Lyudmila Glovatskaya. Three psychological techniques that will help you attract what you want into your life

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When we make a wish, we already at a subconscious level believe in its fulfillment. We fight, we wait, and we put in all the effort necessary to get what we want, but when it doesn't happen, we give up. Why are our wishes not fulfilled? Surely you have asked this question more than once. To get closer to your dreams, you first need to find out why our dreams do not come true.

Why don't wishes come true?

Before you begin practices to fulfill your desires, you need to figure out why some of them cannot be fulfilled despite all your efforts.

Incorrectly formulated desire. The most important and common mistake is the incorrect formulation of desire. Of course, when we voice our dream, we first of all imagine the result, but this is not the most important thing. At this point you should describe your desire in detail. For example, if you want to buy a new house, you need to imagine it down to the smallest detail, otherwise you won’t be able to realize your dream for a very long time.

Desire is connected to your past. The dream should concern only your future. If you dream of correcting the mistakes that happened to you earlier and waste your internal energy on worries, then your desire will not come true. Focus on the future and let go of the past, and everything you want will appear in your life.

You are not ready to fulfill your desire. Before you make a wish, think about whether you are ready for it to come true. You must be sure that you are ready to accept your desire and start a new life, only in this case you will get results.

Your dream is impossible. Unfortunately, our dreams cannot always come true, especially if they are far from reality. It is important to remember that the Universe is not capable of creating miracles, therefore, in order to achieve what you want, you do not need to confuse realistic dreams with sky-high fantasies.

Inaction. Making a wish is not difficult, but getting the result is much more difficult. To do this, you need to make an effort on your part. If you're dreaming of traveling, you don't have to wait for tickets to fall out of the sky. Start working harder, learn to save and save money, and then soon you will be able to get closer to your dream.

Useful practices for getting what you want

If you have already found the reason why your desire is not coming true and got rid of it, then it’s time to start realizing your dream. To do this, use simple but effective practices.

Formulate your dream correctly. To get what you want, learn to correctly formulate and express your thoughts. For example, if you want to get your hands on something, you must describe it in detail and even imagine that you are already holding it in your hands. This will help you get closer to your dream on a subconscious level and make it a reality in the near future.

Create a collage. Sometimes you just need to paint a picture of your life in which all your dreams have already been fulfilled. To do this, you can create a collage yourself. Look through newspapers and magazines and cut out pictures from them that depict what you want to achieve. Post them on whatman paper, and draw yourself or place your photo in the center of the composition. Look at your collage every day, and then your expectations will become less painful, and your wishes will soon come true.

Visualize your desires. According to psychologists, in order for desires to come true, it is important to imagine them in your mind. To do this, retire to a quiet, deserted place. Think about your dream, imagine it as clearly as if it had already come true. Repeat this practice at least several times a week, and the result will certainly please you.

Work on your fears. Each of us is afraid of something, and sometimes it is because of this that we cannot change our lives for the better. Fears scare away our desires, preventing them from being fulfilled. They keep us from moving on and getting closer to our dreams. It is necessary to fight fears and not be afraid of new changes. Only by gaining courage and self-confidence can you attract what you want and achieve success.

Manage your emotions. When we want to get something, we most often say the phrases “I want” or “I dream,” but we cannot rely entirely on the power of words: your feelings also play a huge role in this process. When you imagine your dreams, you need to be in a good mood, as if everything you wanted to achieve is already in your life. Don’t forget that the Universe reacts not so much to our words as to our emotions, so you need to learn to suppress internal negativity, otherwise the path to your dream will be long and full of obstacles.

Our ancestors knew about the extraordinary power and capabilities of amulets. With their help, you can not only attract luck and money into your life, but also realize your dreams.

Our life is what we think... There are probably no people who do not understand the importance of positive thinking, the power of thought and words and their meaning, while many continue to stubbornly “think up” and “tell” themselves troubles and sorrows.

This happens because people do not know how to control their mental flow and do not monitor their own speech, not to mention their actions.

Yes, for a beginner it may seem extremely difficult to keep track of what you are thinking about and control your own thoughts all the time! And ideally, try to think less in general - in order to be led by your Spirit!

