Causes of terrible urine smell in women. Causes of rotten egg smell

Urine serves to remove metabolic products, toxins, and excess other substances from the body. From time to time, her physical indicators may change. At the same time, foreign impurities appear. These signals cannot be ignored so as not to miss the development of the disease and to prevent the occurrence of complications in time. Such metamorphoses are evidence that a focus of inflammation has arisen in the urinary system. But most signs are detected in the laboratory during a general analysis. The change in color and aroma of urine allows you to independently notice that something is wrong. What are the causes of urine odor in women?

When a person is healthy, his urine is clear and light yellow in color. It smells barely noticeable or does not emit a bad aroma at all. Women's urine always contains a small amount of ammonia, so it smells accordingly. The strong odor increases over time the urine spends in a container with a tightly sealed lid. If the smell of urine becomes noticeable immediately after going to the toilet and additional signs are added to this, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The causes of urine odor in women are explained by different origins. Only an experienced specialist can give them an adequate interpretation, based on the collected anamnesis and examination results. Therefore, there is no need to delay going to the hospital. Remember that timely treatment is the key to a quick and successful recovery!

Causes of acetone odor

Acetone is gradually excreted regularly along with urine. This means that the kidneys are functioning normally. If its aroma becomes obvious, it is worth talking about exceeding the acetone norm. An increased content of ketones in urine poses a threat to the well-being of a woman (especially an expectant mother) and can cause coma. To determine why the bad smell of urine is formed, you will have to undergo tests and a series of instrumental studies. The specific aroma of acetone, for example, can be a symptom of:

  • Intoxication of the body, including due to drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Frequent vomiting due to poisoning, toxicosis, eclampsia;
  • A disease in which elevated body temperature persists for a long time;
  • Exhaustion as a result of a strict diet, fasting, excessive consumption of physical strength;
  • Improper diet, which was based on protein and fat-containing dishes;
  • Serious pathologies such as diabetes, stomach cancer, thyroid disorders.

Diseases in which the body temperature has risen for a long time affect the smell of urine

The smell of acetone in urine can occasionally change in tone. Ceasing to be sharp, he becomes soft. Then the urine may smell a little sweetly - with a hint of overripe and rotting apples. However, even if a bad odor with acetone notes appears as a single symptom, you must definitely consult with a competent physician who will select an effective treatment regimen.

Causes of Ammonia Odor

Ammonia is found in small amounts in the urine of healthy people. This is not surprising, because it is a substance that is obtained through amino acid breakdown. By consuming food with a predominance of protein, you can ensure that the bad smell of urine takes on a hint of ammonia. The causes of urine odor in women may also be related to a lack of fluid. As the concentration of urine increases, its aroma becomes distinct. Finally, an ammonia odor in the urine occurs when a woman resists the urge to defecate for a long time. This often happens in the morning, in the II-III trimesters of pregnancy, when the uterus compresses the urinary canal, narrowing it, and also when stones are found blocking the lumen in the ureter.

The strong smell of ammonia in urine can also be a consequence of:

  • Taking iron-containing drugs and drugs that increase calcium levels;
  • Inflammation in the genitourinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis);
  • Liver pathology.

If the causes of urine odor in women are physiological in nature, they can be eliminated by increasing the drinking regime, visiting the restroom in a timely manner, and making changes to the daily menu. Sometimes an unpleasant smell of urine is a reason to seek medical help.

Sometimes female urine takes on a sour aroma, similar to the aroma of sauerkraut and sour milk. Why does urine smell like this? There are several explanations for this:

  • Vaginal candidiasis or urethritis (fungal infection);
  • Imbalance of vaginal microflora (long-term antibiotic therapy);
  • Vaginitis, vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial infection);
  • Dysbacterial intestinal disorders;
  • Gastric juice with a high degree of acidity.

The cause of the sour aroma is vaginal dysbiosis

After the cause of the pungent odor of urine has been established, the doctor selects appropriate treatment methods: local (vaginal suppositories, ointments) and general (antibacterial agents). Medicines that restore intestinal microflora also help in the fight against the disease.

