A girl's sexual preferences depend on her appearance! What kind of men do women choose?

“The fundamental instinct of a woman,” wrote Max Nordau, “attracts her irresistibly to an ordinary, average man who adheres to the views and habits of the wealthy bourgeois, conforms in everything to the demands of fashion and proves by the style and color of his tie that he stands at the height of his time If a man is vain and immodest, loves eloquence and shallow jokes, is always pleased with himself and despises others, is annoying, arrogant, corrupted in soul, devoid of decency, honor and common sense, and if he is, in addition, handsome and well-built, consider that he has all the qualities that can turn the heads of many women. 99 women out of a hundred will be irresistibly captivated by such a “masterpiece of nature” and will prefer him to any other, more gifted man.”

Indeed, in history we find too many examples of unfortunate family life brilliant men.

avderin c We all depend not on geniuses at all, he writes: “...But on the average. Even if we ourselves are geniuses.
Because the quality of governance of a country, the standard of living in it... do not depend on what outstanding managers, lawyers, economists... live and work in this country. They can write books from which neighboring ministers and presidents learn. And at the same time be completely unclaimed in their own country.
Specific countries are not governed by the best or most advanced citizens, but usually by very mediocre ones. It’s the average level of intelligence, tolerance... that determines how life is in this country.”

In this regard, Nikolai Berdyaev immediately comes to mind, who argued that Russia has - female soul. She longs for domination over herself, and therefore happily surrenders to the next rapist and tyrant. That is, Russia is irresistibly attracted “to an ordinary, average man who not too stupid and not too smart".

By the way, if you write a collective portrait of a Russian bureaucrat, it will completely coincide with the description of Max Nordau.

Hence the question: to what extent has the type of “new Russian” been formed? women's sympathies? A king is made by his retinue, and an official by his female entourage?

There used to be tsars in Russia got married to the kingdom. That is, the tsars married Russia as husband and wife. Apparently, this is still preserved in the collective unconscious of the people. marital relationship to power. This explains why there is no civil society in Russia.

How can a man understand that a woman likes him? How can a girl attract a guy? What gestures during communication can win over and not repel the interlocutor? All this is on the pages of the book. professional psychologist Nikolai Kudryashov. It presents the author's development, combining the theme of body language and the theme of hidden sexual signals in gestures. Using this method, Nikolai has already taught many people to better understand others and make a favorable impression on them.

After reading the book, you will learn what gestures and postures you need to use in a given situation, and learn how to apply them in ordinary life. In addition, with the help of gesture lessons, you will understand the feelings and thoughts of other people and will be able to choose the right line behavior when communicating with friends, when meeting the opposite sex, or during business negotiations.


Sexual preferences

or Triggers for orgasm

Everyone has their own preferences in sex. These are called orgasm triggers. It's kind of a switch. The trigger is responsible for whether orgasm occurs after sexual arousal or not.

For most women - individual preferences. To many moral standards do not allow one to open the horizons of sensuality. From a psychological point of view, there is one more point that prevents the “flight” of lovers. This somatization of internal psychological conflicts. It blocks the disclosure of the mentioned possibilities and is directly related to the motorization of the same internal conflicts.

The reasons for arousal and orgasm are individual: what lovers like is considered the norm - as long as there are no obsessive states, destructive or criminal behavior.

The main cause of conflicts and divorces is sexual dissatisfaction.

Sexual dissatisfaction, in turn, comes from the fact that most lovers have no idea what orgasm triggers or combinations thereof are preferred by their partners. They are prone to one preference, but receive as caresses what their partner desires. Therefore, in the methods of most sexologists, an effective path has now been determined: identifying individual triggers for orgasm, correcting extravagant and sometimes even obscene triggers, adjusting the adjusted triggers of lovers to each other.

This is especially true for women, since their body is genetically much more complex than a man’s. They may have very complex fantasies and preferences, which a man, even theoretically, is not always able to understand.

Meditative training “Detection of triggers for orgasm using figurative visualization of erogenous and non-erogenous zones during mental reproduction of sexual tactile sensations» provides a huge variety of trigger options and their combinations. Some of them need to be known at least theoretically.

There are several methods for stimulating a partner's sexual function. Intuitively, many lovers do everything right. But there are also those who this information necessary. In all these methods, the most important thing is to know how to make sure that the partner’s sexual function not only does not fade away, but is in an active state and is always ready for action. Then you will definitely get what you want. Maintaining it is work that requires skill, patience, and time. Are you ready for unimaginable costs? Will you be able to “step over” your own “I” in sexual preferences.

Your expenses in this sense are the key to long-term happiness. Sometimes you need to try to love something that you either don’t care about, or that causes inconvenience, stress, or even don’t like. The key to the technique is simple. Consistency in observations or surveys and knowledge of the details of how the partner likes to do it. Using the partner’s “erogenous code” and high-quality sex-role stimulation will lead to activity higher system movements, and you will gain access to the body's reserve capabilities.

Pay attention to your partner's caresses. Do the same in return!

After all, wanting to please, we usually offer our partner what we would like to receive ourselves: we regularly stimulate those erogenous zones that we ourselves like.

Sometimes we stimulate the same erogenous zones for ourselves when we wake up or are nervous. After sleep, they may not be perceived as erogenous, but they should be remembered. Often we engage in such “masturbation” unconsciously. Therefore, you just have to watch a person’s movements, his touches own body, when he wakes up, is nervous or scared, and part of the partner’s “erogenous code” will become clear.

Hair, ears, lips, neck, chest, genitals are areas where energy channels pass. Pet them as often as possible. A little knowledge, patience, affection and attention, and your partner’s “erogenous code” will become clear and accessible to you. And one more piece of advice.

