Good reasons for divorce in court. What reason for divorce to indicate in the statement of claim for divorce

People say that the bonds of marriage are born in heaven. Unfortunately, not all couples are able to keep this gift. More than half of couples break "heavenly bonds" and forget about each other. At the same time, people are faced with the need to formulate the reasons for the dissolution of marriage.

Describing problems often confuses a person. After all, the reasons for the divorce must be indicated for the court in such a way that they do not cause doubts among officials, otherwise the judge will refuse to take the claim into proceedings.

Is it always necessary to substantiate a claim?

According to the current regulatory legal acts, it is not necessary to explain the desire to divorce in all cases. The rules are:

  1. If both partners agree that the family cannot be saved, then the court will not focus on the reasons for such a decision (they can be omitted).
  2. You will need to justify your claim when:
    • minor offspring are brought up in the family;
    • one of the partners:
      • categorically does not want to get divorced;
      • avoid this process.

For reference: people who have agreed to such a step and do not have minor children can break off a marriage without a trial.

What are the grounds for divorce in the application

Official relations in the family are regulated by law. Therefore, the claim must rely on the relevant paragraphs. Look for legal grounds for divorce should be in the Family Code. Thus, article 1 of the said law describes the conditions for concluding marriage bonds (on earth, not in heaven). These include:

  • mutual trust of citizens;
  • love;
  • respect;
  • mutual assistance;
  • a responsibility.

It is these characteristics that are the grounds on which lawyers form the reasons for divorce in the statement of claim.

It is important to know: the court is not a psychological consultation. This body operates on the basis of the letter of the law.

Considered by the court from the point of view of the UK. What happens between spouses does not interest him, except in cases of violence. Therefore, it is necessary to communicate with the state authority in its language. Officially, the reason may be of the following order:

  • personal;
  • household;
  • material;
  • sexy, etc.

For reference: not all real reasons for divorce, according to lawyers, should be reflected in the statement of claim for divorce.

Reasons to choose:

  • conforming to the legislation;
  • if possible, do not have a negative psychological impact on partners.

The court of justice will perceive as personal reasons that destroy the meaning of marital ties. Namely:

  • love;
  • confidence;
  • mutual assistance and more.

Therefore, it is necessary to formulate the statement in such a way that it is clear:

  • the marriage is terminated because it is impossible to save it;
  • At the same time, a situation has developed that runs counter to the principles of the UK.

You can write the following words:

  1. “I insist on breaking the marriage union, because I no longer have confidence in my spouse.”
  2. “My demand for the termination of family ties has several grounds:
    • a lasting dislike arose between us;
    • love and respect are missing in our partnership.”

Attention: any application to the court should end with a contour request. That is, it is mandatory to use the phrase “dissolution of marriage” in the text.

How to justify everyday, material and personal reasons

It is believed that among the 10 reasons explaining the need for a divorce, the first place is occupied by the difficulties of everyday life. Namely:

  • lack of ownership of the family's own apartment;
  • insufficient income;
  • excessive expenses of one of the partners;
  • household scandals;
  • selfishness of a spouse who does not want to give funds for children.

All this is expressed in the NC by a specific term: “mutual assistance”. Thus, when drafting the text of the claim, one should rely on Article 1. Moreover, it is not recommended to delve into the intricacies of everyday relationships. It suffices to point out one or two specific reasons that push for the intention to terminate partnership ties.

Important: the court is more favorable to explanations affecting the interests of minors.

You can use the following expressions:

  1. “The spouse does not allocate funds for the maintenance of children. I consider such behavior incompatible with the further preservation of the marriage.
  2. “The spouse is not employed, does not receive income. Refuses to search for a job. Because of this, the family is in poverty, young children suffer.”
  3. “My husband abuses alcohol, is registered in a narcological dispensary. In a state of intoxication, he behaves inappropriately, poses a threat to the physical and mental health of minors.

The partner's addiction to alcohol or drugs also applies to domestic reasons. Moreover, the termination of marital relations due to alcoholism or drug addiction should be justified by a document from the relevant medical institution.