For a magician (sorceress - witch, witch) to control their own thoughts and words is vital, because their words and thoughts are the law for the universe! We thought too emotionally - it immediately manifested itself!

The ability to control your own thoughts is a manifestation of inner strength! And the more it is, the higher the responsibility for your life and the lives of others.

At the same time, there are more opportunities to get what you really want in this life! If you wanted it, you got it! You just have to want it - and it immediately manifests itself!

Once again I want to note that when you think “mindlessly” about anything, it also manifests itself, whether you want it or not.

However, there is one way to start thinking positively and get the changes you want in life - affirmations!

“Affirmations are (from lat. affirmatio- confirmation) - a short phrase containinga verbal formula that, when repeated many times, reinforces the required image or attitude in a person’s subconscious, helping to improve his psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes.”, - the definition of the concept is taken from Wikipedia and quite succinctly explains the essence of the term.

I explain how to use this to get what you want:

If you do not know how to control and track the flow of your own thoughts (and this is necessary, since they form your reality), hammer affirmations into yourself.

  • Formulate your positive attitude, that is, what you want to receive.
  • Repeat this phrase constantly without thinking about anything... That is, you should focus on repeating it - nothing else is needed. Its repetition is especially important when you have noticed that you are thinking about something bad.
  • Switch your attention to your setup and start repeating it as much as you can until you get tired. It is believed that the most harmonious is to repeat the affirmation in a number that is a multiple of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. In general, the more, the better - ideally all the time!
  • It is better to repeat affirmations 1 or 2 times, no more.
  • Repeat what is most relevant to you at the moment.
  • You can also make yourself a repetition schedule and repeat the installation according to the schedule. For example, 10 times in the morning, as soon as you wake up, and the same amount before bed. Make a schedule that is convenient for you.
  • An affirmation should give rise to positive emotions, joy and passion.

Each time you begin to repeat the installation, a positive program will begin to form in your subconscious.

If you want a very quick result, you need to learn how to experience strong positive emotions (preferably visualizing what you want) - then the program for making your desires come true will work much faster - this is practical magic.

You need to practice affirmations constantly if you want to constantly get what you want!

Here is a list of sample affirmations. You can use them, although it's best to come up with your own.


My financial condition (the financial condition of my family) is getting better every day

Money flows to me easily from all sides;

I always have money;
I am very attractive for money;
I give and receive money easily and joyfully.

I attract money like a magnet.

My clients (employers) pay me generously.

Cosmic abundance manifests itself in the flow of money in my life

I'm worth a lot.


I'm doing well;

I am always successful!
All my plans are being realized;
I love and respect myself and my talents;
People look at me with delight and admiration;
I deserve all the best in this world and I gladly accept it.


I have the most wonderful partner in the world;
Everyone loves and adores me;
I love myself and approve of all my actions;
I trust my partner;
The more love I give, the more I receive;
I create a beautiful loving world within myself and spread my love to the whole world.


I create freely and joyfully;
My children are my best friends;
I have a wonderful, harmonious relationship with my children;
I love and support the child in me.


I receive help and support from everywhere and from everyone;
People always help me;
I am always safe when traveling and everyone who is with me;
During my travels I meet many friends and helpers;
I always feel help and support from my friends.


Everything in my life is wonderful now and always; I am in harmony with the flow of life;
My life is harmonious and ideal for me and is constantly improving;
The experience of my life is constantly improving;
All my best dreams come true;
I know my calling and my career is thriving.


I am calm and relaxed;
I always make the right decisions;
My intuition is great;
I always find a way out of all life situations;
I trust the Higher Knowledge, which is always with me, and therefore I always make the right decisions;
My knowledge is growing every day.


All members of my family give me great joy;
Joy and happiness reign in my family;
I am calm, happy and at peace with my family and the entire Universe;
All members of my family are always protected, healthy and happy;
My family is a source of love and self-confidence.