Any sexual preferences against the backdrop of frank, passionate moans and screams will become even more preferable.

It is necessary to moan with preliminary soft sobs - this activates cleaning energy channels bodies. A man subconsciously perceives such sounds as admiration for him and his caresses. Methodology of “Preliminary kind words, soft moans, emotions and sobs” is studied as one of the 27 main types of orgasm.

How can such individual sexual preferences be reliably determined? How to determine them externally, without delving deeply into the essence of the problems of both partners? I answer: for example, with the help of motor skills, gestures, which are hidden sexual signals.

All the gestures described in this book are signs of orgasm triggers. For their high-quality reading, the knowledge of a specialist is required, and this is partly a limitation in their use. I chose the simpler path.

I suggest that those who need it simply adjust their gestures in the direction in which they want to develop in their relationship with their partner.

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Actually, these are not such secrets. Men often declare their desires, only in the manner of presenting the material they sometimes differ little from women, managing to veil their preferences in a very intricate way. For women, male tricks are not a problem. Another thing is that sometimes it is much more convenient to remain in ignorance. And then all the power of the male temperament falls on the pages of the Internet. Looking into them, we can draw some conclusions.

Leading position

As virtual surveys show, Most men are turned on by latex lingerie, striptease, slow petting and women's gasps during sex. Quite normal set for the average man, nothing extraordinary, super extravagant or extreme. And most importantly, their preferences fully correspond to women’s desires, perhaps with the exception of latex lingerie. This “luxury” is not present in every woman’s wardrobe. And it's okay. White lace panties, it turns out, also “go” well, yielding several positions to the shine of latex.

As for striptease - no discoveries, it is in demand in a huge number strip clubs spread across the vast expanses of our homeland. And since men like to watch us undress so much, why not give them this opportunity? The main thing is to learn how to do it correctly.

Men also refute the established myth about male egoism and inattention. They say that the main thing for them is to satisfy themselves, and as quickly as possible. Nothing like this! Men, it turns out, also love to amuse themselves with competent foreplay of love and are ready to devote half an hour or more to it. All this time they prefer to undress their partner with kisses and caresses, slowly bringing her to ecstasy.

As it turned out, there are not so many lovers of quick sex - only 7%. It is not clear why there are so many women’s complaints, interspersed next to men’s assurances of their “responsiveness.”

The main indicator female sexuality men consider “moans of passion.” The strength of the decibels, in their opinion, indicates male viability. But “guerrilla valor” during sex is not welcome. For a man's ego, it is much preferable to listen to all sorts of obscenities than to observe the complete silence of his partner. Some experts even believe that every woman expresses her exaltation in her own way; no two “moans” are identical.

Middle management

The “this way and that” section includes kisses, porn films, poses when a woman is on top or on the side and - attention! - oral sex. About the fact that men don't spend time kissing worthy of attention we women know. Men, in turn, do not understand our attachment to this species pleasures. After all, for many representatives of the fairer sex, kissing is sometimes much more important than sexual intercourse, and this, according to men’s standards, is completely “out of the question.” In order to respect our affection, they, it turns out, are not averse to pampering their mistresses with their ability to kiss, but they really ask us not to exclude sexual intercourse.

In the abundance of sexual positions, everyone undoubtedly has their own preferences. And the puritanical integrity of the “missionary classics” is far from being in the forefront. Men like the position when they are from behind (30%). The cowgirl position is not far behind. And it’s not bad for men if all this “disgrace” is illuminated by the soft light of candles or a night light. Sex in pitch darkness, as in full light, is equally discouraged.

67% versus 33% preferred traditional sexual intercourse to the detriment of oral sex, separate condition stipulating the indispensable presence of oral sex.


The list is rounded off by cool scenes from erotic movies, conversations during intercourse, daytime sex and excessive shyness of the partner.

The fact that most men cannot stand tear-sweet erotic stories is no secret to the bigwigs of the film business. They do not hide the fact that caramel movie fairy tales with a small dose of “strawberry” are intended for female “use.” For men, there is a separate industry of porn cinema. However, this genre has many fans among ladies.

A woman’s ability to ruin the “high” during love intercourse with extraneous conversations drives men into a frenzy. In fact, only a woman can, in a moment of exaltation, suddenly inform her partner that her mother is coming to visit tomorrow (with whom he is in a perpendicular relationship), or that she bought new shoes with the money she saved for a car. In principle, men don’t mind listening to our news and discussions, but only after sex.

Sexologists believe that the best time for “sexual activity” is 3-4 pm. However, it is difficult to “promote” sex at this time not only for women, but, as it turns out, for men as well. The leading positions, and by a large margin - 60%, are held by evening sex, morning sex - 30%, There are very few people who want to make love during the day. Moreover, the majority normal people at this time he is at work, which technically makes it extremely difficult to implement the recommendations of sexologists.

Men don't mind satisfying women's desires, we just need to let them know what we want. Considering women's modesty, they agree to be content with hints, and not complicated ones. You just need to take his hand and direct it to " Right place“, and he himself will figure out what needs to be done. Women's modesty satisfies only 3% of respondents, who believe that they know how to please a lady even without additional hints.

In a fantasy world

It wouldn’t hurt to find out what our men dream about, what they hover around sexual fantasies. Yes around threesome (64%)! Options vary only regarding the candidacy of a third party. Some see this role as a friend of their beloved woman, others as a dancer from a strip bar, and still others as a casual acquaintance. 26% dream of being tied up at least once in their life (handcuffed) and given over to the will of a woman's fantasy. A slightly smaller number of gentlemen would like to tie their girlfriend. And almost everything (85%) they want to one day hear from a woman’s lips some deliciously obscene proposal to have sex.

Review prepared by Joanna BENEVETSKAYA