Sexual incompatibility often becomes a real reason for the loss of trust between partners. A dissatisfied spouse is looking for evidence of his solvency on the side. This, of course, offends the second partner. People become strangers. However, adultery is not recommended to be used to substantiate a claim.

The point is this:

  1. The court is not obliged to delve into all the intimate aspects of the relationship of the spouses.
  2. In addition, disagreement in bed will not be considered evidence of the impossibility of preserving the family in which children are brought up. And the latter are the subject of special concern of the state.

There are two exceptions:

  1. If the partner is prone to perversions that harm the spouse.
  2. If the sexual appetite of the spouse harms the children.

If there is evidence of the last two circumstances, it is necessary to justify the desire to divorce them. In this case, the court should be asked to consider the case in closed session. If one is appointed, then the unpleasant secrets of the relationship of former partners will remain in the courtroom.

Advice: you should not refer to the partner's infidelity in the lawsuit. It is better to justify your desire to break the bonds - lack of trust, which will be true.

Recognition of the invalidity of marriage bonds

Chapter 5 of the UK deals with exceptional situations of divorce. It refers to the judicial recognition of marriage obligations as invalid. This happens under the following circumstances:

  • creation of a family forcibly;
  • if one of the partners did not disclose to the other the fact of a sexually transmitted disease or the presence of HIV infection;
  • it is proved that the union has all the signs of fictitiousness:
    • partners do not communicate;
    • do not run a joint household;
    • do not have intimate relationships;
    • maintain separate budgets;
    • had other goals when concluding an alliance;
  • entry into a new union without breaking the old one;
  • family creation:
    • close relatives;
    • adoptive parents with adopted persons;
    • with a disabled citizen.

Attention: the reasons and grounds for declaring a marriage invalid are set out in articles 12-14 of the UK.

Reasons for debunking

The concept of divorce in the Orthodox rite does not exist. Married people should ask the church bishop for permission to repeat the ceremony. At the same time, the grounds are indicated, which the people call "reasons for the dissolution of a church marriage." These include:

  • death or unknown absence of a former partner;
  • committing a crime for which a person is serving a term;
  • a criminal act against family members;
  • addiction to alcohol, drugs or other addiction;
  • the impossibility of procreation.

The wedding ceremony can be repeated with the consent of the bishop.

It should be borne in mind that the bonds consecrated by the church are terminated for a greater number of reasons. However, such a step has no legal consequences. State bodies recognize only a certificate of union, issued by the registry office.

From the article follows:

  1. The motives that motivate people to formally break their marriage ties are varied. However, not all real circumstances are recommended to be indicated in the application for divorce.
  2. The court acts on the basis of the existing legal framework. Therefore, she needs a basis from the RF IC.
  3. It is recommended to formulate your requirements based on the articles of the Code. In any situation, you can refer to the first, which speaks of love, mutual support and trust.
  4. Other motives, for example, treason, can be declared during the proceedings. The court will take these circumstances into account when making its decision.

Tip: in order to win the court over to your side, it is advisable to indicate the real harm or danger to which minors may be exposed, provided that the family is preserved.

To obtain a divorce certificate, you must submit an application. In the first case, such an expression of will can be submitted to the registry office of the local administration, in the second - to the judiciary. Including in substantiation of their claims to terminate family legal relations, it is necessary to indicate the reasons for the divorce in the claim document (application) for divorce. Consider what could be the reasons for divorce.

When Reasons Are Necessary

There are two options that will give a complete picture of the need to indicate the reasons for the divorce.

  • If the divorce is carried out through the bodies registering civil records, then it does not make sense to indicate the reasons directly. Officials of the registry office perform only the actual entry of personal data. They are not engaged in studying and checking for compliance with the causes of reality.
  • Divorce through the court - in this case, you will need the right preparation and the ability to express your thoughts in the right direction.

It is when applying to the Magistrate's Court with a statement that you will need to indicate a specific reason when setting your requirements.

What to indicate as grounds

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When applying to the court, the applicant will be required to file a claim for divorce. In addition to the requirements for divorce and the indication of your contact details, you must also write about the situation, which is a kind of impetus for the termination of the family union. It is not necessary to describe in the statement of claim everything that happens in your family. It suffices to use one or two phrases that describe the events that prompted the applicant to divorce. To make it easier to choose the most appropriate reasons, it would be more correct to divide them into groups.