Causes of fishy smell

Basically, the aroma of rotten fish is inherent in vaginal discharge. They enter the urine when the bladder empties. Impregnated with fishy spirit, the unpleasant odor of urine is characteristic of:

  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Vaginal dysbiosis due to the proliferation of Gardnerella bacteria;
  • Trimethylaminuria (impaired production of the liver enzyme trimethylamine).

In the first cases, prevention of the cause of urine odor in women is to use barrier contraception, in the latter - by following a low-protein diet and using adsorbents.

Sweet smell of maple syrup

When a woman's urine smells like maple syrup, this indicates the presence of the hereditary disease leucinosis. It lies in the fact that the body loses the ability to produce enzymes that ensure the breakdown of individual amino acids. This diagnosis is made in infancy, but the disease can manifest itself later.

Urine smells especially sweet during exacerbations that occur during times of stress, weakened immunity, or overwork. Treatment consists of a lifelong diet and regular medical supervision. Without treatment, death is possible.

Mold smell (urine smells like mice)

The smell of mice or the musty stench of urine is a symptom characteristic of congenital liver disease. The fermentation of the organ is weakened and its activity is not enough to break down the phenylalanine that accumulates in the tissues. Moreover, all body secretions (sweat, saliva) have a strong smell of mold and mice.

A constant diet helps to contain the manifestations of the disease, non-compliance with which threatens irreversible disorders in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system.

Smell of rotten eggs or rotting

A bad smell of rotten eggs or rot is a serious symptom. The urine becomes cloudy and contains various inclusions. If the unpleasant smell of urine does not go away within a day, you should consult a doctor. Urine smells like spoiled eggs under the following conditions:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Cancer of the rectum;
  • Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Eating asparagus can also cause a strong smell of rotten eggs, but then the effect will subside within 5-6 hours.

Non-specific odors

The causes of urine odor in women in most cases lie in dietary habits. The following products can make urine smell unusual:

  • Spices and seasonings (garlic, cardamom, curry);
  • Cabbage (increases the smell of sulfur);
  • Antibiotics and other medications (smell of ampicillin).

Dark urine with a garlicky odor indicates liver dysfunction. Urine with the smell of sweat indicates a disorder of fermentation metabolism and the development of gastritis, pancreatitis and duodenal ulcer.

Change in urine odor during pregnancy

During pregnancy, an unpleasant smell of urine can be both the result of heightened perception and a real reason for concern. The most common changes are:

  • Sweetish smell of rotten apples, acetone (nephropathy, diabetes, eclampsia);
  • Sour and purulent smell – inflammation of the kidneys, bladder;
  • A sharp ammonia stench – constriction of the urinary canal, stagnation of urine.

Vaginal discharge

Features of the body structure (close proximity of the urethra and the entrance to the vagina) make it difficult to recognize the cause of urine odor in women. Often the aromas of vaginal discharge and urine are mixed. This happens due to the presence of cystitis, partial urinary incontinence (most often observed during pregnancy) and lack of proper hygiene of the intimate area. To eliminate bad odor, it is recommended to use urological pads and do not forget about water procedures.


The smell of pickled apples in the urine is characteristic of diabetes mellitus. In other situations this characteristic does not apply. Progressive diabetes mellitus can also contribute to a change in the smell of urine to a sweetish or rich acetone. Severe forms of the disease are accompanied by a sour acetone stench and the smell of vinegar.

The smell of beer

The unpleasant smell of urine with a beer spirit is inherent in a rather rare disease called malabsorption (impaired absorption of food in the intestines). In addition to the fact that the urine begins to smell like beer, the patient suddenly loses weight. He develops severe diarrhea. Feces are highly oily and can be difficult to wash out of the toilet.

The smell of beer in the urine also accompanies hypermethioninemia (exceeding the amount of the amino acid methionine). The disease is genetic in nature and is diagnosed in childhood. The strong smell of beer can also be characteristic of manifestations of liver failure.

Urine with stool odor

The causes of urine odor in women are not limited to all of the above. In some circumstances, urine takes on the smell of feces. This may happen:

  • In the absence of proper care for the intimate area;
  • For problems with urination and defecation due to their pain (development of a fistula).

Whatever the reasons for the smell of urine in women, the main thing is to notice changes in time and contact competent specialists who will prevent the situation from worsening and the development of complications.

