How to come up with a signature: beautiful options for a unique autograph. We come up with an original painting

Russians rarely have to come up with signatures for their passports, because the main document in our country changes only twice in a citizen's life. However, when it comes time to decide on a signature, its development turns into a real headache. Still, after all, you need to come up with an autograph that would be both original, concise and simple - otherwise the execution of a loan agreement will turn into a real nightmare.

To satisfy all three requirements, you will probably have to create a painting that may seem strange to an outsider. No need to be shy about including unique elements in it (no matter how the obese Passport Office worker looks). At the moment, the originality of the "squiggle" is, first of all, a factor contributing to the safety of a citizen.

According to experts, 85% of citizens' autographs are so banal and elementary that falsifying them is easy.

Is it possible to change?

People who once in the Passport Office rashly "twisted" such a signature that they are no longer able to repeat it, often wonder if it is possible to change the signature in the passport. Lawyers clarify the following: a citizen does not have to think about how to change the signature in the passport - he has the right to simply start signing differently without reissuing documents.

The only exception is credit documentation. In banks, the rule is strict: the signature is only as in the passport. If a citizen is not able to sign the documentation in the same way as an identity card, he has three options:

    notarize a new facsimile;

What should not be a signature?

Do not be surprised if in the list of signs of a bad painting you find those that are inherent in your facsimile. More than two-thirds of Russians use autographs, which are easy to forge even for an inexperienced fraudster. What should not be the signature in the passport?

Quite often, Russian citizens come up with banal autographs because they don’t know: legislation does not limit their imagination. As for signatures, everything is allowed. You can paint your passport as you like (of course, without going beyond the special column) - at least put a smiley face, at least a hieroglyph from ancient Chinese.

How to create a reliable and original autograph

How to come up with a signature for a passport? First of all, throw the triviality aside - this is not your option. Many, when developing a signature, make the following mistake: they write the first three letters of the last name and try to add various “squiggles” and underscores to them. A good result cannot be achieved with this approach, because a person deliberately limits himself, believing that the signature should be tied to the surname.

Perhaps these ideas for painting in the passport will help you:

An interesting point: female and male signatures are different. Men strive for brevity and conciseness, and the fairer sex - for more curls and smooth lines.

If there are no “for the life of me” ideas on how to choose a signature for a passport, you can go to the extreme step: turn to a special program that will come up with an autograph instead of you. Such applications are called mural generators - enter this query into the search box, and you will understand that your headache will be pleasant. There are a lot of mural generators in Runet: the program posted here - is guaranteed to give a result. It is enough to enter the last name and first name in special fields, and the service will offer a lot of options.

Among them will be a little absurd, but quite charming.

The service is absolutely free - you do not have to worry about your e-wallets.

For the most creative

It's no secret that many creative people can't stand banality and strive to stand out from the crowd with everyone, even with a signature. A striking example is the writer Kurt Vonnegut, who signed his portrait:

It is important to know the measure here. Probably Vonnegut did not have to sign often and take out loans, otherwise he would definitely have thought about a simpler facsimile.

Much more stylish and simple is the signature of the “mad genius” Salvador Dali:

Here is a photo of a beautiful painting on a passport for girls from the English Queen Elizabeth the First:

It is rather difficult to repeat such a monogram, so girls can also be offered to use images of animals drawn in one line as a painting. It looks cute and original, but before you decorate your passport with a fox or a swift cheetah, you will first need to practice.

When creating a painting on a passport, you can take the autograph of the Hungarian king Stephen the First as an example:

With such a facsimile, you will definitely suffer, but you will be able to tell everyone that you have a signature, like a king.

There are a lot of ideas for creating signatures. The main thing: do not limit yourself to trivial options. A unique signature will not only emphasize your individuality, but will also become a guarantee of financial security.

A signature is an indispensable attribute of a self-confident and successful person. According to scientists, this is just a conditioned reflex, the movement of our hands developed over time. But the sages say that the signature reflects human qualities and character.

What should be the signature? Do I need to stick to the framework of my first and last name, or can I just put a cross? It turns out you can.

