Wedding decorations in burgundy color. How to make a burgundy decoration of the hall for a wedding - ideas and examples

Colored weddings came to us from the West and gained great popularity because such a ceremony always looks bright and festive. All shades of burgundy speak of confidence, success and refined taste of a person who chooses this style.

The choice of burgundy color as the main one implies the correct design of the hall and the festive table: all tones should be in harmony with each other and complement each other, so a wedding in this color is a responsible event.

Burgundy decoration of the wedding hall with fabric, flowers, balls and other accessories

Shades of burgundy symbolize strength of character, confidence, personality integrity, sophistication and charm.

Often cafes and restaurants are decorated in shades of burgundy, so it will not be difficult to hold a celebration. Cherry color goes well with white, beige, green, coral,.

Chiffon, silk, organza and other light fabrics are used to decorate the wedding hall. Draperies falling from the ceiling onto the walls look very beautiful against the background of a white tablecloth and decor elements made in lighter colors.

Behind the table of the newlyweds, an arch is installed, decorated with greenery and flowers of burgundy, red, pink.

Bouquets with roses, asters, dahlias, tulips, peonies and other flowers in small vases are placed on the tables.

A cheaper option for decorating the hall is with artificial flowers and paper pompoms. Decor can be made by hand or purchased at the store. Pompoms are collected in and hung from the ceiling at different heights. They are also used to decorate arches, backdrops and walls.

No wedding is complete without posters. They are ordered in a printing house or painted with their own hands. They decorate posters with congratulatory verses, photographs from the life of the newlyweds, you can do it with funny inscriptions under the photo. The poster looks interesting, which shows in photographs the path of the young from acquaintance to marriage. filled with helium will emphasize the festive atmosphere.

They can be of various shapes: oval, round, in the form of hearts and other figures.

Arches decorated with balls with a matte surface look stylish. From balloons, you can order any composition - it can be figurines of the bride and groom, flowers, swans, funny cartoons.

A cherry wedding held in nature looks beautiful. The venue for the celebration can be a beautiful lawn, a cherry orchard or a restaurant terrace. Nature itself will become the decoration of the holiday, it will be necessary to add only a few thematic accents to all its splendor.

The right combination of burgundy color with lighter shades contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of wealth and comfort in the banquet hall.

The harmonious combination of burgundy with beige and orange will impress guests and energize everyone present.

Table decoration in burgundy - how to choose decor

Burgundy color refers to rich, heavy shades. Therefore, when decorating a table, the main thing is not to overdo it with color.

A table with white or milky tablecloths looks beautiful, on which bouquets of a burgundy shade are arranged, diluted with beige, yellow and orange flowers.

Chairs are dressed in light covers, bows of burgundy ribbon are tied on the backs and a bouquet of flowers is attached.

Candles in golden candlesticks and vases with flowers will create a holiday atmosphere.

Small gifts to guests in the form of small fruit baskets are decorated with ribbons, hearts, photographs of the newlyweds.

Glasses and decorate not necessarily in the style of the celebration theme - the main thing is that they look rich and spectacular. Ribbons, braid, rhinestones, pearls, etc. are used as decor.

The table of the young stands out against the general background and is distinguished by the richness of decoration. In the same style, you can decorate the place of the meal of the parents of the young. The dishes are chosen in white with an unobtrusive cherry ornament. Gold or silver glasses will emphasize the saturation of the main color of the wedding ceremony.

Fruits, drinks, cake will become a themed table decoration. Cherries, strawberries, red grapes, burgundy wines, drinks and desserts will be a great addition to the table decoration.

Cover with mastic or cherry impregnation. Its surface can be garnished with whole cherries and strawberries. Ice cream is poured with cherry syrup and sprinkled with chocolate on top.

How to decorate a hall for a cherry wedding

When decorating the hall, it is taken into account that the burgundy color refers to saturated, warm shades.