Of course, hardly anyone expects urine as a waste fluid of the body to have a pleasant smell, but an unusual pungent odor cannot go unnoticed. The reasons for the strong smell of urine in a woman are varied, they include both safe factors that can be provoked by the woman herself, and some diseases that require cooperation with a doctor. In any case, we are talking about a deviation from the norm. What are the main causes of unpleasant urine odor in women?

Normal physiological secretions of a healthy person are characterized by a yellowish (golden) color and transparency. They, like most normal natural body odors, are not fragrant. However, cloudy and odor-bearing urine in women may indicate certain changes in the body. First of all, it is a signal about the need to supplement fluid - hydrate the body.

If, along with the smell, other deviations from the norm appear - color changes, pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating, fever, etc., it is advisable to immediately visit a doctor!

Easily explained reasons for the unpleasant odor of urine

Often a woman herself provokes the manifestation of this unpleasant symptom. It may have a connection, in particular, with nutrition. Urine with an odor in women is sometimes the result of some lifestyle mistakes:

  • coffee – immediately after drinking a cup of coffee, it is eliminated from the body, which is manifested by a short “smell”;
  • multivitamins - a strong smell of urine in women can occur as a result of taking vitamin preparations, especially B vitamins; sometimes multivitamin preparations can color it a more saturated color;
  • analgesics – causes of urine odor in women may include taking certain painkillers and antibiotics;
  • alcohol – urine with a strong odor is often a “side effect” of drinking alcohol;
  • aromatic foods – garlic and other aromatic foods (onions, black currants...) are reflected in the appearance of an unpleasant problem;
  • exclusion of hormonal contraceptives after long-term use is also often the reason why urine in women has an unpleasant odor.

In case of changes that persist even after adjusting the diet and drinking regime, it is recommended to consult a specialist - perhaps the cause is a metabolic disorder.


Along with the smell, you should pay attention to the color, which may also indicate pathology:

  • from to brownish-green – jaundice, increased bilirubin – liver dysfunction or biliary diseases;
  • color from pink to – urinary tract infections, glomerulonephritis, renal failure;
  • color from pink to reddish without turbidity – muscle inflammation, trauma, burns, hemolytic anemia;
  • yellow or - indicates the removal of excess carotenoids, vitamin B2, elimination of the sulfonamide antibiotic Sulfasalazine;
  • reddish-brown color - may be caused by the antibiotic Metronidazole;
  • whitish turbidity – the presence of protein.

Pathological causes of strong urine odor

The problem should not immediately cause anxiety or panic. Various substances, such as proteins, salts or ions, are excreted from the body through urine. What does the smell of urine in women indicate? It is an indicator of what foods or drinks she has consumed previously. The composition of food or drink is naturally reflected in physiological secretions, which is not something exceptional.

In addition to the above factors that cause odor in the urine of women, the causes of the problem may be more serious and include certain diseases.

In case of liver or kidney diseases, metabolites are found in the urine. Liver dysfunction is accompanied by unpleasant odors caused by sulfur-containing amino acids.

Danger signal!

Sometimes the cause of smelly urine in women is the presence of pathogenic bacteria, which is a sign of infection, usually in the kidneys. Inflammation of the kidneys, both acute and chronic, is manifested by frequent urination and discomfort when urinating. Sometimes the body temperature also increases. A medical examination is necessary, because in particular, nephritis can lead to kidney failure!

If the bad smell of urine in women is associated with pain, burning and difficulty urinating, there is a high probability that bacterial inflammation is occurring, suggesting the need to consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Another risk factor is bacterial lower urinary tract infections, especially when bacteria multiply over a longer period and produce increased amounts of odorous bacterial products. In such cases, discharge with the smell of urine appears in women.

Often the culprit of this kind of inflammation is E. coli (Escherichia coli). This bacterium usually lives in the digestive tract, but in women, due to its anatomical features, it easily reaches the urinary tract, causing dangerous inflammation. Treatment involves the use of antibiotics.

