What you still don't know about the royal twins. Opposite-sex identical twins

Birth long-awaited baby- great happiness for the whole family. If two appear at once, this is double happiness. If royal twins see the light of day, it won't be easy. a real gift fate. Indeed, the birth of both a girl and a boy at once is a miracle from above for both parents, because now they will be able to enjoy raising both a daughter and a son at the same time.

What are royal twins?

To answer such a simple, at first glance, question, you need to take at least one look into history. Let's think about monarchical families. for them it meant the emergence of a serious threat to the throne. And this is so, because two heirs at once could cause splits and inevitable enmity.

What does "royal twins" mean? This is the name given to twin babies who were born of different sexes. For any royal family, this was a real royal gift. And not only because babies were born. In this case the peace was not disturbed.

Practical benefits of royal twins for the state

The boy, growing up, became the heir to the throne (no one incited a struggle for power, which means that intrigues, which resulted in multiple murders and splits of the country, were not expected). And the girl could very well be married off very profitably, especially if the groom was a prince from a nearby state. The conclusion of such a marriage strengthened peaceful ties with neighboring powers, because brother and sister would not share anything with each other, and certainly would never start wars with each other. That is why, when royal twins were born, it was perceived as a special blessing from heaven. Even some magic.


In the sensational series 5 years ago “ Closed school“One of the developments of the Nazis, who continued to hatch their insidious plans to this day, was precisely to facilitate the birth of twins. Their serious project “Gemini” was even developed. Thanks to certain medical influences, quite often not only two girls or two boys were born, but also the notorious royal twins. By the way, departing from the theme of the series, we must pay attention to the fact that in real life there really was a prototype of one of the Nazis, occupying a fairly high position. He was a German medical geneticist. After the war, he managed to avoid trial for his illegal actions regarding humanity, human lives, and he settled abroad in one small village. Almost until the end of the 70s of the last century (before his natural death) in this village, in 90% of cases, women were born twins, many of which received the appropriate name - royal twins. The statistics of these strange circumstances exist in reality. Moreover, neither before nor after the presence of the geneticist such a miracle happened in this village.

Dizygotic and monozygotic twins

IN last years Pregnancy of women with twins is quite rare. After all, at 85 babies born There is only one pair of twins on our planet. As for opposite-sex twins, they are born even less frequently.

Almost always opposite-sex twins are fraternal (in other words, dizygotic). Popularly, these babies are called twins.

But it also happens that a woman carries heterosexuals. They are called monozygotic. The whole secret lies in the fact that one of these twins (usually a boy) loses its Y chromosome, which is why a girl is born. But this is more likely an anomaly than the norm.

Similarities and differences

If a stork brings twins to a family - a boy and a girl - then they develop and grow like all other twins. They can be either an exact copy of each other, or, like most sisters and brothers, barely alike.

A special caste of babies is heterosexual, or royal twins. They, just like ordinary twins, saw this world on the same day. But with all this, they have one important significant difference: these little ones have different sexes. They, like same-sex twins, do not need to scour at all in search of their individuality, all this is already inherent in them by nature. These little ones, both in childhood and then as they grow up, spend almost all their time alone, together. But there is one interesting nuance. Even if a boy was born first in this couple, dominance almost always ends up in the hands of the girl. It's like she's taking care of her little brother.

How to raise twins? Joys and difficulties

When parents have opposite-sex twins, it is not only a great joy for mom and dad, but also certain difficulties. Parents now have to buy different toys, different clothes. Even the approaches to raising children are completely different, as well as there are certain differences in hygiene.

Parents should not forget that mentally and physiologically a girl and a boy develop completely differently. Most often, in her development, the baby is much ahead of her brother. Under no circumstances should you humiliate one of the kids or single out a weaker or, conversely, stronger toddler. You shouldn't compare them either.

