Extra-curricular event on the theme: "Tatyanini's Day" for elementary school. Scenario_Tatyana's Day.docx - Festive script for Tatyana's Day

Many years ago, on January 12 (January 25, according to the new style), Moscow "gentlemen of the studious" celebrated Tatyana's Day with true youthful enthusiasm, thanks to which the capital became a blue hue due to tens of thousands of student caps. Modern student brethren celebrate Student's Day no less fun: the traditional scenario for Tatyana's Day, whether it is for students or schoolchildren, necessarily includes pranks of professors or teachers, noisy gatherings, walking along city streets.

Scenario for Tatyana's day for student gatherings

Official part (optional):

  • honoring teachers. These can be dedication songs, odes, friendly caricatures;
  • excursion into history;
  • congratulations girls with the name Tatyana. You can present flowers, souvenirs, postcards.

Entertainment part:

  • main idea: unusual and fun to celebrate Angel Tatyan's Day and Student's Day;
  • menu: mineral water, juices, cakes;
  • prizes: chocolate medals/sweets.

Competitions and quizzes:

Scenario "Tatiana's Day" for schoolchildren

Class hour dedicated to Tatyana's day:

1st student. Today we have gathered to congratulate all Tatyanas present here on their name days! On January 25, Russian students celebrate their holiday, and the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Great Martyr Tatiana.

2nd student. The name affirms the uniqueness and uniqueness of a person. In Russia, it was customary to give the baby the name of a saint, his heavenly patron. Tatyana is interpreted in the calendar as a great martyr. The meaning of the name is mistress, founder, organizer.

4th student. Do you know how they tell fortunes on Tatyana's day? At 12 midnight on January 24, they turn to Saint Tatiana and ask if the session will go well. Tatiana must tell the student about this at night. In pre-revolutionary Russia, Tatiana's Day was celebrated on a grand scale. Police officers and police officers were ordered to ignore the "inevitable evil" - the revelry of students, their liberties in relation to professors, the noisy fun inherent in student enthusiasm and youth. They prepared for the holiday in advance, on the city streets until dawn the anthem of the students "Gaudeamus Igitur" sounded.

Host: Hello dear friends! We have gathered here to celebrate the holiday - Tatyana's Day!
Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated in Russia from January 25, 1755, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna established Moscow University by her decree. According to the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of the holy martyr Tatyana. It became a holiday for university students, later for all students, and now it is a holiday for all youth.

The name of a person distinguishes him from those around him and affirms his uniqueness and uniqueness. In Russia, a tradition has developed to give the child the name of a saint, who thus becomes his heavenly patron.
The name Tatyana in the calendar is interpreted as a great martyr. It is formed from the Latin Tatus - the name of the Sabine king. Sabines - Italic tribes, some of which lived on the hills of Rome. According to another version, the name Tatyana is of ancient Greek origin, "Tatto" means to establish, determine. The meaning of the name is organizer, founder, mistress.

Leading. Now let's have fun and have fun. The team "Tatyan" and "not Tatyan" of our 2nd year is invited!

Task one. What kind of ideal girl named Tatyana do you imagine? We draw a portrait of Tatyana. To the sound of music, Tatyanas come out to the portable board in turn and with their eyes closed draw the details of the portrait: one is the oval of the face, the other is the nose, the third is the mouth, etc.

Leading. And now a test of ingenuity: a blitz tournament!
1. Seven candles were burning in the room. A man passed by, put out two candles. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned down.)
2. Twice born, once dies. (Chicken)
3. Who can not be lifted from the floor by the tail? (ball of thread)
4. Two bellies, four ears. Who is it? (Pillow).
5. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three babies so that one apple remains in the basket? (Give one away with the basket.)
6. What is not in cabbage, beets, or radishes, but is in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter O)
7. What year has only 1 day? (New Year)
8. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (At the mushroom)
9. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second is no longer on an empty stomach)
10. What dishes can not be eaten from? (From empty)
11. How does the day and night end? (soft sign)
12. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)
13. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)
14. Which watch shows the correct time only twice a day? (The ones that stand)

Presenter: the next task is "A woman who sings"

Perform the song "Katyusha" in the manner and style of rap, disco, romance, ditty

Moderator: Let's talk about ethics. Do all Tatyanas know which side a woman should go from a man? Where did this rule come from? From the left. The custom comes from knightly times and is based on the fact that a man's right hand should be free for weapons in order to protect himself and his companion when meeting with an enemy.

