Why is early retirement suspended? Who is eligible for this pension? Early retirement for citizens of pre-retirement age

Who is entitled to early unemployment pension and how to get it?

The other day, our regular reader Olga Dudintseva contacted the editorial office of MK. “I am 52 years old,” the woman said. - At work, at first I was threatened with a layoff, but then the employer told me to quit of my own free will, otherwise he would fire me under the article. However, it is difficult to find a new job at my age, and I heard that if I quit my job of my own accord, then I will not be able to claim early unemployment benefits. Is it so?"

What is an early unemployment pension? To whom is it due and in what cases will it not be given? We asked these questions to Nadezhda Semenova, deputy head of the PFR office for the Vladimir region.

- Nadezhda Mikhailovna, who can apply for an early unemployment pension?

According to the current Federal Law of April 19, 1991 No. No. 1032-1 as amended on 10.01.2003 No. 8-FZ "On employment in the Russian Federation" in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 32 at the suggestion of the employment service authorities, in the absence of employment opportunities, unemployed citizens may be offered early retirement. In accordance with Art. 3 of this law, the unemployed are able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings, are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job, are looking for work and are ready to start it. The decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed is made by the employment service authorities at the place of residence of the citizen no later than 11 days from the date of presentation to these authorities of a passport, work book or documents replacing them, documents certifying his professional qualifications, a certificate of average earnings for the last three months for the last place of work.

At what age can you get an early unemployment pension, and is the length of service important in the case of early retirement?

Early retirement can be offered to unemployed men under 60 or unemployed women under 55. At the same time, they must have insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively. An early pension may be granted for the period before the age giving the right to an old-age labor pension, but not earlier than two years before the corresponding age. That is, for men - upon reaching the age of 58, for women - upon reaching the age of 53. In this case, the person must express his consent to receive an early pension.

- Does the reason for dismissal from work play a role?

Early retirement is granted to those who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization or the reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees.

Nadezhda Semenova

That is, our reader Olga is right that she will not be given an early pension if she quits, as the employer insists, “of her own free will”?

The reader is not eligible for early retirement because she is 52 years old. And the pension we are talking about can be established no earlier than the age of 53.

- In addition to the age when early retirement is not yet due to the unemployed?

In several cases. Firstly, during the period during which the citizen retains the average salary, taking into account the severance pay at the last place of work. Secondly, in the case of two refusals of a citizen from the proposed suitable work for the last period of unemployment. Thirdly, during the period of suspension of the payment of unemployment benefits or reduction of its size (the issue of early retirement in this case can be considered no earlier than one month after the expiration of the suspension of payment of unemployment benefits or reduction of its size). And, finally, in the event that an unemployed citizen has already been offered an early pension, which he refused.

That is, if a person applying for an early pension came to the stock exchange, he was offered a vacancy for a janitor and he refused it, they will not give an early pension?

This question is better to ask the employment service specialists. But, as I said above, if a person is offered a job, and he refuses it, and twice - from two different suitable jobs, then he is not entitled to early retirement.

Is it true that the amount of the early pension is less than the labor old-age pension? Will it be the so-called “minimum pension”?

Early retirement for persons with the status of an unemployed person may be offered by the employment service authorities, and the authorities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, on the basis of their referral, may assign an old-age labor pension as an unemployed person ahead of schedule. The calculation of an early labor old-age pension, appointed at the suggestion of the employment service, is carried out in the same manner as the ordinary labor old-age pension.

- If a person has a working disability group, he cannot apply for early retirement?

A citizen belonging to the category of disabled persons, in order to resolve the issue of recognizing him as unemployed, additionally presents an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, issued in the prescribed manner and containing a conclusion on the recommended nature and working conditions.

A person receiving an early pension cannot have other income: for example, from renting out his own housing, selling vegetables and fruits from the garden, needlework?

The payment of early pension is terminated in case of employment of a citizen. If he is an individual entrepreneur and sells handicrafts, then he cannot be considered unemployed and the payment of early pension is terminated.