Are there rules

There are no set rules. A signature is a special individual type of manuscript that reflects the surname in conditionally written characters and certifies the identity of the signatory. The main and only requirement is that the signature should not change, it should be identical to the one in the passport. Therefore, on official papers, you can sign with a cross. Provided that in the passport in the required column is just such a signature. It must be remembered: the simpler your signature, the easier it is to forge. The passport service, as a rule, recommends using the first letters of initials with flourishes in the signature.

Signature of a successful person

Naturally, the original autograph can impress others. This is especially true in business. A win-win signature has certain characteristics.

The signature should be tilted forward and to the right, which guarantees reliability in the future, indicates that a person has a strategy in his business. Those who put their signature straight and without slanting are highly concentrated and fixated on one thing. They do not see their future and do not know what to do in the present. The backward tilt speaks of people who are stuck in their past and today do not accept change.

The signature must begin and end with a stroke pointing upwards. If your signature does not meet these conditions, then you need to automate your signature at least for the final top stroke of the pen. It is a symbol of good luck and success, which is especially important in business and in leadership positions. If you analyze the signatures of famous and famous people, you will notice that the signature comes out from under their pen rapidly, rushing up, and the letters are clear, with an average level of pressure. This is one of the 100% guarantees of success, experts say.

Remember, the signature is your face and expression of personality. If you still don’t know how to sign beautifully, then it’s never too late to learn.

Signature is a unique identifier of a person, expressed in a certain sequence of characters. She, according to psychologists, indicates the inner world, character and energy of the individual. Usually children begin to independently sign at 6-7 years old, but over time their signature may change. How to learn to subscribe?


You can learn to sign when he is already confidently holding a pen in his right or left hand. The need for your skill usually arises when he goes to a preparatory group, school, or, for example, enrolls in a library. Explain to him, the signature, and what it is for. Show how you sign yourself. Show him some signatures from different people.

Most often, the signature includes the initials of the person's first and last name, but this is not a mandatory requirement. Tell about it. However, you should not come up with a personal signature for the child, it is better to give him room for imagination. Let him independently try to express his personality, individuality and practice well. Usually, several options for signatures come to children's heads, and then they choose the most attractive and interesting of them, in their opinion.

When the child has signed several times, he remembers the sequence of characters and subsequently often adheres to this order without improvising. Usually the handwriting and signature change greatly when he enters and sees how other children write and sign. Sometimes the kid can often change his signature as well as handwriting. This is how he finds himself.

It happens that people of age decide to start signing in a new way. Most often this is due to professional activities or some kind of internal impulses. It happens that a person listens to the opinion of some authoritative person who advises to improve the signature, complicate it, give it more visual weight.

General directors and chief accountants must be able to sign on official documents in a complex and always the same way. This is necessary so that their signatures are difficult to forge and falsify.

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With the ubiquity of computers, people are less and less likely to use a fountain pen to write messages and letters, but in order to put it, it will certainly be required. Signature - a unique inscription that graphically certifies the identity of its owner. Therefore, it is advisable to select it once and use it on all documents.


No document regulates how to set signature. Of course, it should be a reflection of your last name, and sometimes your first name and patronymic. Many choose this spelling when signature begins with three letters denoting initials. But this is not necessary - you can use the letter of the first name and last name or just the last name when writing it.

Sometimes you want to start life from scratch ... Or maybe start from the simplest - for example, try to solve an elementary problem: how to come up with a signature. Did you know that handwriting can say a lot about a person, just like a signature can significantly affect his fate. Sometimes it is enough to change the painting, and life will immediately begin to change for the better. Or maybe you don’t have your own signature yet, the one that you would like to sweep in your passport or imprint in someone’s notebook if (or when) you become famous? Then read this article. We will teach you how to sign and tell you how to become the owner of the most stylish and original signature.

In order to learn how to sign beautifully, you need to carefully prepare. It will not take much time, but the result will surely please you.

  1. Analyze your previous signature (if you had one). See what you don’t like, perhaps you have changed your handwriting and writing style, you have some kind of “trick” of your own, or you simply changed your last name. In this case, think about which elements of your previous painting you would like to keep, and which ones you would like to improve and decorate.

