What is the difference between calico poplin and percale. Percale or satin - which is better of these fabrics for bed linen

The textile market is represented by a huge variety of fabrics, among which percale fabric is in increasing demand. Percale is a high-quality thin cotton fabric with a plain weave and increased durability. Experts in the textile industry consider this material to be the queen of bedding fabrics.

Fabric characteristics

Percale fabric is created from untwisted threads of the same length, lying evenly. This gives the material resistance to wear. The villi of matter are connected by a special indelible solution. After washing, the percale does not fray, and the surface is not covered with pellets. The fabric is not afraid of washing at high temperatures and is able to endure about a thousand washes.

The density of the fabric varies from 100 to 160 threads per 1 square centimeter. The material has a special density and smoothness. Cotton fabric cools the body in hot weather and warms in cold weather.

Matter can be easily dyed in different colors. Light-colored fabrics are softer to the touch than deep-dyed fabrics. Creations from percale are not afraid of ultraviolet rays, and the drawings on them do not fade.


The composition of percale fabric can be different, in any variation it is characterized by wear-resistant and hypoallergenic properties.

Initially, percale fabric was a 100% cotton material made from long pile threads. Although percale is still predominantly made from cotton, which has good breathability, a large amount of cotton fibers can lead to wrinkling of the fabric. To reduce this effect, manufacturers began to add wrinkle-resistant fibers of polyester, polyester or silk to the composition of the fabric. Sometimes natural flax fiber is taken as the basis of the fabric, which does not spoil the quality of the material.


Types of percale fabrics differ in their purpose and are divided into two categories:


The material has convincing advantages:

  • Wear resistance - the fabric is not subject to fading, withstands intensive washing, does not shrink and does not shed;
  • Hypoallergenic - the use of natural fibers does not cause allergic reactions, it can be used for sewing bed sets for people with skin and lung diseases;
  • Breathability - matter passes air well, despite the density;
  • Softness - a special way of weaving allows the fabric to remain soft for a long time, without the appearance of spools and stretches;
  • Lack of electrification - the fabric can be used for sewing baby bedding.


Percale has several significant disadvantages:

  • It requires a special approach and care when leaving. Detergents must be chosen carefully. The use of bleach has a detrimental effect on percale bedding. The material is capricious to hard water;
  • The cost is higher than other cotton and linen fabrics, which is not affordable for everyone.

Percale bed

Soft percale bedding will decorate any bed and add a prestigious touch to the interior. The dense weave of the percale ensures that the fillings of pillows and duvets do not break out.

Percale bedding "breathes" and absorbs moisture. A blanket covered with a pillowcase made of this material is able to retain heat longer, which is important in cold weather.

Drawings, ornaments, patterns and plot compositions look great on the matte surface of percale bed linen. The colors go on evenly and stay on for a long time.

Bed sets made of percale are one and a half, double, family and euro standard. For small children, textiles can also be sewn from percale. The composition of percale fabric for bed linen intended for children must contain 100% cotton or linen without the addition of polyester or silk.

If you decide to buy bed linen from percale, you will have to pay a decent amount for it, but in return you will get excellent quality for many years.

Before buying, it is important to make sure that it is not a fake. The fabric belongs to the category of elite and expensive, and the level of those who want to create its imitation is at its best. The truth of percale can be revealed based on the method of weaving. You need to take a close look at the fabric. If you find a connected weaving in the form of a cross or a circle, you should refuse to buy. It's a fake.

Percale fabric requires careful care.


Before use, new bedding should be washed at a temperature of 20 degrees on a delicate wash. Before the washing process, you need to turn the pillowcases and duvet cover inside out, fasten the buttons (zipper). Do not use bleach, which weakens fabric fibers, do not boil or soak laundry.

Subsequent washings should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees using mild soap (powder) and softening conditioners.


After washing, the laundry must be thoroughly wrung out (by hand). Spinning in a washing machine is not recommended. Laundry can only be dried in a horizontal or vertical position. Before hanging up the laundry, it is necessary to shake it (in this way to align it) and straighten it at the seams.


With the most popular fabrics from which bed linen is sewn.

