What church holiday is September 15th. Orthodox calendar

Published 09.18.17 23:52

Today, September 19, we also celebrate Gunsmith's Day, Smiley's Birthday, International Pirate Day and other holidays.

September 19, 2017 is celebrated folk holiday Michael's miracle. On this day, the Church remembers the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Chonekh (Colossae) - the miraculous appearance of the saint and his salvation of the temple from pagan attacks.

According to legend, in the 4th century, Christian Arkhip built a temple in Khoneh (Colossae), which was founded near a source where his daughter was cured of muteness. Many people began to visit the church and healing spring, intkbbee including pagans. After getting rid of illnesses, non-believers accepted Christianity. The idolaters did not like this, and they decided to destroy the church. The pagans united two rivers into one and directed the flow towards the temple.

Christian Arkhip began to pray for the salvation of the church. God heard his words. Archangel Michael appeared near the temple. With a blow of his staff, he made a cleft in the mountain, and the water went into the ground. The idolaters fled in horror. This miracle saved the temple. In honor of this event, the holiday of St. Michael's Miracle was founded.

Saint Michael patronizes those who fight evil. He protects the souls of the dead and guards the gates of heaven. In history there are many miraculous acts and deliverances after the appearance of the archangel.

Traditionally, it is forbidden to work on this day. If it is not possible to postpone things, they should be completed before lunch.

On Mikhailovo Miracle, “gatherings” (“brotherhood”) are organized - clarifying relations between relatives and neighbors. On this day it is necessary to forget quarrels and forgive hidden grievances. Prerequisites ritual - hugs and fraternization.

People also pray to Archangel Michael for healing from fever.

According to signs, if the day is warm, then the autumn will be long, and if there is frost on the trees, then the winter will be snowy.

September 19, 2017 is Gunsmith's Day. This year the holiday is celebrated for the 6th time. On May 25, 2010, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. Putin was on a working visit to the city of Izhevsk, where he visited the Izhmash defense enterprise. During the excursion, he got into a conversation with M. T. Kalashnikov, who asked to approve Gunsmith Day. V. Putin promised to fulfill his request, noting that the Union of Russian Specialists came out with a similar petition. Annual celebration was enshrined in Decree of the President of Russia D. Medvedev No. 1578 of December 3, 2011. The holiday date has symbolic meaning. September 19 Orthodox Church venerates the Archangel Michael, the patron saint of the heavenly army.

Smiley's birthday

The history of the “smiley” dates back to September 19, 1982. This event was preceded by heated discussions on the topic of how to give an emotional color to an electronic message. And finally, one of the professors at Carnegie Mellon University, Scott Fahlman, was the first to suggest using a combination of three consecutive characters for this purpose: a colon, a hyphen and a parenthesis. He posted a “smiling face” on the electronic bulletin board, which was the employees' primary way of exchanging information.

International Pirate Day

International Pirate Day is celebrated on September 19 (some celebrate this event on January 23 or June 6). In Russia it was first celebrated in 2009.

On June 6, 1995, in Albany, Oregon, USA, two friends were playing racquetball when they began a conversation using pirate words. And they liked it so much that they decided to hold a pirate festival every year, distinctive feature which, in addition to slang, included wearing pirate clothes, weapons, shooting competitions and much more.

It was decided to abandon the date of June 6, since on this day in 1944 the Normandy Operation Overlord was carried out. The choice fell on the birthday ex-wife one of the friends (September 19).

The first holiday was very modest. It was celebrated only by the residents of this town. But in 2002, D. Barry (publicist, Pulitzer Prize winner) wrote about it, then new newspaper publications appeared, and the celebration began to gain popularity.

In 2006, the friends starred in an ABC television show and the event gained international fame.

Civil Aviation Worker Day in Moldova

In 1994, on September 2, the Prime Minister of the country signed a Resolution declaring Civil Aviation Worker Day in the country. The very first civilian airfield was created in the northeastern suburbs of Kiginev. In 1944, on September 19, the first plane took off from the capital. Ever since then civil Aviation the state has achieved great success, today it continues to develop as an important part of the national economy.

