Summary of GCD using ICT for the middle group. "To the aid of insects"

Marina Dubentseva
GCD using ICT in the middle group “Take care of the forest”

Program content (tasks):

educational: expand children’s ideas about nature conservation, reinforce the rules of behavior in nature; give basic ideas about the relationship between man and nature;

developing: develop imagination, imaginative perception, creativity;

educational: to form careful and caring attitude towards the environment.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Safety".

Methods and techniques:

1) gaming;

2) visual;

3) verbal.

Equipment and materials: colored paper, glue, brushes, scissors.

ICT tools: presentation, projector, screen.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations on the topic "Trees", "Mushrooms" And "Berries"; learning proverbs and sayings about nature; drawing "Magic Tree".

GCD move

(slide 1)

Educator: Guys, come to our place today group The old forest man looked in. He is very interested in what you know about the forest. Please tell Lesovich. (children's answers). Look, which trees do you know?

(slide 2)

Children look at pictures of different trees and name them.

Educator: That's right, all the trees guessed right! Now try to solve mine riddle: “In spring they bloom, in autumn they fall” (leaves).

Didactic game “Which leaf?”

(slide 3)

Educator: What else grows in the forest? Well, of course, berries and mushrooms. Listen to the riddles of the Old Forest Man and try them unravel:

He was hidden deep

One-two-three - and he went out,

And he stands in plain sight.

White, I will find you. (boletus)

Grow on the edge

red-haired girlfriends,

Calling them (waves)

Red ears with fox tops

They lie in the grass - for little ones they eat. (chanterelles)

Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,

Poisonous (fly agaric)

(slide 4)

Educator: - Guys, we have to protect the forest. Please tell me how to behave in the forest? (children's answers).

(slide 5)

Let's tell you how to behave nature: do not pick flowers; do not kill insects; You cannot shout loudly or listen to loud music; take care of trees; after starting a fire, be sure to put it out; do not destroy birds' nests.

Physical education minute:

They raised their hands and shook them - these are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken - the wind knocks down the dew.

We wave our hands smoothly - the birds are flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down.: wings folded back.

Didactic game “What is a tree made of?”

(slide 6)

The teacher asks the children to name the parts of the tree and show them in the picture.

Educator: - Children, maybe someone will remember sayings and proverbs about our nature? (children's answers).

Forest - wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

A lot of forest - it does not destroy, a little forest - take care, there is no forest - plant it.

The forest is our wealth.

Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world.

The plant is the decoration of the earth.

Educator: In our lesson we learned a lot about trees and the forest; how people should behave in nature. Don't forget what you need take care of nature.

Let's give a gift to the Old Forest Man so that he remembers us. I suggest you all do collective work together "Trees in our forest".

Teamwork (applique) - "Trees in our forest".

Educator: - Thank you, Old Forest Man, for your story about the trees and the forest. And so that you never forget us, we want to give you our "forest". Goodbye, come see us again!

Publications on the topic:

Objectives: - involve parents in joint work to prevent children's road injuries; make maximum use of family authority.

Final lesson in the middle group “Wonderful Winter” using ICT Final lesson on the topic “Wonderful Winter” in the middle group. Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter (cold, frosty,...

Take care of the forest” Goal: To teach children to love and protect nature. Objectives: - to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and animals, - to form.

Summary of GCD in the middle group using ICT “How animals winter” Summary of GCD in the middle group using ICT “How animals winter” Purpose: -To familiarize children with how wild animals, wolf, squirrel, winter, winter.

Summary of the parent meeting in the middle group on the prevention of DDTT “Take care of childhood!” Summary of the parent meeting in the middle group on the prevention of DDTT “Take care of childhood!” Preparation for the parent meeting: 1. Registration.

Summary of the joint activity “Take care of nature” for middle group students Goal: development of a positive attitude towards the environment, towards nature. Objectives: 1. To foster a caring attitude towards plants. 2. Shape.

in the middle group “Journey to a Fairy Tale”.

Goal: to form elementary mathematical concepts in children through joint play activities.


Fix the name of geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle); highlight their properties (shape, color, size).

To consolidate knowledge of quantitative counting up to 5, the ability to recognize numbers up to 5 and relate them to the number of objects.

