When to give your baby a rattle? Toys for a child by age. At what age does a child need a rattle? educational toys for children of different ages

Children show interest in rattling and bright toys from the first months of life. Rattles develop hearing, attentiveness, visual and tactile perception. With their help, you can distract the baby, teach to concentrate on the subject. In addition to playing, such accessories help the baby cope with itchy gums and prevent him from crying. From what age it is possible to give rattles to a child, the employees of the online store "Daughters and Sons" will tell parents.

At what age does a child take a rattle

Plastic and rubber toys should be comfortable to hold and fit comfortably in a small, fragile hand. A baby from birth can grab objects that are directly near the palm of his hand (grasping reflex is congenital), in the third month of life he begins to consciously reach for bright toys. For starters, you can offer him trinkets made from hypoallergenic soft textiles.

For example, the Tomy brand offers rustlers and a squeaker rattle in the form of a funny ostrich. This rag bird is easy to hold in a tiny palm. Safety is guaranteed by the absence of sharp parts.

Up to 3 months, toys that are worn on the leg or arm of the baby are an excellent option. By making arbitrary movements, the baby will entertain himself. His attention for some time will be concentrated on a colorful interesting little animal. Such products do not develop motor skills, but are great for developing visual susceptibility, attentiveness and concentration of the baby.

In addition, the first rattles calm the baby. The noise that they make switches the baby's attention, makes him stop crying and listen, and then consider a new unusual object.

Table 1. Varieties of rattles for babies and their purpose
Rattle type Material Peculiarities Main brands
Musical Eco-friendly plastic, textile They play cheerful melodies and lullabies when in contact with water or by lightly pulling the rings. Develop sound perception, help to fall asleep. Chicco, Ouaps, Happy Baby, Leader Kids
squeaker Textile Emits a squeak when you click on a part of the toy. Promotes the development of the muscles of the fingers and organs of hearing. Helps to form images. K's Kids, Tomy, Fehn
Stationary Textile, silicone, plastic It is worn on the limb of the child. Quietly rattles when moving arms and legs. The bracelet is used for constant concentration on one subject. Well calms. Tomy, Giraffes, 1 Toy
Teether Food grade rubber, thermoelastomer, silicone, plastic For children over 3 months who are teething. Designed to stimulate and massage the gums. Great replacement for a pacifier. Tiny Love, Dr. Brown's, Pigeon, Canpol, Yum Yum
Educational Plastic, textile Indicated for children from 6 months. Develops figurative and logical thinking. After a year, he teaches to count, to add parts by color. Leader Kids, Ibb, Fisher-Price, Chicco


The first toys should be bright, embossed and have clear contours for the baby to form the first images correctly. Every month you can increase the number of elements and gradually complicate the toy.

At what age does a child play with rattles

The baby begins to actively play with attractive objects at about six months. At this time, he prefers multi-component rattles that can be studied, folded, moved on the surface, pressed to listen to sounds and melodies. From the age of 12 months, children already have their own passions and sympathies, so they can choose their favorite toys themselves.

Expert opinion

“Manufacturers offer a variety of products that contribute to the intensive development of logical thinking, memory, and attention. The consultants of our store will tell you at what age you need rattles that stimulate the mental development of the baby. We advise parents to pay attention to the most interesting samples, for example, the leader kids development kit for boys and girls from six months. With each new toy, the child gets a new experience and takes a step in development.

Specialist of the online store "Daughters and Sons"
Leonovich Julia


Children need rattles from the first weeks after birth. They are great help to get acquainted with the sounds and pictures that appear before the baby's eyes. After fixing the grasping reflex, toys improve motor skills. After 6 months, modern rattles develop logic, correctly form figurative perception. Musical toys are good for lulling, and teethers help with itching and swelling of the gums.

Toys play an important role in the development of a child. It is not for nothing that from the first days of their lives they are presented with a variety of colorful gifts. Rattles for a newborn are incredibly important. But they must be introduced at the right time and with great enthusiasm. In this case, the result will be excellent and the child will be interested in learning something unusual.

When can a baby be given rattles?

Every mother knows perfectly well that in the first days of life, the baby does not need rattles. During this period, the children are so new and incredibly interesting. The whole world is filled with new sounds and sensations. The best friends and the most interesting subjects to study are the parents and loved ones. The baby learns to breathe, focus and perceive a new and interesting world.