Suppose a person receives an early unemployment pension for two years, the time is right to receive an old-age pension. Will it be given automatically or is it necessary, as it is necessary for everyone who has reached retirement age, to apply with a corresponding application to the Pension Fund?

Upon reaching the age giving the right to establish an old-age labor pension, the payment of an early pension, appointed in accordance with the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation of 19.04.1991. No. 1032-1 "On Employment in the Russian Federation", is terminated. An old-age labor pension is assigned according to the rules of Art. 19 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" - from the date of application for it, but not earlier than from the date of the emergence of the right to the specified pension. The day of application is considered the day of receipt by the body providing pensions of the relevant application. Such an application can be submitted in advance, but not earlier than a month before the retirement age (60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively).

Early retirement is assigned according to professional or social indicators. For their registration, the applicant must meet the requirements approved by law. The main criteria are the presence of specific and / or general experience, length of service, residence in the northern regions. For each category of beneficiaries, their own age limits are determined, which can reach 40-55 years or not depend on age at all. Women with many children, guardians and parents of the disabled, unemployed pre-pensioners can also apply for the benefit.

The list of persons who may qualify for early retirement has been approved at the legislative level. Moreover, the requirements for residence, lists of professions, social status and other conditions are mentioned in various regulatory documents.

Table 1. Regulatory documents

Name of the law The essence of the document
Ch. 6 FZ-No. 400 of December 28, 2013 (as amended on June 27, 2018) Indicates eligibility for early retirement benefits.
from 16.07.2014 The lists of professions, jobs, positions, industries, organizations and the rules for calculating the length of service for assigning preferential early payments have been approved.
Article 14 of Federal Law No. 426 dated December 28, 2013 (as amended on July 19, 2018) Assesses harmful working conditions.
Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 of 01/26/1991 Complete List 1 and List 2 of harmful and difficult working conditions with professions, positions, etc.
Art. 11 FZ-No. 166 dated 12/15/2001 (as amended on 03/07/2018) On the state provision of disabled people and small peoples of the North.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. dated 01.01.2015 A list of regions and small peoples of the North has been approved.
Art. 32 FZ-No. 1032-1 dated 04/19/1991 (as amended on 07/03/2018) On the rules for calculating early pension payments to the unemployed.

In addition, as a result of the implementation, a number of provisions of existing legislative acts will be amended or supplemented in terms of age norms, length of service, other conditions and the provision of additional benefits.

Who can apply for early retirement

Prior to the start of the pension reform norms, women at the age of 55 and men at the age of 60 were entitled to a labor pension. It was from this age criterion that they repelled when calculating early retirement.

The right to earlier processing of payments is granted according to social indicators:

  • women with many children who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to 8 years;
  • one of the parents or guardian of a disabled person from childhood, subject to the upbringing and care of him until the age of 8;
  • disabled people who received a military injury;
  • visually impaired group I;
  • midgets and dwarfs;
  • permanently residing in the regions of the Far North;
  • the unemployed who lost their jobs at pre-retirement age.

A more extensive list of beneficiaries is provided for the appointment of an early labor pension. You can apply for a pension earlier than the generally accepted period:

  • workers in heavy, hazardous and hazardous industries;
  • persons with a "northern" experience;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation whose total experience exceeds 45/40 years.

To determine groups of professions, areas of activity, preferential lists or hazard nets have been developed.

List I includes professions associated with dangerous and unhealthy working conditions. This right has employees who work:

  • in metallurgical, coke-chemical, chemical production;
  • in mining, underground works;
  • in medical institutions with radioactive or radiological substances;
  • on railway, maritime transport, subway, civil aviation;
  • associated with the processing of gas, oil, coal, shale, gas condensate;
  • in glass, pulp, printing industries;
  • with explosive and radioactive, chemical substances;
  • in nuclear energy, etc.

In total, the list of areas of activity that give the right to early retirement according to the first list has 24 positions.

List II includes difficult working conditions, which, in addition to the listed areas, include work in the field of communications, agriculture, light and food industries, etc. (a total of 34 positions).