Andrey, Vsevolod, David, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Kirill, Konstantin, Makar, Mikhail, Fekla.

  • 1648 - Pascal conducted an experiment that proved the existence of atmospheric pressure.
  • 1727 - Peter II signed a decree on the exile and deprivation of all ranks of Prince Menshikov.
  • 1888 - The first ever beauty contest was held in Belgium.
  • 1943 - the partisan operation Concert began.
  • 1990 - the first domestic SU domain was registered on the World Wide Web.
  • 1996 - date of establishment of the Arctic Council.
  • Leo VI the Philosopher 866 - Byzantine emperor.
  • Elizaveta Khitrovo 1783 - Russian princess.
  • Vera Pashennaya 1887 - Russian actress.
  • William Golding 1911 - English novelist.
  • Victor Erofeev 1947 - Russian writer.
  • Alexander Karelin 1967 - Russian wrestler.

04/09/2017 - 09:17

The Orthodox Church calendar for September 2017 includes 78 religious holidays. Among them are three great ones, two of which are twelve. There are also many days of remembrance in September this year. There are no strict multi-day fasts at the beginning of autumn.

Orthodox believers will celebrate the first of the great holidays on September 11th. This holiday is called the Beheading of John the Baptist. On this day the church recommends keeping strict fast. Even fish should not be eaten.

The holiday appeared in honor of the memory of the prophet John, who preached faith in Jesus Christ, calling the people to repentance. John was not afraid of the great King Herod either. He pointed out his sinful actions to him, and for this he was executed. Herod's stepdaughter asked for his head as a reward for dancing.

On September 21, believers celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the teachings of the church, the birth of the Virgin Mary was not accidental. She was a long-awaited, begged child. A special service is held in the church in honor of this holiday.

On September 27, believers celebrate the Exaltation of Chesny and Life-giving Cross The Lord's. The history of the holiday goes back to the 4th century. Thus, Queen Elena, an equal in rights, found the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The cross was found in 326 near Mount Golgotha ​​in Jerusalem. In the 7th century, the Cross was returned from Persia by the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius. The holiday is called the Exaltation of the Cross, because upon its acquisition and upon its return, the primate raised (erected) the cross three times so that believers could see it.

Published 09.16.17 23:51

Today, September 17, we celebrate the Day of Forest and Wood Processing Industry Workers, the Day of the Rescuer of Ukraine, the Day of the Constitution and Citizenship in the USA and other holidays.

On September 17, 2017, Christians venerate the icon of the Mother of God, which is called the Burning Bush. According to legend, God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush. He wanted to call on the prophet to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. The Burning Bush in Christianity became the prototype of the Mother of God.

Orthodox people venerate the icon of the Mother of God with the same name. In the center of the icon is the Virgin Mary and Child. Kupina was popularly considered a protector against lightning and fire. The peasants said the necessary prayer on such a day.

Existed intkbbee in case of fire, it is a custom to walk around a burning house in your hands with an icon of the Mother of God. Our ancestors could tell many beliefs that were associated with fires. For example, they argued that a fire caused by lightning could be extinguished with milk from a black cow, beer or kvass.

What holiday is today, September 17: Day of Forest and Wood Processing Industry Workers

Forest and Wood Processing Industry Workers' Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of September. In 2017, it falls on September 17 and is not a national holiday. The date is fixed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days.”

Forester's Day begins in Soviet times. At the official level, the first celebrations took place in 1980, after the signing of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and the date of the celebration was timed to coincide with the release of the Forest Legislation in 1977.

Ukraine Rescuer Day

In 2008, the President of Ukraine signed a decree, along with which a new professional holiday- Day of the Rescuer. It is celebrated every year on September 17th. The decree states that the celebration is established taking into account the significant contribution of emergency services workers not only fire department, but also other special formations.