With an excess of this color, the room seems smaller. The decoration of the hall with fabrics with geometric patterns, decorated with velvet, will harmoniously fit into the atmosphere of a bohemian burgundy wedding. The highlight will be a large white piano in the hall for the celebration and a pianist in a burgundy suit.

For a classic wedding ceremony, it is better to avoid large patterns on fabrics. Thin golden and silver streaks are suitable as decor. Velvet is used in the form of ribbons on bouquets, substrates for plates, bows on the backs of chairs.

Flower arrangements in vases on the table can be a small copy of the bride's bouquet. Real flowers look more bright and elegant than artificial ones.

The burgundy color looks interesting in combination with pink, lilac and. It is better to choose lighter shades - they visually expand the room. Dilute rich tones by adding decorative elements of silver, beige, gold.

The burgundy color is considered royal - you can emphasize the richness and luxury of the ceremony by placing menu cards decorated with monograms near each guest.

Silk fabrics are suitable for decorating a romantic wedding and a holiday in the boho style.

They are used in the design of the backdrop, which will serve as a backdrop for photographs of the newlyweds with guests.

In the design of the hall for a wedding in modern and rustic style, burgundy cotton with prints is used. Vases with flowers, forged elements, natural materials serve as decor.

This video clearly shows how you can decorate a banquet hall in the color of marsala or burgundy:

No wedding is complete without flowers. Floral arrangements of flowers of burgundy shades will give the hall an impression of splendor and severity.

Bordeaux is ideal for decorating a wedding ceremony held in the autumn-winter period. For summer and spring celebrations, cherry blossoms are used only as an accent; in these cases, the main elements of decor are more delicate shades.

In the wake of themed weddings, the idea of ​​organizing “colored” celebrations has become quite popular. Usually gentle shades are chosen for this: light green, cream, yellow, pink. They traditionally personify the romantic mood and love of the future family.
What associations does the burgundy shade cause in you? Of course, first of all, it is the color of aristocratic nobility, mature passion and a rich life. Then why not such an alluring shade become the basis for decorating your wedding?

Burgundy wedding: invitation

An invitation card is the first thing that will be evidence of a wedding celebration for guests. Therefore, it is she who is the bearer of the style of the wedding. In invitations, the selected shade must certainly dominate in the form of the main background or design elements.

It will not be superfluous to provide information about the dress code in the invitation, which will further emphasize the exclusivity of your wedding. In order for guests to support the concept of the celebration, you can indicate the need to arrive at the wedding in the chosen range of clothes or simply having an accessory of the desired color with you. For example, for women it can be scarves or burgundy jewelry, for men - ties.

Wedding in burgundy: the outfits of the bride and groom

See also

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the images of the bride and groom, as the main characters of the upcoming event. Modern ideas about how a couple of newlyweds should look have long gone from the traditional framework. Today, novelty and creativity are welcomed in the clothes and style of the young.

To emphasize the chosen style of the wedding, the bride can be dressed in a burgundy outfit. Dresses with an elongated hem and a fitted silhouette are best suited for this shade. Flared styles, stylized as the robes of the Middle Ages, will also come in handy.

If the outfit of the future wife is traditionally white, then there are a huge number of options in order to beat the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba wedding with the help of accessories. These can be dress details in the chosen color: belts, lace or print. In addition, you can always add zest to the image with burgundy accessories and jewelry. Ruby-colored tiaras and necklaces will look very expensive and sophisticated.

It will not be superfluous to support the burgundy style with the help of spectacular makeup. In addition, wine-colored lips have been at the height of fashion for several seasons. Therefore, such a bright touch in the image of the bride will be very useful.

The choice of the groom's outfit can be approached in a similar way. For example, wearing a dark red suit with a light-colored shirt would be quite appropriate. Or, as with the bride, try to play with the color of the wedding with elements of clothing and accessories: a tie, bow tie or shoes in the original color.

