What does a black widow woman mean? "Black Widow" - fate or curse? Black Widow (Black Widower)

The black widow spider got its name due to a special ritual - the female eats the male after mating. However, this does not always happen, often in cases where the female mistakes her boyfriend for prey. How dangerous is this creature for humans and how can it be recognized among other spiders?

The black widow is one of the most poisonous spiders


Black widows are a genus of spiders, numbering 31 species, and they inhabit all continents without exception. Among them there are special representatives whose bite is very dangerous for humans.

The description of a black widow spider will largely depend on its species, but they all have characteristics characteristic of their genus.

  • Dimensions – the body length of adult male spiders is about 1.2-2 cm, the length of the legs is approximately the same as the body size. Males are approximately half the size of females.
  • Legs – The black widow has 8 legs. Characteristic– paws-combs. On the back pair of legs there are strong, curved bristles that help the spider close its web over its prey.
  • Color - the body of an adult black widow spider, as can be seen in the photo, is black with one red or orange spot, which is shaped like hourglass, or with several red spots. In females that have not reached sexual maturity, the red spots have a white edge. In European species the spot is colored white-brown color. The body of young spiders is white or yellowish-white; after the next moult, it acquires a darker shade.
  • Vision - the black widow's eyes are located in two rows, each of which has 4 eyes. The middle pair is the main one, the side ones are able to distinguish only light and movement.

On a note! Despite a large number of In general, the black widow spider's eyes see very poorly. He recognizes the presence of a victim solely by the vibration that it creates when it finds itself in the web!


The fertilized female lays her eggs in a cocoon of cobwebs, which she attaches near her fishing net. The cocoon itself is a grayish ball with a funnel-shaped exit. The clutch is under the constant control of the mother until the spiderlings emerge from the eggs.

Development in the egg takes 2 to 4 weeks. The young offspring, having just emerged from the eggs, immediately enter into the struggle for life. Stronger individuals eat the weaker ones, so not all survive. As a result, only a small handful of young black widows, often up to 12 spiderlings, leave the cocoon.

As mentioned above, immediately after birth, the body of young individuals is colored White color. And only after several molts will they darken enough and look like adult black widow spiders.


Where does the black widow spider live? Each species is attached to its own territory. For example, 8 species of black widows were found in Eurasia, 13 in South and North America, and 3 in Oceania and the Australian mainland.

Russia is also home to a certain type of black widow spider, which is known as the white spider. It can be recognized by its characteristic spherical abdomen, colored white or yellowish color. At the same time, this black widow does not have a bright spot. Instead of a pattern, the white karakurt has four indentations on the surface of its abdomen, forming a rectangle.

Important! Despite the fact that the poison of the white karakurt is much less toxic than that of other black widows, it can be deadly for the elderly and children!

However, in Lately Due to significant warming, many species of these arachnids have changed their usual habitats. More and more often we hear about the appearance of the black widow spider in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Taganrog, Southern Urals and in the Rostov regions.

These spiders prefer to hang their webs in dark, dry shelters and settle mainly in poorly lit places. Therefore, encounters with them can occur in sheds, garages, toilets located on the street, as well as in abandoned animal burrows, hollow stumps and even in dense thickets of grass.

On a note! With the arrival of cold weather, the black widow spider always moves to a warm room, and therefore in winter they can be found even in a residential building!

Consequences of a bite

Female black widows are always more aggressive than males, but if the latter is accidentally disturbed, even he is capable of attacking and biting a person. At the same time, the risk of an attack from a spider increases significantly in the fall, when it moves into living quarters.

The bite of a black widow spider is moderately painful – it feels like a pin prick. Characteristic symptoms become:

  • dilation of capillaries, which leads to slight redness of the skin;
  • swelling develops almost immediately;
  • after half an hour - an hour, muscle spasms appear in the affected area, which are accompanied by intense pain;
  • then the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall tense, the pain continues to increase and becomes excruciating.

On a note! This symptom is often mistaken for a sign of peritonitis, but palpation of the abdomen turns out to be painless!

It is possible that some additional symptoms, among them:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • intense salivation;
  • rapid sweating;
  • vomit;
  • attack of sudden shortness of breath;
  • violation heart rate with an increase in heart rate;
  • anxiety;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • muscle twitching;
  • skin sensitivity disorder: from tingling and goosebumps to complete numbness.

