Project “Children's best friend is a sports ground. Project "sports games and entertainment as a means of increasing interest in physical education among preschool children" Project sports games in kindergarten

Project type:

  • by duration short;
  • along the dominant line in the project practice-oriented;
  • by content socio-pedagogical;
  • by the nature of contacts within the preschool educational institution;
  • by number of participants frontal.

Project participants

  • children of group No. 7 “Rainbow”;
  • parents;
  • teachers: Gaskarova V.M., Pogosyan R.A.;
  • Head of Physical Culture: Romadanova N.P.

Project implementation timeframe 12/08/2014 – 12/18/2014

Problem lack of awareness among parents about the importance of physical education. Negative statistics on family lifestyle (decreased physical activity, unbalanced diet, non-compliance with the daily routine). Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem.

We, adults, want our children to study well, become stronger, and enter their future life not only as knowledgeable people, but also as healthy people.

Children's health problems require new approaches, partnerships between preschool workers and parents. After all, health is a priceless gift.

Objective of the project formation in children of ideas that health is the main value of human life, formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.

Project objectives expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about sports, its types, a healthy lifestyle, expand ideas about what is healthy and harmful to health, expand knowledge about recreation and sports, cultivate a love for physical education and sports in children, instill the need for sports for future life, to cultivate a creative attitude towards one’s health - to create conditions conducive to preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children; increase the interest of parents by involving them in participation in recreational activities with their children, ensuring the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the family and kindergarten.

Ways to implement the project:

  • thematic classes, including physical education, children’s participation in the All-Russian Internet competition;
  • monitoring procedures (parent surveys, tests);
  • sport competitions;
  • conversations;
  • outdoor games,
  • consultations for parents;
  • exhibition of children's creativity.

Preparatory stage:

Before the start of the project, the following activities were carried out:

  • search work on a set of illustrations about sports;
  • selection of fiction;
  • searching for riddles about sports;
  • conversations with children about sports;
  • preparation of presentations, GCD notes;
  • preparation of visual material;
  • selection of games;
  • selection of cartoons;
  • selection of music about sports.

Organizational stage

Cognitive development role-playing game “Sporting goods store”, didactic games “Types of sports”, “Learn a sport”, “Sports equipment”, “Sports in winter and summer”.

Speech development:

Writing stories about sports;

Conversation “Oh, sport, you are the world!”, “Sport is health.”

Enriching the vocabulary with sports terms.

Physical development:

Conducting entertainment “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

Carrying out breathing exercises and self-massage.

Carrying out gymnastics after sleep.

Carrying out outdoor games while walking.

Carrying out morning exercises.

Artistic creativity drawing “My favorite sport”, application “Medals for winners”, modeling “Sports equipment”.

Working with parents


Consultations for parents: “How to choose a sport?”, “Child’s physical development: where to start?”, “Healthy lifestyle in the family”, “Joint sports activities between children and parents”,

Creating a moving folder,

Creation of the photo exhibition “Me and Sport”,

Participation in the sports event “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

The final stage:

Exhibition of children's drawings “My favorite sport”,

Sports festival “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Conversations with children “What new have we learned?”, “What is sport for?”

Thanks to the children and parents for their participation in organizing the photo exhibition, drawing exhibition and participation in the sports festival.

Project activity product:

Questionnaire for parents;

Consultations for parents;

Folder – moving;

Thematic conversations: “Oh, sport, you are the world”, “Sport is health”;

Development of lesson scenarios;

A card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle;

Card index of artistic and musical works;

Multimedia presentation;

Awarding of children who participated in the international competition.

Expected Result:

  • increasing children's interest in physical exercise and sports;
  • increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle;
  • creation of a unified educational space based on trusting relationships between preschool employees and parents;
  • Reducing the incidence of illness among pupils.

The expected results will become a reality if all project participants have the same attitude towards the problem “person - lifestyle - education - health”.

When this group realizes the importance of their own efforts to maintain health, progress in this direction can be considered successful.


As a result of the implementation of the project, preschoolers have developed a stable motivation for systematic physical education and sports. They are focused on a healthy lifestyle, have a solid knowledge of means of promoting health, the needs and capabilities of the body. The participation of parents in joint activities filled it with new content, made it possible to use the personal example of adults in the physical education of preschoolers, study the positive experience of family education and promote it among other parents. child's well-being. The active parental position in the need of preschool children for movement in the fresh air, which ensures the healthy functioning of the child, has increased.

