Sling for a newborn: reviews from doctors. Slings: why they are needed, why they are useful and why they can be dangerous

Our expert is Olga Pleskan, a certified consultant at the European school of babywearing Trageschule, Chairman of the Board of the NP “League of Sling Consultants” (


Milich Maya, Where does the tradition of babywearing originate?

Olga Pleskan: The tradition of baby-carrying exists in almost every culture, so in that sense today we are going back to the roots. The benefits of a sling are undeniable - freeing up the mother’s hands, it simultaneously serves as the best adaptation for the child to the world. The most ancient images of a mother and child in a fabric carrier date back to the second millennium BC. e. For example, there is a known Egyptian bas-relief from the tomb of Pharaoh Horemheb (second half of the 14th century BC), which depicts a woman with two children, one of whom is in a sling. Medieval frescoes and paintings depicting mothers with children in slings have been preserved.

The revival of the tradition of babywearing began in the second half of the 20th century and was associated with interest in ethnographic research. In 1956, a French woman Marcel Ge Ber p Conducted research in Uganda and received unexpected results. It turned out that in terms of mental and physical development Little Africans from poor families are far ahead of European children in the first years of life. And the younger the child was, the greater the gap in performance. As it turned out, the reason for this phenomenon was the difference in the style of raising a child between European and African mothers. An African mother does not keep her baby in a crib, does not carry her in a stroller, and does not put her in a playpen. From birth, the baby is on the mother's back, tied to her with a scarf or piece of cloth. A child learns about the world by seeing what his mother sees, constantly hearing her voice, he participates in her life, falls asleep and wakes up with her. Thanks to the proximity to the mother, the baby is calmer and receives rich material for the development of all senses, which leads to an acceleration of the pace of mental and physical development.

Later American pediatricians, parents of eight children William and Martha Sears attended a conference attended by parents from many countries around the world, where they spoke with two women from Zambia who carried their children in the straps provided national clothes. The Searses wondered why in Zambia it is common to carry children with you most of the day? One woman replied: “It makes life easier for a mother.” And another added: “And it’s better for the child.” In 1985, the Searses began research to substantiate positive effects associated with carrying a child on the body.

As a result, they found that Western countries women are simply not comfortable using the available devices. Among other peoples, children are carried using a long flap, the end of which is thrown over the shoulder in the form of a strap. As a result, the Sears came to the conclusion that a sling of this particular design was the most convenient and easy to use.

The history of children's slings in Germany began in 1971. Mother of two twins Erica Hoffman One day she realized that while taking care of the children, she did not have time to do housework. Then she remembered that she had a sling for carrying children from Central America. Using the carrier, Erica Hoffman began to have time to do housework and communicate with her children. Later, Erica developed a special model of a sling-scarf, which was called “Didymos”.

So in different countries around the world, many mothers, psychologists and doctors began to use and recommend wearing children in patchwork slings, and organize production various types slings for carrying a child. Over time, the word “sling” came into use, which came from the English “to sling” - “to hang over the shoulder” and began to mean “a sling used to carry a child.”

In a sling from birth

- At what age can a mother start using a sling?

Just like in your arms, a baby can be carried in a sling from birth. However, sling consultants, together with gynecologists and midwives, recommend minimizing stress in postpartum period. After natural birth You should not start babywearing until 7–10 days after birth, after caesarean section(And vaginal birth after caesarean section) - up to 10–14 days. It is very important that the mother recovers after childbirth. This, of course, applies not only to slings - active economic activity, excessive exercise, carrying heavy objects (for example, lifting a stroller up the stairs) can cause complications.

- What types of slings are there and how do they differ from each other?

Sling in Russian is the common name for all soft goods made of fabric in which you can carry a child from birth. The principle of wearing a sling is the same - the child is given a physiological position, which is then secured with fabric - that is, the sling supports the child in the same way as the arms of an adult, adapting to the baby’s position. A long piece of fabric for wearing (from 2.5 to 5 m) is called a scarf or sling scarf. A piece of fabric that is worn over the shoulder and secured in the collarbone area with two rings - a sling with rings. A section sewn into a ring that is worn over the shoulder - a pocket or sling pocket. Also considered to be a modern sling is the Asian ethnic carrier Mai-Tai or Mai-sling - this is a fabric square with a belt and shoulder straps.