  • Conflict situations between spouses. Based on the basics of family law, it is important to remember that the family is built on the foundations of mutual love and respect. If there are none, you can indicate in the statement of claim: “Saving the family is not possible, since my husband and I have lost feelings of mutual help and love for each other, which are the main reason for creating a marriage union.” Or you can suggest writing an option like: "Because I have ceased to have respect for my spouse and there is a negative attitude, I believe that the continuation of family relations is impossible."
  • Avoidance of family responsibilities. Under this reason, many things can be hidden: indifference in family life, refusal to run a household, loss of interest in the life of their own children. A similar situation can be formulated in a statement of claim based on the norms of family law: “It is impossible to continue a joint relationship, due to the spouse’s failure to fulfill his obligations established by the legislation of Russia on the family and children.”
  • Alcohol abuse. Not such a common reason, but still it is, because not all women are ready to endure a similar lifestyle of their spouse. In the text, you can indicate everything as it is: “I consider it impossible to continue the marriage, due to the fact that my husband abuses alcohol and leads an immoral lifestyle.” In extreme cases, the opposite happens, men become the initiators of a divorce.
  • Incompatibility of characters and disagreements in life position. A general concept often used by citizens, which in the text of the application indicates the impossibility of continuing family relations due to different life positions. Simple, but always clear to the judge.

If any reason fits your situation exactly, shift it to the text of the statement, adding a few “dry” facts about:

  • when the marriage was registered;
  • when it became necessary to dissolve the marriage;
  • information about children and jointly acquired property during the period of the marriage;
  • information about concluded marriage contracts and any additional agreements related to children and property;
  • if the applicant in the text refers to addictions or actions related to arbitrariness, it is necessary to attach documents: certificates from a dispensary, police, or other.

Also pay the state fee and check the correctness of the application form with what is required in a particular court. There is no need to invent non-existent facts and pass them off as reality at a court session. Thus, if you need to talk more about the reason for the divorce, you can get more confused and lose your mind.

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Young people and girls remember their wedding day for the rest of their lives. This day brings a lot of joy to the bride and groom, relatives and friends. And this is not surprising, this is a very joyful event - the birth of a new family. It seems that now the young will go hand in hand all their lives, they are sure that their happiness will be eternal. But, unfortunately, many marriages soon break up. Three divorces fall on five marriages, the figure is getting higher year by year. Sociologists argue that divorce is the problem of the century. Family and marriage are influenced by numerous social and personal factors. These are politics and economics, traditions and customs, ideology, morality, peculiarities of people's upbringing, character, individual characteristics of a person. Reasons for divorce can vary.

The main reasons for divorce

So, the main reasons for divorce are:

  1. everyone will agree that the main reason for the death of a family is the alcoholism of one of the spouses, most often the husband. Domestic drunkenness leads to a deep disintegration of the personality. Such a spouse cannot raise children, feed a family, be a good husband;
  2. Another important reason for divorce is jealousy. The number of divorces due to jealousy is huge! Interesting is the fact that this trend is true for couples who are officially married. Couples who are connected by a civil marriage have fewer problems on this basis. Distrust on the part of spouses affects negatively emotional harmony, the intimate side of life;
  3. The next reason for divorce is infidelity. The perception of infidelity is different for men and women. For a man, the physical infidelity of a partner has a lot of stress. It is difficult for a woman to realize emotional betrayal when a partner has a spiritual and physical interest in another woman;
  4. forced, for example, due to pregnancy, or thoughtless marriage;
  5. struggle for leadership in the family;
  6. emotional immaturity of partners.

If problems do not arise due to alcoholism, infidelity and fidelity, there are other reasons for divorce. There are five factors in which the mismatch between partners causes conflicts.

These are the factors:

  1. partners have the same ideas about cleanliness and order;
  2. spouses have similar tastes in literature, cinema, music, television programs;
  3. both partners have similar eating habits;
  4. they like the same pets;
  5. spouses have similar opinions about watching erotic films.