  2. A signature is not just a cute squiggle. This is information about you, your calling card. Therefore, you need to consider what information would you like to put in it. Name? Surname? Or maybe all together, and even a patronymic? Highlight the first letters of the name and patronymic (initials), practice writing them together with the surname. Try different options: write the first letters of the name beautifully, sweepingly, apply various kinds of curls.

  3. When you have already decided which part of the first and last name you will use in the signature, select the characters that will serve to connect the letters. Remember the first class: hooks, sticks, curls - all this will come in handy. Also, calligraphy. This marvelous art not only relaxes and relieves stress, but also helps to bring your own painting closer to the ideal.

  4. In order to expand your horizons and stock up on inspiration, study examples of signatures of famous writers, artists, artists and artists. This will help you make your personal signature even brighter and better.

How to come up with a nickname?

In addition to the real signature, there is also a virtual signature. We all live in the times of the Internet, in which there is an incredible amount of Vasya, Kol and Sing. And I want to emphasize my identity, so that even on a social network you will not be confused with anyone. It remains only to dream a little - how to come up with a nickname, and you will definitely have some kind of original idea.

  • Of course, if you have a rare and memorable surname, then you don’t need to come up with anything. For example, if your surname is Shchiborsch or Eybogin, then you will hardly meet your double on the network.
  • You can use the name or surname of your favorite literary character, actor or singer instead of a nickname. However, this is not a very reliable way.
  • Remember what nickname you came up with at school your classmates. Perhaps this is not an offensive teaser at all, but your unique nickname. Here you were at school Pancake or Cupcake - it's so great! People with such nicknames in the network, oh, how they are needed!
  • Just read your last name backwards - you may come across an unusual combination of sounds that will become your individual business card.
  • Come up with a nickname that reflects your hobby or your character traits - Positive, Dancing in the Sky, Brave, Predator.
  • Come up with some absurd application word for your name. For example, Pelmen Boris, Lyudmila Good Evening, Tolya Zhelezyaka. Of course, you can show off your knowledge of foreign languages ​​​​and write something in Latin or Hindi after the name. The main thing is not to get into trouble.

If you have already figured out what letters you will use to create a signature, then you can work out possible options for the design of your future autograph.

Signature Leading to Prosperity

A signature is said to promote great prosperity and success if it begins with a firm upward stroke and ends with a firm upward stroke as well. Look at the signatures of any successful people you know, and when you're sure they are, practice creating your own new signature until you get such auspicious strokes. The most favorable signatures below are signatures A and C.

Signature A
From a feng shui point of view, this is the most auspicious signature of the four presented here. Pay attention to the rising beginning and end of the signature. It means a good start and a good end to any project and any work undertaken. My feng shui teacher said that if you sign like this 49 times on a wish sheet within 49 days, your wishes will come true!
Signature B
This signature is only partially correct. It starts with a confident line up, but ends with the same confident line down. Signatures ending with a down move are considered unfavorable. They point to a bad ending.
Signature C
This is another example of a signature with wonderful feng shui. Again, pay attention to the beginning and end of the signature going up. In the final upward part, the last stroke is also considered part of the signature. So if your signature doesn't have an upward end, include a confident upward line in your signature to create good luck and prosperity.
Signature D
This signature has an almost imperceptible slope at the end. And therefore it is unfavorable. If your signature resembles this one, try to change it so that the last stroke goes up.


Lillian Too claims that "the name is your luck." The way it is written, pronounced, and used directly affects your luck. The golden rule says: "Never underestimate the meaning of your name." You should not write it on fences or dirty walls like "Vasya was here." Never allow it to be embroidered on a foot mat. And don't let anyone carve your name on trees or paint walls with them in graffiti. And here your romantic aspirations do not matter - your name should always be in good places.