Conditions for the appointment of early payments

Since citizens of various categories have the right to early retirement benefits: by profession, place of residence, social status, length of service, the conditions for assigning payments are significantly different.

Hazard pension

The main criterion for the appointment of an early pension for work in hazardous working conditions is:

  • the presence of special experience;
  • duration of the general work experience;
  • achievement by the applicant of the retirement age established for his category.

Table 2. Conditions for assigning payments under Schedule 1

Note! For each additional year of work in harmful conditions, if more than half of the established norm is exceeded and the necessary length of service is available, early retirement is increased by 1 year.

Table 3. Conditions for assigning payments under Schedule 2

To reduce the age limits by 1 year, a man must additionally work in difficult conditions for 2.5 years, women - 2 years, with a total excess of special experience by 1.5 times.

Important conditions for the appointment of a preferential pension:

  • compliance of working conditions with established standards;
  • transfer by the employer of additional insurance premiums: 9% of the employee's salary from the 1st list, 6% - from the 2nd list.

Important! During a televised address to the people, Vladimir Putin said that the age limits for entering a well-deserved rest for persons involved in hazardous industries will remain unchanged.

Preferential labor pension

There are a number of professions for which there is no mandatory work experience.

In these cases, the main criterion for assigning preferential payments is the presence of special experience. In the people, this type of provision is called a service pension. In fact, it is a preferential early pension for specific work.

Table 4. Conditions for the appointment of early retirement benefits

Profession Special experience Retirement age
Men Women Men Women
Textile industry with increased weight 20 50
Underground and open pit mining 25 Regardless of age
Leading professions in underground and open pit mining 20
On the ships of the marine fleet of the fishing industry 25 20
In the flight crew of civil aviation (when leaving work for health reasons) 25(20) 20(15)
Lifeguards in professional emergency services 15 40 or whatever age
In the fire department 25 50
25 Regardless of age
Health workers in rural areas and urban-type settlements 25
Doctors in cities 30
Creative activity on the stage in theatrical and entertainment organizations or theaters 15–30 50–55 or whatever age

Note! For registration of payments, the applicant is obliged to document the presence of special and / or general experience.

This type of early security is paid to the pre-pensioner until the moment of employment or retirement due to old age.

Details about the registration of early retirement for the unemployed in the video:

Early retirement for the disabled

Early retirement of disabled people is provided only for a few categories in the presence of seniority.

Table 6. Conditions for assigning payments to disabled people

Also, parents and guardians of a disabled person from childhood have the right to issue pension insurance coverage ahead of time if they raised a disabled person before reaching the age of 8. For them, the age limit is 50/55 years with a 15/20 year term of employment.

Important! For every 1.5 years of guardianship, the vacation period is reduced by 1 year, but cannot exceed 5 years in total.

Pension provision for mothers with many children

According to Art. 32 of the Federal Law No. 400 in the last edition of 2018, insurance payments ahead of schedule are due to women who have given birth and raised 5 or more children. The main condition is the upbringing of children up to 8 years of age and the presence of insurance experience of 15 years. Subject to these conditions, a woman has the right to issue payments from the age of fifty.

But in connection with the pension reform, this period will be systematically increased. In his speech on the softening of the reform, the head of state announced new rules for mothers of large families. All women with many children received the benefit. At the same time, the terms were reduced:

  • for 3 years - for mothers of 3 children;
  • for 4 years - for women who raised 4 children;
  • for 5 years - for mothers who have 5 or more children.

However, this reduction will be calculated taking into account the new age limits. That is, after 2028, when the retirement age of women reaches 60, mothers with many children who have raised more than 5 children will be able to apply for labor support at the age of 55.

Education: Higher economics, specialization - management in the industrial sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
September 11, 2018 .

Retirement is a process that every citizen will get to know sooner or later. This is a kind of obtaining the status of a disabled person. More precisely, having reached a certain age, able to receive assistance from the state in the form of pension payments. In Russia, the pension system is constantly undergoing some changes. Therefore, it needs to be given special attention. What do citizens need to know about pensions and going on vacation? How can I get the status of a pensioner in the country? All this will be discussed later.