But since there are many such tissues at one time, it was not possible to consider them all. Therefore, today we will continue to look for the answer to the question - what is the best fabric for bed linen?

And at the same time we will learn how to choose high-quality bed linen that will serve you faithfully and for a long time.


Batiste is an exquisite finest fabric, linen from which is laid only on “special” occasions. What is this material?

Batiste is a translucent and very beautiful fabric, light and airy.

It is made from very fine twisted cotton yarn. Moreover, cotton fibers must be long and of high quality.

But, despite the fact that cambric is pleasant to the touch, and it looks very elegant, it cannot boast of strength, it is the lowest of all cotton fabrics in this material - only 20-30 threads per 1 cm 2. You will not be able to wash cambric linen more than 30-40 times - the threads will begin to “bunch”, and gaps will appear in the fabric.

That is why cambric is not used as everyday bed linen. Gift sets are sewn from it (as an option for a wedding gift) or stored for the dearest guests :)

I personally have never seen cambric bed linen for sale, I have only met handkerchiefs - very delicate and airy creatures, to be honest, I can’t even imagine how carefully you have to operate and care for cambric linen in order to use it more or less for a long time. Though it may just seem to me...

Poplin - what kind of fabric is this?

Today, most often you can find poplin made from 100% cotton (less often - from artificial fibers). But in ancient times it was a two-sided silk fabric, which got its name because of the place where it was first made - in Avignon, in the residence of the Pope himself. French popeline , and in Italian papalino means papal.

The peculiarity of poplin is in its special weaving: a dense and thin warp is combined with a rarer and thicker weft, which gives a characteristic small scar. At the same time, the density of the duck is 1.5-2 times lower than the density of the warp.

Due to this interlacing, thin longitudinal threads, bending, “cover” the transverse ones. It turns out a “double effect”: thick weft fibers are inside, and thin ones are outside the fabric. Thanks to this, poplin is soft and smooth, with a silky sheen and a very high density (110 g/m2).

Poplin bed linen is deservedly popular. In addition to the excellent hygroscopicity and hypoallergenicity inherent in natural fabrics, poplin perfectly “holds its shape”, retains the brightness of colors for a long time, has a smooth and pleasant surface with a soft noble sheen. It is wear-resistant, withstands many washes without losing its original properties and practically does not wrinkle!

The undoubted advantages of this bed linen include its quite “democratic” cost - poplin is not much more expensive than coarse calico.

Poplin looks good in any design: bleached and dyed, printed and multicolored. And poplin underwear can be produced with a 3D effect. Stunningly realistic drawings are the result of diagonal weaving of threads - this is a fashionable and extremely popular trend in recent times. It is pleasant to sleep on such underwear yourself, and it is not a shame to give such a set.

So, choosing poplin or coarse calico - which is better, feel free to give preference to poplin. It is not inferior in strength to coarse calico, and what costs a little more is compensated by ease of care, softness and more attractive appearance.

Percale - what is it?

Percale bed linen is lightweight, soft, smooth, excellent wear resistance and hypoallergenic. By its properties, percale is as close as possible to satin and silk, but thanks to a special slightly velvety surface, it retains heat better.

European manufacturers classify percale bed linen as a “luxury” category, and experts even consider percale to be the king among bed linen materials.

The secret of percale is in long-staple cotton, from which this thin and very dense plain weave fabric is made - its threads are not twisted together, but laid evenly and covered with a special composition on top. Thanks to this, percale acquires tenderness, softness, smoothness, strength and density - they won’t even break through it))

Percale bed linen is similar to cambric, but, unlike it, percale will delight with its excellent appearance for a very, very long time - after all, such linen can withstand more than a thousand washes!

Comparing whether percale or poplin is better, you will have to decide which qualities are more important to you. Percale is more expensive but denser, stronger and more durable, poplin is cheaper and easier to care for (no need to iron), both materials are thin, light, beautiful and have a smooth and soft surface.


Now consider the fabric under the mysterious name "ranfors » – what it is? The answer to this question is of interest to those who first encountered bed sets made of this material.

Ranforce is another 100% cotton fabric. Sometimes it is called a kind of calico, but this is only partly true. In the manufacture of ranfors, thinner threads and denser weaving are used (50-60 threads per 1 cm 2). In addition, ranforce threads are more twisted than those of coarse calico.

