Sphynx cat: features of the breed. How much does a Sphynx cat cost without documents in Russia and Ukraine, second hand prices?

Hairless cats are unique animals. They are often turned on by creative individuals, as well as lovers of spiritual practices. Because of their unusual appearance and character traits, they give the impression that they are endowed with mystical properties. Their body lines resemble a figurine, and their magical look may suggest that these are alien creatures.

Origin story

It’s not for nothing that sphinxes have such a name - they in ancient documents a hairless cat breed was mentioned. The Egyptians deified them and decorated ancient writings and temple walls with their images. Breeders, noticing the amazing similarity of hairless animals with Egyptian drawings, gave the breed this name.

The first appearance of such an exotic animal was recorded in America at the beginning of the twentieth century, after which they disappeared. And only in 1966 in Canada this kind was resumed with the birth of a hairless kitten from an ordinary cat. This species did not receive recognition because the kittens got sick and died.

In 1975, in Minnesota, an ordinary gray cat gave birth to a hairless cat, and a year later she also gave birth to a hairless cat. They are the founders of the elite breed, but the official recognition of sphinxes occurred only in the 90s.

In 1987, a hairless cat was born in Rostov-on-Don, which gave birth to kittens with a recessive gene. This is how it appeared Don Sphynx breed. In 1994, in St. Petersburg, as a result of crossing the Don Sphynx and a short-haired Oriental cat, a very common breed appeared - the Petersburg.

Description of the Sphynx breed

The Sphynx cat breed is distinguished by well-developed muscles, which are covered with bald, delicate skin. Small head has huge locator ears and a bit slanted eyes. The animal's body temperature is so high that many owners prefer to take their pet to bed, using it as a heating pad. Adults they can reach 30–40 cm in height and weigh about 5 kg. The color of these animals can be different: white, purple, tortoiseshell, cream, blue, chocolate, black.

Currently, three types of the Sphynx breed have been bred:

  • Canadian;
  • Don;
  • Petersburg

They have external differences.

Canadian Sphynx is a medium-sized animal with highly wrinkled skin, which is covered with soft down. The cat is distinguished by huge ears and large slanted eyes.

Don Sphynx- the largest in size, having large ears with rounded tips, small eyes set obliquely, elastic skin with folds on the neck, head, groin area and armpits.

the most elegant, characterized by thin and long limbs, large pointed ears, excess "suede" skin and almond-shaped green or blue eyes.

Canadian cats are covered with a very thin layer of fur that resembles a fuzzy peach skin. Among the St. Petersburg and Don representatives you can find both hairy and hairless individuals.


At first glance, Sphynx cats evoke an ambiguous feeling. However, one has only to touch the animal’s velvet cover and look into its expressive huge eyes, how the heart of its future owner will be struck on the spot. Such cats have very affectionate and flexible nature, which affects a person with a manifestation of intellectual activity, which is why they are easy to train and expose simple methods education.

Sphynx cats are absolutely non-aggressive, despite the fact that they are extremely cautious. Thanks to their friendliness, these animals never take offense at their owners and never take revenge on them. They love children very much, allowing them to do anything: carry themselves upside down or draw on their bodies.

The cheerfulness and playfulness of Sphynx cats greatly appeals to young family members. And thanks to their increased intelligence, pets often play hide and seek with children and win against them. Fearlessness and courage are characteristic feature hairless cats. They love to bathe, so when the owner rubs their skin between the folds or pours water on them from the shower, it gives them real pleasure.

Sphynx cats prefer to sleep in a warm and enclosed space, so they choose a place to sleep at night on the bed, next to their owner, laying their head directly on the pillow. Many owners buy for animals separate warm house, in which they sleep with pleasure. In winter, cats of this breed should be insulated with special clothing, because during the cold season they get very cold.

The Sphynx cat becomes very attached to one of the family members. He tries to be close to his pet all the time and has a very hard time with his absence, especially if it is long-term. To relieve him of stress, it is recommended to get another animal. Thanks to their innate sociability, sphinxes easily find mutual language with any animal.

Nutritional Features

Sphynx cats are not too picky about feeding. They can eat both green peas and fresh tomatoes. By nature, these are real gluttons and owners should stick to certain rules . Otherwise, symptoms of obesity or disorder digestive system will appear pretty soon. Cats should be fed 3-4 times a day, giving Special attention food rich in vitamins. Every day an animal needs 200 grams of protein, and carbohydrates - half as much.