Presenter: Dear Tatyana, what else is remarkable about your day? Tell us please.
First Tatiana.
In the old days, Tatyana's day was also called the sun. Exactly a month has passed since the minutes of daylight hours began to arrive. On Tatyana's day, this increase is already noticeable - the twilight is not so long, the matinees are not so dark. They said that on Tatyana's day a day for sparrows increased.
Second Tatiana.
The one that was born on Tatyana's day is soul-bound to the winter season. In severe frosty time, she carefully looks after the household. She understands how harsh winter can be and how hard it is for everyone at this time to feed themselves, so she tries to arrange life for both man and animal as warm and satisfying as possible. No wonder Tatyana means “organizer”.
Third Tatiana.
They always said about Tatyana that she was the mistress of the house. Her ladles do not sleep, the kvass does not empty, the stove is not carbon monoxide. Behind her, the whole family is like behind a stone wall. On this day, in the villages there was a tradition to wash rugs on the river at noon - homespun paths. Formerly worn out shirts and sweaters were not thrown away, but cut into strips, wound into balls and knitted from them rugs. Long-long, in the whole hut. It used to be that children in knitted socks ran along knitted paths - both warm and soft, a pleasure.

Presenter: On Tatyana's day, old people and children had a custom. They went out to the highest place in the district and basked in the sun, made their wishes. They said that on this day the sun sends a special light to the earth. But what signs were considered true for this day. Red sunset - to a strong wind. Snow on Tatyana's day - in the summer it will often rain.

Presenter: Our teams show enviable erudition in various fields of knowledge. Let's try to test them again, but on a very pleasant topic. A contest of connoisseurs and connoisseurs of flowers is announced!

1. In the titles of which novels by famous French writers, father and son, the name of flowers is mentioned? (“The Black Tulip” - Dumas the father and “The Lady of the Camellias” - Dumas the son.’)

2. In a number of Western countries, the shamrock clover has long been considered a talisman, and now it is willingly depicted on greeting cards, souvenirs, key rings as a symbol of happiness. Name a popular western company whose logo includes a shamrock. Adidas.

3. What famous war is named after flowers and even their color is indicated? In what century and in what country did it take place? War of the Scarlet and White Roses, 15th century, England.

4. Let me remind you of one ancient myth. The young man was predicted at birth that he would live until he saw himself. He spent all his time in the woods. One day, bending over the lake, he saw a beautiful face in the mirror of the water and fell in love with it. Forgetting about food and sleep, he remained on the shore day and night, admiring himself, and died of anguish. The gods turned him into a flower. What was the name of this young man? (Narcissus)

5. Let's remember songs about flowers. Who is bigger? (“Wreath of the Danube, “Kalina red”, “Bird cherry”, “City flowers”, “Red carnation”, “Million roses”, “Lilies of the valley”, “Wild flowers”, “Apple trees in bloom”, “Kalinka”, “Buy violets, etc.)

Presenter: I will now say 15 words in a row that are not related to each other either in form or in content. Players, after listening, must write down all the words that they remember. The one who repeats more words will win: road, rosin, light bulb, holidays, vermicelli, chairs, intermission, discussion, cabbage, creativity, invitation, household, option, square, dignity.

Well done. And now a musical break. We study the anthem of scouts. (Reads expressively the text of the first verse of the song “Moments”).

Commands with facial expressions and gestures synchronously illustrate each word of the text.

Command gestures (performed with the right hand).

Do not think
Put a finger to the forehead.

About seconds
They look at the clock, raising their hands and pulling up their sleeves.

Stand on tiptoe, look down.

will come
They take a step forward.

They look at the clock again.

They punch themselves in the chest.

You will understand

They shrug their shoulders, throw up their hands.

They whistle
They lean forward, put their thumb and forefinger into their mouths, puff out their cheeks, roll out their eyes.

like bullets
They imitate movements, as if they were twitching the bolt of a rifle.

At the temple
Twist the index finger at the temple.

