Questioning parents on ecology in kindergarten. Working with parents on environmental education of preschool children

Olga Aleksandrovna Ryabtseva
Questionnaire for parents “Environmental education of preschool children”

Questionnaire for parents

« Environmental education for preschoolers V"

Dear parents!

We would like to know your opinion about the work of the kindergarten, educators, additional education teacher with children environmental education.

C spruce of holding questionnaires: reveal attitude parents on environmental education issues for preschoolers in kindergarten and its implementation in the family.

1. Do you consider it an important component environmental education of preschool children?

Yes No I don't know

2. How do you understand what it is? ecology, what is she studying, what is she doing?

3.. Do you consider it necessary to introduce children to the nature of our region (urban district, village?

Yes No I don't know

4. In your opinion, do you have sufficient information about the nature of our region? (urban district, village) to answer your child’s questions?

Yes No I don't know

5. Do you think the state of a child’s health depends on the state of the environment?

Yes No I don't know

6. What joint activities do you engage in? environmental education of children in the family?

Conversations with a child about nature

Bird feeding


Observation of natural objects

Reading fiction with natural history content

Other forms___

7. How do you rate the level? ecological your child's knowledge?

High Medium Low

8. Do you introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature?

Yes How? ___

9. What information would you like to receive from preschool institution for environmental education of preschoolers ___

10. What events could you propose to hold at environmental topics in the group(kindergarten?___

11.. How do you evaluate the work? preschool institution for environmental education of preschoolers? ___

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

“Combined kindergarten No. 2 “Romashka”

city ​​of Gubkin, Belgorod region

Working with parents

"Environmental education of children"

Gubkin, 2014
Questionnaire for parents “Environmental education of children”
FULL NAME___________________________________________
Age group________________________________
1. Do you know what ecology is, what it studies, what it does? ______________________________________________________________
2. Do you know that a preschool institution is deeply involved in the issues of environmental education of children?__________________________
3. Are you personally interested in this problem?__________________________
4. Do you feel from your child that in the preschool educational institution a lot of attention is paid to environmental education? _______________________________
How is it shown?
– The child talks a lot, asks to have an animal, a plant at home, pays attention to the nature around him, asks to take him to the park, forest, asks to read about nature, etc. (underline as necessary)
5. How do you feel about nature, do you like animals and birds? __________________________________________________________________
How can you help preschool educational institutions in ecology?__________________________________________________________
6. Do you support the work carried out in preschool educational institutions on environmental education of preschool children?__________________________________________
How is it shown?
– We talked with the child about nature; set up a corner of nature in the family; purchased animals; feed the birds, get out into nature more often; conduct observations of natural objects with children; plant trees, protect nature (underline as appropriate).
7. Do you introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature? _____________
Is it necessary to do this? ___________________________________________
8. What do you need help from the preschool educational institution with this problem? (How to observe the weather; how to keep animals, plants; what knowledge to give; how to introduce the rules of behavior in nature; what practical activities in nature can be carried out with children...) ________________________________________________________________
9. How do you evaluate the work of the preschool educational institution on this issue? __________________
10. Your suggestions, wishes. _________________________________

Secrets of nature

(parent meeting-KVN)
Two teams are participating: “Droplet”, “Planet Earth”.

Jury: head of the preschool educational institution, parents.

Presenter: senior teacher or ecologist.

Progress of the meeting

Leading. Nature is our wealth, preserving this wealth for future generations is our task and duty. Man is a part of this nature.

Think about the content of Mikhail Prishvin’s call to us: “Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for animals - forest, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.”

The motto of our meeting is: “Touch nature with your heart.”

The presenter analyzes the exhibition of drawings and crafts made from natural materials made by parents and children, and analyzes the questionnaires.

1st competition. Performance.

Each team with the chosen name must introduce itself - score 3 points.

2nd competition. Warm up.

Questions for the Droplet team:

– Which tree’s sap is sweet? (Birch, maple.)

– Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (Rowan, maple.)

- What kind of forest animal?

The beast is afraid of my branches,

Birds will not build nests in them.

In the branches are my beauty and power.

Tell me quickly, who am I? (Elk.)

I sing loudly and loudly,

Returning from the south on time.

But I occupy songs

Even - even forty. (Starling.)

– What birds do not build nests, but raise their chicks in the sand or in a hole? (Seagulls, waders.)

– What forest plants can replace meat? (Mushrooms - porcini and champignons are the most nutritious.)

– Which herbaceous plant blooms first? When? (Coltsfoot, in April.)

Questions for the Planet Earth team:

– What kind of wood are matches made from? (Aspen.)

– What tree is said about: “Green, but not a meadow, white, and not snow, curly, but without hair?” (Birch.)

– Guess what kind of bird:

He is afraid of bright light.

Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout

Eared head. This is... (owl).

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

I sucked a gray paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar,

This is a forest animal... (bear).

- Who crows at the cuckoo? (Male.)

– Which mushrooms appear first? (Morsels.)

– Why don’t birds peck a bright ladybug? (Releases a caustic liquid.)

Musical break: dance "Rainbow".

3rd competition. Live pantomime.

Each team shows a live pantomime, the other team must guess (3 natural objects).

4th competition. Captains competition.

Who can solve the crossword puzzle faster (“Natural phenomena” and “Insects”) – 3 points.

Questions for fans:

– What birds eat mushrooms? (Caillie.)

– What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

– The names of which poisonous forest plants are related to the name of a bird or animal? (Raven eye, wolf bast.)

– Which plants have seeds equipped with parachutes? (Dandelion, thistle, sow thistle, poplar, willow, coltsfoot.)

– What is the most voracious insect predator on the planet? (Dragonfly eats several times more food per day than it weighs itself.)

Musical break: song “Rechenka”.

5th competition. Homework.

Defending a colorful poster or environmental newspaper about spring – 5 points.

Leading. There is no tree on the territory of our Russia that would be so lucky in folklore, music, and literature. With what love S. Yesenin spoke about birch:

I am forever for fog and dew

I fell in love with the birch tree,

And her golden braids,

And her canvas sundress.

Birches are a symbol of Russia.

Musical break: dance “Birch”.

6th competition. Musical warm-up.

Who will sing who - songs about nature (one verse at a time).

Leading. Take care and protect nature. Remember:

The paper you throw will lie on the Earth for more than two years, a tin can for more than 30 years, a plastic bag for 200 years, glass for 1000 years.

Take care of these lands, these waters.

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself.

E. Yevtushenko

The song “Forest March” – sung by children and parents.


Enter nature as a friend

(Parent meeting)
Goal: to create conditions for cooperation between children and parents, their emotional and psychological rapprochement; increase the interest of parents in the environmental education of their children and ecology in general.

Progress of the meeting

“I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a bug

And he died in my palm.

And then I realized:

Touch nature

You can only do it with your heart."

Leading. A man became a man when he heard the rustling of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the ringing of silver bells in the bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash of waves and the solemn silence of the night. He heard and held his breath, listening for hundreds and thousands of years to the wonderful music of life.

Two teams are participating: “Cornflower”, “Romashka”.

Leading. The silence of the forest is full of its wonders.

You are standing in front of a fairy tale,

A fairy tale is a forest.

Save this fairy tale:

Don't tear, don't crumple, and don't frighten away.

1st competition. "Question answer".

For the "Romashka" team:

– Why is the forest called a green pharmacy?

– What flowers bloom in early spring?

– What diseases is linden used for?

-Where are the grasshopper's ears?

– Which bird gives birth to chicks in winter?

For the Cornflower team:

– Which bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds?

– What kind of grass do cats like?

– What birds do not build nests, but raise their chicks on the sand?

– What berry replaces lemon?

– What diseases is peppermint used for?

Musical break: musical-rhythmic composition “Magic Flower”.