It is also possible allergic reaction for poison After a bite, it is advisable to administer an antidote as soon as possible. After three hours there is big risk aggravation of the already serious condition of the victim, even death.

On a note! IN best case scenario delay may result in permanent injury nervous system and deterioration mental state without the possibility of its restoration or even minimal improvement!

To avoid trouble, watch for spiders when spending time outdoors or in country house, and under no circumstances pick them up.

Popular superheroes, comic book characters, are in most cases men. But there are also exceptions to the rules. ("Avengers") is a female superhero who became famous thanks to the film adaptations of Marvel comics. Who is she and what amazing abilities does she have - let's talk about it today.

Real name

What is the name of Black Widow from The Avengers? Natalya Alyanovna Romanova is the real name of the comic book heroine. She has nothing to do with the dynasty of the last Russian emperor, as some fans of comics with her participation mistakenly think.

First appearance in Marvel comics

Black Widow (The Avengers) is a collaboration between writer Don Rico, artist Don Heck, and editor Stan Lee. She first appeared in the Troubling Tales comic book series in 1964.


It should be noted that there are several alternate realities Marvel universe. Therefore, each comic book character has several biographies. But usually the first, original biography is taken into account.

The story of Black Widow from The Avengers is full of tragic facts. Little is known about her childhood years. Born in Stalingrad before World War II. When the house where Natasha lived with her mother was set on fire during an enemy attack, the girl was saved by a Soviet soldier. Mom threw her from the window of the burning room into the hands of Ivan Petrovich. He raised the girl.

Natasha was at school diligent student and an excellent athlete. She later married a test pilot and was happy until her husband died during testing of a new rocket. She decides to continue her husband’s work and becomes a participant in the Red Room Academy, where future operational workers. And here Romanova was one of the best students. The Winter Soldier began training her. She is given the operational name "Black Widow".

In 1984, Romanova became a participant in an experiment - she was injected with a version of the serum developed by domestic scientists that turned the frail Steve Rogers into the superhero Captain America.

Strength and abilities

Thanks to the serum, Black Widow could right moment activate the body's internal reserve, which made her unusually strong, fast and agile. One of side effects The drug slows down the aging process. In addition, Romanova has excellent physical shape. She is a true expert in several types of martial arts and an excellent marksman. Like a spy top class, always uses special means: bladed weapons, hooks, throwing discs, electrical discharges and explosives. On missions she wears a suit made from elastic skin. It has suction cups on its palms and soles. With their help, the Black Widow easily climbs walls.

Quests, secret missions and meeting other superheroes

Natasha Romanova participated in many dangerous KGB operations. It is unknown exactly what task became her baptism of fire. During one of the operations, she first encountered Iron Man.

Black Widow's mission was with Tony Industries. She and her partner were supposed to eliminate a Russian dissident scientist. After successfully completing the task, Romanova decided to stay and continue to act as a secret agent of the Soviet intelligence services. The Russian spy pretended to sincerely repent of her previous actions, gained Stark’s trust and stole his anti-gravity device. Iron Man managed to get him back, but Black Widow escaped.

Later, Natasha met Hawkeye. He liked the Black Widow and took advantage of it. He helped her on several missions, and Romanova helped improve Hawkeye's arrows. After the KGB learned that Romanova was beginning to develop feelings for the superhero, they tried to kill her.

Avengers and Black Widow

After Romanova was kidnapped by Chinese agents, she was brainwashed and ordered to destroy the Avengers team. The heroes won, and Black Widow, by force of will and thanks to her feelings for Hawkeye, got rid of the washing effect. To make amends, she helped the Avengers on several missions and received an invitation to join their team. Since then, she has carried out secret missions for the director of the S.H.I.E.L.D. program. Nick Fury and participated in almost all the dangerous operations of the Avengers.

After a series of tragedies, the team of superheroes disbanded, but later three new associations appeared at once. One of them is "Secret Avengers". Black Widow became an active member of this team. In addition, she is part of the main squad of superheroes. One day she had to lead the Avengers for a while after Captain America left the team due to internal disagreements.