All this determines the difference in the properties of these fabrics: ranfors is softer and more delicate than coarse calico, it is very comfortable and practical, easy to care for and even knows how to “adjust” a little to the ambient temperature, so that in summer it will not be hot on bed linen from ranfors, and in winter you will not experience unpleasant moments, going to bed in a cold bed.

Ranfors has all the properties of natural fabrics: hygroscopicity, good thermal conductivity and breathability, the ability not to accumulate static electricity. And as a pleasant bonus - high strength, wear resistance, durability and low cost.

High-quality ranfors bed linen does not shed, does not lose the brightness of colors over time, tolerates repeated washings “excellently” and does not require special care: it is easy to iron, does not lose its shape, even after prolonged use.

As for the design, even the most demanding customer will be able to choose a set to their liking: manufacturers offer monochromatic sets of various colors, various ornaments, patterns, and amazing photo prints.

So far, I have not been able to purchase bed linen from this wonderful material, although I would very much like to. I must say that the prices for ranforce sets are not the most democratic, although the linen is very beautiful and, perhaps, it deserves just such prices. When I buy bedding from this fabric, I will definitely share my impressions.


Twill fabric - what is it? Twill or satin twill is a classic of the "bed" genre. Noble shimmer and smoothness, density, silkiness and tenderness - all this is perfectly combined with excellent thermal conductivity, breathability and hygroscopicity. And satin twill bedding is extraordinarily pleasant to the touch.

All this twill acquired thanks to the use of twisted cotton threads and satin weave. But, despite the similarity in weaving, there are still differences between satin twill and classic satin - the weave of threads in satin twill is less durable, and, therefore, it is not so expensive. At the same time, outwardly, these two materials are completely indistinguishable!

Twill bedding will not upset you with its operational characteristics: it wrinkles very little, it is very easy to iron, it easily withstands several hundred washing cycles, without losing either its shape or the brightness of colors.

Unpretentiousness in care, excellent hygienic properties, affordability, spectacular appearance and comfort "erected" satin twill bed linen to the top of the rating of bed linen fabrics.

Microfiber bedding - what is it?

Microfiber is a completely man-made material. Is it as bad as it might seem at first glance? Let's see. Microfiber, as its name popularly explains, is made up of very, very fine polyester fibers. From 50 to 150 microfibers, intertwined, form a thread with a density of less than 1 g per 9 km of length!

Microfiber bed linen, according to reviews, is surprisingly gentle, soft and cozy. Other characteristics should not disappoint: microfiber does not roll, does not rub, does not shrink, does not fade, does not wrinkle, does not deform when washed, dries quickly, has antifungal and cooling effects, is easy to wash (even in the presence of complex stains); it is wear-resistant, resistant to dirt and mechanical stress, hypoallergenic, keeps the original colors and shades for a long time, and is not expensive.

There is also a small fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey - like all artificial materials, microfiber accumulates static electricity. True, the villi of this fabric are able to distribute it evenly.

Despite the many advantages of microfiber linen, which the manufacturer claims, I would not buy such bedding, because reality differs from promises.

How many reviews I haven’t read all come down to negative assessments: the laundry sheds very much and fades after the first wash, puffs form on it, the fabric is too thin, and the cooling effect is not pleasant - it “synthetically cools”. In addition, many underwear gives significant shrinkage. Only the price corresponds to the stated promises - really inexpensive.

How to choose quality bed linen?

Now we are familiar with the most popular fabrics for bed linen. Which one is better is up to you, yet it is a matter of taste, personal tactile sensations and the amount of money available. But in order for the bed linen set to please you for a long time and not disappoint you after the first wash, when buying, pay attention not only to the design and fabric from which the linen is sewn, but also to a number of nuances.