2nd competition. Homework – dramatization of an environmental fairy tale – 10 points.

Musical break: joke song “Grasshopper-Grasshopper”, music. D. Kadabekli, words are folk.
Leading. A nest on a branch is a bird's house.

Yesterday a chick was born in it.

Don't ruin your bird's house

And don't let anyone.

3rd competition. “Captains, captains...” (poems about nature) – 5 points.

Musical break: etude “Dandelion”, music. Arbelyan.

4th competition. Presentation of crafts made from natural materials.

Musical break: song-dance “Odd-Pike-Pike-Pike-Pike-Pike-Pike-Pike-Pike-Pike-Pike-Pike”, music. Sirotkin, words by B. Zakhoder.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Leading. We live in the same family,

We live in the same circle,

Sail in one flight.

Let's save the daisy in the meadow,

Water lilies in the swamp,

Sturgeon in the river and a bird in the sky!

What do we know about nature and its conservation?

(KVN for family teams - older preschoolers and their parents)
Equipment: three boards with typesetting cloth or flannelgraph; three sets of cards with images of symbols; posters, drawings, newspapers on the topic “Take care of nature”; poster with puzzles; poster sample of a site plan; demonstration tables for displaying experiments.

Progress of the competition program

In the hall there are three teams of participants, fans, guests, teachers and kindergarten children.

1. Opening remarks.

Leading. Today we have gathered to test your knowledge about nature and its conservation. Three teams will compete, consisting of equal numbers of preschool children and their parents.

Let's welcome our brave participants! We will make maps, compare the weather of the seasons, solve crosswords and puzzles, and conduct experiments. The winning team will receive a reward.

2. Greeting the teams.

Team introduction 1.

Child. We - parents and I -

All. Nature's true friends!

Child. They came to play in KVN,

To know more about nature.

Team presentation 2.

Child. We love nature and take care of it,

We don’t let anyone offend her.

Child. So that nature is happy for man,

All. We need to protect it!

Child. Hello! – we tell our opponents,

Don't be upset if we win.

Team presentation 3.

Child. Each of us will protect nature,

Parent. Our soul aches for every tree.

We will not allow everything living to be destroyed,

Child. Prevent animals and plants from growing.

All. We're ready to play today

Let's all talk about nature together.

Leading. Well done, teams, good luck!

May good luck meet you!

3. Emblem competition.

Team performance 3.

Child. Our logo has three “no” signs:

Pick flowers, pollute water bodies,

Destroy bird's nests -

All. It is forbidden!

Team performance 2.

Child. Every living creature in the world

It must have its place on the planet.

All. Our emblem is a symbol of the life of all creatures of the Earth

Parent. And kind hands - we will save nature with them!

Team performance 1.

Child. On our emblem the Red Book is a reminder,

Parent. Appeal to everyone living on the planet:

Child. Don’t let animals and plants die,

All. Save nature from enemies and poachers!

4. Warm-up “What is this?”

Riddles for parents:

1) The edge is visible, but it is impossible to reach it.

I go - and he goes. I stand - and he freezes.

I went lower - the edge became closer to me.


2) I’m sitting under glass,

I look north and south.

Will you come with me,

You will find your way back. (Compass.)

3) In what direction does the street run where there is no shadow from the houses at noon?

Riddles for children:

1) Fishes live warmly during the winter:

The roof is thick glass. (Ice.)

2) He is always busy with work,

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way. (Snow.)

3) He entered - no one saw,

He said no one heard

He blew through the windows and disappeared,

And a forest grew on the windows. (Freezing.)

5. Homework.

Presentation of drawings, newspapers or posters under the motto “Take care of nature”, made by all teams.

6. Competition “You know the conventions”

You can guess the cards with the signs correctly.”

Each team is given one identical set of cards with symbols. At a distance of five to seven meters from the teams’ locations, boards with flannelgraph or typesetting cloth (magnetic board) are installed. At the leader’s signal, the team members, having conferred and choosing the given one from a given set of cards with symbols, one by one run with it to their shield and attach the card to it, return, and pass the baton with a clap on the shoulder to the next player.