If the owner feeds his pet with ready-made food, then for these purposes it is worth purchasing high-quality dry or canned premium products. Fish products should be limited in the diet of sphinxes or given boiled once a week. The following products are strictly prohibited for these animals:

  • potato.

Sphinxes benefit greatly from rice and buckwheat porridge, especially with the addition of a spoon vegetable oil. The basis of the menu is fermented milk products, but sweet, fatty and fried foods should be excluded.

  • raw or boiled lamb and beef;
  • raw minced chicken giblets.

Cottage cheese is a welcome dairy product, but milk itself should be given only to kittens, gradually reducing its presence in the diet until it disappears completely. Milk is contraindicated for adult animals. The diet should also include fresh vegetables and fruits.

Features of care

The physiological characteristics of Sphynx cats require additional care behind the folds and ears, and all other parts of the body also need careful care.


Body skin

Every day, the skin of the animal’s body should be wiped with a damp cloth, straightening out all the folds. Since the Sphynx cat does not have hair, its body can secrete waxy protection. Such discharge often indicates that there are problems in the body's metabolic process. Animals should be bathed as they become dirty, especially since they like this procedure. Conduct water treatments should be three hours after eating.


Cats' eyes also need to be looked after every day because they do not have eyelashes to protect them from dirt and debris. Palpebral fissures should be rinsed with purified water, carefully examining the area around the eye. If you notice redness or swelling accompanied by purulent discharge, then you need the help of a specialist.

Tooth and claw

To clean the teeth of puppies, you need to use a gauze swab, which is soaked in plantain infusion and wrapped around your finger. For adults recommended to purchase special paste And toothbrush. You can also use hard food products that are designed to clean the tooth surface.

Sphinx claws require more than just a sharpener. They should be trimmed periodically. The first time this procedure should be carried out by a veterinarian.

Thus, Sphynx cats are very affectionate animals that are not capable of aggression. They become very attached to their owner and have a hard time being separated from him. They love children and often play with them. With careful care, they can live up to 20 years.

Sphynx cats look like fantastic creatures from other planets

Appearance of a Sphynx cat

The main feature of the animal is the absence of fur. Therefore, people who are allergic to cat hair, you can have such a pet without fear. Caring for an animal is not difficult; even six-year-old children can handle it without problems. The cat lives well in an apartment, without requiring daily walks.

There are three breeds of Sphynx: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg. Each breed has its own characteristics, but general cats are determined by such external signs:

  • long muscular body;
  • thin limbs with long fingers;
  • medium-sized wedge-shaped head with prominent cheekbones and eyebrows;
  • large oval or almond-shaped eyes;
  • large and wide-set ears;
  • thin elastic skin with wrinkles and folds.

The color can be any. Canadian Sphynxes have amber eyes, while St. Petersburg Sphynxes have any shade from the palette of green and blue.

Sphynx cat character

These animals are very kind, do no harm to anyone and react painfully to shouting and punishment. Because of such treatment, the sphinx can close in on itself, become offended and get sick. Cats of this breed are very smart and sociable: they understand from the first time what their owner wants from them.

Cats love to be the center of attention and love hugs, touches and petting. People who are constantly at work and never at home should not have such a cat. Communication with people - a vital necessity for the sphinx, so he simply cannot stand being alone. These animals are the best companions for playing with children; they are very affectionate and will never scratch or show aggression towards a child.

Since the cat does not have fur, it needs to be kept warm. Sphinxes prefer to relax in a warm corner. In winter, you need to prepare clothes for them so that the animal does not suffer from the cold.

Sphynxes do not like to swim, but if the owner is persistent and carries out the procedures correctly, they will get used to it. Feeling good A cat's nutrition depends on its nutrition, because it needs to maintain high energy metabolism. It is better to feed your cat on a schedule. The menu should include meat, fish, cottage cheese, sprouted grains, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Sphynx cats are perhaps the most unusual representatives of the domestic cat kingdom. They seem to be some kind of alien creatures. There are many misconceptions about them that need to be addressed.