  1. Look at the fabric "in the light". If weaving is rare and with gaps, such underwear will quickly tear. Whatever the manufacturer says on the label.
  2. Density. The denser the fabric, the longer it will last. Good linen has less than 60-80 weaves per 1 cm 2
  3. Smell. New bedding should smell like new textiles. Not paint. Not chemistry. Not something unrecognizable. If you smell paint, it means that the laundry will shed during washing, and you can experience all the "charms" of an allergic reaction.
  4. Color. One of the signs of a quality dye is the maximum allowable washing temperature, which is indicated on the label: a quality dye is not afraid of washing at 60 ℃. This means that reliable dyes were used in the production. However, if you purchased dark-colored bedding, please note that it will shed faster than light-colored linen.
  5. Seams. Turn your pillowcase or duvet cover inside out and inspect the seams. They should be double, with no visible edges. A single seam and a raw edge are a good reason not to buy.
  6. Threads. High-quality linen will be stitched with threads “to match” the linen. The strength of the threads is not even worth mentioning - this is a prerequisite, otherwise after the first wash you will have to repair the sprawling seams.
  7. Manufacturer. Do not be fooled by the low price of sets that are produced in an incomprehensible place, by whom and from what. You should not buy underwear if there are no manufacturer's coordinates on the label, it is sewn crookedly, and the text on it is almost illegible. It is better to pay a little more, but buy bedding from a trusted brand. In the end, you will only save money by buying underwear that will last a long time and give only pleasant sensations!

Happy shopping 🙂

The choice of bed linen should be approached consciously, including having a clear idea of ​​the fabric from which the bed is sewn. Let's try, without really tiring the reader with an abundance of special terms, to find out what kind of fabric it is - percale and what is percale better poplin.

Let us immediately indicate that comparison is a thankless task: everyone has their own opinion, their own experience of using this or that bed linen. And how can you even compare, for example, a handsome horse of noble blood and a heavy hauler, constantly pulling a loaded cart. But... we'll try.

First, a little about the history of these fabrics.

Poplin was “born” in France and the first poplin fabric was made for the Pope, which is why this fabric is often called “papal”. Yes, and the word "poplin" is translated into Russian as "dad, papal."
Percale first saw the light in hot and brilliant India. The fabric is smooth and cool to the touch, to cool hot skin in the hot Indian climate. Although, in translation, the word "percale" has a not very euphonious meaning - "rag". Very quickly, percale gained popularity due to its durability, and French weavers deftly seized the initiative from Indian craftsmen.

Both fabrics are fabrics with a plain weave of cotton threads. Imagine a chessboard - this is the finished canvas. The warp and weft threads are intertwined one-by-one. This is the first and, in our opinion, the only similarity between these tissues.

Poplin has thin threads, but percale has even thinner threads, so percale fabric has higher strength. Plus, cotton fibers for percale are combed out, not twisted, and a special adhesive is applied to them with the thinnest layer. Imagine that all this increases the strength of the fabric many times over. An interesting fact: the percale cloth used to be called "diaper for aviation" - it was used in the lining of the wings of iron birds, in the manufacture of parachutes, and for other needs. We think that enough has been said about durability. This is the first difference between fabrics and, you see, is clearly in favor of percale.

Now about the density of fabrics.

In order not to fill your head with thread numbers and numbers for calculating the density of the fabric, we can advise you to check the density by eye. This is easy to do - just look at each fabric in the light. Poplin is more "perforated", and percale is denser. This means that thin threads, when weaving, fit one another more closely and the percale density index increases significantly. Not for nothing, after all, our grandmothers sewed pillowcases from percale and made pillow covers - its density did not allow fluff from featherbeds, blankets and pillows to disturb and annoy the sleeping ones. Another difference, and again in favor of the percale canvas.

The next characteristic is the wear resistance and durability of the fabric.

We think no one will argue - the stronger the fabric, the longer its service life and the higher the quality indicators. And since, percale is denser and stronger than poplin, respectively, and here it is in the lead. The term of operation of bed linen from poplin, on average, is up to 3 years. A percale kit can last 10 years.

Let's compare the appearance of fabrics and tactile sensations from contact with them.

Poplin fabric is thin, light, soft, does not wrinkle (quite a noticeable plus). Percale is thin, light, smooth and silky, cool to the touch (great for sleeping in hot weather), but wrinkled. To feel all the smoothness of percale, it must be ironed after washing. This is the only negative of this fabric, noted by buyers.