Moments, Moments, Moments.
For each word, they turn their heads from right to left and pronounce the sound “fit-fit”.

Leading. And now let's play "I believe, I do not believe."

1. Do you believe that the deepest of the oceans is the Pacific? (Yes).
2. That Ilya Muromets freed Smolensk from the Nightingale the Robber? (Chernihiv)
3. What sunlight penetrates the ocean at 800 m? (Even at 1 thousand meters)
4. That there is a stuffed Kamchadal in the zoological museum in St. Petersburg? (No, this is a resident of Kamchatka.)
5. What chocolate tree grows in India? (No, in South America)
6. That there is an animal called an armadillo? (Yes, in South America)
7. What did the artist Serov write about the paintings “Heroes”, “Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf”? (No, Vasnetsov)
8. What is the dollar - the monetary unit of Liberia, Ethiopia, Singapore? (Yes)
9. What does a spider have twelve legs? (Eight)
10. That the hedgehog fish has tasty and nutritious meat? (Not)
11. What is the city of Cognac? (Yes, in France)
12. What is a peony related to predator flowers? (Yes, he likes protein food)

Presenter: Dear "Tatiana" and "not Tatiana"! We were glad to talk with you, to see your clear smiles, to enjoy your charm and erudition. But our meeting is coming to an end. To all of you
We wish you happiness and good
So that life, like day, is bright,
So that only joy without worries
I crossed your threshold!

Thank you for the time spent together and participation in the contests!

January 25 - Tatiana's Day - a holiday for all Tatianas, as well as students, since this day is considered the birthday of Moscow State University. On this holiday, all Tans are honored, as well as those who gnaw at the granite of science. And we came up with an interesting and universal scenario for Tatyana's Day.

Characters: host 1, host 2, all Tatiana.

Presenter 1: - Today on the calendar is January 25th..
Lead 2(interrupts): - And this day Vladimir Vysotsky was born!
Presenter 1: Yes, yes, it’s true, but we didn’t gather on this occasion, but because ...
Lead 2: - Today is Tatyana's day! The holiday of all lovely girls, girls and women, whose name is Tatyana.

Presenter 1: Remember, as in Pushkin:
Tatyana (Russian soul,
I don't know why.)
With her cold beauty
I loved Russian winter
Frost in the sun on a frosty day,
And the sleigh, and the late dawn
Shine of pink snows,
And the darkness of Epiphany evenings.

Tatyana Ovsienko's song "Tatiana's Day" sounds, a group of girls performs a dance.

Lead 2: But what the name Tatyana can tell us about:
Translated from Greek, this name means: "organizer", "founder". Tanya from childhood is distinguished by emotionality and at the same time the ability to stand up for herself, pragmatism and adherence to principles. In the circle of her peers, Tanya tries to be a leader. Likes dancing, sports. Adult Tatyana knows what she wants and always tries to achieve what she has planned. Works well for any job. Artistic, prefers male society. Does not tolerate monotony; her passion is long trips, travel.

Presenter 1: And how many great women named Tatyana! Writers Tatyana Tolstaya, Tatyana Polyakova and Tatyana Ustinova, poetess Tatyana Snezhina, prima donna of the Moscow operetta Tatyana Shmyga, TV presenters Tatyana Lazareva, Aunt Tanya Vedeneeva, Tatyana Gevorkyan, Minister of Health Tatyana Golikova, actresses Tatyana Samoilova, Tatyana Dogileva, Tatyana Vasilyeva Tatyana Lebedeva, singers Tatyana Bulanova and Tatyana Ovsienko.

Lead 2: Have you ever heard of Svetlana's Day or Anastasia's Day being celebrated on such a grand scale? It looks like the name Tanya is really special.

Presenter 1:

Today we glorify Tatyana,
She is ready to award the laurels of superiority,
We wish you good luck, happiness, joy,
Go forward, be friends with the fives.

Host 2:

I ask all Tatyans in this hall to rise! Let's welcome our charming heroes of the occasion with applause.

Presenter 1: - And now we would like to find out which Tatyana we have the most talented and resourceful. I ask our dear teachers / teachers / leaders to be on the jury today.

Lead 2: - I invite all Tatyana to the stage!