My health is excellent;
With every passing day, my life expectancy increases;
I am in harmony and peace with the Universe;

I am very sexy and beautiful.
My strength and self-confidence are constantly growing;

Every day I become sexier and more beautiful.
I'm getting younger every day;
Enjoying health and joy in life strengthens my self-confidence;
I am ready to accept joy and happy surprises every day.

  • The statement must be formulated as a fact, and in the present tense.
  • Use only positive words and avoid negative statements.
  • The affirmation should be brief and at the same time bright and figurative. Avoid vague concepts.
  • At the end of the affirmations, you can add “I get much more than I expect.”
  • An affirmation must not have a negative. Denial creates nothing. It follows from this that it does not provide the subconscious with information about the development of any attitude. Denial is not perceived at all on a subconscious level.

PS: If you don’t believe in the power of affirmations (words and thoughts), then you’ll just stay the same)

If you tried and nothing worked, then this means that the negative program that rules you is very strong and you had to work more on yourself!

All this works and gives results - tested from my own experience!



Our subconscious mind is designed in such a way that it remembers most of all the negative moments of life, such as unsuccessful transactions, a breakup, or experienced fear. This gives rise to uncertainty and doubt that a negative experience can be repeated. And we need to take into account how happiness, is not attracted to people with negative thoughts. Indeed, why does a person need it if he is not in the mood for it and can easily miss his goal? To prevent this from happening, you need to set aside 10 minutes every day for happy thoughts. Imagine that you already have what you dream of. Experience moments of delight, as if you had already bought a brand new car or met yours. Dream when you rush to work and when you go to bed. Hence, the dreams you have imagined will begin to embody a picture of a happy life, and the thought that you deserve to be happy will firmly take root in your subconscious. After a month of such exercises, changes for the better will definitely occur.

If there is a series of unsuccessful events, then under no circumstances should you dwell on them. It happened - and, in the end, we learn from mistakes and any experience is very important. You need to experience the situation and it from yourself. This way you will attract faster happiness, because as the proverb says, “after the stripe there is always a white one.”

For a more detailed picture of a happy life and its speedy development, you can draw a picture in which to display your dreams. When a person draws with inspiration, his subconscious remembers moments associated with joy, good luck, anticipation of love and a new stage in life. This way a person will tune in to the light wave, and happiness someone will soon knock on his door unnoticed.

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Everyone wants happiness. And it doesn’t matter how you present it to myself everyone living on Earth. These may be similar desires, or they may be opposite, one thing is clear - no matter what kind of bird of happiness you see, everyone dreams of catching it or at least holding it in their hands from time to time. In our real life, there are certain techniques that help these dreams come true. They are available to everyone, you just need to arm yourself with undivided faith and a great desire to learn how to attract to myself happiness.


Positive attitude. There are classic opposing views in the same situation. Two people looked through the prison bars: one saw dirt, the other stars. Learn to notice only the “stars” under any circumstances, and very soon the changes in your life will begin to pleasantly surprise you. Chinese philosopher Hong Zicheng said: “Learning joy in life is the best way to attract happiness».

Replacing a minus with a plus. As soon as you find yourself in a negative field (scandal, abuse, altercation) or “caught” yourself in a state of anger and irritation, quickly perform a ritual that psychologists call neutralization. It will take no more than 3 seconds to complete. Inhale sharply, concentrating all the force of inhalation in the area with a characteristic sound, similar to grunting or snoring. As you exhale, pronounce several consonant sounds in a row - a kind of abbreviation of a phrase that you come up with for such a case yourself. For example, some people say “PVB”, “Get out, you idiot”, or “ChSP” - “I feel great”. A bit of a funny ritual, but everything is explained simply: as you inhale “snoring,” the throat chakra, which is responsible for emotions, begins to vibrate. This technique produces cleansing and changes in your personal space, as well as around you. That is, channels are freed through which positive emotions that precede happiness. When surrounded by people, this technique can be performed intelligently. Pretend that you are clearing your throat, coughing slightly, and just pronounce the abbreviation mentally, the throat ligaments themselves will take the desired position.