Develop speech, observation, mental activity, attention, understand the task and accurately carry it out, the ability to express and justify your judgments.

Cultivate interest in the activity, the desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situations, and instill a friendly attitude towards fairy-tale characters.

Integration: communication, cognition, physical education, music.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales, conversations, looking at illustrations, playing games.

Equipment: flying carpet, patches of various shapes, poems, riddles, problems, multimedia installation, costume for Alyonushka, Baba Yaga, Ivanushka doll. Presentation of “Fairy Tales” and audio recording “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” Slides for the interactive board “Entertaining Mathematics”, slides based on the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, audio recording “The Sound of a River near the Forest”, a magic apple, a bag with a surprise, confectionery products of various shapes.


pictures with apples, numbers from 1 to 5, Cuisenaire rods, narrow and wide blue ribbons, cut-out pictures.

Methodical techniques:

game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, speech games, physical exercises, visual gymnastics according to Avetisov, constructive activity, experiment with water in a jar, surprise moment, analysis, summing up.

Secret experiment with water.

In order for colored water to appear in a jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache to the lid of the jar. After you shake or shake the closed jar, colored water will appear in it.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys! Today we have guests. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, look carefully around and tell me how many windows are in the group? (children answer).

There is still one window

It's really magical.

I'll just touch him

And I will see magic.

PRESENTATION “Fairy Tales” (Audio recording “Visiting a Fairy Tale”)

Fairy tales came to visit us.

Everyone knows these fairy tales

Everyone will guess them right away.Slides 1-7.

Children's answers: “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Winter Hut of Animals”.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to go on a fabulous journey. And we will go there on a magic carpet airplane. This carpet was sent to us by Aladdin.

(The teacher shows the “flying carpet”)

Educator: Our carpet lay idle,

Becoming decrepit is not a matter at all,

What should we do, what should we do?

How can we fix the carpet?

Children take turns applying and identifying those “patches” that are suitable for carpet repair: they name the shape, its size, color.

Educator: What “patches” did you need to repair the rug?

Children: “Patches” in the shape of a square, rectangle, triangle, circle.

Educator: Our carpet is ready to fly. Take up space on the carpet.

Turn behind me and fly.

Children stand one after another on a magic carpet, imitate the movement of flight and say the words:

Our carpet flies and rushes,

We are not afraid of difficulties

Let's go to a fairy-tale world,

And let's call the heroes!

Educator: Here we are! Everything around is fabulously beautiful! I wonder what fairy tale we found ourselves in? Oh, and someone is meeting us.

(Girl Alyonushka comes out)

Hello guys! Guess the riddle and you will find out what fairy tale you are in.

Alyonushka has sisters

The birds took my brother away.

They fly high

They look far away.

Children: Geese are swans.

Educator: Geese-swans, heroes from which fairy tale?

Children: From the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”

Educator: Alyonushka, why are you so sad?

Something bad happened. Baba Yaga took my brother Ivanushka, but I can’t find the way to her hut.

We won't leave you in trouble. Guys, can we help Alyonushka?

Yes. We'll help.

Who remembers who Alyonushka first asked for the way to Baba Yaga’s house? (children's answers)

Slide 1- Stove.

Educator: Do you think that if Alyonushka had fulfilled the stove’s request, she would have shown the way to the hut? (children's answers)

Then let's complete the task that the stove has prepared for us.

Listen carefully.

(Audio recording)

I'll give you a hint, kids.

And I'll show you the way.

But as long as you don't rush,

Make me a new stove.

Children assemble a stove from parts (square and rectangle shapes are used).

Educator: So we completed the task. A mouse ran out from behind the stove, play with its eyes (visual gymnastics according to Avetisov).

Educator: We continue our journey. (The teacher and children get to the apple tree).Slide 2.

Teacher and children: Apple tree, apple tree, show the way to Baba Yaga’s hut?

(Audio recording)

Apple tree: I'll show you if you help me count my apples. How many red and how many green apples do I have?

Educator: Our guys are ready to help you. Children place the required number next to the apples.

Children: 5 red, 4 green.

Educator: Which apples are there more?

Children: There are more red apples.

Educator: Which apples are smaller?

Children: There are fewer green apples.

Educator: Guys. You did it.

(Audio recording)

Yablonka: Thank you for your help. So that you don't get lost, I will give you a magic apple, go get it. “Wherever the apple rolls, follow there.”