Task one: "Tatyana the painter." Each girl is given a piece of paper and felt-tip pens (crayons). The task in 1 minute is to draw a picture on a given topic: for example, "Winter Forest". After that, the jury evaluates the work of the contestants on a 5-point system.

Task two: "Tatyana the Culinary". Each Tatyana is given a potato and a knife. Task: peel potatoes as quickly as possible, while cutting off as thin a peel as possible.

Task three: "Tatiana-fashion designer". Each participant receives a set of wardrobe items - a chiffon scarf, stole, jewelry, gloves, artificial flowers. Tatyana's task is to create a unique image in 3-4 minutes as original as possible with the help of these things.
While the participants are preparing, the song "Tanya + Volodya" by Evgeny Osin sounds, a group of girls performs a dance.

The defile of the participants is held to the song "Tatyana's Dreams" (Alexey Rybnikov, film "The dog was walking on the piano"). The jury gives marks.

Task four: "Tatyana the dancer." A piece of music sounds and the girls in turn must dance the animal given by the leader: a cat, an eagle, an antelope, a swan, etc.

Task five: "The most savvy Tatyana". Blitz tournament! The hosts make riddles, and the girls must solve them.

Two bellies, four ears. Who is it? (pillow).
- Which month is the shortest? (may - three letters).
What year has only one day? (New Year).
- Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (at mushroom)
- What kind of dishes can not eat? (from empty)
What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (for wet).
- What is not in cabbage, in beets, in radishes, but is in tomatoes and cucumbers? (letters O).
- In what fabric are three cats? (knitwear).
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can't speak)
What bird has forty letters A in its name? (magpie).
Which hand is best for stirring tea? (preferably with a spoon).
What city is floating in the sky? (eagle).
- What gets bigger when it's put upside down? (number 6).
- Who can't be lifted from the floor by the tail? (ball of thread).

Presenter 1: our Tatyanas are all beautiful, like their name! And each of the girls deserve praise and rewards!

All participants of the competition are awarded diplomas with nominations: “the most savvy Tatiana”, “the most artistically gifted Tatiana”, “the most economic Tatiana”, etc. All Tatyanas are given gifts and flowers.

GUK "Amur Regional House of Folk Art"

"Tatiana, dear Tatiana!"

Collection of scripts for Tatyana's day

Blagoveshchensk - 2007

GUK "Amur

Regional House

folk art"

culture department


Amur region

Compiled by: Irina Sayapina


layout and design:

Natalya Konyatkina.

A bit of history...................................5


Tatyana of all universities, unite.mini scenario................................................14

Happy angel day, Tatyana ............................... 20

"So, she was called TATYANA..." Scenario of the evening.........................................25

GAUDEAMUS - let's have fun!

Student holiday scenarios.....................32

Additional material........................... 36

A bit of history

January 25 (12) according to the Orthodox church calendar is dedicated to the memory of the holy martyr Tatyana, who, like many early Christians, was executed for her faith. Here, in Russia, it is a noisy and cheerful holiday of all students. After all, on January 25, 1755, on Tatiana's Day, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the establishment of Moscow University and a gymnasium. In the name of Tatyana, the university church was also lit; and so Tatyana the martyr Tatyana Universitetskaya became for everyone.

Subsequently, all higher education institutions in Russia (with the exception of Yuryevsky (Tartu) and Helsingforg (Helsinki) universities) were founded with the participation of Moscow University and its graduates. Therefore, Saint Tatyana began to be revered as the patroness of all Russian students and professors.

And what about Saint Tatiana? She was born in the first half of the III century after the birth of Christ in a noble Roman family; three times her father was elected consul. He was a secret Christian and raised his daughter in piety and the fear of God. When Tatyana reached adulthood, she did not marry, but devoted herself to the church - she served God in fasting and prayer, caring for the sick and helping those in need.

When the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus began, blood was shed in all parts of the Great Roman Empire. Christians were not spared; Tatyana was also captured. Despite severe torture, she did not renounce her faith and was executed.

And what. do we have? We have been celebrating this day for all students for several centuries. In pre-revolutionary Russia, even the police, having received instructions from above, did not arrest students on this day. All the students on Tatyana's day wandered, walked, sang, raged, ate and drank, however, as now.