Why are a boy and a girl called “royal twins”? Yes, because for their parents they are real little monarchs. Even now, when issues of succession to the throne are not given such attention a lot of attention, as it was 100 years ago, the birth of a boy and a girl is still perceived as a kind of miracle. Well, it sounds beautiful, and a real royal gift for parents.

Historical excursion

In 34 BC, the beautiful Cleopatra and Antony, after their meeting in Alexandria, gave birth to twins - a girl and a boy. But, since in ancient times these individuals were practically equated with gods, they said about children that they were divine twins.

Centuries passed, and this name gradually transformed into the one known to everyone and considered by us (royal twins). And this is not surprising, because the story of the monarchical system is already known to you.

Nowadays, the famous twins of our time include babies who were born in Denmark, in royal family Princess Mary and It were truly royal twins, whose photo spread all over the world. Little son Vincent and daughter Josephine were born on January 8, 2011, and were baptized on April 14.

Let's talk about semantics

Well, you already know what “royal twins” means - this term, as already mentioned, is quite established, even historical. After all, many centuries ago, power under the monarchy passed from father to son, and in the case of the birth of two boys at once, many questions arose, which often led to fratricide and wars. When the royal twins were born, the problems were automatically eliminated.

What needs to be done for royal twins to be born into a family? Alas, there is no answer to this question yet. And to this day, scientists have not figured out the result of what challenging game eggs and sperm can produce embryos of different sexes. Simply put, one egg is fertilized by two sperm at once. The result of this “dance” is an intermediate type of twins; experts also call it in another way - semi-identical: exactly half of the babies’ genes are the same, but the other half have characteristic differences. This is how you get a kind of Yin and Yang.

Be that as it may, if parents are expecting royal twins, or they already have double happiness, all that remains is to wish them to raise truly royal daughters and sons.

“When the doctor said after the ultrasound that I was having twins, I fell into lung condition shock! It was both joyful and scary. It’s scary that we won’t be able to cope with two kids, that one of them will certainly be deprived of attention and care. Tell us how to properly approach raising twins, because this is whole science! Lilya."

Yes, indeed, there is such a science - hemelology. She studies twins from the perspective of genetics, physiology and psychology.

Twins are born differently from other children. The presence of constant company in the person of a brother or sister leaves its mark on the development of twins. Therefore, the approach to raising them should be somewhat different than to raising one child.

Twins Relationships

The main feature of twins is their initial forced coexistence. Ordinary children, while in the womb, hear only the mother's heartbeat, while twins hear and feel each other.

Because of this, from birth they develop mutual affection and an amazing ability to feel each other. Even infants experience noticeable discomfort and anxiety when a brother or sister is away for a long time.

This is the first significant advantage of twins: they are never alone. If parents do not find the opportunity to pay attention to both children, then they can compensate for this by communicating with each other. It begins with simple gestures and exclamations, and then develops into the so-called “secret language of twins.” It is called secret because adults cannot always make out what the kids are babbling about.

Single children learn to speak by copying the correct speech of adults. With twins, everything is different - they spend most of their time alone, and therefore copy each other’s lines. Having not learned to speak properly, they repeat one after another incorrectly, because of this they distort the words even more. But the paradox is that they themselves understand perfectly well what they are talking about.

It is very important for parents to pay attention to the development of speaking skills in both children. Despite the intense communication between twins, they very often exhibit speech communication delays.

Parents do not find time to correct mistakes and pronunciations, teach the right words. In addition, the twins love to come up with new words that are not in the Russian language. The task of parents is to develop the speech skills of twins in a timely and correct manner.

The fact that twins are close to each other all the time and are friends with each other does not mean that they do not have rivalry. Competition most often flares up due to parental love and affection. You will sit between two kids and read one book, and each of them will pull the book towards themselves to see the picture that mom showed. So that she shows it to him, and not to her brother or sister!

First you need to work on the principle of simultaneous communication. If you hug one child, immediately hug the second so that he does not feel left out.