Retirement Rules

The first thing citizens need to learn is that retirement is a legal right for everyone. Under certain circumstances, you can receive financial assistance from the state on a monthly basis. It's about pension benefits. Support for pensioners is the responsibility of the state. And everyone can count on it. At the moment, in order to retire (to receive payments), a citizen must:

  • have work experience (it changes from year to year);
  • reach a specific age.

For women

It is after meeting these criteria that you can count on support from the state. There are different age limits for men and women. The fact is that the female half of the population is faced with such a process as retirement in Russia from the age of 55. Now the government wants to increase the retirement age to 63. At any time, starting from this period, women are able to apply for a pension. And, accordingly, to receive benefits due to the status of a pensioner in a particular locality.

For men

For men in Russia, there are different rules for entering a well-deserved rest. The fact is that they will have to work longer than women. To retire, you must be at least 60 years old. It is planned to increase the retirement age for men in Russia to 65 years. But so far, there are no changes regarding the retirement age. The law on its increase has already been passed. But in practice, it has not yet taken place. Under certain circumstances, both men and women are eligible for early retirement. When is this right given to the public?

Early retirement

Retirement, as already mentioned, may be appointed earlier than the specified age limits. Only for this it will be necessary to ensure compliance with certain requirements. At the moment, about 30 categories of the population have the right to receive early financial support from the state. For example, the most common cases in the country are:

  1. Early retirement on harmfulness. If citizens are employed in hazardous production, they have the right to a well-deserved rest with a certain length of service (each activity has its own restrictions).
  2. Years of service. As a rule, the military and "state employees" have the right to early appointment of a pension. Usually it is required to have one or another work experience in the chosen field of activity.
  3. Large families. A mother of a large family, if she has 5 children, with an insurance record of 15 years or more, can retire at 50 years old. A woman has the right to transfer the right of early rest to her husband. Then he retired at the age of 55.

The procedure for assigning pension payments

How to apply for the status of a pensioner and receive a pension? To do this, a citizen must come to the Pension Fund of Russia and submit an application in the prescribed form. Apply to it:

  • identification;
  • marriage/divorce certificate;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • certificates from the place of work;
  • work book;
  • documents certifying the length of service (for example, an extract on maintaining an individual entrepreneur);
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • account details for calculating the pension.

About benefits

Retirement allows you to receive certain benefits. They are usually regulated at the regional level. But most often the pensioner has the right to:

  • 50% discount when paying bills for an apartment and utility services;
  • exemption from transport tax;
  • reduction in property taxes;
  • the possibility of free travel on public transport;
  • booking tickets in advance.

Is it possible to retire earlier?

Each citizen, upon reaching a certain age, is interested in the question, is it possible to retire earlier than the period established by law? The Russian Federation provides for such an opportunity.

In an effort to take care of its citizens, the state is taking comprehensive measures to provide material support. So, one of the forms of support from the state is. What category of citizens is required and the conditions for its registration, we will consider in more detail.

In the Russian Federation, the retirement age for citizens to take a well-deserved rest in old age is set, it is 60 years for the stronger sex and 55 years for the fair half. But, according to the current legislation, early retirement is possible. To receive such a payment, you must have a certain profession and length of service. Citizens who are eligible to apply for this type of pension:

  1. Persons working in enterprises with unsafe conditions, exposed to high temperatures and harmful elements:
  • miners, workers making tunnels for the subway, cars and railway vehicles;
  • workers in oil refineries;
  • at nuclear power plants and foundries.
  1. Workers in light industry enterprises:
  • employees of pharmacological firms;
  • workers specializing in the exploration of minerals;
  • pilots, paratroopers;
  • firefighters;
  • rescuers;
  • artists;
  • forestry workers;
  • doctors;
  • teachers.

