in your pockets,
You have a lot of persistence!

Fate, like a book, flips through your age:
Fifty pages! Five more in an instant.
The anniversary opens a new novel for her,
And it contains only one adventure:

Pursuit of happiness, flight of dreams
And the search for priceless treasure...
Let them worry no less as the years go by
Stories with sex scenes!

Life today gave you two A's - 55. We applaud your anniversary and wish that all your coming years, of which there will be the same number, be illuminated by the stars of success, love, health and the stars of excellent cognac.

Fifty-fifth anniversary
I gathered your guests to the table.
We wish you sincere laughter,
Health and success in everything,
Let the money, flying in a cloud,
They brazenly go into your pockets in bunches!

You have two A's - you are an excellent student,
Today we will organize a public holiday.
May your soul be filled with joy,
Life is good in moments like these.

Let your fantasies be bold,
And the heart dances joyfully in anticipation.
Today you can be naughty and sin,
After all, living without sin means not living at all!

Congratulations, this is the first five that life gave you in the second half-century. We wish you to pass life exams only with excellent marks, and after passing, celebrate this event with friends.

Anniversary - two A's, excellent squared.
We are sending you fins for this significant date!
Congratulations, get ready for swimming!
After all, we wish you an ocean of positivity!

Two A's - a magnificent anniversary,
Congratulations and I wish you many years to come!
I give you this verse of praise from my heart,
After all, such words warm like a blanket!

I wish you strength, more inspiration,
To continue to perform feats!
And walk in the fresh air longer,
To surprise with heroic health!

Great age and a great anniversary! But celebrate it as if you were not even twenty: after all, at heart you are a young, mischievous boy, and two A’s only added experience and wisdom to you.

How much has it been reeled in, fifty already and five?
I won’t believe it for anything, you look younger!
Well, I hope you will continue to amaze with your agility,
Conquer the peaks quickly - so that the frost runs down your skin!

Anniversary, 55 - a solemn date,
Like ransom for a bride, like demobilization for a soldier.
And on this day the chamber of guests gathered here,
From a mechanic and a cook to a mayor and a deputy.

Busy days, work, schedule, people...
However, we will not summarize here,
We wish you a cheerful and bright mood
Don’t lose in life so that there is no stagnation!

Great anniversary with two A's! It was life that gave you such marks, and we want to celebrate him well, so that in five years and fifty and fifty-five you, remembering him, will always smile!

Alina Ogonyok

Woman! Happy anniversary to you
I am happy to congratulate you today!
Anyone who passed by will regret it!
It's better than a hundred awards

Your alluring smile!
Give it to everyone you meet!
Happiness is so fragile...
Love life and joy!

Today you are 55!
This is an unforgettable date!
The main thing is to understand the essence of age
And achieve the desired result! ©

Happy anniversary to you today,
Dear woman, congratulations!
55?! Be brave!
I wish you love and fidelity!

Let the admiring glances
Don't bother you!
There are no barriers to beauty!
And it’s simply impossible to take my eyes off your image!

Be bright and irresistible
Light, gentle, patient!
Cheerful and certainly happy,
And also – definitely a favorite! ©

55 is great!
Happy anniversary to you!
All the best to you!
Forward! You have become stronger!

After all, knowledge gives confidence,
Wisdom comes with age.
Fireworks are going off in your honor today,
After all, everyone is proud of you!

I wish you a beautiful life!
Make all your rivals jealous!
And don’t make idols for yourself!
It's simple: to the stars through thorns! ©

Happy anniversary!
The line has been passed.
You are only wiser with age,
And all this is not easy.
The autumn of life has come,
It's time for female maturity.
And we wish you well.
Let fortune smile
Any day will be magical
Stay forever young
From a melodious soul.

You are such a young beauty,
I'll go anywhere for this!
Proud and stately gait,
It's a pity, it's a little, a little thin!
Well, you and I still have time,
To correct this delicate moment!
You will be like a blooming chrysanthemum,
Tender, lush, means healthier!

You always look very blooming,
What are you doing, lady?
Your eyes are burning and your heart is burning,
And nothing is impossible!
You're cool and it's no secret
You can cope with any man you are!
55 - there is no limit for you,
Only with you we all have fun!

