Statuses with meaning about the family: original statements. Statuses about family - beautiful quotes with meaning about family and children

The new collection includes beautiful sayings about family, love, relationships and feelings.

A person who builds his house on one heart builds it on a fire-breathing mountain. People who base all the good of their lives on family life build a house on sand. (A.I. Herzen)

Those who love the truth must seek love in marriage, that is, in love without illusions. Camus A.

Ma famille est toujours dans mon coeur. My family is always in my heart.

Marriage is a means of saving oneself from passion in love. ( MM. Prishvin)

A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. (A. Morua)

Marriage follows love like smoke follows fire. (S. Chamfort)

Marriage is an agreement whose terms are reviewed and reaffirmed daily. (B. Bardo)

In family life, the main thing is patience ... Love cannot last long. (A.P. Chekhov)

A family is not only related by blood. ()

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that your family loves you, loves you because we are who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.

Family is not the blood that flows in you. These are the ones you love and who love you.

“In family life, everyone should forget himself completely, think only about others - such an attitude of family members to each other welds the family together so that they all feel that it is impossible for each of them to live without others. ( Righteous Alexy Mechev)

"Life with a wife is not easy, but life without her is generally impossible." ( Mark Porcius Cato the Elder)

“When you love, you do not want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, in less than two months, the spring water becomes bitter.” (Stendhal)

“From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and nurtured us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and get them out!” (Leonardo da Vinci)

“A just husband commands his wife not as a master of property, but as a soul over a body: considering her feelings and invariably benevolently.” (Plutarch)

"A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word the wife hasn't said." (Alfred Hitchcock)

A wise wife is a strong attraction of family happiness. (Konstantin Madej)

A wise woman multiplies blessings, her family prospers at all times. (Konstantin Madej)

There is nothing stronger than a mother's request. /Greek proverb/

(E. Zola)

Just as branches and fruits adorn a tree, and a dense forest decorates a mountain, so a husband is adorned by his children and his wife. A man who has no brothers, no wife, no sons is insignificant in the eyes of his enemies. It is like a tree growing at a crossroads: every passer-by plucks its fruit, all the animals of the field devour it. (Ahikar)

Acceptance of a person as he is, with his habits and views is the highest wisdom of family life. (Ilya Shevelev)

Irrigated by women's tears, family life does not bear fruit well. (Boris Kovalerchik)

A separate purse for spouses is a thing as unnatural as a separate bed. (Joseph Addison)

The family is not a cell of the state. The family is the state. (Sergey Dovlatov)

The family is one of the masterpieces of nature. (George Santayana)

Conjugal love, which goes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary. (Francois Mauriac)

Marriage is an art and must be renewed every day . (R. Tagore.)

Only husband and wife together form the reality of man; husband and wife together is the existence of the race, for their union is the source of the multitude, the source of other people. (Ludwig Feuerbach)

Only the family is able to teach a person not to tremble before public opinion or some kind of authority, showing respect for them, but reserving the right to his own position. Happy are the children of such families. (Victor Shepel)

Value unanimity in the family above all, and do everything in this way and direct it so that peace and silence are constantly preserved in marriage. Then the children will imitate the virtues of their parents, and virtue will flourish throughout the house, and there will be prosperity in all matters. (St. John Chrysostom)

The feeling of security, no less than the feeling of love, strengthens the foundation of the family. (Ilya Shevelev)

Recently, I have been returning to my family - mother, father, brothers ... That which I once gave without hesitation for creativity, for independence, for some distant high shores, which, after a long journey to them, turned out to be bare rocks. And then I realized that by the end of the path, only the dear one with which you started this path remains. Everything else is shaky... (Dina Rubina)

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Family - this is what it is worth waking up every day, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect ...

The main thing in life is family. Career - does not wait for you at home, money - will not wipe your tears, and fame - will not hug you at night.

Family is the only real wealth.

The main secret of a successful marriage is to see accidents in misfortunes, and not to perceive accidents as misfortunes. (G. Nicholson)

Family is not defined by blood relationship, family is those whom you care about.

For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just one pretty appearance is enough.

A person devoted to drunkenness reveals more shaky views on honor, customs and decency, is indifferent to moral clashes, to the ruin of his family, to the contempt of his fellow citizens; he becomes a cruel egoist and a cynic.