At the signal from the presenter (within the agreed time), the teams stop completing the competition task. The presenter organizes a joint check with the audience on the correctness of the choice of cards (the fans count the points in unison - one point for one correct answer).

The 1st team must choose cards with symbols indicating: meadow, swamp, vegetable garden, ravine, stream.

The 2nd team selects cards with symbols indicating: city, village, kindergarten, highway, river.

The 3rd team must choose cards with symbols indicating: dirt road, orchard, clearing, mixed forest, deciduous forest.

7. Competition for captains and their assistants.

Assignment to captains (parents).

Draw a plan of the area so that from north to south there is a kindergarten surrounded by an orchard, from the south there is a swamp, from the east there is a river with a wooden bridge, and from the west there is a dirt road.

At the end of the task, the captains' plans are compared with the sample plan. For each correctly depicted symbol, the team receives one point.

Assignment to captain's mates (children).

Guess puzzles about animals.

ANSWERS: mole, squirrel, heron, swallow, camel.

8. Logic problems.

Task 1. Divide the animals drawn on the cards into three groups: bear, stork, whale, shark, swan, hare, moose, dolphin, magpie, octopus, rooster, tiger, mole.

The team that completes the task first and names the principle by which the animals were divided into groups earns a point.

Task 2. Distribute the animals drawn on the cards into groups according to their method of movement: RUN, JUMP, FLY, CRAWL, SWIM.

Team members take turns going to the board, choosing one animal each and determining which group it belongs to. The team that does it faster and correctly wins.

9. Game with the audience “Name a fairy tale about an animal.”

Groups of fans of the three teams take turns naming fairy tales that contain references to animals. The group that finds it difficult to name the fairy tale is eliminated from the game. The game continues until a winner is identified. Fans can add an extra point to their team with a win.
The game can be played while the captains and mates are performing their tasks.

10. Quiz “Minerals”.

Question for the 1st team. Tell us what minerals a person uses to heat a room.

Question for the 2nd team. Describe how a person uses sand and clay.

Question for the 3rd team. Describe how a person uses iron and aluminum ores.

11. Experiments “Water and its properties.”

1st team – form of water;

2nd team – water – solvent;

3rd team – water purification.

The facilitator's assistants place on the tables the necessary items and materials for demonstration of experiments by team members.

12. Fine art competition “Water in nature”.

For the whole team, write on a piece of paper:

1st – the water cycle in nature; 2nd – formation of a spring; 3rd – diagram of the river.

13. Creative competition “Dedicated to Nature.”

Teams present musical, poetic, dance and other works and compositions dedicated to the love of nature.

14. Competition “The world of animals and plants is rich.”

Each team needs to list the animals and plants:

1st – forests; 2nd – fields; 3rd – reservoirs.

For this competition, teachers can draw various animals and the diversity of the plant world on whatman paper, and hang the drawings on demonstration stands in the hall before the competition.

15. Crossword competition.

Crossword 2nd team.

1) A plant that lives on rocks in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. (Lichen.)

2) A low-growing tree in the tundra. (Willow.)

3) Garden flower. (Aster.)

4) Arctic grass. (Saxifrage.)

5) Bulbous ornamental plant with white or yellow fragrant flowers. (Narcissus.)

Crossword 3rd team.

1) A flower growing in the mountains that makes people happy. (Edelweiss.)

2) Tree with carved leaves. (Maple.)

3) The tree is a symbol of Russia. (Birch.)

Crossword of the 1st team.

1) The plant is a symbol of Mexico. (Cactus.)

2) The flower is a symbol of Holland. (Tulip.)

Crossword for fans.

Guess the animal from its description and get a vertical word that names the person responsible for nature.

1) The bird is a companion of sailors.

2) An animal that prefers to live in forests where there is a fresh body of water nearby. It is easily recognized by the black rings on its tail.