But do not forget to teach children to share with each other not only toys and food, but also parental attention. They will soon understand that it is better to wait a little while the parents are busy with another child, so that they can then reign supreme and enjoy parental attention themselves.

Development of individuality in twins

Even if twins are same-sex and similar in appearance, from birth they are two different personalities. The way they are positioned in the womb affects their development. One hears more sounds from the outside world with the right ear, the other with the left, therefore, their brain hemispheres develop differently. One was born first and quickly, but the second had to suffer, therefore, his health is weaker. One way or another, individuality is inherent in every child from birth.

But in our society it is accepted that if twins are twins, then they must be identical from head to toe. They are not only dressed the same, but also forced to eat the same food, follow the same daily routine, and are given the same gifts.

At a very early age, when children are not yet aware of their uniqueness, this is acceptable. But the older the child becomes, the more freedom for the development of his individuality should be provided. Yes, this is much more difficult than “raking both with one brush”, and requires much more time, but parents are simply obliged to notice that their children have different inclinations and talents, and are prone to different behavior patterns.

For example, when choosing gifts for twins, parents will most likely buy identical toys, “so that no one will be offended.” But try to look at it from the other side. If you bought a doll for one daughter pink dress, where is the guarantee that the second daughter will like this doll?

Try to get creative with this. Let dad will go choose a gift with one daughter at one end of the store, and you go with the second daughter to the other. Give your children the right to choose each other's toys. Let each of the girls think about how she could please her sister? Most likely, children will choose various gifts, because they themselves are different personalities. And agree, play different toys together is much more interesting than identical.

While emphasizing the individuality of children, do not forget to develop their independence. After all, the essence of education is also to teach a child to live independently in the adult world. Will a child be able to grow up independent, build his own life and create his own family if he is followed like a shadow by a twin, without whom life is unthinkable?

Try to arrange separate walks and activities for children, involve your relatives in separate communication with twins. Take into account the individual abilities of children when creating activities for them.

For example, if one child has more developed artistic ability, take him to art gallery. And if the other one has a technical mind, let him and dad try to put together a birdhouse.

Even for a birthday, buy two small cakes with candles, rather than one large one for two. Let each of the twins have their own life experience, your personal memories, experiences and dreams.

Parents' fears

The main fear of parents of twins is that they will not be able to cope with two children at once and will not be able to satisfy their needs and demands to the required extent.

Double the amount of washing, ironing, feeding, ordinary household chores and taking care of her husband - all this takes place.

But to cope with this cycle of affairs, try to adhere to the following rules.

  • Psychologically difficult, but very important educational moment. Let your children understand that mom cannot devote time to them 24 hours a day.

When there is only one child in the family, he can play until late, and then it is not easy to put him to bed. And with two children it’s even more difficult! Therefore, develop a system of restrictions and prohibitions that the kids will have to observe so that mom and dad have the opportunity to go about their business. This is where the plus we talked about at the beginning comes into play. If you can't play with your children, they can play in each other's company. Where there is an opportunity to find time for rest and household chores, you should use it.

  • Do not refuse the help of your loved ones and husband. Go to the store, drop things off washing machine, vacuuming - not only you can do this. Actively involve your husband in homework, if he doesn't help you with the children. Accept any help, and then it will be much easier for you to cope with maternal responsibilities.
  • Don't set the bar too high. With the advent of twins, achieving perfection in everyday life will become much more difficult. All free time you should dedicate to family, not cleaning. With the arrival of twins, cleaning can become a permanent process. Therefore, accept it if you don’t have time to do something around the house. This is not the most important thing in life.
  • Use your voice. Mom's voice is good aid. Changing one child diaper, you can keep the second child engaged in conversation. Tell a fairy tale with intonation, hum a song, make funny sounds. This way you can avoid the baby’s resentment for the lack of attention to your person, and do your business in silence, and not through the noise of a child’s crying.