The discrepancy between desires, tastes and seemingly frivolous factors has a destructive effect on the bonds of marriage and becomes the cause of divorce. According to psychologists, if 2 out of 5 positions are different, the chances of maintaining a strong and friendly family are practically nullified. Each of the spouses will defend their position, and this will lead to conflict. If such a situation is repeated day after day, this may well be the reason for a divorce.

Reasons for divorce in Russia

Numerous sociological surveys have revealed the main causes of divorce in Russia:

  1. drug addiction and alcoholism. This reason is the most common, because of it 41% of marriages break up;
  2. no housing. 26% of couples divorce for this reason;
  3. interference in the family life of relatives. This is the cause of divorce for 14% of couples;
  4. no opportunity to have a child - causes 8% of divorces;
  5. separation for a long time - about 6% of divorces;
  6. imprisonment - approximately 2% of divorces;
  7. long-term illness of the spouse - about 1%.

In addition, sociologists have identified a number of reasons why spouses cannot divorce. The most common: it is difficult to "divide" children; difficulties with the division of property; dependence of spouses in material terms; wife's or husband's refusal to divorce.

Reasons for divorce in the application

The divorce procedure is quite simple in Russia. The spouse or one of them files for divorce. In the registry office or the court, the marriage can be dissolved. In the registry office, you can only get a divorce if the spouses do not have minor children and their desire is mutual. Together with the application for divorce to the registry office, the spouses provide a marriage certificate, their passports, and a paid receipt of the state duty for divorce. You can pay this receipt at the registry office or through any bank. A month is given to the spouses to consider the decision. If after the end of this period, they do not change their minds, they receive a certificate of divorce, and, accordingly, they make a note in the passport - the marriage is terminated. If there are minor children, divorce is carried out through the court.

When filing an application for divorce, you must specify the reason. The following reasons are usually given:

  1. family life did not work out;
  2. did not get along;
  3. no close relationships in the family;
  4. there is a marital relationship with another person;
  5. long periods of separation;
  6. conflicts in the family, a ruthless attitude towards a spouse or children;
  7. alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse of the spouse;
  8. marital infidelity;
  9. the place of residence of the spouse is unknown;
  10. spouse in prison.

Witness testimony that will confirm your arguments - evidence in a case that concerns a divorce.

Divorce is a deep family tragedy, no matter what the reasons for divorce are. Children especially deeply experience the divorce of their parents. Before you apply for a divorce, you need to think very hard, weigh all the pros and cons, if there is even the slightest possibility, try to save the family. Divorce is always caused by two people.

Divorce is a bitter word for any family that has fallen apart. According to statistics in recent years, the number of divorces has increased dramatically, due to many reasons. According to surveys, the main reasons for divorces are treason, alcoholism (drug addiction) of one of the spouses (often the husband), the housing problem, lack of normal living conditions, poverty, infertility of one of the spouses. But the wording “they didn’t agree on the characters,” which was often used during divorces in the Soviet period, today people rarely indicate.

In our time, the very concept of the value, sacredness and inviolability of family ties has faded into the background, the new generation is frivolous about marriage and family relationships. Early marriages occupy the largest percentage in the structure of divorces. This is due to the fact that immature and infantile people enter into marriage, who have a low spiritual and social level and consider sex to be the main basis of family relations. In addition, the roles of men and women in marriage have changed significantly, today women perform most of the male duties.

Very often, divorce is the only and necessary solution when the relationship between spouses did not take place (misunderstanding between spouses, psychological characteristics of the second half). In most cases, divorce is initiated by young women, because they want to have a beloved, loving and devoted man next to them, and also to create another family. However, not every woman succeeds in achieving this goal, because, as practice shows, after a divorce, a woman most often remains alone and raises a child.

Adultery or adultery is one of the most common causes of divorce worldwide. Cheating affects the most important of marital feelings - love, which is a significant motive for marriage and creating a family. Cheating testifies to various contradictions, conflicts and disharmony between spouses. The betrayal of one of the spouses is a fairly common phenomenon, and can be observed even in families with prosperous and stable relationships, not to mention problematic ones. Very often, betrayal is a common reason for the dissolution of "early" marriages, when both spouses are very frivolous and do not fully understand the value of the concept of a family. Fidelity in marital relations largely depends on the behavior of spouses before marriage: according to statistics, men and women who have had sexual intercourse before marriage are much easier to violate the vow of marital fidelity. This is explained by the fact that early sexual intercourse is based in most cases not on love, which further reduces the sense of duty and obligation towards another partner.