If the unpleasant smell of urine in women is most intense in the morning, this is directly related to its concentration, for example, with insufficient fluid intake. One reason is excessive consumption of fatty foods. However, such a symptom may be a sign of one of the serious diseases that affect the digestive or excretory system and, therefore, this signal should not be underestimated.

A sweet, strong smell of urine in a woman is most often a symptom of a metabolic disorder. As a rule, this problem is present in phenylketonuria, a hereditary disease that involves a violation of the metabolic processes of aromatic acids. Phenylalanine is converted into tyrosine in the body, which accumulates in fluids. This disease is very serious and is characterized by excessive belching, sometimes vomiting and impaired motor function. Very often the disease manifests itself in infancy.

Smell of acetone in urine

The composition of urine also depends on a number of other metabolic disorders, such as diabetes. The smell of acetone in the urine of women occurs when it is poorly compensated.

Type 1 diabetes is one of the most serious causes of acetone-smelling urine in women. This symptom is caused by ketones (specifically acetone). There is also a specific smell from the mouth.

Type 1 diabetes may be accidentally discovered by a doctor during a routine examination in a patient without any obvious symptoms. However, most often, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling tired;
  • night sweats;
  • weight loss;
  • mental changes;
  • stomach ache.

Classic symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination with large volumes of urine, followed by dehydration and thirst.

Ammonia-smelling urine in women

The smell of ammonia in women's urine is quite natural, but it should not be very expressive.

Urine that smells like ammonia in women indicates insufficient fluid intake.

With increased breathing and possibly increased sweating, a significant amount of fluid is lost, which must be replenished as soon as possible. After compensating for dehydration and adjusting the drinking regime, the ammonia smell disappears.

Smell of fish

Urine that smells fishy in women can have quite serious causes. This symptom is accompanied by diseases of the lungs (including tuberculosis), bronchi, and large intestine. If this symptom appears, a visit to the doctor is necessary to conduct research and prescribe treatment.

Hydrogen sulfide smell

Hydrogen sulfide indicates the presence of pus! In the case of constant and intense expression of this symptom, a dangerous disease or infection may occur. Don't underestimate it - contact a specialist!

The smell of urine during early pregnancy does not necessarily indicate pathology. As a rule, this is a symptom that accompanies upcoming changes in the body. But, at the same time, the smell of urine during pregnancy, as in any other case, can be a sign of an infection, for example, of the bladder. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor who will help solve the problem.

Changes in odor and color, cloudiness of urine, as a rule, indicate an excess of certain substances. These symptoms may also be caused by the presence of pus from ongoing infections of the urinary tract, ovaries, or uterus. Such changes should not be ignored - this will help to timely diagnose the disease (if present) and begin treatment.

What do you know about changes in urine color and smell? Your comment will be extremely helpful. Share your opinion and experience!

Analysis of excretory products helps the specialist learn a lot about the patient’s health status. But even an ordinary person can determine by some of their external characteristics that unfavorable changes are observed in his condition. Why does urine smell strong? We suggest you deal with this problem. Find out what possible causes are fraught with an unpleasant, pungent, atypical odor of urine in an adult, child and your pet.

When everything is normal

Before we figure out why urine smells strong, let's consider the normal situation for a person. Urine in this case differs as follows:

  • the liquid is transparent, has a characteristic yellowish or straw color;
  • freshly collected urine should smell practically nothing;
  • If the liquid remains in an open container for a long time, then under the influence of air fermentation will occur in its mass, which will cause the urine to acquire a pungent ammonia smell.

The process of removing urine from the body

Let us also consider in general terms the process of urine excretion in a healthy person.

  1. The liquid, in the mass of which waste products are removed from the body, travels a long way - through the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
  2. Urine accumulates in the bladder - a muscle sac whose volume is about 300-600 ml. As it accumulates, it is released by the body.
  3. The fluid is discharged through the urethra (urethra).

So why does urine smell strong? The most common reason is that one of the organs that we listed above has some problems in their work. But other things can also provoke an unpleasant odor.

Certain foods

Why does urine smell - strong, pungent, unpleasant? The reason may lie in your recent lunch or dinner.