May the road be difficult

We know without a hint

That good is stronger than evil

In reality and in a fairy tale.

Educator: Guys, the apple led us to the river.Slide 3. Audio recording “The sound of a river near the forest.”

But there are two of them. Which?

Children: One is wide, the second is narrow.

Educator: To cross the river we need to build a bridge from colored Cuisenaire sticks, selecting the necessary sticks (long or short).

Didactic game “Build a bridge”.

Educator: Children, what sticks did you choose, why? (I have a narrow river, I took short sticks, and I have a wide river, I took long sticks).

Educator: So you and I “crossed” the river.

Physical education minute.

Our feet walk along the level path, Top-top-top!

Over the pebbles, over the pebbles Jump-jump-jump!

Educator: Guys, let's play the game “It happens - it doesn’t happen.” If you agree, clap, if you don’t agree, stomp.

Does a circle have corners?

Does a cat have two tails?

Is there a starry sky at night?

Does an elephant have three ears?

Is the grass green?

Baba Yaga appears: Who are they? Why are you so noisy and won’t let me sleep?

Educator: Baba Yaga has had enough sleep. Give us Ivanushka.

Baba Yaga (parent): First, guess the riddles and surprise me with something.

I'll sit next to you on the bench,

I'll sit with you

I'll tell you a riddle,

I'll see who's smarter.

Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total?

Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluffy and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have?

Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, 2 tits. How many birds? Answer quickly!

There are three thick branches on the birch tree, and on each thick branch there are three thin branches. There is one apple on each thin branch. How many apples are there in total? (apples don’t grow on birch trees.)

A rooster flew onto the fence

Met two more there.

How much did it become?


Six funny little bears

They rush into the forest for raspberries

But one of them is tired

Now find the answer:

How many bears are there ahead?

In the clearing near the oak tree

The hedgehog saw two fungi.

He found another one.

Who is ready to answer us?

How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find?

Children solve riddles and solve problems.

Educator: Children, let's show Baba Yaga how we can play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

There is a house in a clearing,

Well, the path to the house is closed.

We open the gates

We invite you directly to the house.

The table stands on a thin leg,

Nearby there is a chair by the window,

Grandma-Hedgehog under the window, -

This is how I saw the house.

Baba Yaga: Oh, how smart you are. You know everything.

Baba Yaga, we also completed your task.

Baba Yaga: Okay, I’ll return Ivanushka to you. (Baba Yaga returns the Ivanushka doll to Alyonushka).

Alyonushka: Thank you, guys!

Educator: Thank you, Baba Yaga. For returning Ivanushka to us, we will give you a jar of water. This is not ordinary water, but magical. Look! (Baba Yaga shakes the jar and the water becomes colored).

Baba Yaga: Thank you.

Educator: It’s time for us to head back.

They go and meet the Bunny: Slide 4.

How many Christmas trees?

How many mushrooms?

What can we say?

How to make them equal? Slide 5.

Bunny has a vegetable garden. Slide 6.

There is a river on our way. Slide 7.

Help the frog carry the buckets, take only full buckets.

Well done, guys.

Educator: And here is our flying carpet. Go on the magic carpet. Let's fly. Children imitate the movement of flight.

Our carpet flies and rushes,

We are not afraid of difficulties

Let's go to kindergarten

And we’ll take Alyonushka with us!

Educator: Here we are! Alyonushka has prepared a surprise for everyone. What is a surprise? (children's answers). The teacher shows the bag with the surprise, and the children take turns determining the shape by touch (the bag contains confectionery in the shape of a square, triangle, circle, rectangle).

Today you were great, you helped Alyonushka in a difficult situation. What tasks did we have to complete?

Now I know for sure that you are ready to come to the aid of anyone who is in trouble.

If you liked our trip, clap your hands loudly.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group

"Health Tree" (using ICT)

Educator Ustinova E.A.

GBDOU kindergarten No. 65

Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg


  • Develop knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;
  • Strengthen children’s ideas about different sports and the importance of playing sports for health;
  • Continue to formulate in children the importance of following a daily routine;
  • Continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills;
  • Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and your friend, and answer questions.

Materials and equipment:

“Health Tree” layout, 5 apples with tips, presentation, umbrella.