In an effort to find out when it is already possible to give a rattle to a newborn, it is worth following your baby. By the second month of life, he will have partially explored the world around him, which means that the time has come for the first personal toys. It’s worth starting with colored objects suspended above the bed. The musical mobile should be left for 3-4 months of life. Intricate colored trinkets will attract the eye. Having enough strength, the child will reach for them. Rattles must be placed in the baby's hand. Small rattle bracelets are also very interesting. Putting them on the arms or legs, you can watch with enthusiasm how the child does gymnastics and tries with all his might to get the thing of interest to him.

Which rattles are best for newborns?

In this case, moderation is important. In no case, in the pursuit of the development of the baby, you should not overdo it with the number of interesting things. Wanting to know which of the rattles is best for babies, you should look at products from manufacturers specializing in the production of goods for children. Don't chase quantity. Several high-quality products correctly presented and interested in the child will be much more useful. They must be selected according to colors, textures, shapes, sound. Different rattles are very interesting and entertaining. This also applies to how the mother or relatives will play with the child.

Rattle toys for babies

In the first months of life, babies do not need loud sounds. Therefore, it is worth choosing rattles with a melodic and quiet sound. Harsh sounds can cause crying and this is by no means welcome. Rattle toys for very young children should be made of environmentally friendly plastic. It must be borne in mind that the child likes to put everything in his mouth. Therefore, products must be carefully selected. A wide range is presented in pharmacies. It must be labeled: for children from 0 to 3 months.

Different color is welcome. It is also not bad to experiment with forms. It is necessary to watch which rattles attract the newborn the most. In this case, you can buy a similar one, but in a different color.

Rattles on the bed

Now there are a lot of them. The first rattles for a crib for newborns should be mechanical, but not have a sound accompaniment. This is due to the fact that sounds in the first months can be annoying. Therefore, multi-colored toys on the mobile must be hung at a distance of 30 centimeters above the baby. He will be interested in reaching out to them.

Special rattles with sound accompaniment on the crib are suitable for ages from two months. Well, if such a mobile is supplemented with a special ring. For the first time, relatives will take care of starting the mechanism. And over time, the baby will independently reach the ring and wind up a toy.

Rattles on the crib are interesting because the figures can be changed. There are rattles in which you can set up a different sound. Thus, it is determined which melodies the child likes the most.

Soft toys for newborns

Such products perfectly develop finger motor skills. It is very important that soft toys for babies are made from various textures, supplied with all sorts of rustling details, glass-like elements, and plastic products. They are made from environmentally friendly materials with a minimum amount of dyes.

Care is important. Washing your favorite soft rattles should be daily. The child loves to taste everything. Therefore, it is worth making sure that his rattle is constantly clean. It is worth separating the rattles for the house and for the street.

Educational rattles

There are quite a few of these products. Almost every rattle has a number of functions incredibly useful for the baby. In the first months of life, it is very important to learn sounds, feelings and various sensations. Developing rattles for newborns should be made of various material textures, have a wide range of colors, a variety of patterns, complemented by small, but firmly fixed details. Each developmental rattle must be made to the highest standards. You should not save on them, since only products from trusted manufacturers have the necessary characteristics.

Choosing a rattle for a newborn

In this case, it is necessary to proceed from the age of the baby. Buying a dozen different products is not worth it. It is better to start with one or two, but high-quality ones. Therefore, it is recommended to select a strong plastic product that has passed the appropriate certification. Choosing a rattle for your baby is quite painstaking. It is required to check that the product is solid. In no case should small balls and rustling particles be allowed to penetrate. Therefore, the verification should be comprehensive. The product must be strong. Despite the small strength of the child, he can easily break the product.

The choice of fabric toys is a very lengthy process, as it is worth checking the integrity of the seams. The contents of such toys should not get out, since even a small thread can cause the baby's tenacious fingers to grab onto it and tear the product.

Crib rattles should have a strong base. Very often, especially zealous babies try by all means to get to an entertaining toy and break it. Therefore, the fastening must be checked initially. It is better to purchase one mobile, but strong and reliable. Otherwise, an inquisitive baby will very quickly get to know his new toy personally.

DIY rattles

If you want to create a rattle with your own hands, you should consider that you need to make them very firmly and efficiently, because your newborn child will use it. Particular seriousness and responsibility must be shown to the selection of material. It must be natural. If these precautions are observed, then you can proceed.

It is not difficult to create something beautiful and intricate, capable of delighting a child. It is important to include imagination here. Rattles for newborns can be knitted, contain a lot of different decorative elements, have special fixtures and fasteners. Even simple Kindersurprise capsules, equipped with rustling elements and connected together, can please the baby.