  1. Spices (particularly garlic) that emit a strong aroma. These seasonings can also give urine a distinct odor.
  2. Seafood. Especially if you have eaten them in large quantities. The statement applies most of all to mussels - both fresh and marinated.
  3. The most common food cause of strong urine odor is asparagus. No matter what form you use this plant, it will cause a sharp, unpleasant odor in your discharge. However, this kind of deficiency can be easily eliminated - add a little sea salt to the dish with asparagus before eating.

Systemic disturbances in the functioning of organs

Why does human urine smell very strong? As we discussed above, this may be due to a systemic dysfunction of organs. Especially those systems through which urine passes.

The most common causes are the following diseases:

In men and women

The characteristic putrefactive smell of urine can indicate diseases of the genital area. This is a cause for concern for both women and men. This means that inflammatory foci have formed somewhere in the genitourinary system, surrounded by suppuration. This may also speak about rectal fistulas - rectal, vesical fistulas.

The sharp unpleasant smell of urine in men is one of the symptoms of prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). The patient also notes pain in the perineum, sexual dysfunction, and difficulty urinating.

If a woman, especially after recent sexual intercourse, diagnoses urine with an unpleasant odor, this may be evidence of the presence of a sexually transmitted infection in the body, an imbalance of the vaginal microflora. For the same reason, some women note this symptom after childbirth.

Taking medications

Why does urine smell so strong? The reason may also lie in taking certain medications. This side effect is most often immediately indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Among the common medicinal and prophylactic agents, the following give an unpleasant odor to urine:

  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Trovan";
  • "Omnipen";
  • "Ampicillin";
  • "Proloprim";
  • "Ciprofloxacin";
  • vitamin B complex.


Why does urine smell? The pronounced ammonia smell of urine is a rather alarming sign. It may indicate total dehydration of the body! The reason is that water imbalance makes the urine more concentrated than normal.

Dehydration is not always caused by a critical situation or serious illness. It can even affect a completely healthy person. If we are carried away by work or other occupation (and even more so physically), on a hot and stuffy day we forget to drink the required amount of water. Let us remind you that the minimum norm for a person per day is 1.5 liters.


The consequence of fasting is acidosis with all the sad consequences that flow from it. The human body needs a certain amount of carbohydrates every day. When there is a shortage, the deficiency begins to be compensated from preliminary reserves of fatty acids.

Hypoglycemia (insufficient blood glucose) develops. The blood mass becomes acidic, which leads to acidosis. The consequence is that ketone bodies are excreted in the urine. They will give the urine a strong smell of acetone.

Other diseases

Why does urine have a strong smell? The reason may also be diseases that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the urinary tract:

Metabolic disease

All other dysfunctions of this kind will be characterized by the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine:

  • sweat;
  • rotten cabbage;
  • sulfur;
  • mold;
  • sour beer and so on.

Any of these examples is a reason to contact a specialist.

Why is my baby's urine smelly?

Let's look separately at cases involving children:

  1. Only newborns will have no odor in their urine. As you grow older, your urine will take on characteristics characteristic of adult urine.
  2. The unpleasant smell of urine in infants is one of the signs that the child has a genetic disease.
  3. For example, why does the urine of a 5-year-old boy smell sharp? This may indicate a genitourinary disease in the child.
  4. Urine in children acquires a pungent odor at high temperatures and dehydration (often these factors are related). In such cases it becomes more concentrated. This will be the cause of the smell. Try to give your baby as much fluid as possible.
  5. If a baby is breastfed, the smell of his urine often reflects what the mother ate. We have already said which products give urine a pungent odor.

Even if the reason seems too banal to you, it would not be a bad idea to take your child for a consultation with a pediatrician.

Why does my cat have stinky urine?

In conclusion, about our little brothers. Reasons why a cat has smelly urine:

  1. Just like in humans, the strong smell of ammonia from urine will indicate dehydration.
  2. The animal has entered the period of puberty and hunting. The smell is caused by increased activity of the sex glands.
  3. The cat's diet is incorrect. The reason is a protein imbalance.
  4. Disease of a genitourinary nature. Everything here repeats the human situation.
  5. Hormonal diseases, cancer. An alarming sign is a putrid smell. Often he alone can speak about a serious pathology.
  6. Severe stress. The pungent odor in this case is a disruption in metabolic processes.