3) King of beasts.

4) A close relative of squids, but unlike its fellows it has eight to ten tentacles.

5) A predator from the canine family.

6) Spiny animal.

7) The most famous digger.

16. Competition “Make rules for behavior in nature.”

The whole team should draw up rules of behavior: 1st – in the forest; 2nd - in the meadow; 3rd – on reservoirs.

17. Summing up the results of the competition program.

The presenter asks the jury to announce the points earned by the teams, the results of the competition, and name the winning team. The head of the kindergarten and the chairman of the parent committee reward all participants in the competition, thank them for their participation and ask everyone present to take care and protect their native nature, to study it the way young players do with their parents, who have shown good knowledge about the world of animals, plants, about weather phenomena and the properties of various natural objects.

Leading. And you, our dear guests, what do you remember, what new things did you learn today at KVN? Who do you think was the most resourceful? Let's applaud and determine the best player - the nature connoisseur. (Hands the expert an owl - a symbol of wisdom.)

KVN is over, friends, goodbye!

I want to say goodbye to everyone:

There are so many of us living on Earth

And we can take care of nature alone!

Children and adults sing the song “The World is Like a Colored Meadow” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Child 1. Love your native nature -

Lakes, forests and fields.

After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

Child 2. You and I were born on it,

You and I live on it.

So let's all be together, people.

We treat her kinder.

Two children bring out a large ball, shaped like a globe, with the inscription: “Take care of this Earth!” They solemnly walk through the hall past children and guests, then stop in the middle of the hall, placing the ball in front of them.

Child 1. I am running, and the globe is

Spinning under me.

Child 2. Hey, don't touch the planet!

Child 1. Take care of this Earth!

Child 2. I run, run, run,

I can't resist -

Together. I admire the beauty!

K. Oreshin

The recording of the song “Alone with Everyone” sounds (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by A. Poperechny); “Live, Earth, live, Earth, and you understand, people, there will be no second Earth, no second Earth,” performed by the group “Earthlings.” The children leave the hall.

"Cultivating Kindness to Nature"

(round table with parents of preschoolers)

“Teach your child to feel and

then understand that it’s good

then it is good when from him

people don’t cry,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Kindness makes a person well-mannered.

The child is naturally kind. Child cruelty, which we sometimes observe in children, is not a typical phenomenon, but most likely a pathology, or a child’s lack of understanding of what hurts. How often do children simply break branches, causing “pain” to the tree, and do not think about the fact that they are hurting it. How often do children throw stones into a pond or river, and no one stops them? They pollute the water, but many different living creatures live in the reservoir.

Yes, goodness must be taught.

Nurturing kindness is associated with awakening in a child compassion, empathy in grief, misfortune and the ability to rejoice and empathize with the success of another as if it were your own. The child should come to this not through reproach or fear of punishment, but through strengthening his sense of self-worth as he grows up. An effective, sincere manifestation of an adult’s love for a child encourages him to show good feelings in communicating with others - this is an important condition for nurturing kindness. Communication with nature awakens in a child kindness, responsiveness, and a sense of responsibility for other life, for example, for the life of animals and plants. Isn’t that why we are delighted and touched by sunrises and sunsets, pebbles on the seashore, beautiful birch trees, and in all this we unconsciously feel something familiar? What is beautiful in nature means what is loved for a person. My favorite means dear. And the beloved, the dear, must be protected and protected.

The ABC of kindness is learned by a child every day through his thoughts, feelings, deeds and actions.

With the help of the natural environment, adults have the opportunity to comprehensively develop a child: expanding his horizons, showing relationships in nature, involving children in joint activities, giving feasible assignments, encouraging the child to sympathize, empathize, and cultivating a desire to help with deeds.

From nature we learn a sense of beauty, a sense of proportion, goodness, and justice.
But how to introduce a child to his native nature? How to develop his cognitive interest in her, cultivate love and caring attitude? What do you think, dear parents? How do you yourself develop a cognitive interest in nature in your children, how do you instill a love for nature in your children in your family? (Answers from parents..)