Practice shows that adultery makes a person understand and realize that there was love in the family. Very often, men, not finding what they were looking for in a random partner, begin to appreciate their wives more. Unfaithful wives after casual sexual intercourse, in most cases, do not experience anything but remorse and disappointment. A spouse who has betrayed family relationships begins to understand that he has betrayed a close and beloved person, and in the future he will treat the family hearth with great trepidation, trying to save it with all his might. However, it is very difficult to forgive or forget the betrayal of a loved one, as practice shows. Despite the long years lived together, the memories of the betrayal of the spouse retain resentment and bitterness throughout life. Infidelity, betrayal destroy the family. And it doesn't matter who changed. Whether or not to forgive the offense caused by betrayal depends on the person, the strength of his feelings for his spouse.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that treason is the lot of deeply immoral people. If quarrels, scandals, jealousy, suspicions constantly arise in the family, there is no kindness, understanding and sympathy, then, in the end, this will lead to the fact that one of the spouses will subconsciously begin to look for a person who will understand and respect the personality in him .

The main reasons for adultery are new love, the desire to take revenge on the spouse for infidelity, the lack of reciprocity in marital relations, the desire for new love experiences, the unviability of the family, casual relationships, and some others. Sometimes in marriage it is better to remain silent and not tell your spouse about your fleeting infatuation or physical infidelity. This could save the family. Some spouses, ashamed of their act, in an effort to confess, can inflict severe trauma on their soulmate, from which she can lose mental balance for a very long period of time. The memory of betrayal will, like a splinter, cause unbearable pain.

It should be noted that adultery is a severe test for any marital union. Anyone who treats her easily and indifferently is hardly capable of a deep feeling. The betrayal that occurs against the backdrop of conflicts in the family is natural. In any case, before drawing final conclusions, you should carefully understand the situation. If a person admits that he made a mistake, you need to learn to forgive. Although not everyone can forgive this.

Recently, the number of divorces has increased due to the rudeness of the spouse, psychological incompatibility, alcoholism or drug addiction. Quite often, the cause of divorce is called marital boredom. The time of the first love and the time of "joint grinding" is behind, the spouses have family peace, and they begin to live according to the established algorithm. For the first five or six years of their life together, the spouses have well studied and accepted each other's advantages and disadvantages, they no longer expect any surprises from each other. They have everything scheduled by the hour: work, children, Sunday sex ... It is not surprising that over time, the spouses move away from each other. As a rule, the husband's inattention is acutely felt by the wife, especially if she sits at home and does not work. An incomplete education or a missed career opportunity makes a woman resent her husband, because she sacrificed so much for him ... the husband is not interested in his wife's problems, because he has enough of his own. As a result, family relationships begin to burst at the seams. The husband fully devotes his time to work, even on weekends. And a woman, tired of indifference and lack of communication, gets a lover. When spouses feel good together, no one ever looks “on the side”.

In general, if your life consists of a series of the same events that repeat every day, you should be wary. How much time do you spend together? Are you aware of his or her experiences and anxieties? Are you able to help when the other half is bad? Maybe you should change something in family life, make it more pleasant and varied? However, both spouses should want this. Spouses should realize that it is necessary to dilute their gray everyday life, for example, with the help of romance. Stay alone at least once a week so that neither children, nor relatives, nor acquaintances interfere. You can repeat the honeymoon to refresh the marital relationship. In general, a woman can do a lot to restore relationships. Even just compliment a man, praise him, and not only at home, support his self-esteem and self-confidence in every possible way, admire him, arrange unexpected surprises and give a "romantic" trifle. All these tips can also be applied to men: admire your beloved, make compliments, do not hesitate to express your feelings.

So that your family relationships do not suffer banal boredom, never bring trouble home at work, do not sort things out in the bedroom, do not treat sex as an unpleasant duty. The basis of family happiness and prosperity is love, mutual understanding, trust, tenderness, passion. Equally important is the well-being and health of the spouses. It is very important to share sorrows and joys for two, to overcome life's difficulties together.