If an unusual smell appears for no apparent reason and does not go away within 2 weeks, this is a reason to take the animal to the veterinarian.

So we have figured out all the reasons for the strong smell of urine. Even if some of them are harmless, this is still a sufficient reason to consult a doctor.

A change in the smell of urine is a signal from the body about certain disturbances in the functioning of various internal organs. In some cases, you don’t need to pay special attention to it; it goes away on its own. But more often this phenomenon indicates serious problems. What does the strong smell of urine in women indicate, the causes of which are sometimes difficult to determine, and how to deal with it?

What causes urine odor?

Just like in men, changes in the female body can occur that provoke the appearance of odor. They are associated with the following factors:

  1. Eating food. Certain foods have a strong aroma that lingers. If a person has dined on a dish with onions, garlic, horseradish, then an unpleasant odor will appear not only from the mouth. After the process of digesting food, the urine may smell like smoked or roasted seeds, and a spicy aroma appears.
  2. Taking medications. This can be long-term use of antibiotics - in tablet form or injectable. Also, taking vitamin complexes, especially group B, provokes a pungent odor. After stopping the use of these medications, the problem goes away.
  3. Lack of proper hygiene. Some women do not know how to properly care for their genitals or do not maintain hygiene. Immediately after washing, the bad odor disappears, but over time it appears again. Women in old age need to take special care of genital hygiene. Some older people note that the smell appeared immediately after or during menopause.
  4. Dehydration of the body. If the problem appears exclusively in the morning, its cause is increased concentration and density of urine. The smell can also be associated with late visits to the toilet, when a woman endures it for a long time, sometimes all night (a common problem in children).
  5. Alcohol. The acrid smell of urine will certainly appear after drinking large quantities of alcohol.

Whichever of the above factors is the reason why a woman’s urine smell has changed, special measures are not needed to treat it, just actively follow all the rules of hygiene. It is important to eliminate the cause, then there should be no trace of the problem within 24 hours. If this does not happen, there is a reason to contact specialists for examination.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The nature of the aroma itself will help determine the cause. For those who have never encountered such a problem, it may seem that it is impossible to classify an unpleasant odor. In fact, there are several possible options.

A common cause is a fungal infection, often caused by candida. The characteristic smell of urine as a result of fungal infection is sour. Other symptoms are:

  • constant itching, burning in the labia and vagina;
  • tingling, discomfort when urinating;
  • the color of urine becomes rich, yellow, cloudy;
  • discharge appears, as with thrush.

Sexually transmitted diseases are also a common cause. Their occurrence is associated with the action of a sexually transmitted infection. The smell of discharge becomes fishy with bacterial vaginosis, and can be so strong that it can be felt from a distance. It is also transmitted through urine. Gynecologists note the most common sexually transmitted diseases that can be detected in a girl:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea.

Each of these infections is accompanied by different symptoms. Women often pay attention to the following signs - traces of heavy discharge, stains on underwear, pain when urinating when cystitis occurs, decreased libido, painful sexual intercourse, and a constant feeling of discomfort.

Another common cause is E. coli, which affects the urinary tract and genitals. Most often, infection occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. Urine with E. coli acquires an unpleasant odor.

Important! A common mistake when dealing with a stick is douching treatment. It is tightly attached to the walls of the vagina, so it is impossible to remove it using this method.

Other reasons

Less common are the following reasons for the smell of urine in women:

  1. Diabetes. As blood sugar rises, the level of acetone increases. The more its value exceeds the norm, the stronger the smell will be. In diabetes, urine smells like rotten apples.
  2. Malabsorption. This is a disease of the intestines; it cannot cope with the absorption of nutrients from food, which leads to their deficiency in the body. The urine smells like beer. This smell can also be observed with hypermethioninemia and liver failure.
  3. Leucinosis. The disease is transmitted at the genetic level, which creates problems with its treatment; it is chronic. The aroma of urine is sweetish, similar to the smell of maple syrup. When the disease is in the acute stage, it becomes too cloying and an admixture of rot appears.

The smell of ammonia is present in the urine of every person, only in a healthy body it is weakly expressed. If it intensifies, this indicates the onset of inflammatory processes: cystitis, urethritis, kidney disease.