Early retirement is also due:

  • mothers of many children raising more than five children (upon reaching 50 years);
  • single fathers caring for 5 or more children with at least 20 years of experience;
  • a parent (guardian) of a disabled person since childhood, caring for one baby up to 8 years old (with a work experience of at least 15 and 20 years, representatives of the stronger and weaker sex);
  • 1 category with vision problems (with an experience of at least 15 years for the stronger sex and 10 years for the female, then they will retire at 50 and 40 years, respectively);
  • persons working in the conditions and regions of the Far North for at least 15 years.

In total, the legislation takes into account within 30 categories of professions, which are supposed to take an early vacation. Persons whose working conditions are more difficult than those of other working people can count on similar payments. The work of such employees takes place in constant tension, putting their health and life at risk.

The right to early receipt of an insurance pension is regulated by the Federal Law N 400 "On Insurance Pensions". According to the law, a citizen, if he has an IPC of 30 points, or upon reaching a specific age or the required length of service, has the right to count on payments ahead of schedule.

In the absence of work experience, social payments are provided for them at the age of 60 and 65 years, respectively (residents of the Far North are 55 and 50 years old).

According to the legislation, enterprises and professions with unfavorable labor criteria are divided into 2 lists:

  1. List of occupations with dangerous working conditions.
  2. List with heavy labor criteria.

To recognize work as unsafe, in workshops, enterprises, an analysis of working conditions is carried out. In accordance with the conclusion of the commission, the employer pays additional contributions to the Pension Fund. The amount of contributions depends on the level of danger assigned by the commission to the company. Persons who have worked in enterprises with poor working conditions for at least half of the term prescribed by law and who have the necessary work experience can count on a reduction in the age of rest in accordance with the length of service.

So, for example, after working for 7 years at an enterprise with harmful working conditions, an employee has the right to retire at 53, males, women at 48. If the employer fails to pay additional contributions to the Pension Fund, the employee loses the right to early retirement.

Residents of the Far North, in order to receive a premature social pension (at the age of 55 for a man and 50 for a woman), must permanently reside in the territory of a settlement of this ethnic group. For residents permanently residing in the conditions of the Far North, engaged in reindeer herding, fishing (for 20/25 years, men and women) can retire 10 years earlier than the due date.

The formula for calculating early retirement, its average size

Since 2016, a law on a new procedure for calculating retirement has come into force. The formula looks like this

SP \u003d IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K, where:

  • SP - the amount of the old-age insurance pension.
  • IPC - the total number of pension points received at the time of calculation.
  • SIPC - the cost of the pension coefficient.
  • K - premium.
  • PV - fixed payment.

According to the legislation, persons born in 1967 and older can count on a funded pension. Currently, employees are entitled to receive only an insurance pension.

The amount of the pension depends on the amount of points accumulated during the period of employment. There is an opinion that the amount of early pension is higher than the usual one, but this is not so. At the moment, the amount of fixed payments determined by the state is 4,823 rubles, and a minimum of 11 pension points is also required. The amount of payments can be increased for disabled people of the 1st group and people working or living in the Far North. If the amount received during the calculation is less than the subsistence minimum, its amount is supplemented by social benefits.

Early retirement pension in case of reduction through the employment service

Unemployed citizens, recognized as unemployed as a result of the reduction or liquidation of the company, have the right to early retirement in old age. If a person was deprived of work for less than 2 years before the retirement age, then he has the right to apply for an early pension.

Payments, in this case, are made through the employment service, subject to the following requirements:

  • Reaching the established age (57 years for a man and 53 years for a representative of the weaker sex).
  • Unemployed status.
  • The presence of work experience (25 years for the stronger sex and 20 for women, the experience may be less if the citizen previously worked at work with unfavorable working conditions or in the Far North).
  • The citizen is unable to find a job.

In the event of employment, payments stop. If a suitable vacancy was provided by the employment center, and the citizen himself refused it, premature departure is not possible.

The main criterion for the appointment of early payments, in this case, is a certificate from the employment department, confirming the impossibility of employment of the dismissed citizen in the future.