Comment on the article "Features of raising twins"

Raising twins: relationships, development of individuality, fears... The whole family is in torment..... what to call.... the boys are twins.... I want to choose names, on the one hand, not too pretentious, on the other hand not too common... and...


Antoshka and Olezhek are the closest to me among yours.

11/26/2018 16:41:15, salary

Anton and Igor. IMHO.
I love the name Anton. Beautiful, sonorous, absolutely international (the Scandinavians and others generally sound identical, for example). Antonio, Antoine, Antonello... Song. And the middle name is melodious. Banal “bearded” rhymes are in the firebox, this hasn’t bothered anyone for a long time, it can be like anything))

Do twins lag behind their peers in development? Features of raising twins. And as has already been proven, all of the above activities lead to multiple pregnancy. Raising twins: relationships, development of individuality, fears of parents.


Early at 4 years old about “tomorrow”. Those. There are children who know this and easily navigate, and there are children who are too young, and this is the norm. One of the options.

I'm glad you liked the game. In fact, pairs are good to use in studying foreign language or native to our themed children. Right now Zhenya and I are learning the names of trees.

I printed it in double sets. A child must hear a word up to 40 times to remember it. When we turn over the pictures, we say the name of each card.

We also go into the forest and recognize trees by their trunks and leaves.

Features of raising twins. Raising twins: relationships, development of individuality, fears of parents. names for Section: How to name a child (twins with patronymic Konstantinovich). I want twin boys myself and I’ve already thought of names...

Twins are a separate planet that has invaded your family and will force you to dance to its tune all your life. Break your relationship with them in favor of the older child, then there will be no aggression, and the attitude towards the little ones will become more tolerant.


I believe. I know. I'm still sorting it out. And I don’t know when I’ll get over it. And the twins are already 7 years old. The age ratio at the time of their birth and that of the older child was the same. The eldest became downright abandoned. He hates twins.
I can't say anything reassuring. Unless you hire a nanny for your twins, and go with your elder wherever possible. You essentially made the child an orphan with living parents. And don’t think that the twins will grow up and everything will settle down. Twins are a separate planet that has invaded your family and will force you to dance to its tune all your life.

It would be better if I gave birth to three, but separately. And don't worry about it. This is just showing off for the public. In fact, twins are always difficult, always problematic.

Break your relationship with them in favor of the older child, then there will be no aggression, and the attitude towards the little ones will become more tolerant. You really infringed on the rights of your elder in love, affection and attention.

Don't throw tomatoes. I'm just tired of this madhouse. Hope things get better for you.

05/24/2006 18:31:34, Maritulechka

Maybe let dad take more care of her? I know you don’t have time at all. Age is already difficult, I feel sorry for the girl, stress... oh! Or maybe I should buy her “twin baby dolls”? I’ve seen these on sale. With all the accessories? Let him copy you and get involved?

Raising twins: relationships, development of individuality, fears of parents. I'm looking for two twin girls. I would really like our beloved little ones to be found loving parents in Russia.

Twins or brothers/sisters. Experience in adoption/guardianship/foster care. Adoption. Discussion of issues of adoption, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted children. Raising twins: relationships, development of individuality, fears of parents.


My biological daughter was 8 months old when our “twin”, the same age, finally appeared at home. We looked for her in the maternity hospital, but the registration process was drawn out (not through our fault). So I ended up with twins in my arms. Here are my observations.

1) At this age they were somehow indifferent to each other. Neither one reacted particularly to the other. I didn’t notice any adaptation or habituation, but, of course, Dee needed a lot of my time: doctors at home, trips to clinics, massages, etc. Therefore, the hands of assistants will be needed. My aunt came to see me every other day, my sister and her husband came in the evenings, but it was still hard. It’s impossible to keep up with such little ones: their routines are different, one sleeps, the other eats, and at this age they constantly want to keep their mother in sight. Or stood almost constantly if I was alone with them. My husband hired me a live-in nanny, and life immediately improved.