Interesting! The smell of ammonia may become stronger when you hold back the urge to urinate for a long time. In this case, this is a one-time phenomenon.

Why does your body smell like urine?

Why in some cases does the smell appear from different parts of the body? The exact cause can only be determined through medical diagnostics and detection of serious diseases. This phenomenon interferes with the normal life of a woman at any age and brings discomfort, so there is no point in delaying seeking help.

Common causes of urine odor from a woman's body are:

  1. Hyperhidrosis of the third and fourth stages. Often, a severe form of this disease is accompanied by pathologies of the endocrine system and kidneys. They can provoke not just increased sweat production, but also the presence of urine odor in it.
  2. Lack of proper hygiene. Some women's living conditions do not allow them to take a shower every day, while others simply neglect the simple rules of regularly changing clothes and bed linen. As a result, bacteria settle on the body, and due to their activity, an unpleasant odor appears.
  3. Vaginal microflora disorders. There are many reasons for a malfunction: gynecological diseases, complications after childbirth, diseases of the genitourinary system (often due to age).

The smell of urine emanating from the whole body can appear for the same reasons as from the genitourinary organs. This is the frequent consumption of certain foods, alcohol, and the use of certain medications.

Interesting! The smell of urine often haunts beer lovers who drink at least 1 liter daily.

Treatment options

To determine how to get rid of the smell of urine, a woman needs to go to the hospital. Doctors will help determine the exact cause and prescribe treatment to eliminate the problem.

Treatment can be carried out at home by choosing a suitable remedy. It is impossible to undergo the examination on your own. Some people mistakenly treat kidney diseases and cystitis, but it turns out that they needed to fight sexually transmitted infections.

If a woman has a sexually transmitted disease, a gynecologist is involved in treatment. Usually it is also required for her sexual partner. If kidney disease is diagnosed, drug therapy includes taking antibiotics, antiseptics, and diuretics.

The main rule, which is required when any cause is detected, is genital hygiene. During treatment, when the fight against unpleasant odor is just beginning, it is necessary to wash yourself after each urination, using the products prescribed by your doctor. An herbal decoction is often used and added to the bath.

There are many reasons that cause unpleasant odor in urine. Some of them are safe: drinking alcohol, certain foods. If a symptom appears due to serious sexually transmitted diseases, liver or kidney pathologies, complex treatment is required. It is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosing the patient.

The urine of a healthy woman is transparent and light yellow in color without a pungent aroma. But sometimes pathologies of the excretory system occur, which are often accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor. It can also be provoked by inflammatory diseases in various organs. Do not underestimate this symptom, and if the smell persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

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    Diseases of the genitourinary area

    Most often, a woman develops a strong smell of urine under the influence of infectious pathologies of the excretory system. These include pyelonephritis, bladder diseases - urethritis, cystitis. The occurrence of the disease is associated with the entry of pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products into the body.

    Unpleasant urine odor may indicate the onset of a serious illness. It is sometimes accompanied by pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, and a burning sensation when urinating. The released liquid becomes cloudy.

    Cystitis is not always infectious in nature. Sometimes it forms as a result of long-term use of medications that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the bladder. When tested, no bacteria are detected. In this case, the urine may have a pharmaceutical smell.

    If inflammation is accompanied by suppuration, as with the formation of rectal fistulas, immediate treatment is necessary. It is not difficult to recognize the disease, since the smell of urine becomes putrid.

    If a woman has an unpleasant aroma of urine after sexual intercourse, this indicates the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or a violation of the vaginal microflora. Similar reasons occur when a strong smell of urine appears after childbirth.

    Sometimes diseases of the genital organs lead to urine that smells and smells like fish. This is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor.


    Sometimes urine smells like acetone, which indicates the presence of ketone bodies in its composition. In some cases, this symptom indicates diabetes mellitus. The disease can be recognized by the following signs:

    • feeling of thirst;
    • weight loss;
    • dry skin;
    • polyuria, that is, increased urine output;
    • spasm of the calf muscles.

    If these symptoms are present in a pregnant woman, this indicates gestational diabetes mellitus.

    Sometimes the smell of acetone signals dehydration, lack of nutrients and some infectious diseases.