Very often, dissatisfaction with intimate life becomes the cause of divorce. When people build relationships in the absence of mutual attraction, without the joy of physical intimacy with this person, such relationships will sooner or later end in divorce. However, it also happens that problems in intimate relationships are not pronounced, and, nevertheless, even they are undesirable in family life, since a feeling of vague dissatisfaction contributes to irritation, depression, and lack of joy. Meanwhile, happiness cannot be built on sexual relationships alone. For complete satisfaction, you also need such things as understanding, affection, confidence in a partner, respect, etc. Passion in the absence of sincere feeling is just a physiological act that does not have any attraction.

Another serious test of family relationships is the period of expectation and the birth of a child, especially if he is "restless" at the same time. A fairly large percentage of divorces falls on families in the first year after the birth of a baby, and the husband is the initiator of the divorce. During this period, the man fades into the background. Very often, young dads make the same mistake, putting all the responsibility of caring for a child on their wife. The wife practically does not have enough time for the house and for himself, since she devotes all her time to the baby. As a result, discomfort inevitably appears in the family, a man feels deprived, unnecessary, unloved. In this case, a tired, sleepy spouse may not react to the husband’s claims in the way that a man would like. And all this is repeated from day to day. As a result, the man sees divorce as the only way out of this situation. After all, then complete freedom will come, there are no obligations, screams, there is only one. In this situation, you should not blame only the spouse. Both spouses must take care of the newborn.

Alcoholism and drug addiction of one of the spouses (in most cases men) very often cause family breakup. These defects must be treated. It is very important only at the initial stage, when a person is just embarking on a dangerous path, to help him solve the problem. During this period, trust and understanding from the second half are very important. At the beginning of the development of the disease, treatment gives more effective indicators.

The housing issue is rightfully one of the most common reasons for the breakup of a family. At the stage of falling in love, it seems to everyone that with a loved one and paradise in a hut. Nevertheless, the lack of own housing, living with parents sooner or later lead to quarrels, conflicts and scandals, and as a result, divorce. Now, to solve this issue, there is mortgage lending, which in many cases is a salvation for a young family.

Poverty, the impossibility or inability of a man to provide the family with everything necessary become private reasons for the breakdown of family relations. Because of the constant need, a woman often begins to have claims against her husband, whose self-esteem begins to suffer. A woman either starts working herself and brings in more money, or finds a reliable person who can provide for her and her children. As a result, the family breaks up. The lack of money may be due to the inability of the spouses to plan the budget or their different views on the expenditure of funds for certain needs. In this case, the spouses should immediately stipulate the amount that they will spend, and how much they will save, or whether they will even try to save. Regardless of the reason for the divorce, it is important to talk with your spouse about topics that concern you, to resolve conflicts peacefully. Now there are many opportunities to earn good money and provide for the family. It is important to approach the solution of the problem together, and not to shift the blame on one of the spouses.

The rupture of family relations can arise on the basis of the loss of love for a spouse. According to psychologists, after a year or two of love relationships, passion begins to subside. In a woman, it smoothly flows into affection and respect, and a man longs for new acute experiences. That is why most often in this situation, men file for divorce. What to do in this situation? Try to refresh feelings, look for ways to renew relationships. Perhaps a change of scenery should be made.

An equally important reason for divorce is the unwillingness or inability of one of the spouses to have children. Frequent family scandals, initiated in most cases by women, force a man to look for a calmer person, as his wife's tantrums and nervousness become simply unbearable. In this case, if a woman wants to save her marriage, she should pacify her ardor, learn to control her emotions.

Selfishness, unwillingness to listen and hear a partner, inability to compromise and forgive are also a frequent motive for the breakup of a family.

Guest marriage or long-term residence of the spouses separately due to forced business trips, official duties, or at the mutual desire of the spouses to extend the love phase of the relationship. However, most often such marriages end in a rupture of family relations.

There are a lot of reasons for the breakup of a family, it all depends on the person and his psychology. The main thing is to hear the first alarm bells in time and try to eliminate them.