Harmony and infinity. An amazingly effective technique that should be performed at high speed for 20 minutes (with your eyes closed or open, whichever is more convenient for you). Sit back, relax. Mentally imagine in front of you, directly opposite your chest, a silver voluminous figure eight glowing from within. Launch a stream of light into it and drive this shining clot around the figure eight at a speed convenient for you. Then gently “release” the figure eight into space, imagining how it melts, moving away from you. This technique extinguishes the negativity around you and “heals” any situation, even the most difficult one. It’s good to do this technique before bed, because... it shouldn't be interrupted. Although, if you are sure that you will complete the process, you can do it anywhere, even in public transport.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

You may not follow these recommendations, and then your life will go on as usual, not for a moment bringing you closer to happiness. But, as they say, if you really want an apple, you should at least get off the couch and go out into the garden. That's why you can start your path to happiness with these simple exercises and actions. You will see results within a day. The main thing is not to stop.


  • how to attract happiness and love

Every person at least once in his life thought about how good it would be if dreams came true. But many do not know that in order for wishes to come true, it is necessary to dream correctly. Almost every reasonable desire can come true. Fantasy dreams are practically impossible to come true. For example, you are unlikely to be able to ride a unicorn, but anyone can join equestrian sports. Before you wish for something, think about how useful it is for you to fulfill this desire, because it can come true.


Affirmations have a powerful effect on realizing thoughts and desires. Practice positive affirmations daily. Say them out loud when you are alone, and to yourself so as not to embarrass others. For example, if you dream of buying a car, but don’t have enough money yet, lure them with the statement: “I bought the car of my dreams, I like to iron the seat upholstery, I inhale the smell of my new foreign car.”

Words and thoughts will be realized faster if you supplement them with visualization. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, feel your breath, relax your body. In a few minutes you will feel ready to plunge into your own thoughts and dreams. Do not be distracted by problems, now you are busy fulfilling your own desires. A picture will automatically appear before your mind's eye that describes your thoughts. Imagine that this is already reality, this is your present. Live your life, record yourself all the sensations and feelings that arise when your desire comes true. Gradually come out of the meditative state, maintaining within yourself the confidence that your dream has already come true.

Perhaps during visualization, mental blocks will begin to emerge that interfere with the fulfillment of your desire, for example, the words of others. It is these negative ones that yours has recorded that need to be eradicated with positive statements in the future. Choose a suitable affirmation for yourself, for example: “I am surrounded only by those people who will help me achieve my goal.” Gradually, you will notice that the block goes away, and inside you there is a feeling and readiness to be determined to achieve your goal.

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Almost every person at least once in his life has thought about how to attract to myself event. Many people prefer to seek help from specialists - astrologers and psychologists - so that they can help them understand to myself and attract what you want event as fast as possible. However, there are those who can simply think about this or that desire without doing anything.


It has long been proven that thought is material. What does it mean? This means that you need to think and dream about what you really want. You can even visualize the object of desire, look event, but very carefully. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that you, fantasizing and imagining, will simply experience event, and it will automatically be considered fulfilled.

Thoughts give rise to events in the future. Pull event will succeed faster if it is positive. Accordingly, we can conclude that positive thoughts generate positive events. Various situations occur in life that leave their mark on the subconscious and vision of the world as a whole. A constant stream of negative events leads to you becoming irritable and lacking confidence in yourself. to myself. And it prevents you from focusing on what you want.

The latest events that happen in life leave their mark. But never forget about your dream, about your own desires to achieve something.

Choose a convenient time for yourself to spend every day to myself at least 10 minutes. At this time, do not think about any extraneous things. Concentrate on to myself. Understand what you really want, analyze what is stopping you from achieving what you want. To to myself event, think every day about how to implement it. Follow your desires, listen to yourself. Imagine what it is event came true. Feel your delight and joy, live 10 minutes with this event m as if it is already . Look at the situation from the other side. You achieved what you wanted, you attracted to to myself event. Now answer the question yourself: what bothered you, what stopped you from realizing this desire?


The path to achieving your goal is a difficult one. Remember, in order to attract this or that event to yourself, you need to act. The event will not happen by itself. Take action.
Your life is in your hands.