Sphynxes - Egyptian cats

In mythology, the sphinx is a monster with the body of a lion and the face and breasts of a woman. The most famous statue is the Great Sphinx. According to the definition of Titus Flavius, a Roman scientist and writer, egyptian sphinx- a symbol of strength and intelligence: the lion’s body denotes strength, human face- mind. The sphinx needs both strength and intelligence to guard pyramids and temples full of treasures. Contrary to the associative opinion that sphinx cats came from Egypt, the first mention of them appeared among the Aztecs. They were called Mexican hairless cats.

An interesting fact: for most of the year they were indeed bald, but with the onset of cold weather they grew overgrown with fur, which they then “shed” during the warming period. There were also references to hairless cats - participants in cat shows of the 20s, but the last pair of animals, unfortunately, did not leave offspring. In the 1930s, hairless cats were reported from France, Morocco and the United States. French professor-biologist E. Letard registered hairless kittens born from a couple Siamese cats, and described a mutation caused by the h gene.

All sphinxes are equally hairless

The first modern hairless kitten was born to a Canadian cat in 1966. The breeders became interested in the original cat and did everything possible to continue the breed. And in the late 80s, the first hairless cat was born in Rostov-on-Don, becoming the founder of the Don Sphynx family.

At the same time, St. Petersburg felinologists developed the Peterbald breed, independently of their Rostov colleagues. All three varieties have not only external, but also emotional differences. The Canadian Sphynxes are considered the calmest and friendliest, distinguished by their rounded ears and smooth lines. The Don Sphynx has a more elongated and sharply defined muzzle, while Peterbalds are distinguished by the greatest sophistication, huge ears and elongated proportions.

In addition, each breed has acceptable coat options - from completely bald “rubber” cats without mustaches and eyebrows to those covered with hair. different lengths fully or partially. It's funny that at first they tried to treat the first-born Sphynx cubs for lichen, until they realized that the lack of hair is normal feature their bodies.

The Sphynx differs from a fluffy cat only in appearance

The body temperature of adult Sphynx cats can reach 39 degrees. They love to sleep under a blanket next to their owner - they warm themselves. This same feature is responsible for the rapid progression of colds and excellent appetite - the Sphynx's metabolism is much faster than that of cats of other breeds. If the room in which the sphinx lives is too well heated, and the temperature in it exceeds 20-25 degrees, brown, waxy sweat appears on the animal’s body. However, the latter can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth.

The skin of sphinxes is quite dense, which simplifies the injection procedure during treatment. It will be quite easy to give an injection to a “naked” animal. Due to the specific features skin, sphinxes are shown short-term sunbathing, but under no circumstances leave your pet on for a long time under the scorching midday rays - the skin of these cats burns faster than that of a person. Most Sphynx cats love to swim, but detergents It’s worth choosing from the category of gentle children’s ones.

Sphinxes are exotic, which means they have character

Despite their frightening appearance for most, sphinxes are different friendly character and a high degree of socialization. This is an animal that is directly contraindicated from being alone for a long time. Many breeders notice “canine” character traits in their pets - incredible loyalty, sociability and trainability.

The Sphinx is one of the few cats that will respond and come running when they hear their name, not because you are holding a piece of sausage in your hands, but simply because you called. In addition, these cats are similar to humans - they have natural toes on their paws, and sphinxes prefer to sleep under a blanket, with their heads on a pillow. The Sphinx puts itself on the same level as its owner, preferring equal relationships rather than the royal behavior inherent in cats.

The Sphynx is difficult to care for

Thanks to their enviable metabolism, Sphynx cats have an excellent appetite and at the same time complete absence pickiness. But there are also pitfalls here - unlike the usual breeds of cats, the Sphynx rarely leaves the bowl half empty, so you need to feed it in portions and very carefully to prevent overeating.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal's ears - increased secretion provokes plaque accumulation faster than in an ordinary cat. Some veterinarians, not knowing the specifics of the breed, begin to treat a cat for ear mites, so be careful and warn the doctor about the characteristics of your pet that you know. Otherwise, the Sphynx is much easier to care for and maintain than long-haired cats. It does not leave wool on clothes and is highly clean.