Constitution and Citizenship Day in the USA

On September 17, America celebrates Constitution Day. Americans celebrate this holiday, despite the fact that it is not a state holiday and is not a day off. This day is historically significant because in 1787, on September 17, the world's first Constitution was adopted in the United States. It was signed by delegates from 12 states.

Alexander, Vasily, Gregory, Elena, Ivan, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Fedor, Julian.

  • 1540 - founding day of the Jesuit Order.
  • 1630 - Boston is founded in North America by British settlers.
  • 1773 - the beginning of the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev.
  • 1787 - The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia adopted the US Constitution.
  • 1922 - the first radio concert took place in Moscow.
  • 1957 - the wedding of Sofia Loren and Carlo Ponti took place in Mexico.
  • Nadezhda Durova 1783 - the first female officer in the Russian army.
  • Sergei Botkin 1832 - Russian general practitioner.
  • Konstantin Tsiolkovsky 1857 - Soviet scientist and inventor in the field of aerodynamics.
  • Masaoka Shiki 1867 - Japanese poet.
  • Anatoly Voronov 1911 - Soviet ecologist.
  • Georgy Menglet 1912 - Russian actor.
  • Agostinho Neto 1922 - Angolan statesman.
  • Vladimir Menshov 1939 - Russian actor and director.

17 September(4 Septemberold style)

17th Week after Pentecost. Voice seven.

Sschmch. Vavily, ep. Great Antioch, and with him three youths: Urvan, Prilydiana, Eppolonius and their mother Christodoula (251).

The Hieromartyr Babyla and with him the three youths Urvan, Prilydian, Eppolonius and their mother Christodoula suffered martyrdom under Decius (249-251). During his stay in the city of Antioch, the emperor organized a great festival in honor of the pagan gods. At the same time, the holy and God-fearing Bishop of Antioch, Babyla, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the church; he prayed for his flock and taught them to courageously endure all trials for their faith in Christ.
The emperor demanded that the holy bishop bow to idols and thus atone for his crime, otherwise he would be executed, but, making sure that the martyr remained firm in his faith, he ordered the military commander Victorinus to put heavy chains on him and lead him through the city in shame. To this the holy martyr answered: “Oh, king. For me these chains are as honorable as your royal crown is for you, and suffering for Christ is pleasant for me, just as your royal power is pleasant for you; death for the Immortal King is also desirable for me.” "What is your life like for you?" At the trial, together with Bishop Vavila, there were three young brothers who did not leave him even in the most difficult moments
. Seeing them, the emperor asked: “Whose children are these?” “These are my spiritual children,” answered the saint, “I revived them with the gospel, nourished them with teaching, raised them with instructions, and here in a small body before you are great men and perfect Christians. Try and see.”

The emperor tried every way to seduce the young men and their mother Christodoula into renouncing Christ, but in vain. Then, in a rage, he ordered wounds to be inflicted on each of them according to the number of their years. The first was inflicted 12 wounds, the second - 10, and the third - 7. Having released the mother and children, the torturer again called the saint, he wanted to deceive him, saying that his children had renounced Christ. However, this lie was immediately exposed and did not bring him success. Then, in a rage, he ordered all the martyrs to be hanged on a tree and burned them with fire. Seeing the steadfastness and courage of the saints, the emperor finally condemned them to martyrdom by beheading with the sword († c. 251). Icons