If there is nothing special at hand, but you still want to please the baby, then you can pour colorful sweets into a simple plastic baby bottle. Why not a rattle?

There are quite a few master classes on creating real masterpieces. It is important that the mother is sure that the child will not separate the parts. In this case, everything will turn out just fine and the child’s favorite toy will bring double pleasure.

Rattles for newborns are an important thing in the development of rapidly growing babies. Making your child happy is incredibly easy. It is important that the products are interesting and of high quality. In this case, having interested the kid in an entertaining game, you can give him a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and positive.

It seems that everything is simple - it is enough to surround the baby for better development with a lot of game aids. However, experts are convinced that each age needs its own toy, since the capabilities of the child differ significantly at 3 months or 1 year old.

The right toys lay the foundation for intellectual and physical development. That is why it is necessary not to let the process of choosing game aids take its course, but to carefully and carefully examine the shelves of children's stores. What are the best toys for babies?

A few words about the number of toys

The number of toys for babies on the shelves of children's stores is amazing. It is not surprising that some parents, in an effort to give the child the best, immediately after the birth of his child, buy everything in a row.

As a result, the nursery is littered with rattles, dolls, cubes, cars and teddy bears. Is it correct? Of course, every mother herself decides how many toys her child will have. However, the opinion of experts should still be heard.

Psychologists are sure that at an early age it is enough for a child to play with 2-3 toys at the same time, while the rest play the role of exhibits in the museum. You can fill up the nursery with a bunch of bright trinkets, but at the same time not provide the crumbs with useful material for learning about the world around them.

Game aids for babies can be attributed to one of the main sources of knowledge about the surrounding reality. Toys help to learn colors, sizes and shapes, develop coordination of movements and fine motor skills. All this will definitely affect the formation of speech skills.

That is why, stopping in front of a shelf with another game aid, you need to think about whether it can arouse childish activity and cognitive interest, or whether the child will play with it for several minutes and then throw it into a distant box.

Thus, it is not necessary to purchase a huge number of toys, a few benefits are enough, as long as they correspond to the age and capabilities of the baby and fulfill their main function - the development of the little man.

A toy for a child, no matter how old he is - 3 months or 5 years old, should imitate a real object, while repeating its shape, color and basic qualities. That is, a green elephant or a purple hedgehog are not the best options for gaming devices.

TV doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky is convinced that the main properties of good educational toys are safety and realism. That is, the ball should be round, the cube should be square, the sky should be blue, and the chicken should really look like a poultry.

In addition, we should not forget that any toy evokes emotions in a child, which is why it is important for babies that such information content is positive, and does not form anxiety and aggressiveness.

Monsters with ugly features and a disproportionate figure, aggressive-looking cartoon characters, overly naturalistic dolls are all examples of bad toys that will definitely not benefit a small child.

It is important to take care of the emotional comfort of the baby. Game aids should be of a pleasant color and shape, preferably a naturalistic look. Well, if they are “speaking” or “singing”, then the sound should be soft and quiet.

It remains to figure out what kind of toys a child needs from birth to 12 months.

A newborn child is only adapting to an unfamiliar world for him, getting used to his mother's and father's face and voice. Therefore, children of the first month of life do not need toys as such, since all their time is taken up by feeding, sleeping, or interacting with their parents.

What toys does a 1 month old baby need? It should be understood that at this age the baby is already learning to see and hear relatively well, therefore for its development, toys such as:

The benefits of the mobile

This device is one of the best play accessories for little kids. It performs two functions at once: developing and entertaining.

A child of the second month of life listens to music, thereby improving auditory perception. And when he grows up a little, you can use the motor abilities of the mobile, so that the baby learns to follow moving objects.

In addition, such a toy is able to entertain and distract the baby for a short time. And during this period, the mother will be able to either relax a little, or do some homework, without being distracted by demanding children's cries or tears.

In stores, you can buy simple models with a small number of functions (melodies plus movement of figures) or multifunctional game carousels, which, in addition to the basic options, can be used as a music player, projector and night light.

Thundering and noisy toys will be with the child for almost all 12 months. To do this, you need to purchase several rattles at once, for example:

You should not think that rattles are necessary only for the entertainment and soothing of the baby. These game devices contribute to the comprehensive development and especially the improvement of fine motor skills.

Putting a rattle in a child's hand, you thereby stimulate the development of tactile perception. For this purpose, you need to purchase the lightest, most compact and comfortable toys. A three-month-old baby will gradually learn to play with them on his own.