Bottom line: No matter how many conversations we have with children about nature, about caring for it, we will not achieve the desired result until we take the child out into nature, until we ourselves set an example of a careful and caring attitude towards it.

Memo for parents and children on environmental education

Remember the rules!

Plant protection.

When in nature, you should not pick plants for bouquets. Bouquets can be made from plants grown by humans.

The remarkable wealth of nature is medicinal plants. People often collect them and donate them to pharmacies. This is important work, but it must be done in such a way as not to harm nature.

Some types of medicinal plants have already become rare due to excessive collection. These are primrose, valerian, club moss. They cannot be collected at all. It is best to harvest plantain. Shepherd's purse, tansy, yarrow, bird buckwheat.

You can collect medicinal plants only in places where there are many of them. Often plants must be left in nature.

It happens that people destroy them without even picking plants. The reason for this is trampling. A man walks through the forest and does not notice how fragile grasses are broken and trampled into the ground under his feet. In addition, the soil under people's feet becomes compacted. In such soil there is little air and water left, and plants cannot live on it; they die.

In nature, especially in the forest, you need to try to walk along paths so that the plants do not die from trampling.

A lot of work is being done to protect plants in our country. Rare plants are prohibited from collecting. They are under special protection in nature reserves. Many rare plants from all over the world are grown in botanical gardens.

Of course, it is necessary to protect not only rare plants, but also other, even the most common plants. Everyone must follow the rules of behavior in nature, plant more plants in cities and villages.

We must not forget that in nature everything is interconnected. Therefore, plant protection helps combat air and water pollution, protect pollinating insects, predatory insects, and protect birds.

Animal protection.

Do not go close to bird nests. Following your tracks, predators can find and destroy your nests. If you accidentally find yourself near the nest, do not touch it, leave immediately. Otherwise, the parent birds may leave the nest completely.

If you have a dog, do not take it with you into the forest in spring and early summer. She can easily catch flightless chicks and helpless baby animals.

Do not catch and take home healthy bird chicks and young animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them.

Be sure to feed the birds in winter. And in the spring, with the help of your elders, make houses and birdhouses for them. Animals are connected to each other in a food chain. Therefore, by protecting some animals, you often help others. If frogs are protected, for example, there will be more herons that feed on the frogs.

Animals are also related to plants. If, for example, you collect bouquets in a forest or meadow, there will be fewer bumblebees and butterflies, which need flower nectar for nutrition.

DON'T FORGET that plants provide shelter for animals. Protect the grass, bushes, trees, you help the animals, birds, insects that take refuge in their thickets.



Consultation for parents

“Ecological education of children in the family”
Ecology is a science, and it comes from the word oikas - house, dwelling, habitat. This is all the living things that surround us, we breathe what we live. A new direction of education appeared in their preschool pedagogy - environmental education.

From the first years of life, children formulate the beginning of an ecological culture. Children see at home how their mother takes care of flowers, a cat or a dog. They themselves are drawn to all living things, they want to pet the animal and admire the beautiful flowers.

Growing up, children learn that every creature has its own “home”, which contains everything for its life. Environmental education is the knowledge of living things that surround a child in their habitat, and our main task is to teach them to protect and take care of what they see. You need to clearly explain to your child that breaking a tree branch is prohibited, especially in winter. Draw the child’s attention to the beauty, how beautiful they are in the frost. In winter they sleep and they have only us as protectors.

We need to cover the roots with snow, explaining that we are helping them survive in the winter. When you are in the forest with your children in winter, pay attention to the silence in the forest, its beauty and how well you can breathe in the forest.

In spring, nature transforms, and we rejoice at every new blade of grass and new leaf. Work at the dacha begins and the children help you, albeit very little, but they are drawn to it, seeing how you do it. There is a forest near the dacha areas; you go there with your children. We are all drawn to nature to relax, breathe fresh air, listen to the babbling of a stream. We adults collect flowers and medicinal herbs, pick only as much as you need, and try not to tear up the roots.