Burgundy wedding color: bridal bouquet

The flower arrangement must be in wine tones. The choice of plants and decoration directly is left to your taste. The queen of flowers will look very advantageous - a rose of dark red color. Asters, chrysanthemums of burgundy color are perfect. According to tradition, it is advisable to order a boutonniere for the groom in unison with the bouquet.

If for some reason a floral arrangement in burgundy tones does not suit the young, then the concept of the wedding can be emphasized by ribbons or bouquet decorations: wrapping paper, twigs and leaves of a suitable color.

Burgundy wedding: decoration

Despite the fact that the color of burgundy is considered quite gloomy and heavy, in combination with other colors and shades, it gives palettes pleasing to the eye. Therefore, it is recommended to emphasize interior details, wedding accessories and decor items with burgundy color in the design of a wedding. It is in such doses that he will create an atmosphere of wealth and solemnity, which will be most acceptable, given the occasion for celebration.

To give the interior and wedding a classic note, it is best to combine burgundy with white and its shades, as well as gold and silver. For a more creative design, saturated colors are suitable: turquoise, noble green, as well as brick shades.

For the design of the festive space, the measure should be observed, otherwise the hall or rooms will look closed and gloomy. It is best to focus on the color of the wedding with the help of the following interior details:

Flowers in the chosen range will perfectly emphasize the festivity of the event. Roses, peonies, tulips, dahlias will accurately convey the color scheme of the wedding.

Balls, ribbons and other light decor of the appropriate color will add airiness and weightlessness to the interior.

Zoning of the banquet hall can be done with light burgundy curtains or curtains, as well as screens of the same tone or with a floral print.

Table decor, which may include tablecloths, Bordeaux napkins. Be sure to use wine-colored dishes, especially glasses and plates with a matching pattern. Burgundy candles in high candlesticks will look gorgeous in such an interior.

Particular attention should be paid to wedding accessories in burgundy color: seating cards, boutonnieres and a wish book.

Wedding in burgundy: how to decorate a cortege

It will be especially chic for young people to pick up a car of a wine or burgundy hue. The most luxurious look limousines, retro cars and other imposing cars. However, if you could not find such cars, then the color of the wedding can be accentuated with various bows, figurines and other details. Guests in cars can be given the same burgundy ribbons, which will further emphasize the style of the wedding.

Burgundy wedding color in the banquet menu

Confectioners offer newlyweds a huge number of options for decorating a wedding cake: from laconic mastic decoration to ornate curls and elegant edible figures. Therefore, to support the idea of ​​​​a wedding, you can choose the delicacy that you most prefer not only in taste, but also in style.

The cake can be completely covered with glossy or matte burgundy mastic or have details of the desired shade in its design: flowers, figures, drawings and other manifestations of the flight of confectionery thought.

For the wedding menu and table decoration, you can order a large number of dark red fruits. It is recommended to serve meat dishes with burgundy sauces based on pomegranate or dark berries.

The main drink is best to choose red wine, as well as cocktails of a suitable color. Cherry juice and red teas are great soft drinks.

Burgundy wedding in the photo

To photograph a burgundy wedding in the fresh air, you will need to choose the scenery in advance. Or you can create a whole stylized background, for example, decorate a festive tent, decorated with flowers and flowing fabrics in selected colors. It can be placed in a beautiful park or country estate. In any case, discuss all ideas with a wedding photographer, who will be able to give you some useful recommendations.

In any case, a burgundy wedding will be remembered by your guests for its originality and unusual choice of style. And a huge number of design options will allow you to show your imagination and creativity.

Do you want your guests to remember your celebration for a long time? Then arrange a real royal reception by decorating the wedding in burgundy and gold tones. This combination looks incredibly luxurious and expensive.

A burgundy and gold wedding is most suitable for autumn. A yellow carpet of leaves will be a great addition to gold and an accent to burgundy. However, in other seasons, this color palette will be no less beautiful.

Any wedding for guests begins with receiving invitations. When ordering printing for your wedding, make sure that it is done in burgundy and gold tones.