The huge hall seethes like a crater,

Erased class boundaries.

And remember alma mater

Grey-bearded men...

Everyone is equal here. Everyone's eyes

Fun. The brightness of the ribbons shines ...

And Gaudeamus in the common choir

Professor and student sing...

Remembrance everyone is wounded,

Alone among strangers

Aliens again on the day of Tatyana

Agreed, as there in the old days ...

Such nostalgic lines were written by the poet Jacques Noir on Tatiana's Day in 1924. Years have passed. And since 1995, the Shuvalov and Lomonosov Prizes have been awarded again at Moscow University, and the students celebrate their holiday - Tatiana's Day - just as recklessly and cheerfully.

Ball in honor of the beautiful Tatyana

Scenario of the competition program

Characters: -Leading

Ball Stewards (1st and 2nd Assistants)

Mother - Daughter

Tatyana Larina

Choreographic team

The curtain is closed. Solemn music sounds. The stewards of the ball in tailcoats come out. 1st. Gracious sovereigns and sovereigns! 2nd. Madame, sir, ladies and gentlemen!

1st. The District House of Culture invites you to a ball in honor of the beautiful Tatyana!

2nd. Tatiana's Day is a fun student holiday, and don't be surprised if our ball today is not quite ordinary! 1st. But music and dancing... 2nd. Games and jokes... 1st. And of course, beautiful girls... 2nd. Will definitely. After all, the ball after all! 1st. Ball! How is it with Pushkin (declares).

"I love mad youth,

And tightness, and brilliance, and joy,

And I will give a thoughtful outfit ... "2nd (continues). Our ball is open! 1st. Let the fanfare sound!

Fanfare sounds. The curtain opens. The stage is set up like a ballroom., stage in the chairs sitting contestants. The stewards leave. The choreographic group performs a polonaise. The leader comes out.

Leading. Good evening, dear friends! Today is January 25, and according to a long tradition, the regional House of Culture celebrates Tatyana's Day with you. We congratulate the youth of the city on this wonderful student holiday and wish you all the best and brightest, happiness and love to you! And of course, we are happy to congratulate all the girls on a proud and beautiful

named Tatyana! And we invited three of them to our ballroom to take part in the competition program in honor of Tatyana's day. So, contestant number 1...

Presentation of the participants.

In my opinion, our Tatianas are one more beautiful than the other. The jury will not be easy. Moreover, the jury is also Tatiana alone. Our contest is being judged today...

Jury presentation.

All participants and members of the jury are presented, and we are starting our first competition - the visiting card "Let's Get Acquainted". Tell us about yourself, dear girls. At the ball it is customary to get acquainted. So, contestant number 1...

Competition "Let's get to know each other"

So we learned a little more about our participants. And now let's ask the jury to sum up the results of the first competition. He, in my opinion, is evaluated on a six-point system. (Looks at the script.) Yes, six-point, I did not forget.

Mother and Daughter appear in Siena. Mommy. I beg your pardon, sir, you forgot us! Leading. Who am I forgetting?

Mommy. My daughter has been forgotten. (Daughter.) Take off your hat, girl. We have already sewn. * We were a little late, getting ready, dressing up, preening ourselves. Well, let's take part in the competition!

The daughter takes off her hat and puts it on the Host's table. Leading. I don't understand anything! We don't have a fourth member. Three educational institutions: polytechnic technical school, medical school, agricultural technical school. (Flips through the script.) And you, probably, from GPTU-20, does she study with you there?

Mommy(offended). We, sir, are merchants of the 3rd guild, we have no need for education. And why is it a girl? Here, for example, my daughter - she knows all the politeness, she is trained in dancing, she strums on the piano, and in French she will say nothing. All your suitors at the ball at her feet will be different without education.

Daughter. Mommy!

Leading. So we're not here because of the suitors gathered! Mommy. And why, then, arrange balls ?! We know the matter - to show the brides, to find the grooms.

Leading. We have a competition here, dear ... uh uh .. what is your name, father, name?

Mommy. Apollinaria Tikhonovna I. So we came to the competition,

the matter is understandable. Whoever wins will be given a rich and noble groom.

Accept, listen, my daughter, let her take part.

Leading. OK then. I don't promise a groom. Let me write you down:

name, patronymic, surname?