In addition to the development of fingers, rattles improve the coordination of the eyes and hands, teach them to act purposefully: the child takes a toy, then pulls it towards him in order to carefully examine it from all sides.

Do a simple exercise with your baby to develop eye coordination. Demonstrate the rattle to the child, wait until he begins to fix his eyes on it, then move it in different directions. The baby will follow the eyes of a bright object.

3 to 6 months

At 4 months, the child makes another breakthrough. Now the baby not only observes the surrounding world, but also actively participates in its study.

Children also like old toys, for example, rattles. Noisy and rattling game devices are studied even more carefully, looked at, they are taken away and brought closer to the face, the kids wave them, shake them, take them in their mouths.

Such simple, in someone's opinion, exercises are actually extremely important. They help build connections between parts of the brain, develop visual, auditory, motor centers in the cerebral cortex.

The child does not just study toys, with their help he explores his own abilities. Raising arms, legs, head - all this teaches the baby to overcome difficulties in order to get such a desirable and attractive toy.

A baby in this age period will need a teether. Of course, it is difficult to attribute it directly to gaming devices, but this item has educational functions: small pimples contribute to sensory stimulation when the baby touches the teether.

At 5 months, the child is already rolling over and making the first attempts to crawl, so the range of toys is expanding significantly. He will definitely be interested in:

  • rubber bath toys;
  • textile rustling objects;
  • tumblers;
  • mats for development with pockets, buttons, fasteners and a mirror;
  • arcs with toys of various sizes and colors suspended on them;
  • children's piano, etc.

A child of 5 months can not put toys directly into the handles. Experts advise leaving them within sight and reach so that the baby can reach them on their own. This helps improve crawling and grasping skills.

Children at 5 and at 7 months are, in fact, babies completely different in their abilities and abilities. Now motor skills are more complex and perfect. The child is able to move on all fours, there are attempts to get up.

Improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. If at four months the baby moved chaotically, now he consciously grabs the desired object not just in a handful, but also with a pinch and with his fingers. "Prey" rises and again rushes, reaching into the mouth. After studying, interest in it immediately disappears.

What will be useful for a child in this age period? Experts advise stocking up on the following game aids:

A six-month-old child is taught to use both hands at once in the knowledge of the world. That's why babies love to tap surfaces with two rattles, dice and other toys.

The child has approached the age of passion for liners. This role can be played by various containers, bowls, glasses, molds that can be inserted into each other.

Games with them not only help to improve motor skills and coordination of visual-motor skills, but also help to master the concept of “more-less” in a playful way. A large glass cannot be placed in a smaller one, and the baby understands this after applying physical force.

As a result, the child changes the tactics of working with objects. Now he is moving from physical effort to thinking. Different containers begin to interact with each other, as they are related in size. Thus, the baby develops perception and thinking abilities.

A nine-month-old child learns not just to grab toys, but to study the surrounding reality. Now he is a real experimenter and researcher.

The baby is actively looking for favorite toys hidden in the box, finds a use for old objects, tries to establish cause-and-effect relationships. For example, he can watch for a long time how water is poured out of containers, cereals are poured.

Since the baby is already more mobile and mobile (some babies try to walk), it is necessary to carefully monitor him. An important rule is to remove all objects that are dangerous for the baby higher and further away.

Basic toys for this age:

sorter- This is a developing game guide, which is a closed container in the form of a house, a cube, a mailbox, in which there are various openings. The meaning of the game is that the child lowers either geometric shapes or silhouettes of animals into the slots intended for them.

Sorters are usually of 2 types:

  • with figurines covering openings;
  • with figures pushing through the slot.

For a child younger than a year old, toys with 3-4 holes or recesses should be selected. Otherwise, the baby simply will not cope with the gameplay, as a result of which the “incomprehensible” toy will smoothly move to the basket with unnecessary items.

The very name of the game aid "sorter" testifies to the principle of its work. The child must sort the figures, that is, place objects in the slot, focusing not on their strength, but on their shapes, sizes, and shades.

Such exercises help to train the eye, motor dexterity, logical thinking, subtle finger movements, observation and perseverance. All these qualities will be useful in the development and improvement of speech skills.

In addition, tactile sensations develop. The child, interacting with the "magic box", learns to distinguish and recognize shades and shapes. Psychologists are convinced that such a toy is also involved in the formation of creative skills. After all, knowing the forms, the kids will be able to quickly move through the scribble stage to understandable images.