Weak immunity and health

Elongated proportions, curved front legs and lack of hair create the impression of a gentle and defenseless creature, including against viruses and infections. Add to this the stereotype about the good health of outbred cats and the weakness of purebred cats, and you get the myth that with a Sphynx you will not leave the veterinarian’s office. In fact, the immunity of the sphinx is in no way inferior to the immunity of the yard Vaska, and even vice versa. Elevated body temperature helps to quickly cope with viruses and infections. Even if the Sphynx has a cold, he will recover fairly quickly. Don’t be afraid to give your pet physical activity - playing with a fishing rod, balls and in cat complexes will strengthen the body and help maintain the health of the Sphynx.

Sphynx is a hypoallergenic cat

Many allergy sufferers who dream of having a pet at home opt for Sphynx cats, arguing that they have no fur. In fact, the main cause of allergies to cats is not fur, but the allergenic protein contained in saliva and secretions. sebaceous glands and particles of animal epidermis. Symptoms may be reduced because the Sphynx grooms herself less often and does not leave allergens along with her fur throughout the apartment, but this does not mean that the reaction will be completely absent.

If you decide to get a bald pet and are convinced that the reaction to it is not as intense as to fluffy cats, remember a few simple rules. First, intact males produce more allergen than castrated males. Secondly, dark cats produce significantly more allergens than light-colored ones. And thirdly, cats produce more allergens than cats. In fact, no breed of cat is confirmed to be hypoallergenic, so you need to select a pet individually.

Sphynxes are a unique breed. These hairless cats are favorites of fashion and art figures, as well as supporters of spiritual practices and simply creative personalities. Mystical properties Sphinxes are credited with their exotic appearance and unusual character.

If you believe the legend, the first Sphynx breeds sacrificed their fur to warm their owners - the gods. In fact, these animals owe their appearance to genetics. The peculiarities of the skin and lack of hair in these cats are due to nature. However, despite this, the habits of these amazing creatures, their special manner of looking directly into a person’s eyes seems to the uninitiated observer to be a manifestation of animal magnetism.

Sphinx: description of the breed, history

Hairless cats were common in ancient times. Several cave paintings and legends indicate that representatives of this breed found shelter with the great Aztecs. It is possible that the heroes of myths at one time were Mexican hairless cats, the breed of which, unfortunately, disappeared in the last century, but managed to make a real splash at American specialized exhibitions.

Their Mexican counterparts, judging by the photo, differed from modern sphinxes in their more elongated body, mustache and large wedge-shaped head. However, during the cold season, these creatures grew thick hair on their tail and back. The skin of representatives of this breed is very similar in structure to human skin. A significant difference from other cats is that hairless creatures sweat all over their bodies. Their sweat leaves a brownish tint on the skin and also has a characteristic odor that cannot be called unpleasant.

Don Sphynx

Breed Don Sphynx differs from other breeds in its slender, tall and thin legs. They are also distinguished by graceful oval paws and long, almost human-like fingers. Representatives of this breed are extremely affectionate, easy to care for, they are not afraid of the cold, they are hot to the touch, but despite this, they sleep under a blanket.

The Don Sphynx, whose breed features include such long toes located on the front paws and the ability to use them, is extremely affectionate towards people. However, in relation to other animals, especially cats, they can be more selective.

Canadian Sphynx

The Canadian Sphynx breed is not just a cat without hair. Of course, a bald body is the most obvious distinguishing feature of these creatures, but she is far from the only one. The head, morphology, eyes, ears and even character must meet a number of criteria dictated by the breed standard.

or peterbald

St. Petersburg Sphynx cats, or Peterbalds, are medium-sized graceful and elegant animals, muscular and slender. The body is unusually flexible and stretched. What does the St. Petersburg Sphynx look like? What appearance should these exotic animals have? The breed standard dictates that they have a long and slender neck, as well as a very long whip-like tail. Their rib cage and your shoulders should be no wider than your hips. These animals have long and slender limbs and elegant oval paws on which long fingers are located.

The Peterbald Sphinx has a wedge-shaped head. The wedge starts from the nose and then expands in straight lines towards the ears. These cats have a slightly convex profile line. Flat forehead and long straight nose. The muzzle of these animals is quite narrow. She has a well-defined chin, located in a vertical plane with the tip of the nose.