Olga Yagodka
Sports game project “Football in preschool educational institutions”


Holding games in football develops the child's dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, promotes the development of motor reactions, and teaches how to navigate in space.

Games with a ball, children develop skills and rules of behavior in a team, form friendly relationships that are based on relationships of cooperation and mutual assistance. Game of football requires endurance, determination, courage in action. Children learn to regulate their movements in different situations and in a variety of conditions.

Main motivation: the formation of friendly relationships in children, which are based on relationships of cooperation and mutual assistance.

primary goal games: A game « Football» is aimed at developing the child’s skills of collective behavior, physical qualities, and joint interest in the game.

Tasks games:

1. Development of game thinking skills;

2. Creating children’s needs for daily physical activity;

3. Development of the ability to control one’s movements in various situations, under various conditions;

4. Developing strong-willed qualities in a child, such as endurance, perseverance in achieving established goals and results obtained, organization, courage, independence in decision-making, the ability to overcome difficult situations, develops a sense of responsibility to the team.

Participants project: children, teachers, parents.

Main stages games in« Football» .

1. Preparatory stage:

Conducting consultations with a youth sports school trainer.

Game exercises with a ball.

Creating a structure games.

2. Organizational level.

Organizing the introduction of children to the game « Football» , creating photographs, videos, stories from personal life experience.

Creating a structure teams: choice of name and distribution of main roles, children determine their roles, boys - football players, girls support group, the teacher acts as a coach.

Purchasing what you need for games inventory.

3. Training level.

Teaching children the necessary techniques for conducting games.

Organizing an introduction to the basic rules games.

Organization of outdoor games using a ball while walking.

Continuous introduction of ball games into daily routine.

Conducting training sessions and exercises.

4. Final stage.

Equipment with necessary equipment football field.

Creating a team logo.

Organization games with potential rivals.

Summarizing games, carrying out an analysis of the achievement of set goals and objectives games.

Target games – playing in a team, try to score as many goals as possible into your opponent’s goal, and if the ball is lost, try to protect your goal, while observing the established rules games.

Rules games. According to the rules games Team members have the right to dribble the ball with their feet, pass with their feet to their teammate, and kick the ball into the goal only with their feet.

The task of the players on the opposing team is to prevent the opponent from reaching their goal and to prevent him from scoring a goal. If the ball is touched with the head or body, this is not considered a fault; only the goalkeeper is allowed to touch the ball with his hands.

Team football consists of five to eight children and provides several spare ones. One of the players is appointed captain. All team players have distinctive signs.

The teacher’s task is to constantly monitor compliance with the rules. games and make fair decisions in all emerging controversial situations. The teacher has the right in case of violation of the rules games children stop the game. The teacher also controls the duration games by time. Total duration time games – 30 minutes. This time is divided into two time periods of 15 minutes each with a stop games for five-minute breaks.

After finishing games The teacher conducts a sedentary game for a total duration of no more than 5 minutes in order to bring the child’s body into a calm state.

The ball is considered to be scored into the goal if it has completely crossed the goal line between the goal posts under the crossbar, and also if the established rules have not been violated games. The team that scores the most goals against the opponent is declared the winner. If no goals are scored or the teams score an equal number of goals, the game is declared a draw.

Before the start of the event games a draw is organized to select a side or kick-off. The ball for the kickoff must be placed on the ground in the center of the field. Start games is marked by a signal from the teacher, one of the team players who starts the game. The child directs the ball towards the opponent's goal. Players on the opposing team must keep their distance and be at least three meters away from the ball. The child who makes the initial blow no longer has the right to touch the ball a second time before other participants games. After a goal is scored, play must restart at the same point as at the beginning games, a player of the team against which the goal was scored.

After a five-minute break, the teams change sides. The teacher, at his discretion, can change players throughout games. Each team player has the right to take the place of goalkeeper. When one of the children gets very tired, gets injured, or behaves undisciplined, the teacher must stop the game.

A ball that has crossed the touchline or goal line on the ground or in the air is considered to have left games. The ball can be recognized as out games in that case if the teacher stops the game. For the remaining time, the ball is considered in play if it bounces onto the field from the goal post or crossbar.