And finally, I would like to note that, according to psychologists, a man on a subconscious level marries a woman who looks like his mother. Therefore, just in case, it is worth adopting some positive qualities of the future mother-in-law. However, if your mother-in-law's personal life failed and she alone raised your lover, then it is better not to do this, because, according to statistics, men divorce twice as often if they were raised by single mothers.

In recent years, Russia continues to lead the world in terms of the number of divorces. The divorce rate in our country is as much as 57%, while in Canada this figure is 48%, the USA - 46%, France - 38%, and the last place is occupied by Japan, where the divorce rate is 27%. “Almost every second marriage is doomed to failure,” sociologists report. Is it true that “every family is unhappy in its own way”, as the classic said? Or is it still possible to identify common motives for divorce?

Divorce is the problem of the century

Turning to statistics, it is easy to see that even 10 years ago every third marriage was terminated, and today this figure in Russia has decreased to 2. Suffice it to give an example: in 2003, 1,225,501 official consolidations of the union were made, of which 667,971 were already divorced, and this is 54.5%. Every year, the difference between the number of marriages and their dissolution is shrinking, and the popularity of registered relationships is falling. There is an explanation for this statistic: at the moment, marriageable age has come for those born in the 90s. As you know, during these years there was a demographic decline, the consequences of which we are still seeing, and many families were considered disadvantaged at that time. But this is far from the only reason for the divorce of modern families.

Categories of Leading Causes of Divorce

The family and marriage are influenced by many reasons and factors: these are social, personal, and political. Religion, upbringing, characters, traditions, ideology, personal goals of each of the partners can serve as a reason for divorce. What can be a valid argument and reason for dissolution of marriage cannot be answered unambiguously. Each family has its own difficulties, and their consequences are always different. However, there are several categories of the main causes of divorce:

  1. Premature reckless marriage. One of the most common reasons why people get divorced is a rash decision to get married. Many young people, having no idea about married life, rush to the registry office, and over time they see that their expectations from living together have not been met and there is only one way out - divorce.
  2. Change of one of the partners. Adultery is also one of the most popular reasons for divorce. Statistically, it is the man who is most often the traitor. And if the betrayal of her husband can be understood, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to forgive, because. the weaker sex is characterized by excessive emotionality. Poverty and betrayal are the most popular reasons for divorce in Russia. But the reason for the betrayal of a spouse can be many factors, here are some of them:
    • Looking for adventure, new sensations. Over time, relationships can get boring, the usual measured married life can turn gray, and the partner goes in search of thrills without thinking about the consequences.
    • New love of one of the partners.
    • Sexual dissatisfaction. The lack of regular intimacy can push your "half" to seek adventure on the side, and the consequences are a good reason for divorce.
    • Revenge. Trying to restore your self-esteem by paying back your cheating husband “in the same coin” is unlikely to help strengthen your marriage. And the consequences will not keep you waiting.
  3. The birth of a child, especially in young families. Any couple needs time to “grind” to each other. Why young couples with a child get divorced is quite obvious. After all, the appearance of a new family member in a still unformed unit of society can cause additional stress and trouble, and eventually becomes the cause of divorce. The consequences will not be the best, both for the spouses and for the child. By the way, the presence of a minor child is one of the reasons for divorce through the courts.
  4. Character incompatibility. Husband wants to go to football at the weekend, and you want to go to the theater? This may begin to suggest the thought: “did you choose the right spouse?” Different views of spouses on life, different eating habits, dissimilarity of tastes in literature, different social status of spouses are common reasons for divorce in modern families.
  5. Everyday problems. Socks scattered on the floor, garbage not thrown out during the time, dinner not prepared for the return of the husband from work, uncleaned apartment - ironically, can serve as a good reason for constant quarrels, and if the partners are too emotional, then this can be a reason for divorce .
  6. Marriage of convenience, including to solve the housing issue. One of the reasons for divorce is the pursuit of mercenary goals by one of the spouses: for financial gain or for the sake of obtaining an apartment.
  7. Interference of relatives in the life of spouses. Moreover, if you live in the same apartment with relatives of your "half", then this cannot be avoided for sure. Older and wiser parents always think that they know everything better than the newlyweds and are in a hurry to "climb" where they shouldn't, to give advice, instead of letting the young family figure it out on their own. Therefore, the intervention of parents and other relatives becomes the reason why people get divorced.
  8. The struggle for leadership in the family. The husband supports his wife or the spouse earns more than her man - be sure that your missus will not miss the opportunity to remind you of this in the midst of another quarrel.
  9. Addictions of one of the spouses: alcoholism or drug addiction. They can make the family life of partners unbearable. In Russia, they are one of the frequent reasons for divorce. The culprit is often a man who is unable to fight addiction.
  10. Financial difficulties. Financial problems arise in any family, but for young couples they can become an insoluble circumstance and serve as an example of why people get divorced.
  11. Problems of intimacy. They can also be grounds for divorce. They consist in the dissatisfaction of one or both spouses. The inability or unwillingness to discuss problems in this area with a partner can often be a reason for divorce, even in long-term marriages. It is worth noting that 37% of the men surveyed are ready to divorce for this reason, while only 9% of women consider this a sufficient motive for divorce.
  12. Too early or late marriage age. Many young guys, not having enough life experience, and not able to appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of a partner, are in a hurry to get married. They like to spend time together, lead a common social life: going to discos, parties, going to the movies. Such couples do not think about the consequences of coexistence in everyday life. And only after the wedding, all the shortcomings of both spouses are revealed. The median age for marriage is 22 for women and 24 for men.
  13. couple infertility. Many modern families cite the inability to have children as the reason for divorce. Often, instead of contacting specialists, spouses apply for a divorce to the court.
  14. Emotional immaturity of one of the partners. For the most part, it occurs among young couples, and the reason for this is a banal unpreparedness for marriage. Most often it manifests itself in men, and therefore so many changes occur in the male share of the population.