And now, so to speak, you can sum up the results - bring out all the advantages of bed linen from percale:

  • high wear resistance (can withstand up to 100 washes);
  • soft and silky, smooth fabric, perfectly warming in the cold and cooling in the heat;
  • high density of percale (does not let fluff and particles of fillers from pillows and blankets);
  • very high fabric strength;
  • minimal shrinkage after washing;
  • “pellets” do not form on the fabric;
  • very easy to care for.

An interesting fact: today in Europe, percale linen bedding sets are on the same level as

Coarse calico is a natural cotton material made by methods of dense weaving of threads. Starting from the 16th century, this material, originally from Asia, began to be widely used in Russia. Today, coarse calico is used mainly for sewing bed linen. This material is highly practical because it is very durable and can withstand many washes. In addition, bed calico linen does not lose color, shape and has a very dense structure. When making calico, a combination of 1: 1 threads is used. In Russia, coarse calico is made exclusively from cotton, and it is well known that cotton has excellent absorbent properties. Coarse calico bed linen- highly hygienic.

Poplin - softness and shine

Poplin bedding has similar characteristics with coarse calico sets. A distinctive property of poplin is softness. It is very pleasant to the touch, and outwardly differs from matte calico with a pleasant sheen. Poplin is smoother but at the same time durable material.

look after poplin bedding Simply, for washing it is necessary to use modes with 30C. With proper care, this material does not lose color and shape. One of the undeniable dignity poplin bedding is a relatively low price with relatively good quality characteristics.

Percale - thin but durable fabric

Percale is not just a good material but simply irreplaceable. Some call percale - royal, because with its properties and external characteristics it resembles natural silk.

Percale bedding sets thin, light but strong. Percale is an absolutely natural material, and its density is 115 g/m2. Percale underwear considered luxurious and sophisticated.

This fabric is both thin and strong, dense and light, pleasant to the touch and very beautiful, truly royal. Used 100% natural To the benefits percale bed linen also include environmental friendliness, durability, brightness of colors and wear resistance.

Percale fabric, despite the visual thinness, it is stronger than many thick fabrics. The only drawback of percale is perhaps that it is wrinkled and after washing it must be ironed.

What to choose coarse calico, percale or poplin?

Choice of bed linen purely individual. Someone really likes calico and to convince that there are materials more practical and more beautiful than calico - such people do not make sense. Someone is accustomed to “cool” bedding and poplin is indispensable for such people, besides, poplin is more affordable financially compared to percale. Percale is a chic material for connoisseurs of beauty, grace and practicality.

All three materials absolutely natural and environmentally friendly, so no matter what decision you make when choosing, you will win.

© Company "IvNoski".

Understanding modern materials from which bed sets are sewn is sometimes difficult even for a textile expert. What can we say about very modest knowledge of how percale differs from satin, an ordinary housewife. But any purchase should be made after full awareness of all its pluses and minuses. We will try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of percale and satin sets.

Satin bed linen - exquisite silkiness

Natural double-twisted cotton threads, together with a complex weaving pattern (the front is woven only into every fourth purl) make so shiny and soft, pleasing to the eye and soul. At the same time, only the face of the material is glossy, its underside is completely matte. The fabric is durable, but somewhat expensive.

Percale bedding - velvety and matte

The material created in India has taken root perfectly in our latitudes. The simplest weaving (“checkerboard”) and special impregnation of cotton threads gave humanity a magnificent fabric. high density protects from the slightest feathers from a pillow or blanket. It is comfortable to sleep on hot days. Previously, percale was used in aviation. To do this, it was treated with water-repellent impregnations.

What is better percale or satin?

Let's analyze the following parameters:

  1. Number of washes:percale - up to 1000, satin - about 300.
  2. Strength- percale is in the lead.
  3. Texture: satin- smooth and shiny, percale - soft and velvety.
  4. Price: satin is more expensive.

It will take a little time to compare percale or satin, but choosing your headset will still be difficult. Buyer opinions vary widely. Someone cannot live without the satin sheen of satin, someone likes the reliability and dullness of percale.

Before try to figure out what your priorities are. This approach will help you make the right purchase.