If the family is not filled with children's cries, they are more than compensated by adults.

As long as the spouses are connected by passion, they will always be at peace, despite serious disagreements. (E. Zola)

A wife who does not lead her husband forward will certainly push him back. (D. Mill)

Society as such does not exist: there are only men and women. Oh yes, more families.

A woman in the family is like a translator: she understands both baby talk and drunken nonsense.

Somewhat frightened and alarmed, love becomes more tender, more caring, from the egoism of two it becomes not only the egoism of three, but the self-sacrifice of two for the third; family starts with children.

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness. (E. Zola)

Ingratitude is the most vile, but at the same time the most primordial - this is the ingratitude of children to their parents. (L.K. Vovenarg)

No matter how respectfully the female half of your family treats you, no matter how much she appreciates your dignity and authority, secretly she always looks at you like a donkey and has something like pity for you.

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family. You can't replace a family with money, a career, or friends. The family is like an element of a puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will take shape.

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. (T. Hesberg)

My family is my strength and my weakness.

Life is love… Love is a family… Family is children, they are the most important thing in life…

Whoever got a good son-in-law, he got a son, and whoever got a bad one, he also lost his daughter. (Democritus)

A family is strong where there are no possessions of the letter I, where only the word WE rules, where there are joint dreams.

Who is the head of the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to keep the family alive.

Man and woman are an eternal battle. Love lasts until there is no winner, until one has spoken out completely and there is a mystery. And when someone lost, and the other did not show it and began to tactfully support the weakest, then a family arises.

Marrying without tying yourself in anything is a betrayal. ( Montaigne M.)

In my opinion, marriage and its bonds are either the greatest good or the greatest evil; there is no middle. ( Voltaire)

A wife is not a lover, but a friend and companion of our life, and we must first accustom ourselves to the idea of ​​loving her both when she becomes an old woman and when she becomes an old woman. ( V.G. Belinsky)

Truly knows a person and only the family is faithful to him to the end.

Family life, perhaps, is never a continuous holiday. Know how to share not only joys, but also grief, misfortune, misfortune. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Family - that's what matters most, that's what makes my heart beat.

To create a family, it is enough to fall in love. And to save - you need to learn to endure, forgive and understand!

The main idea and goal of family life is the upbringing of children. The main school of education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Family - this is if you guess by the sound who exactly washes in the shower.

Family is not where everything is perfect, but this is the place where they forgive each other!

One who is in love with himself cannot be capable of true love. Selfishness is a terrible vice that poisons love. If you are selfish, it is better not to create a family.

Family is not necessarily relatives, but also friends, and all those who are dear to you.

In a family, it does not happen that the spouses do not influence each other. Where there is love, this happens easily, and where there is no love, the use of violence causes what we call tragedy. (Tagor R.)

Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond in your life.

The family starts with children. (A.I. Herzen)

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word the wife does not say. (A. Hitchcock)

Marriage cannot be happy if the spouses do not know each other's manners, habits and characters to perfection before entering into the union. (O. Balzac)

Happiness is when you don't have time to access the Internet, because you constantly spend time with your family.

Marriage is a long conversation punctuated by arguments. (R. Stevenson)

A successful marriage is a building that needs to be reconstructed every day. (A. Morua)

La famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours.-Family is always in my heart.

Article topic: beautiful sayings about family, children, marriage and of course about love ...

Relatives are the greatest wealth that a person possesses. That is why a large number of all kinds of statements and aphorisms are devoted to the cell of society. To replenish your arsenal of beautiful sayings, you can use the statuses with meaning about the family proposed in the article.

Beautiful statuses about the family

Statuses about a family with meaning are all the more attractive, the more capacious and original they are.