Representatives of this breed have almond-shaped, slightly slanted eyes. Their color is usually blue or intense green. Sphynx kittens have very large pointed ears, wide at the base, set so as to continue the wedge line. These animals have flexible and delicate skin. It can be either completely naked or covered with light fluff. The Sphinx is distinguished by abundant folds in the head area, and less on the body. Young representatives of this breed may have residual fur on the tail, limbs and face, which completely disappears by two years. All colors of these amazing animals are recognized.

Intelligence of Sphynxes: are these cats capable of following commands?

All Sphynx breeds are quite easy to train and are very intelligent. Their memory, character, and sense of simple logic are somewhat similar to dogs. After several trainings, the Sphynx cat will learn to perform tricks and bring food to the owner. small items in the teeth, open windows, doors and even the lid of the washing machine. These animals are easy to train. Sphynx kittens are able to remember their name the first time. In addition, animals do not experience any discomfort while walking on a leash.

All Sphynx breeds have long toes with well-developed claws. They are extremely sensitive and mobile. That is why these animals are able to carry and control objects. These amazing creatures are naturally very sociable and curious. This allows them to socialize easily. The Sphinx, whose character and habits will bring pleasure and joy to its owners, will become a welcome inhabitant of any home. In an effort to be the center of attention, this animal can walk everywhere, follow its owner, or even watch TV.

Socialization of representatives of the Sphynx breed: who does a hairless cat get along with?

The Sphynx cat is an extremely sociable creature that is not at all afraid of other large animals, including dogs. Because of decorative look he has absolutely no hunting instincts. However, this minus is easily compensated for by its high ability to adapt and socialize. Any Sphynx breed will quickly and successfully understand the hobbies and habits of their owners. This will become the basis for building further relations And general style communication. Representatives of this breed have well-developed facial features, as well as the ability to change the intonation and timbre of their voice.

These animals intuitively understand that they cannot survive without humans. Sphynxes are deprived not only of a warm fur coat, but also of the mustache that ordinary furry creatures are a radar for full life breadwinner and hunter. Remember that all Sphynx breeds are domestic. If such a cat ends up on the street for some reason, he will simply die on the very first day of sudden freedom.

Sphinxes are demanding in terms of communication, but at the same time they highly value the authority of their owner. They love it when they get maximum attention. possible attention. For example, when they play with them, talk to them or take pictures. Representatives of this breed get along great with both very young and older children. These playful animals will fully share the concerns and interests of the kids. In addition, the strong and elastic skin of these amazing creatures does not have obvious pain points, which allows them to take accidental roughness during play activities calmly.

Character of hairless cats: features and preferences

Representatives of this breed have a compliant and gentle character. These creatures are very loving and devoted to their owners. The temperament of sphinxes is lively, but even. It is very difficult to make this animal nervous or angry. Representatives of this hairless breed are very affectionate and kind. They are not at all inclined to show aggression - this trait was rejected during fine selection. Hairless cats scratch extremely rarely (only in play and very gently) and do not bite. Representatives of this breed do not know and are harmful. They do not have the habit of being offended by their owners even after punishment. Loneliness is the hardest thing for hairless cats, as they are very demanding and sociable in communication.

Training sphinxes: how to properly express dissatisfaction?

All Sphynx breeds are easy to train and have excellent memory. Unlike their brothers, they are not vindictive, never take offense, and always strive to make peace themselves. Representatives of this breed perfectly understand words of dissatisfaction like “You can’t!”, but they react extremely poorly to rudeness and aggression in any of its manifestations. As a rule, they simply get scared, stop understanding the essence of what is happening and will repeat their mistake again in the future.

Under no circumstances should you poke their face into a newly created puddle, much less hit them. All Sphynx breeds have an extremely gentle psyche. IN stressful situation or during punishment this creature will not only be offended, but will also receive mental trauma which will be difficult to correct.

How to express your dissatisfaction with the behavior of an animal? First of all, you need to remember that representatives of this breed should never be punished. You can express your displeasure and master's anger at the moment of committing a crime, using a soft but rather stern tone of voice. Believe me, the animal will immediately understand that it did something wrong.

If a bald creature goes to the toilet where it is not supposed to, immediately spray it with water. Dropping noisy objects, such as a large bunch of keys, on the floor or clapping hands and other sound effects works just as effectively.