Is it possible to get an early retirement pension for the unemployed?

Persons without a formal job may also qualify for early retirement if the following rules are met:

  • Be registered with the job center.
  • The employment service should officially recognize him as unemployed.
  • There is no suitable vacancy in the job center.
  • The citizen was dismissed from the previous place of work in connection with the liquidation of the organization.
  • The insurance experience of 20 and 25 years, respectively, is also required.
  • Retirement scores of at least 13.8.
  • Required age.
  • Applying for early retirement.

The Pension Fund will issue a vacation ahead of schedule, but not earlier than 2 years before obtaining the right to an insurance pension. In this case, the insurance pension is due to the representatives of the stronger sex at the age of 58 (25 years of experience), women need 20 years of experience - from 53 years of age.

Early retirement for teachers and doctors

In order to retire early, medical workers need to have an appropriate work experience - doctors working in city hospitals must have at least 30 years of work experience, for workers in rural hospitals - 25 years.

Applying for early retirement

The following employees are eligible for this type of payment:

  • nurses;
  • obstetricians;
  • paramedics;
  • medical technologists and technicians;
  • heads of the FAP;
  • dentists;
  • operating doctors;
  • pathologists;
  • assistants to sanitary doctors, disinfectors;
  • rheumatologists anesthesiologists;
  • forensic experts;
  • laboratory assistants.

A preferential pension is provided to teachers who have worked in state or municipal educational institutions. Retirement eligible occupations include:

  • director, manager;
  • teacher;
  • educator;
  • teacher;
  • educator-methodologist;
  • speech therapist-teacher;
  • Physical education teacher;
  • educational psychologist;
  • music director;
  • organizer of educational activities;
  • Social worker.

But even here there are some peculiarities, so the work of an educator-methodist or an organizer of educational work is included in the preferential length of service, provided that this work was carried out before 1999.

The FIU has the right to refuse to receive an early pension if the professional experience of a teacher or medical worker is less than 25 years (for doctors, at least 30 years in cities).

Required documents

In order to receive a pension in a timely manner, you need to know what documents you need to present to the FIU. First of all, in order to apply for a premature old-age pension, you need an application for the appointment of a specific type of pension, with which a citizen applies to the FIU at the place of residence. In addition to the application, the following required papers are provided:

  • the passport;
  • work book, papers confirming the length of service in the relevant types of work;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • papers confirming the disability of the child;
  • proof of disability in military service;
  • on recognition as a visually impaired person who is unable to work in the third category;
  • confirmation of work in the Far North and equivalent areas.

What documents need to be submitted to the FIU?

And this is not the whole list of documents provided, the list depends on the category of the citizen who applied for a pension.

Sometimes, additional papers may be needed, the applicant must provide them to the relevant authorities no later than 3 months from the moment of their request.

The payment is established from the moment the applicant received the right to apply for a pension, that is, from the moment he applied to the relevant state authorities for a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule. The review of the submitted documents should take no more than 10 days.

Registration procedure

When applying for a pension, you should:

  1. Come to the employment center to draw up an application about the desire to leave early for vacation, a certificate with the date of application will be attached to it.
  2. The application is sent to the FIU, no later than a week from the date of filling.
  3. Within the next month, the applicant submits to the FIU a complete list of documents. After that, a decision on the appointment will be made during the working week.
  4. In the case of a positive decision, pensions for citizens aged 60 and 55 for both sexes are paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, for persons younger than this age - by the CZN.

The Pension Fund may refuse to provide a pension if the length of service and other necessary indicators do not meet the requirement. For example, for workers in hazardous professions whose work experience is less than 7 years, early payment is not assigned.

The case of providing an incomplete list of documents, or their incorrect execution, may also be the reason for refusal.

The pension and labor legislation of the Russian Federation is constantly being reformed and improved. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the changes in the legislation. Timely check the accrual of insurance premiums by the employer, you can check it personally in the Pension Fund, or on the Internet.