There are also ergonomic backpacks and their lightweight version - fast slings; due to their more rigid design, they have more restrictions when worn. These products have a lower limit for the child’s weight and a number of desirable baby skills, that is, the child should already confidently hold his head and back, as well as sit. Fast slings are distinguished by the presence of fasteners on all straps and often a dense bandage belt.

Which to choose?

- How are slings convenient and how do they differ from kangaroos and other types of carriers?

The sling is like arms - it tightly presses the baby to the mother's body. IN vertical position in a sling, the baby’s legs are spread apart, the baby’s butt is buried in the “pocket” of the sling, the fabric is evenly distributed from knee to knee, so the baby does not hang on the crotch.

The entire back of the baby is pressed tightly against the mother with the fabric of the sling. This position is physiological for the baby and is good addition to the prevention of hip dysplasia.

Unlike a sling, in a kangaroo the baby's legs dangle, hanging down. The child does not sit, but rather hangs in a structure that resembles panties in its style; the pressure of the baby’s weight falls exclusively on the perineum, which creates unnecessary stress on his pelvis and spine. In addition, carrying a child in a kangaroo is much more difficult than in a sling.

- What materials are slings usually made from and what materials are better to give preference to?

For slings they are traditionally used mainly natural fabrics loose, diagonally stretchable weaves. The mobility of the threads makes it possible to well distribute the load on the parent and pull the child with the fabric along the entire spine. This function of the fabric is relevant only for babywearing, light industry practically does not produce such materials, so sling manufacturers were forced to work with manufacturers on individual orders, which to some extent determined the cost of slings. To date average price sling-scarf - from 80 euros.

How to wear?

- What is the best way to carry a baby in a sling?

In a sling you can carry a child from behind and in front, as well as on the hip and in the “cradle”. The choice of positioning of the baby on the mother’s body depends on the comfort of the woman herself. Homework It is convenient to perform when the baby is on the hip or behind the back. When establishing lactation, it is convenient to wear from the front, with access to the chest. Heavy children are carried mainly on the back.

- Can a sling be used at any time of the year or are there exceptions?

Slings are worn all year round, but it is safer to wear babies who are not yet walking under clothes - with so-called sling jackets or sling inserts. Baby dressed in outerwear, it is almost impossible to properly attach to the mother - thick layer overalls and mother's clothing will not allow you to evenly support the spine, the sling will slide. At the same time, the child will be warm and very comfortable under the jacket!

Security issue

- Is the sling really safe?

Any item we use in everyday life has its own safety precautions. Sling is no exception. It is important to remember that the mother should always control the baby’s breathing, wrap the sling according to the instructions, and do not use it while wearing dangerous items. If the mother or child has certain health conditions, a consultation with the attending physician with the participation of a babywearing consultant is necessary.

Cons of slings

When carrying a baby in a sling, there is a risk of spilling a hot drink on the baby. Also misuse slinging leads to maternal fatigue, damage to the baby's posture, the baby falling out, or even suffocation. In addition, tying a sling scarf yourself requires skill and patience; it is problematic to use a sling in the cold season; you cannot transport a child in a car or on an airplane in a sling.

- Do doctors approve of slings? Are there any contraindications for mother or child?

Worldwide babywearing schools work in close collaboration with doctors: orthopedists, pediatricians, neonatologists, and obstetricians. The recommendations of sling consultants are based on medical data. Contraindications to wearing a sling are associated with the inability to carry a child in your arms at all (for example, serious illnesses veins).

However, doctors note much more often undoubted benefit for health from babywearing: cloth carriers are used for nursing premature babies, for better adaptation of adopted babies, as part of a complex for the prevention of hip dysplasia.

A study conducted in Germany among grown-up “sling babies” (they were 30 years old at the time of the study) showed that wearing them did not cause any harm.