Mommy. Our surname is ancient, we are Ovsyannikovs.

Leading. Your ancestors, it turns out, traded in oats?

Mommy. And millet, and oats, and horses. And now we are chickens

We carry chicken legs, they take it well.

Leading. With a surname, everything is clear. What is your name, heavenly creature?

Daughter. Olimpiada Samsonovna I.

Leading. Gracious ladies, I have to refuse you.

Daughter(cries). Mommy!

Mommy. Why so?

Leading. Only girls with the name Tatyana participate in our competition, and since your daughter's name is Olympiad, she cannot participate in the competition.

Mommy. What a misfortune! Or maybe you still take it, and I would

you for this bag, no, two bags of oats would bring.

Leading. Why do I need oats! I don't even have a horse.

Mommy. If you want, I'll rent a horse for you. Will you go to work

ride at a gallop, it's better than a taxi.

Leading. Gracious ladies, I don't need oats or horses.

I ask you to leave the stage, go down to the auditorium - be

guests of our holiday.

Mommy(contritely). What to do now? We are with an entim ball in

such expenses, such expenses included! Dress with crinoline, Persian shawl,

and the hat was brought all the way from Paris itself. Such a lot of money was transferred -

you can buy a mare. Well, why, why, in this hat - one straw. At

me entoy straw in the shop - bags are full. Do not cry, daughter, we are at another ball

let's go to the House of Arts, I'll attach you to the "Young Voices". There

the winner is given as much as two thousand rubles new, and with such money

any gentleman will love you. Farewell. (They leave.)

Leading. Yes, unexpected guests. Well, we continue our holiday and

now, finally, we would like to know the results of the first contest “Let's

let's get to know each other."

The jury announces the results.

Leading. Thank you to our jury, let's move on to the next competition. (Notices the hat.) Here you are, please, Olimpiada Samsonovna your

forgot the hat. Yes, even from Paris. (Takes up his hat, thoughtfully.) Ah! hat, women's hat. Frivolous and beautiful headdress. How many ardent hearts you made tremble, how many duels took place because of you! By the way, folk wisdom says: “A woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a hat and a tragedy.” We don’t need lettuce and tragedy, but hats, dear girls, you will have to create. I ask you to bring everything you need to the stage. At your disposal are ribbons, pieces of fabric, flowers. Plus your imagination. Create, invent. And do not forget to come up with an intriguing and mysterious name for the style of your hat. So, we begin the competition "Hat from Tatiana". And we, friends, will return to the ballroom atmosphere of the 19th century and listen to romances.

1st leader. Good evening, dear friends! We have gathered here to celebrate the traditional Russian holiday - Tatyana's Day!

The name of a person distinguishes him from those around him and affirms his uniqueness and uniqueness. In Russia, a tradition has developed to give the child the name of a saint, who thus becomes his heavenly patron.

The name Tatyana in the calendar is interpreted as a great martyr. It is derived from the Latin Tatus, the name of the Sabine king. Sabines - Italian tribes, some of which lived on the hills of Rome. The girlfriend of the version, the name Tatyana of ancient Russian origin, “tatto” means to establish, determine. The meaning of the name is organizer, founder, mistress.

Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated in Russia from January 25, 1755, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna established Moscow University by her decree. According to the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana. It became a holiday for students of the University, later for all students, and now it is a holiday for all youth.

2nd leader. Do you know how they tell fortunes on Tatyana's day? On the night before Tatiana's Day, they turn to the name of the saint, ask how the student's winter session will go (they give their name). Tatyana May tell the student about this in a dream.

1st leader. At all times, Tatyana's day is a fun holiday, with songs, feasts, fun.

2nd leader. Today we also gathered here to have fun and have fun.

What kind of ideal girl named Tatyana do you imagine? We draw a portrait of Tatyana.

To the sound of music, the members of the teams come out in turn and with their eyes closed draw the details of the portrait: one is the oval of the face, the other is the nose, the third is the mouth, etc.

1st leader. And I! Mindfulness game.

Rules of the game: the host tells a story about himself, preferably a fable. During the story, he pauses and raises his hand up. The rest should listen carefully and, when the leader raises his hand up, shout “and I” if the action referred to in the story can be performed by a person or remain silent if the action is not suitable. For example, the presenter says: “Once I went into the forest ...