It is at this age that most children take their first steps. To facilitate the learning and training of walking skills, toy manufacturers offer special wheelchairs. They are another point of support, holding on to which, the child begins to walk.

Usually such wheelchairs are made in the form of animals, cars or simple carts. Some devices have game pads that allow you to listen to music and learn numbers, for example.

The benefit of such a gaming device is the development of:

But many specialists have a rather negative attitude towards traditional walkers. If a child spends too much time in such a device, then problems with the development of the musculoskeletal system in the future cannot be ruled out.

The first year is an important milestone in a baby's life. The main achievement of a 12-month-old toddler is the ability to walk independently, without parental support or additional support. To improve balance, it is worth buying a wheelchair horse, a tolocar.

Additionally, they develop the vestibular apparatus and the coordination of movements with balls and games with them. Children push a big ball with their hands and feet, run after it to stop it. Small balls are useful for throwing and catching. This will help develop additional motor dexterity.

Now fine motor skills and dexterity have become even more perfect. One-year-old children begin to deliberately throw toys on the floor so that their mother picks them up and puts them in her hands again. This factor must be taken into account when choosing play equipment for kids.

Children in a year old will definitely like a metallophone and a drum. They not only develop auditory perception, but also teach the child to take into account the force of impact when extracting sounds.

One-year-old children love to fiddle with plastic phones, sets of toy utensils. With these toys, the baby performs the same actions as the parents. Surely you have watched the kids "call" on a plastic mobile phone or "drink" from a plastic cup.

The sandbox set is a must-have toy for a one-year-old man. The child, fiddling with sand, develops fine motor skills and speech, learns to hold a scoop, which will be useful to him in the future when learning to use cutlery. There is also a development of creative abilities.

In addition, the child is given soft pencils and crayons. Objects that leave a trace delight little explorers. And regular “drawing” helps to quickly master speech and writing skills.

It should not be thought that for the full development of the child it is enough just to purchase a toy. Not a single, even the most multifunctional and "fancy" game aid can be beneficial for a child if you do not play with him.

And here there are rules that depend on the age of the baby:

If the child does not understand how to play with the toy, is angry because of this, remove this item, and after a while try to offer to play again. Most likely, this time the baby will accept your offer and master the previously unsolvable task.

Absolute safety is, of course, the main requirement for playing aids for young children. You should not unconditionally trust certificates and markings, it is better to examine in detail the product you like from all sides.

  1. Plastic toys should not smell sharp and unpleasant. A toxic "aroma" indicates the use of low-quality material. Purchased plastic items must be washed in soapy water and rinsed thoroughly.
  2. Devices with scratches and chips should be rejected immediately, even if you really liked the toy itself. Such shortcomings indicate the low quality of the product, which poses a threat to the health of the child.
  3. Rubber elements must be dense, non-fragile. If they crumble, such toys are immediately disposed of. Naturally, the same requirements apply to rubber as to plastic products.
  4. Textile toys (especially if they are stuffed) should be carefully examined for frayed seams. Broken threads can cause the child to swallow the contents of the product and choke.
  5. Wooden toys must be free of burrs. In general, it is undesirable to give wood products to children under 6 months old, since the baby can hit himself on the head with the edge of a wooden cube. And that leads to injury.
  6. Before buying, also try to rub the product you like to assess the quality of the paint. The coating should not paint the fingers, shed, leave the feeling of a greasy or waxy layer on the skin.
  7. Refrain from purchasing toys with small or fragile parts. Babies always put everything in their mouth, so there is a risk that the child will bite off a piece of plastic and swallow it.

The child needs to play with toys made of various materials. However, for infants, food-grade plastics are preferred. They are light, safe, so there will be no need to worry that the baby will pull them into his mouth.

It is no secret that a child up to 12 months (or even older) puts everything in his mouth, as a result of which dirt and bacteria can enter the body. That is why it is necessary to carefully care for toys that are always next to a tiny little man. What are the basic rules of care? Everything depends on the material.

The following solution is suitable for disinfection: four tablespoons of soda powder are dissolved in a liter of water. You can also destroy pathogenic bacteria with diluted vinegar. Surfaces are also wiped with alcohol-containing liquids.

Toys used outdoors are disinfected and sanitized several times a week. Household items should be washed once a week.

So, a child from birth to a year goes through an impressive “route”. Toys can help with development, but only if they are suitable for the baby by age.