If a representative of the Sphynx breed has ruined your curtains or wallpaper, then you should purchase more toys, as well as a special gymnastics corner designed for active cats. It must be remembered that sphinxes are great lovers of house and garden plants. To prevent bald creatures from spoiling your flowers, ficuses and flower beds, plant special grass in a long rectangular pot.

Remember that a key aspect of raising a Sphynx is communication with your pet. Play with him as often as possible, talk out loud. The unusual manner of these animals to look directly into the eyes of their owner will be able to dispose the owner to deep, long monologues.

Walks and exercise for hairless cats

Representatives of the Sphynx breed are not designed to live outside the home, so these animals do not need regular walks. However, sunbathing and Fresh air Still, sometimes these bald creatures need them. If you wish, you can take your pet for a walk on soft green grass in sunny and warm, but not hot, weather. One or two walks a month will be enough.

Representatives of this breed love to sunbathe. During the summer months, their coloration becomes more warm tones. It would be a good idea for Sphynx owners to ensure that food is always prepared for their pet. soft pillow on the balcony or windowsill. Representatives of this breed are not inclined to neglect the opportunity to soak up the sun. However, owners need to ensure that sunbathing does not last too long. Remember that sphinxes, like people, can get sunburned, after which their skin will begin to peel off.

What's the best view physical activity for sphinxes? Of course it's a game! The owners of representatives of this breed need to pay increased attention to their pets, buy them toys and a variety of labyrinths so that the pet does not feel sad and finds something to do even in your absence. Sphinxes are very hot to the touch. Their average body temperature is about 39-40 degrees. Kittens of this breed actually resemble a hot water bottle. In some cases, their body temperature can reach 42 degrees.

Caring for a Sphynx: are there any global differences?

Despite the fact that representatives of this breed have a rather vulnerable, fragile and at the same time exotic appearance, caring for them is not too different from caring for ordinary cats. Due to the lack of fur, hairless pets are more sensitive to drafts and low temperatures. The optimal room temperature for them is from 20 to 25 degrees. During the cold winter and autumn months, it is better to put it on your pet warm suit. He will definitely like this decision.

Representatives of the Sphynx breed sweat much more than other cats. At the same time, their sweat turns into a brown coating on the skin, which, in turn, has certain protective properties And specific smell. If this plaque becomes too much over time, then most likely your pet’s metabolism is disturbed, so it is worthwhile to correctly adjust its diet and diet.

Owners need to regularly wipe their pet's skin with a damp sponge. A representative of the Sphynx breed can be bathed if desired, but this should happen no more than twice a week. If funds allow, you can purchase special shampoo or use regular mild soap for children, which has low level acidity. After taking a bath, your pet must be thoroughly dried and ensure that it does not sit in a draft.

In representatives of this breed, they quickly accumulate in the ears. dark discharge. To get rid of them, you need to wipe your pet’s ears as they become dirty with a cotton swab dipped in water. Like many other representatives of the family, it cannot fully grind off its claws in urban conditions. To prevent your pet from scratching itself, you need to carefully trim the tips of its claws by three to four millimeters.

The Sphinx and your apartment: where is the danger?

If you are going to get a Sphynx in the near future, then you, as the future owner, need to be prepared to keep the house perfectly clean. Any things left unattended, be it needles, small beads, threads and buttons, can spur the natural curiosity of a representative of this breed. A pet may want to taste an unfamiliar object.

The same rule applies to all delicacies on your table. There is no need to indulge your pet's whims. It’s better to once again deny him a tasty morsel that is not intended for him than to carry the cat around veterinary clinics. In addition, you need to be careful with sharp objects, because your pet can easily play with scissors, a fork or a knife and injure itself in the process of playing. It is better to determine in advance where your pet will eat. You need to purchase three bowls: for natural products, water and dry food.

Representatives of the Sphynx breed are very heat-loving creatures who do not mind sleeping with their beloved owners. Don't deny yours for a pet in this weakness. For a daytime rest for a hairless cat, it is worth purchasing a small, cozy and warm house, which will be equipped with a warm mattress and bedding. Remember that the house needs to be cleaned every few days. A scratching post will be a salvation for your furniture - in this case, your pet will not show interest in wallpaper, furniture, carpets and your personal belongings.