The style of invitations is best to choose a classic one. It will be ideally combined with the color scheme and will allow you to focus on it.

Invitations in the chosen color scheme will set the tone for the wedding, and the place of the ceremony and banquet should pick up the baton and plunge guests into the velvet-golden world of luxury and love.

Table decor can be made using dishes, floristry, textiles, decorative elements, candles, etc. The main thing is consistency and harmony. Choose one color as the main one (gold or burgundy), and let the other be an accent.

By the way, in the design you can also use shades of yellow, beige, champagne to create interesting decorative solutions and color combinations.

Thinking through the images of the bride and groom, you can emphasize the color of the wedding with accessories in one of the selected shades.

Of course, a wedding celebration cannot be complete without dessert. You can order a white cake with gold and/or burgundy elements, an all-gold or burgundy cake, or choose a combination of burgundy and gold.

The burgundy color is special. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of sophistication, luxury, and celebrations in it are chosen by couples who are confident in themselves, in the depths of their relationship. However, choosing a burgundy color to decorate the wedding hall, you need to carefully combine it with other shades so as not to create a gloomy impression.

The choice of any color for a wedding dictates the need to support it in the design of the hall, wedding accessories. The color is emphasized by the outfits of the bride and groom, and other elements of style.


Thinking over the decoration of the hall on, it is better to add lighter shades to the design. If the bride chose a traditional white dress for her wedding dress, it is better to use white as the main background for decorating the wedding celebration, placing harmoniously burgundy accents.

They should be present in the design of the wedding table, the presidium - the table of the young and the "back". It is advisable to use burgundy tones in the design of the candy bar. In addition, to make memorable photos more effective, the decoration of the burgundy hall for the wedding should also touch the photo zone.

Other shades that pair well with burgundy include:

  • beige;
  • gold;
  • silver.

The first can be used as a background, but gold or silver can soften the gloom of burgundy if used as an accent, additional. Then the color scheme will consist of a combination of three colors: light background, additional burgundy and accent. Such combinations are recommended by designers, and the distribution of colors should be as follows: 60:30:10.

It is also important to consider what shade of burgundy is chosen for the wedding:

  • Wine - goes well with snow-white and green tones.
  • - a fashionable shade ideally coexists with white, gold, turquoise, blue.
  • Ruby - will make a harmonious combination with white, pink or purple flowers.
  • Pomegranate - the depth of color is perfectly emphasized by white, blue, some shades of green.

Room decoration

Burgundy color will make any hall solemn. Do you want to highlight the specialty of the solemn day? Choose velvet to decorate your wedding banquet. Lightly hanging draperies in the background of the table of the newlyweds, the design of the photo zone or the lounge zone will add special significance to the event. The table of guests can be arranged by putting a velvet path in the center. A good example of how you can decorate the hall if the wedding is in burgundy is in the photo below:

Burgundy color is often chosen. On white snow, deep wine, pomegranate looks especially luxurious.

Combination with other shades

Let's see how burgundy is combined with other colors.

With white

The combination of burgundy and white can be called a classic. The decoration of the hall for a wedding celebration begins with the zone of the newlyweds. The background can be white or beige, with the addition of burgundy light fabric - organza, nylon.

Airy fabrics will not "crush", they will support a feeling of lightness. You can use drapery from the center to the edges or on the sides, asymmetrical composition. In the center, you can place a monogram made up of the first letters of the names of the young.

A fashionable element of decor is an openwork screen. It looks easy, and it is better to complement it with floral arrangements made up of the same flowers that formed the basis of the bride's bouquet. Only in this case, artificial flowers can be used. If you use a third color for accent, monogram letters can be made from it.

From a combination of white (beige) and burgundy, it is better to make "skirts" for tables. Such an element of decoration of the hall gives it solemnity. It is better to make the “skirts” themselves light, complementing them with burgundy drapery. Decorate chairs in the same combination, putting white covers on them, decorated with burgundy bows at the back.

wedding planner

A banquet hall for a wedding in burgundy color is better to choose a spacious, bright one, otherwise it will create a feeling of something dark, gloomy.