The list of play aids for newborns and babies is impressive. But we can single out the “mandatory” toys that should be in every house where a little miracle grows up:

This is the minimum set of educational toys for children up to a year. Later, it will be joined by play aids with lacing, a large mosaic, constructors, cars, dolls, a sandbox set.

What is a good toy? First of all, it must be safe. To do this, you need to check the reliability of the assembly, the quality of the material. It should also be remembered that high-quality game aids are always realistic. And, of course, the toy must correspond to its purpose - the rattle makes noise, the rubber duck swims.

In the first 12 months of a child's life, experts put an equal sign between play activity and the study of the world around. Toys help a child up to a year to master the basic concepts, gain knowledge and skills.

However, it should be understood that the right toy is not the most important thing. Only by communicating with mom and dad, playing with them, the baby will be able to fully develop and feel the desire to explore the world around him. So stay close and help your child!

With the birth of a child, great happiness comes to the house, which also brings with it worries, anxieties, worries. New parents have so many questions! How to care for a baby, what he needs to buy first of all, what toys does a child need up to a year old, how to choose them and when to start buying? And this is only a small part of all the doubts that new moms and dads have. In the article, we will try to tell as much as possible about what toys a newborn and an older child needs.

From this article you will learn:

Some modern parents immediately after the birth of a child run to a children's store and buy everything there. As a result, teddy bears, dishes, rattles, cars and dolls end up in a basket of toys. Others believe that the baby is not yet aware of anything happening around and will not be interested in toys soon. Who is right? As always, friendship won: there is no need for frills, but at the same time completely deprive the baby of the necessary products of light industry.

For babies in the first months of life, toys are one of the main sources of information about the world around them. With their help, the child learns to see different colors, to concentrate his attention. During the game, the baby's consciousness, fine motor skills of the fingers develop. All of the above also affects the development of his speech, so toys are simply vital for the baby. But this does not mean that there should be so many of them that everything in the nursery will be occupied by them.

Toys by month for the little ones

1 month

Your child is still quite small, but is already beginning to show interest in everything around. Of course, at this age, toys are bought rather in reserve than for playing with him. But nevertheless, you can do something for its development right now. All the most pleasant moments of a baby's life are currently associated with mom and ... with a diaper. Roll it up a few times and hang it on the sides of the crib so that the child can view it.

Above the changing table, you can attach several contrasting pictures. So during hygiene procedures and dressing, the baby will learn to keep his eyes on the subject.

2 month

Finally, you can begin to unpack the gifts that loving relatives presented to the child. Now is the time to use mobile. He will actually become the first toy of the baby. A musical carousel is usually attached above the baby's bed. Rattles that hook onto a stroller can also come in handy in the second month of a baby's life. It is also good to have a few small cubes with a black and white image. All these items will help the baby learn to concentrate and follow a moving object.

3 month

At this age, the child learns to grab objects he likes with his hands. This also requires suitable toys: rattles, rubber or plastic rings and other items that you can take in your hand. Rattles need different: with a handle in the form of a stick, in the form of a ring or an arc, a triangle. Be sure to make sure that in the child’s arsenal there are toys with a different surface to the touch: in “pimples”, ribbed, corrugated, etc.

Fabric toys are also a great option for babies of three months. Soft animal figurines, geometric figures, rustling or jingling flowers can be attached to the arcs of the developmental mat, which should also be used already.

4 month

At this age, the child learns or already knows how to roll over on the tummy from the back and back. To make it interesting for him to be on his stomach, you need to attract his attention with something bright. Multi-colored balls, tumblers, rattles and various sounding toys will come in handy. During this period, you need to begin to develop the baby's ability to feel the variety of their surfaces while touching objects.

To do this, stock up on toys from different materials, for example, satin, fur, etc. It will be good to buy bright bracelets for pens or special socks with bells that are put on the pens so that the baby tries to reach with one hand to the other.

5 month

We change the socks from the previous paragraph now onto the legs - let the baby try to reach the legs with his arms. This month you will need wooden, plastic or even rag cubes. They will help the baby to consolidate grasping skills, and small balls will affect the fine motor skills of the hands. It is good if the child has a block with wooden cubes. The kid will be able to learn (not without the help of parents) to shift the object from hand to hand. A teething ring is another of the toys that a baby needs up to a year old.

6 month

At this age, you can already offer your child to play musical instruments by buying a pipe or a bell. A musical toy will help develop hearing and encourage your baby to try to crawl towards the source of the sound. Usually at this age the child is already beginning to sit on his own, which means that bathing in the bath will now be more of a playful activity than a hygienic one.