When picking mushrooms and berries in the forest, take only those that you know, and leave others alone. Animals need them, they feed on them and are treated with them. Like, for example, the fly agaric mushroom, it’s so beautiful, admire it, but don’t touch it, the elk will come and use it for treatment. To prevent mushrooms from disappearing from our forest, do not disturb the mycelium, explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut with a knife, a new mushroom will grow here.

Children often act cruelly to nature and we adults are to blame for all this. They couldn’t teach us to see the beautiful and make sure that everything that surrounds us only makes us happy.

Feed the birds, hang a feeder outside the window or on the balcony. The child will put the food there himself. If you want to please your child, get him a parrot or a goldfinch, a turtle or a hamster. Explain and teach how to properly care for them and the child will be happy. Many children have a dream to have a friend nearby, this is a kitten or puppy. And if you get yourself an animal at home, do not throw them out into the street when they grow up, they are animals and trust people. I wish you to cultivate a sense of compassion in children, teach them to see the beauty of the world around them and this will not be in vain. If a child treats everything with care and takes care of this “home”, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you adults.

In order to implement the project "Our friend is nature” in January 2017, a survey of parents (legal representatives) of children was held in kindergarten on the topic:"Environmental education in the family."

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents (legal representatives) of students!

With the aim ofidentifying the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education of preschool children in kindergarten and its actual implementation in the familyWe ask you to fill out this form. For each answer that requires a choice, mark the answer as “yes” or “no.”

Name of the question



Do you have indoor plants at home?

Does the family have a dog, cat or other animals?

Have you planted a tree?

Have you ever made bird feeders?

Do you read books about nature to your child?

Does your child watch TV shows about nature?

Do you often go to the forest with your child?

Does your child know the names of trees, flowers, berries?

Do you tell your child about the benefits of trees, medicinal herbs, berries, insects, birds?

Does your child know poems, riddles, sayings, and proverbs about nature?

Does your child show a caring attitude towards animals and plants?

Do you introduce your child to the rules of behavior in nature?

Do you think your child receives knowledge about nature in kindergarten?

What information would you like to receive from a preschool institution on environmental education for children ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ____

Thank you for your cooperation!

Results of a survey of parents (legal representatives) on the topic: "Environmental education in the family"

The survey was conducted from January 16 to January 31, 2017.211 people took part in the survey, children who attend the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 179”, which is 79.6% of the total number of parents (legal representatives).

After analyzing the questionnaires, it was revealed that 192 people (91%) have indoor plants at home, and 135 people (64%) have animals at home.

172 people (81%) planted a tree and 199 people (94%) made a bird feeder.

185 parents (legal representatives) (87%) read books about nature to their children.

189 children (90%) watch TV programs about nature.

192 people (91%) often go to the forest with a child.

According to parents (legal representatives), 168 children (80%) know the names of trees, flowers and berries.

196 parents (legal representatives) (93%) talk about the benefits of trees, medicinal herbs, berries, insects, birds.

174 children (82%) know poems, riddles, sayings, and proverbs about nature, and 201 children (95%) show a caring attitude towards animals and plants.

203 people (96%) introduce their child to the rules of behavior in nature.

208 people (99%) answered positively to the question “Does your child receive knowledge about nature in kindergarten?”

Parents (legal representatives) were also asked to write their opinion on what information they would like to receive from the preschool educational institution on environmental education of children. Here are some of them:

“Information about nature in kindergarten is provided in full, but you can add video lessons on any of the topics.”

“How to replenish the balance of the environment.”

“The role of animals, birds, insects, reptiles in the life of our planet.”

After processing the questionnaires, we made the following conclusions:

1. It is necessary to actively use various forms of interaction with the family - counseling, group meetings, organization of joint holidays, competitions, promotions, cleanup work for the improvement of the territory of the kindergarten, placement of visual information materials in order to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents (legal representatives) environmental education of children.