The comic book heroine's first appearance on the big screen

The debut of superspike Natasha Romanova in cinematography took place in the film “ iron Man" It also featured some members of the Avengers superhero team. Black Widow (the actress who embodied her image on the screen was supposed to be beautiful physical fitness) fit harmoniously into the team of superheroes. The role of Natasha Romanova was brilliantly performed by Scarlett Johansson. She looked so harmonious in the image of the Black Widow that now it is difficult to imagine another actress in her place.

This was followed by another picture - “The Avengers”. Black Widow (actress - again Scarlett Johansson) became one of the main characters in the film. Romanova is present in two more films in the Marvel universe and will appear again in the film “Avengers Schism,” work on which has already begun.

Black Widow - cartoon character

Based on Marvel comics, many individual cartoons and animated series have been created. An anime with the participation of Natasha Romanova appeared in 2014 - “Avengers X-Files: Black Widow and The Punisher." According to the plot of the film, the head of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury gives the superheroes a task - they must stop the plans of the terrorist organization Levithan. The operation is almost disrupted by who, after the death of his family, begins to punish the criminals on his own. Natasha Romanova manages to take control of him. The Avengers, Black Widow and the Punisher become the last shield against the criminals. Only they can protect humanity from a new threat.

Black Widow ("Avengers") - a separate film about the popular comic book heroine

Back in 2011, information appeared about the desire to make a separate film about Natasha Romanova. Apparently, the project dedicated to Black Widow will be included in the third phase of films about superheroes in the Marvel universe. The start date for filming has not yet been determined; all that is known is that Scarlett Johansson will be invited back to play the role of Romanova. Negotiations with the actress are already underway. It is planned that she will play Black Widow in subsequent comic book adaptations. Work on the third phase of superhero films will take place in 2016-2017.


Black Widow ("Avengers") is one of the brightest characters in Marvel comics. Her excellent spy skills help the team's superheroes in obtaining important information, and combat training makes Natasha Romanova one of the most dangerous opponents. Black Widow owes much of its popularity to Scarlett Johansson. Both critics and viewers have repeatedly expressed the opinion that the actress managed to very accurately convey the character and image of the famous spy, permanent member of the Avengers team, Natasha Romanova.

A very terrible negative program! A person who has such a program brings death with him. Death takes away those people who connect their fate with a person who is cursed. A “black widow”, as a rule, is a woman, but a man can also become “black” widower."

The black widow spell is partly a curse. This type of curse damage over time, if not neutralized, will bring torment, misfortune, and death. As a rule, the curse, the black widow's damage, is induced from the outside, intentionally. But, in a number cases, the cause of this damage is a black widow, maybe a lady with a negative, powerful energy, which destroys the life of the partner next to her. Life partner, husband, friend, etc. leaves life early - dies. The cause of death can be any circumstance, from an accident to a fatal disease.

It's no secret that these ladies are pretty, attractive and sexy and attract men of all ages. Often, a man in love suspects absolutely nothing; he is unable to understand what this relationship will bring him.

Black widow damage spreads gradually and the object of damage does not pay attention to the deterioration in health that begins to occur soon after meeting with like a woman. Further, more - problems in business, relationships with others are getting worse and worse. If you are lucky, then the object of damage, the black widow, will be able to draw all the conclusions in time, having thought about the circumstances of the failures and weighing all the signs of an unpleasantly developing situation, the person becomes scared, he realizes that the woman next to him poses a threat to his life.Then follows a series of scandals, a desire to leave, but it turns out that a strong feeling holds on tightly. What to do in this situation?

Being close to this person, a man gets into very serious trouble. As a rule, the “black widow” with her powerful, destructive energy will bring her partner to the most negative consequences. Sometimes a woman herself does not realize that she is a carrier of such evil. There are two ways out of the situation - to leave and break off relations with this woman, and remove the “black widow” damage, thereby saving people from the destructive and destructive effects of the negative program.

In conclusion, black widow damage is one of the most destructive negative impacts per person, and only an experienced specialist with magical knowledge and experience in magic. A lonely old age is guaranteed for you.

From the site:


Fifth guard. 1 season. Episode 29: The Eternal Widower