  • "What is the most expensive gift your parents gave you? - Life."
  • "If you have at least one person waiting at home, you are no longer alone."
  • "There is no place for selfishness in the family."
  • “I don’t believe it when they say that the Guardian Angel cannot be seen. I see mine every day. This is my mother.”
  • "You don't need to educate your children. Educate yourself. They will still look like you."
  • "The future spouse should be treated like parents: do not look for a new one after a quarrel."
  • "Native people are the roots of a person."
  • "Unity of purpose is the key to the unity of spouses."
  • "The only place where forgiveness can always be found is in the family."
  • "A good person promises happiness to another before starting a family. A bad person is waiting for him."
  • "In a happy family, they understand that the trouble shared with another is half the trouble, and the joy shared with another is two joys."
  • "The realization of this important thing comes with time - you need to value health and parents. As long as they exist."

meaningful: short

  • "To resolve a difficult situation in a marriage, you should first ask yourself the question:" What is more important - to be right or happy?
  • "Even if with the advent of a child, peace, sleep, time have disappeared in the family, there is something that will remain forever - happiness."
  • "It is easy to surprise with a beautiful wedding. It is more difficult to surprise with a long and happy marriage."
  • "Lucky is the one whose personal life has become family."
  • "A family is possible if only both actors. If one is already a theater."
  • "The hands of parents are the embodiment of tenderness and care."
  • "In the circle of relatives, for the first time you will learn what "we" is.
  • "Happiness in the family is a gift from the Almighty. The most valuable gift."
  • "There is no permanent calm in the family. The main thing is to remember where your shore is."
  • "Relatives may not always be right. But they always remain relatives."

Funny statuses about family

It doesn't have to be serious. Sometimes statuses with a meaning about the family with humor carry an equally important message.

  • “When my relatives are nearby, I don’t even need social networks.”
  • "In a happy marriage, the neuroticism of the spouses coincides."
  • "To be happy, spouses need to forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night - that they are spouses."
  • "In a happy family, everything is stable. First, sex every day, after the wedding - every year."
  • "Parents are always waiting for children. First - their birth, then - from a nightclub."
  • "In happy families, everything rests on communication. Here, our dad talks to a car, mom talks to flowers, sister talks to dolls, I talk to a phone and a computer."
  • "Why would a family argue about who is in charge? Let everyone secretly consider himself the head."

Statuses with meaning about the family can be used to express your feelings to loved ones. It can be not only a post in social networks. It will be very nice to receive a note to another person with such a phrase, left in the morning on a coffee table, a letter with this text to work. The main thing is improvisation and the desire to surprise. And statuses with a meaning about the family are just a tool in the hands of a loving person.

You certainly didn't ask them to become your kin, and that's not even a trade deal. But of the billions of people on our planet, they are the ones who know you best. These are the ones who cherish you and who you should love in return, whether it's biological or adopted family.

It's easy to forget about her from time to time, but family is the most important thing in the world. It includes your marriage partner, your mother, father, siblings, grandparents, and other relatives. These are the ones for whom we have unconditional love.

Of course, these deep relationships can bring a lot of baggage and pain, given their complexity and importance in our lives. It is therefore not surprising that throughout history, people from all walks of life have pondered the complexities and puzzles of family relationships. And we will get acquainted with their reflections on the complex nature of family ties.

Quotes About Family And Family Values

  • There is no such thing as "trial families". A family is a family and is not defined by marriage certificates, divorce or adoption documents. The family is created in the hearts and the only time when it becomes “zero” is when the created connections in the heart are reduced. But even if you hate these connections, these people will still be your relatives, because everything that you hate will always be with you. (C. JoyBell C)
  • Family quarrels are bitter things. They do not follow any rules and do not look like pains or wounds. They are more like non-healing skin tears due to the fact that there is not enough material for them to heal. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  • Family is the most important thing in life. One of these days I will be in a hospital in the middle of four walls around me. And the only people who will be with me are my relatives. (Robert Byrd)
  • Family is the only stable cornerstone I know. As well as the only truly working institution that I know of is the family. (Lee Iacocca)
  • Dignity can only flourish in an atmosphere where individual differences are valued, mistakes are made, communication is open, and rules are flexible. This is the atmosphere that is found in a well-bred family. (Virginia Satir)
  • Cousins ​​are usually the first friends we have since childhood. Therefore, no one will ever understand your crazy family better than your cousins, even if you haven't talked to each other lately. (Unknown)
  • Love your loved ones. Spend time together, be kind, and serve each other. Leave no room for regrets. Since tomorrow is not promised to us, and today is short. (Unknown)
  • In every dispute between a parent and a child, both cannot be right; as a rule, they can be wrong. It is this situation that gives family life its peculiar hysterical charm. (Isaac Rosenfeld)
  • No matter what you have done for yourself or for humanity, if you cannot look back on the love and attention shown to your family, then you have not really done anything. (Elbert Hubbard) (Many found interesting, I advise you to read).