All: "Me too!"

I see a squirrel sitting on a tree ...

Squirrel sits and gnaws nuts ...

She saw me and let's throw nuts at me ...

I ran away from her...

I went the other way...

I walk through the forest, picking flowers...

I sing songs...

I see a goat nibbling grass .... -…? - I'm whistling...

The goat was frightened and galloped off ...

There are no winners in this game - the main thing is a cheerful mood.

2nd leader. And now for Tatyana, a test of ingenuity. So - a blitz tournament!

Seven candles burned in the room. A man passed by, put out two candles. How much is left?

Answer. Two, the rest burned down.

Born twice, dies once.

Answer. Chicken.

Who can't be picked up from the floor by the tail?

Answer. A ball of thread.

Two bellies, four ears. Who is it?

Answer. Pillow.

There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three babies so that one apple remains in the basket?

Answer. Give one away with the basket.

Which month is the shortest?

Answer. May.

What year has only one day?

Answer. New Year.

Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot?

Answer. At the mushroom

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

Answer. One, the second is no longer on an empty stomach.

What utensils can not be eaten from?

Answer. From empty.

How does day and night end?

Answer. Soft sign.

What tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

Answer. Wet.

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house?

Answer. When the door is open.

Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day?

Answer. The ones that stand.

What is not in cabbage, beets, or radishes, but is in tomatoes?

Answer. Letter O.

1st leader. And here is a new task: Competition "Trace in History" It will take: sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

Two teams are selected. Each team is given a sheet and felt-tip pens and a captain is chosen. Both captains retire or are blindfolded. the remaining team members are given half a minute to leave their “trace” on a piece of paper - make a fingerprint, sign, leave a lipstick print, even soles, anything, the main thing is that each participant takes part in this (except captains). After half a minute, the captains are given these "creations" and they must guess where the trace of each member of their team is. For each mistake - a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalties wins.

2nd leader. And now the competition, but now for our boys, they must take the girls by the hand with their eyes closed, and guess who is among them.

After the competition - a musical break.

1st leader. Let's talk about ethics. Do all Tatyanas know which side a woman should go from a man? Where did this rule come from?

Answer. From the left. The custom comes from knightly times and is based on the fact that a man's right hand should be free for weapons in order to protect himself and his companion when meeting with an enemy.

Who can, without violating the rules of good manners, be the first to give a Hand when meeting?

Answer. The other lady or man is much older.

Is it necessary to greet people at a meeting if they have already been seen on this Day?

Answer. Should be greeted every time we meet. For example, in the morning you can wish good morning, in the afternoon - good afternoon.

2nd leader. Our Tatyanas show enviable erudition in various fields of knowledge. Let's try to test them again, but on a very pleasant topic. A contest of connoisseurs and connoisseurs of flowers is announced!

In the titles of which novels by famous French writers, father and son, the name of flowers is mentioned?

Answer. "Black Tulip" - Dumas-father and "Lady with Camellias" - Dumas-son.

In a number of Western countries, the shamrock clover has long been considered a talisman, and it is still willingly depicted on greeting cards, souvenirs, key rings as a symbol of happiness. Name a popular western company whose logo includes a shamrock.

Answer. Adidas.

What famous war is named after flowers and even their color is indicated? In what century and in what country did it take place?

Answer. War of the Scarlet and White Roses, 15th century, England.

Let me remind you of one ancient myth. The young man was predicted at birth that he would live until he saw himself. He spent all his time in the woods. One day, bending over the lake, he saw a beautiful face in the mirror of the water and fell in love with it. Forgetting about food and sleep, he remained on the shore day and night, admiring himself, and died of anguish. The gods turned him into a flower. What was the name of this young man?

Answer. Narcissus.

Let's remember songs about flowers. Who is bigger?

Answer. "Kalina red", "Bird cherry", "Lilies of the valley", "Yellow tulips", "Million scarlet roses", "Lavender", etc.

2nd leader. And now

The time has come for fervent songs to pour,

Smiles of joy without restraint sparkle.

We invite you to have some fun

We invite everyone to dance!

The party disco begins.