One of the Feng Shui masters told the following story. Long ago, after I bought the Dragon Seed department store in Hong Kong and started working as a fashion buyer (before that, I was the chairman of the board of the department store), I went to Paris for ready-to-wear shows. There I met the charming Inez de la Fresange. For many years she was the muse of Karl Lagerfield, the great designer of Chanel. Every Parisian knew her. But alas, she moved away from Carl and created her own trademark. And of course, to promote such a business, a lot of capital was required. So she sold her business to a huge conglomerate. Some time later, it turned out that her every move was under the control of the new owner - she had to receive permission for all her actions without exception. After all, having sold her business, she also sold her name - Ines de la Fresange. Thus, the rights to use her own name have passed to another owner.

I will never forget this story, showing the importance of my name, the narrator claims. And you don't have to be famous for a name to be valuable. So be careful with your name.
From a feng shui point of view
From a feng shui point of view, remember that if you respect your name, it will lead you to recognition. Sprinkling your name with precious stones, and wearing such a medallion with pride around your neck, you will attract wealth. If you design the first letter of your name and place it at the top of the page, don't say it, it will bring you good luck. Never allow your name to be used where it will be humiliated. I've always marveled at shoe designers who put their name inside a shoe and let customers stomp on it.

Will they lose their business? It's hard to say, but you'll notice that shoe designers who are learning feng shui are starting to place their logo on the side of the shoe instead of on the sole. Well-known names that have been trampled on for many years end up losing control of their company.

Business card design
When making business cards, your name should be in a favorable position. At least it shouldn't be damaged. For example, if your name is placed above the name of your company, then your work will not weigh you down. It is worth doing the opposite, as in the office you will be piled up with a lot of work that is difficult to handle. There should not be any sharp shapes on the business card - triangles, angular letters, arrows directed at your name. Be careful with your corporate logo as well. I'm always careful with logos that are slanted, unstable, or have specks or dots. This assumes the presence of all conditions for the collapse of the enterprise. Let's turn to the logo of the famous bankrupt ENRON - the letter E was tilted as if it was always ready to collapse - and, of course, the company collapsed! Closer to home - have you noticed the logos of companies that build and develop housing projects? Here, truly, lies the explanation for all outstanding successes and failures.

Prosperity Signature
The way you sign your name has a truly huge impact on your luck, especially your career and business. After all, the autograph is so often used in business activities. These tips will help you develop a profitable signature.

1. Your signature should be slanted forward, which guarantees hope for the future. Those who sign evenly - overly concentrated in the present - this is not always a bad thing. But leaning forward involves developing a strategic approach to one's activities. Leaning back involves developing an all-denying character. Such people often replay past events in their minds and do not want change, thus becoming stuck in the past.

2. Always begin your signature with an upward stroke and end it with an upward stroke of the pen. If you cannot meet these requirements, then at least end your signature with a stroke up. It is the signature of prosperity that calls on your luck to guide you upwards. This is especially important if you run your own business, are the CEO, or hold any leadership position. Usually, managers who sign with a stroke of the pen down are not often promoted. Entrepreneurs signing up are often very successful.

3. In order to saturate your signature with valuable yang energy, and especially in the coming eighth period (from 2004 to 2024), make sure that the number of strokes in your signature is 8. Even if you have to change your signature to do this. The next 20 years, the number 8 is favorable, so the last tip has its value. I know one person who has followed this advice for choosing a signature all his life. Needless to say, he is rich. Mind you, he's also a millionaire, so he's doing something right.
4. If you are signing in English or Ukrainian, trying to dot the "i", do not cross out the letter, like "t". This guarantees a happy ending for your business projects, and it sets you up to pay attention to the important details. Moreover, the letters o, a, i, g, b, c, etc. must be closed - do not allow breaks. They assume a leak of money.

5. Last, don't circle your signature. This will slow down your personal progress as it implies a deterrent. And if you still like to draw funny faces near your signature, do not be surprised that you are not respected because of the results of your work. After all, only after seeing your signature, people should already begin to respect you. I don't think I would like people calling me "cool" or "funny". And you?

And remember, your signature makes an impression. It generates its own qi, or energy. You must be sure that the qi that the signature generates and spreads around the signed document is auspicious, positive and attractive.