Short family quotes with meaning

  • When everything goes to hell, the people who stand next to you without flinching are your family. (Jim Butcher)
  • At the end of the day, a loving family must find a reason for everyone to forgive. (Mark W. Olsen)
  • One day you will do for me everything you hate. This is what it means to be a family. (Jonathan Safran Foer)
  • The family circle should be our safe haven. But very often this is the place where we find the deepest heartache. (Iyanla Vanzant)
  • That's what family members who love you do. They hug you and love it when you're not so attractive. (Deb Caletti)
  • I think family is where the funniest and least respectable things in the world happen. (Hugo Betty)

  • The family must work as a team, supporting each other's individual goals and aspirations. (Buzz Aldrin)
  • You leave home to seek your fortune, and when you acquire it, you go home and share it with your family. (Anita Baker)
  • God created the family to provide a person with maximum love, support and morality. This is the best example imaginable. (Jerry Falwell)
  • Family is not just an important thing, it is everything. (Michael J. Fox)
  • Culture is transmitted through the family and when this institution fails to function properly, the result is a deterioration of the culture. (Mario Vargas Llosa)

Beautiful quotes about family

  • The family can only develop with a loving woman as its center. (Karl Wilhelm Friedrich)
  • Family life cannot be preserved by the spirit of justice. Rather, it is supported by a spirit of love that goes beyond justice. (Reinhold Niebuhr) (I recommend reading).
  • You were born in your family, and your family was born in you. No returns and no exchanges. (Elizabeth Berg)
  • When you raise a boy, you want to raise a man out of him. When you raise a woman, you raise a whole family. (Robert M. Masiver)
  • Try to love the members of your family as much as possible. Because when you are in trouble, they will stay by your side without expecting anything in return. (Unknown)
  • No family is perfect... we argue, we fight. We sometimes stop talking to each other. But, in the end, our household is a family in which there will always be love. (Unknown)
  • A loving family is a dear octopus, from whose tentacles we never run away and do not even desire it in our own hearts. (Dodi Smith)
  • Families are the compass that guides us. They are an inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort when we sometimes falter. (Brad Henry)
  • Many men can make a fortune, but only a few can build a family. (JS Bryan)

  • Being a family means being part of something very wonderful. This means that you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. (Lisa Vedn)
  • When you grow up, you'll realize that you pretty much only had eighteen years to spend a full time with your family, and that's it. (Mindy Kalin)
  • Every dynasty has a story that is passed on to children and grandchildren. The story grows over the years, mutates, some parts are sharpened, others are forgotten, and often, therefore, there are disputes about what really happened. But even with these different sides of the same story, there is still agreement that this is a family story. And in the absence of other narratives, she becomes the flagpole on which family life rests. (AM HOMES)

Proverbs about the family for children and adults

  1. The one who is responsible for the family knows the responsibility. (Chinese proverb)
  2. A family that lives in harmony will prosper in everything. (China)
  3. It's easy to rule a kingdom, but it's hard to manage your family. (China)
  4. A man cannot get rich if he does not take care of his family. (Navajo proverb)
  5. Even the maid has a family. (South African)
  6. No one but the mule denies his family. (Arabic)
  7. Dine with a stranger, but keep your love for your own family. (Ethiopian)
  8. In a good family, the husband is deaf and the wife is blind. (French)
  9. Look for good, not evil, in the behavior of family members. (Jewish)
  10. The dog shows affection even to a poor family. (Chinese)
  11. You can eat and drink with your family, but you can't count or measure. (German)
  12. Returning from a trip, do not forget to bring something to your family, even if it is just a stone. (Lebanese proverb)
  13. Manage the family as you cook tender fish - very carefully. (Chinese)
  14. There is always one black spot in the pot of every family. (Chinese)

Aphorisms about the family

  • Going somewhere will be much easier when you know that your relatives will be happy to go with you.
  • If my family is unhappy, then I'm doing something wrong.
  • Relatives endow us with amazing courage in the struggle for life.
  • Where is it really best for a person if not in the bosom of his kind.
  • My family is my religion.
  • If you hate your family, you hate God. For the family, this is a gift from him.
  • No matter how poor a person is, if he has relatives, he is rich.
  • Families are like fiction - mostly sweet and even with a few nuts.
  • Dynasty is a treasure chest that is worth more than a mountain of gold.
  • The family is like branches on a tree, where we all develop in different directions, but our roots remain the same.
  • A happy family is like the morning sky.