2) We got sick a couple of times, of course. Well, they need to get sick too, to build immunity. Somehow I didn’t particularly separate it, it still won’t work. We just treated ourselves little by little.

In general, they have everything in common: they take turns chewing on toys, we wear the same clothes (after washing, of course). True, I still use a sterilizer for nipples and bottles, but this is more for my comfort. Our dowry is somehow mixed up: each of us has our own beds, of course, but only one high chair. We take turns eating:) One walker, two car seats. There’s only one toy for everyone, but there’s a lot of them, so we make do too. Everything is different: some she bought herself, some she gave as a gift, some she rented. Don't worry :)

3) I love you equally. I read somewhere that children should be given not equally, but according to their needs. Somehow in life this is how it works: one day one doesn’t get away with it, it squeezes, the next day another. So it's easy to sort out.

08/16/2005 10:55:20 AM, Veronix

Answered below. In my opinion, they are needed at first, one of the problems that arises among adopted children is the so-called. unclear understanding of family.
This is even noted by clinical psychologists.
We are currently preparing an article on the problems of adopted children admitted to the 6th children's psychiatric clinic with disorders child-parent relationships and neuroses, I bring small piece partially related to the situation. Of course it is edge cases but it's worth taking this into account.

“In the course of our research, it turned out that the majority of the children examined had family boundaries violated, or rather their stability.
In this regard, the problem of children’s misunderstanding of family boundaries arises (data from a study of children in Children’s Hospital No. 6). These children perceive the boundaries of their family as unstable and blurred, thus they lack a sense of their family as an integral unit. So, in the “Family Drawing” method, they include in their family distant relatives(not all), cannot explain the reasons for this, include friends, children with low intelligence include figures and cannot say who they are. If a psychologist asks to talk about their family, children have difficulty naming all family members; if they remember their parents, they do not know who to call mom and dad.
In our opinion, the instability of family boundaries in the child’s understanding deprives the child of a sense of security in the family, gives rise to anxiety, and disruption of relationships in the family. Violation of boundaries may be one of the reasons for the disruption of emotional communication with the mother, the emergence of feelings of rejection and loneliness."


My girls are still small - we are only 10 months old, but I don’t see any lag yet. Both can say mom, dad, baba, ki (kitty), One of them is still bang, tock (tick-tock).
And we actually went earlier than many others - the youngest at 8.5 months, the eldest at 9.5.
And the lag, even if it is temporary, should be taken calmly and simply pay more attention to your children. Although this is the most difficult thing.

05/29/2000 20:11:37, Alyoshka

“Let it definitely be a boy!”, “No, a girl!”... Such dialogues often arise in couples preparing to become parents. It happens that within one family both of these desires are fulfilled at the same time, and today the site for mothers will talk about a real gift of fate that many families dream of - royal twins.

True, twin pregnancies are rare. According to statistics, for every 85 newborns on earth there is only one pair of twins. And when they are also of different sexes, this is even more rare.

Excursion into the past

Happy parents can experience happiness and watch the simultaneous growth and development of children of different sexes. But where did the word royal come from in naming such children? To find out, you need to flip through the pages of history.

A long time ago, in the thirty-fourth year BC, the fruits of the love of Cleopatra and Anthony, after they met in Alexandria, were children of different sexes. In ancient times, these individuals were equated with gods, therefore, in relation to their offspring, the epithet “divine twin” was used.

From time immemorial, in the royal family, if twins were born, this was an inevitable risk for the throne. The appearance of two heirs always means inevitable strife, enemy conspiracies, and splits.

Another thing, another thing is twins - when a boy and a girl are born at the same time. The first will inherit the throne, and the second can marry for the good of her country.

Let's go back to the present day. In Denmark, little Vincent and Josephine were born into the royal family of Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary. Date of birth – 01/8/2011, date of baptism – April 14 of the same year.

Twins or twins: what's the difference?