Preliminary work:

Sports warm-up “Fun exercise”; didactic games “Magic Bag”, “Daily Routine”; Conversation “Where are the vitamins hidden?”; hardening activities (massage path after sleep, breathing exercises).

GCD move:

Game motivation:

A model of a TREE is attached to the flannelgraph.

Educator. Guys, today we have grown an unusual tree - the “Tree of Health”. Who will tell me what I need to do to be healthy?

Children's answers. You need to eat right, walk, exercise, brush your teeth, wash your face.

Educator. Well done! But, look, our tree has lost all the apples, and without them it cannot be called the “Tree of Health”, let’s collect these apples together - they will be our advice.

Educator. Our first advice will beCORRECT AND HEALTHY FOOD.Guys, why do you need to eat right?

Children's answers.

Educator. Fruits are very healthy, they contain a lot of vitamins.

And if we eat only fruits, will it be good for our health?

Children's answers.

Educator. Well done! I see that you know a lot about proper nutrition, but among healthy foods there are also harmful ones. And what kind of products these are, we will now find out.

Game “Healthy and Harmful Foods”.The children were presented with a variety of products. The child selects foods that he considers healthy and puts them on a yellow tray, and harmful ones on a red one. The teacher asks whether the choice was correct. (2 slide)

Educator. The second advice would beEXERCISE.Guys, tell me, why do you need to play sports?

Children's answers.

Educator. How do you and I play sports?

Children's answers. We do exercises, do physical education, play outdoor games, play football, hockey, ice skating, cycling.

Educator. Now I will find out how friendly you are with sports, I will show you pictures of athletes’ equipment, and you will tell me the sport itself. (3 slide)

Educator. Guys, we've been sitting too long, let's do a fun warm-up. Warm up 3 minutes.

We are tired, we have stayed too long,One hand up, the other down,

We wanted to warm up.Change hands jerkily.

Then they looked at the wall,

Then they looked out the window.

Right, left, turn,Body turns.

And then vice versa.

Let's start squats Squats.

We bend our legs completely.

Up and down, up and down,

Don't rush to squat!

And we sat down for the last time,

And now they sat down. The children sit down.

Educator. The third tip will be called DAILY REGIME. Why do we need a daily routine?

Children's answers.

Educator. In kindergarten and at home we live according to a daily routine. Guys, I will show you pictures that depict the daily routine. Let's help Dunno create the right daily routine. (4 slide)

Educator. Guys, the next advice will be WALK. Why do we need a walk?

Children's answers. Breathe fresh air, move, play.

Educator. Well done! Let us also take a little walk and play an interesting game “Rain-Sun”.

Outdoor game “Rain and sunshine”.When they hear the word “sunshine,” the kids move around the group; when they hear the word “rain,” they run to the teacher under an umbrella and hide. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Educator. Our last advice will be - HARDEN. What does it mean to harden?

Children's answers. Walk in any weather, wash your hands with cool water, and do a warm-up on the treadmill after sleep.

Educator. We attach the last tip and our tree is ready, now we can call it the “Health Tree”.

Educator. Let's remember all our advice. Look, we have another tree grown, but all the councils have fled, to collect them we need to name them. (5 slide)

Educator. Now I’ll check how well you remember all the useful tips. I will tell you the advice, and you tell me whether it is true or not. (slide 6)

Music lesson using ICT

in the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Prepared :

Musical directorMedvedeva N.A.

Target : Develop the emotional and moral sphere of childrenthrough various types of musical activities.

Tasks :

Develop skills of pure intonation, expressivesinging familiar songs, musically imaginative thinking, rhythmic and melodic hearing;

Teach children to start and finish movements together withmusic, develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, teach children to change movements in accordance with the change of parts music;

Develop a friendly attitude in childrenfairy tale, fairy tale characters, desire to perceive emotionallyfairy tale images;

Promote the formation of communication skills;

Maintain interest in fiction( fairy tale ) ;

To foster in children a conscious, active interest in creative self-expression through singing,musically- rhythmic movements, playingmusical instruments,

Enrich children's experience with a variety of artistic experiences;

Equipment and materials:, musical instruments: bells, spoons, rattles, tambourine

Progress of the lesson

Music hands

Hello guys. I suggest you say hello with a song.