Mother of God
, called the Burning Bush

One of the Old Testament prototypes pointing to the Mother of God was the burning bush - that bush that Moses saw burning in the fire, but not being consumed. This bush marked the immaculate conception of the Mother of God of Christ from the Holy Spirit. Having become a Mother, She remained a Virgo: before Christmas, Virgo, at Christmas, Virgo, and after Christmas, Virgo. One can give another interpretation to the prototype of the burning bush: the Mother of God, having been born on a sinful earth, remained unconditionally pure, not involved in sin, and did not know lawlessness. In church hymns this Old Testament symbol is heard: “Just as a bush is not scorched, so, O Virgin, have you given birth.” In the stichera for the Annunciation it is sung: “Rejoice, burning Kupino”...
Pious Christian zeal tried to consolidate in artistic image, this icon saves the houses of those who worship it from fire. According to the story of one eyewitness, who was caught in a large fire that engulfed many buildings, he saw a wooden house that did not catch fire: a woman stood motionless next to it, holding the “Burning Bush” icon in her hands. Tears flowed down her cheeks, but her face expressed complete calm and unshakable faith. It was clear that she was not worried about her home, but was crying about the misfortune of others. The fire intensified, and the woman stood motionless. The next day, the eyewitness returned to the ashes - there was only one house there, preserved by the miraculous power of the icon.
The “Burning Bush” was sometimes depicted in the form of a bush engulfed in flames, above which the Mother of God with the Child in her arms rises, but much more often on the icon you can see an octagonal star surrounding the Mother of God. The star is made up of two quadrangles, one of which is painted red - the image of a flame, the other, reminiscent of the greenery of a mysterious bush, - green. In the corners of the icon are four symbols mentioned in the Apocalypse of John the Theologian: a man, a lion, a calf and an eagle, as well as archangels with those symbols that church tradition prescribes for them - Michael with a rod, Raphael with an alabaster vessel, Uriel with a fiery sword, Selaphiel with a censer, Barachiel with a bunch of grapes and Gabriel with a branch of the gospel. In hand of the Blessed Virgin Sometimes a ladder is also depicted touching the shoulder of the Mother of God - a sign that She raised humanity from earth to Heaven. Sometimes they also write the gates and the rod - a symbol of the Savior, called in church songs “the rod from the root of Jesse.”
One of the most ancient icons of the “Burning Bush” is located in the altar of the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. It was brought to Moscow by Palestinian monks in 1390 and, according to legend, was written on the stone of the rock where Moses saw the mysterious bush.
In the Moscow Church of the Burning Bush, in Khamovniki, there stood an icon of beautiful ancient writing, which was once in the “Holy Entrance” of the Faceted Chamber. The celebration of this icon took place twice: on September 4, on the day of remembrance of the prophet Moses, who saw the bush, and in the sixth week of Easter - the week of the blind man, since on this day, according to legend, the icon was transferred to Khamovniki from the Kremlin and the new temple was consecrated .
An interesting event is related to the theft of the vestment of this icon in 1812 by a soldier of the Napoleonic army. Before leaving Moscow, he came to the priest of the Novodevichy Convent, Fr. A Polish soldier gave Alexy Vvedensky the chasuble from the Burning Bush icon, asking him to return it to the church from where it was stolen. The soldier admitted that since he took the robe, he could not find peace and was tormented by unbearable melancholy.
In the same temple there was another icon of the “Burning Bush”, donated in 1835 and especially revered since 1837 - small sizes. It depicted a man praying in front of the Mother of God. A special handwritten service to the icon was also kept in the temple with a note that on Mount Sinai it was the custom to sing this service during a strong thunderstorm, “when lightning is terrible.”
Unfortunately, this temple has disappeared, but a new temple has now been built in Moscow in honor of the Burning Bush icon - as if in memory of the former.

Prophet God-seer Moses(1531 BC) .
Finding the relics of St. Joasapha, bishop Belgorodsky
Second discovery of the relics of St. Mitrofan, bishop
Cathedral of Voronezh Saints.
Prpmch. Parthenia, abbot of the Kiziltash monastery.
Sschmchch. Paul, John, Nicholas, Nicholas, John, Nicholas, Alexander, Peter and Michael presbyters, martyr. Stefana, mchch. Vasily, Peter, Stefan and Alexander
Novoschmchch. Gregory (Lebedev), bishop.
Shlisselburgsky and Sergius (Druzhinin), bishop.
Narvsky .
Mts. Elena
Mts. Hermione, daughter of St. Philip the Deacon .
(approx. 117)
Mch. Babylon of Nicomedia and with him 84 youths
Mchch. Theodora, Miana, Juliana and Kiona
St. Joachim, Patriarch of Alexandria.
St. Petronius of Egypt.
St. Antimus the Blind of New Cephalon