  • In a family life where the husband is pleased with his wife and the wife with her husband, happiness will undoubtedly continue.
  • Deep conversations and exchanges in family life show that we do not take others for granted.
  • Family is a refuge in a heartless world.
  • Better a loving family with one parent than the "ordinary" one, where the parents hate each other, and the father is a demagogue.

Aphorisms about family and family values ​​with deep meaning

  • The strength of the clan, like the strength of the army, lies in its loyalty to each other.
  • Family life is a school of duty based on love.
  • The best legacy that humanity can leave to the world is the preservation of family ties.
  • Disorder in society is the result of disorder in family life.
  • Family values ​​are a bit like family vacations. Even though it rained all day on the beach, it's often the happy memories we remember.

  • Family life is not a computer program that works by itself. It requires constant monitoring from all household members.
  • The goal of everyone in the family is to be sympathetic.
  • Strong families do not arise on their own - it is the hard work of all household members.
  • In family life, without a good mutual exchange of thoughts between spouses, life turns into a simple cohabitation. (Many interesting thoughts can be found in, which we advise you to read).
  • A stencil, a template, a one-size-fits-all haircut in a family is the worst manifestation of indifference, negligence and injustice to household members.
  • Morally and spiritually cultured people grow up in families where there is a deep respect for the book.
  • Family monotony quickly tires.
  • It happens that people go far to look for what they have at home.
  • Sometimes the cold silence of the household is louder than the scream.
  • Most often, family disputes only root the opinion of the disputing parties.


There are people who you consider number 1 in your life, even if there is an infinite distance between you. These are the ones you can always count on. Without asking why or interrupting you, they will readily come to your aid or listen to you talk about your troubles on the phone. Without further comment, they listen to you silently.

However, there will always be times that they will also need help - a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes we instinctively react without question or judgement, as our natural feelings guide us. We do for them voluntarily what they would do for us. But sometimes there are no suitable words to express their feelings to them.

Therefore, at these moments, just remember these quotes about family and family values, aphorisms and proverbs, choosing from them those that can most clearly convey your feelings to people close to you.

Statuses with a meaning about the family are for those who can endure, love and hope.

Creating a happy family is harder than building a career

  1. The longer the marriage, the greater the difference between husband and goldfish.
  2. You need to create a family that is not inferior in importance to the one in which you yourself were born.
  3. Strong families are built not by beautiful, and not smart, but by patient ones.

If your marriage was built on love, and not on calculation, set the status of "family" with meaning.

  1. There are times when you don't even need to think about your family. And there is a time when you can’t think about anything but her ...
  2. The birthplace of happiness is where there is a loved one.
  3. Only where the husband and wife truly love each other, morally healthy children grow up.

Statuses about a family with meaning - for those who believe that everything rests on it.

  1. It doesn't matter how many problems you have. It is important that you have someone to come with them in the evening.
  2. If you have a family, and there are also children in it, serious work awaits you.
  3. Shifting responsibility or solving the problem together is always your choice.

If you are proud of your marriage, then feel free to put statuses about family and children with meaning.

  1. That family is the strongest, which was created after long wanderings.
  2. In a world where we can choose, maintaining a relationship is much more difficult.
  3. In adulthood, you have to choose what to sacrifice: family or for the sake of the family.

For a serious relationship, it's what's on the inside that counts, not what's on the outside.

Beautiful statuses about a family with meaning - for those who do not expect, but create happiness.

  1. If each of us is a little crazy, it is important to find the same crazy soul mate.
  2. If you want to save more happiness, quickly look for someone with whom you share it.
  3. Loving the people you see every day is not easy. But otherwise, no way.

Happiness is when there is someone to fall asleep in an embrace on cold winter nights. This will be discussed in statuses about family and children with meaning.