The song is a game"Healthy"

Music hands Today, I want to invite you tofabulous trip. And you and I will ride on a horse, do you hear, he is already raising his voice.

(horse sound)

Is everyone ready? Our journey begins.

Game exercise“Horses” by L. Bannikova

Music hands Here we are. Sit down on the chairs, let's see where we ended up?(children sit on chairs)

Prepare your ears and eyes, I'll tell youfairy tale. (slide)

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. That's how he says itgrandfather : “I’m kind of bored and sad. Granny, if you could bake me something tasty, maybe I’ll have some fun.”

And grandma answers him : “I haven’t baked anything for a long time. Maybe the guys can tell me how to please my grandfather?”

Music Hand. Let's sing a song to grandma, guys, and show her what she can bake.

Finger play with singing"Grandma Marusya" (slide)

(song melody"Chizhik-Pyzhik" )

1. Bake us pies -“making pies” , show a big pie

Dear grandma,

Bake us some pies

Grandmother Marusya.

Losing : la-la... -"knead the dough"

Chorus : We put two eggs - we show them with our fingers at the top"ring" , lower it down, hitting the floor -"broke"

And they poured milk -"pour from top to bottom"

And now - flour - put your fingers into a pinch"we're pouring in"

There will be pies! – open your arms, palms up

2. Bake us some Easter cakes -“making pies” , show a circle with

Dear grandma,

Bake us some Easter cakes

Grandmother Marusya.

Bridge, chorus repeated, only the last words changed"There will be Easter cakes"

Losing : la-la- roll out the dough

3. Bake some pies for us -“making pies” , showing small pies

Dear grandma,

Bake us some pies

Grandmother Marusya.

Losing : la-la - we make pinching movements - like making a pie.

4. Bake us a bun -“making pies” , show with palms"ball"

Dear grandma,

Bake us a bun

Grandmother Marusya.

Chorus : They laid two eggs,

A little milk - they showed with their fingers"a little"

Salt, oil, and flour - bend your fingers one by one.

Hello, bun!

M.R.: We baked a kolobok - a ruddy side kolobok.

They put it on the window, and we blew a little - we blew

Look, jump and jump - our little bun has run away!

Music Hand.(slide)

Grandmother kneaded the dough and baked the bun, but it turned out to be very hot. I put it on the window to cool down. And he jumped off and rolled into the yard for a walk. And who the bun met in the yard, he will tell us music.

Listen carefully.

Hearingmusic"Two Roosters" S. Razorenova

Music Hand. Who did the bun meet?(Children's answers)

That's right, cockerels.That's what the music is called"Two Roosters" . Whichmusic by nature? (naughty, fast, cocky, loud) .

Let's listen againmusic and let's seewhat cocky cockerels grandma has?(video) .

Music Hand. One cockerel ran on the grass and shouted ka-ka-re-ku(up to 1) In what voice? (low, and another cockerel jumped onto the fence and shouted cuckoo(up to 2) In what voice?(high)(slide)

Music Hand. The roosters wake up earlier than everyone else and sing loudly cuckoo!

You and I will also sing a song about a cockerel.

Song“Who woke up early!” G. Grinevich.

Who woke up early

Who woke up early? Cockerel.

He raised the red comb to the top.

The cockerel sang ka-ka-re-ku!

Who else is lying there on their side?

Music Hand. The bun began to continue walking around the yard. He hears knock-knock, knock-knock, coming from the workshop, the little bun looked in, and there was grandfather, a good master. musicalmakes tools. Take itmusical instruments, we will stand with youmusicians. Be careful, the instruments that are played are those that grandpa has already made.

Rhythmic playing on music. instruments"Good Master" (video)

Music Hand. Liked the kolobokmusical tools and he continued walking around the yard. He looked under a bush, and there hid a hamster - a good-natured fat fellow.

(slide) . We know a funny song about him, let's sing it.

Song"Song about a hamster" L. Abelyan(video)

A song about a hamster.

1. I kept asking my mom :

“Buy me a puppy” .

And my mother bought me

Funny hamster.


Hamster, hamster,

Good-natured fat man.

2. He pokes his nose everywhere

And he runs around.

The hamster is probably looking for

Your hole, your home.

2. I'll put down some bedding

In the kitchen in the corner.