Novomoch. Peter the Metropolitan of Dabro-Bosnia
Transfer of the relics of St. Birinia, bishop

Dorchester, St. Wessex.
Martyrs Hermione (c. 117) and Saint Eutyche, daughters of the Apostle Philip the Deacon; Babyli of Nicomedia and with him the youths Ammanius, Donatus and others 82 (c. 305-311); Theodora, Miana, Juliana and Kiona (c. 305-311); Theotima and Theodula. Venerable Petronius (c. 349); Simeon of Gareji. Venerable Martyr Parthenius, Abbot of Kiziltash (1867). St. Alexander. Hieromartyrs Paul (Vasilievsky), John (Vasilievsky), Nikolai (Lebedev), Nikolai (Sretensky), Mikhail (Bogorodsky) presbyters and Holy Martyr Stefan (Kuskov) hieromonk, Tver (1937); Hieromartyrs John (Romashkin), Nikolai (Khvoshchev), Alexander (Nikolsky), Peter (Lebedinsky) presbyters and martyrs Vasily (Yezhov), Peter (Lonskov), Stefan (Mityushkin) and Alexander (Blokhin) of Nizhny Novgorod (1937). Cathedral of Voronezh Saints. Icon of the Mother of God called “The Burning Bush” (1680).

Moses - the greatest prophet of the Old Testament

The Holy Prophet Moses is called the Seer of God, because he was honored to see God on Mount Sinai as far as it is possible for a person to see. Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and thereby delivered them from the slavery of Pharaoh; he received 10 commandments for them from God Himself on Mount Sinai and, at the inspiration of God, wrote the laws. Thus, Moses was the image of Jesus Christ, the Savior of people from slavery to the devil and the New Testament Lawgiver. Moses foresaw the coming of the Savior (Deut. 18:18), which is why he is called a prophet. The life and work of Moses is described in the Bible. He was born at a time when Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, issued a decree to throw every newborn Jewish male child into the Nile River, but by God's Providence he was saved and raised at the royal court. Having reached age, he preferred to suffer with the people of God - his compatriots, than to rule over the pagans. One day, interceding for a Jew who was being offended by an Egyptian, he killed the Egyptian and was forced to flee to another land, Arabia. There he lived for 40 years with his father-in-law, the priest Jethro, and tended his flocks. Here the Lord, appearing to Moses in a burning but not burned thorn bush, sent him to free the Jews from slavery in Egypt, leading them out of there. With the help of God, Moses led the Jews across the Red Sea. After receiving the tablets with the Ten Commandments, according to God’s instructions, he arranged the first God's temple, tabernacle. Once, when the Lord was very angry with the people who had sinned in the absence of Moses, he prayed for the people in these words: “Lord, if You do not forgive their sin, then blot me out of Your book, in which You have written those destined for eternal bliss.” . Moses brought the Jews to the Promised Land, but God did not judge him to lead him into the land itself, because, to the temptation of others, he did not accurately fulfill the command of God: when bringing water out of a stone, instead of bringing it out with a word, he hit the stone with an iron and also expressed at the same time doubt with the words: “Listen, rebellious ones, should we bring water for you from this rock?” Moses died on Mount Nabab, on the border of the Promised Land, just looking at it from there. He died at the age of 120 around 1531 BC. The place of his grave remained unknown so that Jews prone to polytheism could not worship him as God. Moses is credited with authorship of the first five holy books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Hieromartyr Babyla