Players are prohibited from tripping an opponent, kicking an opponent, pushing, holding an opponent by the clothes, grabbing hands, attacking the goalkeeper, or trying to take the ball from him. One of the rules violations games is considered to be running with the ball in your hands, trying to catch and stop it with your hands.

If a player violates the established rules, the teacher has the right to stop the game and give the offender a remark or warning.

The ball is given to the opposing team and put into play from the point where the violation was committed. If a violation was committed simultaneously by members of two teams, then both teams are awarded a penalty kick from the point of violation.

For gross violations of the established rules, the player is removed from the field for a period of one to three minutes. This teaches children to play together, follow the rules, help each other and show sympathy in case of failure.

Clarifications on organization games.

Practicing kicking a suspended ball.

Practicing kicks on a stationary ball.

Practicing throwing the ball at the wall and receiving the ball that bounced off the wall under the sole.

Practicing throwing the ball up with your hands and then receiving the ball on the sole.

Practicing dribbling the ball with your right and left foot in a straight line.

Practicing dribbling the ball by pushing it alternately with your right and left foot in a straight line.

Practicing throwing the ball from behind the head with two hands.

Practicing throwing the ball at a set target for accuracy.

- working out according to the scheme: the child throws the ball, dad takes it.

Parental Involvement:

Participation in equipment football ground;

Purchasing the necessary sports equipment;

Creation guys' sports uniforms;

Taking part in ongoing tournaments (dads);

Organization of dad's coaching work;

Formation of an adult team with the participation of adults, matches between adults and children.

Equipment and inventory.

On sports the kindergarten playground is equipped football field. The site is marked with chalk. A center line and a center circle are marked across the site. Gates are placed at the ends of the site. They are painted white. On the opposite side of the site, hooks are installed on the gates, with the help of which the net is attached. To avoid injury to children during games, the gates are limited on the sides using polyethylene objects. Bright flags are placed in all areas of the court and at the intersection of the middle and end lines.

Tatyana Skandakova
Physical education and sports project “Sports in kindergarten”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 2"Chamomile" Taldoma, Moscow region

Physical education and sports project

« Sports in kindergarten»

(Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders by means of developing motor coordination)

Developers project: physical education instructor

MDOU DSKV No. 2 "Chamomile"

Skandakova Tatyana Lvovna

Deputy Head for SMR

MDOU DSKV No. 2 "Chamomile"

Meltser Anastasia Borisovna


Relevance of the problem: 3

Goals and objectives: 3

Events project 4

Implementation roadmap project 4

Results during implementation project: 6

Expected results 6

Summing up 6

Development perspective project. 7

Appendix No. 1 9

Appendix No. 2 10

Relevance of the problem:

The great value of every person is health. Raising a child strong, strong, and healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing a preschool institution. Family and children's kindergarten - those social structures that mainly determine the level of health of the child.

Today we increasingly hear the word "hypodynamia", which means "lack of movement". In the modern world, physical inactivity is a kind of disease that sounds threateningly: “impaired body functions (musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, respiration, digestion) with limited physical activity."

IN kindergarten and at home, children spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, watching TV, etc.). This increases the static load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue. The strength and performance of skeletal muscles decreases, which entails poor posture, flat feet, delayed age-related development, speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility and strength.

Last time children's kindergartens, the number of children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system has increased (poor posture, flat feet). During the growth of the body, deformities of the spine, legs and feet may occur for various unfavorable reasons. Treatment of postural defects and deformations of the musculoskeletal system is complex. It provides for the widespread use of therapeutic physical culture together with massage, hydromassage, hardening, and hygienic measures in the regime of active activity and rest for children during the day.

The ability and inability to hold one’s body correctly affects not only the child’s appearance, but also the condition of his internal organs and his health in general. Defects in posture lead to deterioration of the organs and systems of a growing organism, especially affecting the functions of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system of the respiratory apparatus.

At preschool age, posture has not yet been formed, so unfavorable factors most strongly affect children during the period of rapid growth (6 years). The task of a preschool institution is to prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The main cause of postural defects is habitual vicious body positions when sitting or standing.

Goals and objectives:

Creating conditions for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders by means of developing coordination of movements in children of senior preschool age, preserving and strengthening the health of preschoolers.