I congratulate you on your anniversary,
And please, pour it for us quickly!
Let joy flow through your veins,
And your laughter never ends!
Have a great dance afterwards
And spin us around in a round dance!
We are your eternal fans
Today we are waiting for your love!
When you were young you brought us all together
And today she gathered us all!

May your smile never
Doesn't leave the clear face!
There is nothing more beautiful in the world on ours,
I will exclaim this forever!
You are a true woman of the world,
Unearthly, majestic beauty,
Married with the Angels themselves,
With nature itself, you are on friendly terms!

May your happiness never end
After all, life is just beginning!
Two times only five,
And how many more of them there are to celebrate!
After all, you have just begun to live,
I finished my daily chores,
From all sides you have succeeded,
I've never been afraid of falling in my life!
You are a grandmother, wife and mother,
I wish you to be happy yourself!

Two fives in a postcard,
Today you are an excellent student.
Receive from us with a smile
Birthday girl ratings!
Excellent for children and family,
For his career - also five.
Your anniversary is symbolic
Let's start celebrating.
Congratulations and best wishes
Health and prosperity,
Let him play with fives
Diary of a bright life.

Happy Anniversary to you today
Let us tenderly congratulate you.
Let's warm our souls with warmth,
We will all hug you.
Our woman - a smile
It's impossible not to love.
We are with her bright, young
There is no need to be sad.
Everything will be fine with you
Like a postcard five and five
Look fabulous
I want to kiss you.

Please stop for a moment.
Now we will congratulate
(Name) happy birthday to us!
Today she is fifty-five!
We wish you a curly life,
Prosperous, healthy, carefree.
Let fate shout Bravo to you
May your happiness be endless.
Don't regret everything that happened,
Look forward with pride
Laugh at troubles
Good luck awaits you ahead.

“There is no dearer in the world,
There is nothing more beautiful in the world! "-
I am for you - grandma - alone
I'm composing these words.
You're always so kind to me
Participation in all matters,
Still young, slim, vigorous...
You are lucky to be a granddaughter!
And on this 55th anniversary
Take two more words:
Dear! Better not be sick
And be always healthy!

55 is a great date,
These numbers are a consonant duet.
Our birthday girl is winged,
There is no one more beautiful in the whole world!
We congratulate you on your anniversary!
You conquer life with yourself.
We will warm you with our love,
You will rush skyward!
Because you flutter like a bird,
And this anniversary suits you!
The years will not be frightened away by the distant border,
The horizon will help you become stronger.

It's like having two A's at school
Lined up together!
So much about you today
They speak good words!
You are beautiful, incomparable,
And you shine like a diamond!
You know how to rule your life
Illuminating us with happiness!
We wish you inspiration
Lights, music around,
To make life a wonderful song,
A hundred friends sang along!
So that everything is like in a fairy tale,
Another hundred years in a row,
And your eyes are radiant
As before, let them burn!

You are 55 today
It may not be easy to realize
Not a baba now
But before her, believe me,
Still a long way off!
Some unknown thief
I could steal your age forever!
In fact, you are still a flower,
You still have to bloom, bloom!
Find your meaning in life
You were able to at its source.
In Love at your doorstep
On this round anniversary
Of course, many friends
You will be surrounded at this hour!
After all, you are a beauty among us,
And your outfit for your birthday
Impeccable, without a doubt!
So be happy at this hour,
And visit us more often,
And we are always kind to you,
Happy birthday with all my heart!

There is no doubt, you make a lot of plans,
After all, the age is at least fifty-five!
Let there be enough spirit and banknotes in your pockets,
You have a lot of persistence!

Fate, like a book, flips through your age:
Fifty pages! Five more in an instant.
The anniversary opens a new novel for her,
And it contains only one adventure:

Pursuit of happiness, flight of dreams
And the search for priceless treasure...
Let them worry no less as the years go by
Stories with sex scenes!

Half a century and five more years -
Not a little, but not a lot!
How many victories have you lived?
And how much more we will achieve!

And at this time, brother, always
You were a reliable support
So be happy, dear
Always go straight!