Representatives of the Sphynx breed: what to feed?

The well-being of your pet directly depends on proper diet and nutrition. When organizing feeding of representatives of the Sphynx breed, the animal owner should adhere to the following general rules.

  • It is necessary to feed your pet in the same place from time to time.
  • The owner of the animal must pay sufficient attention to the choice of bowls for the cat. The best option- This is a stable, shallow bowl in which food will be placed, and another deeper bowl for water.
  • The diet of a Sphynx breed representative must be balanced in terms of the amount of minerals and beneficial trace elements.

Scientists have proven that cats react to the shade of their bowl, because it is perceived as a signal that the animal will soon be fed. Therefore, the owner’s dishes must be different in color from the pet’s dishes.

Whatever feeding regimen the owner of a bald creature chooses, he must remember that the pet’s diet should include required amount fats, proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates. Remember that it is better to limit the Sphynx breed from consuming foods such as cereals, potatoes, bread and cereals.


If earlier, when people heard the word sphinx, they associated only with the famous ancient Egyptian structure, today the image of an elegant amazing cat without wool. Magic charming look, smooth harmonious lines of the body, unusual appearance and a pleasant, affectionate character - this is a domestic cat Canadian Sphynx. By getting such a pussy, people get not only a pet, but also a loyal, understanding friend, and at the same time a decoration for their own home.

History of the origin of the Canadian Sphynx breed

Each cat breed has its own origin story. Hairless cats are known from historical references; Mexican hairless cats, which could be seen at exhibitions in the USA at the beginning of the last century, became especially famous. Representatives of the breed have not reached our time, remaining only in history.

From time to time, hairless kittens appeared in the world, but they were not interested in consolidating such a trait until they were born in Ontario (Canada) in 1966. little kitty without hair in an ordinary cat with a standard litter. The baby was named Prune and aroused the interest of felinologists in the hairless creatures of the Canadian breed.

Prune participated in inbreeding until the necessary genetic characteristics were fixed. We had to overcome serious difficulties with breeding and recognition of the breed. The ancestor of the stable breed was the hairless cat Epidermis, born in Wadena (Minnesota). To stabilize and consolidate the characteristics, they began to use closely related ones, and today they are especially memorable for their funny wrinkled beauty and grace of the creature.

Description and standards of the Canadian Sphynx

There is a characteristic appearance sphinx, then the epithets elegant, graceful, strong, extraordinary are suitable. This cat deserves this description due to the outline of its body and the velvety quality of its sometimes folded skin.

The Canadian cat is a medium-sized animal that, although relatively small, has a muscular body and a wide chest.

The front legs are widely spaced, the hind legs are longer than the front ones, which makes the Sphinx's body visually more graceful. The Canadian's paws are slightly curved, and since the toes have thick pads, it seems that the cat is walking as if in heels.

The peculiarity of the breed is that the skin Canadian kitten in numerous folds until the baby is one month old, then the folding gradually disappears. Adult cats have folds near the face, around the neck and between the ears. Sometimes folds are noticeable on the stomach.

Anyone who has ever stroked such a sphinx will say that he is not completely “naked”, but covered with a small soft velor fluff. Vibrissae are usually absent, but individuals with short antennae are found.

Sphinx ears are memorable large size, they are erect and widely spaced, with rounded tips. It is noteworthy that a small fluff sometimes grows near the base of the ears.

The shape of the head resembles a wedge, almost identical in length to width. Cheekbones are clearly visible.

Slightly slanted eyes are shaped like a good large lemon. Quite between them long distance. The eye color usually matches the coat perfectly.

The straight cat nose looks interesting in combination with a clearly visible hollow located at the transition from the forehead to the nose.

According to the sphinx standard it is permissible big number colors Particularly popular colors:










    Siamese (color-point variety).

Although the fur of this cat is considered, nevertheless, an allergy can occur, since a person’s reaction is not to the fur itself, but to the protein that the pussy secretes along with liquid secretion.

Interestingly, by winter the animal may become slightly overgrown with short fluff.

Dimensions and weight of the Canadian Sphynx

The size of adult animals does not exceed average. The weight of the Canadian is quite light and depends on gender: females weigh less than males. The body weight of cats is about 3.5 kg, and males up to 5 kg.