2. Carry out work to improve the qualifications of teachers on this issue.

3. It is necessary to familiarize parents with the work of preschool educational institutions on environmental education of children (directly open - educational activities, research projects).

Environmental education of the younger generation is one of the important problems of modern society. We often think about the environmental situation on earth, during classes we instill in students a caring attitude towards nature, but we do not think about how the parents of our students relate to environmental problems. A questionnaire for parents on ecology will help deal with this problem.

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“Questionnaire for parents on ecology”

Questionnaire for parents on ecology

1. What is ecology?

2. Do you have indoor plants, and what kind? If not, why not?

3. Does the family have a dog, cat or other animals?

4. Have you planted a tree?

5. Have you ever made bird feeders?

6. Do you read books about nature to your child?

7. Does your child watch filmstrips, slides, TV programs about

8. Does your child like to be in the forest?

9. Do you often go to the forest with your child?

10. Does your child know the names of trees, flowers, berries, etc.?

11. Do you tell your child about the benefits of trees, medicinal herbs, berries, insects, birds?

12. Does your child know poems, riddles, sayings, and proverbs about nature?

13. Does your child show a caring attitude towards animals and plants?

14. Do you think your child will gain knowledge about nature in kindergarten?

Questionnaires for parents

"Environmental education in the family"

Purpose of the survey: to identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education of preschoolers in kindergarten and its actual implementation in the family.

1. Do you have animals at home? (Cat, fish, dog, hamster, etc.)

2. Are there any indoor plants? Which?

3. Who cares for animals or plants?

4. What does the child do (feed him, walk him, play, water him, or do nothing)? – Underline or add.

5. Do you go outdoors with your child? If yes, where?

6. For what purpose?

7. Where does the child usually spend the summer?

8. How do you feel about introducing a child to nature in kindergarten?

9. Your suggestions for organizing environmental education in kindergarten.

Questionnaire for parents

“How competent are you in environmental issues?”

Do you think it is necessary to introduce children to the nature of our city?

Do you think there are environmental problems in our city? Which?

In your opinion, do you have enough information about the nature of our city to answer the questions your child has?

How often do you and your child go on outdoor trips?

Do you think your child is familiar with the rules of behavior in nature? And you?

What events could you propose to hold on environmental topics in a group or for the city?

Do you think there are problems related to household waste in our city? Which?

Details Nature, ecology

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Annex 1. Questionnaire for parents “Environmental education of children”

FULL NAME___________________________________________

Age group________________________________

1. Do you know what ecology is, what it studies, what it does? ______________________________________________________________

2. Do you know that a preschool institution is deeply involved in the issues of environmental education of children?___________________________

3. Are you personally interested in this problem? ________________________

4. Do you feel from your child that in the preschool educational institution a lot of attention is paid to environmental education? ___________________________________

How is it shown?

– The child talks a lot, asks to have an animal, a plant at home, pays attention to the nature around him, asks to take him to the park, forest, asks to read about nature, etc. (underline as necessary)

5. How do you feel about nature, do you like animals and birds? ______________________________________________________________

How can you help preschool educational institutions in ecology?___________________________

6. Do you support the work carried out in preschool educational institutions on environmental education of preschoolers?_________________________

How is it shown?

– We talked with the child about nature; set up a corner of nature in the family; purchased animals; feed the birds, get out into nature more often; conduct observations of natural objects with children; plant trees, protect nature (underline as appropriate).

7. Do you introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature? _____________

Is it necessary to do this? ___________________________________________

8. What do you need help from the preschool educational institution with this problem? (How to observe the weather; how to keep animals, plants; what knowledge to give; how to introduce the rules of behavior in nature; what practical activities in nature can be carried out with children...) __________________

9. How do you evaluate the work of the preschool educational institution on this issue? _________________

10. Your suggestions, wishes. _______________________________