  1. When you fall asleep hugging your husband and child, you understand that you definitely did something in this life not in vain.
  2. A caring family, oddly enough, exists where everyone takes care of each other.
  3. Some people are not adapted to family life. And this is a fact.

Short statuses about a family with meaning - for the happy, and for those who are only looking for happiness.

  1. To create a family, you need to have kindness, and at the same time - the core.
  2. You need to invest in your family. And not only money.
  3. When children are born out of love, it shows.

Taking a break from each other is also a good thing.

If you think that love has no obstacles, then quickly set short beautiful statuses about the family with meaning.

  1. Where you are loved, but you are not, it is incredibly dreary.
  2. Your happiness in your new family depends too much on your old one.
  3. Marriage for love is one that is less often regretted later.

Statuses about family and happiness with meaning - if you have something to say to others.

  1. Some dreams inspire, and some break families. It's important to see the difference.
  2. If you think someone's family is happy, it doesn't mean that its members also think so.
  3. When you find happiness in marriage, you realize that you didn’t have to look for it anywhere else.

If you want to create a happy union, family statuses with meaning may help you.

  1. Love is not in the number of family photos, but in how your soul mate behaves when you get sick.
  2. If your friends communicate normally with your husband or wife, then you are already happy.
  3. The more shocks you are ready for, the more of them you can survive.

New statuses about a family with meaning - for those who are lost in doubts.

  1. You must be loved for who you are. This is the only way to have a strong family.
  2. Children are happiness. But you won't understand this while you're still a child.
  3. What is harmony in relationships? This is when a woman feels happy ...

Each of us will understand that the main thing is the family. Some earlier, some later

A husband or wife from God is just a dream. Everything else needs to be worked on. This will be discussed in the statuses about family life with meaning.

  1. The skill of upbringing is in the ability to trust your own child.
  2. The difference, and from this - and the advantage of children from all other relatives - is that they absolutely do not care what you think of them
  3. Sexual relations should be between spouses, not between their brains...

Statuses about family life with meaning - for those who are lucky to see their loved ones every day.

  1. A parent is a person who must answer a sufficient number of questions. But not for everything.
  2. A family should be created by two for each other. For the third, but not for him.
  3. Every young person should walk freely. And think about what's next...

Your loved ones need not only your presence, but also attention. Keep this in mind when setting the status of a happy family with meaning.

  1. Everything is fine in your family if you take care of each other even when you are at odds.
  2. Love in marriage is not at all the same as in the period of falling in love. But it also exists.
  3. Our task is to become such parents that our children could be proud of.
  4. We will always find something to reproach our parents with, as well as to thank.

And most importantly, don't forget to tell your loved ones how much you love them.

Remind your family how much you love and appreciate them! You can write to each of them, or you can inform everyone at once by posting interesting beautiful statuses about the whole family or about each of its members individually.

Relatives are those people who will always support you in difficult times, will never be blamed for the mistake you made, and for this you can thank them forever. So it's time to take action! Say thank you to all your household members by posting meaningful family statuses on your social media page. Let everyone see how much you appreciate dear people. Don't have a page in social networks? (It can’t be!) Read our beautiful quotes to your loved ones from the sheet and you don’t have to look for a reason for this, just come up and tell everything that you managed to remember or pick up your words, one way or another your efforts will be appreciated.

Surprise and show your love with beautiful family statuses

Do not abuse funny statuses about the family, otherwise the information will not be perceived as intended. limit yourself to a few of the most original phrases that we have collected for you and it will have a stunning effect! Tears of joy, smiles, laughter, delight! With us you will always find something to say. We are constantly updating the database to keep up to date. When you need special words, you could find them on our website!

Remember also that each family member should find a certain approach. After all, everyone has an individual character, and a joke about a grandfather. At which all the grandchildren will laugh, the very elder of the house can be hurt to the core! That is why we have selected for you only positive and funny statuses about the family, so that everyone can laugh heartily! You can talk about a lot, it is important to emphasize the essence! We will definitely help you with this as well. Looking at us, you will understand that you were offended by your mother or father in vain, you will see in some expressions your actions, which were not always exemplary, and most importantly, you will learn to understand your circle of loved ones, our statuses about the family with meaning, be sure You will be taught this.

A quote on the Internet will certainly say a lot, but the best way is to come up and hug your loved one.