As a rule, in the case under consideration we are dealing with dizygotic or fraternal children. But sometimes it also happens that these are royal twins, that is, monozygotic, identical. Often, in this case, children of the same sex would have to be born. They are heterosexual because the boy loses the Y chromosome and a girl is born. Such cases are more anomalous than normal.

And usually families who are presented with a truly royal gift very zealously defend this terminology. If twins were born from different zygotes, they may even be offended by the phrase “royal twins.”

Difficulties of the gestation process

Such a “fertile” pregnancy may have its own risks:

  • threat of miscarriage or early labor,
  • premature placental abruption may be complicated,
  • spontaneous death of one of the fetuses, for example, at 26 weeks of development,
  • gestosis, etc.

It is important to have regular follow-up with your doctor to make sure you are normal course Happy pregnancy to you.

Growth and development

Children grow and develop like everyone else. At the same time, the site knows of cases when they are as similar to each other as two drops of water, but only of different genders. And there are also completely different ones, as if they were just brother and sister.

If we can talk about advantages (although this is all so subjective and individual that it simply cannot be put into any framework), then twins of opposite sexes have a “head start”. Despite the fact that they have the same father, grew up in the womb of the same mother, were born on the same day, they are a girl and a boy. Then they will become a girl and a boy, a woman and a man... Grandparents, in the end :)

In other words, they no longer need to make more efforts to express and emphasize their own individuality, as Geminis often have to do.

Remember, for example, the Olsen twins. In the films, they played diametrically opposed roles: for example, one is a rebel, the other is a good girl, one is used to luxury, and the other is a real daredevil who does not know what dresses are. And in life they dress, comb their hair, put on makeup, and behave differently.

Nature itself has already laid down this dissimilarity. Plus, if we compare such children with those who grow up in a family alone, without sisters and brothers, they spend all their time together.

Mothers and grandmothers will be able to appreciate this when their children grow up a little. Yes, those who have children also receive this advantage. It can be assumed that when there is only such a royal “surprise” in the family, these children are deprived of the opportunities and advantages that those who grow up with their elders have, younger brothers

and sisters. But even here they remember well who exactly saw the light first, and they call him “oldest.”

Although, as practice shows, even if the boy comes out first, it is the girl who takes the “palm.” She tries on the role of a caring older sister who cares for her brother.

What difficulties do parents face? Be prepared right away that you need twice as much more clothes

And . It just seems that it is easier to give birth to two at once than with an interval. Supposedly it’s easier for a woman. But after pregnancy and childbirth, the process of caring for this gift of fate begins - immediately. The approach to education, the difference in hygiene - all this must be taken into account.

A girl and a boy develop differently physiologically and mentally. She is always ahead of him.

Royal twins are a real gift from above, they are given to your family for a reason. Often such a pregnancy occurs after many years of fears of not becoming parents at all, treatment, worries and a painful decision to go for in vitro fertilization. And now, it seems that the finale is the long-awaited son and daughter at once. But this is not the end, but the beginning of a new stage in your life.

What does royal twins mean - a mystery of nature, or a gift of fate for chosen parents? Or maybe a serious test? Of course, two outwardly similar, but at the same time different-sex toddlers - a daughter and a son - are real happiness. But at the same time, it is a great responsibility, and if you add the risk of various gene abnormalities, it may be good that such couples occur one in a thousand.

According to statistics, twin children, a boy and a girl, are so rare that upon learning about multiple pregnancies, many mothers and fathers, and even doctors, do not even imagine that they might be born. After all, babies of different sexes are most often the result of the fertilization of two eggs, that is twins, but not twins at all. However, history knows cases when a brother and sister were born at the same time, similar friend like two peas in a pod.

So twins, or still twins, born boy and a girl with an almost identical gene set? Let's try to figure it out.

It is impossible to deny the fact, and science on the mysterious birth opposite-sex twins Some light has already been shed. Yes, this can happen, although it is extremely rare.