Elena Sokolova


It will depend on the size of the hall, how bright and spacious it is, whether to choose burgundy as the main one or make it an additional color to the light background so that the hall seems lighter and more spacious. In any case, such a wedding will be special.

Elena Sokolova

with yellow

The combination of wine with yellow, orange is full of energy, it is suitable for autumn or summer weddings. However, they must be used carefully, without oversaturating the celebration hall with color.

You can choose the general design of white - tablecloths, "skirts", a screen, dishes, and burgundy with the addition of sunny yellow to make flower arrangements in transparent or white vases. For this, dahlias, spray roses, ranunculus, tulips are suitable. Napkins, rose petals casually scattered on the table, can complement the design of the table.

This combination can be chosen for a bohemian celebration or a boho-style wedding. You can add ribbons to the decor, velvet - for a bohemian wedding, feathers, greenery in jewelry, bouquets are suitable for boho, making up which, it is not necessary to stick to only one shade of burgundy - you can add red-brown, coral.

with purple

The overall perception of the hall will depend on the saturation of purple - light shades visually expand the walls. For such a bold, but unusually effective combination, it is better to choose light craft, beige or silver as a basis. It can be beige tablecloths, light wood for a screen.

Burgundy color will provide a warm, cozy decoration of the wedding hall if you use it for a winter celebration. It will look great at a romantic celebration with a small number of guests. As an addition, you can decorate the tables with silver or copper candlesticks with thin elegant candles. All this will give the wedding the effect of behind-the-scenes, romance. If you plan a wide scope of the celebration, it is better not to choose such a combination of colors.

with gold

Do you want a royal wedding? Choose a combination of burgundy with gold. This arrangement is best suited for autumn weddings, but at other times of the year you can create an atmosphere of luxury if you choose burgundy, wine as the main shade, diluting it with beige or champagne and complementing it with gold trim.

The color of Marsala, a sophisticated shade of strong Sicilian wine, goes well with gold. It can be chosen as the main one, complemented by golden accents. Golden lace looks especially impressive and rich with this color.

For the table, choose burgundy tablecloths, decorate the table with candles, compositions of golden branches with burgundy-beige flowers. For a winter celebration, you can arrange compositions of gilded cones and branches, placed in tall and narrow transparent vases.

You can emphasize the unusual rich stylization by using a gilded birdcage instead of a traditional chest or box for postcards and cash gifts in the interior. Such decorative cages are popular in the interior today.

Choosing any shade of burgundy for a wedding, you will only emphasize your refined taste, sense of style. Choose the shade that is closer to you - for each color you can choose a good color combination. It will depend on the size of the hall, how bright and spacious it is, whether to choose burgundy as the main one or make it an additional color to the light background so that the hall seems lighter and more spacious. In any case, such a wedding will be special.

Celebration in nature

Burgundy is often chosen for weddings. Not a pompous prim restaurant, but a fresh breeze penetrating an open terrace or a covered veranda from all sides - what could be better for young romantics?

Almost all shades of burgundy are combined with the greenery of herbs and the color of wood. Therefore, such combinations are good for a celebration held in summer or early autumn, when the leaves on the trees are already turning red and golden.

Solemn registration is carried out right there, outside the city. For her, you can arrange an arch, decorate it with flowers in burgundy and wine tones. The presence of fresh greenery, pink or lilac shades in flower arrangements will emphasize the romantic mood.

For a banquet table, you can choose linen tablecloths in the color of unbleached linen, lay paths made of thin burlap decorated with burgundy lace on them.

The dishes can be chosen in a wine shade or Kraft color. In the latter case, sprinkle the petals of red-burgundy roses on the tablecloth. Better - garden. In addition to their natural naturalness, they will fill the air with aroma.