    Metabolic pathologies

    If a woman's urine has a strong fishy odor, it can sometimes indicate a rare disease called trimethylaminuria. It is accompanied by the accumulation of the substance trimethylamine. If the urine smells like mice, this indicates the presence of phenylketonuria. This is a genetic disease accompanied by a disorder of phenylalanine metabolism.

    Leucinosis is indicated by the presence of a burnt sugar or maple syrup odor. This pathology is hereditary. It is accompanied by malfunctions of the enzyme system responsible for the oxidation of certain amino acids. The disease can be diagnosed from the first days of a person’s life. It requires immediate treatment.

    External factors

    The appearance of a strange smell in urine does not always indicate serious pathologies. Healthy people sometimes experience this phenomenon. There are, for example, food products that give the secreted liquid properties that are uncharacteristic for it. These include spicy and salty foods, asparagus and alcohol. 48 hours after their use, the unpleasant symptom disappears.

    A number of medications, such as antibiotics, Ciprofloxacin, Ampicillin, and B vitamins, also give urine a repulsive aroma. After discontinuation of these medications, the symptom disappears.

    Other pathological causes

    The absence of pathological forms is indicated by the specific smell of urine, which appeared as a result of various changes in the body:

    1. 1. Pregnancy. A woman's hormonal background changes, but as soon as the child is born, the problem goes away.
    2. 2. Menstruation. Hormones are to blame.
    3. 3. Excess protein in the diet. Promotes the formation of the pungent odor of acetone. Impaired liver function also plays a role, for this reason it makes sense to review and diversify your diet.
    4. 4. Untimely urination or lack of water in the body. Causes bad urine odor in the morning. Even if the urge to visit the restroom occurs in the middle of the night, this signal cannot be ignored, otherwise bacterial complications are possible.
    5. 5. Insufficient hygiene.

    Some foods provoke changes in the smell of urine - garlic, coffee, roasted seeds.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    The causes of bad urine odor can be determined after consulting a doctor, who will refer the patient to instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods.

    The main one is OAM. When inflammation is present, elevated levels of white blood cells, red blood cells, and protein are found. Ultrasound examination, MRI and CT scan of the kidneys, and urography are considered auxiliary methods.

    Features of therapy

    If a woman's urine smells like acetone, she should avoid spicy and sweet foods. You can use honey instead of store-bought sweets. It is advisable to exclude fats from the diet and drink more alkaline liquid. If the condition does not improve, you should contact a specialist again to prescribe a more detailed study.

    The treatment tactics for diseases that cause a change in the smell of urine in women are somewhat different from the same process in men. An exception may be systemic pathologies such as diabetes mellitus and metabolic diseases. In this case, the approach to patients of both sexes is the same.

    Antibiotics and sulfa drugs are prescribed if the disease is bacterial in nature. These remedies will allow you to quickly get rid of symptoms and eliminate inflammation. For the entire period of treatment you need to drink more fluid (at least 1.5 liters per day). A decoction of rose hips is ideal for this. If there is a smell of rotten eggs in the urine, in addition to antibacterial tablets, special enemas with chamomile infusion are prescribed. Recipe: pour 1 tbsp of boiling water into a glass. l. dried flowers of the plant. An enema is given 2 times a day.

    A sour smell usually indicates a fungal infection. Treatment is based on the use of fluconazole tablets. A mouse odor indicating phenylketonuria requires a special approach. During therapy, animal protein is excluded. The diet consists only of plant foods. Occasionally, urine may smell like rancid oil. This indicates an increase in methionine levels. This condition requires dill infusion. To prepare it, pour a glass of boiling water into a tablespoon of herbs. Infuse this remedy for 30 minutes and drink before meals throughout the day.

    The foul smell of urine that appears after sexual intercourse requires the use of tablets and suppositories with antibacterial components. At home, you can supplement treatment with special enemas based on chamomile decoction.

    In case of kidney pathology, diuretics (diuretics) must be added. Such drugs accelerate the production of urine, along with which the infectious agent leaves the body. To treat diabetes mellitus, more complex therapy is required, consisting of a whole range of medications. In some cases, hospitalization is required.