- a great way to make the water procedure exciting. You can also buy small books with pictures of animals or various objects. They can be rag, vinyl, cardboard or made of wood. Toys with mirror foil will help the baby begin to recognize himself in the reflection and he will look at the little one in the mirror with curiosity.

For children from six months to a year

From what toys a newborn will need, we move on to a more “adult” age group. Children over six months old will be interested in such toys:

  • pyramids in the form of rings or cups of different sizes . A baby of 8-9 months old can already be taught to fold a simple pyramid of several components;

  • sensory toys , even self-sewn bags filled with cereals and peas will do. The kid crushes such bags with his fingers and develops motor skills;
  • Finger paint - This is a great idea for children's leisure. It is better for the kid to offer a large sheet of paper (you can even cut off a piece from a roll of unnecessary wallpaper) and give jars of paint. It is only necessary to ensure that he does not put his soiled hands in his mouth;

  • insert toys. This is a set of small items of various shapes that need to be inserted into the appropriate holes in the frame or container;
  • toys on wheels . It is interesting to carry them in front of you when once again you crawl from mom to dad. These can be small cars, caterpillars, trains, etc.;

  • game boards: phones with buttons, by pressing which, music will play or animals will make sounds, a children's piano, etc .;

  • cubes will also be needed, because the baby can already be taught to build towers from them, placing one object on another.

  • dolls. Even if a boy was born in your family, you will still need a doll for his development, even the simplest one. With its help, you can teach your baby to distinguish between different parts of the body and face: ears, nose, hands, etc.

Educational toys: what are they?

Educational toys for children under one year old should be functional, especially for babies closer to 12 months. A kid will be interested in a toy as long as he can do something with it, for example, twist its parts, pull the levers, throw it, squeak it, press the buttons, etc.

Any such toy falls under the concept of developing. It helps the child to acquire fundamental skills, to think logically, to be attentive and to have good coordination of movements.

After six months, the motor activity of the child increases many times over. He not only crawls, but is already trying to get on his feet, take his first steps, holding on to a support. He can already grab toys not only with his whole palm, but also with his fingers.

His actions become purposeful, and not random, as before. And it is the parents who should teach the little one how to handle toys: how to spin the drum, roll the ball, press the keys or squeak with a rubber elephant.

There should be several toy objects around the child at once, he will definitely find how to use them! Flexible constructors, a large mosaic - this is only a small part of what can be offered as educational toys to a child.

When the baby takes the first steps, then he simply must have a wheelchair toy at hand. It can be an animal, a drum, or another stick figure that you can roll in front of you. It is good if it rings, squeaks, rumbles or makes other sounds. With it, the child will quickly master independent walking, because he will feel the support.

The quality of toys for children up to a year

Having decided on what toys the newborn will need, we proceed to the selection of each individual item. It is better, of course, to purchase all items at a specialized outlet and pay attention to the age limit that is indicated on the package or label. The inscription was made not for show, but to protect the baby from the possible danger of swallowing or in some other way harming himself with small details.

The material of toys should be non-toxic, not have a characteristic chemical smell, because the child puts everything in his mouth. Fragile plastic or too fleecy fabric is also not for small children. The toy should not contain anything that breaks. Holes of small diameter are also not welcome, in which the child's fingers can get stuck. That is, toys should be as useful as possible and absolutely safe!

And most importantly - pay more attention to your baby, then any toy will become educational and will benefit!

Buying as many beautiful and bright things for a newborn as possible is a great temptation for young parents.

In the first month of life, a newborn will need very few toys, since the baby will spend most of the day in a dream. The child will begin to show interest in toys a little later. What set of toys should you buy for a newborn?

What are the requirements for quality toys?

First toys for a newborn

The lack of need for a large number of toys in a child aged 1-2 months is also explained by the fact that newborns have very poorly developed vision. Due to the immature apparatus of vision, it is still difficult for a child to focus on specific objects, especially those located further (and closer) to the distance of an outstretched arm.

Almost everything that surrounds children in the first weeks of life is seen by them as blurry spots. The child does not yet perceive moving objects at all.

The baby will also not be able to pick up a rattle or a cube for a long time, so the baby will get acquainted with his first toys only with the participation of adults. And this acquaintance will last no longer than 10-15 minutes a day.

Toys for newborns at 1-2 months: rattles and mobiles

The very first and most necessary toys for children in 1-2 months are rattles. They can be traditional, with jingling balls or bells, and electronic, with programmed simple melodies. The first rattles for children are produced quite small, their diameter is only 6-8 cm.