Using the table below you can find out if your pet is suitable for perfect size adult healthy sphinx.

What is the difference between the Canadian Sphynx and the Don Sphynx?

Maybe for someone who meets a sphinx for the first time in their life, there are no special differences at first inexperienced glance, but this different breeds cats with differences and differences in standards.

If we compare the origin stories of sphinxes, they appeared quite recently and began their journey around the world from Russia, while Canadians have a history of the breed that goes back over half a century.

The Don Chak lacks fur due to crossings with smooth, short-haired breeds; the Canadian has a recessive gene for “baldness.”

Canadian cat you can try to select and distinguish with eyes closed- he always has a tiny fluff on his body; the Don brothers may have fur or not have it at all.

The Don beauties have special types of coat: brush, flock and velor. Velor cats exhibit fur up to 3 cm long, while brush cats sport coarse, curly fur.

Characteristics of Canadians

It is worth listening to reviews from owners about the character of Canadian breed cats. As a rule, they sing long praises to their pets, but, to the animals’ credit, the odes of praise are fully deserved.

The character of these cats is similar to other four-legged dogs. Cats are easy to train, as they are quite intelligent and can learn to fetch small objects and perform various tricks such as opening windows and doors.

They begin the process of education with and reaction to their name. A kitten of this breed remembers all this almost the first time.

Sphinxes are very socialized, so they prefer to communicate with their owner, to whom they are infinitely loyal. The cat and the owner can watch TV together for a long time, and then also go for a walk around the apartment together.

The sphinx reacts calmly to other animals; the hunter's skill is fast asleep in him.

Care and feeding of the Canadian Sphynx

You will have to take special care of your cat.

The Sphynx's eyes are not protected by eyelashes or fur, and accumulated discharge from the corners of the eyes must be removed with a damp cloth. Cotton wool should not be used; it can irritate the skin around the eyes.

You should not ignore the fact that these cats are very sweaty - sweat is released throughout the body, staining the owner’s clothes and furniture in the apartment. The animal is regularly wiped with a damp cloth and bathed; if this is not done, the Sphynx’s body will become a dirty chocolate color.

Feeding Canadian cats also has its own nuances. Beginning with childhood pet, the owner should follow the advice on how to feed the kitten of different ages. will differ from the baby’s nutrition at three months.

Since the cat is hairless, its heat exchange is much higher, so a healthy Sphynx always has a good appetite. Ideal food is lean meat, porridge, offal. Since your cat sweats a lot, you need to make sure there is fresh water in the bowl.

Health of Canadian hairless cats

In general, the health of cats is not up to par, they have a predisposition to obesity, acne, dermatitis. The list of possible diseases suggests that a person should be attentive to his pet. Treatments prescribed by the attending veterinarian will help with many diseases. The vaccine will be more active if deworming is carried out 2 weeks before it.

The Sphynx breed lasts 52-68 days, the litter usually contains 3-6 kittens, the owner's help is desirable.

In cases where it is not planned, it makes sense; this will not affect his character in any way.

Canadian cats are very hot: 38.5° C is normal for a healthy Sphynx.

The life expectancy of the Canadian Sphynx is 13-15 years., but there are also centenarians who celebrated their 19th birthday.

Buy a Sphynx kitten

There are many places in Russia where you can buy a Canadian kitten. You shouldn’t trust sellers on Avito and other resources if you don’t want to get a “pig in a poke.”

The cost of Sphynx babies is not that high. The price for a baby averages 6-8 thousand rubles and may be higher depending on the pedigree.

What to name a Canadian Sphynx

A tiny sphinx has appeared in the house, and its external characteristics will not be very consonant with the simple name Vasya or Murka? It's worth worrying about the choice a suitable nickname to a cat with such graceful body lines and such a non-standard appearance.

Nickname table
Girl Boy
Vin Diesel

Conclusions about the breed

Not in vain Canadian cat devote many articles - the animal is very graceful, beautiful and has high level intelligence.

The owners of Sphynx cats do not complain about the cats being picky about food, but they warn that it will not be possible to take care of their pet carelessly.

The animal of the Canadian Sphynx breed needs increased attention on the part of the owner, and the time that the cat spends in the house becomes happy for the whole family.

Video with the Canadian Sphynx