Informative video about the appointment of pensions:

May 13, 2018 Benefit Help

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Retirement is usually associated with the onset of a certain age, which, by the way, is one of the lowest in Russia. Today, for women, this bar is at the level of 55 years, and for men - 60 years.

But some categories of workers may go on vacation 5-15 years earlier than the retirement period established at the legislative level. There are several conditions for this - dangerous working or service conditions, special merits, health status, and so on.

Standard pension

Law No. 173-FZ establishes the following age limits for the retirement of employees:

  • 55 years - for women;
  • 60 - for men.

Also, a mandatory item when making a payment is the presence of experience: the applicant must have at least 5 years of insurance (during which contributions to the PF were made) experience.

You can retire only if you comply with the law:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation, and for foreigners - work within Russia and permanent residence on its territory;
  • the applicant for payment must be insured under the law No. 167-FZ;
  • contributions must be made during the length of service, that is, only such periods of work when these contributions were made are considered experience;
  • reaching the age required for retirement in old age (55-60 years).

The retirement period for women in Russia is traditionally lower than the age limit for men - the weaker sex has the right to leave work 5 years earlier. Although in general in the world this age is the same for both sexes.

Moreover, for more than a decade there have been debates at the highest level about the need to reduce the age specifically for men - their average life expectancy in the country in general is only 60 years, while for women - 75 years.

The Government has repeatedly raised the issue of increasing the retirement age, but so far it remains the same. Instead, stimulus measures are being proposed and are already being implemented to make retirement later. For example, the increased pension rate has already yielded results today.

Preferential pension

Over a third of all pensioners in the Russian Federation today are considered beneficiaries. They received the right to a well-deserved rest before reaching the set bar of 55/60 years. There are categories of employees who are entitled to early retirement:

  • employees of industries with harmful conditions;
  • employees of hot shops, persons employed in underground work;
  • women who have worked for 20 or more years in the textile industry, as well as in jobs of increased hazard or intensity;
  • logging workers, participants in hikes and expeditions;
  • employees of the fleet, sea and river, machine operators in ports;
  • workers in the field of urban transport;
  • aviators;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • teachers with 25 years of relevant experience.

Also, early retirement is also due to socially unprotected categories of pensioners: mothers with many children, the disabled and persons caring for them, and so on. In some cases, the seniority increases when calculating for a pension. For example, for a participant in the Afghan events, the retirement period can be reduced, since three years of “normal” civilian experience are taken into account for one year of service.

In other cases, the general experience includes not only professional activity, but also the period of caring for a disabled person or children, attending seminars, undergoing training or military service, and special - only full working days worked in the specialty.

The terms of leaving for a preferential pension in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs come after the “recruitment” by an employee of at least 20 years of special experience. However, this rule does not only apply to superannuation. The other two options - for disability or the loss of a breadwinner-employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (these categories of recipients are entitled to an additional pension) - are also issued according to this principle. From 2019, it is planned to add 5 years to the required length of service for military personnel, and they will have to retire only after 25 years of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Early retirement is also possible for unemployed citizens, if less than 2 years are left before the payment is made, the applicant has the required minimum length of service, and work in the employment service (the future pensioner must be registered in it) was not found for the applicant. At the request of the inspector of the employment service, such a person may be granted a pension ahead of schedule.

New provisions

The initiative to increase the retirement age for both men and women up to 63 years was made by the RSPP (Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists). The increase is planned to be phased. Thus, pensioners will begin to retire from 2015 3 months later than usual.

After 15 years, all "new" pensioners will issue a payment at age 63 in the absence of rights to preferential care. Otherwise, the procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of pensions will remain the same, with the exception of adding age: benefits for workers in hazardous industries, teachers and other categories remain.

The new retirement dates can be considered a forced measure: with the current retirement age, the number of pensioners and able-bodied workers will soon become identical. And if we take into account gray salaries without deductions to the Pension Fund, various schemes for avoiding contributions, then the Pension Fund's capacity will decrease more and more every year. Therefore, there is simply no other solution, except for raising the retirement age, at the moment.