1. Introduce available ways to improve health, encourage you to consciously treat your health;

2. Form correct posture and strengthen all muscle groups, help prevent flat feet.

3. Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

4. To foster interest and conscious implementation by pupils of exercises for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders by means of developing motor coordination.

Events project

Type project: educational - recreational

By duration long-term project.

Forms of organization of activities:





Methods project:

Playful physical activity;

Holidays, leisure, entertainment

Implementation results project

Implementation roadmap project

Event No. participants date responsible result

1. Drawing up a support roadmap project. Deputy head in VMR, physical education instructor. October Physical Education Instructor Roadmap

2. Selection of methodological literature and manuals on the topic project. Deputy head in VMR, physical education instructor. October Physical education instructor List of methodological literature

3. Determination of the level of development of coordination. Pupils October Physical education instructor

4. Drawing up a long-term plan.

Implementation project. Deputy head in VMR, physical education instructor. October Physical education instructor Long-term plan for working with students Appendix No. 1

5. Making a plan.

Working with parents. Deputy head in VMR, physical education instructor. October Physical education instructor Plan of work with parents

Appendix No. 2

6. Implementation of the drawn up work plan. Pupils, parents. November-April Physical education instructor

7. Determining the level of coordination development based on implementation results project. Pupils April Physical education instructor Road map

Results during implementation project:

Expected results

For children: responsible attitude towards high-quality implementation of exercises for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders by means of developing motor coordination; development of activity, independence; nurturing a conscious attitude towards physical education classes, self-realization.

For the teacher: increasing professionalism; introduction of new technologies in working with children and parents; personal and professional growth.

For parents: increasing the level of personal consciousness, strengthening the relationship between children and parents.


During implementation the project was installed that the level of development of motor coordination among pupils of the senior group increased by an average of 40%, children are happy to participate in play activities and in joint events with their parents. Parents note that children began to independently monitor their posture, that the muscle corset has become more strengthened, which indicates the successful organization of this project.

Development perspective project.

Every year the number of children with musculoskeletal disorders is growing inexorably, and it is simply necessary to begin work on the prevention of these disorders as early as possible.

In the future this project will be adapted and implemented with children of primary preschool age.

Terms of sale project

For full implementation project« Sports in kindergarten» necessary. A complex for the development of motor coordination for children.

List of used sources:

1. Zanozina A. E., Grishanina S. E. – Long-term planning physical education classes with children 6-7 years old. – M.: LINKA – PRESS, 2008. – 80 p.

2. Kartushina M. Yu. – Leisure scenarios for children 3-4 years old. M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 96 p.

3. Penzulaeva L. I. – physical education classes in kindergarten. Preparatory group for school kindergarten. Lesson notes. – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2011. – 112 p.

4. Penzulaeva L.I. – Health-improving gymnastics for children 3-7 years old. Health-improving gymnastics complexes. – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2010. – 128 p.

5. Penzulaeva L. I. – Outdoor games for children – M.: MOSAIKA – SYNTHESIS, 2010. – 122 p.

6. Kharchenko T. E. – Morning exercises in kindergarten. Exercises for children 2-3 years old. – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2009 – 88 p.

7. Shebeko V.N. – Physical education holidays in kindergarten: creativity in motor activity preschooler: Book. for kindergarten teachers garden / V. N. Shebeko, N. N. Ermak. – 3rd ed. – M.: Enlightenment. 2003. – 93 p.

Publications on the topic:

The figures on the site are made of snow and water. Painted with gouache. Thanks to our mothers, this is just the beginning of their fantasies. As you know, children are very...

Project “Classical Music in Kindergarten” Project objectives: expand children's knowledge of classical music, develop perception of musical works of different eras; develop.

Project “Pedigree in kindergarten” As you know, the Motherland begins with the family, with the home. For every person, family is the beginning of beginnings. Misleadingly, many parents believe...

Flash event with parents in kindergarten “Sports - an alternative to addictions” Video Proflash campaign "Sport - an alternative to addictions." NOVEMBER 18 AT 07-45 in the city of Ufa, Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten.

Objective of the project : creating motivation in children to engage in physical education and sports, familiarization with the country’s sporting achievements, high personal achievements of people who have become the glory of Russia.

Project objectives :

1. Introduce children to different sports.

2. Develop positive motivation for playing sports, healthy

way of life.

