Day of textile and light industry. Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

Each person strives for comfort, so he tries to acquire different shoes and clothing suitable for different variants weather. Today you can find a lot of clothes and shoes from foreign and domestic manufacturers, offered in a huge assortment. However, many people forget about the titanic work of people involved in the production process of such products, providing maximum comfort, helping to escape from heat, rain or cold.

history of the holiday

Such a holiday can be called relatively young, since it began to be celebrated only 30 years ago. The document that became the basis for the introduction of such important holiday, became the Decree of the Presidium of the Council Soviet Union, adopted 10/1/1980. The holiday was celebrated on the territory of the entire USSR, congratulating the shock workers of labor and presenting letters of commendation and prizes. However, after the collapse of the great superpower, the holiday remained, but was adopted by the heads of each of the seceding countries, including Russia.

How they celebrate in Russia

On Workers Day light industry various meetings and conferences are held dedicated to identifying the most successful companies that contribute to the development of the country's light industry, as well as solving the main problems that arise in this area. Solemn meetings are held at various industrial enterprises, providing for the presentation of certificates and awards to the most distinguished employees by their work and diligence. Veterans of labor who have put a lot of effort and time into improving the technologies and processes of the light industry are also often invited. On this day, the authorities and officials of various ranks express gratitude to all workers and labor veterans, and also congratulate them on the great professional holiday.

IN Lately light industry enterprises employ predominantly female employees, who are distinguished by patience, attentiveness and the ability to long time do monotonous work. At the same time, today most of the light industry is made up of small companies with a small staff, engaged in the production of a limited number of products to order, or sewing workwear, camping equipment. Congratulations to the employees of such companies are carried out by their management.

Also light workers industry congratulate friends, colleagues and ordinary acquaintances, handing them small presents or expressing congratulations on poetic form(SMS, postcards, etc.).

Celebration in the world

In other countries that were previously part of the Soviet Union, the celebration of such an event takes place in much the same way. Workers and veterans of labor in the light industry are congratulated by the management, as well as close, familiar colleagues. Often on this day, labor leaders receive certificates, as well as incentive bonuses. In many countries, many conferences are timed to coincide with this day, designed to draw attention to lung problems industry different countries and also find the most appropriate ways to solve them.

Light industry in Russia

Light industry in Russia originated in the 17th century. Then the first workshops began to open, engaged in tailoring clothes from cloth and linen, created by the state. It is noteworthy that the state forced people to work at such enterprises, depriving good rest and earning opportunities. The next step was the opening of capitalist tailoring workshops. different products from wool and linen. At this time, hired labor had already appeared, people began to receive rewards for the efforts made and the time spent. Only in the 19th century were the first factories equipped with multifunctional equipment allowing mass production of quality shoes and clothes.

During the existence of the Soviet Union, there was a rapid development of light industry. Combines began to open everywhere, qualitatively processing knitwear, linen, cotton and wool. However, the workers who worked at such plants received meager wages demeaning the importance of their work. During the collapse of the superpower, foreign-made clothing and footwear began to be massively brought to Russia, which negatively affected the state of the domestic light industry. Today, the import of foreign products is not blocked, but domestic factories and small businesses have managed to reach a certain level, producing quality products, which are worthy competition to foreign brands.

Large light industry enterprises are located in 12 economic regions of Russia. The most important regions producing maximum amount products are considered to be Tver and Ivanovo, located in the central part of the country. In such areas, the production of high-quality knitwear and various products from this material has been established. Every year, numerous enterprises from these regions hold thematic fairs, offering everyone to purchase high-quality domestic products. However, every year the country's reserves necessary for the production of textiles are depleted, which leads to a gradual decrease in the volume of output, as well as a significant increase in the cost of domestic textiles.

The climatic conditions of the Russian Federation make it necessary to have at least three sets of clothes and shoes in the wardrobe of every Russian. This allows people to comfortably spend time outdoors. Many people buy imported clothes for themselves, but consumer demand for domestic products is also not small.

In early July, light industry employees celebrate their professional holiday. Most of the workers in this industry are women. On this day, all employees of the clothing and footwear industries and everyone who is somehow connected with the textile industry deserve congratulations.


Officially, the Textile Worker's Day in the Russian Federation was approved by the President at the beginning of the 21st century. But this holiday has been celebrated for more than 30 years.

Until the 18th century, wool and linen were the main raw materials for Russian light industry. In the manufactories of that time, serfs mainly worked. Despite the flourishing of the new textile factories, handicraft workshops remained the dominant form of production.

In the 19th century began gradual transition to factory production. From the middle of the 19th century, manual machines began to be replaced by more modern ones - mechanical ones. By the end of the century, half of the enterprises switched to machine production.

During the First and Second World Wars, the Russian manufactory suffered huge losses. In production, the volume of manufactured products fell several times. It was only in the 1940s that the industry was fully established and restored.

  • 1970s - the textile industry reaches the pinnacle of its development.
  • Since the 1970s, active production of synthetics has begun: acetate silk, lavsan, nitron.
  • From 1965 to 1986 The USSR occupies one of the first places in the production of wool.
  • Since the 1980s, a sharp decline in production efficiency has begun.

From 1990 to 1998, the productivity of the textile industry fell catastrophically. The volume of production decreased several times. The number of imported goods in the Russian markets began to prevail over domestic ones.


In honor of this holiday, large-scale festivities are held at factories and enterprises of this industry. Employees try to organize interesting and bright concerts, corporate parties and other events.

In addition to corporate events, successful factories and textile corporations hold fashion shows. Most often, these shows represent fashion items from the finest fabrics. They are carried out to increase the number of consumers and increase credibility in the market.