Obvious advantages

Actually, there is one plus, but it is huge - it is absolute mobility. What annoys and simply infuriates most mothers around the world? The fact that you need to be with the child constantly, not go anywhere, not do anything, not meet anyone. Young mothers get stuck in a kind of circle: home - playground - home. This can give rise to serious depression even in the most loving and devoted woman to her maternal duty. The sling gives the main thing - freedom of action. The child is with you all the time - and you can do whatever you want. You can wash dishes, cook, go shopping or meet with friends. And the child will be calm, relaxed and cheerful, feeling nearby mom's warmth and care.

Another plus for those who are breastfeeding. The baby can be fed at any time, as soon as he asks. He will suck his milk, and mother will calmly go about her business. No calculations, regimes, selection of positions for feeding and fear that there is not enough milk and there will not be enough for the baby. Many mothers who have chosen a sling to constantly carry their children adapt to feeding even on the street, right during a walk.

Of course, only in summer time. But even just having the baby near the breast calms him down, and lactation only improves from this. Even doctors don’t argue with this.

Not so obvious disadvantages

The fact that your child is always next to you is, on the one hand, wonderful. And on the other hand? While the baby is very small, mothers agree that they are calmer, less capricious, and can more easily tolerate colic, teething and other troubles. After all, mom will always console, rock, calm. But when the child grows up, mothers notice that simply leaving him in the crib for even a minute without a sling is already a problem. The child does not want to part with his mother at either three or four years old; going to kindergarten is a whole ordeal, and later he becomes dependent on mothers cause inconvenience to both. This has been proven: children who constantly spend time in a sling are very, very dependent on their mother, and whether this is good or bad - everyone decides for himself.

Now let's leave psychology and move on to medicine. Carrying a child on you all the time is a burden. As the baby grows, this load also increases. And the spine does not become stronger, no matter how you train. He has his own natural strength limit, and his “plans” to strain 24 hours a day under the weight of an ever-growing child are definitely not included. What do moms who are faithful to the sling say? They do not deny that their back “aches”, that it can be very difficult to carry, especially when the child begins to spin and jump in the sling, but they all accept these inconveniences as a given. Like, I’m a mother - I have to endure. But is there pain? Eat. And mothers also have problems with their backs, shoulder joints and legs - this cannot be denied. There is official data from doctors on this matter, whatever one may say.

Now for the baby himself. Is a sling comfortable and safe for him? Here's what the experts say: wearing a baby in any sling for up to 3-4 months is dangerous for his life! Whether this is too much or not is, again, up to you to decide. But it’s not just that doctors warn mothers? What's the point in lying and exaggerating, after all? Your child - yes, you can do whatever you want! And they say it’s dangerous. And that's why. Keeping a baby in a forced position for a long time disrupts its cerebral circulation. And carrying a baby who does not yet know how to hold his head upright is completely unacceptable. In this case, the head will fall back, which will block the blood circulation inside the vertebral artery, and this is certain death. But we must admit - if you do everything correctly, choose a sling according to the age and size of the baby, put it on correctly and place the baby there, then such problems will not arise. That is, the danger is not in the sling itself, but only in its incorrect use. A child is just as likely to suffocate in a stroller, in a crib, or even under his mother’s chest (which often happens), if you don’t care about his safety.

What do experts agree on?

Only three things are indisputable: the sling relieves mothers of depression due to the inability to live a full life, it gives the baby a constant feeling of calm and care, and it helps to establish close psychological contact between mother and child. And no matter what the opponents of this now fashionable accessory say, it has more and more supporters. A sling, if used correctly, can solve many problems for mothers who do not want to “fall out” of life during maternity leave. After all, this invention is centuries old, so like no other attribute of child care, it has stood the test of time. And approved modern mothers and their children.

Such an innovation as a sling came into our lives quite recently. Just yesterday we were surprised that this winding cloth could hold a baby, but today it’s not even in the most big cities you can meet a woman carrying her child like this. Therefore, in this article we will consider this method of carrying babies as a sling, the pros and cons of which are known only to experienced sling mothers and doctors.