3. Foster feelings of patriotism and internationalism.

4. Form and improve sports skills.

Project duration : October 2017 - April 2018



municipal budgetary preschool educational institution:

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 11 "Blue Car""

G. Salsk


in the group of combined orientation 5-6 years old “Sun”

"Kindergarten and Sports"!

Highest qualification category

Ponomarenko O.V.

Salsk 2017.

Project passport

Program content:

  • To form ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, as well as psychological competence in maintaining and strengthening the mental health of all participants in the pedagogical process: teachers, children, parents.
  • Expand the knowledge of children and parents about physical education and sports;
  • To familiarize children with health parameters and methods of working to maintain and strengthen personal health.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle.

Relevance of the project

There is no task more difficult, or perhaps more important, than raising a healthy child. Health is an important factor in the performance and harmonious development of children. Health does not exist on its own; it needs careful care throughout a person’s life.

It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to the age of 7 that a person goes through a huge developmental path, unique throughout his entire subsequent life. It is during this period that intensive development of organs takes place, the formation of functional systems of the body, the basic personality traits are laid, character and attitude towards oneself and others are formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

A survey of parents showed that:

100% - parents want to see their children healthy;

92% - comprehensively developed, with good communication skills

qualities. Therefore, analyzing the morbidity statistics of our pupils, we came to the conclusion that systematic systematic work is needed to form, preserve and strengthen the health of children.

Health cannot be given or gifted to anyone; it must be preserved and strengthened. In order for one’s own health to become a value for a child, it is necessary to rethink the work with preschoolers in the field of physical education, in cultivating a sense of respect for one’s health and the health of others.

Objective of the project : creating motivation for children to engage in physical education and sports, familiarizing themselves with the country’s sporting achievements, the high personal achievements of people who have become the glory of Russia.

Project objectives:

1. Introduce children to different sports.

2. Develop positive motivation for playing sports, healthy

way of life.

3. Foster feelings of patriotism and internationalism.

4. Form and improve sports skills.

Project duration: October 2017 - April 2018

Project participants: children of the combined type group 5-6 years old “Solnyshko”, physical education instructor, teachers, parents.

Project type : long-term, practice-oriented.

Educational area: physical development.

Integration areas:cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.

Novelty and originality:is to implement an unconventional approach to carrying out various forms of work with children, to create an innovative health-preserving environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

Materials and equipment:music center, computer, camera, recordings of phonograms for performing exercises, photographs and pictures depicting various sports, portraits of outstanding athletes, illustrations and reproductions corresponding to the plot and theme of the meeting, educational literature, fiction, sports equipment.

Intended product of the project: final event:sports entertainment for children and parents, developed recommendations for teachers; developed recommendations for parents on developing a healthy lifestyle in preschool children and introducing them to physical education and sports.

Expected results:

For children:

1. Children’s knowledge about the history of the Olympic movement, the champions of our country and city.

2. Showing interest in physical education and sports.

3. Replenishing children's vocabulary with sports terminology.

For parents:

1. Formed active parental position.

2. Increasing the competence of parents in matters of physical education and sports.

3. Active participation of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution.

For teachers:

1. High-quality mastery of innovative technologies by teachers

physical education of children.

2. Improving the professional level of teachers.

3. Improving the quality of physical education work with preschool children.

4. Personal and professional growth, self-realization, moral satisfaction.



1.N.I. Krylova “Health-saving space in preschool educational institutions”, Uchitel publishing house, 2009.

2. Z.A. Klepinin “How to develop in a child the ability to take care of his health,” ed. "ARKTI" Moscow 2010.

3. V.L. Druzhinina, L.V. Abdulmanova “Zdravushka”, Rostov-on-Don

year 2001.

4.T. P. Kolodyazhnaya, E. A. Chekunova - “Preserving the health of children and teachers in kindergarten conditions - Rostov-on-Don 2009.

5. M. N. Kuznetsova - “System of measures for improving the health of children in preschool educational institutions” - a practical guide, Moscow “Iris Press”, 2007.

6. S. A. Ponomarev - “Raise your kids healthy” - Moscow 1989.

7. A. K. Sundukova “The Magic World of Health” - Moscow “Bustard”, 2010.

Main forms of project implementation:

open events

working with educational literature

walking in physical activity

physical education

health week, health days

participation in competitions

attending sporting events

meetings with coaches and students of sports organizations.