Also for the baby you can buy a rattle made in the form of beads.

Whole garlands of multi-colored balls are attached to the stroller or crib. Hanging rattles are usually attached to a plastic arc.

A little later, the bracket with pendants can be moved from the crib to the arena.

The choice of parents falls on such garlands also due to their versatility. Part of the segments can be removed from the pendants so that in the future the baby can use them as ordinary rattles.

A relatively new type of toys for the little ones is crib mobiles. They can be started with a key or run on batteries.

The newborn cannot yet appreciate the variety of colors and shapes of the garland segments, but he will be soothed by the quiet melodies that the mobile makes on the crib. Some models of such rattles can reproduce the sounds of nature. Babies like it very much: such sounds can be compared with. Musical carousels have a good effect on the nervous system of the crumbs, and also allow him to develop his ability to focus his eyesight: when he hears a sound, the baby begins to look for its source with his eyes.

Interesting! Child development at 1 month of age

Mom can sew a garland for the crib and stroller herself. As a filler for fabric or knitted rattles, mothers use beads, buttons, and sometimes even peas and rice - they give a more interesting dull sound. When the baby is a little older and can touch the carousel with his hands, fabric rattles will help diversify his tactile sensations.

Both musical carousels and rattle garlands are hung 30 cm above the crib.

It is important to remember that newborns also need variety. Even if your baby falls asleep perfectly with a musical carousel and smiles every time he sees it, the baby needs to be given rest from such a rattle. It is necessary not only to change the melody, but to hang a calmer toy without melodies in place of the musical carousel.

How to choose a mobile for a crib for a newborn?

If parents decide to purchase a mobile for a newborn, they will need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The color of the pendants should be calm. Bright toys for a newborn are useless;
  • The melody emitted by the mobile should be calm and quiet. The ability to adjust the sound is a big plus;
  • It is good if the elements of the garland are made of different materials with different textures - this is useful for the motor skills of the baby's fingers;
  • If a night lamp is included in the assembly of the mobile, its light should be soft, well diffused.

When choosing a musical carousel, inspect it from all sides, including from below - it is in this position that the child will observe it.

All figurines and pendants on the mobile must be different from each other.

If these are fairy-tale characters, then they must all be different. This will help diversify the visual impressions of the crumbs. The cost of mobiles for newborns is rather big, and they will be used only in the first months of a baby's life.

Nothing terrible will happen if you hang ordinary garlands over the baby's bed. Quiet background music can also be turned on on a separate device.

Toys for children 3-4 months

At this age, children are already beginning to touch toys with their hands and even try to taste them. Now rattles in the arsenal of the baby will no longer occupy a dominant position: they will be supplemented with "biters", "squeezers", "grabbers".

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Babies at 2-3 months really like to play with tumblers. Toddlers love to listen to the sounds that the doll makes when rocking.

A good developing toy for a child up to 4 months old is a ringing rattle bracelet. These rattles are made of fabric or very soft silicone. You can wear bracelets on both arms and legs.

Rattles-bracelets will help the baby to understand that the sound is made when moving.

Sometimes babies get frightened of these rattles: if you notice that your baby reacts to the crying bracelet, try showing the toy to your baby in a few weeks.

Grasping movements usually develop in infants by 4 months of age. A good option for this age is rattles with a handle that the baby will try to hold on its own. Make sure that there are no small parts on the rattle that the baby could tear off: there is a high chance that the child will want to swallow them.

At 4-5 months, the child can be offered to play with "squeakers" (soft rubber toys that make a sound when pressed).

Toddlers approaching the age of half a year love to move objects from place to place, so they will certainly like the blocks or parts from the designer. Of course, they must be large enough.

We have prepared some tips for choosing and caring for toys for the little ones:

1 Don't buy hard plastic rattles. This material is very fragile and brittle, with any careless movement, a small piece can break off from it, which is very dangerous for a newborn.

2 Any toys need to be washed periodically. If this is a carousel or a garland, they need to be wiped with a dust cloth.

Toys that fall into the hands of the baby should be poured daily with hot water.

3 Don't try to buy the most expensive toy for your child. The baby will not be able to appreciate your costs, and will not be happy to respond to a gift if you just put it next to the crumbs. The main character in the game with a baby is his mother. You can creatively present even the simplest rattle, and the newborn will certainly be interested in it.

Communicate affectionately with the baby, smile at him, and then both you and the baby will enjoy the game.