Surprisingly, in most highly developed countries, the reasons for divorce are for the most part the same. However, every divorce has its own reasons.

What other factors can cause divorce?

There are many reasons why people get divorced. But no one can say that having lived a sufficient number of years in marriage, it will not come to trial and divorce. In support of this, one more interesting statistic can be cited.

By years of marriage, as a percentage, divorces fall out as follows:

  • up to 1 year - 3.6%
  • from 1 to 2 years - 16%
  • from 3 to 4 years - 18%
  • from 5 to 9 years old - 28%
  • from 10 to 19 years old - 22%
  • from 20 years and more - 12.4%.

Also, according to sociological research, a more responsible period in family life is the age of spouses from 20 to 30 years. Marriages concluded before the age of 30 are about 2 times more durable than marriages registered to spouses already over 30 years old.

This is due to the fact that it is much more difficult for people over 30 to rebuild themselves to the requirements of a new spouse, it is more difficult to get used to living together.

The age at which most divorces fall is between 18 and 35 years of age. Moreover, the majority of respondents divorced at the age of 25 and above.

It is also worth noting that in different age categories, both men and women can become the initiators of a divorce. To a greater extent, women under the age of 50 initiate divorces. While after 50 they become men. There is a simple explanation for why this is happening. Spouses over 50 years old, as a rule, already have adult children, which means that it will be possible to get a divorce without the participation of the court, in the absence of common property, and the spouse will not have to pay alimony.

Indication of the reason for the dissolution of the marriage in the application

In why you filed for divorce, various reasons may be indicated. In Russia, the divorce procedure is quite simple. You can get a divorce in court or the registry office by filing an application with the appropriate authority.

In 64% of cases, the divorced court offers to consider their decision and gives a month for this. Unfortunately, only about 7% of spouses take the divorce application.

The main reasons for divorce, which are indicated in the applications:

  1. Family life did not work out;
  2. Did not get along;
  3. There are marital relations with other people;
  4. Long-term separation;
  5. Family conflicts.

In any case, divorce is a deep family drama that will not be easy for either party to survive. It is especially difficult for children to endure the divorce of their parents. The most terrible consequence of divorce is the fact that the child will have to grow up in an inferior family. After all, the child does not understand why his parents do not want to be together anymore. Whatever the reasons for divorce, it's worth weighing the pros and cons before making a hasty decision. And if there is even the slightest chance to try to save the marriage, you should certainly use it. Remember, no matter what you get divorced for, both spouses are always to blame.