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage

Main stage

The final stage

1. Discussion of the goals and objectives of the project.

2. Distribution of material into blocks, drawing up a work plan.

3. Concluding cooperation agreements with certain

organizations and public associations.

4. Studying the competence of parents on the topic of the project

1. Work planning.

2. Creating conditions for the implementation of the project: replenishment and selection

material for the implementation of the project, collecting the necessary materials and literary sources on relevant topics

3. Promoting knowledge about the importance of sports in a child’s life for parents


4. Attending sporting events.

5. Providing information and methodological assistance to teachers,


6. Organization of thematic exhibitions, creation of mini-presentations.

7. Conducting the final sporting event.

1. Summing up the work done.

2. Replenishment of the methodological classroom of the kindergarten with materials about various

sports, 3. Posting information about the project on the preschool educational institution website.

4. Presentation of the project “Kindergarten and Sports”.

Work plan




Preparatory stage


1. Setting goals, objectives, determining the relevance and significance of the project.

2. Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project).

group teachers

Physical education instructor,

group teachers


1. Developing conversations with children.

4. Organization of the development environment. Selection of sports equipment together with students.

Physical education instructor, group teachers

Main stage


1 Week

Drawing up a work plan for

implementation of the “Kindergarten and Sports” project.

Physical education instructor, educational psychologist

group teachers, parents.

Physical education instructor, group teachers

2-3 week

1. Organization

working with pedagogical


2. Questioning parents

“Conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family”

4 week

Sports leisure “Autumn family cross-country”.

Physical education instructor, group teachers, students, parents.


1-2 week

Mini-consultation “Implementation

project “Kindergarten and Sports”:

Consultation questions:

Goals and objectives of the project;

Project implementation timeframe;

Project implementation stages;

physical education instructor

physical education instructor

3-4 week

1 . Massive morning exercises in the air.

2. Sports leisure “Health Day”. A trip to the autumn park.

3. Parents' meeting: "Healthy lifestyle in the family."

Purpose: familiarization with the results of the survey, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Physical education instructor, group teachers


Physical education instructor, group teachers.


1-2 week

1. Outdoor sports games.

2. Conversation about the history of the Olympic Games

3. 3meeting masters of sports

4. Release of a booklet for parents on

topic “Sports – healthy image”



Physical education instructor, group educators.


a week

1. Consultation for parents“Joint physical education classes for children and parents.”

2.Free communication on the topic: “Why do we need physical education and sports.”

3. Acquaintance with proverbs about physical education and sports.

4. Greeting “Two stomps, two slams.”

Physical education instructor, teachers,


Physical education instructor


1. Presentation on the topic: “Winter sports.”

2. Exhibition of family newspapers

“A healthy lifestyle in our family.”

Group teachers

Physical education instructor,

pupils, parents

Group teachers

Physical education instructor


1-2 week

1. Games that heal us.

2. Listening to audio recordings of songs about sports

3. Health Day “Winter Fun”.

Group teachers

Physical education instructor, students

Group teachers

Physical education instructor


3-4 week

1. Aerobics for older groups.

Physical education instructor


Physical education instructor


1-2 week

1. Drawing competition together with parents on the topic: “We love to play sports”!

Physical education instructor, group teachers, students, parents

Physical education instructor,

group teachers


a week

1. Round table with parents “Physical development of the child in the family and preschool educational institutions.”

2. Games to develop correct posture:

- “Living Ring”;

- “Little gymnast”;

- “Regulator”.

Physical education instructor,

group teachers, students, parents

Physical education instructor, group teachers


1-2 week

1.Consultation for parents“GTO - what is it? Revival of the GTO."

2. Breathing exercises according to A.N. Strelnikova.

Physical education instructor,


pupils, parents

Physical education instructor.


3-4 week

1.Development of instructions for parents “About a healthy lifestyle.”

2. Final event - “Family Starts”.

Physical education instructor,

group teachers, music director.

Physical education instructor.

The final stage


Analysis of project results.

1. Creating a computer presentation about the progress of the project:"Kindergarten and sports."

2. Reflection of teachers. Determining the significance of the project for the educational process.

Physical education instructor.

Physical education instructor.
