Big wooden labyrinth with a constructor ball. Dynamic constructors for children

A group of constructors, whose essence is to create a labyrinth along which a glass or metal ball rolls, we call constructors-balloons. Sharogons are very diverse, and below we will introduce you to several striking varieties.


Marbutopia Marbutopia Marbutopia

A three-dimensional labyrinth consisting of plastic tubes-supports and paths-tracks. For the construction of multi-level labyrinths with many tracks-tracks, different sets of designers are easily combined with each other. Among the details there are paths on which the ball changes direction, a “dead loop”, a funnel (the ball spins on it for a long time and this spiral rotation can be observed),
"snakes", springboards - all these details make the movement of the ball more difficult and entertaining to watch.

Labyrinth tracks can be rebuilt many times, and in general, the game with such a constructor consists of two parts: building a stable structure with an interesting track, and launching and observing the rolling balls. Typically, such designers use glass balls with a diameter of 12-14 mm, which can be purchased separately in hardware stores and “everything for the holiday” stores. The exception is Marbutopia sets with a mechanical balloon lifter. This set does not use glass, but lighter plastic balls of the same diameter.

Marbulous Quercetti

Similar: Marbutopia is compatible with very similar parts Marbulous (TOTOTOYS).

The Russian constructor “Merry Hills” (Krokha) is also similar. There are also designers in which the diameter of the ball is smaller, 10 mm. They are more compact, but do not have a wide variety of tracks.

Another world-famous manufacturer of labyrinths for balls is the Italian company Quercetti. However, this manufacturer has several options for sharogons.

Executivity (“perpetual motion machine”)

Execution Execution Quercetti Quercetti

A complicated version of a spherical ball, with a mechanical supply of balls, chain and belt drives, springs, gears and other mechanical parts of the labyrinth. The details of the designer are smaller and more difficult to assemble: it is assumed that the assembled model is used permanently after launch, and is not rebuilt many times. It takes a long time to assemble the structure, but it is also more convenient to admire the movement of the balls along it. Executivity tracks are made in the form of parallel metal or plastic cables, so the ball is visible at a glance.

Similar: Quercetti also produces sophisticated construction sets, which are brighter than Executivity, which has muted colors and laconic design.


Q-Ba-Maze Q-Ba-Maze - interesting additions Q-Ba-Maze - new colors
Quick Ball

In the Q-BA-MAZE constructor, the details of the labyrinth are transparent hollow plastic cubes, inside which metal balls (5-6 mm in diameter) roll. Cubes can be placed on top of each other, or one cube can be attached to the side wall of another with a shift. The track inside the cube can be with a side exit, or with two exits, or with an exit at the bottom. In addition to cubes, manufacturers have added flexible hoses, funnels, gears, containers for collecting balls and other interesting additions to the labyrinths.

Collecting a labyrinth from such cubes is not an easy task, but the manufacturers have prepared detailed instructions on how to make a beautiful translucent figure with an interesting track inside.

Similar: In Russia, it is easier to meet an analogue of Q-BA-MAZE Quick ball, including in the City of Constructors game library.


quadrilla quadrilla

The designer of the German company Hape called Quadrilla follows the eco-trend. The meaning is very similar to Marbutopia, but made of wood. Instead of tubes - cubes with through holes. There are fewer cunningly completed tracks in the wooden constructor, but the wood is more pleasant to the touch.

Balls in Quadrilla glass, 12-14 mm. There are interesting additions: stickers on cubes and tracks that glow in the dark, sets with music plates that make different sounds when the balls move.

Similar: Wooden grooves for glass beads are produced by well-known manufacturers of wooden toys for babies - PlanToys, Haba.


haba haba haba haba

However, Haba has not only simple ball lanes, but also more complex designs. On wooden support bars, plastic tubes are attached, connected by turn signal accordions. This labyrinth is a bit more angular than the Quadrilla, but it has a lot more design options.

There are also musical versions: with a membrane-drum at the end of the track or a translucent showcase-xylophone.


quboro quboro
Shariki-Kubariki (REDY)

Children are interested in collecting structures and playing with ready-made crafts. In order for the game to contribute to the development of the baby, buy a wooden labyrinth constructor. The kits are completed with parts of different shapes and sizes, as well as glass balls, which are set off on a journey along the laid routes.

We have made a selection of the most high-quality and interesting designers made of wood of the "Labyrinth" category. It includes sets of well-known domestic and foreign companies - "REDI" (the legendary series "Kubariki Balls"), QUADRILLA.

The assortment includes sets at great prices for both 3-year-old kids and older children - 7-10 years old.

Varieties of labyrinth constructors

  • Designers with parts equipped with grooves and holes. Used for laying routes of different lengths, with tunnels, slides and slopes.
  • Sets with wooden elements of various geometric shapes - cones, cylinders, cubes. Suitable for creating labyrinths, and for building houses and castles.
  • Musical toys. Are completed with details with special plates. When a ball hits them, the plates emit sounds of a certain tonality, creating a melody.

Please note: sets from the same series complement each other. The more sets used, the longer and more intricate the maze will be.

Let's arrange fun races on steep turns? Why not! Only instead of racing cars we will have running balls. They are swift and completely unpredictable, and because of this the spectacle becomes even more exciting. Intrigued? Let me introduce bright and dynamic Maze Constructors!

The simplest slides from the designer for beginners

In order to understand the principle of building a track for balls, you need to start with simple sets with a small amount of parts. As, for example, the designers of the Primo series. These sets contain large colorful parts that need to be combined into a single labyrinth. These are all kinds of adapter ladders, turntables, carousel, hollow tubes, gutters, mills and other elements. All of them are combined into a multi-colored track with obstacles for the balls.

Complicated multi-level labyrinth constructors with balls

Children's gourmet labyrinths

In conclusion, I would like to tell you a little about the unusual labyrinth constructors for children, who hooked us with their eccentricity and dissimilarity to the rest. This, for example, is a wooden labyrinth from. It consists of parts of the correct geometric shape, which must be connected so that the balls reach the finish line without hindrance. And the company offers to use its constructor not only to build a racing track for balls, but also to play golf or field hockey with sticks.

And of course, non-standard "Magnetic rails" from . Have you ever assembled a constructor on a ..... refrigerator? :) This is a real vertical race! From the rails and magnets you need to assemble a track for the balls, but so that they do not fly out on the way to the finish line. It is so interesting and unusual that it captivates not only children, but also their parents.