About baby carriers

The device was called a sling for a reason. Verbatim from English word means "sling". In fact, with the help of long pieces of linen, the baby is “tied” to the mother.

It is called a fashionable innovation only by those who have not heard about the history of this invention. But before the advent of strollers, our great-grandmothers carried their children this way. Remember the expression “bring in the hem”. This was the name for a specially tailored apron, which was worn over a skirt and tied around the neck, and the baby was placed inside. As a result, my mother was left hands free, she could do housework and look after the household, because maternity leave It wasn't there then.

There are several types of slings. Suitable for newborns sling scarf or a ring sling. They are used from 0 months to six months, it all depends on the weight and mobility of the baby. There are no gender differences; both girls and boys can be seated in them.

When the baby grows up and begins to hold his head on his own, from about 3 months, he can be placed in a May-sling, and then, from 4 months, a sling pocket can be used.

You can use ergonomic backpacks for 6 months or more. This is very suspended sentence, since it is assumed that the child is already able to sit independently, and the lumbar region of his spine is ready for such loads. As you understand, some babies sit down even at 8 months, so you need to use backpacks at a time when the baby’s body is ready for it.

By the way, beginners confuse an ergo backpack and a baby carrier. The latter can actually cause harm rather than help, but more on that below.

The benefits and harms of a sling

Basically, all sling mothers and most doctors claim that there is no harm to the spine from carrying. But with reservations:

— the device must be used according to age;

- it must be of high quality both in terms of materials and structural strength;

- not everything that the manufacturer calls a sling is one. There are especially many complaints about this regarding kangaroo carriers.

If these conditions are not met, then adverse consequences are possible, and not only for the child, but also for the mother.

To understand how slings affect a newborn’s spine, let’s look at his physiology.

1. Babies are born with a C-shaped spine. As it matures, by the age of 8–10 years it will resemble the letter “S”, like an adult’s. The formed curves allow the child to hold his head, turn and sit. They appear gradually as the muscle corset strengthens.

2. Already at one month, some children can lift their head independently; by 3 months they are already holding it for a long time. This is how the cervical curve is formed - lordosis.

3. When the child begins to sit (from 6 to 8–9 months), thoracic kyphosis is formed. As the baby begins to try to stand up, we can talk about lumbar lordosis.

4. By 8–10 years, sacral kyphosis appears.

You have probably noticed that a newborn baby does not lie like a “soldier.” His limbs are bent, legs spread apart. He's trying to lie down in the fetal position because his spine is bent in a "C" shape. Therefore, the position of the baby in a sling, scarf or with rings is physiological: the baby is pressed against the mother, and his back is evenly supported by the fabric.

That's why on at this stage In life, carriers that are more rigid in design are not purchased.

Before placing your child in the wearing device, pay attention to the fixation of the cervical spine: the head should not tip back. Scarf fabric should ideally stretch diagonally, not lengthwise or crosswise. Then the newborn's back will be supported evenly.

A few words about proper development hip joint. The International Institute for the Study of Dysplasia notes that for correct formation joint head femur should be centered in the acetabulum. Therefore, carrying a baby with his legs apart has an extremely positive effect on his health.

Negative points

Harm from a sling can be caused if you use incorrect and low-quality devices. Mothers call them pseudoslings. These mainly include “kangaroos”.

- They distribute the child's weight incorrectly. It turns out that it weighs on the perineum, and this is not only inconvenient, but also harms the fragile spine.

— The baby’s legs simply hang in the kangaroo backpack, which adversely affects the development of the acetabular cartilage and increases the risk of hip dysplasia.

- Inconvenient design thin straps they cut the shoulders and put a strain on mom’s back.

What other signs do pseudoslings have?

- inability to regulate fabric tension;

- soft sides on carrying scarves or with rings;

- fragile, plastic rings.

Choose only high-quality carriers for your baby, and he will develop in harmony, because his mother will always be there.

Daria Romashko, pediatrician.