We all know from anatomy lessons that twins arise from the same zygote and have the same chromosome set. But there are a number of factors and inexplicable processes by which twins are born: a boy and a girl. Let's look at when this is possible:

boy and girl?

The process of formation of monozygotic opposite-sex twins is very complex and not fully understood. Therefore, no matter how much parents would like to give birth to twins, a boy and a girl, it is almost impossible to predict or influence this process in advance. Although science does not stand still, and together with the mass introduction of IVF, expectant mothers and fathers have the prospect of pre-ordering the gender of their babies and their identity in the future.

You happy parents twins? Then you are doubly lucky. Children will grow up in each other's company, simultaneously developing and helping each other to understand the world. Parents need to know that raising twins is somewhat different from raising one child. Read about the intricacies of raising twins in our article.

Twins in a family: features of life and upbringing

From birth, twins have a mutual attachment that was formed even before birth.

There are often cases when a mother gives birth to two or more children at once: either twins or twins. What is the difference between them? In medical terminology, there is no such thing as twins. There are identical or fraternal twins. The first refers to two or more children that developed in the same uterus and were born almost simultaneously. We used to call fraternal twins fraternal twins. Twins are always of the same gender, but twins can be of the same gender. different genders. Twins are always very similar to each other: almost indistinguishable. Fraternal twins(twins) have an external resemblance, like ordinary brothers and sisters. Both twins and twins are special children: born at the same time, they are still two different individuals.

“Twins come into the world different from other children.”

What is the main feature of twins? The fact is that they are initially forced to be together all the time: first in the womb, and then throughout childhood.

From birth, twins have a mutual attachment that was formed even before birth. Even babies feel anxious when their sister or brother is away from them for a long time. There is also a significant advantage to this: twins are never alone. Even if parents do not always have enough time to devote to their children, twins will always occupy themselves by communicating with each other. Such communication begins with simple gestures and exclamations, and soon becomes a kind of " secret language twins." Why "secret"? Because adults cannot always understand what children are babbling about. A child who grows up alone in a family learns to speak by copying the speech of adults. But in twins, speech development occurs differently: being next to each other most of the time, they copy what each other says. Not knowing how to speak correctly, they repeat after each other, but at the same time they understand each other perfectly. And here one of the main tasks of parents becomes timely development correct speech both children.

Another advantage of twins is that they are usually much more independent than their single peers.

Watch a video about raising twins, twins and the same age

Two different personalities

One of the most important moments The thing parents should pay attention to when raising twins is that twins are two different individuals. Parents should organize educational process so that kids recognize themselves as separate, independent individuals . If parents do not understand this and do not contribute to the formation of the correct identity of the child, this can lead to difficulties in social adaptation in adulthood. For example, there are often cases when twins do not want to study, work, or serve in the army separately. different places

. Such people are not ready to start their own family, and their contacts with others are very limited, since they expect the same mutual understanding from those around them as from a brother or sister.

Parents should organize the educational process so that children recognize themselves as separate, independent individuals. In psychological and pedagogical practice, it has been repeatedly described how self-identification disorders occur in twins and twins, which manifests itself in the fact that children can share acquired skills and abilities. For example, one may read and the other write; one is great at putting together puzzles, and the other is great at communicating with children. They perceive themselves as if only together they are a single whole. It sometimes happens that twins can “get lost” in society, being in some situations alone. This pattern of behavior can lead to a general inhibition of the development of twins’ personalities.

Therefore, it is important that each child in a pair of twins feels the boundaries of his “I”.

Same-sex twins

The task of parents is to help both children develop correctly and on time, taking into account the individual characteristics of each In pairs of twins of the same sex, a problem almost always occurs: the subordination of one child to the other. The child born a couple of moments earlier is subordinate to the younger one, and the weak one is subordinate to the strong one. Such relationships between children are developed with, and can last almost a lifetime. With twin boys, the stronger one always dominates. And among twin girls, the one who is more intellectually developed dominates. Often the dominant child is more proactive, considers himself better and smarter than the second child, and likes to command him. The dominant child is more independent and self-sufficient than the second. Here the task of parents is to help both children develop correctly and on time, taking into account the individual characteristics of each.