You can decorate the veranda with burgundy-beige, green ribbons, a garland or flags, paper pompoms and lanterns. in jugs you can serve fruit drinks or compote from cherries, black currants.


Decorating the wedding hall in burgundy style will emphasize your refined taste and sense of style. Give preference to the shade that is closer to you - for each color you can choose a good color combination.

Recently, theme weddings in one color have become more and more popular. If you decide to focus on any color, then you need to try to make elements with its shades in everything: on invitations, in decorating the hall, in the images of the bride and groom.

A wedding in burgundy color will be an elegant solution for your holiday. Burgundy is the color of luxury, passion and maturity.

The meaning of burgundy at the wedding

The fitted burgundy dress looks very elegant. Or you can experiment and make chivalry or the Middle Ages the main theme of the wedding in burgundy colors. Then a luxurious flared dress, adapted to the fashion of those times, will suit you.

If you do not want to deviate much from traditions, then you can very well pick up stylish and beautiful burgundy accessories.

There are many options for details in burgundy. You can use:

  • Medium-sized burgundy details: a stylish satin or lace belt;
  • Burgundy jewelry. The hairstyle can be decorated with a diadem, and the neck of the necklace with rubies;
  • Makeup with Bordeaux elements. With the help of makeup, you can skillfully emphasize the style of the wedding. Wine shades look very good. This is not only possible, but it goes for almost everyone.

Guests can also be asked to come dressed in burgundy. This is necessary first of all in order to be perfect and no one looks ridiculous.

However, guests can come in any costume, but warn them that the color of their clothes is in harmony with burgundy.

And before entering the wedding palace or restaurant, you can distribute some items to them.

For example, a bracelet with a live burgundy flower is perfect for girls, and a boutonniere or cufflinks for young people. This detail can be used as a compliment to wedding guests.

Wedding hall decoration in burgundy color and cortege

The hall where you plan to hold a banquet should be decorated appropriately for the theme of the wedding in burgundy.

If there is too much burgundy in the design, then the newlyweds and invitees may feel overwhelmed.

The burgundy color will create a rich and solemn atmosphere for your event, but the main thing is not to overdo it, as this color looks quite heavy if it is not combined with other colors.

The wedding looks good in burgundy gold, in burgundy white. Silver also looks very good as the main color of the holiday, if you add wine elements to it.

Turquoise, coral, beige - the fantasy is limitless, but make sure that the combination of burgundy with others for a wedding will not look inharmonious.

Banquet menu and Bordeaux

In addition to the fact that you will use burgundy fruits, red wine, which has rich shades of burgundy, you should make sure that the decoration of the dishes matches the declared theme.

For example, you can arrange meat dishes with bright red, burgundy wild berry sauces.

Salads can be decorated with pomegranates, red apples. Guests are best served with red wine or cocktails of the appropriate color.

Details in burgundy

You need to think in advance what details you will use and how you can apply the burgundy color.

We offer the following options:

An invitation is an official evidence that you are planning a wedding and that you really want to see the invited person at your celebration. Try to immediately make it clear what expectations you have regarding the wedding, using either burgundy details in the design of the invitations, or make the invitations completely burgundy.

You can make invitations yourself, but there are so many things to do on the eve of the wedding, and if there are a lot of guests, then you will only earn yourself extra trouble.

  • The bride's bouquet.

Nature has endowed us with many burgundy flowers, so making a flower arrangement will not be difficult. Which flowers to use in the bouquet is your personal choice.

Wine-colored roses, asters or chrysanthemums look beautiful. You can also use beautiful burgundy jewelry: satin ribbons, beads, pearls. Don't forget the groom's boutonniere to match the bouquet.

If you decide to play a wedding in burgundy, you can be sure that your celebration will look expensive and noble.

Burgundy color promises you well-being and financial viability, as well as enduring love and passion. Photos taken at the wedding will delight you and your loved ones for a long time.