The Hieromartyr Babyla was a bishop in Antioch during the time of persecution. Emperor Decius, having organized a holiday in honor of idols and sacrificed the Persian prince who was his hostage, wanted to enter the Christian temple in order to desecrate it. At this time St. Vavila served in the temple and did not allow the king to go there. The king was afraid to insist, because there were many Christians in the temple. The next day he ordered the temple to be burned and St. Vavilu. “Do you know what evil you have done and what punishment you deserve for insulting the king?” - said the king to Babyla. Vavila answered: “I did not offend the king, but only restrained the one who wanted to desecrate the shrine of God! The Heavenly King himself commanded me to protect the flock given to me from wolves.” “You will receive forgiveness if you worship our gods,” the king continued. - “I am ready to accept execution, but I will not retreat from God. I would like to lead you out of the darkness and deliver you from the Gehenna that you are preparing for yourself and to which you are calling others.” Having heard about the taking of Babyla to trial, three more brothers, his disciples, came to the court: Urvan, Prilydian and Eppolonius, the youths. “Whose children are these?” - asked the king. “Mine in spirit,” answered Vavila. "Do you have a mother?" - asked the king of the youths. “Yes,” they answered, “but we love Vavila more than our mother, because he cares about the salvation of our souls.” They found their mother, Christodoulou. She said that the youths were her children, but she gave them to Babyla so that he would lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven. The king ordered the mother to be beaten, but he began to gently persuade the children, then beat them for disobedience, and then, together with Vavila, tied them to a tree and burned them with fire. “What good is it that you give yourself and your children to death? said the king to Babyla. “You would make sure that they do not die in the bloom of their youth.” The holy martyr answered: “You, king, should be concerned about the benefit of your state and fight the enemies of your people, but you are persecuting and tormenting us, innocent of anything.” The king became angry and ordered the heads of all four martyrs to be cut off. This was in 251. In the 4th century, by order of Julian the Apostate, the relics of the holy martyrs were removed from Daphne, where they rested. During the departure of the relics, lightning fell on the temple of the idol of Apollo and turned it to ashes.

Martyr Babylon of Nicomedia

The martyr Babyla of Nicomedia suffered under Tsar Maximian, and 84 youths suffered along with him. During the persecution, he hid in a hidden place and here he taught small children not to worship idols, but to worship Christ. The pagans reported this to the king, and the king demanded the martyr along with his children. At the trial of St. Babyla called the pagan gods demons; the king was angry and ordered to subject him to severe torture. The king spoke kindly to the children and asked them various questions; but they didn’t answer him, they just looked at each other. Then he separated the older children and told them: “You are smarter than others, listen to me and worship our gods.” “We will never bow to soulless idols,” all the children answered. The king ordered them all to be killed with a sword, starting with the teacher. Of the children, the names of Ammonius and Donatus are known.

Martyr Hermione

Martyr Hermione was the daughter of St. Philip the Deacon (November 14). Knowing the art of medicine, she treated Christians free of charge. King Trajan, having learned about her, wanted to distract her from Christ with persuasion and promises; but the saint remained firm, and Trajan ordered her to be brutally beaten, and then released her. Then Saint Hermione opened a hospital and treated all the sick who came, instilling faith in Christ in the unbelievers. When, with the death of Trajan, Hadrian ascended the throne, he, too, demanded Hermonia to himself and, for the faith of Christ, ordered her to be thrown into boiling pitch with sulfur and tin. But she, being in the cauldron, did not feel pain and said to the tormentor: “Tsar, believe me, just as you, sitting on the throne, do not feel the fire, so do I.” Then Hermione asked to be taken to the temple. Adrian rejoiced, thinking that the holy martyr wanted to worship idols. But as soon as she entered the temple and prayed, all the idols fell. Then St. Hermione sent to tell Hadrian to hurry to the aid of his gods, because they lay defeated and cannot rise. The king was angry with St. martyr and cut off her head. This was in 117 in the city of Ephesus.