Let him rest there

My affectionate animal.

Music hands The bun liked your song, he felt happy and wanted to dance.(slide) We will dance a fun, fast dance called?.(polka)


Music hands I wanted a bun to come to usguests, to a kindergarten. Shall we call him?

(Children call the bun loudly, then quietly)

Music hands

The bun rolled and came to our kindergarten, inviting us to dance, get up in a round dance, start dancing.(Kolobok is a child of preparatory groups )

Dance"Kolobok" T. Morozova,"Dance, baby" T. Suvorova

Music Hand.

Our journey tofairy tale. Did you enjoy traveling?

In whicha horse brought us a fairy tale?

Who did the bun meet in the yard?

And whatmusicalDid grandpa make the tools?

The gingerbread man is not simple, but magical if hesay the magic word, he can give a surprise, do you know the magic words? Well, then invite Kolobok togroupand tell him the magic words.

Open lesson of Direct Educational Activities for the implementation of educational areas “Artistic creativity” (modelling), “Cognition” (Formation of the integrity of the picture of the world), “Communication” (speech development) using ICT in the middle group on the topic: “Hello, hedgehog!”

Program content:

  • Expand children's knowledge about hedgehogs ( appearance, lifestyle, nutrition, habits).
  • Continue to develop children's interest in modeling salt dough.
  • Teach children to sculpt a hedgehog, conveying the characteristic features of its appearance.
  • Experiment with art materials to depict a hedgehog’s prickly “fur coat.”
  • Develop a sense of form and composition.
  • Cultivate interest and respect for living nature.

Equipment: presentation (photo) with a picture of a hedgehog.

Materials for the lesson: salt dough, for “needles,” pasta or toothpicks of your choice (in plates), black peppercorns for the eyes and nose, a mock-up of a clearing for hedgehogs, a modeling board, a glass of water, a brush, napkins.

Preliminary work:

  • Looking at illustrations of a hedgehog.
  • Reading of S. Marshak’s poems “A Quiet Fairy Tale”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”.
  • Guessing riddles about forest animals.

The teacher asks a riddle to the children about the hedgehog:

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread.


That's right, hedgehog!

The teacher takes out the hidden hedgehog.

- Hello guys!

- Hello, hedgehog!

- I came to visit you from the forest, to see how you live here, what you are doing in the kindergarten.


Guys, let's tell the hedgehog what we are doing in kindergarten.

Children: (children's answers)

- we play, walk, draw, sculpt, etc...

I also want to tell you guys and show you how hedgehogs live in nature. And I brought interesting pictures for you. Would you like to see?

Children and teacher:

Of course, we'll be happy to see it!

Presentation showing: Photo of hedgehogs

A story about their lifestyle, appearance, nutrition, habits.

After the last slide, the hedgehog became sad and said how much he liked it in our kindergarten, how many wonderful children there are, everyone is friends and plays together. And he doesn't have that many friends.

The teacher and children offer to make him friends from salt dough.

Practical work for children (modeling from puff pastry).

Before work there is a physical training session.

Physical education minute. Hedgehog

The hedgehog stomped along the path

And he carried a mushroom on his back. (Walk in place.)

The hedgehog stomped slowly,

Quiet leaves rustling. (rustling palms)

And a bunny gallops towards me,

Long-eared jumper.

In someone's garden cleverly

I got hold of a slanted carrot. (Jumping in place.)

The teacher draws the children's attention to the illustration of the hedgehog, carefully examining the shape of the body, head, the presence of a nose, eyes, ears, paws and needles, what shape they are and where they are located.

Let's get to work.

There are two pieces of dough on the table: a large one for the body and a small one for the paws and ears.

We take the dough for the body and give it an oval shape, then on one side we draw out a sharp muzzle for the hedgehog. Using black peppercorns, we decorate the hedgehog’s face - attach a nose and two eyes.

We make paws and ears, attach them to the body using water and a brush.

Finally, we design the hedgehog’s prickly fur coat. And we place the completed work (hedgehog) on ​​the model of the clearing.

The hedgehog looks at the children’s work, praises them, he really liked the work and the children themselves, the kindergarten. Will definitely come to visit again.

But it’s time for him to go home to the forest, and when he says goodbye, he leaves a basket of treats for the children!



Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Middle group.