Helpful advice

Do this exercise every day. These are a kind of small steps up the ladder towards the realization of the desired event.

Who doesn't want to become a lucky person? Luck is a direct path to success and self-confidence. Of course, getting it takes some effort. So what exactly needs to be done to make luck smile more and more often?

Believe in yourself! Without faith in your own strengths there will be no luck. Whatever difficult situation is present in your life, do not lose hope, fight for a better outcome, believe that you can make things work. This is the only way you can achieve success. Believing in your own luck works wonders!

Don't miss the moment! If there is a moment in your life in which you can rely on luck, do not miss it! To change your life for the better, use every opportunity.

Learn to channel your luck in the right direction! Of course, luck, like everything in the world, tends to run out, so you shouldn’t use it unnecessarily. Listen to your intuition, it will always tell you what to do and how to do it, but don’t turn off your head. Before making an important decision, think through everything to the smallest detail.

Learn to draw conclusions! Even the luckiest people suffer failures and defeats, but an experienced person will always learn from them and try not to make similar mistakes in the future.

Every morning and before bed pronounce the following expressions:

  • "I know that I am a lucky person."
  • "Luck is always on my side."
  • “If something didn’t work out today, it will work out tomorrow.”
  • “My intuition always tells me the truth, and I trust it.”
  • “I learn from every mistake and try to correct it.”
  • “Luck accompanies me in everything.”

These simple sentences inspire confidence in yourself and your strength. They will help you think only about good things, tune in to a positive mood and do any business with confidence in your luck.

To summarize, I would like to say that luck is an integral part of a happy person. And if you convince yourself that luck always favors you, then all problems will simply disappear, and any complex task will become simple and easy to do for you.


  • How to attract good luck and luck to yourself? 5 steps to your happiness

The ability to attract to myself cash flow helps make dreams come true, makes a person more independent and free. It is very important to learn this as early as possible in order to feel successful and avoid the difficulties associated with lack of money.

Attracting what you want and living the life of your dreams is completely possible, especially if you know how to get down to business. Start changing your life and you will see how it will sparkle with new colors.

Learn to look at everything around you from different points of view, and you will realize that you can achieve what you want much faster than you thought. Self-doubt, negative attitudes, stereotypical thinking - all these are viruses of consciousness. They form in us an incorrect idea about the essence of the processes taking place in life, which, in turn, does not allow us to move towards the goal. Therefore, to realize your plans, you need to free your mind from psychological blocks. After all, consciousness perceives them as immutable laws, although in fact they are just mind games that separate you from success.

Technique for attracting what you want “Why will I succeed”

Decide what you want to attract into your life. Specificity, precision and clarity are important. To perform this simple technique, you only need a ballpoint pen and a piece of paper. Take a piece of paper and title it at the top center:

“Why will I succeed in ____(describe the area of ​​life that requires drastic changes, or the goals that you need to achieve at a specific point in time) » .

Focus all your attention on the present. Free yourself from the burden of past victories and defeats, and do not be tormented by thoughts about the future. Think only about your talents, abilities, experience. Describe why you should succeed and what your best qualities can help you achieve. Slowly and thoughtfully read through your own list. Allow yourself to believe in yourself. It is recommended to repeat the practice until you believe every word written.

Technique two: affirmations for success

Psychologists recommend diluting your daily plan with non-standard tasks, the purpose of which will be to take you out of your comfort zone. For example, if you are a shy person, set yourself the task of making at least one new acquaintance today or simply talking to a stranger. Psychological discomfort is an inevitable condition for success. Outside the usual circle, people gain self-confidence, although not in the easiest way. Over time, you will see that it has become easier for you to decide on something large-scale and risky.

The most common mistake when achieving your goals is waiting for the perfect time. The present is always the best time to take your first step to take action. Change is the law of life. They are inevitable, and the faster we try to escape from them, the harder life becomes. There is no point in living in the future or running from the past: this way you risk missing the present. We wish you a great mood, success in everything, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

19.05.2018 04:46

There are many techniques that make dreams come true, but not all of them work. We found three proven techniques...