Celebration of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Burning Bush”

The celebration of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Burning Bush” was established in the 17th century. The icon is located in Moscow, in the Neopalimovskaya Church. Under Tsar Feodor Alekseevich, it was located at the Faceted Royal Chamber. The royal groom Koloshin especially revered this icon. Once he was tried for some reason important matter, and he, not hoping to justify himself, prayed even more fervently in front of the icon, asking the Most Holy Theotokos for intercession. And his prayer was heard. The king saw the icon in a dream, and Holy Mother of God declared Koloshin innocent. The Tsar freed Koloshin from trial, and in gratitude to the Mother of God, he asked the Tsar for permission to build a temple in the name of the Burning Bush Icon and transferred the icon itself there. Then the celebration of this icon was established on Easter Sunday - on the day of the transfer of the icon and the consecration of the temple.
Once, during a big fire in Moscow, the icon was carried around the houses of the Neopalimovskaya Church parish, and all the houses survived. The icon of the Burning Bush is written as follows: an octagonal star is represented, consisting of two sharp quadrangles, one of which is red, reminiscent of the fire that surrounded the bush (thorn bush) seen by Moses, the other is green, indicating natural color bush, which she preserved while engulfed in flames. In the middle of the star is the Blessed Virgin Mary; in the corners are a man, a lion, a calf and an eagle - symbols of the four evangelists.

Saint Joasaph

Saint Joasaph (in the world Joachim Andreevich Gorlenko) came from a noble noble family. He was born in 1705 on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
As a child, the saint's father had a vision of the Ever-Virgin, next to whom Joachim prayed, overshadowed by the bishop's mantle.
Having not received a blessing from his parents to become a monk, the young man secretly entered the Kiev-Mezhigorsky Monastery as a novice, where he was tonsured into a ryassophore with the name Hilarion. In 1727, in the Kiev-Brotherly Monastery, he was tonsured into a mantle with the name Joasaph. The young monk served as a teacher at the Kyiv Theological Academy, a priest at St. Sophia Cathedral, and a member of the consistory.
In 1737, Hieromonk Joasaph was appointed abbot of the Transfiguration Mgarsk monastery near Luben, and then archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Abbot Joasaph, not relying on the help of mercenaries, did not disdain the hardest and most menial work, and did not disdain asking for mercy. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, surprised by the dignity of the monk-petitioner, granted him a very large sum of money.
In 1748, Archimandrite Joasaph was called to episcopal service by the Bishop of Belgorod and Oboyan. In this post he became known for his severity.
The bishop fought especially strictly against the habit of disdaining the shrine. One day, Bishop Joasaph saw in a dream an icon of the Mother of God lying among the garbage. The Most Holy Virgin, grieving, complained to Her saint: “Look what the servants of this temple have done to My icon! This image of Mine is destined to be a source of grace for all this world and the whole country, but they have cast it into rubbish!” It was just like this, thrown into the rubbish, that Bishop Joasaph found this icon in the city of Izyum near the local church. Another time, during a trip around the diocese, stopping for the night at the parish priest’s house, the bishop found spare Holy Gifts among papers and garbage on a shelf with pots, for which he subjected the priest to severe punishment.
One 130-year-old priest repented to Saint Joasaph that in ancient times, frightened by the order of a landowner who was late for mass, he was forced to resume the interrupted liturgy without changing the throne. Not listening to the menacing voice commanding him not to perform an illegal service, the frightened priest cursed the guardian angel of the temple himself. At the insistence of Saint Joasaph, the devout elder performed the liturgy on the site of that long-destroyed temple, after which he died, reconciled with God.
The saint died on December 10, 1754 and was buried in a stone crypt, built at his insistence in Belgorod and consecrated in memory of the Last Judgment, in anticipation of which blessed Joasaph constantly lived.
The saint was canonized in 1911. In 1991, the relics of the saint, which were considered lost, were miraculously rediscovered, and on the day of his memory they were transferred to the Transfiguration Cathedral in the city of Belgorod, where they rest to this day.
The saint's memory is also remembered on December 10, the day of his blessed death.

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:

Tomorrow is a holiday:

Holidays expected:
16.03.2019 -
17.03.2019 -
18.03.2019 -