It is also customary to celebrate this holiday in the family circle. Relatives, friends and colleagues gather at the festive tables, share professional experience tell interesting and funny stories.

Do not forget to congratulate light industry employees, because they make a huge contribution to comfortable existence humanity.

In the conditions of the Russian climate, the average resident of the country must have at least three sets of clothes and shoes in order to comfortably move around the streets in any weather. People with high level income, as a rule, they prefer to wear clothes of foreign brands, but there are also many consumers among domestic manufacturers of light industry. A professional holiday is dedicated to employees of this industry.

When they celebrate

Every second Sunday in June Russia, Belarus and Ukraine celebrate the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers. In 2019, the holiday falls on June 9th. In Russia, he copes in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1111 “On the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers”, issued on June 17, 2000.

Who is celebrating

This is a professional holiday of those people who are directly related to this species activities. Approximately six hundred thousand people are employed in the light industry of the Russian Federation, of which about 80 percent are women. Numerous employees of clothing, footwear, leather, fur and other enterprises celebrate this date on a grand scale.

history of the holiday

This event has existed for over 30 years. The Day of Light Industry Workers was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On festive and memorable days". After the collapse of the Union, it was approved at the state level by the heads of the republics by separate decrees.

The Russian history of the development of light industry dates back to the 17th century. It was then that the first state linen and cloth manufactories began to appear, which dressed the inhabitants pre-revolutionary Russia, mainly by the forces of serfs. Then they were replaced by capitalist textile factories, which employed hired workers.

During the Soviet Union, light industry began to develop rapidly. Linen, woolen, knitwear and cotton mills appeared mainly in central regions countries. After the collapse of the USSR, the post-Soviet market opened up to imported goods, which led to a significant decline in domestic textile production.

About light industry in Russia

IN Russian Federation there are more than 15 thousand enterprises and organizations related to the textile and light industry, so the products of domestic factories can fully satisfy the demand of their customers.

To date, the economic condition of Russian textile enterprises has stabilized, but many of the problems of the industry have survived and are hindering further development organizations. Demand for products is not high enough, many enterprises use outdated technological equipment, and the wages of workers leave much to be desired. The situation is not improved by the huge share of illegally brought into the country and shadow products of the light industry.

The most famous region producing light and textile industry in Russia is Ivanovo Oblast. Local enterprises dress and shoe the whole country and even export products abroad.

In the conditions of the Russian climate, the average resident of the country must have at least three sets of clothes and shoes in order to comfortably move around the streets in any weather. People with a high level of income, as a rule, prefer to wear clothes of foreign brands, but there are also many consumers from domestic manufacturers of light industry. A professional holiday is dedicated to employees of this industry.

When they celebrate

Every second Sunday in June Russia, Belarus and Ukraine celebrate the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers. In 2018, the holiday falls on June 10. In Russia, he copes in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1111 “On the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers”, issued on June 17, 2000.

Who is celebrating

This is a professional holiday of those people who are directly related to this type of activity. Approximately six hundred thousand people are employed in the light industry of the Russian Federation, of which about 80 percent are women. Numerous employees of clothing, footwear, leather, fur and other enterprises celebrate this date on a grand scale.

Whose holiday is this

According to the international classification, light industry includes 25 divisions: textile production, shoe, leather, clothing, knitwear, silk, chemical, etc. This holiday is celebrated by both veterans and current workers in these areas of production. The celebration is celebrated on a special scale in the Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Novgorod regions. These areas are considered the center of the textile and light industry in Russia.

Almost every fifth family in Russia works at light industry enterprises, and of course they take part in festive events, go out of town, collect festive table invite guests to share the fun with them. Because this holiday falls on summer period, then as festivities, the management of enterprises organize mass field trips, picnics, competitions. Fairs, exhibitions, fashion shows are held in the central palaces of the city.

Light Industry Day: the history of appearance

The factory industry arose in the 18th century. The impetus for technological progress was complex machine tools and apparatus: a spinning machine, a weaving machine. It was a transition from manual labor to the machine.

In the 19th century there was an intensive growth of many enterprises. This was due to the fact that capitalist factories appeared that used the labor of hired workers, and not serfs. By the end of the century, they determined the industrial development of Russia.

Light Industry Day was not celebrated in those days. The main enterprises were located in the centers of handicrafts (tailoring, weaving, lace). The standard of living of employees was very low, as there was a lack of machinery and a poor raw material base in production. The situation was aggravated by the economic crisis.

Only in the 20s of the 20th century did the establishment of the knitwear, clothing, and shoe industries begin. The construction of new cotton, silk-weaving, silk-winding factories began. After the war, the enterprises quickly recovered and earned new force. And in 1980, the Light Industry Day was approved. It is like a reward for people for their continuous work, as a memory of our history.

Light Industry Workers Day 2018 - congratulations

And a tailor and a seamstress
And I'm in a hurry to cutter
I congratulate you on this day.
We call you the best!

So that the needle does not break,
Pattern so as not to be lost,
Muse to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

Everything to succeed in life
Who does life need to connect with?
To avoid frustration
For you to succeed.

Light industry celebrates its day.
Your work is very important, needed and appreciated.
On this day, I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and loved.
May it often bring you a lot of income.
Let life become a kind and beautiful fairy tale.
And success and luck will lead you forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
May your health be eternal.
Be loved and don't be discouraged.
Let all your troubles melt like smoke.

Today we celebrate the day of our workers,
In light industry: from chiefs to privates.
May skill and luck not leave you yourself,
Well, the quality with design is like that of world brands.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And reliable stability, center prosperity.