Specifics of raising twins of different sexes

If a boy is subordinate to a girl in a pair of twins, then he needs to develop independence and independence from his sister.

In pairs of opposite-sex twins, the girl most often dominates. This is due to the fact that, thanks to their psychophysiological characteristics, girls develop faster. If the height, weight and pace of development of a twin boy are ahead of a girl, then she may lose her dominant position - and then the boy becomes the leader.

If you see that the leadership of one child significantly suppresses the other, then it is better to separate the twins: send them to different groups kindergarten, V different classes, clubs, sports sections.

If a boy is subordinate to a girl in a pair of twins, then parents should specifically develop his independence and independence from his sister. Take him to sports section, intended only for boys. Encourage the boy to have his own “separate” friends. It’s great if he has an activity in which his sister is not superior to him. Let dad help in this matter. If there is no father in the family, then the mother definitely needs to think about which man to involve in raising the twin boy: grandfather, uncle, close relative, who would take care of him and participate in his upbringing.

If a girl always lacks a brother, then in this case it is also necessary to develop her self-sufficiency.

“Opposite-sex twins do not experience separation as much as same-sex twins.”

Twins Relationships

Even though the twins are always close to each other and are friends, this does not mean that they cannot compete. The struggle most often arises due to the degree of love and affection of the parents.

To establish right relationship between twins, devoid of fierce competition, it is best to act this way:

  • Having hugged one, don’t forget about the other
  • teach not to be greedy, help each other
  • teach thoughtfulness, prudence, patience.

Soon children will understand that parental love is enough for everyone.

Development of children's individuality

In order to avoid all possible undesirable consequences related to self-identification, we recommend that parents of twins:

  • perceive children as two separate individuals, and not as “one human being in two copies”
  • from the early age children are encouraged in their independence, perception and understanding of their own “I”
  • attach importance to twins' differences
  • call each child by his own name
  • Create each of the twins their own space, toys, etc.

"Advice. When paying attention to the differences between twins and the successes of each, you need to be careful and as correct as possible so as not to arouse jealousy and envy in one of the children.”

It is important to do everything possible to ensure that twin children develop in conditions favorable to their psychological and emotional development. For example, with the help of games and correctly selected toys:

  1. Set up a puppet theater at home. It will be useful for twins to take on different roles. This will stimulate the development of the necessary skills, the development of the twins’ speech, their logical thinking, imagination and fantasy. And competent parents will also adjust the course of the game, depending on how their children perform in it. Invite children to change roles: this way they will develop different qualities, including leadership ones.
  2. Stock up on logic games. Lotto, dominoes and other types of games that develop logic will ensure that in such games each of the twins will play for themselves. This will teach you to make decisions independently, express and defend your own opinion.
  3. Encourage your twins to play games to develop fine motor skills. And if you purchase them in duplicate, the twins will be able to compete with each other, developing their individual abilities.
  4. Invite them to play board games. Each child will not only play for himself, but also develop speech, attention, memory, and thinking.
  5. Provide each of the twins with their own toys. When buying toys, allow each child to make their own choice: they will choose those toys that will suit their needs. individual characteristics and preferences.

Pay attention to competition between children: teach them patience and mutual assistance

Useful tips will help parents of twins develop the right approach in education:

  1. Choose different sounding names for your children.
  2. Do not buy identical clothes or toys for twins: take into account the tastes of each child.
  3. Pay attention to competition between children: teach them patience and mutual assistance.
  4. Make time for everyone, including private time.
  5. Emphasize individual differences between twins.

When raising twins, remember that each of them has their own thoughts and desires, characteristics and talents. Help your children develop, be patient - and soon they will delight you with double successes.