Is a sling harmful to newborns and their spine?
Is it safe to carry a baby in a sling?

They said on TV that if you carry a newborn in a sling, the spine will bend (Aunt Tanya says that a newborn baby should lie on a hard, flat surface, and she, by the way, is an experienced pediatrician).”

If you did everything correctly, then wearing it in a sling is safe and does not harm the baby. What should be right? – In an upright position: the child is pressed tightly against you, the fabric passes under the knees or the legs are in a “frog” position inside the sling; the head is not tilted back and is supported by a cloth, your hand, or lies on your chest; the child is provided with access to oxygen; You can kiss the baby on the top of the head (that is, he is not tied somewhere too low). In the horizontal position, the head is supported, the child is not in a C-shaped position (the chin is not pressed to the chest), oxygen access is ensured.

Now a little anatomy.
Babies are born with a round back or a complete arch (full kyphosis) of the back. This is due to the intrauterine position, in which the legs are apart and the knees are pulled up. Spinal straightening occurs in three stages and lasts approximately one year. Straightening occurs from top to bottom and begins from the cervical spine. The child can, lying on his stomach, raise his head, hold it independently, turn it, etc. Later he will be able to do this while lying on his back. The straightening of the seven cervical vertebrae (cervical lordosis) ends here. Then the child strengthens the flexor and extensor muscles of the body (flexor muscles in the chest and abdomen, extensor sciatic muscles and thigh muscles). Gradually the whole thing straightens middle part spine with twelve thoracic vertebrae (thoracic kyphosis). This straightening ends when the child is able to sit up independently.

This is followed by straightening the five lumbar vertebrae of the lumbar spine (lumbar lordosis). This stage ends when the child is able to walk independently. This completes the straightening of the child's spine.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? A round back is completely normal, natural and physiological for a baby. Moreover, you need to ensure that the back is rounded. Sometimes, when the sling is wound too tightly, it happens that the baby’s back is straight. It is not right. The back will gradually become straight - as the spine develops and the muscles strengthen, and this has nothing to do with smooth, hard surfaces. Remember the gypsies who carry their children in scarves on their backs. Have you seen at least one gypsy with a crooked back?

IN Lately slings and backpacks for carrying children have become extremely popular. Manufacturers produce many varieties of these products, which make life so much easier for mothers. Of course, you can put the baby in a sling or backpack and go about your business, for example, to the dentistry in Kyiv, after reading reviews, or to the grocery store.

Undoubtedly, in a sling the baby is next to his mother, he is warm and comfortable. And the woman has both hands free, and even her weight large child doesn't seem big. But experienced orthopedists are increasingly saying that the sling is harmful. Why?

The child's health comes first!

The fact is that orthopedists note the fact that more and more children are suffering from scoliosis. And most of them spent a lot of time next to their mother in a sling or backpack, positioned for carrying babies from birth.

    To free your hands without harming your baby, orthopedists recommend:
  1. Carry children in slings when they are already confidently holding their head and sitting. Usually this is only from 6-8 months.
  2. Do not sew such carriers yourself. Manufacturers are at least trying to make their products safe for babies. And homemade slings are like a hammock. Lie in a hammock for several hours at a time. Are you comfortable? Or there is even a risk that the baby will fall out of the sewn carrier and get dislocated joints.
  3. Do not carry your baby in a sling for a long time. For example, go to the stop like this. And on the bus (train, etc.) just take the baby in your arms.
  4. When choosing between a kangaroo carrier and an ergo-backpack, you should give preference to the second option. It is safer for the child. But it is better, again, to use it already at the age when the child is sitting.
  5. Believe me, the child will benefit much more if you simply carry him in your arms, lie next to him on the bed and play. But putting the baby in a sling and starting to watch a movie is clearly unnecessary.

Remember that scoliosis acquired in early childhood, will affect not only your posture. It will affect many body systems. For example, dentists claim that malocclusion is a consequence of scoliosis! So if you carried your baby in a sling, show it to an orthodontist in Kyiv by making an appointment
